published by the rip van winkle amateur radio society, inc. · published by the rip van winkle...

Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society September 2016 The Rip Van Winkle Meeting is September 19th, at 7 pm at the Churchtown Fire- house RVWARS Club President and Secre- tary positions are open. CHURCHTOWN—At the September 19 th meeting, the membership will be asked to consider filling the positions for Pres- ident and Secretary of the club. These positions have recently become vacant. Anyone interested in these positions can place their name as a candidate (contact Marty N2LDR) up-to and during the Sept. 19 th meeting. If the membership agrees, we will have a Special Election at that time. If no one comes forward, the Club will ask for a nominating com- mittee to be formed to find one or more candidates for each of those two positions if still open. At the October 17 th meeting the membership will vote to accept a candidate for the open positions of President and Secretary. Hope- fully the vacancies will be filled by that time. Until the President’s position is filled, Vice– President Carl J. Verderber WA2UJX will respond as “acting President”. Carl cannot take this position because of health prob- lems, time constraints and QTH location (2o miles from the club’s sphere of influence). We know this situation comes at an incon- venient time but we are sure the club mem- bership will step up to the challenge.—Carl Verderber, President, WA2UJX Shelly also served as the historian for the club, so this position is also vacant and available to any member who is willing to serve to preserve our history. The club currently has several documents and photographs from the years the club has been in existence. The club has a long and colorful his- tory and maintenance of these records is an im- portant task.

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Page 1: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc.

September 2016

Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society September 2016

The Rip Van Winkle

Meeting is September

19th, at 7 pm at the

Churchtown Fire-


RVWARS Club President and Secre-

tary positions are open.

CHURCHTOWN—At the September 19th

meeting, the membership will be asked

to consider filling the positions for Pres-

ident and Secretary of the club. These

positions have recently become vacant.

Anyone interested in these positions can

place their name as a candidate (contact

Marty N2LDR) up-to and during the

Sept. 19th meeting. If the membership

agrees, we will have a Special Election

at that time. If no one comes forward,

the Club will ask for a nominating com-

mittee to be formed to find one or more

candidates for each of those two positions if

still open.

At the October 17th meeting the membership

will vote to accept a candidate for the open

positions of President and Secretary. Hope-

fully the vacancies will be filled by that


Until the President’s position is filled, Vice–

President Carl J. Verderber WA2UJX will

respond as “acting President”. Carl cannot

take this position because of health prob-

lems, time constraints and QTH location (2o

miles from the club’s sphere of influence).

We know this situation comes at an incon-

venient time but we are sure the club mem-

bership will step up to the challenge.—Carl

Verderber, President, WA2UJX

Shelly also served as the historian for the club, so

this position is also vacant and available to any

member who is willing to serve to preserve our

history. The club currently has several documents

and photographs from the years the club has been

in existence. The club has a long and colorful his-

tory and maintenance of these records is an im-

portant task.

Page 2: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle ARS picnic 2016 —

A hot day in the park!!

Members of Rip Van Winkle ARS, along with family, enjoy food, drink and conversation at the club’s annual picnic.

CLAVERACK—Several members of the club spent a steamy August afternoon on Sunday

the 14th to partake in food and conversation at the annual picnic.

By noon time, the temperature at the Claverack Town Park had already climbed in-

to the 80’s with high humidity, as the group started to congregate at the site. Soon, the hot

dogs and hamburgers were on the grill, and everyone was appreciative of the ice-cold

drinks, as the temperature continued to climb.

The group had several interesting discussions, both ham and non-ham related as

the afternoon wore on, and temperatures continued to climb, albeit with a pleasant breeze

wafting through the pavilion at intervals.

The temperature was touching 92 degrees, when the group broke up around 3 pm,

heading home to the relief of air-conditioners and fans.

Page 2 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society September 2016

Page 3: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

HF Operations Interrupted

By: Carl J. Verderber WA2UJX

How could I have known? What made me agree? Why didn’t I do my homework? These

are the things that make me upset and wonder how this situation got so out-of-hand.

It all started about six months ago when my son Jon asked if I wanted to up-grade the TV

located in my living room. I said “No” because the TV I have does all the things it need to

do. It is a 32 inch diagonal flat screen and I am satisfied with it.

Jon said “well Dad I have a 50 inch flat screen that I can swap with you and remember Big-

ger-is-Better”. I still said “No”!

Now remember - I didn’t bring my wife Karen into the dialog because I am and have been

the “house technical advisor” and a unilateral decision on my part has been good enough

for 49 years! Well what a surprise when I came home last Friday and found a beautiful 50

inch TV tuned into Steve Wilkow Show (my mother-in-law loves this show).

First thing I said to Karen (What the h--l is this!) to which she said “ It’s a lot bigger and

newer and you know bigger-is-better!. I thought about this for a while … she sounds ada-

mant … maybe I should keep my mouth shut. “OK “ I said. Just because I make all the

technical decisions, that doesn’t mean Karen doesn’t have a say in most household areas

and family matters. I didn’t want to start a war.

I asked “Where is the other set?” and her answer mirrored Jon’s as a swap that he can put

on his bedroom dresser. Our 32 inch screen seems to fit his dresser better.

I spent the next two days busy with projects other that working the HF bands but when I

did – Oh Boy! I was shocked! All I could hear was the deafening sound of a raspy switch-

ing supply (or maybe 5 or six supplies) coming from my new/old 50 inch Samsung Plasma

TV and on all bands at that!

Now I have a dilemma. My wife is very happy with this new TV yet while it is on I can’t be

a HAM. I can’t hear anyone. I can’t operate unless the TV is off.

What makes this situation even worse is I have only one TV and it is my 92 year old moth-

er-in-law’s babysitter! So I am stunned.

I scanned the internet for solutions for RFI from plasma TV’s none of which seem too ef-


So if you hear me operating on HF ands it will be after 11 PM for now. Listen for me and

don’t laugh because I’m crying.

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the

new year in. A pessimist stays up to make

sure the old year leaves. ~Bill Vaughan

Page 3 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society September 2016

Page 4: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

Happy Birthday

Next Meeting

Sept. 19



2219 Cty 27

Hudson, NY

All are Welcome

Please join us on the Tuesday night for the

ARES Net on 147.210 at 7:00 PM. ALL

ARES members are welcome!

Use the EchoLink (K2RVW-R) if need be.

Your dues are important to this club! We sup-

port the operation of the repeater at between

700 and 800 dollars per year just in electric

bills. We are always upgrading and improving

and maintaining the system. Some of this ex-

pense is covered by our members. Our insur-

ance is $320 per year. Food alone for Field Day

and the picnic is over $300. We purchase some

kind of snack for each meeting at probably

around an average of $15 per month and about

another $100 plus for the goody fest. Other than

dues our income is sparse. The only substantial

income has been the fall tag sale and the goods

to sell are running out. The income from the

raffle is not a lot. Our paid roster so far in 2016

is only 45 members paid. About $600 income

from dues so far. A rough estimate is about

$1600 expense and about $600 income leaving

us in the hole for $1000. At the current rate we

will be broke in two years! I know that several

more members will pay their dues soon, but if

you could pay sooner it would make it easier to

plan. These figures are obviously a rough esti-

mate but I think you can all see the potential

dilemma looming. Please consider helping to

maintain your club. Not only dues but your at-

tendance at the meetings and your donations

toward the fall tag sale and other needed sup-


Thanks, your treasurer...

Club Business ...







Page 4 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society September 2016

Wanted: Newsletter Editor If anyone in the club who would like to indulge your cre-

ativity, we are currently looking for someone to assume

the responsibility of providing the club members with

amateur related club news. I enjoy the task, but have

enough to do with the Treasury and Website mainte-


If you are interested, please contact Marty Miller,

N2LDR. Thanks.

Page 5: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society Repeater Operation Rules

The Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society maintains several repeaters for the use of club members as

well as for all amateur radio operators. Operation and use of these repeaters shall comply fully with the Am-

ateur Radio Service (Part 97) regulations of the Federal Communications Commission's Private Radio Ser-

vice, and the following rules of the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society:

1. The repeaters are provided for the purposes of contacting and passing information between fellow ama-

teur radio operators, and providing service to the public as a voluntary, noncommercial communication ser-

vice, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.

2. In the spirit of the Amateur Radio Service, users shall respect and support each other in a courteous and

positive manner.

3. Due to the significant usage of repeaters by mobile users during commute hours; 6:00--9:00 AM and

4:00--7:00 PM, the length of QSOs must be kept to a reasonable maximum. Conversations should be limited

to 20 continuous minutes to permit others to use the repeater. During QSO's, operators should always pause

before transmitting, to allow other stations to break in. As the 147.210 repeater is the main frequency for the

Rip Van Winkle ARS, users should consider using one of the other repeaters or simplex for longer discus-


4. Operators shall announce their call sign before transmitting any touch-tone commands, at the end of each

communication, and EVERY TEN MINUTES OR LESS during a communication.

5. There shall be ABSOLUTELY NO communications containing obscene, indecent, or profane words, lan-

guage, or denigrating inference. Discussion of political or potentially sensitive social issues should be

avoided. If such discussion is undertaken, it must be conducted in a respectful manner and not be provoca-

tive or angry in nature.

6. No person shall cause, or condone, malicious or intentional interference to anyone communicating via the


7. Control Operators designated by the Board and/or the Repeater Trustee are required to turn off a repeater

to terminate improper operation or use.

8. The Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society officers and repeater trustee reserve the right to forbid the

use of the repeaters by anyone who repeatedly violates these rules, or anyone who facilitates or encourages

others to violate these rules.

Page 5 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society September 2016

Page 6: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

2016 dues are

$25.00 per indi-

vidual $30.00 for

family $5.00 for

students and

active Military

are free.

Page 6 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society September 2016

RVWARS WEB PAGE The Web Page has been updated! We

added some info on the main page to try

to keep folks aware of events. Comments

and suggestions are welcome. We will

keep Dave Clappers design at least for

now. Let me know what you think.

Newsletters back to

June 2006 on the web

site and

Click on “newsletters”

Join our Yahoo Group at the bottom

of our web page.

Simply enter your email address.


Site Info:

228-Outdoor Temp >

229-Indoor Temp >

230-DC Volt Bat 1 >

231-AC Volt read >

232-DC Volt Bat 2 >


450-To check your input to the repeat-

er. Key up and type 450, when it says

“ready” QUICKLY key up and record

your short message , un-key and it will

play it back as it heard it.




These codes will work on 449.925 as

well as 2 Meters.

I would like to add a basic weather sta-

tion sometime as well so we could ac-

cess wind speed etc. up there.

Feel Free to try them!

Resets at

1:00 AM


Daily High/Low






FYI RVWARS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit

corporation. As such all monetary

donations are tax deductible and do-

nations of equipment are deductible.

Please consider donating your idle

equipment to the club for our use or

for sale at the annual tag sale or auc-


New DTMF codes for the New Vantage Vue Weather Station: 500-Wind Speed & Direction

501-Outside Temperature

502-Indoor Humidity

503-Outdoor Humidity

504-High Wind Speed (since mid-


505-High Outside Temperature (since


506-Low Outside Temperature (since


Hopefully a Rain reading will be add-

ed soon. But these are what is availa-

ble at this point. The system is in-

stalled and ready to use. Please feel

free to try the codes and see what is

going on at the repeater site at Forest

Lake. (the outside temperature from the new system

is different than that from the controller. They are

different sensors.)



Page 7: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

President — Vacant V. President — Carl Verderber,

WA2UJX Secretary (acting) — Tom Cody,

WE2G Treasurer — Marty Miller, N2LDR

Repeater — Tom Guterrez, N2NZD Historian — vacant

Safety Officer — Todd Brackett, KC2YKM

Club Call — K2RVW Club Special Event Call—WD2K

Web Page — NEWS E-mail — [email protected]

Yahoo Group


EVERY TUESDAY at 7:00 p.m.

Informal Roundtable on the

147.210 repeater ALL are


147.210/147.810 NO PL tone

147.015/147.615 No PL Tone

449.925/444.925 PL tone 110.9 Hz

224.280/222.680 NO PL tone

Vital Statistics

Our ARES office in the

CC EOC is now ours

again! The investigator

that was borrowing it has

moved on to a new office.

We will be setting up com-

puters and equipment for

emergency and practice

use. We received a brand

new desktop computer

from the County. We also

received a new FTM-400

digital transceiver from

the county. We have a HF

setup and a VHF/UHF set-



Weekly Nets


Page 7 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society August 2016

Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc.

Treasurers Report

August 14, 2016

Balance Fwd. Checking Acct $2993.75

Rcpts: Dues $25.00

Donations $13.00

Total $38.00

Exp: Cumb. Farms (Field Day food) $7.67

Stan Engel (Reimburse—parts) $30.39

NYSEG $62.70

Total $100.76

Checking Bal $2930.99

Petty Cash $ 50.00

Total RVWARS monies $2980.99

WIRES-X Operating! WIRES-X is an interface to the world wide internet. It is digital work-

ing with the Fusion system. I have made a couple of contacts with it

and they are awesome audio quality! In digital mode it far exceeds the

audio quality of Echolink and DStar, The software is upgraded and

working through the repeater. You will however need a digital

UHF radio to use it. And if the WIRES-X is in use it will tie up the

repeater. I will email basic operating procedures to members as

soon as I figure them out. There are rig specific WIRES-X manuals

on the web site. Some of our members have used it and

seem to be impressed. Another interesting fun mode of Amateur

Radio. And some rooms are very active.

If you have a Yaesu Fusion radio go to the Yaesu web site and down-

load the WIRES-X manual for your radio. It should walk you through

making a connection on the system available on the 449.925 repeater. I

usually have the system running while I am here. I turn it off when I

leave because I don’t know enough about it and don’t want to make a


Page 8: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

2016 Dues

Mail to:

Rip Van Winkle ARS

PO Box 163

Ghent, NY 12075

Attn: Martin Miller, Treasurer

Or bring with you to


Make checks Payable to


Page 8 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society August 2016

Directions to the Rip Van Winkle ARS


Directions from the north to Churchtown fire-house… Take exit 12 off of I90 onto route 9

south. Travel 4.6 miles to the traf-

fic circle and take the first right out

of the circle (not the mall) onto

route 9H. About 11.5 miles you

will come to a traffic light intersec-

tion of 9H and route 66. Go straight

through that light for about 3.6

miles to the next traffic light at 9H

and route 23. Again go straight

through that light for about 1.1

miles to a left turn off of 9H onto

County Route 27. It is marked.

Stay on route 27 for about 2.5

miles and the Firehouse is on the

right with a sign out front. Park in

the lot just before the building.

Firehouse from RVW Bridge and 9G.

From the intersection of 9G and

Route 23 take 23 about 2.7 miles to

the traffic light at the intersection

of Route 9. Go straight through the

traffic light and travel about 2.7

miles on route 9 to the next traffic

light at the intersection of 9H and

82. Turn left at that light onto

Route 9H about 2.8 miles to Coun-

ty 27. Stay on route 27 for about

2.5 miles and the Firehouse is on

the right with a sign out front. Park

in the lot just before the building.

For your information...

We have the antenna and have the cables and switches for the HF station in the Churchtown Firehouse. We should have a station set up and working soon so that we might do some operating on meeting nights.

Page 9: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle




Join the RVWARS Yahoo Group. Go to the web site and scroll to the bottom of the

page and simply enter your email

address into the box.

The new computer needed to upgrade

the system is in place and working


Thanks again Barry.

The repeaters are as follows:

The 147.210 repeater is unchanged! Using

a MTR-2000 with no PL tone required.

However there is a tone encoded at 110.9

Hz if you want to set up Tone Squelch on

your receiver.

The 449.925 Fusion repeater now requires

a PL tone of 110.9 Hz and also encodes that

tone for the use of your Tone Squelch.

The 224.280 repeater is completely un-

changed and works like a champ.

The NEW 147.015 Fusion repeater does

not require a PL tone but also encodes a

tone at 110.9 for the use of your tone


The new 147.015 antenna is 80’ lower than the 147.210 antenna but seems to work

just as good as the 147.210…

There are some scratchy’s on our signals when the wind blows hard on the hill. That

apparently is just the nature of the Super Stationmaster antennas. We have talked

about changing them but that would be expensive and we would have a problem find-

ing a tower climber that is qualified by Insite Towers Company.



Page 9 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society August 2016

The Meeting

room in the


Firehouse is

HUGE. Bring

yourself and lots

of other folks.



There is now a group on Fa-

cebook for the Rip Van Win-

kle Amateur Radio Society.

Just search for the above.

There are currently 13 mem-

bers since Tom started the

group about a month ago.

Please join in!

ARRL has just published anoth-

er PowerPoint Jeopardy-type

game for instructors to use in

exam-prep classes for the Gen-

eral-class test. The game was

produced by our own W2XM.

The new game, and several old

ones, can be found at http://


Join us for our next Meeting

At the Churchtown Firehouse

Maybe we could add an

elected position to the club

as a “Reporter” to gather

some news so that I have

something to print each

month. I NEED NEWS



We are making badges for member that pay their dues. The purpose of the

badge is so that we will know that you paid your dues and also show that you are

a voting member of the club.

If you have paid your dues please pick up your ID badge at the meeting.

Page 10: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle

Columbia County (ARES) "Amateur Ra-

dio Emergency Service" is seeking new

members. We currently meet once a

month prior to the regular meeting. We

do an occasional public service event as

ARES members where we utilize our

communications skills and equipment to

assist with public safety. We assist the

County with Civil Emergencies and disas-

ter communications when they request us.

No equipment required. No experience

required. Total voluntary participation.

Your help is appreciated when needed to

maintain communications during disaster,

emergencies or public service events. If

you think you might be interested, please

email me or ask at field day or an RVW


Thank you.

Barry Thompson ([email protected])

New and Old HAMS needed!

Page 10 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society August 2016

From the West RVW Bridge or 9G take Rt 23 to the 9H intersection and either go North to School House Rd and to Churchtown

Firehouse or go through the light and take Bells Pond Road to the Firehouse. From the North or from Hudson go south on 9H, from

the traffic light in Claverack, about 1 mile, to County Route 27 on the left then 2.4 miles to the Firehouse.

Park in the lot to the right of the Firehouse and enter through the Main Entrance. Someone will be listening to the repeater and will

help you if need be. “FIREHOUSE” is indicated on the right side of the map.

It’s right here,

Please join us!!!


Churchtown Firehouse

Please consider adding content to our Newsletter: Any Ham Related articles, particularly those re-lated to the Rip Van Winkle ARS or other local clubs are greatly appreciated. Please include pictures and images if possible. We would also like to hear your opinions about what is happening with the club. Please submit any material for inclusion to the Newsletter to: [email protected]

Page 11: Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. · Published by the Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc. September 2016 Page 1 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle


For the news letter

Anyone interested it this package.

MFJ 962 tuner

Ten-Tek HF rig

Forty foot crank up tower

CDR rotor & cable

Coax cable

Tri Beam Ant

You have to take it down

Price total-----$550.00


Ron Coons Sr.


If your ad is no

longer valid please

let me know.

Page 11 Rip’s Report — Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society August 2016

I have a Item here I would like

to put in the News Letter For

Sale I is a AOR TDF-370 DSP

Multi Media Terminal NEW in

Box. Everything is there plus I

burned a CD for the unit. There

is a link below of a description

on what the thing does plus you

can go right to a PDF file for the

owners manual and a picture of

the unit. Thanks !!!!!

I am ASKING $225.00

Mike , N2JVE



Henry 2KD2 upgraded to 2KD3. Very low

hours 3-5000Z's, up-to-date grid bias cir-

cuit. Pi-L network, New power supply

components. Fully functional. requires

230VAC (no more); will show how to

build bucking transformer. Modified top

cover to fit new tubes. Full power out 80

thru10 M. Asking $590.00 Contact Carl

WA2UJX at [email protected]