publication # 17

1 Marilyn Sargent Haffner [email protected] (New Email Address) George Davis [email protected] Ken Vogel [email protected] Pat Ruhl Bass [email protected] Reunion News (For everone who attended Prospect Valley School) September 20, 2011 #17 View our Facebook Page @ Your Reunion Committee Pat Bass Wins Quilting Blue Ribbon at the Morgan County Fair Pat’s Story on Page 7 PVS Reunion Newsletter is for everyone who attended Prospect Valley School

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September 20, 2011 Edition


Page 1: Publication # 17


Marilyn Sargent Haffner

[email protected]

(New Email Address)

George Davis

[email protected] Ken Vogel

[email protected]

Pat Ruhl Bass

[email protected]

Reunion News

(For everone who attended Prospect Valley School)

September 20, 2011 #17

View our Facebook Page @

Your Reunion Committee

Pat Bass Wins Quilting Blue Ribbon at the Morgan County Fair

Pat’s Story on Page 7

PVS Reunion Newsletter is for everyone who attended Prospect Valley School

Page 2: Publication # 17


Can You Identify These Former PVS Students?

#1 This man has a world view! Who

is this pirate?

#2 This man attended PVS as a boy. He

now lives in Yuma. Is that Colorado or Ari-

zona? Who is this man?

#5 This lady attended PVS and had one

sister and one brother. She is a cousin

to my niece but not related to me. Who

is she? GD

#3 This lady graduated in 1960.

#4 This man attended PVS and

joined the Navy right out of high

school. He grew up in CO but lives

in Indiana. Who is this man?

#6 “I was asked, who were you in

your past life?

Marshal Will Kane---In High”.

#7 Front row, second from the right.

He flew Air Force One. Who is this man?

#8 This lady lived

north of PV. Has a brother named

Jim who lives in Ft Lupton.

#9 This lady’s first name starts

with C. Last Name starts with M.

Who is this lady?


This lady attended

PVS and moved

near Greeley where

she still resides.

Who is this lady?

Answers: 5. Donna Huwa 10. Dorothy Lott 1. Ken Pierson 6. Ted Zimbelman

2. Chuck Huwa 7. Howard Horii

3. Carol Patton 8. LaVerne Scheid 4. Charles Mallory 9. Connie Mitzel

Please forward Newsletter to your friends who attended Prospect Valley School

Page 3: Publication # 17


Maybe we could do a another PVS Laughlin Trip. Your thoughts!

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Approximately 40 members of the extended Huwa family met at the LaSalle Senior Cen-ter (formerly the train station) on a beautiful Saturday to get together for our annual re-union. The traditional potluck brought out the best in good ole country cooking with a few German dishes thrown in for good measure. Several families live in Greeley, so it wasn’t too hard for them to get to LaSalle. Coming the farthest was Rusty Huwa (from Phoenix) son of Harold & Ruby Dell. Rusty hasn’t

been able to get to our reunions for the past several years, so it was a special treat for him - and us! Many of our usual attendees couldn’t make this year’s reunion, but we hope to see them at next year’s gathering. Those attending were: Herman Huwa and his family – Doris Ann, Janet & Dale, Rich & Patty, grandson Craig Mock and his five sons. Walter & Helen Huwa – Bonnie & Harold Reiff Harold Huwa (Ruby Dell was under the weather) – Patsy Bowen, Randi, Janelle & Rusty. Martha Huwa Art’s family - Shirley Huwa and Deb Fisher Bernard’s family – Elsie Huwa, Bobbi & Alan Sloan, daughter Staci & her family, Larry & Karen Huwa. Florence & Don Lee. Lorraine & Bob Hurley. Sonny’s (Elvin) family – Elaine & Dick Stricker, Cindy & George Walker with their family Gabriel & Serena.

We are the families of Fred & Char-lotte Huwa . Emigrating from Rus-sia in 1914, German Russians Fred & Charlotte, and Fred's brother, Edward, made their way to the Colorado plains. There the brothers settled on farms in small rural communities; Fred & Charlotte in Prospect Valley and Edward in Fort Morgan. Fred & Charlotte's family

grew to eleven children while Ed-ward & his wife, Mollie Kemble Huwa, raised eight children.

Page 4: Publication # 17


SUMMER VACATION FUN By Marilyn Sargent Haffner

On July 12th, Sherry and I left Denver for the 84th Sargent Family Reunion in Seattle.

While in Seattle we enjoyed seeing Mt. Rainier even though the day was overcast and rainy.

Another day was spent seeing the Space Needle. I looked up and thought “no way”. But decided

I did not come all this way to be a wimp. So up we went. It was spectacular!

Another day was spent cruising to Blake Island for an Indian Salmon Bake, at Tillicum

Village. We started this adventure with clams steamed in a nectar broth. I found it was very interesting to see how they

cooked the salmon. Go to www.Tillicum Village Seattle and you will get an idea of our fun time. My opinion is, “You

can’t beat the NW Pacific region, for the best salmon”. While there we also enjoyed a presentation of dance and narra-

tion from the Coast Salish Tribe. Another day, everyone enjoyed a trip to the Public Market. As is the custom at our reunions, Saturday night is a business meeting, banquet, and then an auction. This auc-

tion is to start the “kitty” for the next year’s host/hostess. Next year we will be getting together in Cincinnati, Ohio.

A cousin, Kathy from KC, Sherry, and I extended our trip and Sunday morning departed on the Victoria Clipper

for Victoria BC for a couple of days. Highlights of this side trip were taking a catamaran to San Juan Island for an after-

noon of Whale Watching. It was a good day and we saw many whales. Also, a trip to Butchart Gardens was a highlight.

A bus trip through downtown Victoria was very interesting. And to end our trip we enjoyed "Afternoon Tea" at John’s

Bay Tea House. Part of all the fun was the trip there and back.

As we were landing back in Denver, we had to circle because of the bad weather at DIA. While circling, our

plane was hit by lightning. We then diverted to the Colorado Springs airport. It had hit the wing and damaged it beyond

minor repairs. What a way to end our trip!! Of course it could have been so much worse.

Okay, now it’s time to hear about a fun vacation/trip or experience you have had recently. To keep this newsletter going, we need your input.

The Butchart Gardens, Fifty-five acres of stunning floral show gardens

and a National Historic Site of Canada, is located near Victoria, British

The Space Needle is a

tower in Seattle,

Washington and is a

major landmark of the

Pacific Northwest re-

gion of the United

States and a symbol of


Eating pie at Mt. Rainier.

Picture of our Reunion Group

Coast Salish Tribe


This PVS Reunion News is about you. We need to hear your story so we can publish.

Page 5: Publication # 17


Another Happy Memory Today I stopped at one of the local vegetable stands, which happens to be at the end of my block. I

purchased some fresh vegetables including three slicer cucumbers. While slicing them, I couldn't resist

eating a few pieces. My mind was immediately taken back to the Scheid farm in the early 50's. Dick,

Polly, Paul or LaVerne, do you remember all of us going out to your field and picking cucumbers? I

know your sister Peggy was with us. I can also remember Gloris and Sherry being there. We would

peal them with our teeth and eat until we could hold no more. Today's kids do not have the opportu-

nities to make memories like this. Marilyn

Fishing Adventure Larry and Mary Kay Baumgartner

The pictures were taken at Bonnie Reservoir in Burlington Co. Our grandson Ryan is in the pic-ture with us. He is from Holyoke Co. The fish caught were all walleye. There was no limit on size or amount of fish because they are draining the lake because Kansas has claimed the water rights. Larry & Mary Kay

Fish Galore

Send us your “Happy Memories”!

Page 6: Publication # 17


George Davis

Activities & Travel

Murial had extensive back surgery March 9, 2011 with a long rehabilitation and recovery. As a result we

just kicked back and I got involved in hiking with my sister Marcella, and working around the house. We

traveled extensively in 2010 because we were aware of Murial's upcoming surgery in 2011.

Two cruises were taken in 2010. The first to the Caribbean and a second along the western coast from Vancouver to Los Angeles. A Grand Time!

Hiking is such a popular activity that there are numerous hiking organizations world-

wide. The health benefits of different types have been contributed to hiking.

Astoria, OR

Vancouver, B.C. Victoria, B. C.

Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA

Miami, FL Carnival Cruise Line Friends

Shopping Aboard Ship

Shopping Aboard Ship


Cayman Islands Beach Party Tour

Norwegian Cruise Line The Empress, Victoria B.C.


Interested in a PVS Cruise?

Page 7: Publication # 17


Fly Delta with one of Prospect Valley’s Best Pilots

Howard Horii

As some of you know, I am a quilter. When I was a little girl I loved to go to my grandmother Ruhl's

house and at times she would have some of her church friends over to work on a quilt. They would

sit around the quilt frame and hand-quilt an area that was marked to quilt. The quilt was almost

always being made for a couple in the church that was getting married, and I think the double wed-

ding ring was the most used pattern. I was totally fascinated with the procedure and always wanted

to learn quilting. However, as time progressed and I raised three sons and worked at different jobs,

the time for hobbies just didn't seem to be there. But about 20 years ago, I had to take a six-week furlough from

work due to an injury, and I thought to myself that that might be a good time to start quilting. I bought fabric

and books and started sewing. I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I was determined. My first projects were

awful, but I quilted them and moved on. When I went back to work I continued to quilt, but I didn't have a lot of

time. I met a woman who was an expert quilter and she became my mentor.

She helped me immensely in learning the fine points of quilting. Since retiring from work, I have quilted many

quilts. My kids all have quilts, my grandkids all have quilts, some of my nieces and nephews have quilts! I still

have many quilts in my home, as well as table runners and table toppers and wall hangings! I guess you could say

I really love my hobby. Recently the lady who did machine quilting for me called and asked me to enter a quilt

she had quilted in the Morgan County Fair. She thought it was beautiful and that I should share it with others. I

did enter it and was pleased to receive a blue ribbon on it, which made me very proud. I do love my hobby! Pat

Continued from Page 1, “ Pat Bass Wins Quilting Blue Ribbon at the Morgan County Fair “

Congratulations to Pat. We are all extremely proud of you. Job well done! We asked Pat to give us some

background on how she became interested in quilting. George

Let us know of your accomplishments. It’s time to toot your horn in the PVS Reunion News!

Page 8: Publication # 17


Clockwise: (starting lower left)

Doris Beckel

Sherry Sargent

Patty Roth

Carolyn Beckel

Lydia Martinez

JoAnne Baumgartner

Betty Lou Croissant

LaVeta Beckel

Sandy Vogel

View our Facebook Page @

(copy & paste to your browser)

(if you like please hit the “like” button on the FB Page)

BUSY BEES 4-H CLUB While going through old phonograph records, that belonged to my mom and dad, I came

across three “home recorded” records. They are dated 1949. They were recorded by Bennett and

Jenny Anderson, from Keenesburg. They along with their son Bennett Jr., lived on the Irvin Sar-

gent farm, in the mid to late 1940's.

One record was of the Busy Bees 4-H club. My mother, Marge Sargent, was the leader of

this club at the time. The girls were appearing on the KFKA radio show in Greeley. One girl

was talking about some of their projects. Then the entire group sang, “Now Is the Hour”. The

announcer thanked my mother and her club for being on the show.

Recently, while talking to Beda Keller Powers, she remembered that day. She was the girl talking to the audi-

ence. She remembers that Ann Altergott McCulloch, class of 1953, was also a member of the Busy Bees and took part in

the radio appearance. The group also included Betty Hofferber Beaver, class of 1951. Does anyone else remember being

a part of the 4H club and appearing on the radio show?

Gary and his SAX Another one of the records was my brother, Gary, playing his saxophone. The date

on the record is March 9, 1949. Some of the songs were, “Jingle Bells”, “Yankee Doodle”,

“The Caissons Song”, “Old McDonald Had a Farm”, and “From The Halls of Montezuma”.

This must have been shortly after we started our PVS all school band.

The third record was just everyone talking. Sometimes everyone at one time.

Class of 1961 - 50 Years

Class of 1956 - 55 Years

Class of 1951 - 60 Years

Class of 1946 - 65 Years

Class of 1941 - 70 Years

Happy Birthday Party for Carolyn Beckel

With School Friends Estimated Year - 1950

Page 9: Publication # 17


Ken Vogel An Old Friend

I drove out of my way today to visit an old friend I hadn’t seen for a long time. I knew that the

old friend had retired, but I wasn’t sure just what to expect after such a long time. As I drove

up to the old friend, with whom I had spent 12 years of my life, I had the sinking feeling that I

might not recognize the old friend. A lump formed in my throat as the old friend came into my

sight. It was as I had feared – I hardly recognized my old friend. All of its eyes, the windows

through which I had peered for many years, were boarded shut. So too, were its mouths, the

doors through which I had walked so many, many times during those 12 years. This old friend

had witnessed my growth from a skinny little first grader to a 6 foot, 18 year old high school

graduate. It had seen me transition along those oak floors from elementary school at the north

end of the hall to high school at the south end of the hall. It had seen me on the basketball

court and as an actor in a school play on its stage. This old friend had helped me become

friends with so many others. It smiled as we kids walked arm in arm around its outside walls

at lunch time. I was kept warm during those cold Colorado winters by this old friend. Along

with an education provided by so many wonderful teachers, this old friend gave me many won-

derful memories. Again, the lump came to my throat as I remembered the days of my youth,

when from my perch in the old cottonwood tree I would gaze off in the distance and see my old

friend standing up there on the hill. What a welcome sight it was to my young eyes! So now I

thank that old friend for having been there, for having helped me see and go beyond the hori-

zon. Sadly, my old friend appears to have expired. Its name is no longer above its front door.

It no longer is able to see out or to welcome anyone inside. As I turn to leave, with tears in my

eyes, I say a prayer for my old friend. “Rest in peace, dear friend. You deserve a peaceful rest

after having served so many for so many years. I shall miss you, my old friend, but I will al-

ways treasure the wonderful memories you gave me and will continue to delight in the many

friends you helped enter my life. Farewell, Old Red Prospect Valley Schoolhouse.”

Send Your Stories of Prospect Valley School to the PVS Committee!

2008 Reunion

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Page 10: Publication # 17


Sad News to Report

Dr. Tsuyoshi (Pete) OKADA, Class of 1948 Former USAR Captain of Medical Corps, passed away suddenly on January 16th at his

residence in Torrance, CA.

Beloved husband of Violet Sumiye Okada; father of Cheryl Yoshiye (Nobuyuki) Yamasaki,

Michael Hiroshi and Douglas Ichiro (Belle) Okada, and Joanie Mitsuko (Robert Yukio)

Sakogawa; grandfather of Michelle Hatsumi and Brent Masayuki Yamasaki, Sean Tsuyo-

shi and Tiffani Sumiye Okada, Justin Susumu, Timothy Tsuyoshi, Krista Sumiye, and Mat-

thew Koichi Sakogawa; brother of Isamu (Katsie) of Colorado and Dr. Masa-

hito (Nannette) Okada, and Mary Jane (Dr. Marlin) Sakata of Washington.

Also survived by nieces and nephews, and other relatives. Funeral service was

held on January 29th, at the Gardena Valley Baptist Church, 1630 W. 158th

St., Gardena, CA. (continued next page)

Elmer Eugene Becker, 78

passed peacefully in his home on Tuesday,

May 10, 2011 surrounded by his wife and

family. Elmer is survived by his wife of 54

years, Marjorie. Sons Elmer Becker

(Marleen) and Brian Becker both of Aurora,

Colorado, daughters Cherie Carron (Bruce)

of Severance, Colorado and Lori Moriarty (Joe) of Brighton, Colorado.

His twin sister Jean Gettman of Keensburg, Colorado and brother Alex

Becker (Sadie) of McAlster, Oklahoma. He was preceded in death by his

parents, Alex and Katie Becker, his brothers Harry Becker and Herb

Becker. He will be missed by his seven grandchildren Kurt Becker

(Ginny) of DeFuniak Springs, Florida, Eryn Rider (Chuck) of Grand

Junction, Colorado, William and Tyler Carron of Ft. Collins, Kyle Car-

ron, stationed in San Diego, United States Marine Corp., Nicole and

Kendra Moriarty of Brighton, Colorado and his two great-grandchildren

Madelyn and Cheyenne Becker.

Elmer was born in Brush, Colorado to Alex and Katie

Becker. He graduated from Prospect Valley High School.

He worked on the family farm until his enlistment into

the United States Marine Corp. from 1953-1956. Upon

discharge, he met the love of his life, Marjorie Winter

doing one of his favorite things dancing to Dutch hop

music. He was a loving father and proud family man who

worked hard as a milkman, insurance agent and school bus driver before

enjoying his retirement. His love for his children is evident through the

strong values they all carry with them today. He also loved showing his

dedication to his grandchildren by attending their many sporting events;

his competitive nature kept him cheering from the crowd. He was an avid

fisherman who enjoyed fishing with his children and brother-in-law Bob;

he loved going to the “lake” to fish and spend time with his family. An-

other passion was countless “winning” trips to Black Hawk.

He will be greatly missed and his spirit will live on through all the count-

less lives he touched and fond memories he formed.

Charles E.



of Keenesburg,

passed away on

Dec. 9, 2010, at his


Chuck was born

on May 31, 1932, in Bristol, Colo., to Roy

and Dorothy (Moore) Quimby. He gradu-

ated from Prospect Valley

High School in 1950, and

then joined the U.S. Army,

Chuck served in the Army

during the Korean war

and until December 1954.

While in the U.S. Army, he

received the Korean Ser-

vice Medal and National Defense Service

Medal. He later married Darlene Riggs on

Jan. 28, 1956, in Raton, N.M.

Chuck was a lifetime resident of the

Keenesburg and Prospect Valley areas

where he farmed. Chuck was a lifetime

member of the Keenesburg Legion Post 180,

the VFW Lafayette Post 1771 and the

Keenesburg Methodist Church. He is sur-

vived by his wife of 54 years, Darlene, of

Keenesburg; three daughters, Renna Foos

of Keenesburg, Elaine (Ken) Knapp of

Thornton and Tina (Michael Sulivan) Ed-

gar of Brighton; siblings, Imogene Kern of

Loveland, Doug Quimby of Keenesburg,

Pam Wells of Rogers, Ark., Sherrie Wil-

liams of Morrison; one uncle, C.A. Quimby

of Lafayette, seven grandchildren and seven


Please keep the committee informed of News concerning PVS Alumni

Page 11: Publication # 17


Dr. Tsuyoshi (Pete) OKADA PVHS Class 1948

Pete wrote a letter to me regarding the first PVHS Reunion. "I graduated from Prospect Valley High School in 1948. After internship, I was drafted into the U.S. Army in August 1957. The first two months was “Boot Camp” at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas. After that I was as-signed to Japan. I was on active service duty from August 1957 to March 21, 1961. The Korean War had already ended when I got in. However the Vietnam War began on February 28, 1961. So I am considered a Vietnam veteran". I served in the U.S. Army Reserves from March 1961 to October 1963 at which time I was hon-orably discharged. Sorry, can’t make the school reunion as I am still working full time at the age of 77”. It was interesting how the news of Pete’s death came to me.

My sister Marcella has friends from California who now

lives in Arizona. Through conversation a year ago they

were talking about their youth and where they had grown

up. Marcella told the story of Prospect Valley and some of

our alumni. She mentioned Pete was a medical doctor still

practicing medicine in the Torrance area. The lady said

he is our Family Doctor. At the time of Pete’s death the

friend conveyed the sad news that Pete had passed.


Mary Jane McCartney longtime area resident, died

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at the Eben-Ezer Lutheran Care Center in

Brush. She was born August 21, 1941 in Prospect Valley to Joseph and

Lydia (Walker) Kauffman. She married Donald McCartney on Novem-

ber 8,1959 in Ft. Collins. Mary was a member of the Morgan Nazarene

Church in Ft. Morgan. She was very fond of animals. Survivors include

two daughters, Terri Ayers of Sonoma, California and Leidia Buckhout

of Ft. Morgan, one son, Don McCartney of Butte, Montana, one sister,

Carol Cassidy of Fruita, Colorado, four grandchildren and two great

grandchildren. Mary was preceded in death by her parents, husband

Donald and her sister Gerri Hockett. Memorial Services will be Mon-

day, March 14, 2011 at 10:30 am at the Heer & Dahl Mortuary Chapel

in Ft. Morgan. Services will conclude at the mortuary. The Heer & Dahl

Mortuary in Ft. Morgan is in charge of the arrangements.

Wanda Mae Bodemann

Class of 1945 Wanda Mae Bodemann, 83, of Fort Collins,

passed away Feb. 25, 2011, at Lemay Avenue

Health and Rehab Facility in Fort Collins,


Wanda was born in Enid, Okla., on Feb. 25,

1928. She was the younger of two daughters

born to Lloyd and Willa (Fear) Parker. When

she was a child her family moved to Prospect

Valley in Colorado.

Wanda was a devoted wife, stay-at-home

mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

She graduated as Valedictorian of her class

from Prospect Valley High School in May of

1945 and moved to the Denver area where she

lived most of her life. She devoted her life to

raising her own children and 143 foster chil-

dren. She enjoyed housekeeping and cooking,

served as a volunteer at the Fitzsimmons

Army Hospital helping returning wounded

soldiers from Vietnam, and later in life, she

enjoyed traveling around the country visiting

family and friends. Wanda never missed send-

ing family and friends birthday cards and all

will truly miss that.

Wanda is survived by her four sons: Gordan

Thibedeau (Stacy) of Fort Collins; Robert

“Bob” Bodemann (Jeri) of Naples, FL; Donald

“Don” Bodemann (Roseann) of Denver, Mi-

chael “Mike” Bodemann (Romy) of Frederick,

her companion Edwin Kitzmann of Brighton,

11 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren,

nephew and cousins.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her

husband of 50 years Calvin Robert Bodemann,

her daughter Judy Bodemann, and sister


Contributions may be made to Pathways Hos-

pice in care of Allnutt Funeral Service, 650 W.

Drake Road, Fort Collins, CO 80526.

Clyde Maul

Class of 1960

Word was received

that Clyde Maul

passed away

recently. Clyde

started first grade at

PVS and continued

through graduation


Please keep the committee informed of a change in email or residential address.

Page 12: Publication # 17


Donald Leroy Sloan

Sept. 6, 1915-June 11, 2011

He was born Sept. 6, 1915, in Keenesburg to Erroll and Bertha (Enfield) Sloan. Don-

ald was one of five children, the only boy with four sisters. He attended school at Pros-

pect Valley, graduating in a class of seven in 1933. In 1938, he married Thelma Dog-

gett, and they shared 47 years of happily married life until her passing in 1985. To-

gether they had five children; their two daughters are still living today.

Donald farmed with his dad for a few years until he went into business with his cousin

Hugh Sloan. They started the Keene Power Equipment Co. in 1938, and he ran the

IHC dealership for 40 years. He was a dairyman for 30 years and still active in farm-

ing until his death. He was a true native of Keenesburg and had the same address all

of his life.

Throughout his life Donald enjoyed fishing, hunting, traveling, playing cards, bowling, the Broncos and the Rock-

ies and always being with people. He enlisted in the Army in 1942 and served in the European Theater with an

International Harvester Battalion as a mechanic. While overseas he earned five Battle Stars and a Purple Heart.

Donald was the last remaining charter member of the American Legion Post 180 in Keenesburg, which was char-

tered shortly after he returned home from the war in 1945. He was an active member in the Community United

Methodist Church most of his life. He was active in community affairs, serving in various positions with the

Keenesburg Chamber of Commerce and the local school board and the Farmers Gun Club. He was a 50-year

member of Masonic Lodge No. 78 in Brighton. He was also a Shriner in the El Jabel Temple in Denver and played

the drums in the Oriental band. He was active in Moose Lodge No. 909 in Evans.

He is survived by his two daughters, Sheree Sloan and husband Don Enroughty of Keenesburg, Nancy (Lloyd)

Musselman of Oklahoma City, Okla.; grandchildren, David and Katy Musselman; great-

grandchildren, Sean Ogle, Halsey, Harper and Hillary Musselman; sister, Jeanne Davis of Fort Lup-

ton, Colo.; and many nieces and nephews.

Preceded in death by his wife, Thelma; son, Donald Jr.; two infant children; sisters, Lavern Jakel,

Irma Amick and Marjorie Warren; and close friend, Helen Geng.

Stuart “Stu” Cooper Dec. 15, 1935–July 31, 2011

Age: 75

Stuart “Stu” Cooper, 75, of Orchard, Colo., formerly of Kersey, Colo., died on

July 31, 2011, at the Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center in Brush, Colo. He was

born Dec. 15, 1935, in Fort Morgan, Colo., to William and Helen (Spall) Cooper.

Mr. Cooper attended schools at Roggen and Prospect Valley. He married

Geraldine Weickum in 1956. He had been in Orchard, Colo., 12 years and Ker-

sey, Colo., 30 years. He was employed at the historic ranches of the Painters

Ranch at Roggen and managed the S.L.W. Ranch in Kersey for 30 years. He was

a member of the T-Bone Club, Weld County Cattlemen’s Association and served on the Platte Valley FFA Advi-

sory Board.

He thoroughly enjoyed his grandchildren and a good card game with friends and family. He also loved helping his

children with FFA projects. Stu loved watching his kids play high school sports and enjoyed his family more than


He retired when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and entered Eben Ezer in 2007, where he was blessed with

many loving caregivers.

Survivors include his wife Geraldine “Gerri” Cooper, Orchard; sons, Barry and his wife Patricia Cooper, Colo-

rado Springs, and Kerry Cooper, Barnesville and Darry and his wife Gwyn Cooper, Bayard, Neb.; daughter,

Dawn Schrader, Greeley; grandchildren, Nicholas and Sage Schrader, Greeley, Cody Cooper, Afghanistan,

Kaylee Cooper, Bakersfield, Calif., and Dorry Cooper, Bayard, Neb. He was preceded in death by his parents.

Send us your Christmas Stories or Christmas Greetings to your Classmates.