public meeting – township of clearview january 27th · public meeting – township of clearview....

Duntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal Duntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27 th 2009

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Page 1: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Public Meeting – Township of ClearviewJanuary 27th 2009

Page 2: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Walker TeamWalker Team

Ken Lucyshyn, Vice President

Alison Braithwaite, Director Environmental Performance

Ed Lamb, Director of Operations

Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

David Charlton, Natural Heritage

Chris Philp, Traffic

John Emeljanow, Noise

Marcus van Bers, Blasting

Don Richardson, Public Consultation

Brent Clarkson, Planning

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 3: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Walker AggregatesWalker Aggregates

A division of Walker Industries Holdings Limited

A family owned company headquartered in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 4: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist


Existing quarry is 142 acres

south side of County Road 91

Expand existing quarry north

Walker owns approx 362 acres to north

Proposed licence area: 189.5 acres

Proposed extraction area: 168.79 acres

Lands reserved for setbacks, buffer and environmental protection: 193 acres

See Basic Parameters Fact Sheet

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 5: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 6: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist


Existing licenced resources exhausted in 3 years

Continue to serve existing customers

Continue to employ experienced workforce

82 permanent jobs

Extraction can comply with provincial standards and regulations

Established community relations

Excellent quality stone

Provincial policy encourages development of quarries close to market where impacts can be minimized

See Why Here Fact Sheet

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 7: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist


Amend the Niagara Escarpment Plan

NEC Development Permit

Amend the Township of Clearview Official Plan

Licence under the Aggregate Resources Act

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 8: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Basic ParametersBasic Parameters

Operations: 3 phases, max depth 39 m (128 feet)

Max. annual extraction rate: 3 M tonnes

Predicted annual extraction rate: 1.5 M tonnes

Total tonnage: 43 Million tonnes

Life expectancy: 14 to 29 years

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 9: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist


Natural Heritage

Geology and Hydrogeology


Agricultural Impact

Visual Impact

Traffic Impact

Noise Impact

Blasting Impact


Cultural Heritage

Escarpment Brow

Economic Benefits

Planning/Summary Statement

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

All studies considered cumulative impacts with MAQ

Page 10: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Basic Parameters Basic Parameters -- TrafficTraffic

Direction of Traffic:85% east on County Rd 9115% west on County Rd 91

Volume of Traffic:Current trucks per day, peak month: 345Max trucks per day, peak month: 777

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 11: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Basic Parameters Basic Parameters -- HoursHours

Monday to Friday

Shipping: 5:00 am to 5:00 pm

Operations/processing: 6:00 am to midnight

Stripping: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm

Drilling and asphalt plant: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm

Blasting: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm


Shipping: 6:00 am to 3:00 pm

All other activities: 7:00 am to 3:00 pm


Closed except for maintenance


Outside those hours only in case of emergency

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 12: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Existing ConditionsExisting Conditions


Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 13: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist


Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal


Page 14: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal


Page 15: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist


Area to be rehabilitated: 168.79 acres

Area of lake: 149.99 acres

Estimated lake elevation: 511.9 masl

Proposed natural area

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 16: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Key ConsiderationsKey Considerations

People - our neighbours, our community

Natural environment - springs, creeks, fish, wetlands, woodlot, wildlife habitat

Economy - jobs

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 17: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Community ConsultationCommunity Consultation

Prepared studies to predict and mitigate impacts to meet provincial standards and neighbour concerns

Open and transparent process

Communicate information:

Walker website,

application guide,

toll free information hot line,

Stepping Stones

Established public liaison committee

Established annual operational improvement workshops

Annual BBQ and blast demonstration

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 18: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Community Consultation (contCommunity Consultation (cont’’d)d)

10 public meetings, open houses, workshops

22 individual meetings with neighbours

61 individual meetings to review wells and hydrogeology

Personal letters to address concerns

Operational improvement workshops

Fact sheets

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 19: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Addressing Concerns/Reducing Addressing Concerns/Reducing Impacts Impacts -- TrafficTraffic

Only load trucks with Ministry approved exhaust systems

Ask drivers not to use engine brakes

Driver letter in 5 languages to limit use of engine brakes and obey speed limits

Employ retired police officer

Three strikes and you’re out

Has contributed to road improvements and will continue to do so if expansion approved

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 20: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Addressing Concerns/Reducing Addressing Concerns/Reducing Impacts Impacts -- WaterWater

Extensive monitoring and early warning system

Commitment to provide alternate water source if neighbours’ wells affected

Protect wetland features

Advise/assist neighbours with water supplies

Water Fact Sheet

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 21: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Addressing Concerns/Reducing Addressing Concerns/Reducing Impacts Impacts -- BlastingBlasting

Design blasts to minimize vibration

Notify immediate neighbours in advance

Avoid blasting when poor weather conditions

Monitor in three separate stations

Blasting & Vibration Fact Sheet

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 22: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Addressing Concerns/Reducing Addressing Concerns/Reducing Impacts Impacts -- NoiseNoise

Use broad band back up alarms in place of narrow band backup beepers

Line truck beds and other equipment with rubber to dampen sound

Lowered crushing plant to the quarry floor

Enclose crushers and transfer points

Line transfer points with rubber

Preventative maintenance

Operations Noise Fact Sheet

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 23: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Natural EnvironmentNatural Environment

Have studied in detail:


Wildlife habitat

Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI)

Rob Roy Provincially Significant Wetland

Frogs, salamanders and hart’s tongue fern

Downstream fish habitat

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 24: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Natural EnvironmentNatural Environment

Controlling environmental impacts by:

Creation of 30 m buffer from wetland

Directing surplus quarry water to key locations

Limiting depth of proposed quarry

Ecologically based forest planting

Comprehensive monitoring program

Comprehensive adaptive management plan

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 25: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Net Environmental GainNet Environmental Gain

Ecologically based reforestation to include butternut (an endangered species)

Contribute to Butternut Recovery Program

Significant increase in number of butternut on site

Create 6.2 acres more wetland

Net increase in forest cover of 30 acres with total new planting of 129 acres

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 26: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Net Environmental Gain (contNet Environmental Gain (cont’’d)d)

Increase amount of interior forest habitat

Higher quality, more diverse woodlot

Enhanced ecological linkages

Initiated study on transplanting hart’s tongue fern

Enhance aquatic habitat for brook trout downstream in Beaver River

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 27: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Net Environmental GainNet Environmental GainDuntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 28: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Economic BenefitsEconomic Benefits

Detailed Report Prepared by Altus Clayton35 person years of employment in site prep37 permanent full time jobs45 trucking jobs$310,000 in property tax to Clearview over the life of

the quarry$2,700,000 in licence fees to Clearview$195,000 in property tax to Simcoe County over the

life of the quarry$675,000 in licence fees to Simcoe County

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 29: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Economic Benefits (contEconomic Benefits (cont’’d)d)$234,000 annual income tax to Province$1,600,000 licence fees to Province over life of

quarry$1,200,000 PST from aggregate sales over life of the

quarry$685,000 education taxes to School Boards over life

of the quarry$4,400,000 annual wages to be spent in communityContinued community commitment – charitable


Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 30: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist


Highly responsible proposal giving the highest priority to being a good neighbour

Open and transparent process

Operator that listens and has a proven track record of addressing concerns

This proposal “raises the bar” and creates a higher standard

Results in a net environmental gain

Results in substantial economic benefits

Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal

Page 31: Public Meeting – Township of Clearview January 27th · Public Meeting – Township of Clearview. January 27. th . 2009. ... Ed Lamb, Director of Operations Dave Ruttan, Hydrogeologist

Questions?Questions?Duntroon Quarry Expansion ProposalDuntroon Quarry Expansion Proposal