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Published in the United States of America

May 2019

© 2015-2019 Dawn Clark Productions, LLC

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the

copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or

transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,

mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without

express prior written permission.

For permission requests, please contact [email protected].

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This book is dedicated to my three children, Clark, Katherine

and Christopher, who inspire me each and every day, and to

my father, my mother, and Dietmar, whose love I cherish


Special thanks to Christopher Kocurek, who helped me bring

this book to life. I’m eternally grateful for his creative genius

and dedication to understanding the work at an intrinsic level.

Heartfelt thanks to all the students who have helped take this

to the next level. Your input has been key in helping us develop

our content.

Immense gratitude to Kim Ribbans and Michele Howell, who

helped me with cover design and layout. I am so appreciative

of their patience and insight in helping me express the

messages my soul yearns to share!

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1. The Truth Behind Reality ............................................... 1

2. What You’re Getting ..................................................... 6

3. The Initiation ............................................................... 8

4. Your Imprint Zones .................................................... 15

5. Struggling To Succeed ................................................ 22

6. What’s Keeping You Stuck? ......................................... 27

7. Your Cherry Blossom Triggers ...................................... 34

8. The Writeable Code .................................................... 38

9. Beyond The Law Of Attraction ...................................... 42

10. Your Morphic Resonance ............................................. 44

11. The Secret Elixir ........................................................ 47

12. An Invitation ............................................................. 50

13. Unlock Your Potential .................................................. 53

14. How You Can Do It ..................................................... 59

The Path Forward ............................................................ 61

About The Author ............................................................ 63

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We all want different things in life. But we

are often left not knowing how to manifest

our dreams, or how to get from here to

where we want to go.

This book will shift your understanding of why you

experience the world as you do, while giving you

new skills to improve your life and fulfill your

dreams. You will learn that finding Your Secret

Inheritance is simpler than you may expect, and

you'll have fun in the process!

What you’re going to discover in this book will

change your relationship with wealth and success

forever. You’ll be one of the few insiders with the

information that will allow you to open up new

worlds of potential and possibilities! Here’s the first

secret that most people don’t know about wealth:

You are impacted by the encoding of your

genetic material – marks left on your DNA from

previous generations. This inheritance impacts

what you think is possible for yourself when it


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comes to money and wealth. Did your family

prime you to live in scarcity, or in prosperity?

This book will help you understand the effect of your

DNA “markers,” how they were created, and how

you can change them for your own benefit. By

freeing yourself from your inherited limitations or

capitalizing on your positive DNA markers, you can

recode your DNA for success.

As an example of how our DNA markers can affect us

positively, who better to look at than Oprah Winfrey?

Oprah is an international celebrity who has made

millions of dollars for herself and others by offering

one of the most valuable assets on earth: education.

You might think Oprah just had some pure good luck

in the beginnings of her career; but there was

something much more at play.

After taking a heritage test, Oprah discovered that

one of her forefathers had started a school for

African American children after the Civil War. At the

time, this was a dangerous, risky move. But her

ancestor clearly believed that bringing education to

those who needed it was worth the potential


The success of this forefather created a positive

marker in her family’s DNA. This helped Oprah

during her beginnings as a global educator, giving

her the confidence, know-how, and intuition to

succeed where others might have failed.

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This is the power of the Wealth Gene™.

You might be fifty years old, looking for a new

opportunity to experience a passionate life; or

someone in between jobs; or a successful

entrepreneur; or a twenty-two-year-old college

graduate fresh out of school. Regardless of your age

or what stage of life you are in, what’s inside this

book will help you achieve your goals.

I’m here to give you the tools to upgrade your life. I

have seen my students vastly increase their income,

change their circumstances, buy houses, and even

win a $1 million prize after doing this work. Believe

me: If you are looking for a way to get more

opportunities, turn your passion into profit, or

experience greater success in your life, then this

book will help you.

I’m going to share with you a few of the same

secrets and tools that took me from being a single

mother of three, with only $54 in my pocket, to an

internationally bestselling author who attracted the

funding to develop a next-generation technology to

help people all over the world improve their lives.

This book reveals the truth… behind reality. What

you will read is the science of wealth that will help

you unlock your potential for opportunities, income,

and financial stability.

The best part is that you will ultimately learn how to

step into your passion and do what you love –

effortlessly. As you begin to operate within this

extraordinary framework, it will level up everything

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else in your life and work alongside any other

modality that you’re using to enhance your life.

I’m ready to give you the keys. Are you ready to

unlock your future?

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Write down THREE goals that you are working on





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This book won’t take you two weeks to

read. I’ve distilled all of the material so I

can give you valuable knowledge and

powerful tools right off the bat.

As a bonus, I’ll also provide you with expanded

content in an exclusive online video series, where

you’ll learn about:


Your Imprint Zones

Epigenetic Markers

Wealth Imprinting in Your DNA

Morphic Resonance

Your Cherry Blossom Triggers

With this knowledge and toolkit, you will fulfill your

dreams in ways you never thought possible:

Get out of debt

Make more money

Attract unforeseen opportunity

But this is just the beginning.

Imagine having the resources to do whatever you


Wouldn’t that feel great?

What would you do if you had all those resources?


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How would it improve your life?

Now, imagine all those resources being put in a box

and locked and the key being taken from you. Are

you ready to get the key back?

If you’re serious about getting past the invisible

barriers that block you from living a wealthy life, it is

essential that you take advantage of the Advanced

Training. In this training, you’ll get the ‘key’ to

unlocking your secret inheritance!

For now, let’s move to the second key to success:

discovering your WIN-State.

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WIN stands for Wealth Integration Network.

You are a part of the Wealth Integration

Network. Like a Wi-Fi router, you both

receive and send a signal. The strength of

your signal within this network makes it easier, or

harder, for you to create the life (and wealth!) of

your dreams.

Have you ever wanted something, but no matter

how hard you try to achieve your goal it keeps

slipping out of your grasp? It feels as if it vanishes

the moment that you glimpse it? This is a typical

symptom of someone with a low WIN-State.

The higher your WIN-State, the easier it is to realize

opportunities, make money, and succeed in your

passionate endeavors. The lower your WIN-State,

the more you struggle to get what you want – the

more you feel trapped.

People with low WIN-States often go into debt.

Instead of creating tangible plans for the future, they

stay fixated on fantasies of what they do not know

how to obtain. They rarely take active steps to

accomplish their goals.

I first perceived WIN-States, though I didn’t call

them that then, when I was a young girl. A unique

set of circumstances led to me developing


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heightened energetic awareness, and I actually saw

distinct fields of resonance and energy signatures

related to each person I met. These are known as

“morphic fields” and are related to your WIN-state.

The premise of “morphic fields” and “morphic

resonance” has been extensively researched by

biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake, who

described his findings showing how “memory is

inherent in nature and that natural systems, such as

termite colonies, or pigeons, or orchid plants, or

even insulin molecules, inherit a collective memory

from all previous things of their kind.” Humans are

no different.

As a young girl, I perceived that everyone around

me carried a storehouse of memory, including the

core fractures, toxic emotions, and limiting beliefs

that directly impacted their soul’s potential. These

experiences in my childhood led me to develop tools

that help others recode their DNA, restore

themselves at their core, and reclaim their potential.

Let me start at the beginning. I began my life in

Germany. My father was a CIA agent during the Cold

War, and after he finished a deep cover mission

abroad, we relocated to the United States.

Growing up with a high-ranking counterintelligence

agent as your father, your life is at risk. (This is why,

historically, the best spies have been people with no

families since their relationships cannot be used as

leverage.) I lived the first part of my life acutely

aware that anyone who walked through the door of

our house might be there to kill me, my mother, or

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my sister.

My survival instincts kicked in and helped me

develop the ability to read people’s fields. It was my

survival tool.

What I see in people is different than what people

commonly refer to as an “aura.” What I see goes

beyond that, to an entirely different set of data

points that include our connection to the quantum

world – the world where anything is possible. This

grid of potential can be tapped into IF you have the

tools. This empowers you to live your life without

limits – with possibilities around every corner, within

your reach.

I also see things that hold people back: their

limitations, fears, core fractures, pools of toxic

emotions, and signature frequencies of limiting

beliefs stored all the way down in their DNA. These

are the obstacles that keep what you want out of


As a child, even while immersed in this environment

of fear and danger, the thing that struck me most

was that in the midst of this sea of information, I

also saw that everyone had a beautiful fingerprint of

soul resonating within their field. This fingerprint

contained the essence of their hopes and dreams

and of what they came here to do.

As I learned more about the world, I realized that

countless people are living a life that is inauthentic to

their nature. They are running “programs” they

inherited from others that actually suppress the true

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essence of who they are. Deep within each of us lies

our soul’s fingerprint – the essence of our passion

and purpose – our true calling in life.

My purpose revealed itself to me quickly. My path led

to helping others unlock their potential at the highest

level. Then, I had my initiation, and my life changed


I was swimming in the deep end of a public pool

when someone jumped off the high dive and landed

on my back. The air was knocked out of my chest.

Bubbles floated by my face. I felt myself floating

upward, out of the water and through a layer of


That’s when I met my first Guides.

What struck me about these radiant beings was that

they resonated at a high level WIN-state – the

potential that I could see within each of us. I asked

them how I could help people step into their full

potential. They told me that was not my mission at

the time. What I needed to do was to go back and

learn the language of frequency.

After this first near-death experience, I did what the

guides had told me to do. I paid great attention to

people’s resonant fields, or WIN-States, and learned

that no matter a person’s age, spoken language, or

country of origin, there are vibrational “viruses”

holding us all back.

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I came to recognize that these viruses include:

Outdated beliefs

Core emotions of the human experience

Fear-based beliefs, such as “not being enough”

Emotions such as grief, rage, hate, and shame

No matter who held these viruses, they appeared the

same way.

I also noticed that the emotions which fell into the

bandwidth of joy, love, and gratitude also had

distinct frequency signatures. These, too, appeared

the same in everyone’s field.

So it became clear to me that the same base

components comprised everyone’s WIN-State, but

each person’s personal profile was unique. Just like

your computer has its unique profile of cookies

depending on the websites you visit, each person

has their own WIN-State profile. Some individuals

were riddled with frequencies that disenfranchised

them from their potential. Others were just

struggling along, doing their best to get by, stuck in

a kind of inertia.

Years later, science revealed the molecular and

energetic makeup of the WIN-State. This brought my

work out of the realm of spirituality and gave it a

solid foundation of scientific knowledge. But I’ll tell

you more about that later.

By the time I was nine, I felt like I had mastered the

vocabulary of this universal language, and I wasn’t

seeing any frequency patterns that were unfamiliar

to me. Boy, was I in for a surprise.

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After months of excruciating back pain, the doctors

diagnosed me with severe scoliosis. They gave me

only two years to live before the curvature of my

spine would fatally compromise my heart and lungs

and my ability to breathe. This nearly tore my

parents apart. They were stricken with grief at the

thought of losing one of their children. Miraculously,

a new surgery became available, and my parents

went deep into debt in order to pay for it.

During the operation, my aorta was accidentally

nicked, and I quickly bled out on the table. Just

before this happened, I remember standing outside

my body watching the doctors work, which is not an

uncommon phenomenon for people having surgery. I

was listening as the bones in my spine fractured and

suddenly I remember seeing blood everywhere.

At that moment, I remember thinking, literally, “That

body’s shot. I’m out of here.”

I awoke in a new place, away from my broken body:

a small, grassy clearing, with light streaming in

through ancient trees. Flowers were everywhere in

the most vibrant colors I’ve ever seen, and as if to

welcome me, they began unfolding their petals

before my eyes, perfuming the air with a beautiful

scent. Each leaf and flower, even the air itself, was

radiating what I can only describe as pure, universal

love. I felt immediately at peace, in deep joy. I

inhaled deeply. The air itself was supercharged –

oxygenated with pure, absorbable Love and a sense

of peace and infinite knowing.

I felt a soft humming inside of me. The vibration

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intensified and spread through my entire body.

Faster and faster, the colors shone vibrantly. I was

overcome with a distinct sense of Oneness and of

Eternal Love both outside and within me.

Just when I felt like I couldn’t take anymore… there

was a “POP!”

Amazing revelations downloaded into my awareness.

I perceived information revealing the energetic

makeup of our world.

I realized that worldly matters such as houses and

cars often serve as deception points, and that our

heart connections are the only thing we can take

with us through time. For an eternal second, I

experienced the bliss of knowing.

I’ll admit that, at that moment, I didn’t want to come

back. I wanted to stay and explore that Celestial

Garden – a world without judgment, a world without

pain or suffering or fear.

With a whoosh, I found myself floating above a girl’s

body that resembled mine. I wished they would just

leave her alone. Then, suddenly and without

warning, it felt as if a giant hand grabbed me around

my waist and gently placed me back into the lifeless


With a start, I became conscious, locked back in

physical form, bound by a body cast. I grieved the

loss of that Celestial Garden for years. What I didn’t

know at the time was that the doors would reopen

and make way for more startling information and

knowledge to pour into my life.

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You’ve probably read self-empowerment

books before. You may have seen a

therapist or even used the Law of

Attraction. So why do you still feel like

there’s more to know – more to discover?

Emotional Carrier Waves (ECWs) and Imprint Zones

are a core concept to this work. I want to

communicate this very clearly early on, because it’s

foundational to what’s to come. ECWs have the

power to imprint your morphic field and your DNA.

Imprinting can raise or lower your WIN-State,

making it harder, or easier, to create wealth and an

abundant life.

Let me ask you a question. What did you eat for

lunch thirty-four days ago? Chances are, you can’t

answer that- and that’s because it was probably a

mundane affair. However, if thirty-four days ago a

car came crashing through the front window of the

restaurant you were eating at, you’d likely remember

every detail, including that it was a garden salad

with a lemon–olive oil dressing and three cherry


The reason you could remember every detail is

because your brain is trained to record information

that might be relevant to emotionally charged

events. You instantly upload a belief system, “it’s not


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safe to eat at a restaurant”, which can then have far-

reaching effects, such as not taking lunch meetings

that could be important and profitable for you.

Positive and negative ECWs leave imprints. This is

survival imprinting, and it is how species have been

learning to stay alive for eons. It’s why that one

salad will be remembered for the rest of your life,

while you may not recall a phone conversation you

had last week.

ECWs transcend the four common dimensions of

time and space. You cannot see an emotion or hold it

in your hand, can you? ECWs are frequencies that

can be thought about in terms of waves. Fear has a

frequency very different than gratitude. What is

essential to understand is that the intensity of the

emotion itself is key to being able to imprint.

Fear, anger, and loss can change how we choose

who to trust and how we see ourselves in the world.

Even if we try to forget the incident of the car

crashing into the restaurant, the imprint continues to

affect us on a daily basis.

There are so many examples of traumatic events

creating negative, limiting imprints – I could go on

and on. However, I’m sure anyone who has ever

watched the news or studied a history book is aware

that humanity has had its fair share of trauma.

These negative events or critical life events affect

how we make choices, how we perceive the world,

and what we feel about security, prosperity, etc. But

as I have said, you can learn to erase these negative

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imprints on your DNA.

Just like trauma affects us at a core, genetic level, so

too can intense positive experiences associated with

love, success, and prosperity.

The day-to-day emotions that we experience, from

mild happiness to moderate aggravation, fall within

the No Imprint Zone. This means that new beliefs or

ideas are not being imprinted. You can spend ten

hours a day saying, “I believe in myself,” but as long

as you remain in the No Imprint Zone, there will be

little to no lasting effect.

This is one of the reasons why the Law of Attraction

alone isn’t enough to create permanent, lasting

change. It may help focus your mind on what you

want temporarily, but for the most part, you’re doing

work in the No Imprint Zone.

All the while, you’re still struggling against DNA

triggers that are undermining your efforts. You

wonder why your affirmations and visualizations are

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not taking you any closer to your intentions and

dreams. What’s hardcoded in your DNA is resonating

out into the world through your underlying morphic

field, 24/7, effectively overriding your affirmations.

The good news, though, is that you can recode your

DNA for prosperity and success! And I’m going to

show you how.

* * *

But before I do that, you need to know about the

Negative Imprint Zone. Access to this zone is

granted during moments of trauma, fear, turmoil,

heartbreak, suffering, or intense emotional distress.

It has been labeled the Negative Imprint Zone

because the intense emotion required to turn

markers in our DNA “on” and “off” does not normally

feel good. These markers generally damage your

health and belief systems. These are the emotions of


Your brain pays attention to these intense negative

emotions and encodes everything it can to help you

avoid the experience or feelings again. The problem

is that, meanwhile, beliefs about the world are being

uploaded into your software that can hold you back

for your whole life.

At its best, coding sourced from the Negative Imprint

Zone is designed to help us survive. For example,

you may have a deeply imprinted fear of snakes,

which may be a good thing in the long run.

But alongside the beliefs that are beneficial to you

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exists outdated information that you inherited which

is not serving you. The belief system that is

undermining your wealth, health, and happiness

could be linked to a fear of saber-toothed tigers –

which of course is not something that you typically


These spikes of negative emotion (anger, fear,

shock, grief, etc.) can imprint beliefs like:

I am not enough

Life is a struggle

Artists have to starve

There’s not enough money

It’s not safe to be seen

It’s risky to try new things

In our prehistoric past, a close encounter with a

saber-toothed tiger would have hit the Negative

Imprint Zone and been very useful for helping us

form information systems that kept us safe from

danger by hardcoding them into our DNA. The

trouble is, we aren’t fighting tigers in today’s modern

world. This kind of programming holds you back

from realizing your full potential.

* * *

To recode your DNA in a way that unlocks authentic

wealth and ups your WIN-State, you need access to

the Positive Imprint Zone.

The Positive Imprint Zone is the area of peak

experiences of gratitude, joy, love, bliss, and

ecstasy. This allows for imprints such as “my passion

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will support me,” and “the world will provide for me.”

These systems of belief are very powerful and

facilitate the creation of our reality.

I will share more about how to reach the Positive

Imprint Zone later.

To recap, there are three “zones” of emotional

intensity. At the highest positive charge is the

Positive Imprint Zone. This is a state in which you’re

overcome with emotions such as gratitude or awe;

when you are happiest; or when you are blissfully in

love. In this zone, it is possible to imprint positive,

empowering, and wealth-creating information.

The No Imprint Zone is where we typically reside.

While in the doldrums, it’s very hard, if not

impossible, to create lasting change in your imprints.

The Negative Imprint Zone is associated with

creating imprints around fear of failure, fear of

success, and other limiting beliefs.

* * *

During my research and private practice, I came to

understand that conventional therapy methods such

as psychological counseling and pharmaceutical

drugs were not addressing the core, underlying

framework that was accessible only through ECWs.

This is because the client’s emotional state never

entered the Positive Imprint Zone to rewrite what

had already been etched in their field in the Negative

Imprint Zone.

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That is not to say these modalities don’t have their

place – they certainly do. But to be clear, emotion is

the gatekeeper to the imprint zone.

For a long time, this was my barrier. I knew that we

needed to be able to access the inner, energetic

“vault” where these programs and scripts were

stored, but how could we do that unless we were

also experiencing a peak emotional experience?

And how were the ECWs helping to recode our DNA?

I knew that they were an essential ingredient to

upgrading WIN-States and unlocking potential, but I

didn’t yet understand the unique blueprint


That question led me on a journey where I grappled

with my own genetic programming, and where I

struggled – and nearly failed – against the limiting

imprints coded in my DNA that were lowering my

personal WIN-State.

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While still a teenager, I helped my dad

write books that chronicled his adventures

as an elite American counterintelligence

agent. This experience took me to both the

Positive and Negative Imprint Zones. It coded me

with the courage to write, and at the same time, it

coded me with fears of revealing my authentic self.

My Dad died suddenly one frigid January morning,

and in an instant, I learned what it meant to grieve.

Because of his work as an intelligence agent, we had

only shared two full years together. I felt cheated

out of a lifetime with him.

I was alone with him when he died. Mom didn’t have

the strength to be at the hospital. Dad’s constant

absences from our household had left many issues

between them unresolved, and a final goodbye on

those terms seemed more than she could bear.

I stood at his deathbed as the last breath left his

lungs. The heart monitor flatlined, and suddenly I

felt a warm and comforting presence by my side. The

fact that I held his lifeless hand tightly in mine

seemed inconsequential as the warmth of an arm

enveloped my shoulders. I knew this warmth was

the spirit of my father.


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Slowly, I allowed myself to be comforted by this

gentle spirit, and just when I thought the comforting

presence would stay – it disappeared. Seconds later,

the harsh, sterile reality of the intensive care unit

returned as a nurse entered and asked me to

accompany her to fill out the necessary paperwork.

After what seemed like hours, I arrived home feeling

lonely and empty. A chapter in my life with my

father that had only just started had come to an

abrupt end.

My ten-year recovery from back surgery was almost

over. Despite my training in the world of

counterintelligence, I knew it wasn’t for me and I

tried to steer my life in a normal direction.

I graduated from college summa cum laude,

married, and had three beautiful children. But my

marriage became abusive, my husband an

unpredictable rageaholic. After a dangerous

escalation, I left with my three children and only $54

dollars to my name.

I had no idea what I was going to do, or how I was

going to care for my children and provide them with

the opportunities they deserved. But no matter how

I tried to protect myself and my children, the threat

of my abusive husband permeated my life.

Two months later, my ex tried to kill me. This story

is not uncommon when one tries to leave a

controlling situation, but think for a moment about

the imprints I encoded in my field during that time of

intense fear.

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Beliefs such as, “It’s not safe to stand up for myself,”

and “It’s not safe to speak up for myself.” I knew

those limiting beliefs had to change at my core if I

wanted to succeed and pave a better path for my


This moment of near death at the hands of someone

I loved was ultimately a great gift. I blacked out with

his hands around my throat, and the door to the

other side once again reopened. In an instant, I

reconnected to my path of passion.

Not long afterward, the police came, and I received

medical attention. Later that night, still numb with

shock, I remember watching my three small children

sleep, asking, “How can I possibly pull this off?”

Intrinsically, I knew there was a solution. Yet

everything seemed quite impossible at the time.

I remember closing my eyes, and allowing myself to

drift back and connect with that feeling of Eternal

Love I had experienced in the Celestial Garden. No

sooner had I done that than the answers reignited in

my memory.

In that meditation, I received the solution for

reaching peak imprint zones. This is they key to take

you into the space of recoding for success, healing,

and prosperity. The use of this new solution

bypassed the need to hit a peak emotional state. It

created a space of controllable rewriting of the

imprints. I call them the Codes. You’ll learn more

about them in the Advanced Training, when you


* * *

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I put the Codes into practice with myself and with

my clients, and I noticed that this new solution

boosted a person’s WIN-State and lit up a person’s

field as though they were experiencing tremendous

love and a reconnection with their soul’s path and

purpose. It had taken me decades, but I finally

understood how to use the knowledge I had received

in my second near-death experience on the

operating room table!

This was a quantum shift. What I thought would be

the conclusion to an already-long path was just

another milestone. My life of fear and lack was over,

and I launched into a full expression of my core self

that changed everything for me and for my children.

My first book became an international bestseller

without me even having a foreign rights agent.

Clients poured in from all over the world – before

long, I had too many clients. I realized that no

matter how hard I worked, I couldn’t provide these

tools to a large enough audience to create the

impact the world needs.

I knew the Codes were freeing me from these long-

standing hard-coded negative beliefs – viruses – that

had been holding me back. But it seemed too easy.

The way I was raised, I thought that I had to work

really hard to make anything happen. And that was

my mistake.

In the midst of my success, I stopped doing the

things that had brought me wealth. I let my

remaining old viral imprinting and the business of life

as a single parent get in the way. I chose to play it

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safe – to play it small and not get any more visible,

because my early life experience had conditioned me

to believe that being truly seen could mean death.

Instead of trusting this amazing work – and myself –

I started thinking in a very linear fashion. I got into

business endeavors that could help give me the

financial security I thought I needed to take the time

to write the new book I dreamed about publishing.

I bought land in Houston. A contractor signed on to

build homes for me. It was a promising situation.

Then suddenly, things flipped. The contractor

disappeared, the economy bottomed out…

I was massively in debt, without a clue as to how I

was going to get out.

I made a mistake when I stopped using the tools and

frameworks and following the guidance of my

passion path. My WIN-State lowered, and I became

vulnerable to the limiting imprinting I had not

corrected. As I sank into debt, I continued asking

what I could learn from this lesson.

Clearly there was something I had missed…

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I had missed one of the fundamental

building blocks of the WIN-State – the

epigenetic coding of your DNA.

Imagine being certain that the earth was the center

of the solar system. One day you meet a fellow

named Nicolaus Copernicus. He blows your mind – it

turns out that the sun is the center of the solar

system, and the earth orbits around it!

That’s the level of discovery we are talking about


Before we go further, it’s important you understand

what epigenetic markers mean for you. This is a

revolutionary concept. You deserve to be in the loop.

In every one of your cells is something called

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA is shaped like a

double helix. It carries genetic information. There are

an estimated 20,000-30,000 protein-coding human


However, this is a tiny portion (around 3%) of all

DNA. The other strands of DNA have long been

thought of as “junk DNA.” The complete set of an

organism’s DNA is referred to as its “genome.”

Your DNA is the stuff of your ancestors. Their

strengths and weaknesses, experiences, hair color,


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height, and many other things are all contained as

information within your genome.

For a long time, scientists thought that the DNA you

inherited was not malleable. You got what you got –

no changing it. Then, everything changed.

* * *

The science of epigenetics (literally meaning “in

addition to genetics”) has shown we are capable of

controlling which DNA is active.

Your DNA has countless combinations of information.

The way our cells deal with this overload is by

turning “on” or “off” sections of the DNA. This

happens with something called an epigenetic marker.

Epigenetic markers come in the form of DNA

methylation. You can think of these as signals within

your DNA lighting up, or extinguishing, certain sets

of genetic information. Duke University scientists

describe methylation as putting gum on a light

switch; the switch isn't broken, but the gum blocks

its function. What you need to know is that your

epigenetic markers determine what parts of your

DNA are being used.

Here’s the amazing bit: Epigenetic markers are

plastic, meaning they are subject to change. They

respond to:

Hereditary experience

Intense emotional events

Environmental signals


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Your markers inform your perceptions about reality,

not to mention your willingness to take risks, your

feelings of empowerment, and your likelihood of

success, health, and happiness!

DNA is not just the information system our body

uses to form itself. It also influences our fear

response based on experiences passed down through


Until recently, we operated under the idea that DNA

cannot be altered. Science, however, shows us that

humans have the capability to modulate and improve

their DNA through the use of epigenetic markers. As

surely as our DNA can become poor, it can become


This vast repository of information in your DNA is

utilized by your WIN-State. Incorporating the

imprints you have about money and success, your

WIN-State actively reflects those imprints and sends

your information out to the world.

I’ll start to show you how you can Recode Your DNA

for Wealth, Health, and Happiness and upgrade your

blueprint for life.

Landmark Study Reveals

Environmental Exposure Creates

Transgenerational Trauma

A study in 2015 demonstrated the capability for an

intense experience to affect the perception and

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emotional reaction of later generations.

Researchers found epigenetic markers active in

Holocaust survivors. The markers link to daily

cortisol levels (cortisol is a stress hormone). The

holocaust survivors had higher cortisol levels as a

result of their experiences.

The children of these survivors showed similar

epigenetic markers, increasing their cortisol levels

even though they had a comfortable childhood. Even

if they were raised in a loving household and went to

a good school, these children suffered from higher

chronic stress and anxiety.

This study is an excellent example of how one

person’s experience can be passed down – and

directly affect – how future generations perceive

their world.

* * *

Here is an example of how something like

environmental exposure can have a direct effect on

your DNA.

Tony is a New York City lawyer. His high-stress job

keeps his body pumped full of cortisol. He doesn’t

have time to eat well, so he regularly consumes fast


As the weeks drag into months, this lifestyle triggers

a chemical change in his body that mobilizes a group

of molecules called the “methyl” group. This group

then attaches to the part of the gene called the

“control segment,” and turns on – or off – that

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specific gene.

For Tony, his children, and his children’s children,

this could be bad news! It is possible that these

epigenetic markers will create future issues such as

anxiety, diabetes, and chronic inflammation.

The good news is that you can also create epigenetic

markers for health and success. In other words, the

damage is reversible. Desirable methyl tags that

have been “deleted” can be restored with proper

nutrition, enriching experiences, and exercise.

* * *

Right now, you might be wondering why you have

been struggling to break through inertia and feeling

stuck in your life. Why do “invisible” barriers that

you can’t quite put your finger on keep holding you

back and limiting your wealth?

Well, the truth is… your DNA has been holding you


Profound new studies reveal that DNA can shape

your fear responses, your core beliefs, and your

perception of reality.

You can think of this like a new kind of karma:

karma that’s stored in your DNA. This kind of karma

could be impacting your willingness to take risk and

your ability to create wealth and prosperity!

To understand this better, let’s talk about mice.

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Startling Discovery!

How Generations of Mice Became

Conditioned Reveals Amazing Information

New research from Emory University School of

Medicine, in Atlanta, reveals that it is possible for

information about traumatic or stressful experiences

to be passed on to subsequent generations through

DNA. During research, scientists took mice and

exposed them to alarming stimuli to create a fear

response, while simultaneously releasing the smell of

cherry blossoms into their habitat.

Here's what’s amazing: Subsequent generations

of mice (who had not been conditioned) also

experienced a fear response to the smell of cherry

blossoms! This fear had been passed down through

their DNA.

What this means for you: If your parents or

grandparents experienced economic hardship,

struggle, persecution, war, or loss, your potential for

wealth and success is most likely being limited by

markers in your DNA. And your DNA stores it from

six previous generations!

These hidden triggers and invisible barriers

concealed in your DNA are certainly reducing your

WIN-State, and you are less prosperous because of

it. Right now, this old patterning is literally shaping

how you perceive your world, including your core

beliefs about yourself and what you believe is

possible. For most, it’s coded them for a life of

scarcity – a life of “never enough.”

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Now don’t get me wrong. We can also be

programmed with positive markers. This happens

with intense positive emotional experiences such as

winning the lottery. Who knows, perhaps your

forefathers even struck it rich in the gold rush. But

for the majority of humanity, the intense emotional

experiences that have coded their DNA tend to be

associated with survival and hardship imprints.

So let’s get down to what you can do about changing

your imprints.

What stories do you remember from your

grandparents or family about struggle,

hardships, war or persecution?

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The first step to finding your Secret

Inheritance is awareness.

Think about it. If mice could become

conditioned to being afraid of cherry blossoms, then

it’s easy to understand how your forefathers’

experiences could make your efforts to create

wealth, find love, or share your truth feel like the

hardest thing in the world.

Professor Wolf Reik, head of epigenetics at the

Babraham Institute in Cambridge, England, said of

the Cherry Blossom study, “These types of results

are encouraging as they suggest that

transgenerational inheritance exists and is mediated

by epigenetics.”

What are your Cherry Blossom Triggers? The

invisible barriers that hold you back – the ones that

you can’t quite put your finger on?

Have you ever been plagued by thoughts like,

“there’s not enough… not enough money… not

enough time…” or “my life is a struggle,” and no

matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get

to where you want to go? If so, now is the time to

find out how to turn “off” what may be holding you



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Let’s get started with a short activity. Take just a

moment to jot down at the end of this chapter two or

three fears that you experience regularly. You can

think of these as your Cherry Blossom Triggers. Let

me assure you, whatever your Cherry Blossom

Triggers are, you’re not alone.

Then, write down how each fear impacts you. Here

are a few examples:

Fear of conflict… this trigger is often linked to

experiences of abuse, alcoholism, or trauma.

Fear of asking for help… even if your parents

didn’t talk about this trigger, there was pride that no

one ever asked for help. Historically, the strong were


Fear of revealing yourself… this trigger can be

rooted in a variety of experiences such as the

Holocaust, racial discrimination, witch trials, or other

persecution. This fear can be triggered easily in the

modern day, especially with media.

Fear of change or getting out of the box… this

could relate to moving to a different city, changing

jobs, leaving a relationship, getting a new car, or

buying a home. This trigger can be rooted in

situations where your forefathers dared to venture

out and did not succeed as they had hoped.

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What Cherry Blossom Triggers do you



How it impacts me:


How it impacts me:


How it impacts me:

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During the Advanced Training (sign up here), I take

you even further and introduce key steps you can

take right now to start Recoding Your DNA for


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The study with mice and cherry blossoms is

only one of many examples that show how

experience can imprint DNA and pass on

belief systems, fears, and interference

patterns. I talk more about this phenomenon during

my online training, which you can access here.

What you need to know is this: high-emotion

experiences from your past six generations have

created a set of “rules” for your life by imprinting

your DNA. This encoding either raises – or more

likely, lowers – your WIN-State.

It is important to note that the intense experience is

usually associated with heightened emotions such as

fear, anger, grief, bliss, gratitude or love. Remember

Emotional Carrier Waves? Without these, none of the

information gets stored in the DNA to be passed

down for future generations.

A lot of people ask me why our DNA gets riddled with

viruses. Why would our DNA be encoded in ways

that hold us back?


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Figure 1: Intense Emotional Carrier Waves have the power to

put you in the Positive or Negative Imprint Zone

Keep in mind that our DNA served us for eons by

keeping us alive in the wilderness. These are

programmed survival mechanisms. But we now live

in a culture and society where we must be able to

move past the biology of struggle and open up to

receive and step into a life of passion, purpose, and

prosperity. We must remember who we really are.

So – what is the secret to rewriting your DNA, the

language of your cells? Let’s start with understanding

Zipf’s Law.

Zipf’s Law shows that in any language spoken by

mankind, a very small number of words were used

all the time; most words were hardly ever used. Zipf

separated the words into a class system to divide

them by frequency of use. What he discovered is

that a word in the class ranked number one is always

used twice as much as a word in the second ranking

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class, and three times as often as the third rank (and

so on). This Law of Proportional Consistency was

initially known as the “Rank vs. Frequency Rule.” It

was applied to other sets of information, and without

fail, it produced the same result.

Then, remarkably, linguists, biologists, and

geneticists all worked together on a revolutionary

study that revealed, that just like all human

language, junk DNA also adheres to Zipf’s Law!

The scientists examined a long section of DNA. They

made artificial words by breaking up the DNA into

“words” that were each three rungs long. They tried

this process again for words four rungs long, five

rungs long – all the way up to words of eight rungs

in length. When they analyzed the frequency of the

words, the data showed that even DNA adheres to

Zipf’s Law.

* * *

Emotional Carrier Waves are key to accessing your

Imprint Zones and hardcoding your DNA for the

future. If you can access the Positive Imprint Zone,

you can overwrite negative programming stored in

our DNA that is holding us back.

I first had this epiphany when I came across a

groundbreaking study done in Russia. A team of

scientists was able to alter the DNA of a frog by

targeting it with a specific frequency (resonant

information). In doing so, they changed the genetic

structure of the frog into that of a salamander.

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Incredible! They were able to fundamentally alter the

genetic code of the frog using information contained

in sound.

So I asked myself: If scientists could change DNA

this dramatically using a sound frequency, and mice

can create transgenerational imprints due to a

shocking experience, how can we recalibrate what’s

stored in our DNA to overwrite the limiting beliefs

and perceptions born of trauma and the outdated

survival programming?

Asking this question put me down the next path of

my journey. Within years, I had created a million-

dollar technology capable of delivering personalized

vibrational frequencies of Eternal Love, which allow

the user to access their Positive Imprint Zone and

purposefully re-imprint their DNA for success.

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Odds are, you’ve heard about the Law of

Attraction. In fact, you’ve probably tried it.

Similarly, I’m willing to bet that you’ve

used positive affirmations.

These are popular ideas, and some people have

found success with them – but for the most part, we

feel better only for a moment, then the

empowerment passes away. Too often, the results

we are trying to manifest remain elusive.

This is because you are not actually raising your

WIN-State. Without an intense emotional trigger,

you are working at a superficial level. You’re not able

to enter the Positive Imprint Zone. Perhaps this

practice does have an influence, but it’s not the sort

of life-altering result that has been promised over

and over.

When I talk about recoding DNA and eliminating your

limiting beliefs, it’s extremely different!

After you have identified your patterns – the ones

that are lurking deep within your programming that

you may not even be consciously aware of – you

must access your Positive Imprint Zone to begin

Recoding Your DNA for Wealth. Without doing this,

all the affirmations and visualizations in the world

will simply stall out, producing little result.


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The trouble is, the very thing we are trying to

overwrite prevents us from accessing the

extraordinary bandwidth of positive emotion that is


During the online training, you’ll learn more about

how you can identify the areas that are holding you

back. Once you have this awareness, you are on

your way to recoding your DNA for success.

The things you’re about to learn will fundamentally

shift your understanding of why “luck” happens, how

prosperity is created, and how success is achieved.

This is not about the Law of Attraction – in fact, we

are going to dive way beyond that into the very

underpinnings of how your reality is shaped through

the Law of Formative Causation.

In short, this law refers to the resonant frequency,

our signature blueprint, that we broadcast to the

world, and which causes the wave frequencies that

then attracts its equivalency. It is a lot like the

foundation and ‘bones’ of a building, upon which the

walls, roof, and everything else is made.

In the Law of Attraction, simply wanting will not get

you anything but more want. In the Law of

Formative Causation, something as simple as feeling

profound gratitude will attract to you… that which

already exists and is resonant to your frequency of

gratitude. This revolutionary understanding changes

the game of getting what you desire in life.

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Another integral component of your

WIN-State is the broadcast of your

morphic resonance. Morphic

resonance is related to the

morphogenetic field, a concept coined by Dr. Rupert

Sheldrake in the late 20th century.

The morphogenetic field is an underlying blueprint of

information that “informs” your genetic system. The

active components of your morphogenetic field

change your resonant broadcast, which has a

powerful impact on your WIN-State. This is one of

your key interface points with the quantum world.

Now, what do I mean when I say “quantum?” This is

a word that’s thrown around a lot these days with

very little understanding. Doing a Google search on

the word “quantum” will lead you down a hundred

different very deep rabbit holes and probably end in

a PhD.

For our purpose, connecting with the “quantum”

gives us the ability to tap into the universal network

of information and unlock new resources and

opportunities. Our quantum universe and our 4D

world as we perceive it are inextricably interwoven.

Learning how to navigate this invisible landscape and

engage with it opens doors to potential that were not

there before! And that’s just what you will be doing


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as you start Recoding Your DNA for Wealth.

The powerful effect of morphic resonance has been

well documented. Dr. Sheldrake himself ran a study

on dogs and their owners. His research showed that

dogs were able to perceive when their owners began

the return trip home, even when the schedule was

out of the ordinary.

Other evidence of this “collective field” of morphic

resonance has been shown by the formation of

crystalline substances. When a new type of crystal is

created, it is slow to form at first. However, as more

of this crystalline structure is created, the more it

broadcasts its morphic resonance, and the faster

other structures are able to form.

We can even observe the power of morphic

resonance in a study done on the Maharishi Effect.

There have been numerous cases of an effort of

meditators in various communities showing that

when a small portion of a population practices

transcendental meditation, the overall crime rate and

violence drop dramatically.

Because I promised this book would be short, I’m

not going to go further into morphic resonance here.

What you need to know is that this is a very powerful

aspect of your WIN-State. Your morphic resonance is

influenced by the encoding in your DNA, as well as

other factors that I’ll be discussing in the additional

online training.

Your morphic resonance and the information stored

in your DNA are part of your “morphic field” – the

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underlying blueprint which informs your reality. This

field of information is what I saw as a child.

If your morphic resonance is broadcasting “struggle,”

because that’s what is stored in your DNA, then no

matter how hard you think “success” and try to win,

you’re not going to get ahead. You’ll flounder and

flail, but ultimately you won’t be making the sort of

progress that you need.

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Every disaster is an opportunity.

Remember that? After I sank deep

into debt and struggled to return

to a life of passion, I held onto that

idea. I used my crisis as an opportunity – as a

wakeup call to change my life. I got back on path

and returned to what I was meant to be doing.

At the same time as I was working on a novel that I

felt a calling to write, I was also putting my children

through first-rate colleges, researching quantum

physics and epigenetics, doing personal coaching for

clients, and perfecting these tools.

But I was still struggling financially. I didn’t know

how to receive. I was stuck in “giver” mode. There

was no way I was going to work my way out of this

hole of indebtedness by doing what I was doing. At

the same time, I knew I had to expand my work

beyond private clients. There were so many people

in the world that needed help, and I needed a new

way to reach them.

Then I had another breakthrough. My research into

the fields of quantum physics, epigenetics, and

morphic resonance began to bear fruit. I finally

began to understand the antidote frequencies I’d

seen in the Celestial Garden through the lens of

scientific and mathematical principles.


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Suddenly, I realized that with the proper tools and

frameworks, a person could entirely recode their

DNA for wealth, enhance their morphic resonance,

boost their WIN-State, and upgrade their life!

The only thing that was missing was access to their

Positive Imprint Zone!

My first thought was how I was going to help people

reach that zone. You might go your whole life only

truly reaching the Positive Imprint Zone a couple of

times. It’s hard to control when it happens, and it is

harder to try to recode yourself when it does.

The solution still seemed far away. Without

technology, I wasn’t able to synthesize what I had

learned on the other side to a point where it would

be most effective for an individual.

I remember being almost ready to give up on the

idea, because it seemed impossible to find the

million dollars in funding necessary. I had no

collateral to secure the note with.

Instead of letting that negative imprint take over, I

recoded myself to support my dream – to boost my

WIN State – to help me see that a million dollars

would be a piece of cake.

Then suddenly, not one but two potential investors

appeared. I got the funding that I needed to develop

this technology and put it in a format that was

personalized for individuals so that they could be

empowered to help themselves.

Since then, my work has been distributed

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internationally. I’ve made steps in business that I

didn’t even know existed, and the future has never

looked brighter.

And how did I do it?

I’ll be sharing the secret to my success in the next


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The concepts I have taught in this

book are just the beginning. If you

utilize the tools I share here in an

effective manner, you can

absolutely begin upgrading your WIN-State.

However, there is so much more.

I have mentioned the additional online training

several times throughout this book.

During the training, you’ll learn how you can start

tapping into Your Secret Inheritance by Recoding

your DNA for Wealth today. These lessons take it

beyond the framework of understanding presented in

this book and aim to deliver real-life solutions you

can use in the day-to-day world.

This book serves as the foundation for much greater

potential. People who read this book before the

training have a massive advantage, as they are more

able to digest and use the information instead of

being bogged down simply learning the science.

The Advanced Training is the next step. It provides a

clear system to move forward and the solutions you

seek. Make sure you show up. There are a limited

number of seats available.

Sign up for the next workshop here!


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It’s my passion to help you unlock your potential.

The next step is for me to help you level up by giving

you new tools with which to do so.

I look forward to seeing you there!

The technology and practices I have developed over

decades can be applied simply and easily to anyone

or anything… making all of them more powerful.

Take a look at this before-and-after depiction of

differing WIN-States. You’ll be learning how to shift

from one to the other:

Figure 2: Before and after of differing WIN-States.

You’re going to be learning how to unlock your

potential by upgrading your underlying blueprint for

life – your morphic field – and recoding your DNA for

opportunity, creation, prosperity, and wealth.

Because as it stands right now, at this very moment,

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you have imprinted within your DNA, and resonating

in your field, six generations of your ancestors’

limiting beliefs – beliefs born of the Great

Depression, war, loss, prejudice, persecution, and


These encoded imprints design your life, creating

unwanted repeating patterns, unnecessary obstacles

and a phenomenon I call “glimpsing,” whereby you

get glimpses of what you want only to have it

disappear again.

The truth is you can recode the limiting beliefs of

scarcity and lack that are stored in your DNA. When

you do, suddenly you can take control of your

financial destiny and create a passion-filled, purpose-

driven life of prosperity, happiness, and the deep

satisfaction born of conscious creation.

Where in your life have you experienced


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We’ve covered a lot of

groundbreaking new ideas in the

past few pages: from the power of

the past to imprint your DNA, to

your morphic resonance, to how both of those

factors are influencing your WIN-State right now.

You’ve learned about the power of Emotional Carrier

Waves, and that you actually have the ability to up

your WIN-State and unlock your Secret Inheritance

so you can experience the life you’ve always wanted.

But this is only the beginning.

We all want wealth and financial freedom, right? But

does true wealth refer only to money? When I say

wealth, I’m not just talking about having hundreds of

thousands, or millions of dollars in your bank

account. True wealth is really about having the time

and freedom to enjoy your life, rather than feeling

like you’re constantly trapped and reacting out of


Circle the symbol(s) in

the image that represent

“wealth” to you…


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Action is key to getting true wealth. The following

story of K is a perfect example of how change

without action is incomplete.

K’s story

People often blame their current life on the

circumstances of their birth. But in countless

celebrity figures, we’ve seen the power to overcome

the odds and break into a life of wild success.

It’s important to remember that those celebrities

were once just like us: ordinary people with dreams,

facing obstacles. It is how these people approach life

– in part thanks to their Wealth Gene – that helps

them advance to the next level of success.

K was born in India to a family that was far from

rich. During his childhood, K suffered from cancer.

He was lucky to survive.

When K and his family moved to the United States,

they hoped for a better future. But the challenge

wasn’t over yet. During K’s teenage years, his father

died, leaving him the man of the household. His

mother worked hard to support the family and

ensure that he received the best education possible.

K went on to graduate college and have a

remarkable beginning to his career. He worked in

numerous fields, holding many different positions.

But then his life began to slow down…

As the CEO of a startup, K found himself mired in

doubt and uncertainty. He felt off-path and struggled

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to keep the company afloat.

During this period, he felt lower than he had ever felt

in his life.

Then, a coincidence happened – or perhaps it was

something more.

Late one Friday night, K happened to pick up a

phone at work – something he rarely did as the CEO.

On the line was a woman he had never met: me.

I had called K’s company to inquire about their

software product. K and I decided to trade. He gave

me access to the software, and I gave him access to

my programs. With remarkable speed, K overcame

much of what held him back, and he activated his

Wealth Gene.

He boldly let go of what wasn’t working and went on

to create his own position in one of the largest

companies in America. He has designed a life of

creativity, development, and vision that meets his

inner goals.

What was it exactly that allowed K to move so

quickly from stagnation to being the head of Open

Innovation at a Fortune 100 company?

Even with his background as an immigrant with

trauma and misfortune, K had the capability inside

himself to operate at an extremely high level. K

thanks me and this work for helping him unlock his

potential and realize the life of his dreams.

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But the truth is that all K did was access what was

already there – himself.

You see, K had help on his side, embedded in his

DNA. His grandfather had actually been an incredibly

successful man in India, famous for humanitarian

aid. His grandfather built scores of schools for Indian

children across the country and received

acknowledgment from the government. When we

talk of ancestors who had positive programming

around success and wealth, we are talking about

people like K’s grandfather.

This is the power of accessing your Secret

Inheritance. Every one of us has successful

ancestors somewhere in our family tree.

But there is even more good news. There are even

more powerful gene encodings you can access.

A recent PBS show called 3 Degrees of Separation:

Genetic Connectivity demonstrated how illustrious

and varied our genetic makeup can be.

Unlike the x-degrees of separation movement

centered around social media, this show consulted

geneticists and scientists to reveal the powerful links

in our DNA.

They were able to connect people such as Martha

Stewart to Samuel L. Jackson, and Barbara Walters

to Imam Yasir Qadhi.

The takeaway is that even if you feel your direct

family lineage isn’t all that impressive, you can

branch out – look around – and suddenly you’ll see

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that your genes are connected to the genes of all

sorts of pioneering, successful, and wealthy leaders.

If you haven’t seen the PBS show, I encourage you

to watch it one night. It is entertaining, inspiring,

and informative.

When you recode the limiting baggage you’ve

inherited, and make way for your inherently positive,

powerful super-genetic programming, you are

capable of superhuman success.

It all begins with you.

After K implemented the tools and frameworks he

learned in the Recoding Your DNA for Wealth system,

he was able to create a career opportunity that made

his #1 dream come true. He no longer felt frustrated

and off-path – he went from being the CEO of a

failed startup to heading up a global innovation team

earning his highest income ever!

Let me tell you also about Beth… although she was a

nurse and could earn a living, she didn’t believe in

her capacity to create a better life, and felt trapped

in an abusive relationship. I’m proud to announce

that using the Recoding Your DNA system, she was

able to break free and is on her way to creating a

brand-new life with a private practice she loves! It’s

truly inspirational.

You’re going to meet Beth in the online training, and

we’ll go step-by-step over how she did it. You’re

going to be amazed to see where her life is taking


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For now, I encourage you to take this knowledge and

apply it to your everyday life. Notice where you are

being held back and find out what the limiting

imprints really are.

Recoding those imprints is the key for activating

your Wealth Gene!

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If there’s one thing I know for

certain, it’s that you are here for a

reason. You are reading this book

for a reason. Your soul chose this

body with purpose, and the power of that purpose

has created you – a human whose potential is

tremendous, who can plot the trajectory of a satellite

through space or who can climb Mount Everest.

When we do our best, it not only serves us, it serves

the whole world.

The universe is built on the foundational energy of

Love. Love is the power that fuels creation – bringing

life from the ashes of stars. Love has the power to

span time. Love is the only thing we can take with us

when we transition from this life.

Our purpose is to be Love, to emanate the frequency

of Love. To behold life in its awesome glory. To play

a part in the romance of reality. Remember what I

said about the Positive Imprint Zone and high states

of Love, Gratitude, Joy and Bliss? These emotions

are your powerful change agents and antidotes for

any Negative Imprints from your ancestors.

The fact is that every single human has amazing

potential. We soar across the cosmos with our

minds, and we glide through the infinity of our inner

worlds with the power of spirit.


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The most important thing you can do is to be

yourself, and embrace that authentic purpose with

love. Even when your path leads you down dark

passages, or across dangerous lands, you have to

trust that this is what you were designed to do. This

life is your passion; this life is your path.

* * *

So how do you start turning on your Wealth Gene? It

is not all that difficult.

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The Path Forward

The choice is up to you.

Are you going to stay stuck, or will you challenge

yourself to move forward?

Now that you know about the secret in your DNA,

you are empowered to start Recoding your DNA for


This is your adventure. I’m here to support you.

Be sure to show up for the webinar. I look forward to

helping you discover your “Positive Imprint Zones”

so you can start manifesting your full potential.

In the training, you’ll:

Discover how key markers inherited in your

DNA can be holding you back, and what you

can do today to turn your struggle into success

Get a 5-Step Action Plan

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Receive valuable guidance on how you can

start taking action today

We are at a critical moment in human history. We

hold more potential than ever before. Our access to

information and communication is unfathomable. The

ability we have to chronicle our lives and create what

we are passionate about is unparalleled by any other


As the wheel turns, we must recognize this chance

we have to become better, more compassionate, and

more grateful than we have ever been. And in doing

this, we effect change in our lives and all around us.

This is an opportunity for all of us, at the global and

individual level, to step up, move out of the past,

and learn to create the future that we all know is


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Dawn Clark is an international

best-selling author, speaker,

futurist, and creator of next-

generation tools. She has

spent more than twenty years

helping people unlock their

potential and create profound

personal and professional


Standing at the heart of

science and spirituality, Dawn synthesizes cutting-

edge research from behavioral epigenetics, quantum

physics, and technology, in addition to her own

unique insights, some of which have been informed

by profound near-death experiences.

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The author and publisher of this book and the accompanying

materials have used their best efforts in preparing this book.

The author and publisher make no representation or warranties

with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or

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contained in this book is strictly for educational purposes.

Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this book, you

are taking full responsibility for your actions.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product

and its potential. Even though this industry is one of the few

where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there

is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the

techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these

materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee

of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the

person using our product, ideas and techniques. We do not

purport this as a “get rich scheme.”

Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual

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time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques

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these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot

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Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our

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The author and publisher do not warrant the performance,

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All links are for information purposes only and are not

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This book is copyrighted by Dawn Clark, Dawn Clark

Productions, LLC and Infinite EnergyLinks, Inc. and is protected

under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable

international, federal, state and local laws, with ALL rights

reserved. No part of this may be copied, or changed in any

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Infinite EnergyLinks, Inc.

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While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and

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