purchasing overview related to request for proposals (rfp’s) and request for qualification...

Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and

Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and

Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

Page 2: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

Current Purchasing Methods Current Purchasing Methods

ITB – Utilized by Departments for the procurement of goods/services based solely on lowest price.

RFP – Utilized by Departments for procurement where factors other than price alone are critical, i.e. experience, references, location, equipment, etc. Begins with an assessment of needs and ends with delivery and/or support of the finished product or service.

RFQ – Like an RFP, utilized by Departments for procurement of professional services including Architects/Engineers/Hearing Officers, etc. Note: Under the Competitive Consultant Negotiation Act (CCNA), State Law controls the process and established criteria must be used to determine the best qualified firm. Price cannot be a determining factor, per State Law.

Page 3: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

RFP/RFQ Evaluation MethodsRFP/RFQ Evaluation Methods

City Manager will determine the selection committee.

The evaluation committee members will individually score each responsive and responsible written RFP/RFQ using the predetermined criteria.

Page 4: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

RFP Evaluation Score SheetRFP Evaluation Score Sheet

Page 5: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

RFP Evaluation SummaryRFP Evaluation Summary

Page 6: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

RFP/RFQ Evaluation MethodsRFP/RFQ Evaluation Methods

If required, the evaluation committee may require the top ranked firms to make presentations.

Following the presentations, the evaluation team will rank the short-listed firms based on the evaluation criteria, considering both the written proposal and presentation.

Staff then makes a recommendation to City Council for their approval of the contract.

Page 7: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

Letter of Interest – Bulldog Drive Project Team MembersLetter of Interest – Bulldog

Drive Project Team Members CPH Engineers

Sanford – 9 EmployeesPalm Coast – 3 EmployeesOrlando – 1 EmployeeEdgewater – 1 Employee

England-Thims & MillerJacksonville – 10 Employees

Stephenson Wilcox & Associates Bunnell – 2 Employees

Orlando – 2 Employees Wade Trim

Tampa – 11 EmployeesDaytona Beach – 3 EmployeesCleveland, Ohio – 1 EmployeeMichigan – 1 EmployeePalm Bay – 1 Employee

Page 8: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

Letter of Interest – Bulldog Drive Project Teams Members

Letter of Interest – Bulldog Drive Project Teams Members

Employee Aggregate for Bulldog Drive Project

Tampa – 11 EmployeesJacksonville – 10 EmployeesSanford – 9 EmployeesDaytona Beach – 3 EmployeesOrlando – 3 EmployeesPalm Coast – 3 EmployeesBunnell – 2 EmployeesEdgewater – 1 EmployeeCleveland, Ohio – 1 EmployeeMichigan – 1 EmployeePalm Bay – 1 Employee

Page 9: Purchasing Overview Related to Request for Proposals (RFP’s) and Request for Qualification (RFQ’s)

Questions and Answers Period

Questions and Answers Period