punta gorda herald. (punta gorda, florida) 1902-08-08 [p ]. · 2017-12-13 · kilns f d cclre lea...

WlMiM ic- d el tIf- n k- lJ oI I 1 i r < BRIGHT PNGS OP OUR EXCHANGES A l6joatjrJof hiiituir Currwit onimen Hint Now sow selfishness nnd reap Vou Know Whnl You AreTftklntr When ybuitake Grovel Tmtoless Ghlll Tunic because the formula plainly printed on cyery bottle showing that II U simply Qulnlncln a tailclou form t o Curt No Pay 50 tf thpvprocrnm of events vrpificnnre caniolatlon rte The llott imcrltloit Qhllliand Fovcr It o bottlo of Grove Tasteless Chit Tonic IMI ilmpl Iron and quinine In n taiuleii form No Cure NolaylrlcosodctiU tf Italnbowi never surrender but nlwyi go down with tlmlr color ffig To tiuro it ColtS luOno Uitjr Take Lnxatlve llromo C ilnino Tab tcfiind lie money It It tails to cure E W Grove nlftnaturo- It on tach box 1rlce 3 cenli tf- It iliAt the house bulldornYAnMn MncbnGa On6 iotif- lfi Itlie demand In Jackionvllle- Hto llio Cough n lSyork th olit Laxative DrOino Quinine a cold In one day No No I i Price 35 centi Recently nn umpire itiot n hall player a rimnlnj t nnd now fan are trying otlgnre Out whelllwr hi Act a base lilt a foulitrlkoorfl hot ball to Our Quick AHhmn SuHfttrt- Kolcyi llottoy Bndli lm- rncdlalo relict to nlthmn ivijferejri lii the worst will effect n cure DeSoto Drug Co Secretary lUy will tend Ueneral HrAgg 10 om other country to funny thing i can say ntiout It rcopld Consumption Tlireitoncil I was troubled with a hacking fur a year and I thought I lied con urrtp lion 0 Ung r 3Hj Maplp St Champaign III I tried n griiat many rpmedleiand I under the care of pliplclani for several months j used one bottle of Foley Honey end 7W It cured me and I have not been troubled since UeSoto Drug Co M a I The train robber have begun work In jlcal Infidelity to our Cuban i- j III cure JUIicntc Will cure plabctts Will cure Stono In Jlladder Will curdkldrtey ami Bladder Dlieaic We luspcct IJmt lion William E Mu fcret aeislon presidential bom Incubator Foley Kidney cure nil dls s duorilered kidney or bUdJer Drug Co Arkan itha caused o Urge drop In the irlmlrinl record o ho state Many persons In thll community are front kidney complaint who could avoid fatal tcjulti by mlng Foleys Kidney pure DeSoto DrURQo With Morgan monopolising earth and Pate to do biit go Into the alt He now conttolls an alrlilp enterprliej- fj had dlab tei In worst form wrte Marion Lee of Iunreath indo I- V tried eight phystcani without relief Only three bottles of Foleya Cure made mon wellnmn Co wants more harvest hands not only lo gather the cropi but to help out Jn the nil olecllon Those Kariia poll tlcians arc llek coyotes frum pol 6n nnd wilt cure any case rench iY inkdlcln DeSpto Drug Co During three months ending March jnt were killed nnd 3111 injured In aicident on Amorl can railways Uamngc to the roads amounted to 11914358 IN1I n ST1NG EYEB J VI MlcaeH cent v hun fur MIr let Alhlrtigjrlita hour sI W lIb cut It ho relief V stages hal r cough says II was the Rut fruit dl N psotoVDug Co u lth hi aae l D Solo li hh ln tll Ilx In Ie w peSoto Drug Kilns F d CClre lea medicIne tree orkl 1 dllease that Is not beyond Ue 81 Ierson NUtlOi1fltl6I- InsotOn 4 z a nine a Cir was first was tin wi l see Cba ltiey ste ofcputi Is II9ldlnga Cure will gtroIn men In one day there we nothing for John I Itt Kidney the < < > < < < > < < Ford Sturgeon k prominent drug linn at Rocky lull Station Ky nile We were requested by H Snig ley to send for llerblne the benefit of our customers We ordered three dos en In December and we are ghd to lerblne has given each great satisfaction that we hove duplicated this order three Iliac and we gave your salesman orders We be to say Di G I 1ISnit pleaiurelri recommending llerbttie soc bottle at lveth honor and grow up to be a u bet- A ThyilcUn Heeled been with kidney bladder and enlarged prostrate gland to the profession wtifcewi UV until I com mencrd Cure After Hkl tfcm M lM li relleYMsi 4s gf i 1 prwrlbe It now dally ii y prwMce cad tirtljy recons f UraIIta Dr O or ij i 1 tq to cr We gent wlIt cur e emQCr1 thAn either of LD r TwlttS practlclngp1111Iclati- oJl G yeKY tor over thirty w per nal uperlenc folell I haL J l a t f Fr- eArlbrd J Imld 1iI7RtdaIIIUt say i other taKes I lresldenl Roosevelt Is bo godfather CabdtLodgegrAndion sInercInpe thevoung them I I a wIth 1oresrs greatly bathiered toube used t to ie lQlys Kidney entirely mend 1 so tL Jg ucli- b I ± WS Bullytv Jru Toja My wile had been lufYerlng five with In her when I w persuaded to use IJallardt Lini- ment which cured her rill il have ftsu tiled M for old sores frost erupjlon It does the work a c- i lllsborocounty IsVlhathlfd coimly t to luvo lil pnh commls However sIlRhtnt of year I and In this illmatif lt the forerunner i an nil tired out felling oven come before tho chill Ilcrblnc lip prompt Um ulutlve action on tho liver drives the malarial germs out of the lytlem puri- fies the blood up the system and 596 DoSoto Drug Co A shown by the census reports there 43SM bachelors Florldnond 17911- splnitera Ten dollars a head on the for- mer would rujt State goverment- A AVorin KllUr JA J Montgomery t Puxlco Wayne Co Mo writes have little twin girls wilD hnvo beer bothered worms all their lives I tried everything to them willed felled until I tmed Cream VermlfugJi tho first two dose brought lour worms from one of them theneit twodosei Iwtlve one inensur the oilier child was only relieved of worms It Is a most excellent medicine While1- Crenln Vemlftigo Is good for children It not only destroys worms It helps Ihe child tq perfect finnytli ward ofT sick neat 956 at J Co The executive committee of the Third Congr sloiia District handed back to each candldnte 133 tho amount belngcltio them from the surplus after the expenses of the campaign wiu paid lKorye r I suffered such untold mis- erjr ham Urgochltlj writes J John- son of Oa that often I was unable lo work Then when everything lot par JIla nol In I 1rL Co in lila tijyolpted h or to yawn nnd by J tone restore are II r love twelve tOur I arm bIt snnd VIIOflC Chilil ibis titna malaria the lug Iflch ethic tltWrt Saved < > else failed I was cured by Ir Coniuinpllan- ftitiilivsufTerei Intensely from asthma till It cured her our experience goe to show It I the best Croup mcdl cine In the world A trial will convince you UdtioirlvalfU for Throat and Lung dseseiGuarantecd bottles soc and Trial bottles free t All Druggists Cql Groesteck praises tin water cure a a happy ontl luimane device Still the presld TlUo opt seem In a hurry to RV Cpl Groesbeckopin lon as it campaign document Ileiiio- liolographer Harlan of Eaton can do so now though for year ho couldnt because he suffered OKony from the worst form of Indigestion All physicians nnd medicines to help him he Electric which worked for him that he declares they area godsend to sufferer Irons dyspepsia and stomach trouble Unrivaled for diseases of the Stomach Mm and Kidneys they build up and give new life to the whole system Try theiriPil5oc by All DruugUts Matches are made In llenvcn The firu never goes out In time other place All ItrcunU Twice In hospital F A Gul dge Ver- bena Ala paid u vut turn to doctor to cure a severe case of pllcscHtsng aitutii- or When oil fulled Ilucklens Arnica Salve soon cured him Subdues nflam inatlon conquers Aches kills Pains licit salve In the world ajc at All Druggltts- Kdlton has Invented an automobile which he says will cost so little that any ordinary mon can own one lint Look nt Her Whence came sprightly stepfault lets Ikln rich rosy complexion smiling face She looks good reel good Here her secret She uses lr Kings New Lite Pills Result all organ active diges- tion good no headaches no chanco for blues them yourself Only 150 at i All Druggist For Over Year Jtn Wlnilowi Soolhliir lin ililf retri uf niothtii while with oil It toothei the cbllj mi- l fl ill l II the II rclle the poo Sold by In rf pirl of th cent lure lo ik for Mti Wlnilowi Sjrtn1 mil tik no ollur holy a lhltb lcl C C 0 bled tied that Cur pert rein Ind cole and b- red 01 Sol moo tin old Shelters Try SisSy bemused over by million for Stilt c oft cue world s ¬ ¬ > < AilmlnUtratori Nutke To V nOM yams MAT COXCIHNI Ii hereby gIven to ill coneernedthat 1 will to A K 1ooscr County Judge In sad for DoHolo County FlorIda on the Mlh day of Auir A li JWW property 1 In lllock forty four tot one 1 In block thirty two town of Punt lords UeSil County Florida tt private sale In town of Arca- dia at the ouica of County Judge WltneM hind ickl on thl SHb 0 A JiouaAX Administrator of the estate B9SI ofT 8 Morgan deccksod ALt for en order to ell time t enl the of U LSI fohIowln sAId day July A ¬ An ordinance relation to Improving the Parks Nt 40 Urdjnnee Itordalnad council ot the Town of Punts Gorda Florida That any perion or persons owlnlng lot or lands fronting ion Keita In said town and Is hereby au thorised and empowered to cultivate and part of the public parka of said town front property at they may own Apd- rnny tree flowers here on and protect such parts of laid parks by using fences and care same them from danger but dish do nothing to obstruct the von He view or any necessary pub- lic use All ordinances In conflict with time provisions hereof are repealed Passed council of Oc P jooi Attest VUJUrJ e II lunch Town Clerk Preld ni louncl- lKApprpr 4 A 0 FreM BUror nt or r the i i jvj ¬ ¬ ¬ Iuntrt Qordn Is Ilio Hoiithurn lor nilnnl MRtlon of the Atlniillo Oortit- Lino Buppoao tho oiiBltios hull fitol to lost only mtll within five miles of Pitntrt Onrdftl or sup inllooof lrnok hail laid would not the oltl roils of our town hastoii to Biipply- tho fuel or lay LImo Inst nlrololt of truck Vfo hnvo ft lormliwl station ftnd ft trnok In our lllvh School but no gtndiintlnK train piillnd In Wo will nil I nt LImo station to coo her ooino In It boX The rocont iliovv tlml 42 per of thu whlto registered vot or inrtlclpntod thoroln pur conti In HlllB I 71 par In Limo Stnto nt largo cont of time Doinocrnta took enough Intorost to go to tho veils Out of the othor lies coot wo got tho kickers for tho noxt two who will toll you how tho gavnrmitont ought run Kxolmngo- St Au ii tlno Itecord I In Hovornl- ciiiuillon of tho State tho Jninnlon- Borrul IH nvnliinblo addition to tho roHoitrcofi i f limo lioiuowlfo rime plunl grown luxuriantly nnd the most tldllolotm jolly in made front time fruit In Home cotintloK It can bo BOOH In Henri ovory yard rime In 8t Joints do not ooln to havo adopted this pliitit to any ox tout n yet Whllo tlm cowpon IH of undoubted vnlno AB n covor crop to follow ox- Imtmtod lands and lion boon Limo fa- vorlto crop lot turning Ini Jltimo considers It of secondary value to time volvot and beggar wood for iiltrogoiiiirodtiolng purposoB Prof- Ilinno milan states that intioli bettor obtained hy turning In covor crops after thoy are dead thaw whllo tlmy nro groon St Aiigimtlno- Hooord JIIKAV KXCIHWIOM to tlio lied Clay Illlli ol Houtli nnil Vet florlila they Hot IIORO Isl never lon cOlt In borough oi cOlt hout to- o 1 rot are curl VVV tim flvo iooit has ovor 42 cent in Monroe onIsthioio beau rostilta > The Atlantic Coast Line howe arrange cd tar a ten excursion to lime Hed Clay Illlli of South Georgia and West FloridaonAuiillh and will cl tickets for mill trains of limit date from honda point nt very low roundtrip raIn goqd- to return until 1901 A great opportunity to visit the old folks at For further Information cull W- lloolh tlrkct ngcnl or wrll- rWJCrslif S P CollerJr Gen PKIAK Dlv PasAgi- Wllntlnjittin Tnmpa Her A bachelor gui hurried homo each evening from lien studio with the picture always before her of time email friend who was to greet at the door her apartment lit a wriggling ecstasy of welcome hail a guest one evening who slid not go In no much for dogs us h6 did for bachelor gIrls The girl had rebuked her small friend ruth cr sharply for barking nt tIme tnan who didnt cure for dogs and time former had taken refuge under a tnblo Do you really think doc are worth whllo nskcd tho man Matte a gesture as though you were to strike mo replied tIme girl Tho man did no In an Instant the somali friend Unit it moment bcforohnd- booii bonlcu nod crawled Under time table to brood his wrong w- ttnndliiK Imsldo hi mUtrois with baa klcs up and tooth Kliiutiinjf growling atnluously nt tho mirct Do you know what ho IB growling at you naked the girl Its only a paraphrase but tho original OIICQ made a nations tin- gle When I think of how I hu- miliated nail elmmed him before you and of how lie stands here now on guard I am foolIsh enough to tee my own blood tingle Ills growl translat- ed means My mlstrc8 rlgbt or wrongf Now York Telegram OnltimnenNo RO- AII ordinance to on certain sIdewalks and to provide penalties therefor- Be It town council ofthe town ot 1unt Hoc 1 That II shall bo unlawful fur any person or to tide n on any In the town of UorUa as low menlloneil owltj A 0 U dock on streettlionco to Maths Av mine thence train HilJo ol King it Includlnt both side of Marion AT street rImming street on Belts to Taylor i also out all sidewalks on all streetS between Ulll street and Taylor street begin- ning on Kelts to Olympia Ate tin side walks ou GUI bd itreets on either tide being Included- to said lice i That any person or persons riding street or within town limits of the town of Punta t on JI nOR her t hid bloc ordained hl tho lull nd I bicycle on an 1 a or any days Aug aId ills aye shalt the mains with proper bait and when encroaching one notice < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ given by ringing the bell Hec il Th t person or riding- S bicycle after Is commonly tireS the town UoriU wheth- er on street or ililowalk shall provide soniblcilst fifty y rd Hec 4 Tint It slush ba tie epeelsl Only of trio lliritulho UNIt or persons Tlolttlnz sec twq and three of not out to trrest such but he shall Seize the hlejcle bicycles of erldeuce mind upon n or acquittal the owner or owners b thee 5 That person viol t the orillninc upon convict thereof shsll ba lined li whet a proper may a or not than Ihl rID uch bleycle or bicycles ohal or lug of shall a lIght sun that tho hlgt moon at Dance matter a any auto ° exceeding twenty live dolls or conttuta U h town not exceeding thirty dy or both la the of the r Hoc n That ill ordInances slid parts of ordinance concerning the of or itreets of 1unl Uorda t riding oil t > re iiereur Ptsieil the town council on tbl l e Plh of July A 1 1IWJH Coneinnon freslilent Town council W B lUrdte Approvedi Clerk of Council A I Nollonif AilmlnUtrntlon Court 1 K rlll Ed M Rsrncst applied lo on AUt I In CUlt r 11 the of said curt this court for of tie of Manuel the cit are to the to and a on or the 1211 1 A D lIme I t to Jettr lf I they wit b dQrljI i ffJW f day Freeman Mayor Judges Judge estate hiorges Accessed hate county cite sn4 aulmoalob all aud singular ILIrdrd Soul eeedltori of said be before this Court tefora lay csSemitsebec itO soul f say Live ss a preyed owe > ° OXTOTIODESMlNtrt- tyRlMnlliillhb following delrrlbid h il public titllui on l tlh lh lownoflunt lli rountr l Ul i 10 niuchllnnof will b lo i the tmounl fr lli toil of inch il OWNUII3- K II H r l lltckwlll- lIU Uo- I if Co VIe 4 ICI- o lHlronl ioii ftltrUn Af IM ft comet el lot Ihinci H Won llnnri pirilUllo lot j An nJ bl- i Coil tl N f I linnet fl lo b KlnlK- S I lit N end I K6o7 l In K corner Commercial Co llnktiowii isle CommerclilCu IUCvminrrclil Co K II Ilmej- rKlllUftir Mtniflilil- WO Wellti 8 iiJlln- o V Mcliiii A K Lumen II 1019 I if it m a IJ loli ii to joltuliulrf 14 K i- AH r K IS li It ll J ioti K llftltlS- ij Jt i ft Hut of R V of tot i bliwk Ixjiinilnjrof OlympIc nco Mil loin iiia llip il ft wettwirJ OlympIc fJJft In- in thence semi cud licirlnnlng IT Illockiom JTllloekiom- ITlllnckiom 1nknnK- nMriBillltl1 Unknown Unknown Unknown liikiinwn- VO Wcllti Pit Cnnimereltl Co WO IU Ciimmirehtl Co V O WillM Unknown WO V II- V O Ktwiomt Corb ll- fih ilienet ft lo bitanfng H Weotmrof crlb N will lot f to Tube i ihinci with llnnre N I rllil nlti loin illey T ir- h In 0 of n I lau e n IIAIK61tTJTaxMIcIOICOWlon Pii I 11 I IlekICk IO I o- tI I n Commercial I 3 l lode IS 3 4 r3 J 4 ICJ 101 i I eimd n or- I n sail I n 11 10 u 1 3 Mile nol I 4 I AK Iln1 0- ol X hid N 101 a II un- d O to IC 1 6 itIOli In Clie iImbsii tl lIme 0 7 hI bUD 1 I K 61 on on I I 10i ant I on 1 J m lyMoln 9 XIIi of t HoU I 410 7 c JJ 11 y11 V t I TLit 45 I 1M 1 1 I 45 Cuchll J l I 10 I 3 I 4i5 I lot 9 J IrA u in t 10 I S 10 I I Ii I 110 r t 1 I ton on uprib wed 0 flu 9 1 nuomA I 9 1ln on or Ttabue I of 111c W Tubo J I J I N bon AlI Ilienc AIj 0 i J I Vllln Ul at a polnl IC N olon nj a L land will meld the hid lace s 051 Qppoell to lbs lam with eel suet Oor- Jimj t1m I iiut tf a VVVV a end Ils 3 5 hoti 100 1 uclusJu 1011 tid S Vie Coinniurelsi Lo 4 iPtaii VLbui UU C3 I C9 0 fl hitluil Iris CommmcrIiI Co 450 cIIi tierleim Ave in l on cii Jot j I easmeuly I i to I beginning httt 1otS4ahuJJ 1 Dli CUt fir o l t ot from Ittila- ICeplnaA thence It whit 15uia nn south Sn 50 fi 11 t C lotiN I istl I A II 43 I t Lot Ii Sptc- a iot tmulnder Ii Souls lit A s e 7 V it 14a ill l C 5 K It lIervy 7 3- hi Tot 10 II i7 S Ect S ii I- V 1 1rv 1 tAtji34yiftJflI4hCeutn Jote jo- Cs lti I 10 I lllls IS 3 Uuiktiowii 70- II WC 55 101 A end ii I 3 I 50 7 nemimv K 7 5 30 in to S < 111 All i ills 30 > Ace Wild lag iv alley lhnronorll to 0 Sir cur slimy ci ft in so 57 5 1 roaleg Mallen SVd Mrs 30- I it a sick 14 elite eve will at35 ft llsec- St Bg U 10 Vinlng a 40- e9 a MI wIth cc ileglus or IC coiner u < < > > > < < < > ° ° tntnc n n tiienti- lhe ica W Sj ia benliinlng pllu 3 14 30 ji totli ni Hi 11 Iot K li Vf A i Jl Lot Xl 134 ind- Ilia to 11 Incloil f I loHlriflu lM it i u- lxiiionit liJ ji Incluilffi All lots I lo ulnclu f j fi UiilMln lots l 1 1610 ijlncluiln I 7 1011141111 j 7 i6oi Incliulri lOll Lot Ul I IOI Ml 7 Suit Jl of in J Ni n- Ixrii n I iJ Tnct All north of It It t- Alliouth of Kit i J lot jo x 85 ft Hcornir of block oj t 1 n ID ii ii ij ind 14 Atijojlncuiie- M 4 itn Incluilvi All leu lull J 45 nil 6 All Ml Ji- Koiilli iiliii II 11 tots 11 nul ij Tract All lot ifl All All eicipt II U rIght of wnjr All All r TlittHiI All All lying NK of It It All north of lilt TfltlAII- IHK nilyito uooiN Mof icdloti H ij It Htept N t of W of 41- H l iVj iofpii Ilii- HWiorrtH JiellonioTp4i II n i lltt- Houlb ll section VI KA8T AIIUITIUN All iidt4 15- lx t DiiVnown 11 41- 1Ilinitluiltr onfl VVOObS VKST AUUITIOV- MKAUX AiVsorV w if Ai All AII All All lOtlfi lOTD s to lo- Alli I 10 J Lot t to y i All j iot- oin io- ki 14 ilift l LAivHv- t All i T All j 8 lolll ind 4 f Lot S 101810 g All 10 l0tl I I ID J 1 0 l ill 13 M except lol IS Ixiti I la 4 ir 11 Ix V 0flfI- l il t Lett- It Loll tlo 14 v 16 John 1trkir A AOulhrl- tiInJISanillln IM Currj V I Well I MriMIHnJIli- WIM Hi- IUCommcrcllICo IIJ Kill CommercIal Co O llfowu Ill Commcrclil Oo A Mnimoni Ill Co fit Commirtlil Co Ilt Commirclil Co Fit CAmniircitl Co A Ill Pie Coimntrclil Cu- Unknewn Pit CommercIal Co Pit ComniKcltl Co Pit CuniDiarcltlCo- Unknowii Kit Huitu Ilorgei Unknown WO Willei Ill Comniorclll Co Unknown JIHindlln- KWhlliilile Unknown I I loin Ill Coniinercltl Cu- W I Vil t- Uuknawn W I Well K II CointI- Ill Coranurclll On- Mfi V llllrllt- V 0 VUCo Unknown MM lluilirini- IUComniiicltlCo Ill MrllorMiThoniii- FliConnntrcltlCo Unknown IU Comnvreltl Cu PUContintrclilCn- PUConimiicltlCii Oil IUConmierclllCn- IltConimcrcltlCo IU Camratrcltl Co Ill CornnircclIC- aIComColllTribui Unknonn UnkooMii Unknown Fit CurnmircllCci Ill Unknown W If Wood Fit ContnitcliICo- W K WooJ Unknown NIckNllinn- lltnr Sllcoi- Mtnunl Hnrgll- Unknuwn Unknown W If Wood n M Ifergnian- Uiiknoin Unknown A IKlldvrill- 8PII f Unknown UCIIiimir Unknowo Kit Aiutin T S klurt- Unknawi Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown II Seymour K lliiwtll- MnRullo U W Html Filer Unknuwn I K llirwill- KK llttwill Unknown Unknown W Wlllltmt- Mit Hollo- Unlinawn Unknown Lnwrinc ll- lItrii A Co Unknown Unknown 8 N Jrl t IS 1 II of J I W 101137 WAd e 31 1oi 9 lOt u 3 J 3 I to I 3 11111 Ja- I is I 35 1 3 t I 39 r p nIJI or 1 01 40 4 I U 45 oe 810 Lot t J 9 I end S i 1 3 ltl 4 y lotng H i H Ja all Ion 11 5 I 3 31 Inn 110 em H 3Jo 83 Lot 1 c H Com I Co 63 10 6 6 1 77 I 110 J fet I C l nrp 70 III 6 p- u r 30 Ill J is 83 19 4 Hnkll 8 s to Tp 45 I I p so N 1 Co I 10 0 41 110 WOOL 8 6 t 0- U so 50- M so- N I i W So 4 7 4f 7 loIS 7 I 5 to 40 to 40 I S J 40 to 1 18 I I 1 I I 7 H 40 iii iit 70 5 3 6 4 S 10 40 g f 4 1111 40 I 111 40 All S 7 7 nd7 f I 50- AI S 3 I AI S 5 4 34 M and lleiy 10 0 31 and ma 101 II sni 15 a jo- hi 1o I n vi- ii 3m A Slush dip a No R Ci 4 1otm it is in1 i No 1Ot toI In 0 mi 16 j I n ru 14 n a4 lIlt i- 3g and end nj s huii I 3 All Sw- 1ole 6 5 it 24 bloc 4 lien s mo Comuierciel Co o 45 > stud unit 6 41 tot 45 No 45 Lots tstmd 41 i 43 t to- hj 6 I LOS e o 44 LoIs enl t i sad i o IC s hUt VeIl Iota I4 I end Co 6j lot 1 lot IoIa IS It attul t So lot in I S No suil ems and loll Fla I7 to un S it CooiiiurcilCo 71 1 so 73 14 ml Couinuerrli t S a to 5 e tIn it go 30 I Tp 350 I I lou S lo Lots 6 5 3 70 1 Sm ANt 5 a 0 50- S go 0 43- Iut lots 50 Lot i 17 cmi 19 so so Zlsrwmm 40 Zote4ScsnU Voile 40 33 sO FAIIUJIIIAmISON kANT Tote jioS loS to to end ii lot ti to h go- I is t All CO All Ali < > < > > > < < < ° Urdlimnc Ni 30 An ordinance la the keeping ol disorderly houses Belt by council of th town of Punta Florida That whoever keeps or maintains adla orderly house or allow disorderly In a house occupied them within time corporate lImit of the town of Punts be deemed of a misdemeanor and shall viction be fined not exceeding one hundred collars or by Imprisonment In theJll of Ihe town not by fine and Imprisonment at the ct the AHMlnance In conflict with the ra oWliereof are repealed M i council of October A B IWi- Atw ti IVBHABBM 11 B srT lre Council ipjfioVjif FitUHWf Major V time gully b v 0 ordained ay1or Town clerk sV4 S > > > > re the most fatal of all dis- eases 10 KIDNEY CURE III- or Contain remedies by emi- nent physicians as the for troubles PRICE 50csjUll8- iXFoteys Honey KIDNEY DISEASES rude Tar No- t I F Al uii o aruaid non S zJ i- fi ¬ Time greatest ambition of Amer- ican moo nnd women li to liavo homes blessed with olilldron Tha- womnii nflllctcd with fonmlo dls cue Is constantly monncoil wllli becoming A ohlldlcas Mlfo No mcdlolno cnn restore tloml or gntu but Wino Cnrdul doc- arcplnto derangements that pro vent conception does Jirorctit miscarriage restore weak functions nnd iicryca and does tiring babies to Jiontcs- hnrroit anti doiolnto year WIno of Caidul gives women the licisllh to boar children You can got n dollar bottle of Wino of Cnnlul from your dealer H Street April In Kebro riwf 1 took one Hat of Cnrdul and on package f nve- n rears tna ha n r child until I took Wine row I am mother o MI i M person fiel never will bl without Win my hom lB llTJl Foleys Honey and Tar and tops tho cough Foleys Kidney Cure uukca did MOTHERHOOD of I coo for WINEorCARDUI Tnn I of bCdIO d Mlre I olCldql Marsh inC 1 a hip aD I J W rr ti Illo Il- 7rII011 1 1 tnr pp u amid heal- thy Market U got e I been aCre wee born 111101 ys baby weighs pounds f Mr Aiieory ¬ A C I MILEAGE TICKETS 2500 PER 1000 AilIUS Arc Good Over the Following Lines Ailinllc Coast Line Atlantn Kuoxvllle U Northern Ky Atlanta Wcit 1olnt K K Packet Chesapeake Steamship Western Carolina Columbia anti Lauren Uy Northern Hy Georgia Hall K It I IIOiWK- llniM ow II II KlUon V II II It 11 it Kt Loud mil I on lull t unit Cluclnnilll ironer Loulsvllloillvndcrion Si Bi Louis Hr Northwestern of Kuntli Carolina Oclllu nml Irwlnvllle It K Independent Lino Hluimcrt 1orl Steam- boat Line Punla Gorda and Ft Mvers Steam lontMne- Ulclimond Potomac Seaboard Air Line Sparks Moultrlu Gulf South ft West Const Ry Tlflon Northeastern RR litton Moultro Ry Valdosta Southern Wcitcrn St Atlantic Washington Southern Western of Alabama A OOHVEHIBNT METHOD OF TRAVELING Wi J VIIAIQ Hen Agent Wll iiilnsftmt Knrlh Carolina Perry Heels good crops good crops more cn- ilomrio jre r tbs crops customer bart grown greater Th l tb- ictt of th Ferry fame Wore Kerry B kind Hold by nil Wltkid D M fun A Oo Detroit f MieN t j Co Norfolk Chnrle lon ty I I lonl hull f NdlhllIe Lhpllanoolt k St Ioul Ity H tiiII f f I I 1 hJetwccn Ihalliminro Strum Cia Ilnhtimnoe the followhi lisspil tin Ill R A I lace e each and a sold anti cowls then other dealer < WRENN COMBUSTION GOVERNOR COMPANY Combustion Ownorandi- Bt m Dumper B gnl ton lncorpor teJ- unUr the Uw oi pew Virk I Divided Into 1500 Shares of 100 Each Full Paid and NonAtiotiablo AMOUNT OF ISSUE 50000 Dated April I 1902 Duo April I 1922 The e llondi bear interest tt time rate ol fi per payable Nnrcinlicr 1ar value IIOQ each The by n o o the Morton Truit Company oINttw York covering all the property and ranch t tl t n tlonnl Park Hank of New York A Deed of Trust for the redemption of be devoted to developing the builnw of time Company In the United foreign officer are well known nnd business men and it conservative administration of the affairs of time Company Is summed OITICIIIIN AND IMIIKtITOIlH- IRKIIIDKNT II W WtlFNM Formerly I1 T Mllant Syilem Savannah Oa- VicitlHKB AND WRENN Electrical Engineer 39l- lroailwny New York SKCONII WILLIAM I1 CLOTWORTIIV Ireildchl Clot worthy Chemical Co llBlllinore Mil Sgqv ANt JAMES J FAKNSWORTII Genl Kailcrn Now York JOHN II TSCIIUIM President American Electrical Supply Co llaltlmnrr Mel A IIOUSK llwdiirect Commercial llaltlmoro Mil ARCIII1IAM II OAU1V Mnnnrcr Kl ctrlcnl nnmmnv I New York RALSTON FLEMM1NO New York WM liircha lnK A i Central Fndry Co New York ATTOIINKY- HILUMMINGANDPLEMMINO n Ilroadway New York The directors of time Vrenn Combustion Governor Company altcra thorough and careful a inecharilcnl device known na the overnor he United Stutei Cnnadi England France Germany Mexico Hel lum Sweden Aintrln South Walc Tile vast number of holler In use In the United Stales anti foreign countries offer a practically unlimited amid constantly Increasing field Company low cost of and the at which bunion Governor I cold U lulTlclenl to give the company a handsome and a conservative estimatemJIcatfi that the company n position to declare a satisfactory dividend og Ihe capital the nut year company offers to a limited number of 6 Gold Bond of itock of the par Value of f too In case ovcrtubscrlptlon Company reserves the right to Issue bonds pro rita or refute at It may Subscription for bonds should he sent to time Wrenn Combustion Governor 9 New York City nnd opinion of counsel can be seen upon application at our New u UlrrAvrt1I1I1I1J1 229 BROJ WilY NEW Y of St1 OAPXTAL STQcX SONDS t annum I I nnll z nre Timid CII the Company interest the Na has been for In time time bonds fhso tiontit Jjci M NOR I Sterling 120 S REINS test ellllll1 Conilicctl cOllllllcrclal value flld tecurod patent In the Vlclorh the vailio 0 with n one share cut an I I can he obtaIned and reports or uperl c the YOKK fl SiOOOO uhsr Ca sInking of these cull States maul zeel1aiua U E I Mfg 33 of of its ecv 100 otl4incIy iohiar together bonus of I full InformatIon < HERBINE Pure Juices from Natural Roots the Liver and Bowels the System Purifies Malaria Biliousness Constipation Stomach and Ererr Bailie Guaranteed lo GIla Sallsftctloi- ir xioirxon SBB JVX XJ xaosstx- iIrloo CIO Cents Prepared by JAMES f BALlARD St tools Mo For stile by the DnSnto Nine Tenths r of all tile REGULATES People Suffer CURES from a Diseased Liver I Cn- n I Irtig < > Atlantio Ooast LineRa- ilroad Company Arrival and Departure of Trains Prom ElTccllvo lay 251902 Train No 31 Leaves dally at 400 p nI for Lakeland Klistmmee Orlando Sanford Ialatka Jacksonville and all points North East and Went connecting t lakeland with through sleepers for principal points In Ihe East Train No 35 arrivedallyat i taja m from LaVelmil Klsslmmce Orlando Sanford Palatka Jacksonville and all Intermediate points Stcninboat Line Punt Gorda to Fort Mycr touching SI James Sanlhel cud Punta Rnija Commodious steamer leaves Punt Gord dilly exceptSunday at 7 a m Arriving Fort Myers jo Leaves Fort esccpt Sunday nl C Punt Gorda nt p northbound trains connect at Jarktonvllle with test through trains to the North Esst and Wet For further Information Sleeping car reservations etc apply to S P COLLIn JR DIvlMon Passenger Agent Tampa M EMKRSON Mgr W Pa A t Wilmington K C WIlmIngton N C TMi EMRHSON Traffic Mansjer Wlmlnghn4 N C punta to ole p m daily II rn arrIving 3 m- All I Fla- n Mit Tilt J Germ Gorla- 1 1 I 4 j Mycra 30 CRAIG ha J <

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Post on 09-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Punta Gorda Herald. (Punta Gorda, Florida) 1902-08-08 [p ]. · 2017-12-13 · Kilns F d CClre lea medicIne tree orkl 1 dllease that Is not beyond Ue 81 Ierson NUtlOi1fltl6I-InsotOn

WlMiM ic-




lJ oI I 1





A l6joatjrJof hiiituir Currwit onimen

Hint Now

sow selfishness nnd reap

Vou Know Whnl You AreTftklntrWhen ybuitake Grovel Tmtoless Ghlll

Tunic because the formula plainlyprinted on cyery bottle showing that II

U simply Qulnlncln a tailclouform t o Curt No Pay 50 tf

thpvprocrnm of eventsvrpificnnre caniolatlon rte

The llott imcrltloitQhllliand Fovcr It o bottlo of Grove

Tasteless Chit Tonic IMI ilmpl Ironand quinine In n taiuleii form No CureNolaylrlcosodctiU tf

Italnbowi never surrender but nlwyigo down with tlmlr color ffig

To tiuro it ColtS luOno Uitjr

Take Lnxatlve llromo C ilnino Tabtcfiind lie money It

It tails to cure E W Grove nlftnaturo-It on tach box 1rlce 3 cenli tf-

It iliAt the housebulldornYAnMn MncbnGa On6 iotif-lfi Itlie demand In Jackionvllle-

Hto llio Cough n lSyork th olit

Laxative DrOino Quininea cold In one day No No I i

Price 35 centi

Recently nn umpire itiot n hall playera rimnlnj t nnd now fanare trying otlgnre Out whelllwr hi Act

a base lilt a foulitrlkoorfl hot ballto Our

Quick AHhmn SuHfttrt-Kolcyi llottoy Bndli lm-

rncdlalo relict to nlthmn ivijferejri lii theworst willeffect n cure DeSoto Drug Co

Secretary lUy will tend Ueneral HrAgg

10 om other country to funnything i can say ntiout It rcopld

Consumption TlireitoncilI was troubled with a hacking

fur a year and I thought I lied con urrtp

lion 0 Ung r 3Hj Maplp StChampaign III I tried n griiat manyrpmedleiand I under the care ofpliplclani for several months j usedone bottle of Foley Honey end 7W Itcured me and I have not been troubledsince UeSoto Drug Co M

a I

The train robber have begun work In

jlcal Infidelity to our Cuban i-

j III cure JUIicntc

Will cure plabcttsWill cure Stono In JlladderWill curdkldrtey ami Bladder Dlieaic

We luspcct IJmt lion William E Mu

fcret aeislonpresidential bom Incubator

Foley Kidney cure nil dlss duorilered kidney or

bUdJer Drug Co

Arkan itha caused o Urge drop In theirlmlrinl record o ho state

Many persons In thll community arefront kidney complaint who

could avoid fatal tcjulti by mlng FoleysKidney pure DeSoto DrURQo

With Morgan monopolising earth and

Pate to do biit go Into the alt He now

conttolls an alrlilp enterprliej-

fj had dlab tei In worst formwrte Marion Lee of Iunreath indo I-

V tried eight phystcani without relief Onlythree bottles of Foleya Curemade mon wellnmn Co

wants more harvest hands notonly lo gather the cropi but to help outJn the nil olecllon Those Kariia polltlcians arc llek coyotes

frum pol 6n nnd wilt cure any case

rench iY inkdlcln DeSpto Drug Co

During three months endingMarch jnt were killednnd 3111 injured In aicident on Amorlcan railways Uamngc to the roadsamounted to 11914358






fur MIr

let Alhlrtigjrlita

hour sI


lIb cut










the Rut fruitdl


psotoVDug Cou

lth hi

aael D Solo

li hh ln tll Ilx In

Ie w

peSoto Drug


F d CClre lea medicIne tree

orkl 1 dllease that Is not beyond Ue

81 Ierson






nine a


was first



wi l


Cba ltiey ste ofcputi

Is II9ldlnga

Cure willgtroIn

men In one day

there we nothing for John

I Itt








< >



Ford Sturgeon k prominent druglinn at Rocky lull Station Ky nile

We were requested by H Snigley to send for llerblne the benefit ofour customers We ordered three dosen In December and we are ghd tolerblne has given each great satisfactionthat we hove duplicated this order threeIliac and we gave your salesman

orders We be to say Di G I

1ISnit pleaiurelri recommendingllerbttie soc bottle at

lveth honor and grow up to be a



A ThyilcUn Heeled

been with kidneybladder and enlarged prostrategland to theprofession wtifcewi UV until I commencrd CureAfter Hkl tfcm M lM lirelleYMsi 4s gf i 1 prwrlbe It nowdally ii y prwMce cad tirtljy recons

f UraIIta

Dr O





to cr Wegent wlIt cur

e emQCr1 thAn either of

LDr TwlttS practlclngp1111Iclati-

oJl G yeKY tor over thirtyw per nal uperlenc

folell I haL


l a

t fFr-eArlbrd J Imld



i othertaKes

I lresldenl Roosevelt Is bo godfatherCabdtLodgegrAndion

sInercInpe thevoung





greatly bathieredtoube


tto ie lQlys Kidney


mend 1 so tL Jg ucli-

b I


WS Bullytv Jru TojaMy wile had been lufYerlng five

with In her when I wpersuaded to use IJallardt Lini-ment which cured her rill il haveftsu tiled M for old sores frost

erupjlon It does the work a c-

i lllsborocounty IsVlhathlfd coimlyt to luvo lil pnh commls

However sIlRhtnt of yearI and In this illmatif lt the forerunner


an nil tired out felling oven come beforetho chill Ilcrblnc lip prompt Umulutlve action on tho liver drives themalarial germs out of the lytlem puri-fies the blood up the system and

596 DoSoto Drug Co

A shown by the census reports there43SM bachelors Florldnond 17911-

splnitera Ten dollars a head on the for-

mer would rujt State goverment-

A AVorin KllUrJ A J Montgomery t Puxlco Wayne Co

Mo writes have little twin girlswilD hnvo beer bothered worms alltheir lives I tried everything tothem willed felled until I tmedCream VermlfugJi tho first two dosebrought lour worms from one of themtheneit twodosei Iwtlve one inensur

the oilier child wasonly relieved of worms It Is amost excellent medicine While1-Crenln Vemlftigo Is good for children

It not only destroys worms It helps Ihechild tq perfect finnytli ward ofT sickneat 956 at J Co

The executive committee of the ThirdCongr sloiia District handed back toeach candldnte 133 tho amountbelngcltio them from the surplus afterthe expenses of the campaign wiu paid

lKorye r I suffered such untold mis-

erjr ham Urgochltlj writes J John-son of Oa that often I wasunable lo work Then when everything

lotpar JIla



I 1rL Co

in lila



or to yawn nnd





r love




bIt snnd



ibis titna



lug Iflch


tltWrt Saved



else failed I was cured by IrConiuinpllan-

ftitiilivsufTerei Intensely from asthmatill It cured her our experiencegoe to show It I the best Croup mcdlcine In the world A trial will convinceyou UdtioirlvalfU for Throat and LungdseseiGuarantecd bottles soc andTrial bottles free t All Druggists

Cql Groesteck praises tin water curea a happy ontl luimane device Still thepresld TlUo opt seem In a hurry toRV Cpl Groesbeckopinlon as it campaign document

Ileiiio-liolographer Harlan of Eatoncan do so now though for year ho

couldnt because he sufferedOKony from the worst form of IndigestionAll physicians nnd medicines tohelp him he Electricwhich worked for him thathe declares they area godsend to suffererIrons dyspepsia and stomach troubleUnrivaled for diseases of the StomachMm and Kidneys they build up andgive new life to the whole system TrytheiriPil5oc by All DruugUts

Matches are made In llenvcn Thefiru never goes out In time other place

All ItrcunUTwice In hospital F A Gul dge Ver-

bena Ala paid u vut turn to doctor tocure a severe case of pllcscHtsng aitutii-or When oil fulled Ilucklens ArnicaSalve soon cured him Subdues nflaminatlon conquers Aches kills Painslicit salve In the world ajc at AllDruggltts-

Kdlton has Invented an automobilewhich he says will cost so little that anyordinary mon can own one

lint Look nt HerWhence came sprightly stepfault

lets Ikln rich rosy complexion smilingface She looks good reel good Hereher secret She uses lr Kings New LitePills Result all organ active diges-tion good no headaches no chanco forblues them yourself Only 150 at i

All Druggist

For Over YearJtn Wlnilowi Soolhliir lin

ililf retri uf niothtiiwhile with

oil It toothei the cbllj mi-l fl ill l II the

II rclle the pooSold by

In rf pirl of th centlure lo ik for Mti Wlnilowi

Sjrtn1 mil tik no ollur



lhltblclC C





pertrein Ind cole and b-

red 01



tin old




over by million forStilt c


world s



> <

AilmlnUtratori NutkeTo V nOM yams MAT COXCIHNI

Ii hereby gIven to ill coneernedthat1 will to A K 1ooscrCounty Judge In sad for DoHolo CountyFlorIda on the Mlh day of Auir A li JWW

property 1 In lllock fortyfour tot one 1 In block thirty two

town of Punt lords UeSil CountyFlorida tt private sale In town of Arca-dia at the ouica of County Judge

WltneM hind ickl on thl SHb

0 A JiouaAXAdministrator of the estate

B9SI of T 8 Morgan deccksod


for en order to ell time

t enl





day July A


An ordinance relation to Improvingthe Parks

Nt 40Urdjnnee

Itordalnad council ot theTown of Punts Gorda Florida

That any perion or persons owlnlnglot or lands fronting ion KeitaIn said town and Is hereby authorised and empowered tocultivate and part of thepublic parka of said town front

property at they may own Apd-rnny tree flowers hereon and protect such parts of laid parksby using fences and caresame them from dangerbut dish do nothing to obstruct the vonHe view or any necessary pub-lic use

All ordinances In conflict with timeprovisions hereof are repealed

Passed council of OcP jooi

Attest VUJUrJ e II lunchTown Clerk Preld ni louncl-

lKApprpr 4 A 0 FreM BUror











Iuntrt Qordn Is Ilio Hoiithurn lornilnnl MRtlon of the Atlniillo Oortit-

Lino Buppoao tho oiiBltios hull fitol

to lost only mtll withinfive miles of Pitntrt Onrdftl or sup

inllooof lrnok haillaid would not the oltl

roils of our town hastoii to Biipply-

tho fuel or lay LImo Inst nlrololt of

truck Vfo hnvo ft lormliwl stationftnd ft trnok In our lllvh School butno gtndiintlnK train piillndIn Wo will nil I nt LImo station to

coo her ooino In It boX

The rocont iliovv tlml 42

per of thu whlto registered votor inrtlclpntod thoroln

pur conti In HlllBI

71 par In Limo Stnto nt largocont of time Doinocrnta

took enough Intorost to go to tho

veils Out of the othor liescoot wo got tho kickers for thonoxt two who will tollyou how tho gavnrmitont ought

run Kxolmngo-

St Au ii tlno Itecord I In Hovornl-

ciiiuillon of tho State tho Jninnlon-

Borrul IH nvnliinblo addition to thoroHoitrcofi i f limo lioiuowlfo rime

plunl grown luxuriantly nnd themost tldllolotm jolly in made fronttime fruit In Home cotintloK It canbo BOOH In Henri ovory yard rime

In 8t Joints do not ooln to

havo adopted this pliitit to any ox

tout n yet

Whllo tlm cowpon IH of undoubtedvnlno AB n covor crop to follow ox-

Imtmtod lands and lion boon Limo fa-

vorlto crop lot turning Ini Jltimoconsiders It of secondary value totime volvot and beggar wood foriiltrogoiiiirodtiolng purposoB Prof-

Ilinno milan states that intioli bettorobtained hy turning In

covor crops after thoy are dead thaw

whllo tlmy nro groon St Aiigimtlno-Hooord

JIIKAV KXCIHWIOMto tlio lied Clay Illlli ol Houtli

nnil Vet florlila

they Hot

IIORO Islnever



Inborough oi









tim flvoiooit

has ovor


cent in Monroe





The Atlantic Coast Line howe arrangecd tar a ten excursion to lime Hed

Clay Illlli of South Georgia and West

FloridaonAuiillh and will cl ticketsfor mill trains of limit date from hondapoint nt very low roundtrip raIn goqd-

to return until 1901 A great

opportunity to visit the old folks at

For further Information cull W-

lloolh tlrkct ngcnl or wrll-rWJCrslif S P CollerJr

Gen PKIAK Dlv PasAgi-Wllntlnjittin Tnmpa

HerA bachelor gui hurried homo

each evening from lien studio with thepicture always before her of time emailfriend who was to greet at thedoor her apartment lit a wrigglingecstasy of welcome hail a guest oneevening who slid not go In no much fordogs us h6 did for bachelor gIrls Thegirl had rebuked her small friend ruthcr sharply for barking nt tIme tnan whodidnt cure for dogs and time formerhad taken refuge under a tnblo

Do you really think doc are worthwhllo nskcd tho man

Matte a gesture as though you wereto strike mo replied tIme girl

Tho man did no In an Instant thesomali friend Unit it moment bcforohnd-booii bonlcu nod crawled Undertime table to brood his wrong w-

ttnndliiK Imsldo hi mUtrois with baaklcs up and tooth Kliiutiinjf growlingatnluously nt tho mirct Do you knowwhat ho IB growling at you naked thegirl Its only a paraphrase but thooriginal OIICQ made a nations tin-gle When I think of how I hu-

miliated nail elmmed him before youand of how lie stands here now onguard I am foolIsh enough to tee myown blood tingle Ills growl translat-ed means My mlstrc8 rlgbt orwrongf Now York Telegram

OnltimnenNo RO-

AII ordinance to oncertain sIdewalks and to provide penaltiestherefor-

Be It town council ofthetown ot 1unt

Hoc 1 That II shall bo unlawful fur anyperson or to tide n on any

In the town of UorUa aslow menlloneil owltj A 0 Udock on streettlionco to Maths Avmine thence train HilJo ol King it Includlntboth side of Marion AT streetrImming street on Belts

to Taylor i also out allsidewalks on all streetS betweenUlll street and Taylor street begin-

ning on Kelts toOlympia Ate tin side walks ou GUI bd

itreets on either tide being Included-to said

lice i That any person or persons ridingstreet or within

town limits of the town of Punta


on JI





ordained hl tho



Ibicycle on an 1

aor any


Aug aId



shalt the mains with proper bait andwhen encroaching one notice







given by ringing the bellHec il Th t person or riding-

S bicycle after Is commonly tireSthe town UoriU wheth-

er on street or ililowalk shall provide

soniblcilst fiftyy rd

Hec 4 Tint It slush ba tie epeelsl Only oftrio lliritulho UNIt or personsTlolttlnz sec twq and three of

not out to trrest such buthe shall Seize the hlejcle bicyclesof erldeuce mind upon n or acquittal

the owner or owners bthee 5 That person viol t

the orillninc upon convictthereof shsll ba lined li


aproper maya or not than


uch bleycle or bicycles ohalor



alIght sun that tho hlgt moon at






exceeding twenty live dolls or conttuta Uh town not exceeding thirty d y

or both la the of the rHoc n That ill ordInances slid parts ofordinance concerning the of

or itreets of 1unl Uordatriding

oil t>

re iiereurPtsieil the town council on tbl l e Plh

of July A 11IWJH

Coneinnonfreslilent Town council

W B lUrdte ApprovediClerk of Council A


Nollonif AilmlnUtrntlonCourt 1

K rlll

Ed M Rsrncst applied loon



In CUltr 11 the of

said curtthis

court for of tieof Manuelthe cit

are tothe

to and aon or the 1211 1A D lIme

I tto Jettr lfIthey wit bdQrljI i ffJW





estate hiorges Accessed hatecounty

cite sn4 aulmoaloball aud singular ILIrdrd Soul eeedltori ofsaid be before thisCourt tefora lay csSemitsebecitO soul f sayLive ssa preyed




OXTOTIODESMlNtrt-tyRlMnlliillhb following delrrlbid h il public titllui on

l tlh lh lownoflunt lli rountrl Ul i 10 niuchllnnof will b lo i the tmounl fr

lli toil of inch il


K II H rl lltckwlll-lIU Uo-

I ifCo


4 ICI-

olHlronl ioii ftltrUn Af IM ft

comet el lot Ihinci H Wonllnnri pirilUllo lot j

An nJ bl-

i Coil tl Nf I linnet fl lo b KlnlK-

S I lit N endI K6o7 l In K corner

Commercial Co

llnktiowiiisle CommerclilCu

IUCvminrrclil Co

K II Ilmej-rKlllUftir

Mtniflilil-WO Wellti

8 iiJlln-

o V McliiiiA K Lumen

II 1019I

if it m aIJ loli ii to joltuliulrf14 K i-



It llJ ioti KllftltlS-

ij Jt i ft Hut of R V of tot i bliwkIxjiinilnjrof OlympIc nco Mil

loiniiia llip il ft

wettwirJ OlympIc fJJft In-

in thence semi cudlicirlnnlng

IT IllockiomJTllloekiom-ITlllnckiom1nknnK-

nMriBillltl1UnknownUnknownUnknownliikiinwn-VO Wcllti

Pit Cnnimereltl CoWOIU Ciimmirehtl Co

V O WillMUnknownW O V II-


Ktwiomt Corb ll-

fih ilienet ft lo bitanfngH Weotmrof crlb N

will lot f to Tube i ihinci withllnnre N I rllil nlti loin illey

T ir-h

In 0of n Ilau e n


11I IlekICk IOI o-

tI I n Commercial I

3 l lodeIS

34 r3


ICJ101 i I eimd n or-

I n sail In 11 10u 1 3

Mile nol I

4 I A K Iln1 0-

ol X hid N 101 a II un-

d O to IC1 6 itIOli

InClie iImbsii tl lIme

07 hIbUD 1 I K

61 on on I I

10iant Ion 1 J m

lyMoln9 XIIi of t HoU I 410

7c JJ11 y11V t I

TLit 45I 1M 1

1 I 45 Cuchll JlI


I 3

I4i5I lot 9 J IrA u in

t 10

I S10 I I

Ii I 110r t1


on uprib


0 flu 9 1 nuomA I

9 1ln on or Ttabue I of111c W Tubo

J I J IN bonAlI

Ilienc AIj 0i

J IVllln Ulat a polnl IC N olon nj

a L

land will meldthe hid lace s

051 Qppoell to lbs lam with eel suetOor-


t1m Iiiut tf


a end Ils3 5

hoti 100 1 uclusJu1011 tid S Vie Coinniurelsi Lo

4 iPtaiiVLbui U U C3 IC9 0 fl hitluil Iris CommmcrIiI Co 450

cIIi tierleim Ave in l on ciiJot j I

easmeuly I i to Ibeginning

httt1otS4ahuJJ 1

Dli CUt fir o l t ot from Ittila-ICeplnaA thence It whit 15uia

nn south Sn 50 fi11

t C

lotiNI istl I A II 43

I tLot Ii Sptc-

a iot tmulnderIi Souls

lit A s e 7V it 14a ill l C 5 K It lIervy 7 3-

hi Tot 10II i7 S

Ect S ii I-

V1 1rv


tAtji34yiftJflI4hCeutnJote jo-

Cs lti I 10I lllls IS

3 Uuiktiowii 70-

II WC55 101 A end ii


3 I 50 7 nemimvK 7 5 30


S < 111All


ills 30>

AceWild lag iv alley lhnronorll


0 Sir cur

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I it a sick 14 elite evewill at35 ft llsec-

St Bg U 10Vinlng a 40-



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Urdlimnc Ni 30

An ordinance la the keeping oldisorderly houses

Belt by council of thtown of Punta Florida

That whoever keeps or maintains adlaorderly house or allow disorderly

In a house occupied themwithin time corporate lImit of the townof Punts be deemedof a misdemeanor and shallviction be fined not exceeding onehundred collars or by Imprisonment IntheJll of Ihe town not

by fine and Imprisonment at thect the

AHMlnance In conflict with thera oWliereof are repealed

M i council of OctoberA B IWi-Atw ti IVBHABBM 11 B srT

lre CouncilipjfioVjif FitUHWf Major









Town clerk





re the most fatal of all dis-



or Containremedies by emi-nent physicians as the for

troublesPRICE 50csjUll8-

iXFoteys Honey






FAluii o aruaid






Time greatest ambition of Amer-ican moo nnd women li to liavohomes blessed with olilldron Tha-

womnii nflllctcd with fonmlo dlscue Is constantly monncoil wlllibecoming A ohlldlcas Mlfo Nomcdlolno cnn restore tloml orgntu but Wino Cnrdul doc-arcplnto derangements that provent conception does Jirorctitmiscarriage restore weakfunctions nnd iicrycaand does tiring babies to Jiontcs-

hnrroit anti doiolnto yearWIno of Caidul gives women thelicisllh to boar

children You can got ndollar bottle of Wino of Cnnlulfrom your dealer

H StreetApril

In Kebro riwf 1 took oneHat of Cnrdul and on package fnve-

n rears tna ha n rchild until I took Wine

row I am mother o

MI i M person fielnever willbl without Win my hom

lB llTJl

Foleys Honey and Tarand tops tho cough

Foleys Kidney Cureuukca did



I coo



I of

bCdIO dMlre IolCldql

MarshinC 1

ahip aD I


rr ti Illo Il-7rII011 1

1 tnr pp


amid heal-


MarketU got

eI been

aCrewee born 111101

ys baby weighs poundsf





2500 PER 1000 AilIUSArc Good Over the Following Lines

Ailinllc Coast LineAtlantn Kuoxvllle U Northern Ky

Atlanta Wcit 1olnt K K

PacketChesapeake Steamship

Western CarolinaColumbia anti Lauren Uy

Northern HyGeorgia Hall


llniM ow II II KlUon V II IIIt 11 it Kt

Loud mil I on lull t unit Cluclnnilll ironerLoulsvllloillvndcrion Si Bi Louis HrNorthwestern of Kuntli Carolina

Oclllu nml Irwlnvllle It K

Independent Lino Hluimcrt 1orlSteam-

boat Line Punla Gordaand Ft Mvers Steam

lontMne-Ulclimond Potomac

Seaboard Air LineSparks Moultrlu Gulf

South ft West Const RyTlflon Northeastern RR

litton Moultro RyValdosta SouthernWcitcrn St Atlantic

Washington SouthernWestern of Alabama


Wi J VIIAIQ Hen AgentWll iiilnsftmt Knrlh Carolina


good crops goodcrops more cn-

ilomrio jre r tbscrops customer bart

grown greater Th l tb-

ictt of th Ferry fameWore Kerry B

kind Hold by nilWltkid

D M fun A OoDetroit f


tjCo Norfolk

Chnrle lon tyI


lonl hull f

NdlhllIe Lhpllanoolt k St Ioul Ity




fI I

1 hJetwccnIhalliminro Strum Cia Ilnhtimnoe

the followhi lisspil

tin Ill







a soldanti cowls then other




Combustion Ownorandi-Bt m Dumper B gnl ton

lncorpor teJ-

unUr the Uw

oi pew Virk

I Divided Into 1500 Shares of 100 Each Full Paid and NonAtiotiablo

AMOUNT OF ISSUE 50000Dated April I 1902 Duo April I 1922

The e llondi bear interest tt time rate ol fi per payable Nnrcinlicr1ar value IIOQ each The by n o o the

Morton Truit Company oINttw York covering all the property and rancht tl t n

tlonnl Park Hank of New York ADeed of Trust for the redemption ofbe devoted to developing the builnw of time Company In the Unitedforeign officer are well known nnd

business men and it conservative administration of the affairs of time


IRKIIIDKNT II W WtlFNM Formerly I1 T Mllant Syilem Savannah Oa-

VicitlHKB AND WRENN Electrical Engineer 39l-lroailwny New York

SKCONII WILLIAM I1 CLOTWORTIIV Ireildchl Clotworthy Chemical Co llBlllinore Mil

Sgqv ANt JAMES J FAKNSWORTII Genl KailcrnNow York

JOHN II TSCIIUIM President American Electrical Supply Co llaltlmnrr MelA IIOUSK llwdiirect Commercial llaltlmoro Mil

ARCIII1IAM II OAU1V Mnnnrcr Kl ctrlcnl nnmmnvI New York

RALSTON FLEMM1NO New YorkWM liircha lnK A i Central Fndry Co New York


The directors of time Vrenn Combustion Governor Company altcra thoroughand careful a inecharilcnl device known na the overnor he

United Stutei Cnnadi England France Germany Mexico Hel lumSweden Aintrln South Walc

Tile vast number of holler In use In the United Stales anti foreign countriesoffer a practically unlimited amid constantly Increasing field Company

low cost of and the at whichbunion Governor I cold U lulTlclenl to give the company a handsome and aconservative estimatemJIcatfi that the company n position to declare asatisfactory dividend og Ihe capital the nut year

company offers to a limited number of 6 Gold Bond of

itock of the par Value of f tooIn case ovcrtubscrlptlon Company reserves the right to Issue bonds

pro rita or refute at It maySubscription for bonds should he sent to time Wrenn Combustion Governor

9 New York City

nnd opinion of counsel can be seen upon application at our New


UlrrAvrt1I1I1I1J1 229 BROJ WilYNEW Y

of St1


annum I

I nnll z nre TimidCII

the Company interest the Nahas been for In time

time bonds fhso tiontit

Jjci M NOR I



testellllll1 Conilicctl cOllllllcrclal value flld tecurod patent In the


the vailio 0 with n one share cut



Ican he obtaIned and reports or uperl


theYOKK fl




sInkingof these cull

States maul





ofof its


100 otl4incIy iohiar together bonus of


full InformatIon


HERBINEPure Juices from Natural Roots

the Liver and Bowelsthe System Purifies

Malaria Biliousness ConstipationStomach and

Ererr Bailie Guaranteed lo GIla Sallsftctloi-

ir xioirxon SBB JVX XJ xaosstx-iIrloo CIO Cents

Prepared by JAMES f BALlARD St tools Mo

For stile by the DnSnto

NineTenths r

ofall tile


from aDiseasedLiver





< >

Atlantio Ooast LineRa-

ilroad Company

Arrival and Departure of Trains PromElTccllvo lay 251902

Train No 31 Leaves dally at 400 p nI for Lakeland Klistmmee OrlandoSanford Ialatka Jacksonville and all points North East and Went connecting tlakeland with through sleepers for principal points In Ihe East

Train No 35 arrivedallyat i taja m from LaVelmil Klsslmmce OrlandoSanford Palatka Jacksonville and all Intermediate points

Stcninboat LinePunt Gorda to Fort Mycr touching SI James Sanlhel cud Punta Rnija

Commodious steamer leaves Punt Gord dilly exceptSunday at 7 a m ArrivingFort Myers jo Leaves Fort esccpt Sunday nl C

Punt Gorda nt p

northbound trains connect at Jarktonvllle with test through trains to theNorth Esst and Wet

For further Information Sleeping car reservations etc apply toS P COLLIn JR DIvlMon Passenger Agent Tampa

M EMKRSON Mgr W Pa A tWilmington K C WIlmIngton N C

TMi EMRHSON Traffic Mansjer Wlmlnghn4 N C


to ole

p m daily II rn arrIving3 m-



n Mit Tilt J Germ





j Mycra



ha J
