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18 th January 2017 Final Pupil premium strategy statement (secondary) 1. Summary information School Waverley School Academic Year 2016/17 Total PP budget £432890 £570,890 total primary and secondary Date of most recent PP Review 23 rd Nov 2016 Total number of pupils 1054 in secondary (1495 on all through school roll) Number of pupils eligible for PP 477 secondary phase only 582 all phases Date for next internal review of this strategy March 2017 2. Prior ROL attainment/outcomes 2015-16 All pupils Pupils eligible for PP (disadv) Pupils not eligible for PP (others) Basics measure: % achieving English and Maths grade C or above (2015-16 only) Sch Nat 61% 62% Sch Nat 52% 69% Sch Nat 72.7% 69% % of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate (2015-16 only) 60% (99 pupils) - 53.4% 25.2% 67.5% (52 pupils) 45.2% % of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (2015-16 only) 27% 24% 24 % 29% 31% 29% Progress 8 score average -0.2 -0.03 -0.3 -0.38 -0.13 -0.10 Attainment 8 score average 47.23 49.34 44.98 52.56 49.92 52.56

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Pupil premium strategy statement (secondary)

1. Summary information

School Waverley School

Academic Year 2016/17 Total PP budget £432890 £570,890 total primary and secondary

Date of most recent PP Review 23rd Nov 2016

Total number of pupils

1054 in secondary (1495 on all through school roll)

Number of pupils eligible for PP

477 secondary phase only 582 all phases

Date for next internal review of this strategy

March 2017

2. Prior ROL attainment/outcomes 2015-16

All pupils Pupils eligible for PP (disadv)

Pupils not eligible for PP (others)

Basics measure: % achieving English and Maths grade C or above (2015-16 only)

Sch Nat

61% 62%

Sch Nat

52% 69%

Sch Nat 72.7% 69%

% of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate (2015-16 only) 60% (99 pupils) - 53.4% 25.2% 67.5% (52 pupils) 45.2%

% of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (2015-16 only) 27% 24% 24 % 29% 31% 29%

Progress 8 score average -0.2 -0.03 -0.3 -0.38 -0.13 -0.10

Attainment 8 score average 47.23 49.34 44.98 52.56 49.92 52.56

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3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)

In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor literacy skills)

A. On entry poor prior development of higher order thinking skills and embedding of learning to learn strategies affects progress of pupils eligible for pupil premium

B. Identification of knowledge gaps within subject areas especially as pupils with middle and higher prior attainment who are not achieving as well as pupils with lower prior attainment across all subjects especially for years 9-11

C. Low Literacy and reading scores on entry causing poor comprehension skills need to be developed across the curriculum to enable pupils with high prior attainment to achieve higher than national in English and other subjects.

D. Pupil Premium learners achieve less well in maths element of EBACC than any other element so developing application of knowledge, skills and problem solving in maths is an area of focus

External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)

A. The school deprivation indicator states that it is 0.32 cf national of 0.20

B. Parent/Carer access to high quality learning resources and being able to identify appropriate resources to help with their child’s learning needs

C. Targeted strategies to improve attendance and work with families

4. 5. Desired outcomes (desired outcomes and how they will be measured) Success criteria

A. Accelerated progress is ensured by all pupils to gaining appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding of subjects studied By the end of Year 11 students will make exceptional progress in English and Maths with disadvantage students exceeding the performance of other pupils nationally and locally Pupils with high prior attainment to have a progress 8 score above zero for the maths and English elements

B. Improved teaching of literacy across the curriculum with a focus on comprehension skills

Students that score below standardised score have targeted catch up interventions and literacy/digital resources to help them improve Curriculum reviewed to support

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Periodic assessment of reading ability shows improvement and that the majority of pupils will have matched their chronological reading age Ensure pupils are achieving a standardised score or above in reading

C. Increase attendance rates for key groups of pupils especially boys

The number of PA is reduced among identified key groups of pupils. Overall attendance for key groups to be in-line with ‘other’ pupils nationally

D. Parental workshops and access to resources to support home learning Parental needs audited and identified Workshops based on parental needs are advertised and well attended by parents Parental sessions/information corner held alongside parents evenings to maximise parental engagement

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6. Planned expenditure

• Academic year 2016-17

The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the Pupil Premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies.

i. Quality of Teaching for All

Desired outcome Actions (S.M.A.R.T & detailed)

Evidence collated to

support outcomes

Staff Lead Review Date Impact (RAG rate Success Criteria)

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Accelerated progress

is ensured by all

pupils to gaining


knowledge, skills and

understanding of

subjects studied


VAK audit on the secondary

phase (years 7-10) with follow

up programmes in form time

to enable learners to access

learning strategies which will

support their learning style

and the audit shared with staff

Half Termly Analysis of WAG

for all year groups to be


Yr 11 attainment 2017 to be


Enrichment opportunities to

develop higher order thinking

skills and other life skills, e.g.



chess club, board games

club, book discussion club,

Access to university etc

Learning environment

supports pupils to access

knowledge and skills, e.g.

functional displays in all

faculties, visuals

CPD on higher order thinking

skills and learning how to


CPD for leaders (at all levels

i.e. including middle leaders)

in relation to the new

specifications/curriculum offer

and leadership development

Revision sessions for Year 11

held in examination subjects

Targeted Intervention

teachers/Teaching Assistants

& and appointment of

instructors in core areas to be

deployed in identified classes

throughout the school

including sourcing Temporary

Teaching Assistants from

Supply Agencies

Findings from VAK Audit (Spring 1) as


Curriculum Map to be attached

Evidence from half termly learning


Evidence from half termly learning


Evidence from half termly learning


Attendance records for revision classes

Baseline tracking information

Evidence from learning walks

J. Kler

I. Muhammad


A Mcleish

A Mcleish

J Kler/I Muhammad

By March 2016

March 2016

Half termly in line with

TLA schedule

Weekly CPD

Half termly in line with


By the end of Year 11 students will make exceptional progress in English and Maths with disadvantage students exceeding the performance of other pupils nationally and locally

Pupils with high prior attainment to

have a progress 8 score above the

floor standards for the maths and

English elements

Grades for learning environments

through half termly learning walks

Observations show more

outstanding features

Half termly WAGS for all year

groups show improvement

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Improved teaching of

literacy across the

curriculum with a focus

on comprehension skills


Non-negotiable for

planning of literacy

ensuring differentiation

for NAP and EAL

Schemes of work embed

learning to learn skills

and there are discrete

learning to learn learning

objectives in each lesson

Increased opportunity for

debates, reading,

writing provided across

the curriculum evidenced

in long term planning

Pupils contribute the

termly schools


Curriculum is reviewed

to ensure greater

opportunity for catch up

work and reinforcing


Work scrutiny focused on SPAG across

all subjects

Literacy rich learning environments

across the curriculum

Increased use of library

Increased into local and national (where

appropriate) to writing competitions

Half Termly M. Imran

Consistent and co-ordinated approach to planning literacy Pupils are able to access and

score better on the more

cognitively demanding


Grades for literacy rich

learning environments through

half termly learning walks and

that this is evident in all areas

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Parental support and

workshops and access

to resources to support

home learning


Coordinator, Inclusion

Manager and Learning

Mentors applying

strategies and

supporting in identified

classes and parents in

follow up meeting

Termly workshops for

parents of Y7, 10 and


Y9 – Basic Skills

Y10 – Stretch &


Y11 – Revision and

Exam Techniques

(see next section for


Y11 – Revision and

Exam Techniques

Log of parental support and dialogue

Parental workshops timetable

Resources and planning for workshop

Parental Attendance (%)

Evaluations from workshops

D Reddy

C Frye

I Muhammad/J Kler

Y9 – HoF maths and

English and AAHTs

Y10 – J.Kler

Y11 – I.Muhammad and


Workshops are advertised and well attended by parents Parental sessions/information

corner held alongside parents

evenings to maximise parental


Total budgeted cost


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ii. Targeted support

Desired outcome Actions (S.M.A.R.T & detailed)

Evidence collated to

support outcomes

Staff Lead Review Date Impact (RAG rate Success Criteria)

Accelerated progress

is ensured by all

pupils to gaining


knowledge, skills and

understanding of

subjects studied


Identify gaps in pupils

learning/skill set for PP

pupils who are


Question level analysis completed for

each topic area in every subject

Work Scrutiny shows evidence of pupils

implementing corrections/making


All subject teachers

HoF and SLT line manager

Every ½ term prior to

WAG input

By the end of Year 11 students will make exceptional progress in English and Maths with disadvantage students exceeding the performance of other pupils nationally and locally

Pupils with high prior

attainment to have a progress

8 score above the floor

standards for the maths and

English elements

Improved teaching of

literacy across the

curriculum with a focus

on comprehension skills


GL Assessments

Targeted deployment of

Literacy leaders to work

with focus groups of pp


1-2 -1 and small group

provision of reading


Curriculum development


Assessments data collated

Reading log produced by Literacy


Attendance records to 1-2-1 and

small group interventions

Timetable created

C Frye

D Ali

M Imran/D Ali

C Frye

Termly Ensure pupils are achieving a standardised score or above in reading Students that score below standardised score have targeted catch up interventions and literacy/digital resources to help them improve Periodic assessment of reading ability shows improvement and that the majority of pupils will have matched their chronologic reading age

Ensure pupils are achieving a

standardised score or above in


Total budgeted cost 100K

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iii. Other approaches

Desired outcome Actions (S.M.A.R.T & detailed)

Evidence collated to

support outcomes

Staff Lead Review Date Impact (RAG rate Success Criteria)

Increase attendance

rates for key groups of



Celebration and rewards

Tracking and analysis of

attendance for different


CEIAG interviews

scheduled for all PA and

vulnerable pupils

1/2 termly attendance records for all

pupil groups

Report from A Marshall team

H Mcauley

L Cain

1/ 2 termly

½ termly

Reduce the number of PA

among key groups of pupils to

10% or below. Overall

attendance for key groups to

be in-line with ‘other’ pupils.

Parental support and

workshops and access

to resources to support

home learning



Coordinator, Inclusion

Manager and Learning

Mentors applying

coaching strategies and

supporting in identified

classes and parents in

follow up meeting 40K

Termly workshops for

parents with a focus on

Y7, 10 and 11

Y7 – Basic Skills

Y10 – Stretch &


Y11 – Revision and

Exam Techniques


Log of parental support and dialogue

Parental workshops timetable

Resources and planning for workshop

Parental Attendance (%)

Evaluations from workshops

D Reddy

C Frye

I Muhammad/J Kler


Y9 – HoF maths and

English and AAHTs

Y10 – J.Kler

Y11 – I.Muhammad and


Workshops are advertised and well attended by parents Parental sessions/information

corner held alongside parents

evenings to maximise parental


Total budgeted cost 65, 600K

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7. Review of expenditure

Previous Academic Year 2015-16

i. Quality of teaching for all

Desired outcome Actions Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include

impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate.

Lessons learned

(and whether you will continue with this approach)



To raise the

attainment and

improve the

progress of

those students

entitled to the


To ensure that

the proportions

of students

entitled to the

PPG making


progress in


and English is

similar to their

peers who are



To significantly

close the

attainment gap



entitled to the

PPG and the

attainment of



1. Achievement Coordinator,

Inclusion Manager and Learning

Mentors applying strategies and

supporting in identified classes

2. Enhanced Tracking of pupils,

ensuring at least 3 levels of


3. Senior management leads and

cascade outstanding teaching

and learning practice across all

curriculum areas

4. Effective CPD for Teachers

which in turn ensures

outstanding teaching practice.

5. Targeted Intervention

teachers/Teaching Assistants &

HLTA’s have been deployed in

identified classes throughout the

school including sourcing

Temporary -Teaching Assistants

from Supply Agencies

6. Examination Fees – Entering

pupils into examinations until

target grade is achieved.

7. Focus on attendance through

robust tracking programmes to

ensure pupil attendance is good-

8. Targeted Careers Guidance

(CEIAG) for KS4 students.

Weekly Advisory services


9. City of Birmingham - Behaviour

Support Service

10. Education Psychology Service

11. Hugh Derry -Maths TLR

12. Ruth Miskin Phonics

13. Speech Therapy

The gap in performance for the headline measure of 5 A*-C including

English and Maths had increased from 8% in 2015 to 9% in

2016.There is a significant difference between the gap for basics for

2015 against 2016. The gap has widened. For Ebacc the gap has

remained at -5%. We are striving to ensure that the gap between

students who do and do not receive the pupil premium funding is

reduced and the school is evaluating current intervention strategies.


Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 55 58 -3

2014/2015 56 61 -5

2015/2016 51 73 -22


Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 16 31 -15

2014/2015 19 24 -5

2015/2016 25 30 -5

5A*-C EM

Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 53 58 -5

2014/2015 53 61 -8

2015/2016 49 58 -9

The action plan 16/17 above should allow

for a more targeted approach that will close

both the in school gap and in comparison

with Nat other

ACO’s, Inclusion manager and learning

mentors will continue to work with the most

vulnerable and leadership capacity will be


Staffing costs will be reviewed as will


Speech therapy will continue as will the EP,

and COBS service

The disadvantaged will continue to receive

regular careers guidance via external


Pupils will be carefully prepared for exam

entry as multiple examination entries will be

reduced in light of new performance


1. 60K

2. 40K

3. 35K

4. 35K

5. 90K

6. 30K

7. 14,165

8. 20K

9. 7466

10. 5K

11. 8000

12. 1380

13. 7442

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ii. Targeted support



Actions Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria?

Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if


Lessons learned

(and whether you will continue with this




To raise the

attainment and

improve the

progress of

those students

entitled to the


To ensure that

the proportions

of students

entitled to the

PPG making


progress in


and English is

similar to their

peers who are



To significantly

close the

attainment gap



entitled to the

PPG and the

attainment of



1. GCSE Revision Classes

during holiday period and

weekends in periods close

to examinations.

2. Extra-Curricular intervention

classes for border line C/D


3. Additional Maths & English


4. Enrichment Before and after

school Clubs

5. Summer School Online

Homework Software


6. Maths On-line/ Maths Watch

KS3 & KS4

7. Sam Learning

8. Tute Tutoring

9. ICT Purchases made to

enhance Interactive


10. Pupil well-being programme.

The gap in performance for the headline measure of 5

A*-C including English and Maths had increased from

8% in 2015 to 9% in 2016.There is a significant

difference between the gap for basics for 2015 against

2016. The gap has widened.

For Ebacc the gap has remained at -5%. We are

striving to ensure that the gap between students who

do and do not receive the pupil premium funding is

reduced and the school is evaluating current intervention



Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 55 58 -3

2014/2015 56 61 -5

2015/2016 51 73 -22


Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 16 31 -15

2014/2015 19 24 -5

2015/2016 25 30 -5

5A*-C EM

Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 53 58 -5

2014/2015 53 61 -8

2015/2016 49 58 -9

GCSE revision classes will continue to run

and extracurricular intervention classes will

be used not just to target C/D borderline


Sam learning was popular amongst pupils

however TUTE had a poor uptake.

The monitoring of ICT purchases requires

more rigour as does the

Pupil well-being programmes continue to be

used to support the most vulnerable,

systems for evaluating impact need to be


1. 25K

2. 12K

3. 15K

4. 7762

5. 7262

6. 450

7. 1300

8. 10000

9. 10808

10. 2800

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iii. Other approaches



Actions Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria?

Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate.

Lessons learned

(and whether you will continue with this approach)



To raise the

attainment and

improve the

progress of

those students

entitled to the


To ensure that

the proportions

of students

entitled to the

PPG making


progress in


and English is

similar to their

peers who are



To significantly

close the

attainment gap



entitled to the

PPG and the

attainment of



1. Incentives have been put into place

to encourage and sustain good

behaviour, excellent achievement,

good attendance & punctuality.

2. Reward trips have been arranged

for students to celebrate


3. Waverley formally celebrates

diversity in the form of 3 themed

days in the academic year the

themes include: 'Diversity Day 2015

The Spirit of Christmas. What do

the Olympic and Paralympic values

mean to your young people and the

local community that they live i

4. Duke of Edinburgh Award

Bronze Expeditions

5. Educational Visits:

Oxford University, Warwick

University; Bristol University,

Birmingham University

Geography Field trip, British

Museum; The Doctors Show,

Keble College; Cadbury

World, Coventry Cathedral

The Lion King, Jack the

Ripper; Sudbury Hall, Warner

Bros, Good Food Show

6. The curriculum in extended for our

students in the form of music


7. The REP Theatre Drama Group

SLA for weekly visits to school

8. English theatrical company in

school- Macbeth Performance, An

Inspector Calls. History theatrical

company in school – Hitler Performance; Doctors Show

9. Library resources to

encourage reading

The gap in performance for the headline measure of 5

A*-C including English and Maths had increased from

8% in 2015 to 9% in 2016.There is a significant

difference between the gap for basics for 2015 against

2016. The gap has widened.

For Ebacc the gap has remained at -5%. We are

striving to ensure that the gap between students who

do and do not receive the pupil premium funding is

reduced and the school is evaluating current intervention



Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 55 58 -3

2014/2015 56 61 -5

2015/2016 51 73 -22


Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 16 31 -15

2014/2015 19 24 -5

2015/2016 25 30 -5

5A*-C EM

Year Disadvantaged Other GAP

2013/2014 53 58 -5

2014/2015 53 61 -8

2015/2016 49 58 -9

Rewards will be reviewed to target more pupils to provide


The Sleuth shop will be used more effectively

D of E will continue to happen and target disadv pupils as

will the educational visits to raise aspirations

The REP theatre group has not been continued for 16/17.











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8. Additional detail

In this section you can annex or refer to additional information which you have used to inform the statement above.

Based on ROL 2016

Proportion (%) of pupils eligible for FSM in current cohort is as follow:


Current Year 11- 54.3

Current Year 10 – 50.8

Current Year 9 – 53.5

Current Year 8 – 48.7

Current Year 7 – to be confirmed

Similar composition with the exception of current year 8


Current Year 4– 40.0

Current Year 3 – 27.8

Current Year 2- 28.7

Current Year 1 - tbc

Low take up in primary will be affected by universal free meals for R-2.

Pupil Premium Review - Following PP review on 23rd November 2016, these recommendations with regards to strategy have been included in the above:

1- Expected outcomes for those eligible to make explicit accelerated progress and improved factors such as attendance, behaviour and engagement

See desired outcomes

2- Improved need identification and monitoring/evaluation of use of the grant

Action plan to be reviewed termly

3- Improved rationale for choices of interventions

Selected based on ROL analysis and understanding of current cohort

4- Improved reporting arrangements

To be termly to governors. Pupil Premium governor has been identified; Governors to ratify spend

5- Contribution to funding of whole school initiatives to be made clear

See action plan above

6- Clarify faculty allocations for pupil premium support

To be identified in departmental team plans

7- Monitoring and evaluation to include higher performing disadvantaged pupils

VP (inclusion) and data team to provide analysis as requested

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