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Saab Aircraft since 1937

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since 1937

Page 2: Putnam] SAAB Aircraft Since 1937

The Saah 37 show ' - ~S ds distinct'Ive shape, (SaabJ




Page 3: Putnam] SAAB Aircraft Since 1937

SaabAircraftsince 1937

Hans G Andersson

Smithsonian Institution PressWashington, D.C.

Page 4: Putnam] SAAB Aircraft Since 1937

)• J or

e Hans Andersson 1989

Drawings by C G Ahremark

ISBN 0-87474-314-1

Printed and bound in Great Britain byThe University Printing House, Oxford

F'irst published in the United States 1989by Smithsonian Institution Press.

Library of Congress Catalog Number 88-064148

Page 5: Putnam] SAAB Aircraft Since 1937


Editor's NoteIntroductionThe Swedish Aircraft Industry - an

Historical SurveySaab 17Saab 18Saab 21Saab 21RSaab 90 ScandiaSaab 91 Safir (Sapphire)Saab 29Saab 32 Lansen (The Lance)Saab 35 Draken (The Dragon)Saab 105Saab 37 Viggen (The Thunderbolt)Saab MFI-15/17 Safari/SupporterSaab 340Saab 39 Gripen (The Griffin)Appendix: FFVS J 22Index




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Editor's Note

In the Introduction and Historical Survey the reader will find the termsAktiebolag and Aktiebolaget. Aktiebolag is Swedish for jointrstock company andthe suffix et is the definite article. These words are frequently abbreviated to ABwhich may be taken as representing Ltd.

It will also be noted throughout this work that the definite article has beenomitted before some aircraft type names. For example the Saab 32 is alwaysreferred to in Sweden as Lansen, which means the lance, the word for lance beingLans. The article in this instance is en - en lans equals a lance. The name and thearticle are not separated in referring to the type. This system also applies toDraken I Viggen and Gripen.

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This work describes the development ofthe Swedish aircraft and related indus­tries. Despite the title, it actually coversmOfe than 70 years of aeronauticaldevelopment in Sweden.

Since Saah started in 1937 thecompany has produced more than4,CK>O aircraft of thirteen differenttypes. Of the Saab-designed typesnearly 50 versions have been deve­loped.

When Saah was established it wasregistered as Svenska Aeroplan Aktie­bolaget (SAAB). In 1965, however, thecompany's name was changed toSAAB Aktiebolag to reflect the grow­ing diversification of activities. Air­craft production no longer dominated,following the dramatic growth of motor-

car production. At the same time it wasalso decided that the name Saah couldbe used officially to identify the com­pany, and this form has been usedthroughout the book.

This work has greatly benefited fromthe assistance of C. G. Ahremark whohas provided the excellent three-viewdrawings of each type of Saab aircraft.I should also like to express my sincerethanks to Saab Aircraft, to the SwedishAir Force Staffs Information Depart­ment and to the individual Air ForceWings for providing many photo­graphs.

Hans G. AnderssonLinkoping, December 1988


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Sweden's first aircraft industrialist, Dr Enoch Thulin, in appropriate setting in 1915. The aeroplane is his ownThulin D monoplane. (A. Blomgren)

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The Swedish Aircraft Industry - an Historical Survey

An artist's impression of the Thulin works at Landskrona in 1918. The smallinset drawing shows the factory in 1915. (Landskrona Museum)

Not surprisingly the history of theSwedish aircraft industry in general,and that of Saab in particular, isclosely linked to that of Sweden's mil­itary aviation. Although in 1987 Saabcelebrated its 50th anniversary as anaircraft manufacturer, it is necessaryto go back at least another 20 years toform a proper perspective of Swedishaircraft industrial development and,not least, into government decision­making.

Aircraft manufacturing on an indus­trial scale - although modest - began inSweden in 1914 atAB SOdertelge Werk­staders Aviatikavdelning (SW) south ofStockholm. But two competitors, Sven­aka Aeroplanfabriken (SAF) in Stock­holm and Aeroplanvarvet SkAne (AVIS)were not far behind. While SW mainlymanufactured French Farman bi­planes under licence and later theGerman Albatros trainer for the Armyand Navy, and SAF manufacturedthe Albatros as well, AVIS had ac­quired a licence to produced the FrenchB1eriot monoplane (known as theThulin A).

SW manufactured some thirty air­craft in the period 1914-17, includ­ing twelve each of the French andGerman designs, the latter, inciden­tally, having been copied from a con­fiscated example remaining in Swedenat the outbreak of the war. The Alba­tros became very popular and eventu­ally as many as 54 examples andderivatives were built. A great disad­vantage, however, was that Swedenwas dependent on the import of (some­times used) Mercedes engines fromGermany, and it was only in 1916 thatScania-Vabis was able to start manu­facturing six-cylinder Mercedes en­gines of 100/120 hp.

The SAF company was taken over bySW in late 1916 and at the same timeyet another company, Nordiska Avia­tik AB (NAB), was formed at Stock-

holm. In addition, NAB manufacturedthe Atbatros for Sweden as well as forexport. However, both SW and NABfailed to develop new competitivedesigns and therefore SW ceased oper­ations in November 1917 and NABseven months later.

A much more spectacular industrialventure was started in 1913 by DrEnoch Thulin, initially under the com­pany name AVIS. Thulin predicted amajor expansion of both military andcivil aviation and in 1914 formed a newcompany, AB Enoch Thulins Aero­planfabrik (AETA), with considerableresources and the Swedish industrialistGustaf Dahlen (inventor of the AGAlight valve, etc) as the main sponsor.AETA was located at Landskrona inthe south of the country.

In contrast to his competitors, Thulinwas early aware that it was necessaryfor him to be able to supply the enginesfor his aeroplanes. During his pilottraining in France, Thulin had had the

foresight to buy a Le Rhone engine andwas negotiating for a licence to producethe type when the war started. Withable assistance from the Sandvik steelworks, Thulin and his team managedto copy the engine and even improve itsreliability, and its power was alsogradually increased from 90 to 135 hp.As a result engine production actuallybecame the backbone of the Thulincompany.

Through Swedish Government pro­curement but also by building up aconsiderable export business with neu­tral nations, the Thulin factory had in1918 developed into a major industrialcomplex with extensive design, testand production facilities for both air­craft and engines. By the end of 1918,the factory had produced nearly 100aircraft of eleven different types, sevenof which were of the company's owndesign. Some 650 engines were pro­duced, mostly for export, with theNetherlands a major customer. The

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The Swedish Air Force started using the Dutch Fokker C.VE (S 6 in Swedenwhere it was also built under licence) reconnaissance biplane in 1927. Thephotograph shows an S 6 still airworthy in 1962. (Saab)

10, Historical Survey

Thulin company employed about 1,000people and was, in fact, the largest air­craft/engine manufacturer among theneutral nations during the First WorldWar. The Thulin engine team alsodesigned and manufactured prototypesof a water-cooled 160 hp engine and in1919 of a similar 260 hp engine, both ofwhich can be seen at the StockholmTechnical Museum.

The Thulin designers, led by Dr IvarMaimer, developed several notabledesigns of aircraft, some of which wereeven built under licence abroad_ Thecompany's last fighter design, the sleekThulin NA biplane, powered by theThulin/Le Rhone rotary engine, reach­ed a top speed of 215 km/h (134 mph),but was too late for production. Itcan still be seen at the LandskronaMuseum.

On 14 May, 1919, Dr Enoch Thulinunfortunately lost his life in a flyingaccident. This was a major blow toSwedish aviation, for without the 'fly­ing doctor' in the pilot's seat his com­pany was unable to survive as an air·craft manufacturer, especially since thegovernment abruptly ceased ordering

from private industry in 1919. Exportcontracts were also cancelled.

The Transition Period

When the Swedish Government in 1919cancelled its procurement from the pri­vate aircraft industry, which event­ually collapsed, Swedish military avia-

tion had to support itself technically.Some of the experience gained duringthe Thulin era could, however, be savedby the Army's maintenance works atMalmsHitt, Flygkompaniets VerksUi­der Malmen (FVM), near Linkoping.Since maintenance and repair workcould not provide an even workload,aircraft design and manufacture had

Total production of Thulin engines (improved versions of the French Le Rhone rotary engine) was about 650, mostlyfor export. (Landskrona Museum)

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Forty Heinkel He 5 Sand T (S 5 in Sweden) naval monoplanes were builtunder licence by Svenska Aero and Swedish military workshops starting in1927. This picture shows an He 5T (S 5D) off Helsingborg ten years later.(FlyguapnetlF2)


already begun in 1918. Aircraft werealso built under foreign licence. In theperiod 1918 to 1926 a total of 111 air­craft were manufactured at MalmsHittincluding 53 of Swedish design. Amongthe more numerous types were theTummelisa (01) single-seat trainer,first produced in 1919 (30 built); the S18 reconnissance aircraft from 1919(15); the J 1 Phoenix 122 fighter (25built in Sweden, 15 imported) also from1919; the Phoenix 222 (041AI) recon­naissance aircraft and light bomber(14); and the 821 reconnaissance air­craft (11) from 1925.

For the casual observer of the Swed­ish aircraft industry it may perhaps beeasy to overlook the importance ofthese maintenance facilities for later,more spectacular, developments in thecountry.

The facts are that through a numberof devoted personalities, the traditionswere carried on from the Thulin yearsdespite extremely meagre financialresources. Gosta von Porat and PeterKoch were able to establish the MaIm­slatt works without too much bureau­cracy and the same applied to the air­craft designs created by Henry Kjellsonand Ivar MaImer. The latter eventuallybecame Sweden's first Professor ofAeronautical Engineering in 1928.Much later, in 1940, he became thehead of Sweden's Aeronautical Re­search Institute (FFA).

Solving an Engine Problem

From 1919 the aircraft engine marketwas virtually flooded with cheap war­surplus engines, mainly from Ger­many. Although they enabled theArmy and Naval aviation to acquirebetween them almost 200 aircraft andthus create a reasonable basis for thecoming build-up of an independent airforce, the highly varying quality andstatus of the surplus engines eventu­ally became a serious flight-safetyproblem. Therefore, in 1923 the Govern­ment instructed the Army and theNavy to look into the matter of licencemanufacture of modern engines. It tookmany technical and bureaucratic man­oeuvres, however, before a licence agree­ment with the Bristol Aeroplane Com­pany could be approved by the Swedish

Government. Of the five companiescompeting for the production of theBristol Mercury, Trollhattan-basedNydqvist & Holm (Nohab) - a subsi­diary of Bofors, the armaments group ­was selected. Nohab was awarded aninitial contract for forty engines inApril 1930, along with guarantees foreventual procurement of 300 enginesover a 10-year period. For the purposea special subsidiary company, NohabFlygmotorfabriker AB, was formed.The first Mercury VI of 600 hp was de­livered in 1933. No fewer than six

versions of the Mercury developing600-980 hp were eventually delivered.

Foreign Birds

No record of the Swedish aircraftindustry of the 1920s would be com­plete without mentioning SvenskaAero AB formed in 1921 at Lidingonear Stockholm and AB Flygindustri(AFI) formed in 1925 at Limhamn nearMalmo in the south. The two compan­ies were, however, not truly Swedishbut in effect were subsidiaries of theGerman Heinkel and Junkers compan­ies respectively, intended to preservethe capabilities of the German aircraftindustry during the Allied restrictionsimposed in 1918. Similar arrangementsoccurred in the USSR.

Svenska Aero was founded by theGerman naval pilot and engineer CarlClemens Bucker (later famous for his

Historical Survey 11

successful long line of Bucker trainersfrom the 1930s which, incidentally, allhad a Swedish chief designer, A. J.Andersson, who returned from Ger­many to Sweden and Saab in 1939).Svenska Aero manufactured the Hansa­Brandenburg naval reconnaissance seamonoplanes in several versions withMaybach and Rolls-Royce Eagle en­gines for the Swedish Navy. From1927, a new design, the Heinkel He5,powered by a Bristol Jupiter (laterMercury) engine was produced for thenew-born Swedish Air Force (Flyg-

vapnet). At the same time, licence­manufacture of the He 5 (Air Forcedesignation S 5) by Flygvapnet's ownwork-shops began. Nearly 50 Hansaaircraft, as they were called in Sweden,were produced.

Svenska Aero, however, also estab­lished its own design office developingseveral aircraft types to Swedish speci­fications. With the Swedish engineerSven Blomberg as chief designer, thecompany in 1929 completed prototypesof a fighter biplane, J aktfalken, pow­ered by a 425 hp Armstrong SiddeleyJaguar engine. The Swedish Air Forceused one aeroplane under the J 5designation; the other went to Norway.Later, the aircraft was re-engined withthe Bristol Jupiter VI and VII as theJ 6A and J 6B respectively. SvenskaAero also manufactured several traineraircraft both of Swedish and Heinkeldesign. A biplane fighter on floats, the

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12 Historical Survey

Svenska Aero's Jaktfalk (later J 6)fighter biplane, with Bristol Jupiterengine, made its first flight in 1929.The Swedish Air Force eventuallyordered seventeen. The pictureshows a J 6B delivered by ASJA in1935. (A&lA)

One Jaktfalk was exported toNorway, fitted with an ArmstrongSiddeley Jaguar engine and wheelspats. (A&lA)

Heinkel HD 19 (J 4 in Sweden) was de­livered to the Swedish Air Force in 1928(six aircraft). Altogether Svenska Aeromanufactured 40 aircraft, 32 of themfor Sweden.

In 1932 the company ran into finan­cial difficulties and was taken over byAB Svenska JarnvagsverksHiderna(ASJA) of Linkoping, C. C. Bilckerreturning to Germany. ASJA wasmainly interested in the design teamformed by Svenska Aero.

The Junkers subsidiary, AB Flygin­dustri, was formed with the sole pur­pose of producing Junkers aircraft forSweden and for export. The Junkerstechnology was very advanced, usingall-metal aluminium design, a noveltyfor Sweden. In 1924 ABA' (SwedishAir Lines) had started to equip withJunkers aircraft, beginning with thesingle·engine F 13 seaplane seatingfour passengers. Later on, larger three­engined aircraft carrying nine and

•AB Aerotransport

later 16 passengers were produced byFlygindustri for ABA, these were theG 24 and the Ju 52/3m.

Flygindustri also produced militaryaircraft for export. These included thethree-engined K 24 (1927) and the twin·engined K 37 (1928) bombers. The lattercan be described as a predecessor of thelater, better known Ju 86. In 1929, thecompany demonstrated a new two-seatfighter, the K 47, with a top speed of290 km/h (180 mph). All these militaryaircraft were, however, designed inGermany and only assembled inSweden.

After producing about 55 civil and100 military aircraft (the latter all forexport), Flygindustri ceased operationsin 1935. Financially, it was not success­ful and the number of employees,which had been approximately 400 atthe end of 1925, had dropped to lessthan 200 in 1935.

Air Force Independence

The experience of the First World Warcalled for air power, and in countriessuch as Great Britain and Italy indepen­dent air forces had already beenestablished_ This experience, notablyfrom Great Britain, was extensivelyused in the Swedish defence debate inthe early 1920s, notably by CarlFlorman, a most eloquent supporter ofair force independence. Carl Flonnan,incidentally, with his brother Adrian,also started ABA Swedish Air Lines, apredecessor of Scandinavian AirlinesSystem, SAS, in 1924.

The 1924 Parliament (Rikedagen)was more positive in its approach to airpower than its predecessors and in1925 the then Defence Minister PerAlbin Hansson -later Prime Minister­accepted the proposal for an indepen­dent air force, Flygvapnet. The Parlia­ment approved the Government pro­posal in June 1925. A new era hadbegun. In brief, the decision was takento provide the Air Force with acommander-in-chief, an air staff andan air board for technical/economicmatters. The Service should comprisefour combat Wings and one flyingschool. The Air Force should becomeeffective on 1 July, 1926, and be fullyestablished within five years. Themaintenance and repair facility atMalmsHitt (CVM) should become one oftwo central workshops, the second to beestablished at Vasteras (CVV) in 1927.Both workshops continued to manufac­ture aircraft but on a limited scale_Between 1 July, 1926, and 30 June,1936, a total of 109 aircraft were built,

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Historical Survey 13

Elis Nordquist (left) general manager of ASJA, and Lennart Segerqvist,chief test pilot, with a line~up of Hawker Hart (B 4) light bombers in 1936.(ASJAj


42 of Swedish design and 67 under for­eign licences. Of the latter, the Hansa(85) seaplanes and the Fokker C.VE(86) reconnaissance biplanes pre-domi­nated.

The original 1925 decision called fora strength of 229 aircraft to be procuredover the coming 10 years. Howeverowing to very meagre budgets, possiblyin combination with the lack of matur­ity and tradition in the new Air Forcecommand which delayed equipmentmatters, the actual aircraft strength inJuly 1936 was less than half ofthe orig­inal target. In 1925 the Governmenthad accepted the necessity for aprivately-owned Swedish aircraft in­dustry. But it did not commit itself toany details or cost figures.

Following the 1925 defence decisionseveral major Swedish industrial com­panies approached the Governmentexpressing their interest in the manu­facture of aircraft.

ASJA in the Lead

Although the German-owned Flygin­dustri was very active (but in the endunsuccessful) in securing a Swedishmarket also for its military aircraft, themost eager of the Swedish companieswas AB Svenska J arnvagsverksta­derna (ASJ), in the main a manufac­turer of railway equipment at Linkop­ing, some 200 km (125 miles) south ofStockholm. Its managing director,Erland Uggla, had already been incontact with the Army in May 1924,but ASJ was also among the compan­ies approaching the Government inFebruary 1925. At a meeting withthe Commander of Army Aviation,General K. A. B. Amundson, in Sep­tember 1925, however, no firm pro­curement plans were presented. Conse­quently, the industry's initial signifi­cant interest diminished.

Only in September 1930 did the mat­ter of aircraft manufacture againbecome a subject at an ASJ boardmeeting. Now, Uggla had 'come to theconclusion that aircraft manufacturecould be started at little risk'. The AirForce, however, wanted a separatesubsidiary company to be formed, andthe board decided that AB SvenskaJarnvagsverkstadernas Aeroplanav-

delning (ASJA) should be established,with Sven Blomberg as general man­ager. Blomberg had been hired fromSvenska Aero which was acquired byA8J in 1932, but he left A8JA in 1934to become managing director of Aero­materiel in Stockholm, a major importagency for manufacturers of foreignaircraft and equipment. At ASJA, hewas succeeded by Elis Nordquist, AirForce Major (Engineering).

Although ASJA's main interest wasin the military market, the first aircraftdesigned by the company was a single­engine three-seat cabin touring air­craft, the Viking I, which made its firstflight in June 1931 powered by a 105 hpCirrus-Hermes inline engine. Later on,it was re-engined with a 150 hp WalterGemma radial and the second proto­type was sold to a private company.

In 1934, a four-seat cabin touring air­craft, Viking II, powered by a six­cylinder de Havilland Gipsy Six en-

gine, made its first flight. A clean-look­ing aircraft, the Viking II prototypewas used for a number of years by aStockholm daily newspaper. Like itsforerunner, it was flown with bothwheels and floats. No production tookplace.

In the military field, ASJA started bydesigning and building to an Air Forcespecification two trainer biplane proto­types designated 09. They were, infact, seriously under-powered for themany requirements the aircraft wassupposed to meet. ASJA also received acontract for delivery of twenty-fiveprimary trainers of the German Raah­Katzenstein RK 26 Tigerschwalbe type.By a re-engining requested by the cus­tomer and resultant weight increases,the Sk 10 (the Air Force designation)suffered from rather sluggish spin rec­overy characteristics, causing severalfatal accidents and leading to muchpainful public debate.

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14 Historical Survey

ABOVf;; The second ASJA Viking I had a 150 hp Walter Gemma radial. (ASJA)

Top; ASJA's Viking I, a three-seat touring monoplane powered by a Cirrus­Hermes, first flew in 1931. (ASJA)

By 1935 it had become evident that amajor strengthening of Sweden's de­fence was vital. More industrial resour­ces were needed and firm long-termprocurement planning necessary. In1936 the Swedish Parliament approveda new decision regarding the defenceforces covering the fiscal years 1936­43. For the Air Force the decisionmeant that during that period it wouldbe equipped with 257 combat aircraft

The 1936 Decision

Force order for a projected full-scalefighter, the E-4, an all-metal design.The Air Force considered Sparmann askilled designer and wished him toremain in the Swedish aircraft indus­try; but he refused to collaborate withother companies and his own companywas formally bought by Saab at 'froll­hiittan in 1937 at the request of theGovernment.

from the United States for patentinfringements during the war. Fromhis private funds he started. a designbureau in Stockholm, staffed mainlyby German designers and draughts­men. At the end of 1935 he employednearly a dozen engineers/draughts­men and an equal number of workers.In the late autumn of 1935 ASJA losttwo engineers to Sparmann includingBo Lundberg, an Air Force engineeringofficer/pilot.

Sparmann's first venture was a light'fighter trainer' which was completedin 1934. The Swedish Air Force did notparticularly favour this concept butSparmann somehow managed. to con­vince the Government which in turnpersuaded the Air Force to order fourexamples, three of which were paid forby Government funds allocated tocombat unemployment. But Sparmannmust also have had some supporters inthe Air Force since later he won an Air

Contrary to ASJA's expectations,Flygvapnet's acquisition plans did notmaterialize at the pace predicted in1930. In conjunction with ASJA's take­overofSvenska Aero in 1932 it receiveda contract for seven J 6B (Jaktfalken)fighters. Later, it also got an order fortwenty-three Sk 11 trainers (D.H. TigerMoths produced under licence) and, inaddition, a promise of an order foreighteen B 4 (Hawker Hart) light hom­bers. But some time elapsed. beforethese materialized.

At a board meeting in October 1934ASJA's new managing director, Rag­nar Wahrgren, presented his com­pany's financial report, which theBoard found very disappointing. Infact, the Board was willing to continueaircraft manufacture only if the AirForce could offer new information andassurances. However, another meetingwhich took place a month later withDefence Minister Ivar Vennerstromand the Air Force C-in-C, GeneralTorsten Friis, at which the industrycomplained about the few, irregularand uneconomical orders, would seemto have convinced the ASJA manage­ment that there was, after all, a futurefor Swedish aircraft production. In­deed, ASJA now decided to augment itsresources and increase competitivenessfor future contracts. Flygvapnet andmany politicians wanted competitionbetween more than two Swedish com­panies as well as from foreign suppli­ers. This revealed a certain degree ofunrealism regarding basic industrialfacts of life since it is, of course, notpossible to achieve rational and eco­nomic production if reasonable produc­tion quantities cannot be obtained.

Despite the very limited funds avail­able to the Air Force, yet another com­petitor to ASJA - at least with preciousengineering manpower - appeared onthe scene in 1933. Just after ASJA hadtaken over Svenska Aero, the Austrianengineer and aerobatic pilot EdmundSparmann began aircraft design andmanufacture in Stockholm. He waswith the Phoenix-Werke in Viennawhen he came to Sweden in 1919, butbecame a Swedish citizen in 1926 andwas engaged as a test pilot for theMalmsHitt works_ Sparmann was alsoan inventor and had received payment

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Historical SU!\Iey 15

LEFr: The ASJA Viking II of 1934was a four-seater with a de Havil­land Gipsy Six. It was acquired byStockholms·Tidningen. (ASJA)

BELOW: The first military aircraftdesigned by ASJA. the 09 multi­purpose biplane with 330 hp WrightWhirlwind R-975E. Only two werebuilt, in 1932 (C. G. Ahremark)

BOTIOM: Beginning in 1933, ASJAproduced a series of German Raab­Katzenstein RK 26 Tigerschwalbeprimary trainers under licence.(Flygvapnet/F5)

and 80 trainers. Parliament also con­cluded that this procurement and laterreplacement aircraft should be ac­quired successively and according tolong-term plans. The Swedish industryshould have the capability to developits own designs. In this connection,Parliament confirmed its earlier opin­ion that aircraft production should beundertaken by private industry whilethe military workshops should concen­trate on maintenance and repair. Butduring the mid-1930s private industrystill had to 'compete' for new orderswith the military facilities.

Owing to the very limited productioncapacity of the private aircraft indus­try, Parliament accepted that at leastduring the next few years aircraftwould have to be imported. In Sep­tember 1936 the Air Force submitted aseven-year equipment procurement planto the Defence Ministry. According tothis, the Service was to procure 80medium bombers, 90 light bombers, 55fighters, 40 army reconnaissance air­craft, 32 naval aircraft and 95 trainers(55 primary and 40 advanced). Only 97combat aircraft (40 bombers, 55 figh­ters and two naval aircraft) would beimported whilst 200 combat aircraftand all trainers would be procured fromthe Swedish industry. On 16 Octoberthe Air Force programme and the costestimates were approved by the Govern­ment.

Competition, competition...

Besides ASJA several other financiallysound companies approached the AirForce for orders, including Bofors(armaments and steel), Gotaverken

(shipyard), the Johnson Group (con­glomerate) and Kockums (shipyard).

Competition was, naturally, a goodthing but in view of the limited fundsavailable there was also a major risk ofsplitting the resources into too manyparts. This was a major issue for boththe Air Force and the Government.There were many severe requirementsto be met such as financing of theinfrastructure; development resources,workshops, aerodromes, etc. The Air

Force was only too accustomed tounder-financed manufacturers repeat­edly harassing the Service and othergovernment agencies in order to sur­vive. The effort to keep the total costsdown seemed to call for maximum con­sideration, and Bofors, for one, was astrong supporter of this idea. In March1936 Bofors had acquired Nohab Flyg­motorfabriker which made it possibleto concentrate virtually all aircraft andrelated manufacture (aircraft, engines,

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16 Historical Survey

1Wenty-three de Havilland 82 Tiger Moth primary trainers (Sk lIs in Sweden) were produced under licence by ASJAin 1935-37. (A&JA)

This Hart (B4A) produced by ASJA in 1936 was powered by a 675 hpSwedish-built Nohab Mercury VIlA engine. (ASJA)

weapons) at 'frollhattan where Boforsdeclared a willingness to invest inworkshops, aerodynamic and enginelaboratories and an aerodrome. Accord­ing to Bofors' managing director SvenWingquist his basic formula was a'solid, efficient industry, in strong con­solidation and with a limited profit'.Regarding pricing, the internationalmarket should provide a healthy regu­lator. Bofors, incidentally, was of theopinion that a viable export of militaryaircraft was possible, and a firm sup­porter of this idea was industrialistAxel Wenner-Gren (founder of Elec­trolux, etc) who had an importantfinancial interest in Bofors.

The Air Force C-in-C General TorstenFriis was always strongly in favour ofcompetition but did not deny that hewas attracted by the ideas promoted byBofors. On the other hand, he found itunthinkable from a moral and practi·cal standpoint to by-pass ASJA whichhad been contracted by the Air Forceand also encouraged to expand its pro­duction and other facilities.

The ASJA management was also infavour of concentration but was unableto offer both aircraft and engine pro­duction. But ASJA had the greatadvantage over the competition byalready being established as an air·craft manufacturer with a trainedlabour force, a design department andan aerodrome. However modest in size,

there existed a nucleus that could eas­ily be expanded. True, most of ASJA'sexperience was of aircraft built of steeland wood, but the company had longstudied and had begun to prepare forproduction of modern light metal de­signs. There were no doubts about thefinancial strength as Stockholm's Ens­kiJda Bank (the Wallenberg group)stood firmly behind the company.

The Air Force was now in the envi·able position of having two powerfulcompetitors ready and willing to meetits requirements.

The next step was not unexpected;the Bofors group offered an 'incorpora­tion' of ASJA. Neither was the neg-

ative answer unexpected. Nevertheless,under Government pressure, the twogroups jointly submitted a preliminaryplan for a 'consortium' with factoriesboth in Linkoping and Trollhattan.

In December 1936 representatives ofthe Air Force and the industrial com­panies interested - not only ASJA andBofors - were called to a meeting withthe Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson.He informed them of the Government'sbasic views; the production could wellbe divided between two companies butsince the funding was limited it wasimpossible to undertake developmentwork at more than one organization.All activities had to be controlled by a

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Historical Survey 17

A total of 43 Harts was built in Sweden. They were used to introduce dive-bombing in the Swedish Air Force.(Flyguapnet)

central management. After an initialphase of licence-manufacture of foreignaircraft, Swedish designs meeting therequirements of the Air Force should bedeveloped. The industrial companies

were guaranteed - for the period 1937­43 - orders for 130 combat aircraft and35 trainers; but after 1 July, 1943, theguarantees would expire.

It was now up to the industry to find

a satisfactory way to co-ordinate theiractivities. Bofors had certainly notgiven up the idea of a dominating posi­tion but ASJA (Enskilda Banken)demanded equal rights.

An air view of the ASJA facilities at Linkoping in 1937 (centre). The other buildings belonged to ASJ. the parentcompany.

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18 Historical Survey

After protracted negotiations a jointdevelopment and management com­pany AB Forenade Flygverkstader(AFF) was formed in Stockholm inMarch 1937 by ASJA and Saab. Thelatter company was then in the processof being established by the Boforsgroup at the direct request of theGovernment. The formation of AFFwas not a happy marriage but at leastsome groundwork had been laid for thenew Swedish aircraft industry.

With the prior approval of theGovernment, on 10 April, 1937, the AirForce Board signed a contract withAFF which then began its activities.

Saab Established

The top management ofSaab at TrollhAttan in 1938. Left to right: ClaesSparre, production manager; Axel Wenner-Gren, chairman of the board; andGunnar DelIner, managing director. (Saab)

SAAB (Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebol­aget AB) was incorporated at'Irollhat­tan on 2 April, 1937, and four dayslater, the first shareholders' meetingwas held. The share capital was set at 4million Swedish Crowns of which 1.5million belonged to Bofors-Nohab and2.5 million to AB Ars whirh was part ofthe Electrolux group representing AxelWenner-Gren. Wenner-Gren was electedchairman and Gunnar Dellner manag-

iog director. Saab also took over theNohab shares in Nohab Flygmotorfa­briker. A new factory for Saab wasbuilt immediately north of Trollhlittanand at the same time new facilitieswere built next·door for Nohab Flyg­motorfabriker. In 1938 the share capi­tal was doubled. In the meantime newfacilities were built by ASJA at Lin­koping and both were opened in 1938.'Irollhattan was selected for the manu-

facture of medium bombers and Lin­koping for light bombers and trainers.

In November 1936, the Air Board hadsecured a manufacturing licence fromFocke-Wulfin Germany for the Fw 44JStieglitz (Sk 12) primary trainer. Apartfrom aircraft ordered directly fromGermany, in 1937 the Air Board con­tracted ASJA for twenty Sk 128. Sincethat contract had been prepared beforeAFF was formed, it was signed be-

The Focke-WulfFw44J Stieglitz trainer was introduced in the Swedish Air Force in 1936. In 1937, ASJA received anorder to produce it under licence as the Sk 12. A very popular aircraft, it was used by the Swedish Air Force until1946. A total of 77 was acquired from various sources. (Flygvapnet/F 5)

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tween the Air Board and ASJA.Between July and September 1938 thefollowing contracts were awarded tothe industry via AFF:

40 Junkers Ju 86Ks (B 3s) by Saab,and the same number was orderedfrom Junkers40 Northrop 8A-Is (B5s) by ASJA35 North American NA-16-4Ms(Sk 14s) by ASJA

The necessary licence agreements hadbeen signed in 1937 with JunkersFlugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG, Nor-

trian engineer Alfred Gassner, pre­viously with Junkers and Fokker, astheir chief designer. He and his teamwere posted to Stockholm and the AFFdesign office there. But rivalry pre­vailed between the parents.

In the meantime, ASJA had furtherstrengthened its lead over the Boforsgroup by hiring no fewer than 46 Uni­ted States designers and stress special­ists. They were recruited starting inMay 1938 by James A. Burnett, anexperienced engineer from the DouglasAircraft Company, and by his succes-

Historical Survey 19

tan and loaned to AFF_ The Ameri­cans' stay in Sweden, however, was tobe brief as they were recalled when warstarted in Europe, the last man leavingSweden in March 1940_ They had, how­ever, transferred much valuable designexperience to their Swedish colleagues.

The friction between ASJA and Saahwas further increased in connectionwith a design competition early in 1938for a new Army and Naval reconnais­sance aircraft. Good visibility wasimportant for the observer and the air­craft could well be high-winged. The

In late 1938, ASJA received a Swedish Air Force order for an initial thirty-five North American NA-16-4M (Sk 14)advanced trainers (455 hp Wright Whirlwind). Eventually as many as 136 aircraft were produced under licence byASJA and later Saah. The picture shows the Sk 14A built by Sasb in 1942 powered by a 500 hp Piaggio P VII RC-16engine_ (Saab)

throp Corporation and North Ameri­can Aviation Inc.

In order to undertake these contractsbut above all to speed up expansion ofthe companies' design departmentsand familiarize them with light metalstressed-skin designs, both Saab andASJA engaged foreign engineers.

The Air Force's intention that AFFshould become the major project anddesign organization could never be ful­filled, however. AFF was owned fifty­fifty by ASJA and Saab and thereforehad no power to control the ambitionsof the two parent companies. To makethe Air Force ambitions a reality, theASJA development resources wouldhave had to be transferred to AFF. Butthis ASJA refused. Saab hired the Aus-

sor, Ernest W. Kazmar. Three groupscame in 1938-39 mainly from Douglascompanies. The recruitment campaignwas not greeted with too much enthu­siasm by the US State Department asthere was indeed a shortage of suchspecialists even at Douglas. For thisreason restrictions to work abroad werelater introduced for people workingunder US defence contracts.

The hiring of the Americans wasunderstandable in view of the powerplay that led to the formation of AFF_ASJA mistrusted the Bofors group andwanted to safeguard itself against apossible Bofors 'coup'. This mistrustwas strengthened by the fact that theAFF designers were not formally em·ployed by AFF but by Saab at Trollhal-

top speed had to be at least 400 km/h(250 mph). The AFF/Gassner project,as it was known, was externally some­what similar to the British WestlandLysander and featured stub wingshousing a retractable undercarriage orused for attaching floats. The wind­tunnel testing, however, showed thatthe stub wings led to aerodynamic dis­turbances and they had to be aban­doned. The result was a high-wing air­craft with non-retractable under­carriage, virtually impossible to modifyinto a light bomber which was anotherrequirement. ASJA, which would haveproduced the aircraft had it beenaccepted hy the Air Force, also evalu­ated this project with a very negativeresult both regarding performance cal-

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culations and general design. TheGassner project was cancelled.

Meanwhile, ASJA had submitted tothe same requirements a project knownas the lriO (later Saab 17). The basicidea here was to develop a multi-roleaircraft that could be used for bombingand for Army and Naval reconnais­sance. Perhaps the view for the ob­server was not ideal but the advan­tages of a standardised type for allthree kinds of missions would be verygreat in production, training, technicalsupport and - not least - economy. Itwas an advanced design, with retrac­table undercarriage fairings that couldbe used as aerodynamic brakes in divebombing; retractable skis; integral floatdesign; internal bomb stowage. At amock-up inspection and design review,the project was approved by the AirForce and two prototypes were orderedon 29 November, 1938. A great day forthe young design team at Linkoping!

The 'New' Saab is Founded

Despite the existence of AFF the mis­trust between ASJA and Saab showedthat a collaboration between the two inthe development field was almostimpossible. Torsten Nothin, a fonnerMember of Parliament and now chair­man of the AFF board, realized that aradical new approach was urgentlyneeded. At a board meeting in Decem­ber 1938 he strongly urged. the two par­ties to reconsider the whole issue. Thetwo companies were given until Janu­ary to submit their views. The eventualresult was that in March 1939 Saabwas completely restructured. The com­pany was separated from Nohab and,in effect took over ASJA. Saab becamean aircraft manufacturer only. NohabFlygmotorfabriker concentrated on en­gines only. The new Saab company (orrather Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget,Saab) was to have a share capital of 13million Swedish Crowns. The newshares were aU purchased by ABSvenska Jarnvagsverkstaderna, ASJ,the parent company of ASJA. TorstenNothin was elected board chairman ofSaab, and also on the Board was Mar­cus Wallenberg Jr of Stockholms Ens­kilda Bank who had been the drivingforce behind ASJA all along. His role

in establishing a Swedish aircraftindustry cannot be overrated.

Ragnar Wahrgren became managingdirector of the new Saab company andLinkoping the headquarters for thecompany. All design and developmentactivities were concentrated. there, theTrollhattan factory being retained forproduction only.

Regarding the development resour­ces, there was initially considerable AirForce pressure on Saab to retain AlfredGassner as chief designer, but Saabresented this strongly as the two exist­ing engineering teams were really notcompatible especially in view of thestrong American technical influence atLinkoping. Eventually, Gassner re­turned to Fokker. AFF had lost itsimportance.

When the Second World War beganin September 1939, none of the aircraftordered in 1938 had been delivered bythe Swedish industry. In the autumn of1939 and early in 1940 the possibility ofimporting combat aircraft quickly fa·ded. Approximately 195 combat air­craft, many approaching obsolescence,was all that the Swedish Air Forcecould mobilize on 1 September, 1939.Aircraft on order in the United States,The Netherlands, France and Ger­many never reached Sweden. OnlyItaly remained open during 1940.Flygvapnet's situation could only bedescribed as desperate.

More Aircraft Needed

In March 1939, the Defence Minister,Per Edvin Skilld, had written to Saabasking whether the company couldincrease its production capacity by 50percent. Saab replied that the companywas prepared. to do so on three condi­tions: that1) Swedish manufacturers should be

given the opportunity to bid on allAir Force orders. Orders should beplaced. in Sweden as far as possibleand foreign offers with 'dumpingprices' should not be considered.

2) No monopoly was requested, butonly bona fide offers from credibleSwedish suppliers should be con­sidered.

3) The company should be allowed toexport its products in the same

manner as the Swedish armamentindustry.

The bargaining position of Saab wasnow fairly strong. The Air Board andthe company eventually negotiated alO-year policy agreement which in factgave the company, although not for­mally, a monopoly on aircraft devel­opment and production in Sweden. Theagreement was approved by the Govern­ment on 6 October, 1939. A similaragreement was signed. with the engineindustry.

It may still be of interest to recall inthis context that only in late 1939 didGotaverken (GV) finally give up itsambition to compete with Saab. Thecompany had made a modest start in1935 by building a few Hawker Hart(B4) light bombers for the Air Force. In1938, the Air Board invited the com­pany to'submit a proposal for a twin­engined bomber (in itself a rather sur­prising move in view of concentrationefforts behind the AFF). In January1939 Bo Lundberg had joined GV aschief designer, subsequently hiring asmany as 16 engineers. The GV GP 8bomber project was regarded by the AirForce as the most advanced but it alsoproved to be by far the most expensiveof the three proposals submitted. Evenif the unit price was later reduced, theAir Board demanded that a new fac­tory be built by GV before a prototypeorder could be awarded. For the GVBoard, however, the prospect of build­ing a prototype was not enough to jus­tify financially a new factory.

But there is more to be said about GVand Lundberg. In April 1939 the AirBoard had also invited. both Saab andGV to submit proposals for a new figh·ter aircraft to be powered. by the BristolTaurus sleeve-valve radial engine of1,215 bp. The Board specified tendersby 15 September, 1939, first flight by 1July, 1941 and first delivery by I July,1943. Both proposals arrived on time.But at the same time the GV informedthe custom~c that it had decided towithdraw from aircraft manufactureand that it had transferred its rightsand responsibilities to a new company,AB Flygplanverken (AFV) formed byLundberg.

Both projects, the Saab lrl2 (laterJ 19) and the AFV GP 9 were of fairly

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Another licence manufacture by ASJA/Saab was the Northrop 8A-5 (B5 in Sweden) dive-bomber, a rugged aircraft,here fitted with skis. (Flygvapnet)

In 1940-41, Saab delivered a total of 102 B58. (Flyguapnet/F4)

conventional design but the GP 9 topspeed was, surprisingly, given as highas 682 km/h (424 mph) against 605km/h (375 mph) for the L-12. The costof the GP 9 was 30 percent higher. TheAir Board declared itself willing toorder prototypes of both aircraft butagain on the condition that AFV couldarrange suitable production premises.Despite intensive efforts by Lundbergthis proved impossible. Soon thereafterLundberg was called back into the AirForce. The Air Force eventually de­cided that the Saab L-12 was too muchfor Saab to handle on top of the twobomber projects and in December 1939both fighter projects were shelved.Saab concentrated on the bombersalready contracted for and the AirForce was - at least for the moment ­convinced that the fighters could beimported from the United States.

A 1bughJobRome was not built in a day and thesame could certainly be said about theSwedish aircraft industry. The start of

licence production at both Linkopingand Trollhattan was - not surprisingly- rather slow. The build-up of experi·ence among both engineers and factoryworkers, not to speak of those of themany suppliers, was a painstaking andtime-consuming operation. Sweden hadno traditions in the field and the prob­lems were not always understood bythe industry's sometimes harsh critics.One example: According to the origin­al plans, forty B 5 (Northrop) lightbombers were to have been delivered

between August 1939 and the autumnof 1941. Initially, ASJAlSaab hadplanned to import some importantcomponents. Owing to the outbreak ofthe war, this became either difficult oroutright impossible. The supply ofdrawings, etc, from the United Stateswas delayed and all this taken togetherforced Saab and the Air Board to agreeon a new delivery schedule. The start ofthe deliveries was now set for the end of1939 but completion must be before 15January, 1941. In the event, all 40 air-

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ABOVE: The AFF P7 project for a reconnaissance aircraft was defeated by theASJA L-IO which became the Saab 17. (G. G. Ahremark)

Top: The Saab L-12 (later J 19) was a well-defined project for a single­engined fighter to be powered by a 1.215 hp Bristol Taurus engine. It had anestimated top speed of 605 km/h (376 mph) but work was suspended inDecember 1939. (C. G. Ahremark)

reported to the Air Board a delay ofabout three months in the B 3 produc­tion because of the Finnish programmewhich for Saab included 44 BrewsterBuffaloes and 17 Fiat G.50 fighters, thelatter being assembled at the rate ofone a day. The foreign aid originallypromised dwindled, however, and inthe end a total of 116 aircraft wereassembled and equipped in Sweden.

An interesting development in the

planning called for as many as 460aircraft.

The first aircraft for Finland, thirtyGloster Gladiators from Britain, arriv­ed in January 1940. They were rapidlyassembled by the Air Force works atMalmslatt and fitted with Swedishskis. Then followed a stream of aircraftthat were assembled at MalmsHitt, bySaab at Trollhattan, and by ABASwedish Air Lines at Malmo. Saab

Urgent Work For Finland

Like Sweden, Finland had ordered aconsiderable number of combat aircraftabroad in 1939 but few of these hadarrived by the time of the Soviet attack.Finland urgently appealed for militaryassistance from the Western Powers. Inmid·December the Finnish authoritiesrequested Swedish assistance in pro­viding a large number of aircraft, withassembly, equipment and transfer tosuitable bases for later delivery to Fin­land. There proved to be so much workinvolved that a special section for Fin­nish matters had to be organizedwithin the Air Board. The original

craft were delivered during 1940.The B 3 (Junkers Ju 86K) was

already obsolete in 1939 (one may nowwonder why it was chosen for licenceproduction in mid·1938) and thereforeno efforts were made in 1939 to acceler­ate its production at Trollhattan. Onthe contrary, the Air Board was autho­rized by the Government in February1940 to stop production of this slowbomber which would have been nomatch for modern fighters. Instead, theAir Board was authorized to negotiatefor additional B 5 light bombers. Even­tually, a total of 102 B 5s were de­livered.

During the first months of the warSweden's strategic position becameextremely critical. On 30 November,1939, the Soviet Union attacked Fin­land and invaded the three BalticStates. On 9 April, 1940, Germanyinvaded Denmark and Norway, Den­mark being occupied within 12 hours,and Norway in eight weeks. From aSwedish point of view it was particu­larly serious that the Soviet Union andGermany now acted in concert follow­ing the famous non-aggression pactsigned in August 1939. As a conse­quence, the Germans refused to deliverwar material to Sweden as long as theSoviet Union was at war with Finland.Everyone knew that Sweden had assis­ted Finland with as much equipmentas the country could possibly affordand even sent voluntary combat forcesincluding a mixed fighter/light-bombersquadron with a total of 17 aircraft (12Gladiators and five Harts).

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The Junkers Ju86K (B3 in Sweden) twin·engined bomber was introduced in the Air Force in 1937. In mid-1938.Saab was contracted to build forty B3s under licence at the new Trollhattan factory. (Flyguapnet)

In early 1940 production of the B3 was stopped in favour of additional lightbombers. In the late 1940s, the B3 was used to carry torpedoes. (Flyguapnet)

Swedish Aid-Finland campaign wasthe public fund-raising for the purchaseof fighters. Mter consultation with theFinnish Air Force the Swedish AirBoard was able to secure twelve FiatCR.42 fighters which according to theagreement would be delivered by 1April. But now the war had ceased (atleast temporarily) and the Finnishinterest in the Italian biplane fightersdiminished. Not suprisingly, the AirBoard received a message from Hel­sinki that the Finnish Air Force wouldprefer to have the money. The CR42sthus remained in Sweden and fiftyadditional aircraft were ordered mainlyfor Air Force training.

The Great American Hope

To acquire aircraft from abroad rapidlybecame almost impossible. Swedentried very hard indeed in 1939-40 toorder defence material in the UnitedStates since Britain and Germanyrefused in particular to sell modernfighters. Obviously, the United Statesneeded to keep equipment for itself, andhad also undertaken to give supplypriority to Great Britain and France. Ithad been decided by the US Govern­ment that Great Britain and France

should be supported in the war againstGermany, and Sweden's ability towithstand German pressure after theoccupation of Denmark and Norwaywas cast in doubt by Washington. TheSwedish declaration that the equip­ment was needed for maintaining strictneutrality against Germany was not

accepted. On 2 July, 1940, Sweden'sorders in the United States became ihesubject of an export prohibition and on10 October the same year a law enforc­ing confiscation of war material cameinto effect.

By this time Sweden had placedorders in the United States for: 120

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...~ -A few B 3s were converted into lO-passenger transports in the mid-l940s.


~.' .,'~:'


Seversky·Republic EP-1 (J9 in Sweden)fighters including a manufacturinglicence; 52 Seversky-Republic 2 P-A (B6 in Sweden) light bombers; 144 Vultee48C fighters; 550 Pratt & Whitney TwinWasp engines; plus ammunition, ma­chine tools, etc. Of a total of 316 air­craft on firm order, only 62 (60 EP-1sand two 2 P-As) actually arrived inSweden.

The negotiations for licence manu­facture of the 'I\vin Wasp and the Dou­ble Wasp were broken off. Swedeneventually managed to copy the 'I\vinWasp from DC-3 engines; but there wasno Double Wasp to copy. The greathopes pinned on the United States asthe supplier of fighter aircraft virtuallydisappeared overnight.

The only source for combat aircraftstill open in 1940 was Italy where 132fighters (72 Fiat CR.42s, 60 ReggianeRe 2ooos) and 84 Caproni Ca.313bombers could be obtained. The Fiats(J 11 in Sweden) were the last fighterbiplanes and already obsolete. Butwithout these and the Re 2000s (J 20),two fighter Wings (six squadrons)could not have been established. TheCaproni bombers (B 16/S 16) contrib­uted to a dark chapter in Swedish AirForce history. They suffered as manyas sixteen fatal accidents in which 41Swedish airmen lost their lives, al­though in fact not all the accidents

were due to equipment failures. TheItalian order, which also includednearly 200 Piaggio engines, was anemergency action and vitally neces­sary in 1940.

This fairly extensive description ofthe import situation in 1940 has to betaken into account when discussing thebuild-up of the Swedish industry andthe urgency prevailing in 1939-40.

The Air Force Board was no longer incomplete control of the situation. Theappointment of a Supreme Commander(General O. Thornell) with specialpowers in December 1939, and at thesame time the creation of a Govern­ment Industrial Commission (1K) respon­sible not only for the supply of strategicmaterials but also for the functioningof the defence industry, affected themilitary decision-making.

The Air Force had strongly criticizedSaab for its slow production build-upand the Industrial Commission imme­diately conducted a thorough study.The problems were numerous butabove all the lack of trained personneland materials dominated. Saab neededat least 600 engineers/draughtsmen todevelop the two aircraft types alreadycontracted for by the Air Force. The1940 level was less than 400, and the600 level was, in fact, not reached untilearly 1943.

The Industrial Commission realized

that only by concentration could theproblems be solved - not by competi·tion as some headstrong Air Forceofficers still insisted.

In early 1940 the Air Force had sub­mitted a new plan for yet anothermajor expansion of the number ofcombat Wings, and, on 8 August, 1940,the Supreme Commander requestedand received Government permissionto establish five new Wings (15 Squad­rons) in addition to the nine Wingsalready existing or in the process ofbeing organized. The Air Force wasnow totally dependent on the Swedishindustry, and its expansion took prior­ity over almost everything else in therearmament programme.

The First Basic Agreement

After several months of negotiations, amutual Basic Agreement (in Swedish,Ramautal) between the Governmentand the industry was submitted to theGovernment for approval in November1940. This agreement, which had beenworked out by the Industrial Commis­sion (lK), laid a solid foundation for thecoming expansion of the Swedish air­craft industry as a reliable supplier tothe Air Force. Saab accepted develop­ment of the aircraft types specified bythe Air Force and promised to startproduction deliveries 33 months after

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In May 1940, the prototype of the Saab 17 light bomber/reconnaissanceaircraft, made its first flight. The photograph, however, shows the lastversion produced of this successful design, the B 17A which was powered bya Swedish-built Pratt & Whitney 1\vin Wasp engine. (Flygvapnet/F6)

Major expansion of the Swedish aircraft industry took place in 1940 and anagreement was signed with the Government calling for delivery of morethan 1,000 aircraft over a few years. In this picture taken in 1942, some ofthe total of 322 Saab 17s are being assembled. (Saab)

Historical Survey 25

receiving development contracts. Theproduction rate could be set as high as30 aircraft a month if required. Theagreement covered deliveries of notfewer than 1,100 combat aircraft bymid-1946. Underground factories werealso included in the agreement.

The Air Force Board, the air­craft/engine industry and the Indus­trial Commission soon developed excel­lent teamwork. The key personalitieswere Colonel (later Major General) NilsSoderberg as head of the Air MaterialDepartment (on the Air Force Board).banker Marcus Wallenberg Jr. (for theSaab board) and Uno Forsberg. anexperienced industrialist especially ap­pointed by the Industrial Commissionto deal with aircraft/engine produc­tion.

Engines - the CriticalFactor

For the aircraft designers, the lack ofsuitable engines proved to be a serious

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bottleneck and compensation could noteasily be made for lack of enginepower, although great efforts weremade. Licence-manufacture of Mercuryengines had already begun in 1930 atNohab under the Bristol Mercuryagreement. Until 1936-37, however, thecapacity was limited to 30 engines ayear. In January 1937, the Air Boardhad requested a capacity increase to 70a year but even in September 1939 theannual production was less than 60.The problems at Nohab, which actu­ally led to a management shake-up,prompted the Air Board to approachmotor car manufacturer Volvo in aneffort to involve it in aircraft engineproduction. It took until 1941, however,before Volvo took over Wenner-Gren'smajority shareholding and changedthe company's name to Svenska Flyg­molor AB (SFA).

Sweden's isolation during the SecondWorld War hit the engine industry par­ticularly hard and, contrary to earlierhopes, it proved to be impossible todevelop in reasonable time, with theresources available, the engines requir­ed by the Air Force. In fact, starting in1940 SFA managed to copy the Pratt &

Whitney Twin Wasp, in itself a formid­able task which the Americans did notconsider possible. Despite such a tech­nical challenge, Flygmotor achieved anannual production of 313 engines in1944. Take-off power was 1,065 hp andreliability every bit as good as theoriginal.

A 1940 dilemma was the failure ofengine standardization hoped for in1939 when the Twin Wasp and DoubleWasp licences were still being nego­tiated for the three new combat aircraftunder develop~entat Saah. The TwinWasp copy did not become availableuntil 1943 and even then in verylimited quantity. Therefore this enginehad to be reserved for fighters; theearly bomber/reconnaissance aircrafthad to be powered by other engines,notably the licence-built Bristol Mer­cury XXIV of 980 hp and the importedPiaggio P XIbis RC 40 of 1,040 hp. TheTwin Wasp could be made availableonly for the last version ofthe Saab 17.

The serious engine availability prob­lems caused new delays in the deliveryschedules agreed upon in the BasicAgreement from late 1940 and theschedules had to be revised downwards

in the autumn of 1941. The IK had toact again ordering new priorities forboth the aircraft and engine industry.

The Saab 17 (formerly lAO) dive­bomber and reconnaissance aircraft,which had been ordered into develop­ment in late 1938, made its first flightin May 1940. The original number ofaircraft to be produced had been set at260 in the 1940 Basic Agreement, withproduction deliveries starting in early1942. The number of aircraft was laterincreased and in October 1944 the lastof 325 was delivered. Four differentversions with three different types ofengines and three different types ofundercarriage were produced.

Ambitious Planning

The Air Force and industry planningin 1938-39 was indeed very ambitiousin view of the limited experience andresources available. As early as thebeginning of 1939, a development con­tract was awarded to Saab for a twin­engined bomber, the Saab 18 (origi­nally the L-ll), also intended forstrategic reconnaissance and torpedo­launching. At the outbreak of the war,

In early 1944, production of the twin-engined Saab 18 bomber was in full swing. (Saab)

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...'-----~~-Fly past by sixteen B 18As (FlygvapnetlF5)

The Saab 18 was an elegant design. The B 18A/S 18A was powered by twoSvenska Flygmotor-built Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasps each of 1,065 hp. Notethe offset position of the cockpit canopy introduced. to improve the pilot'sdownward visibility. (Saab)

the development work was temporarilyhalted, partly to enable a concentrationof resources on the Saab 17, partly toenable the designers to include somemodifications based on early wartimeexperience. In June 1940, developmentwork was resumed. The first prototype

flew in June 1942, with productiondeliveries starting in March 1944. Atotal of 244 aircraft was produced.

Owing to the engine shortage, theSaab 18 had to be designed in two mainversions. The first one, the B 18A/S 18,was powered by two SFA '!Win Wasps,

but a more powerful version - initiallythe Bristol Taurus was planned - couldnot fly until 1944, equipped with theDaimler-Benz DB 605B. This version,the B 18B, and the similar T 18B, werefast and had a top speed of 570 kmlh(355 mph).

A Revolutionary Bombsight

The Swedish Air Force was one of thepioneers of dive-bombing, starting in1934 using the Hawker Hart (B 4) andlater the Northrop BA-1 (B 5). The AirForce was also well aware of thelimitations of dive-bombing, especiallythe bomber's vulnerability againstanti-aircraft fire and fighters. Saabtook a great interest in the problem andin the early 19405 two engineers, ErikWilkenson and 'lbrsten Faxen, solvedthe problem, which eventually resultedin a remarkable increase in the effi­ciency of the Swedish bomber/attack

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Saab 24 was the designation of a projected twin-engined (Daimler-Benz605Bs) dive-bomber and night fighter with an estimated top speed of 630kmlh (392 mph) and a loaded weight of 7,895 kg (17,400 lb). A full-scalemock·up was completed but further development cancelled in December1943. (C. G. Ahremark)

aircraft. In contrast to the steep - up to90 degrees - dives used by the GermanStukas, the new bombsight allowedshallow dive angles (20-30 degrees)and with automatic bomber separationduring the pull-out. The bombsight,which was developed under strictsecrecy, was a mechanical computer ­one of the first of its kind in the world ­using target-data input from the sight­ing phase. The sighting system permit­ted. moderate altitudes to be used beforethe final diving phase thereby consid­erably reducing the time of exposure toanti-aircraft and fighter defence.

The first production <toss' bombsight,the BT 2, went into the B 17. A laterdesign, the BT 9, went into the B 18 andwas also used in the A 21A. After theSecond World War, new mixed mecha­nicaVelectronic versions were deve­loped, sold to and even licence-pro­duced in the United States. The BT 9was also exported in sizeable numbersto France, Denmark and Switzerland.The last Swedish aircraft to carry theBT 9C was the Saab 32 Lansen firstintroduced in to service in 1955. Saabproduced nearly 2,000 sights not inclu­ding US licence production or 'pirateversions' produced there after the

Swedish patents expired. The BT 9represented Saab's first major equip­ment development programme outsidethe traditional aircraft design area.The development of the first Saab pilot­ejector seat used in a production-typeaircraft as early as 1943 was anothercontemporary technical milestone.

The Urgent Need forFighters

In line with the international doctrineson air warfare prevailing in Europe inthe 19305 (the widespread influence ofthe Italian General Guilio Douhet andhis deep and much publicized belief inthe offensive elements), the 1936 parlia­mentary defence decision in Swedencalled for very few fighters in relationto bombers. The ratio was, in fact, 4:1in the bomber's favour. This emphasison 'strategic' bombers and reconnais­sance aircraft was also motivated bySweden's geographical situation. Themain threat was an invasion mainlyover the long sea borders. Such anattack could not be stopped by fighters,it was claimed. The fighters were onlyconsidered important for local defence.Only in February 1940 had the Govern-

ment authorized the establishment oftwo additional fighter Wings over thesingle one existing in early 1940.

Saab was deeply involved in thebomber programmes and could not bedisrupted by fighter production, how­ever urgently needed. The IndustrialCommission (IK) was also firmly a­gainst it.

The Last Improvisation

In the late summer of 1940, ColonelNils Soderberg, the head of the AirBoard's Material Department, wrote to

the resident Swedish engineer at Vol­tee, Bo Lundberg, who was attached to

the Swedish Air Commission in theUnited States, and asked him to pre­pare for the design of a 'stop-gap' fight­er aircraft. Owing to the shortage ofaluminium which hampered Saab'swork, it was decided that the aircraftshould he built largely of steel andwood. Engineers should be recruitedmainly from the Air Force and fromcompanies not already working assuppliers to Saab, at least as far aspossible. In addition, some work shouldbe done by the Air Force's own work­shops, which were still quite exper­ienced in those materials. The Soder­berg/Lundberg plans for a fighterdesignated the J 22 and based on theuse of the Swedish version of the Pratt& Whitney '!Win Wasp engine, wasgenerally well received in the Air Forceand by defence politicians, and initialfunding for prototypes was authorizedin February 1941.

Following the lo-year policy agree­ment signed in 1939 with the air­craft/engine industry, Saab had to beconsulted. The company's initial reac­tion was somewhat negative. Themanaging director Rognar Wahrgren,in fact, told the Air Board that thecompany was not interested in themanufacture of an aircraft which in hisopinion would not be 'first class' (owingto the limited engine power available;he even suggested that the RepublicEp·1 be copied like its engine). Saab,however, assisted with weight and per­formance calculations. The estimatedperformance - a top speed of 575 km/h(357 mph) - seemed optimistic and, inaddition, Lundberg's patented struetu-

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ral design, with load-carrying inter­changeable wooden panels, was veryadvanced.

For the assembly work a new hangarwas built at Stockholm's Bromma Air­port for later use by ABA Swedish AirLines, using government unemploy­ment funds. The facility was leased bythe Air Board from 1 July, 1942 to 1July, 1945. The firstJ 22 prototype wascompleted on 1 September, 1942, forground testing and on 20 September

Lieutenant General Bengt G.Nordenskiold, dynamic Commander­in-Chief of the Swedish Air Force1942-54 (LEi'i) and Major GeneralNils SOderberg (HIGHT), head of theSwedish Air Force Board 1944-50,played a major role in the building­up of the efficient teamworkbetween the Air Force and theindustry. (Flyguapnet)

The T 18B was the last version of the Saab 18 produced. With a top speed of 595 km/h (370 mph) it was one of thefastest piston-engined bombers. (Saab)

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the first flight took place. The first pro­duction aircraft followed in August1943,30 months after project go-ahead_This was, of course, a splendid perfor­mance by an engineering team of lessthat 100 people. The production wasbased on a bold scheme involving asmany as 500 companies, most of themoutside the already existing aircraftindustry. The organization and func­tioning of this largely inexperiencedproduction team, however, proved to betoo great a challenge. Eventually,employment in the Air Board plantresponsible had to be dramaticallyincreased to nearly 800 in order to copewith production schedules and qualityrequirements.

The J 22 was produced by FFVS ­Flygforvaltningens Flygverkslad i Stock­holm. 180 aircraft were delivered byFFVS before May 1945, sufficient toequip three fighter Wings (9 squad­rons). A last batch of 18 was completedby the then new central maintenancefacility at Arboga (eVA) and deliveredto a reconnaissance squadron suitablyequipped.

Yet another stop-gap programme ­although on a much smaller scale ­completes the picture of the wartimeSwedish aircraft industry. Facing anacute shortage of primary trainers, theAir Board in 1942 decided to award acontract to a company at Ornskoldsvikin the north, Hagglund & SOner, toproduce under licence 120 of the Ger­man Bucker Bu 181 Bestmann (Sk 25)aircraft. These were delivered between1943 and 1946. Of wooden construction,the Bestmann was not suitable for all­metal oriented Saab which was alsooverloaded with work on combat air·craft. It is interesting to recall that theBestmann was the last of the manyBucker trainers having the Swedishengineer A. J. Andersson as chiefdesigner before he returned to Swedenin 1939. The Sk 25 became Hagglund'sonly aircraft venture.

The Race for More Power

For several years the Air Board hadbeen looking for engines with morepower than the'i:win Wasp. After thefailure to obtain the Bristol Taurus andthe Pratt & Whitney Double Wasp, the

German Daimler-Benz DB 601 becamethe centre of interest. The initial Swe­dish approach in the summer of 1940met with little German interest. At theend of August the Germans informedthe Swedish representatives that 'theGerman industry was not prepared toprovide the necessary assistance forlicence manufacture'.

In late 1940 new contacts were madewith the Germans, with Soderberg visit­ing Berlin in December. There he wastold by the Air Ministry (RLM) thatReichsmarschall Goring had given thefollowing message: 'Despite the hostileattitude of the Swedish press, theFuhrer has decided to release a manu­facturing licence for the Daimler-Benzengine (pause) on condition that Swe­den delivers 100 engines per month toGermany'. The initial hopes of SOder­berg faded rapidly.

At home the reaction of the SwedishGovernment was quite sour and the AirBoard was criticized for even discuss­ing compensations. In any case, theAir Board was instructed to give theGermans a polite no 'in view of the pol­itical and industrial implications ofsuch a scheme, etc'. Strangely enoughthe Germans did not seem all thatupset and some contacts were main­tained. Further discussion planned forMarch 1941, was, however, cancelledby Berlin for unknown reasons.

In June, the Germany Embassy inStockholm informed a somewhat sur­prised Soderberg that the newer andmore powerful DB 605B of 1,475 hp hadactually been released for Sweden, notthe DB 601 which had been the subjectof earlier talks. The compensationrequirements were deleted completely.

In August 1941, Soderberg and histeam of technical and legal experts wasauthorized to sign an agreement withDaimler-Benz. The negotiations withthe company went smoothly until thematter of licences from major sub­contractors came up. These were 44 innumber. Finally RLM intervened andissued orders to Daimler-Benz to nego­tiate with Sweden, One sub-contractor,Bosch, was quite impossible and toldthe Swedes 'that they took no ordersfrom RLM'. They even stipulated thatthe Swedish companies, Hesselmannfor the fuel-injection pump and Asea

for the electrical equipment (ie thecompanies best suited to cope with thejob), could not be used. But eventually,even this problem was solved.

The licence-manufacture started withexcellent assistance from the Germansbut in fact the engine was not ready forlicensing. Several thousand changeshad to be made which created seriousproblems for the engine industry, theAir Force units and the maintenanceworks. Therefore the whole programmewas seriously delayed and no aircraftpowered by the DB 605B could be deli­vered before the end of the war.

A Very UnconventionalFighterNow that, finally, an engine in the1,500 hp class had became available,Saab resumed project work on a fighteraircraft which had been part of the1940 Basic Agreement but not procee­ded with owing to the uncertain engineavailability. During 1941 different pro­jects were discussed between Saab andthe Air Board. Air Force demands werehigh on performance, armament, pilotvisibility and manoeuvrability. In April1941 Saab submitted a very unconven­tional design, the L-13, later known asthe J 21, with the engine behind thepilot and driving a pusher propellerbetween two tail booms. The armamentwas heavy and largely concentrated inthe nose. But there were many techni­cal question-marks especially as nosimilar aircraft had ever been deve­loped by the major powers_ One prob­lem was the safety of the pilot in theevent of a bale-out. Other problemsincluded engine cooling on the groundas there was no propeller slipstream.Nevertheless, the J 21 design problemswere solved, and the aircraft eventuallybecame one of the first aircraft in theworld to be equipped with an ejectorseat. It first flew in July 1943 and wentinto service in late 1945. A total of 302aircraft were built, including 183 fight­ers and 119 aircraft in a special attackversion (A21). Yet another projectbased on the DB 605B was the twin­engined fighter and dive-bomber, knownas the Saab 24. Initiated in late 1941,the design work proceeded all the waythrough extensive wind-tunnel testing

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A very unconventional fighter, the pusher-propeller Saab 21A, made its first flight in July 1943. It was one of thefirst aircraft in the world to be equipped with an ejector seat. All J 21As were built at Saab's Trollhattan factory.(Saab)

to a full scale mock-up. The Air Forcecontract was however terminated inDecember 1943 following a change overfrom twin-engined fighters.

Both the Air Force and the industrywere, of course, frustrated by being toheavily dependent on foreign powersfor engines. The Basic Agreement from1940 also, in fact, included Swedish­developed engines. At the end of 1941therefore Svenska Flygmotor (SFA)was awarded a contract to develop anengine known as the Mx. Specifiedpower was as high as 2,200 hp. Beforethe development was completed, how­ever, the jet engine emerged both inGermany and Great Britain and in1945 work was terminated, and the Mxdesign group was given new and moreexciting work.

A Major Accomplishment

During the Second World War theSwedish Air Force grew from 7 to 17Wings and the number of aircraft wasalmost quadrupled. The latter fact wasdue not only to increases in the numberof Squadrons but also to significant

increases in the number of aircraft perWing. Already in 1940 the number ofaircraft per Wing increased from 45 to60 as a result of greater attritionreserves.

Between 1936 and 1945 a total of1,395 aircraft were delivered to the AirForce. Of these 473 were imported and922 manufactured in Sweden_ 765 ofthe latter were of Swedish design.

The build·up of a Swedish aircraftindustry began in 1937 but it tooknearly five years before the industrywas capable of delivering in quantitymodern aircraft designed in Sweden.The creation of a competitive aircraftindustry during the near-isolation im­posed by the war and the lack of mat­erials and experienced people was in­deed a major accomplishment by thisnation of only seven million people.The most dramatic growth phase wascompleted in 1944 but already in 1943Saab surpassed Bofors as the country'slargest defence manufacturer as mea­sured in number of working hours forthe country's defence forces.

The actual industry manpower growthwas impressive. In 1939, Saah had

1,100 employees, including 184 engin­eers/draughtsmen. By 1944 employ­ment had reached 3,967 including 756engineers/draughtsmen. By com­parison, Svenska Flygmotor (SFA) in1939 had 344 employees including 36engineers/draughtsmen. By 1944 thetotal was 1,447including 137engineersldraughtsmen. The engine industry was,however, larger than indicated by theSFA figures alone. Major sub-contrac­tors, such as Bolinder-Munktell andVolvo Penta, took part in both the TwinWasp and the DB 605B programme,their billings eventually reaching 50percent of SFA's own.

Entering the Jet Age

In early 1945 Saab started project workwith the main purpose of exploring thepossibilities for a quick and inexpen­sive conversion of the J 21 to jet powerin order to acquire as soon as possiblepractical jet power and high-speedexperience.

When the project work began theengine type was still an open issue. TheAir Force Board had ordered develop-

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An unconventional provision ofajet fighter was the conversion of the J21A as the J21R. It was the first suchconversion put into quantity production. (Flyguapnet)

ment of two parallel 1,500 kp class(3,300 lb) class jet engine projects, onewith STAL of Finspang - an ex­perienced turbine manufacturer - theother with SFA The STAL Skuten*was of axial-compressor design, theSFA R 102 having a centrifugal com­pressor. Before either companycould complete development work ­prototypes were running on the bench ­the British de Havilland Goblin 2 wasreleased to Sweden for licence ma....ufac-

* Skuten is the name of a lake nearFin8pAng.headqua~rsofST~

ture. The latter was undertaken bySFA, while both Swedish companiesactually continued design work onlarger engines in the 3,000 kp (6,600 lb)class intended for future aircraft. Thusthe Goblin 2 was selected to power thefirst Swedish-designed jet aircraft, theJ 21R, which made its first flight inMarch 1947, only a year after start ofdesign work. With jet power the J 21 'stop speed increased from 640 krn/h (398mph) to 800 krnlh (497 mph). Theconversion eventually proved morecomplex than expected and instead of80 percent commonality in airframe

design, only 50 per cent of the J 21remained when the J 21R went intoproduction.

As a fighter the J 21R did not provevery successful. Its critical Mach num­ber could easily be exceeded, causingthe pilot to loose control. Climb per­formance was not acceptable for afighter and the range very limited. Thisled to a decision to cut production from120 to 60.

After one year in Air Force fighterservice, it was decided to convert the J21R into an attack aircraft (A 21R). Inthis role, the aircraft actually became

Dr Erik Wilkenson (LE...", maininventor of the Saah 'toss'bombsight. First ordered intoquantity production in 1942, thesighting system was produced inseveral versions and later exported.It was also produced under licence inthe United States. Ragnar Wahrgren(RIGHT), managing director of ASJand 1939-1950 ofSaab in Linkoping.(SaabJ

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very popular and carrying a specialpod for eight machine-guns - giving atotal of 13 guns - became a reallypowerful weapons system: one of thebest weapons platfonns ever, accordingto some pilots.

Although generally speaking theJ 21R was not an important chapter inthe Air Force's history, it was oftremendous importance to Saab's develop­ment team as it provided vital andtimely experience in transonic prob-

Historical Survey 33

lems. Without these lessons, it isdoubtful whether the far more ad­vanced J 29 could have been developedso rapidly.

For the immediate postwar transitionto jet figbters, starting in 1946, tbe Air

A Boeing B-17 Flying Fortressarrives at Saab after a forcedlanding in Sweden, and (BELOWI thesame aircraft after conversion bySaab into a stop-gapintercontinental airliner for SILA(Swedish Intercontinental Airlines,a predecessor of SAS). Seven suchconversions were made. (8oab)SILA'S Boeing B-17 (RIGHT) afterconversion with the word Swedenboldly displayed on the fuselage.(Saab)

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The Saah 91 Safir, a private-venture trainer/tourer, was adopted by the Swedish Air Force as a primary trainer(Sk50) in 1951. Owing to lack of factory space the manufacture was sub-contracted to the De Schelde factory in TheNetherlands where 120 aircraft were built before production was resumed in Sweden.

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Force decided to acquire the British deHavilland Vampire (J 28) of which asmany as 400 were delivered. Most ofthesewere actually powered by Swedish­built Goblin engines.

Planning for Peace

In 1944 it became obvious that the warwas coming to an end. Saab feared that

first of which was delivered in Oct­ober 1950. In addition to the Scandia, athree-seat light aircraft for touring andtrainer use, the Saab 91 Safir, wasdeveloped. The prototype first flew inNovember 1945. The Safir becamequite a success not least as a militaryprimary trainer and was used by six airforces. More than 300 were built. Butthese two aircraft were not considered

Historical Survey 35

even point was given as 8,000 units.Funds were made available for manufac­ture of three prototypes as well as forpurchase of sheet metal presses whichwere intended for both car bodies andjet engine sheet metal parts! A produc­tion prototype was unveiled in May1947 following more than a year ofpreliminary prototype testing.

The Saab 92 and the subsequent long

The Saab 90 Scandia twin-engined airliner could accommodate 24 to 32 passengers. SE-BSB is seen in the livery ofScandinavian Airlines System (SAS) in 1950. (SAS)


military procurement was going to bedrastically reduced after 1946 and earlyredundancies in the development depart­ments were expected. Civil aircraft pro­duction was the natural planning aim,and following a decision to convertseven Boeing B-17 Flying Fortressbombers (force-landed in Sweden), into14-passenger stop-gap long-range air­liners for SILA, Swedish Intercontin­ental Airlines, the company board inFebruary 1944 decided to go-aheadwith a twin-engined short-haul airlinerseating 24-32 passengers, later knownas the Saab 90 Scandia. The prototypeflew in November 1946. Flight testingwas sucessful and in April 1948, ABASwedish Air Lines (Swedish predeces­sor of SAS) order 10 aircraft, the

sufficient to fill the gap expected fromreduced military orders. The Trollhiit­tan factory employment in particularwas in danger.

The Birth of a MajorIndustryA market study for various civilproducts had also indicated the needfor a Swedish built motorcar! It shouldhave front-wheel drive to suit Sweden'sclimate and be powered by a simpletwo-stroke engine. By using the latestaerodynamic know-how it could begiven high performance. The Troll­hattan factory was considered ade­quate for an annual production of up to3,000 motorcars. The economic break-

line of successful Saab motorcarsrapidly grew into a major industry inits own right, but it was born in theaircraft industry which also built theprototypes. In 1987 the Saab Car Div­ision produced approximately 130,000high-performance luxury cars, 75 per­cent of these for export. The mainfactory is still at Trollhattan.

'Rolling' Seven-year Plans

The Swedish politicians at an earlystage realized that long-term planningwas the only way to develop andproduce modern aircraft, and both the1936 and 1942 parliamentary defencedecisions approved five-year planningperiods for Air Force procurement. As

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\ The swept-wing Saab 29represented a technologicalbreakthrough for the Swedishaircraft industry. This picture showswell the high surface finish of thewing. The J 29 went into service inearly 1951 and for several years wasthe most modern fighter ofEuropean design. (Saub)

it turned out, even five years was ashort time for complex developmentprogrammes in particular. To compen­sate for the disadvantages of a plan­ning period bound to certain calendaryears, in 1945 the Air Force devised a'rolling' seven-year programme push­ing the planning forward one year atthe end of each fiscal year. For fundsnot formally committed by Parliament,

a spending authorization was ob­tained. In the defence decision taken byParliament in 1948, the same type ofplanning was also introduced for theother two Services.

Even if the shooting war had stoppedin Europe, the 1948 defence decisionrepresented a major expansion of theAir Force fighter strength, and insteadof the near idle aricraft factories feared

in 1944-45, the 1949 Basic Agreementbetween the Air Board and the industrywas going to demand the highestproduction commitment outlined in theAgreement. No fewer than 600 of thenew J 29 fighters were going to be pro­duced over a few years!

In this situation it quickly becameobvious that Saab's production capa­city was insufficient to handle both the

Final assembly in LinkOping in November 1949 of Saab 90 Scandias and Saah 91 Safir trainer/tourers_ (Suub)

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J 29 production and the Scandia air­liner which seriously competed for bothmanpower and factory space. In early1950 the Air Force suggested that theScandia programme be terminated andfinally convinced Saab by offeringfinancial compensation, largely in theform of a bonus for each new jet fighterdelivered on schedule. The 'package'also included the cancellation of 60J 21Rs. The remaining Scandias onorder were sub-contracted to Fokker inThe Netherlands.

New Saab Management

In 1950 Tryggve Holm succeeded Rag­nar Wahrgren as managing director ofSaab. In 1950 Saab was not operatingvery profitably and one of TryggveHolm's less popular initial responsibi­lities was to cut the shareholders'dividends. The main reasons were theheavy investment and - so far -limitedreturns on all three civil productprogrammes. Tryggve Holm's imagequickly improved, however, when thenew fighter, the J 29, went into large­scale production.

The J 29 had made its fust flight inSeptember 1948, only 18 months afterthe J 21R. In contrast to its pre­decessor, the J 29 embodied the latestdesign and manufacturing technologyavailable. It featured swept back low­drag wings and, equipped with thepowerful 2,270 kp (5,000 Ib) dry thrustde Havilland Ghost engine (for which alicence was obtained, the aircraftreached a top speed of 1,035 km/h (643mph) making it one of the fastestfighters in the world. Production de­liveries started in May 1951. Also froma production engineering point of viewthe J 29 introduced many novelties.The high performance of the aircraftrequired a completely new standard ofexternal smoothness. For aerodynamicreasons, no rivet head or sheet metaledge was allowed to project more than0.01 in (0.2 mm) above the surroundingcontour. Rivet heads were milled off.The manufacture of high-precision,high·performance aircraft was greatlyfacilitated by the development of Saab'ssystem for mathematical determin­ation of lines. This system (evolved byN. Lidbro) eliminated the traditional

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'Iryggve Holm, managing director ofSaab in 1950-67. Under hismanagement, Saab became animportant industrial enterprise.(Suub)

The product range at the Saab Trollhattan factory in 1948: the Saab J 21A fighter with a prototype of the company'sbrand new civil product, the Saab 92 car. Today, the Trollhattan factory is a highly automated production centre forcars only. About 130,000 cars were sold in 1987. (Saab)

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High-volume production of the SaabJ 29 fighter. In 1954 alone, 221aircraft were delivered. (Saob)

In the early 19508, the Swedish AirBoard and Svenska Flygmotorjointly designed and developed anafterburner for the de HavillandGhost. Designated the RM 2B itincreased the static thrust by 30percent to 2,800 kp (6,167Ib). A totalof 390 engines was modified toRM 2B standard. (Suenska Flygmotor)

and less reliable full-scale lofting tech­nique and was first employed on theJ 29, the shape of which was mathe­matically determined to approximately85 percent (later aircraft used it to 100percent). The system made it possibleto determine exactly a very largenumber of reference points (co-ordin­ates) on the aircraft - in some casesup to nearly 500,000 - which were c.sedthroughout the design and productionprocess. Saab also developed a method

of transferring the co-ordinates to jigsand templates with great accuracyusing especially developed co-ordinato­graphs of a type similar to that used inmap-making. The high-precision manu­facture also enabled Saab to complywith the Air Force's difficult require­ments for 100 percent interchange­ability of major parts between indivi­dual aircraft.

The production resources of thecompany were greatly expanded for the

J 29 programme. The production ratewas impressive by any standard. Be­tween 1951 and 1956 no fewer than 661aircraft were delivered. During Septem­ber 1954 one aircraft a day wascompleted.

The J 29 proved to be a versatile andrugged aircraft and six different ver­sions were developed. The last one, theJ 29F, featured a Swedish-designedafterburner (there were no British) forits British-designed engine, increasing

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the thrust and significantly improvingclimb performance. The J 29 repre­sented a real breakthrough for theSaab/Air Force team and internationalattention was not diminished when in1954 and 1955 Sweden broke two worldspeed records previously held by theUnited States.

In 1950 Saab's total annual saleswere only 40 million Swedish Crowns;

Following extensive project studiesof both twin- and single-engine con­figurations, on 20 December, 1948, theAir Force Board ordered developmentof a new two-seat single-engine tran­sonic combat aircraft for attack, recon­naissance and night fighter use. Knownas the Saab 32 Lansen (the Lance), itwas the first Swedish aircraft withbuilt-in surveillance and attack radar,

Historical Survey 39

STAL in the manufacture of theDovern and the much more powerfuland advanced Glan* engine projectwith an estimated afterburning thrustof 7,000 kp (15,500 Ib) intended for aplanned supersonic fighter. For STALthese projects also had considerablecivil importance as the Glan was to

serve as a testbed for projected station­ary gasturbine powerplaota Thecollabora·

The Saab 32 Lansen all-weather attack aircraft was Sweden's first 'systems aircraft'. It featured a built-in radarmainly for use with the revolutionary RB 04 radar-homing anti-ship missiles. (Flygvapnet/F 15)

in 1960 the figure exceeded 500 millionand four years later 1,000 million.Under Tryggve Holm's forceful man­agement, Saab rapidly became animportant industrial enterprise of inter­national repute.

1,000 Combat Aircraft

With the J 29 in full service in the mid­1950s, the Swedish Air Force reachedits highest numerical strength ever; 50Squadrons with approximately 1,000combat aircraft.

Typical of the farsighted planning ofthe Air Force Board and the industrywas the fact that already in the late1940s, when piston·engined aircraftstilldominated the international bomber/attack/reconnaissance scene, Swedenselected a very advanced solution for itsattack aircraft programme for the 19505.

indeed the first Swedish 'systems'aircraft. It made its first flight inNovember 1952.

Lansen became a very popular,reliable and versatile aircraft and stillsurvives in the Air Force organizationin 1988, not as a combat aircraft but forelectronic countermeasures training.

A Setback for Swedish JetEnginesLansen was orginally planned to bepowered by the Swedish STAL DovernII (RM 4) axial·flow turbojet of 3,300kp (7,300 lb) dry thrust which had beenselected for development rather thanthe Flygmotor R201 centrifugal-com­pressor engine. It was indeed a delicatesituation as the Air Board had toinform Flygmotor in mid·1949 that itwas to collaborate with its competitor

tion between the two companies did notprove easy and to facilitate the workMajor General Nils Soderberg left theAir Board in order to co-ordinate theintegration of the STAL developmentwork with Flygmotor's production assign­ment. In July 1952, the ground testingof the Dovern had been completed atspecified thrust, and flight testingstarted in a modified Avro Lancasterbomber. Then in November 1952 therewas a sudden bombshell: the Air Boardhad decided to abandon both theDavern and Glan following a recentoffer from the United Kingdom for apreviously refused licence for the Rolls­Royce Avon of similar thrust. Thefinancial terms were extremely favour­able and Sweden was offered fullaccess to future Avon developments.

*Dovem and Glan are lakes near FinspAng.

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More than 400 Lansen aircraft were produced. (Saab)

Many people, of course, regretted thedecision, which technologically was ablow to the promising Swedish jetengine industry. On the other had itmay be argued that with the limitedfunds available to the Air Force, thedevelopment costs for a line of Swedishjet engines with ever increasing com­plexity would have made it extremelydifficult to finance in the long termindigenous engine development andproduction. For the Air Force thedecisive factor was that the Swedishindustry remained capable of licencemanufacturing and support of theengines. For several decades now theindustry has actively participated inthe development of the engines beingbuilt under licence and also contributedwith quite a number of advancedafterburner designs to meet specialSwedish requirements. Today, theSwedish engine industry is also animportant partner for both develop­ment and production programmes forlarge US commercial jet engines.

Despite this disappointment for theSTAL company and for Curt Nicolin,the chief engineer leading the develop­ment team, the plans for a line of sta­tionary gas-turbines based on the Glanjet became a reality and the 10,000 kwGT 35 eventually sold to several coun-

tries. For Svenska Flygmotor, the AirBoard decision led to production ofmore than 1,100 Avon engines (RM 5and RM 6). The Avon powered Lansenright from the fIrst flight.

A Missile Parenthesis

The first German guided missile, al­though it was then called in Sweden anaerial torpedo, landed in Sweden inerror. In November 1943 a V 1 testvehicle crashed near Karlskrona insoutheast Sweden. Only two weekslater another V 1 was found nearYstad. In 1944, two more missilescrashed in Sweden. The first one wasyet another V 1 but the second proved asensation, - a V 2. A very detailedexamination was made and was in factmade available to the Allies by way ofBritain in return for some radarequipment. All three Swedish militaryServices were of course excited by thenew weapon technology unveiled. TheNavy looked at the guided weapon as acomplement to the torpedo, the Armyas an alternative to anti-aircraft art­illery, and the Air Force as a pilotlessaircraft for various types of mission.

A small central research and testorganization was formed in February1945. The private companies, mainly

Saab and STAL, were given the task ofexamining the German V 1test vehiclesunder contract to the Navy. The twocompanies designed and manufacturedon a limited scale a number ofexperimental missiles based on V 1technology with STAL-built pulse-jetengines but later also with a Swedish­developed expendable jet engine_ Thefirst Saab-designed missile,the Rb 310,made its first flight in 1947 and wasproduced in a small series. It wassuccessfully used as a target missile forvarious purposes. A larger version, theRb 311, was also flight tested. A third,much larger surface-to-surface missile,the Rb 312, was designed by Saabunder contract to the Air Board andwas to be powered by a Swedish jetengine developing a thrust of 740 kp.The Rb 312 project was, however,terminated before flight testing couldstart because of autopilot problems.

In April 1948, a joint inter-Servicemissile bureau (Forsvarets Robotvapen·byra) was formed under the Air ForceBoard. At this time most of the missiledevelopment and manufacturing activi­ties were transferred from privateindustry to government facilities. Thecentral Air Force maintenance works,notably the new Arboga facilities(CVA) with underground workshops,

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played a leading role. In 1949, eVAstarted its missile activities by buildinga second series of the Rb 310 targetmissile.

In 1950 development started on theRb 304 radar-homing anti-ship missilewhich was one ofthe main weapons onthe Saab 32 Lansen all-weather attackaircraft. With the Rb 304 Swedenbecame a pioneer in anti-ship missiles,and it was produced in quantity byeVA during the period 1958 to 1964.From 1949 Saab was almost out ofmissile activities for nearly 10 years,but there was to be a return to thisactivity.

A New Industry TeamEmerges

The Second World War isolation was amajor challenge for the organization ofa network of equipment and materialssuppliers to the aircraft industry. Ittook years to familiarize the supplierswith the special aircraft quality require­ments but in the end the companiesinvolved realized that by workingclosely with the aircraft industry theylearned how to tackle many technicalchallenges, however difficult a cus­tomer Saab seemed at times to be. Des­pite the hundreds of suppliers engagedby Saab, the company had to under­take design and manufacture of a lot ofmechanical and electrical equipmentwhich simply could not be bought

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Banker Marcus Wallenberg (right), Saab Board chairman 1968-1983 and amember of the Board ever since 1939, seen here inspecting Draken finalassembly line with Tryggve Holm. (Saab)

The assembly facilities at Linkoping were further expanded in 1953-55 toaccommodate Lansen production. (Saab)

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from outside. In the 1940s the largestsingle equipment item designed andproduced within Saab was the bomb­sight first produced in 1942. Saab alsodesigned and manufactured the under~

carriages, control systems, navigationequipment, etc for both aircraft andmissiles. Most of the in-house equip­ment manufacture took place in asection of the underground factorycompleted in Linkoping for the pur­pose, and in 1957 a major newexpansion was inaugurated. The rea­son was that aircraft had become moreand more complex. This trend wasalready apparent in the late 1940s andparticularly affected the developmentof the Saab 32 Lansen, which markedSaab's entry into the electronic age.The great technical challenge was thedevelopment of the airborne radarwhich involved a number of companiessuch as LM Ericsson, SRA, Saab, andCSF in France, Saab, AGA, and Phil·ips were engaged in the development ofsighting systems and autopilots, gyros,communication radio and navigationsystems. Countermeasures remainedan Air Board responsibility.

The first of a line of fighter aircraftsighting systems developed by Saabwas the S 6A. Like the SA 04 autepilot,also for Lansen, it was produced by theJonkoping factory. A new Swedishaircraft industry teamwork had started.

For the new generation of supersonicfighter aircraft in the planning stage in1950, even more advanced electronicsystems were needed, both in the airand on the ground. 1b meet the newtechnical challenge, in 1954 Saabdecided to create a special departmentfor operations. analysis and systemsengineering employing some 50 quali­fied engineers. This important upgrad­ing was largely due to the initiative ofDr Tore Gullstrand, later general man­ager of Saab-Aerospace.

A Qualified Customer

In military aircraft development it is,of course, tempting to choose conven­tional solutions in order to reducetechnical risks and costs. But such apolicy seldom produces winners, andthe fighter pilot knows only too wellwhat a performance or manoeuvr-

ability advantage means in the 'acidtest', the air combat duel. At least thiswas, somewhat simplified, the situa­tion in the 1950s and 1960s and to ahigh degree even today although 'sys­tems performance' has now come todominate the discussion. However, fora multi-role aircraft armed not onlywith guided missiles but also withcannon and other conventional wea­pons, highest possible 'platform' per­formance is still equally decisive.

A small nation such as Swedencannot afford conventional or, for thatmatter, too specialized aircraft. Tocompensate for limited quantity, thequality must be as high as technicallyand economically possible.

The success of an aircraft industry ishighly dependent on the ability of thecustomer, the Air Force, to define earlyenough the threat and specify therequirements to meet it. Sweden hasbeen lucky in this respect. Throughclose teamwork between the govern­ment organizations and the industrialcompanies involved, unique solutionsto truly difficult problems have beenfound and, what is equally important,


The Saah management team at Linkoping in front of the Saah J 35 Draken, Sweden's first supersonic fighter, in1955. (Left to right): Bengt R. Olow, chief test pilot; Erik Bratt, project manager; Tryggve Holm, managing director;Lars Brising, technical director; Tord Lidmalm, chief engineer design departments; Hans Erik Lofkvist, chiefengineer technical analysis department; and Kurt Lalander, chief engineer test departments. (Saab)

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the government planning has beenfirm. Only by a consistent policy hasSweden been able to produce thecombat aircraft needed for its securitypolicy.

The Swedish Air Force leaders aswell as the defence politicians deservepraise for understanding the industrialproblems involved.

The foregoing may serve as anintroduction to what is perhaps themost daring chapter so far in thehistory of the Swedish aircraft indus­try, the Saah Draken supersonic fight­er. Here again planning began veryearly, in fact only a year after the firstflight of the J 29. In Octoher 1949 a firstcontract was let to Saab for a designstudy for a project known as theAircraft 1200. Two parallel projectswere pursued, one for a conventionalswept·wing aircraft and one using adelta-wing configuration. In the latterproject the Saab design team used acompletely novel double delta aero­dynamic configuration combining theadvantages of the delta wing withthose of the swept wing and elimina-

Draken - Sweden's first Mach 2 aircraft, with its trendsetting double-deltawing. (SaabII.Thuresson)

Every Swedish Air Force fighter pilot was trained to operate Draken fromroad bases. (FlyguapnetlF 4)

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The sale of the first of fifty-one Draken attack, reconnaissance and trainerversions to Denmark in 1968 represented a major export breakthrough.(Saab/1. Thuresson)

ting the disadvantages of the two,giving optimum performance and flightcharacteristics. After much researchwork and by the building and flighttesting of a 70 percent scale researchaircraft, the double delta was finallychosen in early 1952. The first proto­type flew in late 1955 and the first trueSwedish supersonic fighter was areality.

The J 35A Draken went into servicein late 1959 and was followed by fivedifferent versions for the Swedish AirForce including the J 35F which pro­vided Sweden with the most efficientall-weather fighter of European designfor many years.

An Export Breakthrough

Draken soon became the subject ofconsiderable foreign interest. In 1968the Danish Air Force ordered the first

The S 35E reconnaissance version of Draken was unarmed and relied on its supersonic speed, even at low altitude, toavoid interception. (Saab/I. Thuresson)

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twenty of a total of 51 Draken aircraftin two new long-range versions forattack and photographic-reconnais­sance plus two-seaters for training. In1970, Finland ordered the 358, aversion of the J 35F which was assem­bled in Finland, and in addition, hassince ordered a number of ex-SwedishAir Force Drakens. In 1985, Austriaordered twenty-four refurbished ex­Flygvapnet J 35Ds (350Es in Austria).A total of 604 Draken aircraft werebuilt between 1955 and 1972.

Back into the MissileBusiness

In 1961 a new Basic Agreementbetween Saab and the Air Board wassigned. For the first time it included theproduction of guided missiles, the Rb 27

Historical Survey 45

In 1970 the first Draken fighters were sold to Finland. (Saab/I. Thuresson)

More than 600 Drakens were built, the last one in 1972. (Saab/1. Thuresson)

and Rb 28 (Hughes HM-55 and -58) air­to-air weapons which were ordered inlarge quantities. Deliveries started in1962. The licence production was amajor project involving considerable

investment both at Linkoping, wherefinal assembly of both versions tookplace, and at Jonkoping where 'superclean' rooms were built for the homingheads. A special warhead final assem-

bly and check-out facility was also builtat Linkoping.

In the mid-1960s a new air-to-surfacemissile was developed by Saab, theRb 05, featuring a radio-command steer-

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The Swedish Air Force uses many simple wooden hangars for protection of ground crews and equipment atturnaround sites. Here a J 35F Draken is being readied for another mission. (Saab/1. Thuresson)

Starting in 1962 Sasb produced a large number of American Hughes Falconair-to-air missiles under licence for the J 35F version of Draken. Both theIR-homing HM-58 (Rb 28 in Sweden) and radar-homing HM-55 (Rb 27) weremanufactured.. (Saab/1. Thuresson)

ing system. Powered by a Flygmotor·designed liquid-rocket engine, the produc­tion version became operational in1972_

A very different type of missile, theRb 08, went into production at Saab in1967. It was a Swedish development of

the French jet-powered Nord CT·20target drone designed to the require­ments of the Swedish Navy for bothship·to-ship and coastal purposes.

In 1969, Saab was contracted todevelop a modernized version of theRb 04 which had been in use with the

Air Force since 1960. The new versionwas designated the Rb 04E and in­cludes a new rocket engine.

The considerable experience thatSweden has acquired over the years,notably in anti·ship missiles, wasfurther developed in the late 1970s.Based largely on the Rb 04 experience,in 1977 Saah submitted a project to theNavy for a new anti-ship missile to bebased aboard the Navy's fast patrolboats. Designated the RBS 15, it wasordered into full-scale development andproduction in 1979. The missile ispowered by a jet engine (plus boosterrockets), has a range of approximately70 km, and like its predecessors it is asea·skimmer. The RBS 15 was opera­tional from 1984. Later, the Navyacquired the missile for its new coastalcorvettes and also ordered developmentof a vehicle-based coast defence ver­sion. The missile system has also beenexported to Finland.

Saab's missile activities are nowconcentrated within a separate subsi­diary company, Saab Missiles AD.

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A considerable number of missiles were launched from Draken to verify the performance of the Rb 27/28 family.The number oflaunches is indicated on the fin. (Saab/I. Thuresson)

Apart from naval applications of theRBS 15, the company is now develop­ing an air-launched version for the AirForce, the RBS 15F. Externally it isidentical to the Naval versions but nobooster rockets are carried.

Sweden's missile procurement has,however, not been characterized by thesame firm 'family' planning as aircraftdevelopment and procurement. Al­though several advanced Swedish mis­sile have been developed, includingair-, ship- and shore-launched anti-shipweapons as well as short-range laser­homing anti-aircraft missiles (BoforsRBS 70) and anti-tank missiles (BoforsRBS56 Bill), no Swedish-designed air­to-air, ground-to-air or long-rangesurface-to-air missiles have reachedquantity production. A promising IR­homing air-to-air missile, the Saab­designed Rb 72, was cancelled in 1978for financial reasons. It was to bereplaced by the United States AIM-9LSidewinder (Rb 74) although deliveriesof the latter could only start in 1987.

At the present time, the Swedish

The Rb 08 was a ship- and shore-based anti-ship missile system produced inthe 19608 by Saab for the Swedish Navy. (Saab)

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Government has allocated consider­able funds for a joint Swedish-Britishprogramme for a new active-radarhoming development of the BritishBAe Sky Flash air-to-air missile, anearlier version of which is already inservice with the Swedish Air Force asthe Rb 71. Other types of Swedishmissiles are in the planning stage.

Mainly to co-ordinate marketing act­ivities, in 1978 Saab and Bofors joinedforces in a separate subsidiary com­pany, Saab-Bofors Missile Corporation(SBMe).

A Civil Project 'fumedMilitary

In 1958 the company managementagain feared that it would take someyears before a new generation ofcombat aircraft could be developed forthe Air Force although some prelimin­ary project work had already started.In order to bridge the expected gap inthe workload for the developmentdepartments, some project and marketstudies were made for a small high­speed executive jet transport. Oneproject was for a twin-jet delta-wingaircraft. Market research did not pro­duce too promising results, however,and instead a new military project for atrainer/liaison aircraft, the Saab 105,was launched as a private-venture inApril 1960. Then the main intention


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During the late 1960s Saab developed the Rb 05A radio-eommand guided air­to-surface missile which has been in Flygvapnet inventory since 1972. Mostverification trials took place from a two-seat Draken trainer. (Saab/1.Thuresson)

Sweden was a pioneer of air-launched anti-ship missiles. The picture showsthe Rb 04E improved version first produced in 1969 and still equippingFlygvapnet attack squadrons. (Suub/A. Andersson)

The Saab RBS 15 is the standard ship-to-ship missiJe in the Swedish and Finnish Navies. This photograph shows alaunch from a Swedish Spica II fast missile craft.



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was to meet a Swedish Air Forcerequirement for a new combined trai­nerllight attack aircraft.

Later in 1961, the Government autho­rized financing of the developmentwork, and in early 1962 the Air Boardsigned a preliminary agreement for pro­curement of 130 aircraft on conditionthat the 'aircraft fulfilled the ~equire­

ments'. Eventually it did. Powered bytwo French Thrbomeca.engines. it flew

exceeds 20 years. This has been madepossible through on-going moderniza­tion (regular inspection and sometimesmodications) but above all to highercomponent reliability and maintain­ability. In reality a new maintenancephilosophy has been developed, keep­ing track of major component's life­cycle and MTBF (mean time betweenfailure rate). The considerable period oftime between each completely new type

Historical Survey 49

that existing aircraft should be equip­ped with new weapons and fire controlsystems. This was accepted and led inlate 1958 to the development of theJ 35F but also delayed the upcomingdecision on the new generation ofaircraft. The project studies actuallywent on until 1961 when the SupremeCommander approved the operationalrequirements (specification) for a newmulti-role aircraft to replace Lansen

The Saab 105 undergoing final assembly at LinkOping. This aircraft was the first of forty delivered to Austriastarting in July 1970. (Saab!.4.. Andersson)

for the first time in July 1963. A total of150 aircraft of different versions werelater supplied to the Swedish Air Force.In 1967, Saab developed, again as aprivate venture, a more powerful ver­sion of the Saab 105 equipped with twoGeneral Electric J85s with 70 percentmore thrust and much higher per­formance. In 1968, Austria ordered thefirst of a total of 40 such aircraft.

Careful Considerations

In 1942 the life of a combat aircraft (inpeace time!) was set at seven years_ In1958 the authorities assumed a life of7-8 years_ For Lansen the periodincreased to 15 years in the early 1970sand for the latest version of Draken it

of combat aircraft is, of course, a resultof the dramatically increased cost ofeach new system. Naturally, export isbecoming more and more important.

Project studies tend to start veryearly indeed. The decision to go aheadwith development of the J 35 Drakenwas, for example, taken in 1952.Immediately thereafter a series ofproject studies were initiated. regardingthe next generation of aircraft for theAir Force. Four totally different fami­lies of fighter, attack and multi·roleaircraft were studied and balancedagainst on-going studies of air defencemissiles (the international debate regard­ing manned aircraft v. missiles was, ofcourse, felt also in Sweden). Notsurprisingly. the study recommended

(A 32, S 32) attack and reconnaissanceaircraft as well as,later on, the Drakenfamily.

Aerodynamically, Viggen, as thenew aircraft was later named. provedto be extremely advanced and trulyunconventional. For the first time inthe world, a nose wing (canard) wasused in combination with a delta­shaped main wing. The configurationprovided outstanding lift characteris­tics, giving short take-off and landingdistances and thus reducing vulner­ability on the ground without having toresort to expensive and complex swing­wing configurations or lift/deflectedthrust engines.

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Viggen fighter version taking off from a road base. Despite a weight of 18 tonnes (39,683 Ib), it can take off and landin about 500 m (1,640 ft). (Soob/H. O. Arp!ors)

Sweden's Largest DefenceProject Ever

In April 1962 tbe Air Board informedthe Swedish aircraft, engine and equip­ment industry that for the Viggen pro­gramme a new procurement systemusing a main contractor would beapplied. In a later instruction, theresponsibilities of the Air Board, themain contractor, associate contractors,and sub-contractors were defined indetail.

In 1964 another important changetook place in the organization of thearmed forces equipment procurement.The Service Chiefs were no longer incommand of their technical/economicBo~rds. Instead, the Boards were madedirectly responsible to the Government(Defence Department), in an obviouseffort to achieve better control of theexpensive equipment procurement pro­grammes.

In 1968 this move was followed by an

amalgamation of the Services Boardsto one authority, the Defence MaterialAdministration (FMV). For Air Forcematters, an Air Material Department(AMD) was formed inside FMV.

In its new role Saab was not onlyresponsible for the development andintegration of the basic aircraft, it wasalso contracted to develop its centraldigital computer. The central computer(CK 37) which greatly facilitated thepilot's work - Viggen was a single­seater compared to the two-seat Lansenit was going to replace - was developedfrom a 'breadboard' prototype, the D 2,which the Air Board had alreadyordered in 1958 as a technology pro­gramme. The D2, incidentally, notonly led to the CK 37 which was readyfor testing in 1963, but also to a newSaab civil product line, general·purposecomputers. The first such computer, theDatasaab D 21, was delivered to acustomer in 1962. Technically it com­pared well in reliability with the

contemporary IBM systems. The gen­eral-purpose computer market even­tually became extremely competitiveand in 1980 Saah decided to sell off itscomputer and related activities to L.MEricsson, the Swedish world-wide tele­communications group.

By that time all the CK37s for thefirst Viggen generation had been de·livered. The Viggen development workwhich culminated in the 1967-71 periodwas the largest defence project everundertaken in Sweden. More than3,300 engineers were employed by theSwedish companies involved in theproject, and, all told, the developmentand production involved more than10,000 people.

The Viggen development team alsoincluded several important new foreignmembers, the most important being anew engine manufacturer. After morethan 10 years of the Rolls-Royce Avonseries for Lansen and Draken, theUnited States Pratt & Whitney JT8D

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Viggen camouflaged. The shadow shows the double~deltalayout. (Saab/AAndersson)

As a company, Saah was considerablyremodelled during the 1960s. It hadgrown tremendously, particularly auto­mobile production and computers andrelated activities (bank terminals, mini·computers, etc). Its registered ilame,Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget(SAAB)no longer properly describedits productsand in 1965 the name was changed toSAABAktiebolag. Thecompany'snamecould also be written as Saab.

In 1967, Tryggve Holm stepped downas managing director, being succeededby Dr Curt Mileikowsky. Holm re­mained on the board.

In 1968 a major development was theannouncement of a merger betweenSaab and Scania-Vabis, the majortruck manufacturer with headquartersat Sodertalje south of Stockholm.Scania-Vabis belongs like Saab to theSkandinaviska Enskilda Banken (Wal·lenberg) group and it was thereforedecided to merge the two companies inorder to make better use of the jointresources for research and develop­ment, production and export marketingin the automobile sphere. The newcompany was later registered as 8AAB­SCANIA Aktiebolag.

The merger also brought about great

subsystems, the development work andthe production preparations until theformation of the first combat unit in1972.

Viggen made its first flight in 1967and the first production aircraft (AJ 37)appeared in 1971.

After the AJ 37, the Sk 37 two·seatconversion trainer followed in 1970, theSF 37 photographic·reconnaissance andthe SH 37 sea-surveillance versions in1973, and in 1974 the first JA 37 all·weather fighter version. Although theJA37 looks virtually the same as theearlier Viggen versions it must beregarded as almost a new aircraftsystem incorporating much of thetechnical development which took placesince the AJ 37 specification was ap­proved in 1961. The modernization wasnecessary because of new threats andincludes a more powerful engine, newavionics and, of course, new arma·menl

Saab Remodelled


magnitude drew criticism, not leastfrom the extreme Left which, for somereason, seems to have easy access tonewsmedia. For this reason, in 1972 theGovernment published a 'white book'which outlined in great detail thedifferent study and evaluation phases,the requirements, the choice of major

In April 1965 a very detailed design mock-up of the Saab 37 Viggensupersonic multi-role combat aircraft was unveiled at Linkoping. In the AirForce/Saab team line-up are: Major General Greger Falk, head of the AirBoard; Tryggve Holm, Saab managing director; Lieutenant General LageThunberg, C-in-C of the Air Force; Colonel Ake Sundim, head of the AirMaterial Department in the Air Board; and Lars Brising, Saab technicaldirector_ (Saab/A. Andersson)

by-pass engine was chosen to powerViggen. The engine was completelybuilt in Sweden under licence, withFlygmotor also playing a major role inthe transformation of this subsonicairliner engine into an afterburning,supersonic engine.

Not surprisingly, a project of this

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In September 1974 the Defence Ministers of four NATO countries, Belgium,Denmark, The Netherlands and Norway, visited Sweden to view the Saab 37Viggen. In this picture Dr Tore Gullstrand, general manager of Saab-ScaniaAerospace (left), is seen with General Sverre Hamre, Norway, chairman ofNATO's Steering Committee (for the Starfighter replacement programme),Dr Curt Mileikowsky, Saab-Scan.ia president, and the Defence Minister ofThe Netherlands Henk Vreedeling....--::::; • 7"-

The development of the Saab 37 Viggen was a bold enterprise by the industry and the Air Force. The aerodynamicconfiguration was extremely advanced using a canard fore~planein combination with a delta-shaped main wing.Viggen was also the first single-engined aircraft incorporating a thrust reverser. (Saab/1. Thuresson)

changes in the organization of thecompany, and activities were mainlyconcentrated into four profit centres ofwhich the Aerospace Division was one.AB its first general manager, Dr ToreGullstrand was appointed.

Through an acquisition in 1968, theAerospace Division also included MalmoFlygindustri (MFI), a small manufac­turer of light aircraft including theMFI-15 piston-engined trainer whichmade its first flight in 1969 and laterwent into quantity production, mainlyfor export. It has also been producedunder licence in Pakistan.

The new Saab-Scania organizationcreated in 1969 had nearly 27,000employees. In the early 1970s thecompany expansion continued in theautomotive field and during 1975 employ­ment reached 35,000 of which 5,000worked in the Aerospace Division. The

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Viggen final assembly. The vertical fin can be folded allowing the use of lowhangars and underground shelters. (Suub)

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company's total sales reached 7,900million Swedish Crowns of which theAerospace Division was responsible forII percent or 858 million_ Althoughlimited in size, the Saab-Scania Aero­space Division enjoyed a position ofunusual financial strength among theEuropean aircraft manufacturers. Ahighly profitable and well diversifiedgroup, Saab-Scania generated in 1975an operating profit of 365 millionSwedish Crowns after depreciation etc.The share capital had reached 524million Swedish Crowns and the num­ber of individual shareholders 53,000.On the management side, in May 1978Sten Gustafsson succeeded Curt Milei­kowsky as managing director.

Viggen Export Efforts

Following the 1968-70 successful salesof Draken and the Saab 105 to

In 1969, Saab merged with Scania-Vabis and became Saab-Scania. The company headquarters are at Linkoping. alsocentre for aerospace activities. (Saub)

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Denmark, Finland and Austria, consider­able effort began in the early 1970s tomarket Viggen. This began in earnestin 1970 when a questionnaire arrivedfrom Australia and led to an outrightevaluation in 1972. A change in theAustralian Government delayed theprocurement several years, however,and eventually resulted in direct procure­ment from the United States of alimited number of General DynamicsF-111 long-range strike aircraft.

In 1973-74, four NATO members,Norway, Denmark, Belgium and TheNetherlands, agreed to co-ordinate theprocurement of a replacement for theLockbeed F·104 Starlighter. A specialjoint procurement organization was setup, chaired by the Norwegian ArmyGeneral, Sverre Hamre. This organiza­tion was not only responsible for a jointrequirement but also for organizing theproduction and the industrial offsetsrequested by the four nations.

Saab-Scania went to considerabletrouble to define a joint European co­production scheme for Viggen and alsooffered very extensive industrial offsetsoutside the aircraft and related areas.In May 1975, however, the GeneralDynamics YF-16 was declared thewinner of the competition which alsoincluded the Northrop YF-17 and theDassault Mirage F-l. The YF-16 was anewer aircraft than the JA37 fighterversion of Viggen but it may still beargued whether the two 'weapon sys­tems' were really comparable in 1975.In addition, it is no secret that USpoliticaJ pressure on the four NATOcountries to select a US aircraft wasconsiderable and difficult to match.

Yet another serious effort was madein 1977-78 to export Viggen, this timeto India which made a very detailedtechnical and operational evaluation ofthe aircraft. The plans called for directpurchase as well as licence manufac­ture. In 1978, however, the UnitedStates refused to release the Pratt &Whitney JT8D engine to India. Suchrelease approval was, of course, part ofthe original Swedish-American licenceagreement.

Despite problems of a mainly po­litical nature encountered in the export

efforts, Sweden will continue to marketits military aircraft (and missiles) to

countries approved by the SwedishGovernment. The new generation ofmilitary aircraft now under develop­ment is already generating muchforeign interest.

A Very Difficult Problem

During the 1960s and 1970s Sweden'sdefence forces were considerably restruc­tured as a result of the reduced buyingpower of the defence budgets and theever-increasing cost of modern equip­ment. From 1960 when the Air Forcecomprised more than 800 aircraft, theService has been severely reduced innumbers. In 1986 there were only about350 aircraft for fighter, attack andreconnaissance missions, plus fivesquadrons of combined trainer/lightattack aircraft. The market for Swedishmilitary aircraft has thus changeddramatically. During the 19905 a majorpartoftheAir Forcesquadrons will neednew equipment, notably attack andreconnaissance elements. A new com­bat aircraft to follow Viggen and theSk 60 (Saab 105) in service became ahotly debated defence planning issueas early as about 1975.

After an initial study phase at thattime of several completely new multi­role aircraft, the Parliamentary De­fence Committee at the end of 1975recommended development of a newversion of Viggen known as the A 20(The A designation stood for modifi­cation of existing aircraft and a B forcompletely new project) whereas theneed for a new light attack/traineraircraft would require further studies.The latter were subsequently con­centrated on a project designatedB3LA (LA for light attack). Fairlysoon, however, it became obvious thatthe funding to be made available by thepoliticians would not be sufficient tofinance both the A 20 and the B3LAwith the original Air Force ambitions.A Government-appointed committeewas unable to choose between thealternatives available and as a resultParliament in 1978 decided to allocate310 million Swedish Crowns for furtherproject work on both aircraft types.Late in 1978 the economic situationprevented the additional funding of350million Swedish Crowns annually as

required in the Air Force budget tofinance the B3LA. In addition, thethree-party coalition government col­lapsed, making decisions even moredifficult.

In February 1979 the new Govern­ment suddenly said no to both theB3LA (and less expensive derivativesstudied) and A 20 plans. This was amajor shock to the industry, notably toSaab where much design work hadbeen completed, including a full-scalemockup of the B3LA along withadvanced project work on a newmissile system. A new Governmentcommittee, appointed to look into civil,that is non-aviation, applications ofmilitary technology developed in theaircraft industry, submitted its reportin early 1980 but with little tangibleresult.

Within the Air Board new studiescontinued during 1979, including fo­reign alternatives authorized by theGovernment. This new move openedthe possibilities for competing Swedishindustry proposals, and already by theend of 1979 the Supreme Commanderwas informed of a new Swedish multi·role alternative, the JAS project. TheSupreme Commander now recommen­ded that planning for a new combinedlight attack/trainer aircraft be suspen­ded and instead be directed. towards anew multi-role aircraft - Swedish orforeign - for replacing, starting around1990, all versions of Viggen. TheSupreme Commander also recommend­ed up-dating of three or four squadronsof Draken fighters to serve until 1995.In March 1980, the Government en­dorsed the Supreme Commander's pro­posal for a JAS project - Swedish orforeign-designed and Swedish or for­eign manufactured.

A New Factor in theSwedish Aircraft Industry

The Swedish aircraft industry nowformed a special industry group, theJAS Industry Group comprising Saab­Scania, Volvo-Flygmotor, Ericsson RadioSystems, and FFV, to closely c0­

ordinate the project and produce a jointproposal and formal offer in responseto an Air Board Request for Proposalssent out in early 1981. The joint offer

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In 1976-79 Saab worked on a projected subsonic light attack and trainer aircraft under the tentative designationB3LA. Originally planned alongside yet another version ofViggen known as the A20, both the B3LA and the A20were cancelled in February 1979. Instead, a new supersonic multi-role combat aircraft, the JAS, was accepted inprinciple in early 1980. The drawing shows the B3LA two-seater which was intended to be powered by a GeneralElectric F404 without afterburner. (C. G. Ahremark)

was submitted by 1 June the sameyear.

In the meantime, in early 1980, theGovernment had tentatively autho­rized 200 million Swedish Crowns tofinance project work on condition thatthe industry invested a similar amountunitl 1982, a condition accepted by theindustry. At the request of the Govern­ment the development work was toinclude more international sub-systemssuppliers than in earlier projects inorder to benefit from longer productionruns and lower unit costs. The industrygroup also proposed extensive use ofnew technology throughout the aircraftto reduce weight and thus costs.

Whilst the initial design work con­tinued, the negotiations between theindustry group and the Air Board werecompleted on 30 April, 1982. Govern­ment approval followed on 6 May and

on 4 June Parliament approved thenew five-year defence decision whichincluded the JAS programme. Thisincluded a series of 140 productionaircraft until the year 2000, within anestimated budget of 25,700 millionSwedish Crowns at the 1981 price levelfor development and procurement. Ofthis sum, the JAS Industry GroupGompanies were responsible betweenthem for about 16,000 million, theSaab-Scania share being about 65percent. The JAS Group total did notinclude funds for weapons, counter­measures, ground support, communica­tions and training systems, etc. Now,full-scale development of the JAS 39Gripen (Griffin), as the aircraft wasnamed, had begun.

The Gripen programme is scheduledto continue well into the next decade.Although so far (1988) only 140 air-

craft have been authorized for produc­tion, the total Air Force requirementwill exceed 300 aircraft assuming aone-for-one replacement of all Viggenand Draken aircraft in service.

A Radical New Approach

The Government's decision in 1979 tocancel the B3LA attack/trainer develop­ment programme led to a complete re­assessment of the Swedish aircraft or,more correctly, aerospace industry andits future. Military aircraft represented83 percent of the Aerospace Division'stotal sales in 1979, and its futureworkload was by no means certain.Commerical aircraft proved to be theonly natural consideration. An initialstep into commerical aviation had beentaken already in 1979 when the com­pany received a contract from McDon-

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In the late 1970s, Saab worked on a number of light transport projects. In 1979, the company was technicallyprepared to go ahead with a twin propeller-turbine high-wing regional airliner and multi-role transport. the Saab1084. (C. G. Ahremark)

nell Douglas to produce inboard flapsand vanes for the MD 80 series ofjetliners. This work was later expan­ded, together with major sub-contrac­ting of structural components for theBritish BAe 146 four·jet airliner. Butnow, a radical new approach was vital.

In early 1979 the Saab·Scania Boardtook a major decision to invest heavilyin commercial aircraft developmentand production in order to achieve abalance between military and commer­cial aircraft over a lo.year period.Several years of project and marketstudies indicated that internationalcollaboration would be of great advan­tage from many points of view. Develop­ment risks would be reduced and agreater home market provided. Later inthe year, a partnership with FairchildIndustries of the United States wasdiscussed, Fairchild already being esta­blished in the commuter/regional air-

In late 1985, Saab-Scania took complete control of the Saah 340, as theaircraft is now called. The picture shows the new commercial aircraftfacilities built in 1981-82. A new building for wing manufacture was addedin 1987. (Saab)

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In 1980, Saab-Scania embarked upon a very ambitious programme for the development and production of a twinpropeller-turbine regional airliner jointly with Fairchild Aircraft Industries Inc, of the United States. The 35­passenger Saab-Fairchild SF340 went into scheduled service in June 1984 with the launch customer, Crossair ofSwitzerland. By the end of 1988 this airline had ordered a total of 24 aircraft_ (Saab/A. Andersson)

Georg Karnsund (left), Saab-Scania president, with Moritz Suter, president ofSwitzerland's regional airline Crossair, the launch customer for the Saab­Fairchild 340 in 1980. (Saabl M. Thornblad)

liner field. At the end of January 1980,an agreement was signed between thetwo companies for joint development,production and marketing of a com­muter/regional airliner seating 34 pas­sengers in a comfortable, pressurizedcahin. The aircraft would be poweredby two propeller-turbines and have acruising speed of about 500 km/h (310mph) and feature low noise level and,not least, good operating economy. Thetotal world-wide market for this cate­gory of aircraft was estimated at 2,000aircraft over the next 20 years withroughly half the world market in theUnited States.

The development work, which wasshared between the two companies,started immediately and with all possi­ble speed - the competition was notidle! To facilitate a rational productionof this high-technology commercialaircraft which included an unpreceden­ted degree of metal-to-metal bonding,Saab-Scania in December 1980 decidedto invest more than 200 million Swe-

-1•r •

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Harald Schr6der (right), general manager of Saah Aircraft 1983-87. discussing some aspects of the JAS 39 Gripenwith Tage G. Petersson, Sweden's Minister for industry. On the left is Tommy Ivarsson, Gripen project manager andhead of Saab Military Aircraft.

dish Crowns in a completely new25,000 sq m (270,000 sq ft) factory, anda major part of the factory was readyfor use in 1981.

In October 1982, the first Saab-Fair­child SF 340 was rolled out before morethan 600 invited guests, including CarlXVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, and on 25January, 1983 - three years to the dayof the agreement with Fairchild - thefirst flight took place.

On 30 May, 1984, the Swedish Boardof Civil Aviation (BCA) issued itsairworthiness certificate and one monthlater approval followed by the USFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)and the authorities of the 10 countriesin the Joint European AirworthinessGroup (JAR).

On 6 June the first aircraft wasdelivered to the launch customer, Cross­air of Switzerland. One week later itwent into scheduled service. Later inthe year, the aircraft also went intoscheduled service in the United States.

In the autumn of 1984 some disturb­ing and unrelated failures occurredwith the General Electric CT7 propeller­turbine powering the SF 340 which,unfortunately, led to them being groun­ded by the authorities. The engineswere, however, rapidly modified andreturned to service. By the end of 1985,36 aircraft were in service with sevenairlines on three continents.

From 1 November, 1985, Saab-Bcaniatook over complete control of the SF340 programme with Fairchild remain­ing only as a sub·contractor (for thewings and the empennage) up to andincluding aircraft No.109. During 1987,all wing and empennage productionwas transferred to Sweden whereproduction facilities were further exten­ded.

On 4 September, 1987, the 100thaircraft was handed over to its pur­chaser, Salair of Sweden. The aircrafthas now been redesignated theSaab340.

The 1979 ambition of the Saab-

Scania Board, to achieve a balancebetween military and commercial air­craft, was actually reached in 1986when commercial aircraft represented52 percent of total aircraft sales whichamounted to 3,276 million SwedishCrowns, more than double the figure offive years before.

By its contribution to the country'sair defence over the past 50 years, theaircraft industry now continues to playa vital role in the Swedish securitypolicy. In less than a decade, Saab­Scania has also established itself asthe leading European manufacturer ofaircraft for regional airline operations.

As a company, Saab-Scania hasgrown into a powerful industrial group.During 1987, its total sales (trucks,buses, cars, aircraft, electronics, etc)reached 41,400 million Swedish Crowns.Total employment exceeded 50,000.Aircraft sales represented 4,400 millionSwedish Crowns, and employment6,500.

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Saab 17 59

Saab 17An outstanding view of two H17s ofF4 (Flygvapnet)

The Saah 17 was a clean-looking design. Four different versions wereproduced. The B 17B powered by a Swedish-built Bristol Mercury enginewas the first to go into service. It is seen here equipped with retractable skis.(Saub)

For the fledgling Swedish aircraftindustry the Saab 17 represented agreat technological challenge. It wasthe first all-metal, stressed-skin air­craft ever designed in Sweden.

A light bomber and reconnaissanceaircraft for Army and Naval use, thedesign began under the project designa­tion L-IO. For Naval use, a float­equipped version was designed.

The L-IO was selected for develop­ment following an Air Force evaluationof the two different projects submitted,one by AB Forenade Flygverkstader(AFF), the joint development andcontract management company formedin 1937, the other by ASJA. A contractfor two L-IO prototypes was awarded toASJA on 29 November, 1938.

To make possible a rapid start for thedevelopment work, ASJA had aug­mented its engineering staff by hiringa total of 46 American designers andstress specialists in 1938-39. Their stayin Sweden, however, was to proverather brief as most ofthem were called

back to the United States when warbegan in Europe in September 1939.Their input of experience was veryvaluable, however, and significantlycontributed to the excellent reliabilityof the aircraft. The first prototype ofthe Saab 17, as the aircraft had nowbeen named, made its first flight on 18May, 1940, with the company's chief

test pilot Claes Smith at the controls.The first prototype was powered by aSwedish-built Nohab/Bristol MercuryXII of 880 hp, the second by a Pratt &Whitney R-1830 1\vin Wasp of 1,065 hp.

The aircraft had very sleek lines andmany advanced design features, inclu­ding flush-riveting for low drag. Formaximum strength the centre section

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60 Saab 17

1\vo Saab B 17D bombers. (Flyguapnet/F7)

A B 17A, with SFA-built Twin Wasp engine, fitted with four earlyrocket-launchers. (Flyguapnet)

was designed without any cut-outs forthe undercarriage. The rearward-retrac­ting main undercarriage units andtheir covering doors were intended foruse as air-brakes during dive-bombing,and the tailwheel was also retractable.The aircraft was also almost unique inhaving a retractable ski undercarriagewhich actually produced less drag thanthe wheel type. Even the water-basedversion which was normally equippedwith floats was converted to have skis

~ in the winter. The floats were of theEdo type manufactured under licenceby Hagglund & Soner at Ornskoldsvikin Northern Sweden.

The fuselage, which had a roomy.high-visibility cabin for the pilot andobserver/navigator/rear-gunner, con­tained an internal bomb-bay.

The Saab 17 carried up to 700 kg ofbombs of various sizes from 50 up to500 kg. In the internal bomb-bay a 250kg bomb (or e;ght 50 kg) could be

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Saabl7 61

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Saab B 17B

carried. The armament comprised two8 mm machine-guns in the wings andone flexible 8 mm machine-gun at therear seat. An early version of theaircraft used for classic dive-bombingtactics was equipped with a special'fork'. lowering the external carried500 kg bornb free ofthe propeller arc.

During the production life of theaircraft the Saah BT·2 'toss' bombsightbecame available, making dive-bomb­ing obsolete. This also made the use ofthe undercarriage doors as air-brakesunnecessary.

The reconnaissance version carriedan N-2 camera in the fuselage.

The development and production ofthe Saah 17 was complicated by theproblems of engine availability. Initi­ally, the aircraft was planned for thePratt & Whitney 'IWin Wasp. Thisversion was designated B 17A in theAir Force. The 1\vin Wasp enginehowever did not become available until1943-44, and therefore the first versionof the aeroplane to go into productionwas the B/S 17B powered by a SwedishSFA-built Bristol Mercury XXIV of 980

hp. This engine also powered theseaplane version which was desig­nated S 17BS. In 1941 the Air Forcewas able to procure the Italian PiaggioP XIbis RC 40 of 1,040 hp whichpowered the B17C version. The Wasp­powered B 17A thus became the lastversion to go into service. The enginesin the B 17A and B had HamiltonStandard variable-pitch propellers builtunder licence in Sweden by SvenskaFlygmotor. The Piaggio engines drovePiaggio P 1001 propellers.

In addition to the three prototypes,

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62 Saab17

The B 17 was the first aircraft to be equipped with the revolutionary Saab 'toss' bombsight. (Flygvapnet)

The undercarriage fairings of the B 17 could be used as air-brakes duringdive-bombing. (FlyguapnetJ

the Swedish Air Force ordered a total of322 B 1718 17s in four batches duringthe period 27 December, 1940, to 1September, 19a2. The first productionaircraft fle~ on 1 December. 1941, andthe last delivery took place on 16September, 1944.

The type was manufactured both inLinkoping and at 'frollhattan. In fact,only 55 of the 322 production aircraftwere completely built at Linkoping.

The production of the four versions wassplit as follows: 132 B 17A; 116 B/8 17B(38 were delivered as seaplanes underthe 8 17B8 designation); and 77 B 17C.

The Air Force career of the Saab 17,which began in early 1942, was verydistinguished and six light-bomber andreconnaissance Wings (F 2. F 3, F 4,F 6, F 7. and F 12) were equipped withthe aircraft. It was retired as a combataircraft in 1948.

In the final phase of the SecondWorld War it was feared that theGerman troops in Denmark (and Nor·way) would not obey Germany's orderfor total surrender. In Sweden theDanish Brigade, first organized in1943, also included a number of DanishAir Force officers who in 1944 had beentrained in the use of the Saab 17.Fifteen B 17Cs were actually allocatedto the Brigade and were ready fordeployment to Denmark and carryingDanish colours at the Swedish AirForce F 7 Wing at Satenas, but theorder to fly to Denmark never camefrom the Danish Government.

In the period 1947·53 the EthiopianAir Force, which had been organizedby Swedish officers after the war at therequest of Emperor Haile Selassie,eventually procured a total of 47 Saah17As in three batches. Responsible forthe organization of the Ethiopian AirForce was the Swedish Colonel CountCarl Gustaf von Rosen. The Saab 17sproved ideal for the rugged conditionsin Ethiopia. In the late 19508 a numberof Fairey Firefly attack aircraft wereacquired from Canada in order to

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Saab 17 63

modernize the Air Force but these air­craft finished their service in Ethiopiawell before the Saab 17s, which werestill operating in SQuadron strength in1960. Even in the 1970s some Saab 17swere operating in Ethiopia after morethan 25 years ofservice in that country.The Ethiopian Saab 17s had their mainbase at Asmara, 2,300 m above sealevel. The Saab 17s endurance of morethan 4 hours was vital in that part ofthe world. Ethiopia, with its many highmountains and few airfields, coverstwice as large an area as Sweden whichitself is as big as the Federal Republicof Germany, Belgium, The Nether- __ ~lands, Switzerland and Austria com-bined.

Starting in 1951, the Air Board A B17A carrying a 500 kg bomb externally. (Flygvapnet)

released a number of Saab 17As toserve as civil registered target-towingaircraft for the Swedish armed forces.The aircraft were still owned by the AirBoard but operated by private com­panies, Svensk Flygtjanst and AVIA,the latter company based on the islandof Gotland. Eventually, a total of 20Saab 17s were on the Swedish civilaircraft register, most of these servingwith 8vensk Flygtjanst. '!\vo 817B8seaplanes were also in civil use during1949-51 owned by Ostermans Aero AB.One ex-Flygtjanst target-towing 17Awas sold to Austria in 1957 and twoyears later two similar aircraft went tothe Finnish Air Force.

A B 17C with Piaggio engine. (Saab)

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In the period 1947-1953 the Imperial Ethiopian Air Force acquired a total of forty-six Saab 17As. They were stilloperated in squadron strength in 1960.

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64 Saab 17

Because of its clean lines the Sash 17 was sometimes mistaken for a fighter by foreign intruders. (Flyguapnet)

S 17B8 was the designation of the float-equipped version of the B 17. (Flyguapnet)

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Saab 17 65


Span 13.7 ill (45 ft 1 in); length 9.8 ill (32 ft 2 in); height 4.0 ill (13 it 1 in); wing area 28.5 sq ill

(307 sq ft). Empty weight 2,600 kg (5,7321b); loaded weight 3,970 kg (8,752Ib). Maximumspeed 435 km/h (270 mph); cruising speed 390 km/h (242 mph); landing speed 125 km/h (78mph); initial rate of climb 10 m/sec (1,968 ft/min); ceiling 8,700 ill (28,500 ft); range 1,800 km(1,120 miles).


Span 13.7 ill (45 ft 1 in); length 9.8 ill (32 ft 2 in); height 4.0 ill (13 ft 1 in); wing area 28.5 sq ill

(307 sq ft). Empty weight 2,635 kg (5,800 Ib); loaded weight 3,835 kg (8,450 lb). Maximumspeed 395 km/h (245 mph); cruising speed 375 km/h (233 mph); landing speed 125 km/h (78mph); initial rate of climb 9 m/sec (1,770 ftlmin); ceiling a,ooo ill (26,250 ft); range 1,400 km(870 miles).

S 17BS

Span 13.7 ill (45 ft 1 in); length 10.0 ill (32 ft 10 in); height 4.8 ill (15 ft 9 in); wing area 28.5 sq ill

(307 sq ft). Empty weight 2,700 kg (5,950 Ib); loaded weight 3,800 kg (8,370 Ib). Maximum speed330 km/h (205 mph); cruising speed 315 km/h (196 mph); landing speed 125 km/h (78 mph);ceiling 6,800 ill (22,300 ft); range 2,000 km (1,245 miles).


Span 13.7 ill (45 ft 1 in); length 10.0 ill (32 ft 10 in); height 4.15 ill (13 ft 7 in); wing area28.5 sq ill (307 sq ft). Empty weight 2,680 kg (5,900 Ib); loaded weight 3,870 kg (8,5251b).Maximum speed 435 km/h (270 mph); cruising speed 370 km/h (230 mph); landing speed 125km/h (78 mph); ceiling 9,800 ill (32,150 ft); range 1,700 km (1,060 miles).

Saab 17 production serials

(prototypes): 17001, 17002(SFA/II.vin Wasp-powered bomber version); 17006, 17238-17368(SFAIMercury-powered bomber version): 17003-17005, 17007-17016, 17101, 17105-17115,17151-17164,17187-17202

S 17BL: (land-based reconnaissance version): 17103, 17131-17150S 17BS: (water-based reconnaissance version): 17104, 17116-17130, 17165-17186E17E: (Piaggio-powered bomber version): 17017, 17057, 17102, 17203-17237

Civil registered Saab 17s

Saab 17A

17239 SE-BYH To Flygvapen Museum17249 SE-BUD17251 SE-BYG17256 SE-BYE17267 SE-BZH17268 SE-BRN17284 SE-BRR17296 SE-BPP17308 SE-BPR17313 SE-BUM17318 SE-BWA17320 SE-BWe To Finland as SH-217334 SE-BUL17336 SE-BYK17339 SE-BYF To Austria17355 SE-BRO To Finland as SH-l17356 SE-BUN17358 SE-BUK17364 BE-BUH

Saab 17BS

17174 SE-APe Ostennans Aero AB17185 SE-BFA

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66 Saab 18

The B l8A served as a bomber only for a brief period and was converted for strategic reconnaissance as the S 18A. Itwas the iust Swedish aircraft with radar. (Saab)

Saab 18

In late 1938 the Swedish Air Forceinvited the aircraft industry to bid for atwin-engined bomber suitable for dive­bombing and strategic reconnaissance.Three companies, Saab, ASJA andGotaverken, responded. The aircraftwas to have a crew of three, have aninternal bomb-bay and be capable ofdropping bombs from dive angles up to85 degrees. Initially only the 1,065 hpPratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Waspwould be available but later on morepowerful engines such as the BristolTaurus of 1,215 hp were envisaged.With the latter engine, a top speed of550 kmlh (342 mph) was required_

Of the three proposals, Gotaverken's(project manager Bo Lundberg) was

the most advanced but was also themost expensive. Saab's proposal (pro­ject manager Alfred Gassner) was notaccepted. The ASJA project (projectmanager Bror Bjurstromer) was accept­able but needed some modifications.

Gotaverken's proposal fell throughbecause the company was not able toprovide the production facilities whichwere an Air Force condition for award­ing a prototype contract. Eventually,Gotaverken (and its successor ABFlygplanverken with Bo Lundberg asgeneral manager) had to pull out ofaircraft manufacturing altogether.

Early in 1939, Saab and ASJAmerged and formed the 'new' Saabwith headquarters at Linkoping. TheL-ll project orginally submitted byASJA could eventually be modified tomeet the Air Force requirements and inNovember 1939 a first prototype was

ordered and designated Saab 18A. InFebruary 1940 a second prototype wasordered.

The development of the aircraft wasdifficult and time-consuming, not leastas a result of considerably modified AirForce requirements such as a com­pletely new bomb installation, self­sealing fuel tanks, extra fuel tank forthe bomb-bay, armour protection forthe crew, a fixed gun installation in thenose, and a modified nose with thebomb aimer and his bombsight movedslightly to starboard to enhance thepilot's view. As the originally meagreAir Force budgets were increased asthe war continued, offering possibi­lities of longer production runs, theinterest of the industry and its engineer­ing work force was greatly stimulated.In 1939, however, it was still difficultfor the Air Force to judge the perfor-

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Saab 18 67


The B ISB represented a major improvement in Swedish attack capability against sea invasion. (Flyguapnet/F7)

The T 18B was one of the fastest twin-engined piston-engined bombers.

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68 Saab 18

Saah RI8A

mance of the new Swedish aircraftindustry in general and Saab inparticular.

The first Saab 18 prototype flew forthe first time on 19 June, 1942, and thesecond soon after, both powered byTwin Wasp engines. On 31 July, 1942,the Air Force placed an initial order for62 aircraft designated 8 18A.

Deliveries started in March 1944 andcontinued until December 1945. Allaircraft went to the Air Force Wing atVasteras (F 1) where they replaced thevenerable Junkers Ju 86K (B 3). Serviceintroduction was not without its prob­lems and in late 1944 all engine mount­ings had to be modified, disrupt-



iog the conversion training. By Feb­ruary 1945, however, all three F 1squadrons had converted to the B 18A.

The B 18A represented a major improve­ment of the striking power of thebomber squadrons, and air-defenceexercises showed that the bomberswere no longer such easy prey to thefighters as they had been during theB 3 era. Repeated attacks were nolonger possible, the speed differencebeing too small.

The B 18A was able to carry a total of1,400 kg of bombs, 40 percent morethan the B3. The internal bomb-baycould accommodate two 500 kg bombsor three 250 kg bombs, and altern-



atively, ten 50 kg bombs. Under thewings eight 50 kg bombs or flare bombscould be carried. The armament com­prised one fixed forward-firing and twoflexible 13.2 mm machine-guns.

The B 18A did not serve the F 1 Wingvery long. Already during 1946 the firstfew aircraft were transferred to thestrategic reconnaissance Wing (F 11)at Nykoping and converted to theirnew role as the S 18A. The modifica­tion progamme, which was mainlydone by the central workshops at

All Saab 18 versions initially carrieda crew of three. This is the entrancedoor on the T 18B version. (Saab)

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saab 18 69

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70 Saab 18

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Saab 18 71

The Saab 18 in three different versions. OPPOSITE Top: The Saab 18A (B 18A) which made its first flight in 1942powered by two SFA/1\vin Wasp engines; OPPOSITE BOTrOM: The Saab 18B (B l8B) first flew in 1944 powered byDaimler-Benz DB 605H8; and ABOVE: The T l8B was originally designed to carry torpedoes but later modified tocarry heavy cannon armament (one 57 mm and two 20 mm) and rockets. (Saab and Flyguapnet)

Vasteras (CVV), included installationof an SKa 5 (Hasselblad) vertical cam­era and an SKa 10 camera in the glazednose. At the end of 1949, CVV alsobegan installation of a surveillanceradar of the United States type AN/­APS-4 (PS-18A in the Swedish AirForce) as well as a radio altimeter, PH­10/A. The S 18A thus became the firstSwedish Air Force aircraft to carryradar. The equipment was installed ina pod beneath the nose and the radarhad a range of approximately 100nautical miles. For night photographythe aircraft was equipped with theSKa 13 camera which produced excel­lent results in combination with flares.

The S 18As were split about equallybetween the F 11 Wing and the F 3Wing at MalmsHitt near Linkoping.Later on, the aircraft also served withthe F 21 Wing at Lule! in the north.

The last S 18A was not retired until22 May, 1959, when it was finallyreplaced after 15 years of Air Force

service by the Saab 32 Lansen tran­sonic jet aircraft. The S 18A survivedthe S 31 (Spitfire Mk. 19) also used bythe Air Force for high-altitude missionsand served alongside the Saab 29 jetreconnaissance aircraft. Two S 18Aswere also on the civil register, beingoperated by Airborne Mapping Ltd in1957-60. They were SE-CFL (18131)and SE-CFO (18157).

The more powerful version of theSaab 18, planned from the start, madeits first flight on 10 June, 1944, and waspowered by two 1,475 hp Daimler-BenzDB 605Bs for which a manufacturinglicence had finally been obtained.Designated B 18B, this version wasmuch faster than its predecessor, hav­ing a top speed of 570 km/h (354 mph)_A later version, the T 18B, was evenfaster with a top speed of 595 km/h(370 mph) making it one of the fastestbombers of the Second World War.

The B 18B was really the first trueattack aircraft in the Swedish Air

Force since the bomb had ceased to bethe main weapon for this kind ofaircraft for which completely newtactics were now developed. A newversion of the Saab 'toss' bombsight(B1'9) was installed in the B 18Ballowing shallow dive bombing. TheB 18B was also the first Swedishaircraft to carry rockets, and these werenormally carried under the wings andbelow the fuselage nose (12 in total) ofvarious calibres. For this role a newgunsight was installed and the crewreduced to two, the lower flexible gunbeing removed_

At the beginning of 1949 the B 18Bwas subjected to a modification whichwas probably unique in the world. Theaircraft in service were returned toSaab for installation of two ejectorseats of a type which in the meantimehad been developed for a Saab fighter.

A total of 120 B 18Bs were deliveredbetween October 1945 and February1949. They served with the bomber

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72 Saab 18







(later attack) Wings at Halmstad (F 14),Vasteds (F 1) and SAtenas (F 7). Thelast B 18B was retired in 1958.

A third Saab 18 version designatedT 18B was also developed. It was origin­ally adapted for dropping torpedoesand mines but this requirement waslater scrapped for various reasons. The45 em Norwegian torpedoes suitable forhigh speeds and intended for use by theT 188 did not become available in time;instead the aircraft was armed withtwo built-in 20 mm cannon. Theaircraft could also be equipped (in thetorpedo bay) with a 57 mm cannon ofBofors manufacture (L/50). The can-

non had a weight of 735 kg (1,620 Ib)and measured 5.3 m (17 ft 3 in) inlength. 40 rounds were carried and therate of fire was 2 per second. Thecannon could be installed in only twohours. The precision was excellent (atdistances of up to 2 km). The recoilforce was nearly 6 tonnes but sur­prisingly did not significantly affectthe aircraft's characteristics due to asuccessful recoil-brake installation. TheT 18B was also used for testing experi­mental anti-ship missiles intended forthe advent of new types of attackaircraft. The Rb 302 missile tested inthe T 18B led to the development of the

successful Rb 04, variants of which arestill being used.

Sixty-two T l8Bs were delivered tothe F 17 Wing at Ronneby betweenJune 1947 and December 1948. In thesummer of 1957 its replacement withjet aircraft began and in January 1958the last T 188 was retired.

A total of 244 Saab 18 aircraft weredelivered.

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Saab 18 73

In a unique conversion, all B 18Bsand T 18Bs were retrofitted withSaab ejector seats for both pilotsand navigator/gunner. The thirdcrew member was eliminated whenthe bomb ceased to be the mainarmament of bomber (now attack)squadrons. (Saab)

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74 Saab 18


Span 17.04 In (55 ft 10 in); length 13.23 m (43 ft 5 in); height 4.35 m (14 ft 3 in); wing area 43.8sq m (470 sq ft). Empty weight 5,484 kg (12,080 Ib); loaded weight 8,693 kg (19,1651b).Maximum speed 465 km/h (289 mph); cruising speed 415 km/h (258 mph); landing speed 135km/h (84 mph); ceiling 8,000 In (26,250 ft); range 2,200 km (1,370 miles).


Span 17.04 m (55 ft 10 in); length 13.23 ill (43 ft 5 in); height 4.35 m (14 ft 3 in); wing area 43.8sq m (470 sq tt). Empty weight 6,093 kg (13,4331b); loaded weight 8,793 kg (l9,385lb).Maximum speed 570 kmlh (354 mph); cruising speed 480 km/h (298 mph); landing speed 125km/h (78 mph); ceiling 9,800 m (32,150 ft); range 2,600 km (1,620 miles).


Span 17.04 m (55 ft 10 in); length 13.23 m (43 ft 5 in); height 4.35 m (14 ft 3 in); wing area 43.8sq m (470 sq ft). Empty weight 6,183 kg (13,630 Ib); loaded weight 9.272 kg (20,420 lb).Maximum speed 595 km./h (370 mph); cruising speed 480 km/h (298 mph); landing speed 130km/h (81 mph); ceiling 9.300 m (30.500 ft); range 2.600 km (1.620 miles).

Saab 18 production serials

Prototypes: 18001, 18002 (18001 later re-engined with DB 6058 engines as prototype forBI8B).B 18A/S 18k 18101-18162B18B, 18163-18282T 18B, 18283-18343

To test the geometry and characteristics of the Saab 21A nosewheel undercarriage, an Sk 14 (North American NA­16-4M) was modified. (Strob)


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Saab21 75

One of the first inflight photographs released in early 1945 of the Saah 21A pusher-propeller fighter. The unusualconfiguration enabled a strong concentration of armament to be made in the nose. (R Wall)

Saab 21

From November 1940 in the BasicAgreement between the Air Board/(KFF)*and the industry, development of afighter aircraft was included. Fromearly 1941, alternative solutions werediscussed and on 1 April, the L-21project was presented by Saab for theAir Force. The L-21 was a refinedversion of the very preliminary L-13radial-engined project of late 1939. Thepowerplant was a Swedish-built ver­sion of the Daimler-Benz DB 605B of1,475 hp. The L-21 was a very unconven­tional design featuring a rear-mountedengine and pusher propeller and withthe tail unit supported by twin booms.These also housed the main under-

* Kungliga Flygforvaltningen was the fullname of the then Swedish Air Force Board.

carriage and machine-guns (13.2 mmlater replaced by 12.7 mm guns) weresited in the forward part. Otherwise thearmament was concentrated in thefuselage nose which housed one 20 mmcannon and two more 13.2 mm machine­guns. The aircraft was the first inSweden to have a nosewheeel under­carriage. Project manager was FridWanstr6m.

There were initially quite a fewtechnical uncertainties in the project,such as: 1) How would the enginecooling on the ground be arranged asthere was no propeller slipstream? 2)Would the gun-powder-propelled ejectorseat provide the pilot with sufficientclearance of the propeller in the event ofa baleout? 3) How would the nosewheelundercarriage function on Sweden'sgrass airfields? 4) What would theeffect be on control characteristics onthe ground with the rudders outside the

propeller slipsteam? These were someof the major questions raised by the AirBoard. The uncertainties prevailed forsome time and in October 1941 the AirBoard stopped the initial project workordered in April; instead Saab wasinstructed to start project work on amore conventional back-up design, theL-23, in general layout similar to thatof the North American P-51 Mustang.Eventually, Saab managed to convincethe Air Board of the advantages of theL-21 solution. Superior pilots visibility,armament concentration, and safe­guard against ground loops were someof the justifications. In November,Saab received a final go-ahead for theL-21. A mock-up was approved on 8July, 1941.

On 5 December, 1941, the project washanded over to the design office inLink6ping for materialization. Chief ofthe design office was A. J. Andersson.

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76 Saab 21

An unusual view of a formation of J 21As. (Flyguapnet/F 15)

The nosewheel undercarriage of the Saah 21A was another novel feature fora fighter in the early 1940s. (Saab)

possible without losing too much lift.The wing profile which was developedat Saab and extensively tested in thewind tunnels at the Aeronautical Re­search Establishment (FFA) and theRoyal Institute of Technology (KTH),both in Stockholm, proved very success­ful, while the interference drag of the

tricycle configuration. These tests weresuccessful and removed all remainingdoubts.

Th achieve the high speed requiredfor the new fighter, a new wing profilehad to be developed in order to reducedrag and to maintain laminar flowover as much of the wing area as

The technical problems mentioned wereeventually solved. Ground cooling wasarranged by installation in the innerwing of two cooling fans driven by theengine via a mechanical gearbox. Thefans rotated at 13,500 rpm when theengine rpm was 1,800. The fans wereautomatically disconnected in flight.The ejector seat, the first of its kind atthat time, was a major developmenttask. Initial ground tests with awooden dummy were f')llowed on 22February. 1944, by flight tests using aSaab 17. The tests were very promisingand the first J 21 prototype was equip­ped with an ejector seat from the veryfirst flight on 30 July, 1943, althoughsome further testing remained to bedone.

The new tricycle undercarriage re­quired another major development ef­fort. To validate estimates made on thegeometry, nosewheel shimmy etc, a testrig with the same mass as the aircraftwas built and towed behind a car undervarious conditions. The next step wasthe conversion of an Sk 14 (NorthAmerican NA-16-4M) trainer to a

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The Sasb 21 proved to be an excellent weapons platform and a special attack version, the A 21A-3, could carry up to800 kg of bombs on central and underwing racks. (FlyguapnetlF7)




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78 Saab 21

tail booms was considerably less thanthat of conventional engine nacelles.The flight testing confirmed the earlyestimates by giving a top speed 25km/h (15'/2 mph) higher than theguaranteed speed. Interestingly, theSaah 21 wing profile proved to be verysimilar to that chosen for the BritishHawker Tempest fighter.

The Saah 21 was indeed a veryunconventional aircraft by any stan­dard but the first flight in 1943 couldwell have been a disaster. The aero~

dynamicists had for some reason come

collision with the surrounding forestcould be avoided. Damage proved to belimited and the aircraft was repairedquickly. Flight testing was now movedto the much larger airfield at F 7 atSatenas in western Sweden where theflight testing eventually became a lessexciting routine.

Once the teething troubles, mainlyground cooling, were overcome - theSaab 21 became a robust and well-likedaircraft. It was easy to fly and the nose­wheel undercarriage greatly facilitatedtaxi-ing. Pilots l~ked the exceptionally

small turning radius, good stall char­acteristics and general stability. Thepositioning of the pilot immediatelybehind the guns gave excellent firingprecision, the three nose guns giving avery concentrated burst of fire - at450 m (1,500 ft) range less than two feetwide. Boom weapons were harmonizedat 200m (720 ft) and spread was 2 m(6 ft 6 in). Since in 1945 the Air Forcewas able to acquire the American P­51D Mustang (J 26 in Sweden) therewere plenty of opportunities to comparethe two fighters. Due to a more

to the conclusion that the take offshould take place with full flap. Follow­ing wind-tunnel tests this should havegiven the shortest possible take-offdistance, according to some experts.The Saab chief test pilot Claes Smithvoiced some doubts but eventually theAir Force test pilots consulted alsogave in. At the expected point ofrotation nothing happened and it wastoo late to stop.

Saab's grass aerodrome was veryshort and surrounded by a road and alow fence. Instead of stopping, the pilotbuilt up speed as much as possible.The aircraft touched the road and toredown the fence but was airborne. Theundercarriage could, however, be re­tracted and the flight characteristicschecked out. For the landing the largerairfield at Malmslatt was chosen.During the smooth landing, however,the pilot discovered that there was nowheel-braking due to damage caused attake off. The pilot suddenly recalledthat he had an anti-spin parachuteinstalled and released it, thus invent­ing the brake chute! At this momentthe main undercarriage started tocollapse causing the propeller tips tofunction as a very effective brake and

To enable the pilot to clear the propeller of the Saab 21A in the event of aninflight emergency, Saab developed an ejector seat, one of the first in theworld. This film strip is from a test using a dummy ejected from a Saab 17 inFebruary 1944. (Saab)

The instrument panel of the J 21A. The front panel was of 100 mm thickarmoured glass. (Saab)

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Saab 21 79

The J21A's bombs 800n gave way to rockets. A normal load was eight 15 em rockets under the outer wings and two18 em rockets under the centre wing, a quite formidable fire power for its time. (Flyguapnet/F6)

powerful compressor-equipped engineand more modern aerodynamics, theMustang not unexpectedly proved su­perior in turning performance andclimb, but only marginally. Often thesuperior pilot visibility and fire-powerconcentration of the J 21 could bedecisive in mock combat when com-

bined with individual pilot skill.Special tactics adapted to the quali­

ties of the aircraft were developed andthe tight turning and favourable stallcharacteristics could be used to advan­tage in a dog fight. An effectivemanoeuvre was to climb vertically andwait until the pursuing fighter stalled.

After that the J 21 pilot could wheelover and dive on him.

The very fact that the J 21 proved tobe an excellent gun platform, with;Joodlow-level characteristics and pilot visi­bility, made it natural for it to be usedas an attack aircraft. A special attackversion was also developed in addition

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80 Saab 21

A 21A-3

This Saah J21A has just launched its wing-mounted rockets.

21001,21002,2100321101,21103-21115,21117,21118,21120.21122,21124-2115921160-21183(Attack version): 21102, 21343-21402


Saab 21 production serials

Span 11.60 m (38 ft); length 10.45 m (34 ft 3 in); height 4.0 m (13 ft 1 in); wing area 22.2 sq m(239 sq ft). Empty weight 3,250 kg (7,165lb); loaded weight 4,413 kg (9,729lb). Maximumspeed. 640 kmlh (398 mph); cruising speed 495 km/h (308 mph); landing speed 145 kmlh (90mph); initial rate of climb 15 m/sec (2,950 fVmin); ceiling 11,000 m (36,100 ft); range1,500km (930 miles).

In 1946 the J21As were sometimes manhandled out of their undergroundshelters. (FlygvapMtlF 12)

Span 11.60 m (38 ft); length 10.45 m (34 ft 3 in); height 4.0 m (13 ft 1 in); wing area 22.2 sq m(239 sq ft). Empty weight 3,250 kg (7,165lb); loaded weight 4,150 kg (9,149Ib). Maximumspeed 640 km/h (398 mph); cruising speed 495 km/h (308 mph); landing speed 145 km/h (90mph); initial rate of climb 15 m/sec (2,950 ft/min); ceiling 11,000 m (36,100 ft); range 750 km(466 miles).


to two fighter versions.The first Air Force unit to receive the

J 21 was the F 8 fighter Wing atBarkarby near Stockholm, with theintention of using them for Servicetrials and conversion training. Thefirst 15 aircraft received were laterallocated to the F 9 fighter Wing atGothenburg where the J 21 was opera­ted until replaced by the J 28B Vampirein 1950. The next fighter Wing toreceive the aircraft was F 15 atSoderhamn which used it until 1953.The F 12 Wing at Lalrnar convertedfrom Saab 178 to J 21 fighters in 1947.The two Wings, F 6 at Karsborg andF 7 at Satenas, received the attackversion of the aircraft in 1947-49.

Altogether, a total of 302 Saab 218were delivered, including 59 J 21A-ls(the basic fighter version), 124 J 21A-2s(fighter version with modified innerwing flaps and cooling) and 119 A 2IA·3s with attack armament. The twofighter versions differed in that theJ 2IA-2 carried a 20 mm Bofors cannoninstead of the Hispano gun in the A-Ias well as a K-14 gunsight.

The attack version could carry a 600kg (1,320 lb), 500 kg (1,100 lb), and 250

kg (550 lb) bomb on the inner-wingcentre pylon and in addition four 50 kg(110 lb) bombs under each outer wing.As an alternative to bombs, eight 14.5cm and two 18 cm rockets could be car­ried. A Saab BT9 toss·bomb computerwas also installed. The gun armamentwas unchanged compared to the A-2fighter version. It also carried 400 litresof extra fuel in each wingtip tank com­pared to 160 litres in each tank in theA-l/A-2 versions.

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Saab 21R 8\

Saab 21R The Saah R21R only equipped one fighter wing, F 10 at Angelholm. (Saab)

In order to provide early experience ofjet aircraft, early in 1945 Saab pro­posed an inexpensive conversion ofthe existing Saab 21A piston-enginedfighter. To power the Saab 21R, as thenew aircraft was designated, the Brit­ish de Havilland Goblin engine of 1,360kp (2,996 Ib) static thrust, was chosen.The centrifugal-compressor Gob­

lin was of much greater diameter thanthe DB 605E twelve-cylinder inline en­gine it replaced but actually the larger

diameter facilitated the air-intake de­sign. A condition for the project wasthat the conversion should only includesuch changes as were absolutely neces­sary in view of the engine installationand the higher speed. Other changesincluded the tail unit which had to beconsiderably modified, the elevatorbeing raised above the jet blast. It wasalso structurally stiffened to eliminatethe risk oftail flutter which in fact hadbeen an early problem with the originalSaab 21. Originally it was hoped thatsome 80 percent of the 21A design

would remain in the 21R; eventually,only 50 percent remained.

To improve the aerodynamic config­uration of the wing, the inner wingchord was somewhat extenn.ed andsharpened. Furthermore, the wind­screen was streamlined, and a largenumber of structural inspection doorswere strengthened.

The higher fuel consumption re­quired extra fuel space, which wasmade available by elimination of thebulky oil and coolant radiators. Thefuel system was redesigned to match

A squadron of Saab 21Rs being towed from their shelters. (FlygvapnetlF 10)

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82 Saab 21R

~ -The Saah 21R (left) was the first fighter converted from piston-engine power (J 21A right) to jet propulsion. It had anSFA-built de Havilland Goblin. (Saab)

The Saab 21R was later used by two attack Wings and was also equippedwith an external pod (lower photograph) housing as many as eight machine­guns, giving a total of 13 guns. (Flyguapnet/F7 and F 17)

the new propulsion system, and an oilheating system was added since theBritish engine was not adapted toArctic conditions.

The absence of propeller slipstreamacting on the tail surfaces to assist inlifting the nosewheel had to be compen­sated. For this reason the main under­carriage wheel centres were re-posi­tioned about 200 mm (8 in) forward and300 mm (12 in) higher to achieve afavourable rotating balance. In theoriginal design, the air-brakes werepositioned in the undersurface of thewing centre section in lieu of the oldradiator flaps. This location, however,caused marked trim changes at highspeed which made it necessary to movethe air-bakes to the trailing edge of theouter wing where they worked on theprinciple of double split-flaps.

Other changes included installationof a new Dowty Constant Pressurehydraulic pump which operated theundercarriage, flaps, air-brakes andwheel brakes. In addition, there was acompressed-air system for lowering thewheels and ground braking.

The cockpit layout was completelydifferent to the 21A's, with new instru­ments, improved gunsights, a 'demand'type oxygen system, and new radioequipment.

The first of four prototypes made itsfirst flight on 10 March, 1947, with AkeSundlm at the controls. The flight tookplace only about one year after thestart of design work. Ragnar Hard­mark was the project manager.

A major problem which remainedwith the aircraft was the low criticalMach number of the wing, which could

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easily be exceeded and resulted in anosEHlown tendency. Climb and diveperformance were also unacceptablefor the fighter role, particularly above6,OOOm (19,700 ft). Tight turning cap­ability and superb take-off and landingcharacteristics even during adverseconditions were, however, merits appre­ciated by the pilots.

The fighter combat tactics developedfor the 21R were based upon GermanMesserschrnitt Me 262 experience, withhit-and-run and head-on attacks fol­lowed by a quick pursuit curve.

The only Air Force fighter Wing to beequipped with the J 21R was F 10 atAngelholm which received its firstaircraft in August 1949. Owing to its

Saab 21R 83

Ake Sunden (LEFT) made the initial flight with the first Swedish jet fighter inMarch 1947; Ragnar HArdmark (RIGHT) was the J21R project manager. (Saab)


!",, ,



performance limitations, the 21R's ser­vice life as a fighter aircraft was hriefand already in the late spring of 1950the transfer of the FlO aircraft to theF 7 attack Wing began. In the mean­time, the planned series of 120 aircraft

had been reduced to 60 in favour of aproduction acceleration of the newswept-wing J 29 fighter already under­going flight testing at Saah.

In the attack role the A 21R (the newdesignation), which introduced jet air-

craft to the attack units, won manyfriends among the pilots. New tacticsand weapons were introduced, stress­ing the importance of low·level mis­sions. After serving with F 7 uotil1954the remaining A 21Rs were transferred

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84 saab 2lR

In August 1951 it was still permissible to demonstrate to the public rocket f'll"ing inside the airfield perimeter, in thiscase at MalmsUitt near Linkoping. (Ostgota Correspondenten)

to the F 17 attack Wing at Ronneby.They were retired in 1956. The mainweapons of the attack version werelight and heavy rockets (15 and 18 emcalibre) of which up to 10 could becarried in various combinations inaddition to the fixed armament of fiveguns (one 20 and four 13.2 mm). Aspecial weapon alternative developedfor the A 21R was an external gun podslung under the inner wing andcontaining eight 8 mm machine-guns.The simultaneous use of all thirteenguns was quite a sensation even for the

pilot, because of the recoil forces!As a weapons platform the aircraft

was extremely stable and easy to aimagainst the target. The greatest weak­ness was the performance limitationswith heavy rocket loads which causedthe A 21R squadrons to concentratetheir training on very low level attacksto avoid radar detection.

Including prototypes, a total of 64aircraft were delivered of which 34 wereoftheJ 21RA version powered by the deHavilland Goblin 2 (RM 1) of 1,360 kp(2,966 Ib) and 30 J 21RB powered by a

Svenska Flygmotor-built Goblin 3 (RMlA) of 1,500 kp (3,304 lb) static thrust.The latter version was delivered be­tween July 1950 and January 1951.

The Saab 21R is not likely to go downin history as a major accomplishmentby the Swedish aircraft industry but itwas indeed a very useful introductionto jet air intake design, high-speed aero­dynamics, and high-speed control sys­tems - all of great value for later, moreadvanced aircraft_

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Saab 21R as

The J21R was delivered from 1949 until 1951. This production picture was taken in August 1949. (SaabJ


Span 11.37 m (37 ft 4 in); length 10.60 m (34 ft 9 in); height 2.90 m (9 ft 6 in); wing area22.30sq m (240 sq ft). Empty weight 3,112 kg (6,860 Ib); loaded weight (normal) 5,033 kg(ll,0951b). Maximum speed 800 km/h (497 mph); cruising speed 700 km/h (435 mph);landing speed 155 km/h (96 mph); initial rate of climb 17 m/sec (3,345 fVmin); ceiling 12,500m (41,100 (t); range 900 km (560 miles).

Saab J21 R Production serials

Prototypes (converted J21A-l): 21116,21119,21121,21123J21rA: 21403-21409,21411-21433J21rB: 21410,21434-21462

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86 Saab 90 Scandia

Saab 90 ScandiaThe Scama prototype over 08terg~tland.the home province ofSaab. (Saab)

The prototype90A-1 Scandia afterits first flight on 16 November, 1946. (Saab)

As early as the end of 1943 the firstdiscussions regarding civil aircraftstarted at Saab. The military workloadcould hardly be expected to continueunchanged after the end of hostilitiesand a complement would be needed ifthe industry were to be able to surviveand develop. In this situation Saabcontacted ABA Swedish Air Lines and

at the beginning of 1944 a meeting tookplace between Saab's managing direc­tor Ragnar Wahrgren and ABA'smanaging director Capt Carl Florman.ABA saw an early need for newequipment and summarized its require­ments for a twin-engined aircraft in adocument handed over to Saab on 26January, 1944. The aircraft was inten­ded primarily to replace the DouglasDC-3s already in the ABA fleet. ABA

also recommended selection of anestablished engine type such as thePratt & Whitney R·1830 Twin Wasp.The importance of good low-speedcharacteristics was particularly stres­sed. A combined civil transport andbomber aircraft was also discussedwith the Air Force but ABA stronglyadvised against such a <violent com­promise which would not meet eitherfundamental requirements. A combin­ation of commercial and military trans­port/ambulance aircraft would natur­ally be possible', ABA concluded.

On 23 February. 1944, a preliminaryproject description was made availableto ABA in which every effort had beenmade to incorporate the airline's re­quirements. ABA, after all, had 20years of experience of scheduled airlineoperations. The project called for ashort to medium-haul twin-enginedlow-wing all·metal aircraft seating 25­30 passengers plus cargo. The range,"ould be about 1,000 km (620 miles)and take-off weight in the region of11,600 kg (25,550 Ib); the engines Pratt& Whitney R-1830s and the propellersof the Swiss Escher-Wyss type. At thispoint some market investigations weremade in addition to the matching toABA's requirements.

Even on the drawing board, however,

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Saab 90 Scandia 87

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Saab 90 Scandia

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it was found that the R·1830 was notpowerful enough and it was sub­sequently replaced by the R·2000 of1,450hp. On 28 February, the projectwas submitted to Saah's Board ofdirectors, who decided that develop­ment work should go ahead. For Saabthe project would mean reduced depend­ence on military orders and a broaderbase for future development. For ABAthere was a unique opportunity to havefrom the beginning an aircraft tailor­made to its requirements. It is impor­tant to stress, however, that ABA madeno financial obligation to the project atthis time.

The actual design work started in the

spring of 1944. Technically responsibleat Saab were Bror Bjurstromer, chiefdesigner, and Tord Lidmalm, projectmanager. For ABA, Bo Hoffstri:im,ABA technical project manager, andKarl Lignell, chief engineer, partici+pated. During the autumn of 1944 amock-up was completed as well as theassembly jigs. The original schedulehad forecast a first flight in thesummer of 1945, with production de­liveries starting in 1947. During thework it became obvious that thisschedule was too optimistic in view ofthe extensive new requirements to bemet for a commercial aircraft. Anothermajor problem was a six month long

strike in the entire Swedish metalindustry union.

The Saab 90 Scandia, as the projectCT (Civil Transport) had now beennamed following an in-house compe­tition among the Saab employees, wasdesigned to meet the requirements ofthe US civil aviation authorities. Theserequirements, CAR 04, were the high­est for a commercial aircraft of theScandia's size and compliance withthese was a necessity for internationalsales. Above all, the CAR rules calledfor much more extensive ground andflight testing than was ever requiredfor military aircraft. There were still noorders for the Scandia but, at the end of

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88 Saab 90 Scandia

the final assembly of the prototype tookplace but further delays occurred andonly in late October the roll-out ofSE BCA, as the prototype was regis­tered, became a fact. On 16 Novemberthe first flight took place with ClaesSmith and OUe Hagennark at thecontrols. lIn contrast to the J 21 fighter,the Scandia behaved exactly as pre·dicted on its first flight', Smith saidafter the nearly one-hour-Iong firstflight. The flight testing went verymuch according to plan and as early asMarch 1947 the Board of Civil Aviationissued permission to undertake com­bined service trials and demonstrationflights. These last began on 13 Marchwhen the Scandia went to Copenhagenand further out into Europe.

The continued testing led to some

The prototype Scandia after modification oCthe engine nacelles to a more conventional configuration. The engineswere Pratt & Whitney R-2000s of 1,450 hp each (Saab)

PP-XEl, the third production Scandia, was intended for Swedish Air Lines as SE-BSC but was delivered to AeroviasBrasil and re-registered PP-SQE. Production Scandias had 1,825 hp Pratt & Whitney R·2180 engines and HamiltonStandard propellers. (Saab)

August 1945, ABA made a preliminarycommitment for three unpressurizedaircraft and 15 with a pressurizedcabin.

Although the aircraft was not origin­ally designed for a pressure cabin,

projected development with a circularsection fuselage featured one. Up tillnow the project had been worked on inrelative secrecy but in December 1945the Scandia was publicly announc~.

During the spring and summer of 1946

modifications, the most important ofwhich was a modified engine cowlingto improve cooling. Testing on unpavedaerodromes sometimes brought the pro-­peller tips dangerously close to theground - especially in the case of a flat

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Saab 90 Scandia 89

SAS's Scandia SE-BSB Gardar Viking, like all other SAS Scandias, was acquired by VASP of Brazil. This aeroplane,with 20,670 hr, flew more than any other Scandia.

In service, SAS's Scandia SE-BSL (Folke Viking)tyre. For this reason the engines wereraised. some 150 mm (6 in) and thenosewheelleg 100 mm (4 in) while theengine cowling diameter was reducedby 75 mm (3 in) and given a moreconventional shape with a separatecarburettor intake below the engine.Different propeller types were alsotested, including the Curtiss-WrightElectric, before the Hamilton StandardHydromatic was selected as standardequipment.

During the continuing flight testingand demonstration flights in variousparts of the world. it became evidentthat the prototype's engines were notpowerful enough, the 1,450 hp Pratt &Whitney R-2000 being the same asthose fitted to the Douglas DC-4.Consequently it was decided to equipthe production version with a morepowerful engine, the 1,825 hp R-2180­E1. Unlike the prototype, the Saab 90A­I, the 90A-2 production version wasequipped with four-blade HamiltonStandard propellers instead of three­blade units.

The production Scandia could accom­modate 24 or 32 passengers, the formeron three-abreast seating, the latterfour-abreast; the seats in the 24passenger version were broad andreclining. The seats were all made bySaab. The passenger cabin had 16windows, and there were also eightsmall round windows in the cabinceiling which were designed in such a

way that they incorporated built-inlamps to illuminate the cabin at night.At the rear of the cabin opposite theentrance door was a wardrobe and asmall but very functional pantry. Thelavatory also had a ceiling window.Behind the passenger cabin there wasa cargo-hold with a volume of 6.4 Cll mand below the cabin two more cargoholds, the front one 2'.3 cu m capacityand the rear 2 cu m. The total cargovolume was 11 ell m, 1 eu m less thanthe Convair CV-240 but considerablymore than the DC-3 (4.5 cu m) andMartin 2-()"2 (7.5 Cll m). Structurally theaircraft was conventional. Each outerwing held two fuel tanks with a totalvolume of 2,960 litres (650 Imp gal). Theundercarriage was completely retract­able with interchangeable single-wheelmain units, and a single nosewheel.The undercarriage retracted forwardsto facilitate lowering in case of hy-

draulic failure. The cabin heater was apetrol-burning Stewart-Warner South­wind and three such heaters were alsoused for de-icing the wing leading edgeand the vertical fin leading edge. Thestandard equipment also included aSperry A-12 autopilot but the radioequipment differed with customers'requirements.

The marketing effort was intensiveand included several extensive demons­tration tours in Europe, Africa, andlater the United States and LatinAmerica.

On 20 April, 1948, ABA finallysigned a firm contract for 10 aircraft.For additional service trials, ABAborrowed the prototype which wasconverted for freight charter. Duringthe period 11 December, 1948, to 19March, 1949, ABA made quite a fewflights between Nice or Albenga inItaly and Stockholm or Malmo respec-

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The prototype Scandia at Bromma Airport. Stockholm, in March 1948.(Saab/A. Liirkert)

90 $oab 90 Scandia

tively. One nonstop flight betweenAlbenga and Stockholm was recordedfor 9 January, 1949, with a flying timeofG hr 55 min. The ABA trials included230 flying hours after which theaircraft was returned to Saab andagain fitted with 24 seats for furthertests and demonstration flights, includ·ing a visit to London and a circuit ofFinland.

On 12 November, 1949, the firstproduction aircraft made its first flight.No.2 followed in May 1950 and after

that about one aircraft a month wascompleted except during the holidayseason.

On 13 June, 1950, the productionScandia received its type certificate(ICAO Transport Category A) from theSwedish Board of Civil Aviation follow­ing completion of 247 flying hours.

The first aircraft ordered by ABAwas delivered on 3 October, 1950, afterconsiderable delay according to theoriginal contract. The second followedon 4 November and on 12 Decemberscheduled route trials were startedbetween Stockholm and LuleA in north­ern Sweden. Scheduled passenger ser­vice began on II January, 1951, onthe Oslo - Gothenburg - Copenhagenroute. Later on, Brussels and Amster­dam were included in ABA's Scandianetwork. In the meantime SAS (Scan­dinavian Airlines Systems) had beenformed by ABA of Sweden, DDL ofDenmark and DNL of Norway. As aresult the Scandia fleet was based atOslo's Fornebu airport where the tech­nical service was performed, and the

Scandias were finished in SAS Iivery.Following delivery of new long-range

equipment, notably the Douglas DC·G,the existing long-range DC-4 fleet wasput into service on some Europeanroutes. Consequently, the SAS Scandiafleet was now mostly used on shorterroutes, mainly within Scandinavia.Exceptions were the operations be­tween Stockholm, RIga and Moscowand Copenhagen, Riga and Moscowwhich were re-opened in May 1956 after15 years suspension. The Scandia

served SAS well during more than sixyears of scheduled service.

The first export sales were secured inMarch 1950 when two Brazilian air­lines, VASP and Aerovias do Brasil,ordered a total of six aircraft, includingthe prototype (for VASP). At this timethe deliveries to ABA were consider­ably delayed and as a result theSwedish airline cancelled four aircraft.Ironically, this proved beneficial toboth parties; ABA no longer needed asmany as 10 aircraft - at least not at themoment - and therefore deliveries toBrazil could start as early as December1950. VASP, incidentally, already con­trolled a considerable part of Aeroviasand on 21 December, 1950, a completetake over occurred. From late 1951 allBrazilian Scandias operated. in VASPcolours. Incidentally, in 1954 the proto­type was converted into a luxuriousexecutive aircraft for the Brazilianindustrialist Olavo Fontoura_

In Sweden the whole Scandia pro­gramme had meanwhile reached anextremely critical stage owing to an

urgent demand from the Air Force formore production capacity. In 1948 theSwedish Parliament had decided on a50 percent expansion of the fighterforce, 10 extra fighter squadrons. In1948 a new Saab-designed fighter, theJ 29, had made its first flight and theAir Force was planning a series of notless than 600 aircraft. In addition, theAir Force had made a financial contri­bution to some new production facili­ties at Saab which in 1950 were partlyoccupied with the Scandias. Furthercomplicating the matter was the short­age of trained labour and housing.

During the autumn of 1950, the AirBoard more or less ordered Saab to stopScandia production. 'Do what youplease with the Scandia but fulfil theJ 29 contract', was briefly the standtaken by the Air Force. In this verydifficult situation, Saab had littlechoice but to accept the Air Forceconditions despite the heavy invest-.ment made in trying to establish Saabas a viable supplier to the airlineindustry.

Eventually, the Air Board decided tocompensate Saab financially througha clever arrangement whereby compen­sation would be paid in the form of abonus for each new fighter delivered onschedule.

Ta rescue Scandia production, Saabfirst discussed a collaboration withFIAT, which was also anxious to re­establish itself as a producer of trans­port aeroplanes. These discussionswere fairly advanced but eventuallyfell through. Instead, an agreementwas reached on 2 May, 1952, withFokker of The Netherlands regardingcompletion of a batch of six aircraftwhich in 1954 were sold to SAS (four)and VASP (two). Fokker did not havecapacity to keep the Scandia line openmuch longer because the company'sresources were fully occupied by its newFokker F.27 Friendship. And Saab didnot consider it profitable to re-open anassembly line in Sweden for theScandia which could no longer competewith the new generation of pressurizedairliners. Fokker completed its firstScandia in April 1954 and the last inOctober the same year.

In 1957 VASP took over the whole ofSAS's Scandia fleet, the last one being

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Saab 90 Scandia 91

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•The Scandia was well known for its excellent low-speed characteristics. Seen here is SAS's LN-KLK Nial Viking.

delivered in February 1958. VASP alsoundertook to modify its aircraft tocarry 36 passengers in a special four­abreast arrangement. The Scandia wasvery much appreciated by VASP andits passengers for its reliability. In 1952the average passenger load factor onits Scandia routes was as high as 93percent. In 1957 a Scandia became thefirst airliner to land in the country'snew capital Brasilia. Despite acquisi­tion of the turbine-powered VickersViscount in 1958, VASP continued tooperate the Scandia on a major scaleuntil 1965. The last revenue flight wasin fact made on 22 July, 1969. The lastaircraft, sin 90115 (PP-SQR), hadserved 13 years and 10 months andaccumulated 15,683 hr flying time.Altogether only 18 Scandias were built,a small number for a technically verysuccessful aircraft.

In view of its technical success,the question might be asked why theScandia was not a commercial success.It is not easy to answer this questionbut its lack of success may have been

Tord Lidmalm (left), Saab project manager, with Bror Bjurstrl)mer, chiefdesigner. and a model of the Scandia.

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92 Saab 90 Scandia

The prototype Scandia with two production aircraft in May 1950. Note the tail strut which was retractable. (Saab) ,

Saab 90 Scandia production serials9OA-1: (prototype: 90001)9QA-2: 90101-90117 (90001, 90101-90111 were built in Linkoping, 90112-90117 completed by


Span 28.0 m (91 ft10 in); length 21.3 m (69 ft 11 in); height 7.1 m (23 ft 4 in); wing area 85.7sq m (922 sq it). Empty weight 9,960 kg (21, 9581b); payload at 400 kIn (250 miles) range3,090 kg (6,8121b); at 1,300 km (810 miles), 2,035 kg (4,486 lb); maximum take-off weight16,000 kg (35,274 lb). Maximum speed 455 km/h (283 mph); crusing speed 400 km/h (249mph); landing speed 130 km/h (81 mph); initial rate of climb 6.5 m/sec (1,300 ftlmin); ceiling8,700 m (28,500 ft); range 2,650 km (1,647 miles).

Individual aircraft90001 SE-BCA Prototype.1b VAS? as PP-XEA, re·registered PP-SQB. To executive

aircraft Pr·ARS90101 SE·BSA Aerovias Brasil PP-XEK, VASP PP-SQF90102 SE-BSB Aerovias Brasil PP·XEB, VASP PP-SQC90103 PP-XEI Aerovias Brasil, VASP PP..,5QE90104 PP-XEJ Aerovias Brasil, PP-SQD90105 SS-BSB ABA/SAS Gardar Viking, VAS? PP-SQW90106 SS-BSD ABA/SAS Grim Viking, VAS? PP-SQV90107 SE·BSH ABA/SAS Torulf Viking, VAS? PP-SRB9010S SE-BSE ABA/SAS Jarl Viking, VAS? PP·SRA99109 SE-BSF ABA/SAS Nial Viking, DNLlSAS LN-KLK, VASP PP-8QY90110 SE-BSG ABA/SAS Sigu",d Viking, DNLlSAS LN-KLL, ABA/SAS SE-CFX,


because as an unpressurized airliner itcame on the scene too late to competewith highly competitive pressurizedtypes. A pressurized version, the Saab90B-3, was offered to the airlines in1949-50, but this was probably too lateand it was never built. The marketingefforts in the United States were,incidentally, centred on the B-3 versionand discussions were even held withthe Glenn L. Martin Company regard·ing possible licence manufacture. TheMartin company was having difficul­ties at the time with both its z-o.-2 and3-Q.3 models but eventually solved theproblems in the modified 2-Q-2A and 4­0-4 models. There was no longer anyneed for a Scandia licence.

Much can and has been said aboutthe engine selected for the productionversion. It has been claimed that theengine choice was to blame for the factthat the Scandia never became thesuccess it really deserved to be. Theremay be truth in this but the fact is thatwhen the engine was finally ordered inearly 1947 the R-2180 had been speci­fied for several aircraft. In addition toits use in the Scandia, exactly the sameversion of the engine was selected topower a new Douglas project of similarsize designated DC-9 and anotherversion for the Piasecki XH-16 heavyhelicopter for the US Air Force. In 1948Douglas shelved the original DC-9project and ultimately only Saab usedthe engine. Altogether, only sixty-fiveR-2180s were made for Saab and 10 forhelicopter use. The first engines wereshipped from Pratt & Whitney to Saab

in January 1949 and the last in March1951. It is also indisputable that ABAgreatly influenced the choice by speci­fying the R-2180 for the projectedpressurized version. At this time ABAand its intercontinental sister SILA in­tended to order an initial four BoeingStratocruisers each powered by fourPratt & Whitney R-4360 Wasp Major

90A-2 Scandia

engines (they were actually sold toBOAC before delivery). This enginewas, in principle, a double R-2180, andas many of the parts were identical,which would have greatly facilitatedthe spare parts supply. Pratt & Whit­ney delivered the last spares to VASPin the early 1960s.

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Saab 91 Safir 93

One of the 24 Saab 9IDs delivered to the Austrian Air Force in 1964-65. (Saab)

The Saab 91A Safir was a180 tested on floats. (R Wall)Saab 91 Safir(Sapphire)

During 1944 Saab decided to startdevelopment of three civil products, anairliner (Saah 90 Scandia), a trainer/tourer (Saah 91 Bafir) and a motorcar(Saab 92). The Saab 91 was initiallyplanned as a two-seat trainer but at alater stage a third seat was incor­porated. A. J. Andersson was appoint­ed as project manager. In 1939 he hadreturned. to Sweden from Germanywhere he had been chief designer forthe whole range of Bucker trainersfrom the Jungmann to the Bestmann.The Bestmann ancestry is clearlynoticeable in the Safir, although theSafir was designed to be all-metal (theoDly exception being the aft part of thewing and the control surfaces whichwere fabric-covered) with a retractableundercarriage. Prototype developmentstarted in winter 1944-45 but the workwas delayed by a long metal-unionstrike and the first flight could onlytake place on 20 November, 1945. The

powerplant was a de Havilland GipsyMajor X of 147 hp but despite thelimited power, the top speed was ashigh as 265 km/h (165 mph) whichindicates excellent aerodynamic de­sign. The undercarriage was retractedby means of a very simple mechanicalspring-loaded arrangement.

Quantity production of the Saab 91A,

as the first model was known, began inspring 1946, but during the next twoyears production was on a limitedscale. The market for touring aircraftin this class never really developed asinitially expected after the SecondWorld War. Of the Gipsy Major­powered version, 48 examples wereproduced most of which were eventu-

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94 Saab 91 Salir

An all metal beauty, the Saab 91 Safir trainer/tourer made its first flight in November 1945, powered by a deHavilland Gipsy Major X of 147 hp (R Wall)

ally sold to the Ethiopian Air Force asprimary trainers and to the SwedishAir Force as liaison aircraft.

In May 1947, the Swedish pilot,Count Carl Gustaf von Rosen, made aremarkable long-distance flight fromSweden to Ethiopia in a Saab 91Adestined. for the Imperial Ethiopian AirForce. Von Rosen, incidentally, servedas Chief of that Air Force and thatSafir was the 6th aircraft ordered bythe Service. Initially, he had planned tomake intermediate landings in Romeand Cairo but after some calculationsvon Rosen concluded that a nonstopflight was possible. The distance of6,220 km (3,866 miles) would exceed theworld record for this class of aircraft.There was no special preparation oftheaircraft (the engine was the standardGipsy Major X driving a two-bladedwooden propeller), except for an extrafuel tank in the rear seat giving a totalvolume of 947 litres (208 Imp gal)compared to the normal 118 litres. Thetake-off weight was 1,500 kg (3,370 lb)against the normal maximum take-offweight of 1,075 kg (2,415 Ih). Flighttests at Saab with 1,425 kg (3,200 Ib)take-off weight produced no problemexcept extending the take-off run to 900m (2,950 ft), five times the normal.

A Saab 91A over the English countryside. (Charles E. Brown)

In 1949 a more powerful Safir, the Saab 91H, was introduced powered by a190 hp Lycoming 0-435A flat six engine. (Saab)

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saab 91 saUr 95

'",.-,... .'.. '


Saab 91A Safir

Apart from encountering sandstormsover the Libyan desert and rainstormsin the Ethiopian mountains, no majorproblems were met en route. After 30 hr52 min flying, Count von Rosen landedon the rainsoaked airfield of AddisAbaba; quite an achievement by bothpilot and aircraft!

In 1949, Saah announced a morepowerful Safir version, the Saah 91B,equipped with a Lycoming O·435A flatsix engine of 190 hp. This improvedperformance significantly.

In 1951 the Swedish Air Forcedecided to order a Dew primary trainerand after evaluation of several types,the Saab 918 was selected and 74

A. J. Andersson, project manager for the Safir (LEFr) and Arthur Brasjo,Lansen project manager.

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96 Saab 91 Saftr

ordered. Due to capacity problems atSaah, the company decided to sub­contract the production to The Nether­lands where De Schelde at Dordrecht(which later became part of Fokker)produced a total of 120 Safir aircraftduring 1951-55. In addition to theSwedish Air Force, SABENA BelgianAirlines ordered the Safir 91B as didLufthansa, Air France and the Imper­ial Ethiopian Air Force. De Scheldealso produced a four-seat version, theSaah 9IC, in limited numbers.

In 1956 Saah resumed. Safir produc­tion at Linkoping having secured anorder from the Royal Norwegian AirForce for twenty-five 91B-25. Soonthereafter, the Finnish Air Force or­dered a batch of twenty of a re-enginedversion, the 91D powered by a four­cylinder Lycoming 0-360-AIA of 180hp. These were delivered in 1958-59.The same version was also ordered byThe Netherlands Government's AirlinePilot School (RLS) which eventnallytook delivery of as many as nineteen.

In 1960-62 Saab delivered fourteen In this picture of the Saab 91B cockpit, the dual-control column has beenremoved. (SaablA Anderson)

In 1951 the Swedish Air Force ordered 74 Safir 91Bs (Sk50). Because of capacity problems at Linkijping, themanufacture was subcontracted to De Schelde in The Netherlands. (De Scheldel

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A four-seat version of the Safir, the Saab 9te, was also built. (Saab)

Saab 91 Safir 97

Saab 91Cs to the Swedish Air Forceand ten to Ethiopia followed by afurther fifteen to Finland and fourteenfor 'I\misia. In 1964-65 the AustrianAir Force took delivery of twenty-fourSaab 9108. In 1966 the final four Safrraircraft produced were delivered toEthiopia. With a total of 48 8afiraircraft of different versions, Ethiopiabecame the second largest customerafter Sweden for this successful air­craft, 323 of which were produced.

Apart from pilot training, the 8afirwas used for aerodynamic researchwork in Sweden (Saab 201 and 202)and in Japan (XIGI-3). An unusualmission undertaken with the originalSafir 91A was the successful participa-

Saab 91C Safir

, ,, ,


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98 Saab 91 Safir

Finland was also a major customer for the Safir, ordering a total of thirty-five. (Saab)

tion in late 1951 in the Anglo-Norweg­ian-Swedish Antarctic Expedition, forwhich purpose the aircraft operated onfloats and skis.

Saab 91ASpan 10.60 ill (34 ft 9 in); length 7.80 ill (25 ft 7 in); height 2.20 ill (7 ft 3 in); wing area 13.60sq ill (147 sq ft). Empty weight 580 kg (1,280 Ib); loaded weight 1,075 kg (2,4151b). Maximumspeed 265 km/h (165 mph); cruising speed 248 km/h (154 mph); landing speed 85 km/h (53mph); initial rate of climb 3.9 m/sec (767 ft/min); ceiling 4,600 ill (15,100 ft); range 960 km(597 miles).

Saab 91BSpan 10.60 ill (34 ft 9 in); length 7.90 ill (25 ft 11 in); height 2.20 ill (7 ft 3 in); wing area 13.60sq ill (147 sq ft). Empty weight 730 kg (1,610 Ib); loaded weight 1,218 kg (2,736Ib). Maximumspeed 275 km/h (170 mph); cruising speed 245 km/h (152 mph); landing speed 90 kmlh (56mph); initial rate of climb 5.35 m/sec (1,052 ft/min); ceiling 6,200 m (20,340 ft); range 1,050km (653 miles).

Saab glCSpan 10.60 m (34 ft 9 in); length 7.90 m (25ft 11 in); height 2.20 m (7 ft 3 in); wing area 13.60sq m (147 sq ft). Empty weight 740 kg (1,630 lb); loaded weight 1,215 kg (2,678lb). Maximumspeed 270 km/h (168 mph); cruising speed 245 km/h (152 mph); landing speed 90 km/h (56mph); initial rate of climb 5.35 m/sec (1,052 ft/min); ceiling 6,200 m (20,340 ft); range 960 km(597 miles).

Saab9lDSpan 10.60 m (34 ft 9 in); length 8.03 m (26 ft 4 in); height 2.20 m (7ft 3 in); wing area 13.60sq m (147 sq ft). Maximum speed 270 kmlh (168 mph); cruising speed 240 kmlh (149 mph);landing speed 90 km/h (56 mph); initial rate of climb 5.0 m/sec (984 ft/min) ceiling 6,100 m(20,000 ft); range 1.125 km (700 miles).

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The Saab 91B engine installation was easily accessible. (Saab)

Saab 91 Safrr production serials

Prototype91001 SE-AP - To Saab 201 and 202

Saab 91 A Safir91101 SE-AUN. YE-AAG91102 SE·AUP, IEAF·lIS91103 SE·AUR91104 BE-AVe To Flygvapnet Museum as Tp

919110S SE·AZH, ET·91106 SE·AZI, PP·DIU, SE·AZI91107 IEAF-I01911081EAF·I02911091EAF·I0391110IEAF·I0491l1l SAF·91111 (I'~I)

91112 SAF·91112 (F~2), SE-CDS, D·EMUV91113 SAF·91113 (~)91114 SAF-91114~), SE-CDT, D·EGIW91 I IS SE·AZK, LY·RIG91116 SE·AZM, lEAF-lOG91117 SAF·911l7 (I'~ I91118 SAF·91118 (I'~ I, SE·BNX, to SAF91119 SAE·91119 (F9-19), SE·BTY, to SAF91120 SE·AZN, lEAF-lOS91121 SAF·91121 (1'9-21)91122 SAF·91123 (FIO-22, F8-22)91123 SAF·91123 (1'4- , F8)91124 SE·BFT9112S SE·BFU, PH·UEA91126 SE-BNH, VT·CYU, G·ALCS nlll91127 SE·BFW, IEAF-11691128 SE·BNL, SE·BNZ91129 SE·BNM ABA, IEAF-11491130 SE·BNN, PH·UEB, OO·HUG,

OO·MUG91131 SE·BNO91132 SE·BNP, ZP­91133 SE·AWA, YT-CTS91134 IEAF-I0791135 SE·AWC, VT·C'IT91136 PH·UEC, G·ARFX91137 PH-OED, PH-NEP ntu91138 IEAF·11291139 PH-VEE91140 SE-BNU, PH·UEF, OO-JEN91141IEAF-1I391142 lEAF-lOB91143 PH·UEG91144 PH-UEH, aD-ANN9114S IEAF·I09, ET·AAN91146IEAF-lIO91147 lEAF-Ill91148 SE·BNT, YT·CZS

Saab 91 B Sa!ir (91201-91320 by De Schelde)91201 SAF-5000I, SE-BWB, JA·3055, JAF

TX-710191202 SAF-50002, (FS-2, FIB-81191203 SAF-50003 (F5-3, F5-03, F6-1l)91204 SAF-50004 (1'5-4)91205 SAF-50005 (FS-S)91206 SAF-50006 (l'S';;, F7-83)91207 SAF-50007 (l'S-8, FI6-95), SE-IGR91208 SAF-50008 (l'S-8, FI8-95), SE-IGR91209 SAF-50009 (l'S-9, FI8-87, F7-84),

SE·IGP91210 SAF-SIlOIO (F5-IO, FI2-73), LN·HHS

91211 SAF-50011 (F5-11, FI2-7I), SE-IIL91212 SAF·50012 (l'S-12, F4-1l191213 SAF·50013 (F5-13)91214 SAF·50014 (1'5-14)9121S SAF·500IS (F5-IS, F14-92)91216 SAF-50016 (F5-16, F7-81191217 SM'·50017 (1'5-17)91218 SAF·50018 (1'5-18, FI8-82, FI8-83)91219 SAF·50027 (1'5-49, F6-72)91220 OO.sOK Sabena91221 SAF·50019 (F5-19, F7-84, FlI-72)91222 SAF-50020 (F5-20, FI-1l)91223 SAF·S0021 (F5-21)91224 SAF-50022 (F5-22)91225 SAF·S0023 (F5-23, FI-72), SE·IGI91226 SAF-50024 not delivered91227 SAF·50025 (F5-25, FIB-BO, FI-80),

SE·IGK91228 SAF-50026 (FS-26, FI3-71), SE·IGO91229 SAF-50027 (l'S-27, FI1-74)91230 SAF-50028 (F5-28)91231 SAF-50029 (F5-29, FI8-29, Fl6-96,

F4-73)91232 SAF-50030 (FS-30)91233 SAF-50031 (l'S-31)91234 SAF-50032 (l'S-32)91235 SAF-50033 (FS-33)91236 SAF·50034 (F5-34)91237 SAF-50035 (F5-35, FI5-71)91238 SAF·S0036 (1'5-36, F3-74, F7-85,

F6-8519123900·S0L91240 OO·SOM, IEAF-12691241 aO-SON, IEAF-12791242 OO·SOP, IEAF·12891243 OO·SOQ, IEAF-129

Saab 91 SaftI 99

91244 OO-BOR, IEAF·I3091245 OO-BOY, IEAF·13191246 SE-BYN, OH-BFA, FAF SF-3691247 SAF-50048 (F5-48, FIo-73, Fl·)91248 SAF·50050 (FS-50, FI5-74, FI6-72)91249 SAF-50037 (F5-37, F21-77)91250 SAF-50038 (1'5-38, F7-38, F5-38, FI­

73, F3-1l, F4-75)91251 SAF-50039 (1'5-39, FI-70, F6-73)91252 SAF-50040 (F5-40, F2-40, F9-40. FII-

72, F7-84), NAF 040, LN-HHW91253 SAF·SIlO41 (FS-41, FI-74)912S4 SAF·S0042 (FS-42, F21-72)91255 SAF·SIlO43 (FS-43, F6-74)91256 SAF·SIlO44 (FS-44, F12-44, FI2-74),

SE·IGM91257 SAF·5004S (FS-45, FIS-72, FI-73)91258 SAF·50046 (l'S-46, FI7-76)91259 SAF-50047 W5-41, F13-72, Fl-)91260 SAF·50051 (1'5-51, FI3-72)91261 SAF-50052 (F5-52, F4- F21-74)91262SAF·50053 (1'5-53, FI3-73), SE·IGL91263 SAF·50054 (1'5-54, FI7-74)91264 SAF-50055 (F5-54, FI7-74)91265 SAF·50056 (F5-56)91266 SAF-50057 (F5-58, FI2-72)91267 SAF-50058 (1'5-58, F12-72), NAF05891268 SAF-50059 (l'S-S9, FI-73, FI2-72,

F21-7S)91269 SAF-50060 (FS-60, FIO-72)91270 SAF·50061 (FS-61, F3-72)91271 SAF-50062 (FS-62, FI-74, FI7-72)91272 SAF·S0063 (FS-63, FI7-73, FI3-7S)91273 SAF·S0064 (FS-64, F4-74)91274 SAF·5006S (FS-64, F4-74)91275 SAF·50066 (FS-65, FIO-74)

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An Air Force student lands a Saab Sk 50. (Bo Dahlin)

100 Saab 91 Safir

Saab 9IG Safir (prototype)91276 SE·BYZ, VH·BQK, VH·AHA, VH·


Saab 91 B SafiT91277 SAF-50067 (F5-67, F16-98)91278 SAF-50068 (F5-68, F11-73)91279 SAF-50069 (F5-69)91280 SAF-50070(F5-70, F4-70)91281 SAF-50071 (F5-71, F14-91), NAF

0071, LN-LMY91282 SAF-50072 (F5-72)91283 SAF-50073 (F5-70, F4-70)91284 SAF-50074 (F5-74, F3-71, F1-73),

NAF 0074, LN·BIl91285 SAF-50075 (F5-75, FIO-7l, F21-75)91286 SAF-50076 (F5-76, F4-73, FI6-96),

NAF 076, LN-8AL

912871EAF·117912881EAF·11891289IEAF·11991290 D-EBAB Lufthansa91291 D-EBED Lufthansa91292 (pK·AAK) PK·ASA91293 PK·AAL91294 PK·AAM91295 SE-XAE, F·BHAG91296 SE·XAF, F·BHAH91297 SE-XAG, F·BHA191298 SE·XAH, F·BHAJ91299 SE·XAl, F·BHAK91300 SE·XAK lEAF 12091301 SE·XAL, 1EAF·12191302 SE·XAM, lEAF·l2291303 SE·XAO, IEAF·12391304 SE·XAO, IEAF·I24

91305 SE·XAP, IEAF·I2591306 SE·XAR, SE·CAE91307 SE·XAS, SE·CFY

Saub 91B~D SafiT (built by De Schelde)91308 SE-XAT, SE·CFZ, G·AYGS, SE·CFZ

(prototype)91309 SE-XAU, D·EBUC, PH·RJB91310 SE·XAW, TAF Y 31001

Saab 9IC Satir (built by De Schelde)91311 (SE·CAH), G·ANOK91312 SE·XAX, SE-CAC, LY·91313 SE·XAZ, SE-CAD, D·EMUK, PH·BEP91314 SE·XBA, SE-CAF, OE·DBN, D·EAlW91315 SE·XBB, SE·CBH, OH·ABC91316 SE·XBC, (SE-CAG), PK·AAU,



Saab 9JB-2 SafiT91321 NAF- UA-B 321, G-BKP¥ T. Newark

Air Museum91322 NAF· UA·D 32391323 NAF· UA·D 32391324 NAF UA·E 32491325 NA UA·F91326 NAF UA·G91327 NAF UA·H91328 NAF UA·1328, LN·BDl91329 NAF UA.,] 32991330 NA UA·K 330, LN·SAF

The Swedish Air Force eventually bought 98 Safirs of different versions including fourteen four-seaters. Many arestill in use. (Eo Dahlin)

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Saab 91 Safir 101

Flygvapnet 88firS are now mostly used for liaison purposes. (FlyguapnetlF 13)

The Netherlands government's airline pilot training school, Rijksluchtvaartschool (RLS), bought nineteen Saab91D•. (Saab)


91331 NAF UA-L 331, LN-BEE, S&10191332 NAF UA-M91333 NAF UA-N 33391334 NAF UA-O 334, SE·CAB91335 NAF UA-P 335, OO·NOR91336 NAF UA-Q 33691337 NA;' UA-R 33791338 NAF UA-S 33891339 NAF UA-T 339, LN-8AV, SE-1KE91340 NAF VA-V 340, LN-8AK91341 'AF UA-V 341, LN-LFK

91342 NAF UA-W 342, LN-8AM91343 NAF UA-X 343, (LN-HAO, SE-1TF91344 NAF UA-Y 344, LN-SAO91345 NAF UA-Z 345, LN-HPD

Saab 9iD Sarir91346 SE-CGZ91347 FAF SF·l91348 FAF SF-291349 FAF SF-391350 FAF SF-4, OH-SFF

91351 FAF SF-591352 FAF SF-6, OH-8FI91353 FAF SF.791354 FAF SF-891355 FAF SF-991356 FAF SF-I091357 FAF SF-Il91358 FAF SF-1291359 FAF SF-13, SE-IKI91360 FAF SF-I4, OH-8FS, SE-lRY91361 FAF SF-I5

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Tunisia acquired fourteen Sasb 91Cs. (Saab)

102 Saab 91 Safir

91362 FAF SF-16, OH-SFN91363 FAF SF-17, SE-IKK91364 FAF SF-1891365 FAF SF-1991366 FAF SF-20 Tryggve Holm91367 PH-RLA91368 PH-RLB91369 PH-RLC, SE-IRN91370 PH-RLD91371 PH-RLS91372 PH-RLE91373 PH-RLF91374 PH-RLG91375 PH-RLH91376 PH·RLK Civil Flying School91377 PH-RLL

91378 PH-RLM91379 PH-RLN91380 PH-RLO91381 PH-RLP91382 PH·RLR Civil Flying School91383 PH-RLT91384 PH-RLU Civil Flying School

80ab 9IC Safir91385 IEAF-13291386 IEAF-I3391387IEAF-I3491388 IEAF-I3591389 IEAF-I3691390 IEAF-13791391 1EAF-138

913921EM'-139913931EM'-14091394 lEAF-14191395 SAF-50080 (F8-80, F8-5I, F18--84,

FI6-72)91396 SAF-50081 (F5--81, F4--81, F4-72,

F21-71)91397 SAF-50082 (F5--82, Fl7-75)91398 SAF-50083 (FC-71, FC-72)91399 SAF-50084 (F8--84, F8-52, FI8--85)91400 SAF-50085 (F5--85, Fl1-75)91401 SAF-50086 (F5--86, Fl3-74)91402 SAF-50087 (FB--87)91403 SAF-50088 (F5--88, F3-75, FI3-79)91404 SAF-50089 (F5--89, F12-73, FI5--73)91405 SAF-50090 (F5-90, F21-71)91406 SAF-50091 (F5-91, F21-71)91407 SAF-50092 (F5-92, FB-53, FI8--86)91408 SAF-50093 (F5-93, FlQ-75)

Saub 91D Safir91409 FAF SF-2I, OH-SFL91410 FAF SF-22, OH-SFP91411 FAF SF-2391412 FAF SF-24, OH-SFJ91413 FAF SF-2591414 FAF-2691415 FAF SF-27, OH-SFH91416 FAF SF-2891417 FAF SF-29, OH-SFC, SE-IKR91418 FAF SF-3D91419 TAF Y 3100291420 TAF Y 3100391421 TAF Y 3100491422 TAF Y 3100591423 TAF Y 3100691424 TAF Y 3100791425 TAF Y 3100891426 TAF Y 3100991427 TAF Y 31010

The Imperial Ethiopian Air Force was the second largest customer for the Safir. (Saab)

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Saab 91 Safir 103

In 1956, the Royal Norwegian Air Force ordered twenty-five Saab 9Is. (Saab)

91428 TAF Y 3101191429TAF Y 3101291430TAF Y 3101391431 TAF Y 3101491432 TAF Y 3101591433 PH-RLV. G-BCFS. LN-MAZ91434 PH-RLW. OO-VOS91435 PH-RLX. G-BCIT. LN-MAA91436 PH-RLY. G-BCFV. N91SB91437 PH-RLZ, G-BCFW Civil Flying School91438 SE-EDB91439 HB-DBL91440 FAF SF.Jl, OH·SFB, to Finnish Air

Force91441 FAF SF-32. OH-SFK. SE-1OC91442 FAF SF-33. OH-SFM91443 FAF SF-34, OH-8FD, to Finnish Air

Force91444 FAF SF-35, OH-8EF, to Finnish Air


Soob 91C Sofir914451EAF·142914461EAF·143

Soob 9JD Safir91447 AAF 3F-SA91448 AAF 3F-SM91449 AAF 3F-SN

91450 AAF 3F-SO91451 AAF 3F-SP91452 AAF 3F-SQ91453 AAF 3F-SB91454 AAF 3F-SC91455 AM 3F-SR91456 AAF 3F-SS91457 AAF 3F-SD91458 AAF 3F-ST91459 AAF 3F-SU91460 AAF 3F-SE91461 AAF 3F-SV91462 AAF 3F-SW91463 AAF 3F-SF91464 AAF 3F-SX91465 AAF 3F-SG91466 AAF 3F-SH91467 AAF 3F-SI91468 AAF 3F-SJ91469 AAF 3F-SK91470 AAF 3F-SL

Soob 9IC Sa/ir91471 IEAF-14491472IEAF-145914731EAF-14691474IEAF-147

AAF = Austrian Air ForceFAF = Finnish Air ForcelEAF = Imperial Ethiopian Air ForceJAF = Japanese Air ForceNAF = Norwegian Air ForceSAF = Swedish Air ForceTAF = 1.\misian Air Force

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104 saab 29


From 1963, the J29s were equipped with United States Sidewinder (Rb24) air-to-air missiles. (Saab/I. Thuresson)

Saab 29

In the autumn of 1945, the Air Boardinvited Saab to submit a proposal for anew jet fighter project, tentativelydesignated JxH. The engine choice wasa central issue. The de HavillandGoblin engine already selected for theJ 21R was not powerful enough to meetthe new performance requirements. InDecember 1945, the Air Board in­structed Saab to base the project on thenew de Havilland Ghost (RM 2 in theSwedish Air Force) turbo jet of 5,000 1b(2,270 kp) thrust and 1.35 m (4 ft 5 in)diameter. The basic Air Force demandson the new aircraft were high speed(Mach 0.85-86) and high service ceil­ing, powerful armament (fOUf 20 mmcannon), excellent manoeuvrabilityand a rugged design adapted to thespecial Swedish operating conditions.

Initially a straight-wing configura­tion was selected but at the end ofNovember 1945 Saab managed,through contacts in Switzerland, toobtain the results of some Germanaerodynamic research work into sweptwings outlining both advantages anddisadvantages. This eventually led to acompletely new wing configuration.The structural stress and surface finishrequirements were other technical chal­lenges. In February 1946, the project.now known as the R 1001, had been'frozen' in most respects. In addition toextensive wind-tunnel testing, it wasdecided to undertake practical flighttests with a wing swept at 25 degrees ­a suitable compromise meeting theflight safety considerations - fitted to aSaab Safir piston-engined trainer. Theinner-wing leading-edge root had moresweep, however, and was thinner. Thisresearch vehicle was designated Saab201 and was subjected to extensive

flight testing during 1947. Eventuallyit became clear that the new fighterwas going to achieve at least 1,000km/h (620 mph).

In the autumn of 1946 most of theremaining basic problems were solvedby the Saah engineering team headedby project manager Lars Brising, andthree prototypes of the J 29, as the newaircraft was now designated, wereordered. The fuselage was given abarrel-like shape with a central airintake in the nose and a straight airduct to the engine in the rear fuselage.The characteristic shape not surpris­ingly led to the nickname 'The FlyingBarrel'. The rotund fuselage also hous­ed the undercarriage, the armamentinstallation and 1,400 litres (308 Impgal) of fuel. There was another 700litres (154 Imp gal) of fuel in the wingsplus two 450 litre (99 Imp gal) droptanks. By sliding the big enginecowling rearwards, the whole engine

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was easily accessible.The structure was designed to permit

8 g manoeuvres at maximum speed atlow altitude. The first prototype wasfitted with extensive instrumentationfor automatic recording of surfaceloads, structural stress and other data.In February 1947, the British test pilotSquadron Leader Robert A. R. (Bob)Moore had been appointed chief testpilot at Saab, the reason being thatSweden had no test pilots with jet ex­perience at this time. And the J 29 wasvery advanced not only for the Swedishaircraft industry. As Bob Moore him­self pointed out, this was the first WestEuropean jet fighter to have:a) swept wings, b) all-movable tail­plane, c) automatic leading-edge slats,d) full-span ailerons/flaps, e) The D.H.Ghost engine in a single-engine air·craft, and 0 a completely new Saabejection seat.

After the usual taxiing trials hadbeen completed during August, 1Septem­ber, 1948, was selected for the first

Saab 29 105

Lars Brising (right), project manager for the J29. (Saab)


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106 Saab 29

To test tbe swept wing oftbe J 29. a Safir was equipped with a scaled downswept wing and designated Saah 201. (Saab/Wall)

'On the ground an ugly duckling - in the air a swift'. Those were the wordsof R. A. 'Bob' Moore, the British test pilot after first flying the Saab 29 (J 29)prototype. (Saab)


risks from flutter and compressibility.From Mach 0.75 the testing advancedat only Mach 0.01 per flight untilapproximately Mach 0.8. Here the nextmajor problem occurred in the form ofdirectional snaking which, due to theswept wings, induced Dutch roll whichcould not be controlled. The designrequirement for the J 29 was Mach 0.85and therefore this problem had to besolved. Following a series of systematicmodifications, the test team finallydiscovered that the trailing angle of therear fuselage above the jet efflux waswrong, causing breakaway of theairflow on first one side and then theother. The second prototype flew on 29February, 1949, and the third on 18August the same year.

The subsequent testing of the proto­types cured the snaking and vibrationproblems, and there were no doubtsthat through the J 29 development theSwedish aircraft industry had achieveda very prominent position in fighteraircraft development. Much was alsolearned about the interference betweenthe aircraft and armament at highspeeds which was impossible to cal­culate and at best uncertain in wind­tunnel testing. The swept wings addedto the problems.

In the summer of 1949, the Air Boardordered a fourth aircraft - a productionprototype - which flew on 21 July,1950.It had the tested modifications and wasequipped with the more powerful produc­tion engine. Performance could he wellverified. At 8.150 m (26,740 ft), Mach0.85 (950 kmlh) was achieved withoutnoticeable stability problems or vibra­tions.

Deliveries began in May 1951, thefirst Wing to be equipped being F 13 atNorrkoping. The introduction into ser·vice brought about quite a few seriousflight safety problems mainly due topilots underestimating the difficultiesin handling a swept-wing aircraftcompared to straight-wing aircraft,particularly on landing. A two-seattrainer version and simulators wouldhave made the conversion training alot easier. More jet time and improvedtheoretical tuition before going to theadvanced J 29 proved to be the solu­tion.

The production build-up was a major

more conventional aileron/flap arrange­ment which handled beautifully, againaccording to Bob Moore.

Moore also recalls that in the ab­sence in those days of computers thedata from each test flight had to becarefully evaluated before the next stepcould be taken, a time-consumingoperation but necessary in view of the

fied - illustrated the compressed timeschedule for the entire programme. Theair-brake development was completedin the second prototype in the spring of1950 without any problems. But therewere others; the full-span ailerons inthe prototype gave too high a rate ofroll, 180 degrees a second. The secondprototype was therefore fitted with a

speed of 890 kmlh (553 mph) wasachieved at 4,000 m (13,000 ft). At thisspeed and altitude, however, the use ofthe wing air-brakes caused unaccept­able vibrations, and the brakes werelater re-positioned to the fuselage justforward of the undercarriage. The factthat the first 32 production aircraft stillhad wing air-brakes - somewhat modi-

flight. During the flight the speed wasso low that the pilot suspected thatsomething was wrong with the airspeed indicator but eventually thechase aircraft pilot discovered that, dueto a minor mechanical malfunction,the undercarriage doors were open.

Flight testing was not without itsproblems. On 22 September, 1948, a

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This unusual view of the J29 well illustrates the advanced wing shape. (Saab)

project and massive investments weremade in machinery and tools. Thehigher precision required more mach­ining than in previous aircraft. For thedetail manufacture no fewer than13,000 tools were produced and 150major assembly jigs. Of the first

version, the J 29A, 224 were producedduring 1951-53.

On 11 March, 1953, the first produc­tion J 29B was delivered. It carriedmore fuel in the wings, bringing thetotal volume from 1,400 litres (308 Impgal) to 2,100 litres (462 Imp gal). Ofthis

version 361 aircraft were built in twoyears. In May 1954, a J 29B flown byCapt Anders Westerlund flew a cJose<l­course of 500 km (310 miles) with anaverage speed of 977 km/h (607 mph),thus beating the previous world speedrecord held by a United States North

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108 Soab 29

Twenty-four 75 mm air-to-air rockets was another weapon alternative for the J29. (Saab/I. Thuresson)

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The wing of the J 29 was built in one piece and with outstanding surfacefinish. The J29A and B versions had automatic slats, the E and F versions a'sawtooth' wing with fences for improved low-speed handling. (Saab)

American F-86 Sabre by 27 km/h.Another world speed record was esta­blished in January 1955 when aformation of two S 29C aircraft (thereconnaissance version) flew a 1,000km (620 miles) closed-circuit with anaverage speed of 900.6 kmlh (559.6mph). The pilots were Capt (later MajorGeneral) Hans Neij and Capt BirgerEriksson.

The S 29C was an unarmed photo­graphic-reconnaissance version, the proto­type of which made its first flight on 3June, 1953. The camera equipment wasvery extensive for this class of aircraftand up to six vertical and obliquecameras could be carried in the en­larged armament and ammunition bayin the nose of the aircraft. Twoalternative camera fits could be car­ried, one primarily for high-altitude useand one mainly for low-altitudes; and,later on side-looking cameras wereinstalled. The S 29C was much appre­ciated for its reliability and its en­durance of more than 2 hr. The aircraftwas also equipped with a Jungner­designed vertical camera sight allow­ing very high precision on high­altitude missions. A total of seventy-sixS 29Cs were built between 1954 and1956.

On 3 December, 1953, a new version-

J 29E - equipped with a modified outerwing, made its first flight. Featuring a'saw-tooth' wing instead of the leading­edge movable slats, this modificationraised the critical Mach number from0.86 to 0.89. A large number of J 29Bswere modified to J 29E standard andthe modified wing was also introducedon the S29C.

At an early stage, during the flighttesting of the No.3 prototype whichwas allocated to armament testing, theJ 29 had already proved to be anexcellent weapons platform. It wastherefore natural to use the aircraft forair-to-surface missions also. Two attackwings, F 6 and F 7, re-equipped with theJ 29B, in its new role r€-designated

Special hot-air generators were used to heat the cockpit of the J 29 to a comfortable level while maintaining highreadiness in Arctic temperatures down to -40 degrees C (-40 degrees F). (Saab/Author)

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110 Saab 29

A pair of J29Fs over the mountains near the F4 Wing's base at Ostersund. (Flyguapnet/F4)

During September 1954 one J 29 a day was delivered! (Saab)

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Saab29 III

engine with the modified wing of the29E was designated J 29F and flew asearly as 20 March, 1954. The incorpora­tion of the afterburner increased thestatic thrust of the Swedish-manu­factured Ghost by as much as 25percent to 2,800 kp (6,170 Ib) whichdramatically improved the aircraft'sinitial rate of climb from approxima-

increase. The full-scale developmenttook place at Flygmotor which wasresponsible for production ofthe RM 2B,as the afterburning version of theGhost was designated. Flight testingbegan in March 1954 in an aircraftdesignated J 29D which also had in­creased fuel capacity.

A version combining the afterburner

In March 1954 the first J 29F version, equipped with a Swedish-designedafterburning de Havilland Ghost, made its first flight. Ground running atnight was a spectacular sight. (Saab)

JATO bottles were tested with heavy loads but were never used on J 29s in service after the availability of theafterburner. (Saab)

A 29B. This version could carry avariety of ordnance in addition to thefour 20 mm cannon with 180 roundseach. The following alternatives couldbe carried: fourteen 14.5 em armour­piercing rockets or fourteen 15 em ml51rockets. For certain types of missionsfour 18 em rockets could be carried.Incendiary bombs could also be carriedand these were dropped from very lowaltitude, 20-25 ffi. To improve take-offperformance JATO bottles were testedbut never used in squadron service, thereason being that after-burning wasnow well underway.

The A 29B era was brief but of greatuse for the tactical development intro­duced in the specialized attack aircraftthen to come. The A 29B served the AirForce attack units from 1953 until 1957.

A Swedish innovation of great im­portance to the performance of the J 29fighter was the development of anafterburner tailor-made to the limiteddimensions available in the aircraft.The afterburner was originally con­ceived by Osten Svantesson of the AirBoard and provided a 25 percent thrust

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112 Saab 29

Seventy-six S29Cs. the reconnaissance version, were delivered starting in1953. (8aab/I. Thuresson)

An unusual view of eight J 298 of Flygvapnet F 4. (Flyguapnet/F4)

!ely 40 m/sec to 60 mlsec (7,875 ftlminto 11,810 fVmin), raising the ceilingfrom about 13,700 m (44,950 ft) to15,500 m (50,850 ft), and increasing thetop speed from 1,035 to 1,060 km/h (643to 659 mph). The take-off distance wasreduced from 1,350 m (4,430ft) for theJ 29B to 790 m (2,590 ft). From 1955 to1958 a total of308J 29B and Eversionswere modified to J 29F standard, 210by Saab and the balance by Air ForceCentral Workshops. 390 RM 2 engineswere converted by Flygmotor to RM 2Bstandard.

Altogether, 661 Saah 298 were deli­vered from 1951 to 1956. At the end of1963, all J 29Fs had been modified tocarry Sidewinder (Rb 24) air-to-airmissiles. The J 29 was the first Saabaircraft to go to war. The backgroundwas as follows. The Republic ofCongo (now ZaIre) was proclaimed in1960. The new government had diffi­colly in estahlishing an efficient adminis·tration and could not maintain law andorder. The Province of Katanga brokeaway and claimed autonomy, suppor­ted by Belgian troops. The Congorequested military support from theUnited Nations. A United Nationsforce was organized in the Congo inJuly 1960 and stayed for four years.The UN operations and the air trans­port of supplies were harassed byKatangan forces and a small fleet ofanned light aircraft. One single FougaMagister equipped with guns, rockets,and bombs caused so much troublethat it was decided that combat aircraftsbould be added to the UN forces toprotect transport aircraft and groundforces. Sweden, Ethiopia and Indiacontributed to the air effort following aUN request in mid-September 1960.The necessary infrastructure to receivethe flying unit was provided by theCongo Government, but surveillanceradar had to be taken from Sweden.

On 30 September a flight of fiveJ 298s, commanded by Col Sven Lam­peB, took off from Sweden for the12,000 km (7,460 miles) fligbt to Leo·poldville (now Kinshasa) arriving thereon 4 October. On 8 October, the unit,designated F 22 in the Swedish AirForce, redeployed to Luluabourg (nowKananga) in the Province of Kasai.The take-off weight had to be some-

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Saab 29 113

In 1961 Austria ordered an initial batch of fifteen J 29Fs which were delivered in July the same year. In 1963 afurther fifteeen were delivered. These were modified before delivery to carry three Vinten cameras instead of twocannon. (Saab/ I. Thuresson)

what reduced because of the field Up to seven cameras could be carried by the S 29C. (Saab)

elevation (700 m ahove sea level) andhigh temperatures. The 1,950 m (6,400

ft) runway was just sufficient with full 14'

cannon ammunition load and eight 15em rockets. The J 29B had been chosenbecause of lower fuel consumption,important for the long distances in theCongo.

The primary missions were air de­fence, attacks on air base installationsand close support of ground forces.Facilities for reporting and controlwere practically non-existent but thepsychological effect of UN fighterspatrolling the area strongly boosted themorale of the Congo troops and chasedaway Katangan aircraft.

During the Katangan offensi,ve inDecember 1961, the Swedish aircraftand the Indian Canberras knocked outthe Katangan stronghold and the airbase at Kolwezi and total air supre-

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114 Saab 29

A trio of J 298. (Saab)

macy was established in a few days.The F 22 unit was deployed to theKamina base for the remainder of thewar, until the autumn of 1963.

Other major attacks were made onElisabethville (now Lumbumbashi) wherevehicle concentrations, trains, staffheadquarters and oil dumps were hit.

During 1962 it became evident thatreconnaissance aircraft were neededand in November two S 29Cs wereallocated. They were, however, airliftedto the Congo by USAF transports.Since by then the Katangan Air Forcehad been reinforced with combat air­craft and the Ethiopian unit had leftthe scene, additional Swedish fighterswere requested by the United Nations.Four J 29Bs were shipped to the Congoin January 1963 just in time for thefinal action against Katanga when itsair force was wiped out completely. TheUN ground operations could now becompleted without any air threat. FourJ 29Bs were then flown back to Swe­den; five were blown up where theystood. The Saab J 29 had completed itsUN~missionwith top rating and so hadthe Swedish pilots and the groundcrews who kept the aircraft opera­tional. In June 1962 the availabilityhad been 99 percent compared to 54and 69 for the other air force unitsparticipating.

In 1960 Austria decided to acquirecombat jets and initially even super­sonic fighters were considered. In viewof the limited experience of jet combat

Fourteen 15 em rockets were used against 'hard' targets, four 18 cm rockets against naval targets. As an alternativeto drop tanks, Napalm bombs could be carried. (Flygvapnet Flight Test Centre)

II I' I'!~ p "

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aircraft, however, an intermediate stepwas taken. After evaluation of severalsecond-generation fighters includingthe F-86 Sabre and MiG-I?, the SaabJ 29F was chosen. An initial batch of15 was delivered in July 1961. Theaircraft were ex-Swedish Air Forcemachines bought back by Saab andreconditioned before delivery. In theautumn of 1961 another 15 aircraftwere acquired. These were modified forcombined fighter/attack/reconnais­sance missions with two cannon re­placeable with the photographic-recon­naisance pack containing three Vintencameras. The Austrian personnel weretrained in Sweden by the Swedish AirForce, the first group of 15 pilots and 40technicians at the F 15 Wing at Soder­hamn. In 1962 a second class of sevenAustrian pilots received their conver­sion training, this time at Save nearGothenburg. In Austria, the J 29Fsoperated from the air bases at Sch­wechat (Vienna) and Klagenfurt. Lateron, the aircraft were also based at Linzand Graz. The principal role of theAustrian J 29s was close support, withpatrol of the country's airspace as asecondary role. The aircraft was retiredfrom Austrian military service in 1972and replaced by another Saah type.

In Sweden the Air Force service lifeof the J 29 as a combat aircraft endedin May 1967 when the Air Force Wingat Ostersund (F 4) flew an 'S·plane'farewell formation around the pro­vince. But the aircraft remained in AirForce service as a target-tug at Malm­sUitt near Linkoping for another nineyears. A special towing winch, MBV-2,was developed for the aircraft, whichalso carried the Saah BT-23 automaticmiss distance indicator and SU·2 flaretracking system fitted to winged andarrow targets. The aircraft also ope­rated in countermeasures training buton 27 August, 1976, completed its lasttarget mission. The last flight tookplace at a big Air Force 50th anniver­sary flying display at Malmslatt twodays later.

Saab 29 115

An Austrian Air Force Saah J 29. (Saab)


Span 11.0 m (36 ft 1 in); length 10.23 m (33 it 7 in); height 3.75 m (12 ft 4 in); wing area24 sq m (258 sq ft). Empty weight 4,580 kg (10,097Ib); loaded weight 6,680 kg (14,727Ib).Maximum speed 1,035 km/h (643 mph); cruising speed 800 km/h (497 mph); landing speed220 km/h (137 mph); initial rate of climb approximately 40 m/sec (7,875 ft/min); ceiling13,700 m (44,950 ft); range 1,200 km (746 miles).

] 29B/A29B

Span 11.0 m (36 ft 1 in); length 10.23 m (33 ft 7 in); height 3.75 m (12 ft 4 in); wing area24 sq m (258 sq ft). Empty weight 4,640 kg (10,229 Ib); loaded weight 7,520 kg (16,578 lb).Maximum speed 1,035 kmlh (643 mph); cruising speed 800 km/h (497 mph); landing speed220 kmIh (137 mph); ceiling 13,700 m (44,950 ft); range 1,500 km (932 miles).


Span 11.0 m (36 ft 1 in); length 10.23 m (33 ft 7 in); height 3.75 m (12 ft 4 in); wing area24 sq m (258 sq ft). Weights not available. Maximum speed 1,035 km/h (643 mph); cruisingspeed 800 km/h (497 mph); landing speed 220 km/h (137 mph); initial rate of climbapproximately 40 m/sec (7,875 ft/min); ceiling 13,700 m (44,950 ft); range 1,500 km (932miles).

J29ESpan 11.0 m (36 ft 1 in); length 10.23 m (33 it 7 in); height 3.75 m (12 ft 4 in); wing area24.15sq m (260 sq ft). Empty weight not available; loaded weight 7,530 kg (16,600 lb).Maximum speed 1,035 kmlh (643 mph); cruising speed 800 km/h (497 mph); landing speed220 kmlh (137 mph); ceiling 13,700 m (44,950 ft); range 1,500 km (932 miles).

J29FSpan 11.0 m (36 it 1 in); length 10.23 m (33 ft 7 in); height 3.75 m (12 ft 4 in); wing area24.15sq m (260 sq ft). Empty weight 4,845 kg (10,680 Ib); loaded weight 7,720 kg (17,020 lb).Maximum speed 1,060 km/h (659 mph); cruising speed 800 km/h (497 mph); landing speed 220km/h (137 mph); initial climb rate approximately 60 m/sec (11,810 ftlmin); ceiling 15,500 m(50,850 ft); range 1,100 km (684 miles).

Saab ] 29 production serials

J29 prototypes: 29001, 29002, 29003, 29004 (prototype for J 29E)J29A: 21101-29308J29B: (later modified to 29E and F) 29325-29683S29C 29901-29976

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116 Saab 32 Lansen

The Saab 32 Lansen was a very popular aircraft and its clean lines are here seen to advantage. (Saab)

The Saab 32 Lansen (A 32) prototype made its first flight on 3 November,1952, but with the original 'flush' air intakes slightly modified. (Saab)

Saab 32 Lansen(The Lance)

Technical development in the late1940s and early 1950s not only in theaeronautical field but perhaps evenmore so in electronics, was nothingshort of dramatic. This also greatlyaffected the form of armed threat andthe tactical development to meet it.

During the 1950s a replacement forexisting attack, reconnaissance andnight-fighter aircraft (Swedish-devel­oped as well as imported) had to beinitiated. The first project studiesbegan in late 1946. 'I\vin-jet solutionswere in the forefront for several years,a natural trend in view of the fact thatboth the twin-engined Saab B 18/S 18family and the de Havilland MosquitoMk. 19s (J 30 in Sweden) were to bereplaced.

After investigating several interest­ing projects, including a 'flying wing'configuration and an elegant high­wing project known as the 1119 pow­ered by two Flygmotor-built Ghost

(RM 2) engines, on 20 December, 1948,the Swedish Air Force decided to goahead with project 1150, a single­engined transonic two-seater of fairlyconventional layout. The 1119 hadbecome too heavy and expensive.

Project manager for the new class ofaircraft - several versions were plan­ned - was Arthur Bd.sjn. The Saab 32Lansen was about to be born. As had

been the case with the Saab 29, theswept wing (39 degrees) was first testedin reduced scale on a Saab Safir trainerstarting in March 1950, the vehiclebeing designated Saab 202.

Initially Lansen was planned to bepowered by a Swedish-developed turbo­jet, the STAL Davern II (RM 4) in the3,300 kp (7,270 lb) thrust class, dry, butan afterburner was being developed. In

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November 1952, however, the Air Forcedecided to abandon Dovern develop­ment as well as a later much morepowerful engine, the Glan. Instead, adecision was taken to build the Rolls­Royce A von Series 100 (RM 5 inSweden) of similar thrust, under li·cence.

The Avon RA.7R of 3,400 kp (7,490lb) thrust powered the Lansen proto­type from the first flight on 3 Novem­ber, 1952, with the chief test pilot BengtR. Glow at the controls. Three addi­tional prototypes were ordered. Lansenwas the first two-seat Swedish jetaircraft and the first equipped with abuilt-in search radar.

The Air Force requirements werevery demanding: the aircraft was to beable to attack from a central base any

Sash J 32B Lansen. Top LEFT: front fuselage of S 32C and rear fuselageof A32A

The swept wing, slat and flap arrangement of Lansen was tested at lowspeed on a modified Safir (Saah 202). (Saab)


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118 Saab 32 Lansen

The A 32 Lansen was the first aircraft to carry the Swedish Rb04 anti-ship missile, a unique weapon system when itbecame operational. The Rb 04C version was in quantity production from 1958 until 1964. (Flygoapnet)

Lansen was produced in quantity from 1955 until 1960. (Saab)part of Sweden's 2,000 km (1,245 miles)long coast in less than one hour withits armament of four 20 mm cannon,rockets, bornbs and missiles, and in aUkinds of weather, day and night.Special development effort went intothe integration of the electronic andweapons systems - Lansen was Swe­den's first true systems aircraft - andalso into the aerodynamic configura­tion. Particular problem areas were thelarge Fowler flaps and the shape oftherear fuselage, more precisely its integra­tion with the movable tailplane. Thefinal shape was, in fact, determinedafter studying the flow around thetailplane in a water tank.

The low-speed flight testing in theSaah 202 proved very useful for optimiz­ing the design ofthe wing. Initially, thefirst prototype featured flush air in­takes but these were modified to a moreconventional open configuration beforethe first flight. On 25 October, 1953, aLansen prototype exceeded Mach 1.0 ina shallow dive.

The electronic equipment in theaircraft included a PS-431A searchradar, a PN-50A and a PN-51 naviga­tion radar and a PH-ll/A radar

altimeter. The production aircraft waspowered by a Flygmotor·built RM 5A of3,460 kp (7,630 Ib) thrust. With after·burner the thrust increased to 4,700 kp

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Flygvapnet had a total of twelve A 32 Lansen squadrons starting in 1956. (Saub)

(10,360 Ib). The aircraft was alsoequipped with the Saab BT 9C 'toss'bomb computer and a gyro gunsightwas also fitted. The A 32A, as theattack version of Lansen was desig­nated, was armed with four 20 mm

cannon in the lower portion of the nose,the gun ports normally closed byelectically-operated doors. The externalload could comprise either twenty-fo\ur14.5 cm rockets; twelve 18 cm rockets;twelve 100 kg or four 250 kg bombs 'or

for anti-ship missions two Rb 04 mis­siles. Alternatively two 500 kg incend­iary bombs (Napalm) could be carried.A 600 litre (132 Imp Gal) belly tank wasnormally carried. The integration ofthe A 32A with the Rb 04, provided the

The varied weaponry that could be carried by the A 32: two Rb 04 missiles; two 500 kg or four 250 kg bombs; twelve50 kg training bombs; four 20 mm cannon; twelve 18 em and twenty-four 14.5 em air-to-surface rockets. Drop tanksor Napalm bombs could also be carried. (Text & Bilder)

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120 Saab 32 Lansen

The J 32B Lansen all-weather fighter was much liked. by its piJots. A cleaner-looking aircraft is hard to imagine.(Saab/1. Thuresson)

'I\vo A 32s taking off for night flying. (FlygvapnetlF 6)Air Force from 1960 with a uniqueradar-homing sea-skimming missile which,in a refined version, the 04E, is still apotent weapons system.

Eventually Saab delivered a total of287 A 32As between December 1955and June 1957. The aircraft served allfive attack Wings (F 6, F 7, F 14, F 15andFI7).

The second Lansen version to bedeveloped was the S 32C reconnais­sance aircraft. It made its first flight on26 March, 1957. The S 32C carriedroughly the same electronic equipmentas the A 32A but the built-in cannonarmament had been replaced by a PS­431/A search radar with improvedperformance and a battery of differenttypes of cameras (three SKa 16s, oneSKa 15 and two SKa 23s) and a JungerFL S2 optical sight. For night missions,the aircraft could carry twelve m/62flash bombs. During 1959-60 a total offorty·four S 32Cs were delivered to theF 11 Wing at Nykoping.

During 1955 development began of anight and all-weather fighter version ofLansen. Designated J 32B, it made itsfirst flight on 7 January, 1957. It had50 percent more engine power and, con­sequently, true fighter performance.The engine, a Flygmotor-built Rolls­Royce Avon Series 200 (RM 6A in

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Sweden), had a dry thrust of 4,790 kg(10,560 Ib). With its Flygmotor-design­ed afterburner, the total thrust reached6,660 kp (14,680 lb). Due to the largercompressor inlet diameter the air in­takes had to be modified as well as theafterburning end. The built-in armam­ent was also much more powerful. Thefour 30 mm Aden guns used had aconsiderably higher rate of fire and themuzzle power was 3% times that of the20 mm Hispano gun used in the A 32A.For peace-time training purposes, twoof the guns were often replaced by 8mm machine-guns. Externally, theJ 32B could carry four Rb 24 (Sid..winder) air-to-air missiles. In additionit could carry two pods each containingnineteen 7.5 em air-ta-air rockets ortwelve 15.5 em rockets intended forground targets. For special attack mis­sions the aircraft could carry twelveheavy 18 em rockets.

The J 32B was thus not only apowerful fighter; it also possessedformidable fire power for attack mis­sions. Furthermore, the aircraft wasequipped with a new sighting system,the S6A, developed and produced by

Saab 32 Lansen 121


Lansen served as a flying testbed for several types of Saab ejector seats. Thefilm strip cut (BOITOM) shows the first generation rocket-assisted seat andparachute system used in the J 35 Draken. (Saab/A. Andersson)

An unusual view of the Lansen cockpit. Note the extra rear seat windscreen wbich is necessary in case of canopyemergency release before ejection. (Flyguapnet/F 17)

.J- ...'.....:..'".

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122 Saab 32 Lansen

The S 32C reconnaissance version of Lansen was similar to the attack version but its armament was replaced by amodified radar, six cameras, an optical camera sight and flare bombs for night missions. (SaablA. Andersson)

The crew board a J 32B for a nightfighter mission. (Saab)

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Saab 32 Lansen 123

A Saab A 32 Lansen photographed from another aircraft of the same type. (FlygvapnetlF 17)

Saab, which also displayed the targetto the pilot in darkness or had weather.The sighting system was used forfiring cannon or rockets against airand ground targets and for missilefiring. The 86A worked in conjunctionwith a new radar sighting system, PS­42A. developed and produced by L. M.Ericsson. In addition, the target CQuldbe illuminated by an infra-red camerainstalled under the starboard wing.

For the first time it became possibleto engage targets beyond visual range(BVR) independent of visibility or wea­ther conditions. This capability wasprobably unique in Europe at that time.The J 32B was equipped with a SaabSA 04 autopilot which made the air­craft a very stable weapons platform inaddition to easing the pilot's workload,especially in bad weather. In additionto a modern communications radio

type FR 12 with an F 14 as stand·by,the J 32B had a PN-50/A navigationradar providing course and distance toa radar navigation beacon (PN-51) orradar landing beacon (PN-52). Counter­measures were available but are stillclassified. The aircraft could also befitted with dual control for conversiontraining.

Including the two prototypes, a totalof 120 J 32Bs were delivered between

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124 Saab 32 Lansen

J 32D was the designation ofa special version of the J 32B used for target towing. The pod contains a winch. TheJ 32D, like the J 32E, is still being used for electronic countermeasures training. (Flyguapnet/F 17)



The STAL Dovern II (RM 4) turbojet originally intended for the Saab 32Lansen. (Saab)

Civil registration

32567 as SE·DCL32611 as SE·DCM32616 as SE·DCN

Span 13.0 m (42 ft 8 in); length 14.9 m (48 ft 11 in); height 4.65 m (15 ft 3 in); wing area37.4 SQ m (403 sq ft). Empty weight 8,077 kg (17, 806 lb); loaded weight 11,194 kg (24,678Ib).Maximum speed 1,125 km/h (699 mph); cruising speed 850 km/h (528 mph); landing speed250 km/h (155 mph); initial rate of climb 100 m/sec (19,685 fVmin); ceiling 16,000 m(52,500ft); range 2.000 km (1,245 miles).

Span 13.0 m (42 ft 8 in); length 14.9 m (48 ft 11 in); height 4.65 m (15 ft 3 in); wing area37.4 sqm (403 sq ft). Empty weight 7,500 kg (16,535lb); loaded weight 13,600 kg (29,9831b).Maximum speed 1.125 km/h (699 mph); cruising speed 850 km/h (528 mph); landing speed210 km/h (130 mph); initial rate of climb 60 m/sec (11,810 ftlmin); ceiling 15,000 m (49,200ft); range 1,850 km (1,150 miles).

Prototypes: 32001.32002,32003,32004; B: 32501. 32502; C: 32901J 32R 32501-32620S 32C: 32901-32945J32D: Converted J 328J32E: ConvertedJ32B

Saab 32 Lansen serials

July 1958 and May 1960. The firstfighter Wing to receive the aircraft wasF 12 at Kalmar. Flat Vasteras fol­lowed a year later. Still later, theaircraft also served at the F 4 Wing atOstersund and at F 21 at Lulea, in thenorth.

In the early 1970s, a total of twenty­four aircraft were transferred to theTarget Flying Squadron at MamsHitt.Six aircraft were modified into targettugs as the J 32D equipped withwinches for winged and arrow targets,twelve aircraft were allocated for ECCMtraining under the J 32E designation.

Three J 32Bs also found their wayonto the Swedish civil aircraft registerin the early 1960s, being used for targetoperations by Svensk Flygtjanst (laterSwedair) based mainly at the missiletesting range at Vidsel in Lapland.During seven years, a total of 449Lansen production aircraft were pro­duced in addition to seven prototypes.It is likely that the J 328 will continueto operate into the next decade.

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Saab 35 Draken 125

The Saab 210 was a specially designed research aircraft used to test the very advanced 'double-delta' wing layoutselected for the Saab 35 Draken supersonic fighter. Three different air intake configurations were tested. (Saab)

Draken project manager, Erik Bratt, talking to the Saah chief test pilot,Bengt R. Olow, after the first flight. (8aab)Saab 35 Draken

(The Dragon)

Initial project studies for a replacementof the J 29 'Flying Barrel' had begun inthe autumn of 1949, and in Octoberthat year Saab received an initial studycontract for an aircraft tentativelydesignated the 1200. Fast, high-flyingbombers were considered the greatestthreat at that time and a top speed ofMach 1.5 was required. Initially twodifferent projects were analysed, oneswept-wing fighter (the 1220) and onedelta-winged (the 1250). Much pointedin the direction of the delta configur­ation but after two accidents in the Unit­ed Kingdom a certain scepticism hadproliferated in Europe, though not so atSaah where Erik Bratt was the projectmanager. In order to gain some prac­tical experience and above all test thelow-speed characteristics, a 70 per centexperimental aircraft, known as theSaab 210, was built. It was ready to fly

in December 1951 but owing to extre­mely had weather the first flight didnot take place until 21 January, 1952.The chief test pilot Bengt R. Olow wasvery pleased with the landing charac­teristics, of critical importance to flightsafety. Being powered by a small

Armstrong Siddeley Adder engine withonly 5-10 percent of the new fighter'sengine thrust, fligh t performance wasof course limited. (Speed at sea levelwas 555 km/h/345 mph). But thetesting proved extremely useful and atotal of 887 flights totalling 286 hours

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126 Saab 35 Draken

were actually made. Flights were madewith three different air intakes andthere were even some aerodynamicweapons tests.

The Swedish Air Force accepted the1250 project for full-scale developmentat the beginning of 1952 and in Aprilthree prototypes were ordered under theAir Force designation J 35. Later thename Draken was added. Draken wasnot a pure delta-winged aircraft; in­stead an extraordinary 'double delta'configuration was chosen. This wasdeveloped to meet both the high-speedand low-speed requirements and shorttake-off and landing distances. Theinner wing was given as much as 80degrees sweep while the outer wings at60 degrees sweep provided for the lowerspeed range. The inner wing featuredlow drag but was broad and thick,permitting ample space for air-intakes,main undercarriage, fuel and cannonarmament. The inner wing was in­tegral with the fuselage which gavemany advantages from a stress pointof view. The wing's trailing edge wasdesigned for a combined elevator/ail­eron function. The air-brakes werepositioned around the rear fuselage.

The first prototype flew for the first

The Svenska Flygmotor-produced RM 68B had an afterburning thrust of6,535 kp (14,395 lb). The afterburner was completely designed and developedin Sweden. (Volvo Flygmotor)

OPPOSITE Top: Sweden's first supersonic fighter, the Saab 35 (J 35) landsafter its maiden flight. (Saab)

OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Five Draken prototypes in 1956. They were all powered bySwedish-built Rolls-Royce Avon Series 100s (RM 5 in Sweden) but theproduction version used the more powerful Series 200 (RM 68) engine.(Saab!1. Thuresson)

Draken production deliveries began in 1959 and the following summer thisimpressive J 35A line could be seen at the F 13 Fighter Wing at Norrkoping.(Saab)


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128 Saab 35 Draken

In this picture the J 35F carries two Rb 278 and two Rb 288 (HM-58). The latter is IR-homing. Note the IR seekerunder the nose. (Saab/I. Thuresson)

One of Draken's two 30 mrn cannon being loaded. (Saab/A. Andersson)time on 25 October, 1955, with BeagtOlow at the controls. The second andthird aircraft followed in rapid se­quence in January and March 1956respectively. The flight-test programmewas very extensive, with heavily instru­mented prototypes and automatic flight­test data evaluation. A new ejector seatwas developed by Saah and extensivelytested on the ground and in the air.

The three prototypes were all equip­ped with the same engines as Lansen,the Flygmotor·built Rolls-Royce AvonSeries 100 (RM 5A). For the productionaircraft, however, the more powerfulSeries 200 (RM 68) of 4,890 kp (10,780Ib) dry thrust was specified.

On 26 January, 1956, the prototypeexceeded Mach 1.0 in a climb andwithout afterburner.

In August 1956, the first productioncontract was signed by the Air Boardand on 15 February, 1958, the produc­tion prototype - the fifth aircraft to bebuilt - made its first flight powered byan RM6B engine with a total after­burning thrust of 6,535 kp (14,400 Ib).

Production deliveries started late in1959 and until 1962 a series of ninetyJ 35As was completed, including proto­types. From the 66th aircraft, a newrear fuselage configuration was intro­duced. There was a new afterburnerwhich required a new tail cone with aretractable tailwheel to facilitate aero­dynamic braking using a nose-highposition after the touchdown to savewear of brakes and tyres. During 1959­60, twenty-five J 35As were convertedinto tw~seat Sk 35C trainers for the

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Saab 210

Conversion 1raining School estab­lished at the F 16 Wing at Uppsala.Several flight simulators were alsoacquired.

The J 35A was equipped with radarproduced by L. M. Ericsson (pS-02, PN­793/A) based on the French CSFCyrano. A Saah 6B sighting systemwas used. The main armament wasfour IR-homing Rb 24 (Sidewinder)missiles but the aircraft also carriedtwo 30 mm Aden type cannon plus air­to-surface rockets. The J 35A versionwas used by the Fighter Wings atNorrkoping (F 13) and Uppsala (F 16).

On 29 November, 1959, a new Draken

version, the J 35B, made its first flight.It had a greatly developed radar andsighting system, the X-band pulseradar having been developed by L. M.Ericsson and the new collision-coursesightiog system, S 7, by Saab. Thearmament was increased to includetwo pods containing a total of thirty­eight 7.5 em air·t;o.air rockets. A J 35Bprototype, on 14 January, 1960, excee­ded Mach 2_0 in level flight. A total of73 J 35B8 were delivered in 1962-63 tothe fighter Wings F 16 (Uppsala) andF 18 (Thllinge) near Stockholm. Thelatter unit organized the well-knownaerobatic team, Aero Deltas.

A further development of Draken, theJ 35D, with an even more powerfulengine, made its first flight on 27December, 1960_ Powered by a Flyg­motor-built Avon Series 300 (RM6C)with an afterbuming thrust of 7,800 kp(17,200 lb) this version had muchimproved performance, including aninitial rate of climb of approximately250m/sec (49,200 ftlmin). The J 35Dcarried more fuel, had a rocket-propel­led ejector seat, extended and sharperair intake lips, and other refinements.The avionics included the Saab S7Asighting system, the LME PS-03 radarand the Saab FH-5 autopilot.

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130 Saab 35 Draken

Saab SK 3se Draken


During 1962-63 a total of 120 J 35Dswere delivered, serving with the fighterWings FI3 (Norrkoping), F3 (Malm­sliitt), F 4 (Ostersund), FlO (Angel­holm) and F 21 (Lulea).

Draken was also developed in areconnaissance version, S 35E, the pro­totype of which flew on 27 June, 1963,for the first time. The limited space inthe fuselage nose made necessary anew type of camera which was de­veloped to Swedish specifications inFrance by OMERAISegid as the SKa 24,nine of which were carried by theS 35E, five in the nose and four in thewings instead of the guns. The S 35E

also pioneered the development of anew infra-red reconnaissance system.The active IR system was developed bythe American company EG & G.Edgerton, Graier and Germeshausen,and the cameras by Vinten. Theequipment, which was carried in aSwedish pod, was well received and isnow standard in newer Swedish recon­naissance aircraft. Of the S 35E a totalof sixty were delivered, the first 32newly built, the remainder convertedJ35Ds.

The S35E had no armament, itsescape tactics were to use supersonicspeed at low altitude, and this was

possible with drop tanks fitted_Considerable development effort was

required for the next Draken version,the J 35F, which was really a newweapons system incofJX)rating the UnitedStates Hughes HM 55 and HM 58Falcon missile system. The missileswere to be built in Sweden underlicence by Saab. The aircraft itself wasdirectly derived from the J 35D, withthe same engine, but included a host ofnew features such as:

• A new LME-developed target acqui­sition radar (PS'()l) with a SaabS 7B collision-eourse sighting sys­tem

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Saab 35 Draken 131


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Saab J 35F Draken


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The camera-packed nose of the S 35E. (Saab)


• Missile support systems for radarand IR weapons (Rb 27 and Rb 28in Sweden)

• IR search and track set below thenose radome

• Improved radio conunwrication, navi·gation and IFF equipment

• Integration with the Air Force'sSTRIL 60 computerized air defencecontrol and reporting system

The development work on the J 35Fbegan in January 1959. This was a realchallenge for the Air Board and theindustrial companies involved in thisadvanced. integration of missiles, radarand sights. The work was managed by

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132 Saab 35 Draken

The Socb J 35F Draken in its wartime environment. operating from a road. (Saab/ H. O. Arpfors)

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a special group headed by Colonel(Engineer) Gunnar Lindqvist (todayMajor General and head of the AirMaterial Department in the DefenceMaterial Administration, FMV). Insystems performance the J 35F becamethe most advanced fighter of Europeandesign for many years. The mostimportant new capability was missileattack against targets in cloud with theRb 27 radar missile. These were com­plemented by the Rb 28 and the Rb 24IR missiles. The missiles, radar PS-Ol(and a later variant PS-ll) and thesighting system comprise an inte­grated computerized unit which takesover the complex tasks imposed by anattack, the pilot's responsibility beinggreatly eased. One cannon is retainedfor use against targets taking violentevasive action. The new PS-Oll radaris 'reinforced' against enemy ECM.

Compared to the earlier J 32B wea­pons (Rb 24), the Falcon collision­course weapons have increased thelethal range of the fighter aircraft fromsome 2 km at low altitude to about3 km, and at high altitude about 6 kmto 10 km.

Saab 35 Draken 133

Heaviest Draken ever: six 1,000 Ib bombs and two 1,275 litre (280 gal) droptanks were required for the Danish attack version ordered in 1968. (SaablI.Thuresson)

1\vo J 35Fs taking off. The Rb27 radar-homing missile is the main armament here. (FlygvapnetlF 13)

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134 Saab 35 Draken

The Saab 35XS. an export version of Draken for Finland derived from the J 35F. Twelve 8uch aircraft wereassembled by Valmet. (Finnish Air Force)

DK-269 and DK-261 of the Finnish Air Force. These were of the Saab 35XS export version of the J 35F. (Saab)

For attack missions the J 35F cancarry twelve 13.5 em Bofors rockets ortwo pods with a total ofthirty~ght7.5em rockets with very high precision. In

Draken's early service life the specialflight characteristics of the delta­winged aircraft led to a number ofaccidents caused by 'superstall', the

uncontrolled violent nose-up, nose­down attitude inducing dramatic lossof speed and altitude, and specialtraining was introduced to overcome

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saab 35 Oraken 135

Units of the~1 radar plus the antenna and drive. (Ericsson)

TheKri~ JIS..Ol radar in the J MF. The PS-l1 variant was further 're­infon:ed' against ECM. (ErU:sIWn)

exercised an option in the agreement toorder further armament equipment forDraken which is now an importantpart of the Finnish Air Force. TwoWings are currently flying the Swedishaircraft.

A third country, Austria, in May1985, signed a contract for twenty-fourrefurbished J 35D fighters. Deliveriesstarted late in 1987 and again Austrian

aircraft were bought together with sixJ 35Fs and three Sk 35e trainers. Thelast of the Finnish 35Ss were deliveredin 1975 to the Draken fighter Wing atRovaniemi in Lapland. In March 1984,the Finnish and Swedish Air Forcessigned an agreement under whichFinland acquired an 'additional num­ber' of Draken aircraft plus groundsupport equipment. In 1985, Finland

this serious flight safety problem. Anumber of 35e Draken trainers wereequipped with anti-spin chutes whichrecovered the aircraft from the uncon­trolled attitude. The Swedish Air Forcehas given systematic superstall train­ing since 1971 as a result of which suchaccidents have now almost been elimina­ted.

With Draken fighters the SwedishAir Force has further developed thecapability of the pilots to use speciallyprepared stretches of roads as tempo­rary air bases. This capability hasdramatically increased the surviv­ability of the Air Force units on theground.

Of the J 35F version, 230 wereproduced during the period 1965-72and the aircraft served with F 13, F I,F 12, F 16, F 17 and F 10 Wings.

Draken has also been exported. Thefirst export order was secured in 1968when the Danish Air Force ordered aninitial batch of a new attack versionknow as the F-35 in the Danish AirForce. Later, a special reconnaissanceversion was ordered, the RF-35, as wellas the TF-35 two-seat trainer version.Most of the aircraft were deliveredduring 1970-72 but more trainers wereordered in 1976 bringing the totalDanish Draken procurement to 51.Most of these were still in service in1988. In the mid-1980s the Danish AirForce undertook a major modificationprogramme of Draken avionics.

The Danish Drakens were modified to I

NATO standard in weapon pylons andother features and carried extra-largedrop tanks (two of 1,275 litres) as wellas arrester hooks for emergency land­ings. Different electronic equipmentwas also specified, and heavy arma­ment. The maximum take-off weightwas increased to 16.5 tonnes (36,376Ib).The fact that the F-35 is still able to getoff the ground in about 1,200 m showsthe excellent performance ofthe Drakenplatform.

In 1970, Finland decided to acquire abatch of twelve 35S (S = Suomi), aslightly modified version of the J 35F,for final assembly by the Finnish air­craft concern, Valmet, at Halli. Tofacilitate conversion training, Finlandleased from the Swedish Air Force sixJ 358s in 1972 and four years later the

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136 Saab 3S Draken

351001~1020,351101-351120,351151-351161 (~nmark)

serials not available for Finnish versions.

Low-level reconnaissance over theSwedish Baltic archipelago by anS 35E Draken. (Saab/1. Thuresson)

pilots and technicians were trained inSweden, the pilots by the Swedish AirForce.

In 1985, the Swedish Air Forcedecided to modify and refurbish approx­imately sixty J 35Fs into a new ver­sion, the J 35.1, with more powerfulmissile armament, longer range andup-dated avionics. These aircraft areexpected to serve in the Swedish AirForce well into the mid-1990s, giving abasic service life of 35 years for thisremarkable Swedish fighter of which604 were produced including prototypesand conversions.


Span 9.42 m (30 ft 11 in); length 15.2 m (49 ft 10 in); height 3.89 m (12 ft 9 in); wing area49.2sqm (529.6 sq ft). Loaded weight 9,000 kg (l9,842Ib). Maximum speed Mach 1.5; cruisingspeed Mach 0.9; initial rate of climb 200 m/sec (39,370 fVrnin); landing speed 215 km/h (133mph); ceiling 15,000 m (49,200ft); range 2,750 km (1,709 miles).


Span 9.42 m (30 ft 11 in); length 15.34 m (50 ft 4 in); height 3.89 m (12 ft 9 in); wing area49.2sq m (529.6 sq ft). Loaded weight 9,000 kg (l9,842Ib). Maximum speed Mach 1.8; cruisingspeed Mach 0.9; initial rate of climb 250 m/sec (49,200 ftlmin); ceiling 15,000 m (49,200ft);range 2,750 km (1,709 miles).

J 35D/S 35E/J 35F

Span 9.42 m (30 ft 11 in); lenght 15.34 m (50 ft 4 in); height 3.89 m (12 ft 9 in); wing area49.2 sq m (529.6 sq ft). Loaded weight 11,000 kg (24,250 Ib). Maximum speed Mach 2+;cruising speed Mach 0.9; initial rate of climb 250 m/sec (49,200 ft/min); landing speed 230km/h (143 mph); ceiling 20,OOOm (65,600 ft); range 2750 km (1,709 miles).

Saab 35 Draken production serials

J 35A prototypes: 35001-35004J35A: 35005-35090 (from 35066 with a new longer fuselage)Sk3SCo 35800'-35825J3SB, 35201-35273J35D: 35274-35393S35E: 35901-35931,35932-35960 (latter series modified J 35Ds)J 3SP, 35401-35630P-3S. RP-3S


*35800 retained by Saab for research and development

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Saab 105 137

The Saab 105, with two Thrbomeca Aubisque engines, made its first flight in July 1963. Initially a private-ventureproject, it was adopted by the Swedish Air Force in December 1961. (Saab/I. Thuresson)

Saab 105

In the autumn of 1958 the Swedish AirForce started to look for an 'all­through' jet trainer to replace both theVampire Trainer and some piston­engined trainers. Saab had meanwhileconducted studies into a combinedexecutive jet and trainer aircraft fea­turing a delta wing. Soon it transpiredthat this configuration was not suit·able for the Air Force roles, especiallyas the preliminary specification alsocalled for secondary attack missions.

In mid-l960 the Saab 105 private­venture project was submitted to theAir Force. It was a high-winged, mode­rately swept, twin-engined monoplanewith instructor and pupil seated side byside beneath a large one-piece Perspexcanopy. Ejector seats were installed.Two French Thrbomeca Aubisque by­pass engines each of 742 kp (1,635 lb)static thrust had been chosen to powerthe new aircraft. Ragnar Hardmarkhad been appointed project manager.

A more powerful version of the Saab lOS equipped with two General ElectricJ-85-17B engines made its lrrst flight in April 1967. Their accessibility isbeing demonstrated. (SaablA. Arulersson)

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138 Saab 105

A large number of Flygvapnet pilots have received their jet training in theSaab 105 (Sk 60) twin-jet, side-by-side trainer. The ejector seats are ofSaah's own design. (Saub!A. Andersson)

On 16 December, 1961, the Govern­ment authorized Saab to 'continue thedevelopment of the Saah 105 twin-jettrainer which should also includeattack capability' and in April 1962 apreliminary contract was signed bet·ween the Air Board and Saab forprocurement of 130 aircraft on thecondition that 'the coming flight test­ing showed that the aircraft could meetthe requirements'. A Government deci­sion in March 1964 formally authorizedthe Air Board to go ahead with theacquisition of the new Sk 60, as theaircraft had been designated.

Manufacture of the two prototypesbegan in 1962 and on 1 July, 1963,Karl-Erik Femberg, the test pilot, wasready to go. The early flight testingshowed that both the air intakes andthe outlets had to be considerablymodified, including the wing rootbeneath which the intakes were situa­ted. The second prototype flew for thefirst time in June 1964. The thirdaircraft produced, which was the firstproduction aircraft, made its first flight

Three main versions of the Saab 105 were developed for the Air Force including the Sk60A trainer, the Sk60Btrainer/attack and Sk60C attack and reconnaissance aircraft. The 'C' features a characteristic extended nosehousing a panoramic camera and an IR seeker. It is seen here being loaded with twelve 13.5 em air-to-surfacerockets. (Saab/l. Thuresson)

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Saab 105

Sk Goes taxi-ing to take-off at a wartime air base in northern Sweden. (Saabll. Thuresson)


Saab 105 139

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140 Saab 105

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In 1968 the Austrian Government ordered twenty Saab l05XTs followed by another twenty in 1972. They aremainly used for advanced training and ground support. Reconnaissance pods can also be carried. (Saub)

As an alternative to rockets the Sk60C can carry gun-pods containing 30 mm cannon. They are of the same type asthat used by the AJ 37 Viggen. (Saub/I. Thuresson)

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Saab 105 141

In 1988 the Swedish Air Force decided to refurbish and modernize as manyas 135 Sk60s to serve into the next century. This example is seen with 30mm gun-pods and a nose camera. (Scab/I. Thuresson)

Since 1972 the Saab l050E, as the Austrian version is designated, have beenused for patrolling Austrian airspace in the absence of specialized jetfighters. From 1988, however, the 'policing' of the airspace will be takenover by twenty-four Saab 350Es, refurbished ex-Flygvapnet J35Ds. (Saab)

in August 1965. At this point, the AirBoard had increased its order from 130to 150 aircraft.

In April 1966 the Air Force FlyingSchool (F5) at Ljungbyhed received itsfirst Sk 60. During the Sk 60's earlyService life, the engines (RM 9s) deve­loped some problems which called forextensive modifications. With this pro­

gramme completed, the reliability be­came completely satisfactory. On 17July, 1967, the first students begantheir training on the Sk 60 and by 1968all 150 aircraft had been delivered. Forthe Swedish Air Force several Sk 60versions were developed from theoriginal Sk GOA trainer version.

Sk 60B is an attack version adaptedto carry pylons for two 30 mm Adencannon or up to twelve 13.5 em rockets,and some sixty aircraft were modifiedto B standard from 1970. In addition,about 20 aircraft were modified intoSk60Cs, a combined photographic­reconnaissance and attack version, theformer version having an extendednose with a Fairchild KB-18 panoramiccamera and an IR search unit.

A fourth version, the Sk 600, wasmodified into a four-seater (the ejectorseats being removed) and equipped

with commercial nav·com equipmentfor airline training of reserve officers.Most of the modification programmeswere undertaken by the governmentmaintenance facilities (CVM) at Maim·slatt. The Sk 60 has continuously ser­ved with a total of five Wings and willcontinue to serve for many years tocome as a result of a structural

modification programme started in1988 and involving as many as 135aircraft. The fact that so many aircraftstill serve in the Swedish Air Forceafter 15-20 years of service as a trainerand low-level strike aircraft of theoriginal 150 produced is proof of theinherent flight safety of this design.

In 1967 a special export version of

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142 Saab 105


The Sash l05XT, 88 a new version was designated. was extensively tested with different weapons including heavybombs and missiles. Here it launches a salvo of 13.5 em rockets, a standard alternative in the Swedish Air Force.(Saab/1. Thuresson)

the Saah 105 was developed with about70 percent more power and muchhigher performance. Designated thel05XT. the prototype made its firstflight on 29 April, 1967, equipped withtwo General Electric J-85-17Bs each of1,293 kp (2,850 Ib) st thrust. Instead ofthe 700 kg of external stores that can becarried by the Sk 60, the 105XT cancarry up to 2,000 kg (4,410 lb). Owing tothe higher fuel consumption, the inter­nal fuel volume was increased from1,400 to 2,050 litres (308 to 450 Imp gal)with provision for two 500 litre (110Imp gal) drop tanks. The top speedincreased from 770 km/h (478 mph) to970 km/h (603 mph) and to cater for thehigher performance the wing structurewas strengthened.

In July 1968, the Austrian Govern­ment ordered twenty aircraft based onthe XT version and designated 1050E.Later, twenty additional aircraft wereordered. All forty aircraft were de­livered during 1970-72 and servedmainly for training and ground sup­port but, Austria lacking fighter air­craft, they were also used down to thepresent day for controlling Austrianairspace.

An Sk60C over the mountains in northern Sweden. (Saab/l. Thuresson)

Sk60ASpan 9.50 m (31 ft 2 in); length to.50 m (34 ft 5 in); height 2.70 m (8ft 10 in); wing area 16.30sq m (175 sq ft). Empty weight 2,510 kg (5,534 lb); loaded weight 4,050 kg (8,930 Ib).Maximum speed 770 km/h (478 mph); cruising speed 7tO km/h (441 mph); landing speed 165km/h (103 mph); initial rate of climb 20 m/sec (3.940 Wmin); ceiling 13,500 m (44,300 ft);range 1.780 km (1,106 miles).

Sk 60B/eSpan 9.50 m (31 ft 2 in); length (Sk 60C) 11.00 m (36 ft 1 in); height 2.70 m (8 ft 10 in); wingarea 16.30 sq m (175 sq ft). Empty weight 2,510 kg (5,534 lb); loaded weight 4,500 kg (9,920lb). Maximum speed 765 km/h (475 mph); cruising speed 700 km/h (435 mph); initial rate ofclimb 17.5 m/sec (3,445 ft/min); landing speed 165 km/h (103 mph); ceiling 12.000 m (39,400ft); range 1,780 km (1,106 miles).

Saab I05XT..Span 9.50 m (31 ft 2 in); length 10.50 m (34 ft 5 in); height 2.70 m (8 ft 10 in); wing area 16.30sq m (175 sq ft). Empty weight 2,515 kg (5,545 Ib); loaded weight (with annament) 6,500 kg(14,330 Ib). Maximum speed 970 km/h (603 mph); cruising speed 800 km/h (497 mph);landing speed 165 kmlh (l03 mph); initial rate of climb 77 m/sec (15,000 Wmin); ceiling13,700 m (44,950 ft); range 2,760 km (1,715 miles).

Saab 105 production serialsPrototypes: 60001.60002Sk 6OA. B. C and D, 60002-601501050& 105401-105440

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Saab 37 Viggen 143

The design mock-up of the Saah 37 Viggen was very detailed. It was shown publicly for the first time on 5 April,1965. The missile mock-up is the Sash RB05A radio-command air-to-surface weapon. (Saab)

Saab 37 Viggen (The Thunderbolt)

Dramatic view of the 'fighting face' ofViggen. (Saab/W. Linder)

Preliminary studies of designs in­tended to replace the Swedish AirForce's existing attack, reconnaissanceand fighter aircraft began in the early1950s. After evaluating a large numberof more or less specialized attack andfighter projects, including further develop­ments of the Draken family, the idea ofa multi-role aircraft using complemen­tary equipment for the attack, reconnais­sance and fighter roles in order to keepthe development, production and life­cycle costs down, was accepted by theAir Force.

In February 1961, the Air Boardsubmitted its detailed requirements tothe industry. During the year, the Saabproject team worked hard on Aircraft1500, as the project was labelled. InJune 1961 the Supreme Commanderhad approved the Air Force Specifica­tions for the new aircraft and inDecember 1961 a Government decisionto develop Aircraft System 37 wastaken. The system would include theAJ 37 attack aircraft forming themulti-role 'platform' to be followed bythe S 37 reconnaissance version and

the JA 37 fighter version.In December 1962, the Air Board and

Saab made a detailed Press presenta·tion of System 37 and for the first timeit was disclosed that the new aircraftwould have an outstandingly novelaerodynamic configuration. This ex-

tremely advanced configuration used afo.re-plane fitted with flaps, in combina·tion with a main delta wing. The delta·shaped fore-plane is placed in frontof and slightly above the main wing,and thus serves as a lift generator,making possible very low landing

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144 Saab 37 Viggen

Viggen turning briskly immediately after lift off using full afterburnerthrust. (Saab)

In order to meet the requirements for short landing performance, Viggen isequipped with an effective thrust reverser making possible landings in about500 metres. (Saab/A.. Andersson)

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speeds. The unconventional wing con­figuration enabled the aircraft to meetthe Air Force's stringent STOL require­ments without resorting to expensivevariable geometry or lift-configuredengines. Low sensitivity to turbulent airwas another great advantage.

To enable the aircraft to land on veryshort runways, Saab developed a thrust­reverser integrated with the rear fuse­lage, still the only one of its kind in asingle-engined aircraft. The thrust re­verser is efficient even on icy runways.By using autothrottle on the approach,a head-up display (HUD) to givetouchdown precision in combinationwith an undercarriage dimensioned forcarrier-type landings, the aircraft canland in about 500 m (1,640 it). Usingthe powerful afterburning engine, takeoff can be made in an even shorterdistance.

By late 1961 the Pratt & WhitneyJT8D bypass engine had been chosento power the aircraft. The engine was to

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Saab 37 Viggen 145


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Saab JA37 Viggen

be built under licence by Flygmotor (asthe RM 8) and be further developed inSweden for supersonic flight using anew afterburner. The basic engine wasoptimized for subsonic airline opera­tions in aircraft such as the DouglasDC-9 and the Boeing 727. The RM 8,therefore, is a completely unique engineonly produced in Sweden. For severalyears, it was one of the most powerfulmilitary jet engines in the world, with astatic thrust in the first productionversion RM 8A of 11,800 kp (26,000 lb).

Yet another advanced technical solu-

tion chosen for the aircraft was the useof a central digital computer capable ofcontrolling many functions, includingnavigation, sighting and weapon func­tions, and fuel monitoring, in order toreduce the workload of the pilot andto enable him to concentrate on tacticalbehaviour. An advanced automaticflight control system (AFC) can takeover a larger (or smaller) part of thecontrol to enable the pilot to analyseradar information.

A special microwave tactical instru­ment landing system (TILS) has also

been installed in the aircraft and on theground. In order to get the aircraft intosmall hangars and shelters, the ver­tical fin can be folded.

To control the System 37 technicallyas well as economically the 1965Parliament decided that a specialProject Directorate should be formedinside the Air Board to ensure that theSystem would meet both Air Force andGovernment requirements. The newDirectorate was formed on 1 July, 1965,with Lars Brising, the former technicaldirector of Saab as the head.

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146 Saab 37 Viggen

In April 1962 a new procurementsystem for System 37 was introducedby the Government with the appoint­ment of Saab as main contractor.Associate contractors were also appoin­ted with their responsibilities defined.Through the new contractual system,certain responsibilities for the systemintegration between the industrial com­panies involved were transferred toSaab while the Air Board maintainedoverall responsibility for the tacticaland technical fulfilment of the specifi­cations as well as the total economy ofthe system. To get a better control ofthe development work, a special indus­trial delegation (CB 37) headed by

Viggen. Integration oruose wing vortex with main wing vortex. (SaabJ

This photoraph of Viggen fore-plane and mainplane vortices does not conform to the pattern shown in theaccompanying drawing. (FlygvapnetiF 17)

Harald SchrOder and jointly staffed bythe main and associated contractorswas established at Saab. The PERTplanning system (Project Evaluationand Review Technique) was intro­duced, and was used for control of morethan 20,000 activities in the late 1960s.

In April 1965, a very detailed mock-

up was completed for a first checking ofthe design drawings. It was also shownto a large number of invited guestsincluding the Press. In the meantimethe new aircraft had been given the

. name Viggen (The Thunderbolt) by theCommander-in-Chief of the Air ForceGeneral Lage Thunberg.

Preceded by extensive ground testingin Saab's new simulation centre, thefirst Viggen prototype made its firstflight on 8 February, 1967, with Saab'schief test pilot Erik Dahlstrom at thecontrols. Everything went according toplan but as a result of ground testingthe initial dihedral of the fore-plane

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Top TO BOTIOM, Saab AJ 37 Viggen, SK37, SF 37 and SH 37

saab 37 Viggen 147

had been eliminated in the prototypeshortly before the first flight. The firstprototype was followed into the air byNo.2 in September 1967 and by No.3 inMarch 1968.

The intensive flight testing revealedserious stability problems on the groundwhen using the thrust reverser. In

addition, Viggen also developed certainaerodynamic problems with externalstores. To compensate for the latter, aspecial dorsal bulge was introduced.The thrust reverser problems were alsosolved with the result that on theground Viggen is today one of the moststable of jet fighters.

In Aprill968theGovernmentauthor­ized a first production order for 175Viggen aircraft in the attack (AJ 37)and two-seat trainer version (Sk 37).The order was later amended to includean additional five AJ 378 and tworeconnaissance versions, theSH 37 (seasurveillance) and SF 37 (photographic-

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148 Saab 37 Viggen

reconnaissance).The first production AJ 378 were

delivered in 1971 with the production ofthe first Viggen generation continuinguntil 1979 with delivery of the 180thaircraft.

Most new aircraft invariably sufferfrom teething troubles, but in 1974-75Viggen had more than its fair share.Three aircraft were lost in flight underunexplained circumstances, fortuna­tely without loss of aircrew. Afterextensive investigations, it becameclear that the main wing spar - a heavylight metal forging - had developed

The AJ 37 weaponry also includes the Rb 75 (Maverick) air-to·surrace TV­guided missile. (Saab/1. Thuresson)


The AJ 37 was the first Viggen version to go into service. First delivery took place in mid-1971. (Saab/W. Linder)


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microscopic cracks partly initiated byfaulty drilling. Cracks could only befound in the wing spar design used inthe first 28 production aircraft, afterwhich another, much heavier, spardesign had been introduced to allow fora longer service life. Contributing tothe problem was that the high per­formance of the Viggen platform wasused much more by the pilots thanoriginally specified for the attack andreconnaissance versions. The heavierspar design was retrofitted in morethan 20 aircraft. For later aircraft nomodification was required.

Viggen is a fairly large aeroplane, itsdimensions being mainly dictated bythe large radar carried as well as by thebulky armament and reconnaissanceequipment. The AJ 37 is capable ofcarrying up to three Rb 04E, themodernized version of this provenradar-homing, sea-skimming anti-ship

Viggen was one of the first aircraft in the world to be equipped with acentral digital computer, considerably reducing the pilot's workload. (Saab)

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The heavy podded rockets carried by Viggen have high precision. (Soab)

The AJ 37 with multiple launchers for sixteen 120 kg bombs. (Saab)

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150 Saab 37 Viggen

An AJ 37 Viggen prototype carrying two Rb05A missiles and two Bofors rocket pods. (Saab/I. Thuresson)

missile. Other weapon alternativesinclude the Rb 05A radio-commandguided air-ro.surface missile developedby Saab and operational since 1972,the imported Rb 75 Maverick IR-hom­ing air-ta-surface missile, and the Rb 24(Sidewinder) for self-defence. The AJ 37

can also carry two 30 mm Aden-typecannon in pods or sixteen 120 kgbombs in four multiple launchers. 80 kgflare bombs (Bofors-manufactured) arealso part of the weapons inventory. In1988 it was announced that the newRBS 15F will be added to lbe AJ 37's

weaponry.The long-range X-band monopulse

radar in the AJ and SH 37 versions isof the PS-37/A type developed andproduced by LM Ericsson (now EricssonRadar Electronics), the central com­puter is the Saab CK-37, and the head·

A Viggen quintet taxi-ing on a narrow road during the brief period of sunshine in Arctic Sweden's winter days.Viggen is easily steered on narrow taxiways and roads. (Saab/A. Andersson)

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A JA 37 Viggen with one Sky Flash replaced by a camera pod for verificationof missile performance. (SuublA Andersson)

Saab 37 Viggen 151

up display British. The navigationsystem was originally planned to be ofDecca type but was later replaced by adoppler-navigation system. An im­proved gyro system - FLI37 - wasdeveloped by AGA (now Bofors Aero­tronics), and a new air data systemmainly using mechanical technologywas developed by ARENCO. Theautopilot was designed by Honeywelland produced. under licence by Saab.

With the AJ 37 the semiconductortechnology was introduced in virtuallyall avionics. The system was closelyintegrated with the central digitalcomputer which reCeived new high­capacity memories to handle the newtasks in the aircraft system includingefficient autonomous tests of variousfunctions.

The two reconnaissance versions

The AJ 37 Viggen with some of its armament alternatives: Three Rb04E anti-ship missiles plus, near the aircraft (leftto right), Rb28 (Falcon) air-to-air missiles, Rb05A air-to-surface missiles, countermeasures pod, two pods eachcontaining six 13.5 em air-to-surface rockets and the Rb24 (Sidewinder). The starboard side is identical except for adifferent type of countermeasures pod. The front row shows sixteen 120 kg bombs and a drop tank. (SaablI.Thuresson)



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152 5aab 37 Viggen

and the two-seat trainer version arevery similar to the attack version inplatform equipment and performance.

The AJ 37 currently serves with theattack units based at Karlsborg (F6),SAtenas (F 7) and SOderhamn (F 15)and frequently participates in theregular airspace control missions norm­ally flown by fighter units.

The SF 37 photographic-reconnais­sance version made its first flight on 21May, 1973, while production deliveriesbegan in 1977. The SF 37 featuresadvanced camera equipment for dayand night photography (Sidewindersfor self-defence) in the fuselage nosewhich houses four SKa 24 cameras(the same as used in the S 35E Draken)and two newly developed SKa 31 inaddition to the VKa 702, and an IRcamera.

The SH 37 is a combined reconnais­sance and attack version. Its primaryrole is sea surveillance using a power-

The head·up display in Viggen greatly facilitates the pilot's work. (Saabl1.Thuresson)

Viggen (AJ 37) cockpit is a roomy and efficient workplace. (Saab)

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Viggen's main undercarriage isdimensioned for carrier-typelandings. In recent examples themain undercarriage door is producedin composite materials. (Saab/W.Linder)

Saab 37 Viggen 153

Close-up of the three titanium doors o(Viggen's thrust reverser.About 60 percent of the non~afterburningthrust can be used forbraking. (Saab/ A. Andersson)

The PS-37/A long-range radar in the AJ 37. It is somewhat modified in the SH 37 sea surveillance version. (Ericsson)

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154 $oab 37 Viggen


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Saab 37 Viggen 155

ful search radar as well as camerascarried in underwing pods for day andnight use. The amount of informationsecured by the SH 37 is very great andthe naval traffic around Sweden caneasily be followed. The SH 37 can alsocarry certain of AJ 37's weapons. Inthe Viggen reconnaissance system isalso included a mobile intelligenceground unit with advanced:film develop­ment and interpretation facilities.

The two-seat Sk 37 trainer versioncan also he used for certain attackmissions. This version first flew on 2July, 1970. Production deliveries beganin 1972 and all of these aircraft arecurrently based (1988) at the specialconversion training unit at F 15.

Viggen was, of course, planned forthe fighter role right from the beginn­ing. Despite a generally good develop­ment potential of the aircraft's avionics

ABOVE: Simple 'fishing rod' gears are used in turnaround areas when lifting missiles or other weapons into place onViggen. (Saab)OPPOSITE Top: In the powerful RM 8 engine (Pratt & Whitney JT80 produced under licence by Volvo Flygmotor) theafterburner is bigger than the basic engine. (Saab/A. Andersson)OPPOSITE BOTIOM: In 1971-72 Sasb produced Viggen and Draken in parallel. (SaablA. Andersson)

BELOw: Viggen front fuselages undergoing equipment assembly before going to the final assembly line. (Saab/H. O.Arp{ors)

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156 Saab 37 Viggen

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Saab 37 Viggen 157


ABOVE: AJ 378 armed with 30 mm gun-pods. (Saab)

QpPOSITETop: The SF37 is a specialized photographic reconnaissance version ofViggen in which a battery ofcameras has replaced the radar. The reconnaissance equipment also includes an IR camera. Countermeasures,camera and flash pods are standard equipment as are Sidewinders. (Flygvapnet/F 13)

OPPOSITE BOITOM: For conversion training two-seat Sk37s are used. This version ofViggen is also used for certainattack missions. (SaablA. Andersson)

BEWW: The turnaround time for the JA37 isles8 than 10 minutes. (FlyguapnetlFI3)

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158 Saab 37 Viggen

A pair of Viggen reconnaissance aircraft flying low over the Baltic. (Flygvapnet/F 17)

for the attack and reconnaissanceroles, the extremely rapid avionicsdevelopment during the 19608 andearly 19705 clearly indicated that theavionics of the original multi-roleplatform would not meet the threatfacing the fighter of the 1980s and19908. To fulfil the requirements speci­fied for the JA 37 it would have to beequipped with completely new avionics(new pulse Doppler radar, new central

computer, new head-up display, newautopilot, new air data unit, newinertial navigation, and a built-incannon). The Swedish avionics develop­ment effort was mainly directed to­wards the Ericsson PS-46/A radar andEricsson EP-12 cockpit display system,whereas the central computer, air dataunit, autopilot and inertial navigationsystem were based on United. Statestechnology although mostly built under

licence in Sweden (the computer andautopilot by Saab). The new IFFsystem was developed by Ericsson andthe warning radar by SATT. The PS­46A radar alone was the result of a ten­year development programme. It fea­tures long range. look-down capabi­lities. track-while-scan and total digitalmission data processing. It was. in fact,the first European-built airborne pulseDoppler radar.

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Saab 37 Viggen 159

The JA 37 fighter Viggen is virtually a new aircraft on the inside. A more powerful engine, a new pulse Doppler radar.a new central computer, a new 30 mm built-in cannon and new missiles are part of the system. The missiles are theBritish RAe Sky Flash (Rb71) and the American AIM-9L Sidewinder (Rb74). (Saab!A. Andersson and J. Dahlin)

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160 Saab 37 Viggen

The ammunition tray for the Oerlikon cannon in the JA 37 is easily hoisted into position. The weapon hases::ceptionallong-range performance. (Flygvapnet/F13)

The SH37 sea surveillance version orViggen carries camera, flash and countermeasures pods 8S well 8S Rb24(Sidewinder) for self-protection. The SH 37 can also undertake attack missions. (Flyguapnet/F 13)

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12,750 kp (28,000 Ib) thrust at work; a Viggen altemer lit. (Flygvapnet/F4)

A full squadron of JA 378 ready to scramble at Norrk~ping.(Flygvapnet/F13)

Saab 37 Viggen 161

The interface between the pilot andthe aircraft is the basis for theefficiency of the Viggen fighter. Muchdevelopment effort has gone into theco-ordination of computerized infonna­tion displays, instruments and con­trols, with the result that the Viggenfighter is regarded as one of the bestsystems aircraft in service in the world.

The extensive use of the RM 8 enginein the A;] 37 and SH/SF 37 versionsrevealed certain limitations, especiallyfunctional reliability at high altitude.For this reason, a new RM B versionhad to be developed for lhe fighterversion incorporating one additionalfan stage in the low-pressure compres­sor. This engine, which is known as theRM BB, has a static thrust with after­burner of 12,750 kp (28,100 Ib) com­pared to 11,800 kp (26,000 lb) in theRM8A

The JA 37 is also equipped with abuilt-in 30 mm Oerlikon KCA cannonof exceptional perfonnance. It fires 22

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162 Saab 37 Viggen

Different colour schemes have been tested on the JA37.1\vo differentschemes are seen here on a trio of F 13 aeroplanes. (Saab/A. Andersson)

Saab 37 Viggen production serialsAJ32 prototypes: 37001-37007Sk 37 prototypes: 37800AJ, SH, SF and JA: serials not available

jA37Span 10.60 m (34 ft 91f, in); length 16.40 m (53 ft 93/ 4 in); height 5.90 m (19 ft 41/, in); wing area52.20 sq m (562 sq ft). Loaded weight approximately 18,000 kg (39,683lb). Maximum speedMach 2+ at high altitude; cruising speed Mach 0.9; landing speed 220 km/h (137 mph);ceiling 18,000 m (59,ooo ft); range 2,000 km+ (1,243+ miles).

The Ericsson PS-46/A pulse Dopplerradar in aJA37. The words beneaththe triangle are 'Yarning RorligAntenn' - Danger Active Antenna.(Ericsson)

Aj/SF/SH 37Span 10.60 m (34 ft 91/, in); length (including probe) 16.30 m (53 ft 5% in); height 5.60 m (18 ft4Y2 in); wing area 52.20 sq m (562 sq ft). Loaded. weight approximately 16,000 kg (35,274Ib).Maximum speed Mach 2+ at high altitude; cruising speed Mach 0.9; landing speed 220 km/h(137 mph); time to 11,000 m (36,000 ft) approximately 2 min; ceiling 18,000 m (59,000 ft);range 2,000 km+ (1,243+ miles).

The first production aircraft Dew on4 November, 1977. Eventually a total of149 JA 37s were ordered, with de­liveries starting in 1979. At present(1988) five Wings, F13, F17, F21, F4and F 16 operate the fighter version oftheJA37.

The JA 37 series brought Viggenproduction to a total of 329 aircraft.

roWlds per second and features exception­ally high muzzle velocity (1,200 m/sec)making long-range firing (up to 2 km)possible. The complex aiming calcula­tions are made in the JA 37 centralcomputer. The HUD is used for aimingthe gun. The JA3? has also beenintegrated with new air·ta-air missilesincluding the Rb 71 (BAe Skyflash)radar-homing weapon and the Rb 74(Sidewinder AIM 9L). It can also carryattack weapons. The firstJA37 proto­type made its first flight on 27September, 1974, with Per Pellebergs atthe controls. Six development aircraftwere used for the J A 37 programmeaccumulating nearly 3,000 test flightsto verify the system.

A unique feature of the Viggen (andother Swedish combat aircraft) is thatit is designed to be made ready betweenmissions mainly by National Service­men. The turn-round time betweenViggen fighter missions is less than 10minutes. Each aircraft is serviced byfive National Servicemen and there isonly one chief mechanic for every twoturn-round teams.

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Saab MF1-15/l1 Safari/Supporter 163

Due to its specialswept-Corward wing configuration the crew of the MFI-17 has good visibility both above andbelow the wing. (Saab/A. Andersson)

Saab MFI-15/17 Safari/Supporter

In March 1968, Saab acquired MalmoFlygindustri AB (MFO, a light-aircraftmanufacturer based at Malmo andoriginally formed in 1939 as ABFlygindustri at Halmstad. The acquisi­tion included the MFI-15 trainer andanny observation aircraft under develop­ment with Bjorn Andreasson as chiefdesigner. The aircraft, named Safari,was planned mainly as a primarytrainer for the Swedish Air Force andas a replacement for the Piper 1.-21B ofthe Swedish Army. The MFI-15 proto­type made its first flight on 11 July,1969. Although carefully matched toSwedish requirements the MFI-15 fail­ed to impress the Defence MaterialAdministration (FMV) which in 1969had already selected the British BeagleBulldog as an Air Force primarytrainer. The Bulldog was also selectedfor the Army for technical commona­lity reasons, although it was laterreplaced by helicopters.

The MFI-17 Supporter has six hard-pointsunder the wings and can carry up to 300 kg ofexternal stores. (Sa.ab/A. Andersson)

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164 Saab MFl-15/17 Safari/5upporter


The first major customer for the Sasb MFI·15/17 was Pakistan in 1974. It bas also produced the aircraft underlicence. Four Swedish-built examples are seen here. (SaublA. Andersson)

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Saab MFI-15/17 Supporter

Saab MFl-15/l7 Safari/Supporter 165



Gun pods of different types can be carried by the Supporter. (Saab/J. Carlsson)

Saab was not too discouraged by thenegative Swedish military decision andcontinued to develop the MFI-15 Safariinto the MFI·17 Supporter version withsix underwing hard-points for externalstores. This version made its first flightin July 1972.

The MFI-17 is a 2/3-seat all-metalaircraft powered by a 200 hp LycomingIO-360-AIB6 flat-four engine. The thirdseat (facing aft) can be reached from adoor under the port wing. 300 kg ofexternal stores can be carried.

Due to its unusual slightly forward­swept shoulder wing configuration, theaircraft provides excellent (helicopter­like) visibility in combination with

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166 saab MFl-15/17 safari/Supporter

A special relief operation inEthiopia was undertaken in the late19709 using a number of MFI-15s.

The clean instrument panel of theMFI-15/17. (Saabll. Thuresson)

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Saab MFl-15/17 Safari/Supporter 167

Denmark ordered thirty-two MFI-17 (T-17 in Denmark) in 1975, and in 1981 Norway ordered. the first of a total ofnineteen. (Saab/A. Andersson)

outstanding STOL characteristics. Themain undercarriage legs are of glass­fibre design.

The first country to order the MFI-15was Sierra Leone which bought four. In1974, Pakistan ordered a considerablenumber of aircraft, also acquiring alicence to produce it (under the designa­tion Mushshaq). A year later Denmarkordered thirty-two MFI-17s (T-17 inDenmark) and in 1981 Norway orderedthe first ofnineteen aircraft. Approxima­tely 300 MFI-15/17 aircraft have beenproduced.

MFI 15/17Span 8.85 m (29 ft liz in); length 7.00 In (22 ft lllh in); height 2.60 m (8 ft 6Y3 in); wing area11.90 sq In (128 sq ft). Empty weight 546 kg (1,423 Ib); loaded weight 1,200 kg (2,6451b).Maximum speed 236 kmJh (147 mph); cruising speed 208 km/h (129 mph); landing speed 90kmlh (56 mph); initial rate of climb 5.5 mise<: (1,082 ftlmin); ceiling 4,100 m (13,450 ft);range 1,050 km (653 miles).

Saab MFI 15/17 production serialsMFl15 prototype: 15001MFl15/17: 15201-15209 Royal Danish Air Force

15210-15218 Royal Danish Army15219-15232 Royal Danish Air Force15236-15274 Pakistan Air Force15803-15817, 15836-15840 Royal Norwegian Air ForceOther serials have not been released for publication.

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168 Saab 340

HB-AHI, a Cro8sair Saah 340, was used during an extensive demonstration tour to the Far Esst in early 1985. Here itis seen over Hong Kong. (Norman Peeling)

Saab 340

On 25 January, 1980, Saab-Scania ABof Sweden and Fairchild Industries Incof the United States announced a jointdecision to go ahead with the projectdefinition phase for a twin propeller­turbine regional airliner seating about30 passengers and with a cruisingspeed of some 480 km/b (300 mpb).This historic decision had been preced­ed by several years of extensive pro­ject and market studies by both part­ners. In addition, Fairchild had estab­lished itself as a leading supplier ofsmaller, commuter-type aircraft seat­ing around 20 passengers, and ofexecutive aircraft, the Metro and Mer­lin. Saab, for its part, had worked onseveral different twin propeller-turbineprojects. The high-wing project Saab1084 for both commercial and military

The Saab 340 is normally configured to seat 35 passengers.

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use was almost ready for go-ahead inearly 1979. However, the growingdevelopment and launching costs, aswell as the strong desire to secure alarger home market, prompted Saab tolook for a partner. As approximatelyhalf the world market for this class ofaircraft was to be found in the UnitedStates, an American partner was thenatural choice.

conference on 25 January, 1980, theaircraft was going to use new tech­nology in airframe and engine designin order to achieve superior operatingeconomy.

A work-split between the two part­ners was made at an early stage underwhich Fairchild would be responsiblefor the design and manufacture of thewings together with engine nacelles

Saab 340 169

power the SF 340. At the same timemodem Dowty four-bladed propellerswere specified. The propeller blades areof composite materials.

In the airframe structure, more bond­ing has been used than in any otherairliner to give better fatigue life andbetter resistance to corrosion. Anew,low-drag aerofoil has also been used. Amajor technical milestone was the

The Saah 340 offers a cruising speed of 285 knots and a fully loaded range o( about 800 nautical miles_ (SaabIJ.Dahlin)

The contacts with Fairchild wereintensified and in June 1979 a prelimi­nary agreement was signed to conductextensive joint project and marketstudies. By the end of 1979 about 50engineers from each company werealready working as a team, mainly atFairchild Republic on Long Island. Thedifferent projects were re-aligned andtransformed into one, a low-wing aero­plane exclusively designed for airlineoperation.

First unveiled at a Stockholm press

and empennage, and with Saab takingresponsibility for fuselage design andmanufacture, systems integration, flighttesting and certification. Legally, theaircraft was Swedish and to be initiallycertificated by the Swedish Board ofCivil Aviation. The powerplant was tobe certificated by the US authorities.Designated the Saab-Fairchild SF 340,the new aircraft was designed for 34passengers in its initial configuration.

In June 1980 the General ElectricCT7 engine of 1,700 shp was selected to

decision to include a modern all-digitalavionics system with autopilot andflight director as standard equipment.The system is similar to that used byBoeing in its 757 and 767 airliners andgives unique capabilities for a short­haul propeller-turbine airliner.

During development work the passen­ger cabin, which is pressurized tomaintain sea-level cabin altitude up to12,000 ft (3,650 m) was slightly re­arranged to accommodate 35 pass­engers as standard. A special corporate

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170 Saab 340






or executive version has also beendeveloped intended. mainly for the USmarket.

For the production and final assem­bly of the aircraft in Sweden, Saab­Scania in 1981-82 built a completelynew factory with a floor space of 25,000sq m (269,100 sq ft) involving aninvestment of more than 250 millionSwedish Crowns. Later. additionalproduction facilities were built. In 1980

Saab·Scania obtained from the Swe­dish Government a loan of 350 millionSwedish Crowns to help finance develop­ment and production. The loan will bepaid back in the form of royalties onea~h aeroplane sold.

The first prototype (SE-ISF) wasrolled out of the Linkoping factory on27 October, 1982, and made its firstflight on 25 January, 1983, three yearsto the day from signing the agreement

with Fairchild. Saab test pilots PerPellebergs and Erik Sjoberg were at thecontrols.

The SF 340 was unique from manypoints of view. It was not only the firstairliner developed with partners oneach side of the Atlantic, it was also thefirst airliner ever developed to meet thenew joint European requirements (JAR 25)

as well as the highest US airworthi­ness regulations (FAR 25).

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Mter an intensive ground and flight­test programme involving five aircraftand 15 test pilots accumulating a totalof 1,730 flying hours, the SF340 wasawarded its type certificate by theSwedish Board of Civil Aviation on 30May, 1984. On 29 June, nine otherEuropean JAR member nations andthe United States simultaneously sign­ed airworthiness acceptance of theaircraft. In October, Australia b~amethe 12th nation to approve the 340. Thisis a truly unique performance in civil

aviation history.The SF 340 went into scheduled

commercial service on 14 June, 1984,with its launch customer, Crossair ofSwitzerland, which had demonstrated.its confidence in the new aircraft byalready ordering the SF 340 in Novem­ber 1980, only two months after theSaab-Fairchild decision for a full go­ahead on a design, development, produc­tion and marketing programme.

In October 1984 the aircraft wentinto scheduled service in the United

Saab 340 I7l

States with Comair of Cincinnati,Ohio, which one month later ordered atotal of 15 aircraft.

In September 1984, a number ofengine malfunctions occurred whichled to the grounding of the aircraft bythe authorities in Sweden, Switzerlandand the United States. However, theproblems were rapidly solved by theengine manufacturer, and the aircraftquickly returned to revenue service.

In October 1985, it was jointlyannounced by Saab and Fairchild that

By the end of 1988 approximately 130 Saab 340 twin propeller-turbine regional airliners had been delivered tocustomers. In late 1985, Saab-Scania took complete responsibility for the 340 programme. (Saab/J. Lindahl)

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172 Saab 340

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from 1 November Saab would assumeoverall control of the SF 340 pro­gramme, with Fairchild continuing asa sub-contractor until 1987, i.e. up toand included aeroplane No. 109. Bythe autumn of 1987 wing and empen­nage production had been transferredto new facilities at Linkoping. Mean·while the marketing of the aircraftproceeded successfully and in June1986, fifty aircraft were in service withseven airlines and two corporate cus­tomers on three continents.

In September 1987 the l00th aircraftwas delivered, to Salair of Sweden. Thelargest fleet of the Saab 340 - as theaircraft was redesignated - is that or­dered by Crossair, with twenty-four.Other major fleet owners are Comair(16) Swedair (11) and Dallas-basedMetrotlight (16).

By the end of 1988 there were twenty­six operators of the Saab 340; eight inthe United States, thirteen in Europe,one in Australia, three in Latin Ame­rica and one in Taiwan. More than 130aircraft were in service. More than 12million passengers had flown in theaircraft in approximately 750,000 flights.

Saab 340 173

More meta1-to-metal bonding is used in the Saab 340 than in any otherairliner in order to get a better fatigue life and resistance to corrosion.(Saab/J. Lindahl)

In June 1985, Saab confirmed its lead over the competion by demonstrating two 340s at the Paris Air Show.(Saab/J. Dahlin)

LEPr: The Saah 340 was the first regional airliner to feature a completely digital cockpit display system as standardequipment. (SaablN. G. Widhj

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174 Saab 340

Technically. the aircraft has under­gone evolutionary development duringits four-year production life, aimedmainly at improving economy, reli­ability, versatility and performance. InMay 1985, the aircraft was certificatedin a more powerful configuration withtwo 1,735 shp CTI-5A2s and largerdiameter Dowty propellers permittinga higher take-off weight of 12,372 kg(27,275 lh) compared to the originaltake-off weight of 11,794 kg (26,000 Ib).A quick-ehange (QC) version for passen­gers or cargo has also been developed.

On 9 September, 1987 - on theoccasion of the delivery of the lOath'aircraft - Saab announced a new andmore powerful B version mainly inten­ded for 'hot and high' conditions. Thehigher performance will be possiblethrough installation of General Elec­tric CT7-9B engines delivering a maxi­mum take-off rating of 1,870 shp. Thehigher power will provide better alti­tude performance, including faster climband a cruising speed of 285 knots (272knots for the 1,735 shp engines). TheSaab 340B will allow a maximum take­off weight of 28,500 lb and provide anextension of fully loaded range to about800 nautical miles. Furthermore the

In October 1984 the Saab 340 went into scheduled service in the UnitedStates with Comair of Cincinnati, Ohio. (SaablA. Andersson)

A Saab 340 of Norving Norway. (Norman Peeling)

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Saab 340 175

Saab 340B

Saab 340A

Republic Express (now Business Express) is another major operator of Saab340s in the United States. (Norman Peeling)

011 N 342AM Air Midwest012 N 380CA Comair013 SE-ISO Swedair014 N 340SF Fairchild, Mellon Bank,

Amcomp, Comair015 SE-ISP Swedair016 VH-KDK Kendell Airlines017 SE-ISR Swedair018 HB-AHD Crossair019 N 343AM Air Midwest020 HB-AHE Crossair021 N 341CA GamaIT022 N19M 340 Associates023 N 342CA Comair024 N 343CA Camair025 N 344CA Comair026 HB-AHF Crossair027 N320PX Republic Express,

Northwest Airlink028 N347CA Comair029 N l00PM Philip Morris030 N 344AM Air Midwest031 N 321PX Republic Express,

Northwest Airlink032 N 346AM Air Midwest033 SE-ISS Swedair034 N356CA Comair035 SE-IST Swedair036 N 200PM Philip Morris037 LN-NVD Norving, to Crossair038 HB-AHG Crossair039 N 347AM Air Midwest040 HB-AHH Crossair041 N322PX Republic Express,

Northwest Airlink042 SE-ISU Swedair043 HE-AR1 Crossair044 N357CA Comair045 SE-ISV Swedair046 N323PX Republic Express,

Northwest Airlink047 N358CA Comair048 N324PX Republic Express,

Northwest Airlink049 HB-AHK Crossair050 N 340SA Saab Aircraft of America,

Kelly Springfield N 44KS051 N325PX Republic Express,

Northwest Airlink052 VH-KDP Kendell Airlines

PrototypePrototype Converted to340BPre-production, to FairchildIndustries 8S

N9668NComairCrossairComairCrossairBirmingham Executive, toManx Airlines G-HOPPCrossairComair

009 HB-AHC010 N 370CA

004 N 340CA005 HB-AHA006 N360CA007 HB-AHB008 G-BSFI

Span 21.44 m (70 ft 4in); length 19.73 m (64 ft 9 in); height 6.87 m (22 ft 6 in); wing area 41.81sq m (450 sq it). Operating empty weight 8.036 kg (17,715Ib); maximum take-off weight12,930 kg (28,500 Ib). Maximum cruising speed (at 26,000 Ib all-up-weight) 531 km/h (330mph); best-range cruising speed (at 26,000 lb) 463 km/h (288 mph); landing speed (atmaximum landing weight) 212 km/h (132 mph), maximum rate of climb at maximum take­off weight 10.16 m/sec (2,000 fVmin); service ceiling 7,620 m (25,000 ft); range with 35passengers and reserves 1,553 km (965 miles).

Span 21.44 m (70 ft 4 in); length 19.72 m (64 ft 8 in); height 6.86 m (22 ft 6 in); wing area 41.81sq m (450 sq £1). Operating empty weight 7,899 kg (17,415 lb); maximum take-off weight12,372 kg ('l:l,2751b). Maximum cruising speed (at 26,000 lb all-up weight) 504 kmlh (313mph); best-range cruising speed (at 26,000 lb) 463 kmIh (288 mph); landing speed 200 kmJh(124 mph); maximum rate of climb at maximum take-offweight 9.13 m/sec 0,800 fVmin);service ceiling 7,620 m (25,000 ft); range with 35 passengers and reserves 1,553 km (965miles); take-off and landing field length (FAR 25) 1,220 m (4,000 ft)_

003 SE-1SB

Saab 340A production(to 29 August 1988)

001 SE-ISF002 SE-lSA

new version will introduce enhancedcentre-of-gravity range permitting high­er payloads with emphasis on baggageand freight. A new brushless environ­mental control system fan will furtherreduce the internal noise level. TheSaab 340B is scheduled for delivery tocustomers during 1989_ Retro-fitting ofexisting aircraft to B standard is poss­ible_ In early September 1988 Crossairagain became the launch customer witha firm order for five 340Bs.

After the early, mainly engine­oriented teething troubles, the Saab 340is now fully recognized by the market asa reliable and profitable airliner. Itsdispatch reliability is claimed to be ashigh as 99 percent. Saab has thus alsoamply demonstrated its capabilities inthe highly competitive commericalaircraft market and did this over theshort period of four years_

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176 Saab 340


An unu8ualsight, ten ofCro8sair's Saab 3408 seen together. at Basle-Mulhouse Airport. (Saub)

053 N359CA Comair 073 N 935MA Air Midwest I()() SE-ISK Salair Blaaklinten054 N 326PX Republic Express, 074 N 406BH Eastern Express 101 N 343BE Business Express

Northwest Airlink 075 D-CDIB Delta Air 102 N 365MA Metroflight055 LN-NVE Nerving, leased as PH-KJH 076 N 329PX Northwest Airlink 103 N 365MA Metroflight

to Netherlines 077 N 922MA Air Midwest 104 N 344BE Business Express056 N 361CA Comair 078 N 4078H Eastern Express 105 N 744BA Brockway Air057 N 420BH Bar Harbor Airlines 079 N 340PX Northwest Airlink 106 LV-AXW L.A.E.R. (Linea Aereas

(Eastern Express) 080 SE-ISY Swedair Entre Rias)058 N 4028H Bar Harbor Airlines OSI F-GELG Europe Aero Service 107 N 367MA Metroflight

(Eastern Express) OS2 HB-AHL Crossair lOS N 345BE Business Express059 N 327PX Republic Express. 083 F-GFBZ Britair 109 N 368MA Metroflight

Northwest Airlink 084 HB·ARM Crossair llO N 369MA Metroflight060 N 403BH Bar Harbor Airlines OS4 HB-AHM Crossair III N 745BA Brockway Air

(Eastern Express) 085 F-GGBJ Air Limousin ll2 N 370MA Metroflight061 N 404BH Bar Harbor Airlines 086 F-GBBV Air Limousin ll3 HB-AHO Crossair

(Eastern Express) OS7 LN·NVF Norving, to Swedair ll4 N 371MA Metroflight062 N 340BE Business Express 088 HB-AHN Crossair llS N 372MA Metroflight063 N34lBE Business Express OS9 N 360MA Metroflight ll6 D-CDIC Delta Air064 N320CA Comair 090 1740BA Brockway Air ll7 F-GHDB Britair065 OH-FAA Finnaviation 091 N 361MA Metroflight ll8 N 373MA Metroflight066 OH-FAB Finnaviation 092 N 742BA Brockway Air ll9 N 373MA Metroflight067 SE-ISX Swedair 093 N 743BA Brockway Air 120 HB-AHP Creossair068 N 328PX Northwest Airlink 094 LV-AXV Transportes Aereos 121 N 109TA Tempelhof Airways069 N 691P LAPA (Lineas Aereas Neuquen 122 HB-AHQ Crossair

Privadas Argentinas) 095 N 362MA Metroflight 123 N 3Y5MA Metroflight070 OH-FAC Finnaviation 096 N 342BA Brockway Air 124 D-CDID Delta Air071 D·CDIA Delta Air 097 SE-ISZ Swedair 125 N 125CH Chautauqua Airlines072 N72LP LAPA (Lineas Aereas 098 N 363MA Metroflight 126 HB-AHR Crossair

Privadas Argentinas) 099 N 364MA Metroflight 127 B-12200 Formosa Airlines

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Saab 39 Gripen 177

About 30 percent of Gripen's structure is made of composite materials. (8aab)

Saab 39 Gripen (The Griffin) An artist's impression of Gripen'scockpit with its Ericsson EP-17display system. (Ericsson RadarSystems)

Flexibility is the keyword for the JAS39 Gripen multi-role combat aircraftwhich is intended to replace, starting inthe early 1990s, all versions ofViggen.The basic idea is that each individualaircraft should be able to undertakeeither fighter, attack or reconnaissancemissions, making it difficult for anaggressor to assess exactly the combatpotential of the Swedish Air Forceunits. The cockpit design has thereforereceived great attention and incor­porates the most modern display andcontrol technology to reduce the pilot'sworkload. Gripen is a light aircraft - itstake-off weight is approximately 8,000kg (17,637 lb) - and it is the first lightcombat aircraft to make full use of theadvanced technology now available inengines, in structural materials, fly-by­wire control systems and micro-elect·ronics. Fighter requirements have dic­tated the aircraft's performance, whichmeans very high speed, accelerationand turning capability. This is incontrast to Viggen where the attackrequirements largely dictated perfor-

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178 Saab 39 Gripen

mance. The attack version of Viggen,the AJ 37, was also the first to go intoservice.

As a fighter Gripen will have full all­weather, all-altitude air defence capa­bility, being armed with: a) the currentgeneration of infra-red and radarhoming air·to-air missiles; b) the new

tions are controlled in the software of afully programmable signal and dataprocessor using the Ericsson 80S 80standardized computing system. Theradar uses FM pulse compression and alarge number of frequencies and wave­forms as well as having frequencyagility.

control for missiles and other attackweapons and d) obstacle avoidanceand navigation. The complete targetsearch and acquisition system is de­signed to include two separate parts;the nose-mounted radar and pod-moun­ted infra-red equipment (FLIR). Theaircraft will also have excellent cap-

The General Electric/Volvo Flygmotor RM 12 (F404J) turbofan which powers Gripen. With afterburning it is rated at80.5 kN (18,100 lb). The engine installation is easily accessible. (Saab)

generations of air-to-air missiles formedium ranges and close-in fightingand c) a built-in, high performancecannon.

The target search and acquisitionsystem in the ~ defence mission is apowerful PS-05/A Pulse Doppler look­down/shoot-down radar developed byEricsson. It is the first radar in WesternEurope for a light combat aircrafthaving complete operating modes forfighter, attack and reconnaissancemissions, and optimized to work underenemy countermeasures. Most func-

The operating functions in the radarsystem for fighter missions are: a)target search and tracking of severaltargets at long ranges; b) wide-angle,quick-scanning and lock·on at shortranges as well as c) fire control formissiles and cannon. The multiple­target radar function will provideGripen with increased fire power com­pared to existing fighters.

For attack/reconnaissance the radaroperating functions are: a) searchagainst sea and ground targets; b) map­ping with normal and high resolution;

ability for autonomous air defence, i.e.without ground control support, thanksto its long radar range and good fueleconomy.

In the attack role, Gripen is designedto carry heavy external loads includ­ing: a) electro-optically guided missilesand bombs; b) area weapons and c)anti-ship missiles. It will also carryvery advanced countermeasures equip­ment, both built-in and external.

Weapon alternatives announced forGripen are:• One internal 27 mm Mauser BK27

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Saab 39 Gripen 179


Saah 39 Gripen



automatic cannon (capable of firing1,700 rounds per minute)Rb 74 (Sidewinder AIM~9L) air~to-air

infra-Ted-homing missilesRb 71 (Skyllash) radar~homingair~to­air missilesRb 71A (A Skyllash development)Rb 75 (Maverick) air-to-surfacemissileRb 15F anti-ship missileMBB area weapons

Six hard-points for weapons are car­ried.

The low weight and size of Gripenwas made possible through extensive

use of new technology. Of decisiveimporlance in aircraft design has beenthe tremendous engine developmentduring the past 15 years. For a giventhrust, engine weights have been re­duced by 50 percent and the number ofparts by 30 percent while fuel consump­tion has been significantly reduced.

The General ElectriclVolvo Flyg­motor RM 12 (F404J) turbofan selectedto power Gripen is rated at 53.4 kN(12.000 lb) dry and 80.5 kN (18.100 lb)with afterburning. Compared to UStwin-engine installations, the RM 12 ismodified for higher flight safety in the

event of bird strikes and adaptation toSwedish operational profiles.

Sweden's extensive experience of thecanard configuration used in Viggenshows that this is the most efficient forcombining good high-speed perfor­mance with good low-speed and land­ing characteristics. The most import­ant difference between Viggen andGripen is that the latter's canard fore­plane will be used as normal controlsurfaces. This means that there arecontrol surfaces both forward and aftof the aircraft's centre of gravity,which gives enhanced manouevr-

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180 Saab 39 Gripen

ability as well as reduced drag.Since every GripeD will perform air

defence, attack and reconnaissancemissions, great demands are placed onthe flight-control system to accommo­date different loads and flight condi­tions.

Gripen is equipped with a LearSiegler triple redundant electrical con­trol system (fly-by-wire) including auto­matic flight control functions. The

it includes the Flight Data Display formajor flight and tactical information,the Electronic Map Display showingtactical information, geographical fea­tures and obstacles.

The Multisensor Display shows ra­dar information and TVfIR imagery.The Head-up Display presents all vitalinformation in the pilot's line of sightusing advanced diffraction optics toprovide a wide field of view and high

(Saah-Scania, Volvo-Flygmotor, Erics­son Radio Systems and FFV Main­tenance) on 3 June, 1981. A formalcontract between the industry groupand FMV·was signed on 30 June, 1982,covering five flying prototypes and aninitial production batch of thirty air­craft. The contract also includes anoption for delivery of a further 110production aircraft by the year 2000.

The development programme in-

The Saab aircraft product programme for the 21st Century; the JAS 39 Gripen and the Saab 340 regional airliner.

digital Gripen technology providesgreat development potential throughflexible use of control methods andflight paths. One result is more effi­cient use ofthe cannon against both airand ground targets.

Structurally, Gripen will representsomething of a revolution for theSwedish aircraft industry as almost 30percent of the structure is made ofcomposite materials (carbon-fibre rein·forced plastics) giving a 25 percentweight saving for a given strength. Thefirst prototype carbon-fibre wings weremanufactured by British Aerospacebut quantity production will be han­dled by Saab. The Gripen cockpitcontains an advanced Ericsson EP-17electronic display system using threehead-down displays and one head-updisplay. The EP-17 uses two SDS -SOcomputer systems for multi-mode useand future development flexibility, and

brightness image. Conventional instru­ments are only used as back-ups.

The computer hardware in Gripenuses modern large-scale, integratedcircuit technology and high-densitypackaging for very small size and highperformance. The total computing powerof Gripen will be more than five timesgreater than in theJA 37 within almostthe same hardware volume. It carries atotal of nearly 30 computers.

Other important avionics in Gripeninclude the Bofors Aerotronics AMR 345VHF/UHF AM/FM communicationstransceiver and the Honeywell laserinertial navigation system.

Swedish Government approval fordevelopment and production of theGripen programme was given on 6May, 1982, on the basis of an evalua­tion by the Defence Material Administra­tion (FMV) of an extensive offersubmitted by the JAS Industry Group

c1udes extensive ground testing as wellas flight testing of avionics in severalViggen development support aircraft.The first such aircraft was a JA 37 firstflown on 14 September, 1982, equippedwith a fly-by-wire flight control system.A full-scale mock-up of Gripen wasshown to the Press in February 1986and on 26 April, 1987, the firstprototype was unveiled. The first flightwas expected to take place before theend of in 1988. This represents a delayof more than a year compared to theoriginal time schedule, mainly due todelays in subsystems development,notably the flight control system, butSaah-Scania is confident that theService introduction will remain onschedule, i.e. early 1992.

More than 3,000 people in the Swe­dish aircraft industry including 2,000at Saah-Scania have participated inthe development of the JAS 39 Gripen

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Saab 39 Gripen 181

The official roll-out of the JAS 39 Gripen light multi-role combat aircraft took place on 26 April, 1987. Gripen is thefirst light combat aircraft using new technology throughout. (Saab/A. Andersson)

system. The Saah Aircraft Division isresponsible for the development andmanufacture of the basic aircraft andoverall systems integration. Projectmanager at Saah is Tommy Ivarsson.

Gripen is the sixth generation of jetcombat aircraft developed in Sweden.

Saab 39 Gripen

Span 8.00 m (26 ft 3 in); length 14 m (45 ft 111/4 in). Take-off weight 8,000 kg (17,6371b).Maximum speed supersonic at all altitudes. No other data and performance figures havebeen released. Figures are approximate.

Footnote: This aircraft first flew on 9 December, 1988.

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182 Appendix: FFVS J22



Although in no way a Saah product,the FFVS J 22 'stop gap' fighterrepresents an important chapter in theSecond World War history of theSwedish aircraft industry. Its originhas already been discussed in theHistorical Survey but more technicalinformation is certainly justified.

The aircraft's chief designer, EoLundberg, completed his initial projectstudy in October 1940 after his returnfrom the United States where he hadbeen posted to Vultee to oversee themanufacture of P-48 Vanguard fightersfor the Swedish Air Force (neverdelivered because of the US armsexport embargo in mid-1940). Lundbergand Colonel Nils Soderberg, head ofthe Air Material Department of the AirBoard and chief architect of the J 22programme, had agreed that in order to

make the programme feasible theaircraft had to be designed by a teamoutside the already overburdened air­craft industry (Saab), using a largenumber of sub-contractors and prefer-

One of F 13's J 22 fighters. (Flyguapnet/F 13)

Rotating jigs were used for J 22 wing assembly. 198 aircraft were built. (Text& Bilder)

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Appendix: FFVS J22 183

The FFVS J22 was developed a8 a 4stop-gap' fighter in 1941-1942. (Flyguapnet/F3)

ably to be built in materials not incritical demand by the establishedaircraft industry. At an early stage thedesigners decided on steel and wood asthe most suitable materials. The basicstructure of the _llselage and wingswere to he of welded stainless steel

covered by load-carrying wooden pan­els according to a new method.

In view of the limited engine poweravailable - the SFA-built copy of the1,065 hp Pratt & Whitney Twin Waspradial engine, great care had to betaken over the aerodynamic design of

the P 22, as the project was initiallydesignated. The fuselage was given thesmallest possible cross-section aft ofthe engine and the form was made asnearly perfectly streamlined as possi­ble without using double curvature(ruled out for production reasons). The

Warm weather servicing of a J 22. (Flyguapnet/F 18)

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184 Appendix: FFVS J22








wing was designed to be fairly thin atthe root but rather thick at the tips toprevent tip stalling.

The retractable undercarriage designwas unusual in many respects. It wasplaced well forward and equipped witha mechanism to enable the doors to beclosed when in the down position so asto reduce drag at take off and toprevent dirt from being flung into thewheel wells during taxi-jug, taking offand landing. Concrete runways weremostly a thing of the future. Theaircraft was even designed with aretractable ski undercarriage but thiswas never produced in quantity owingto the availability of improved suow-

clearing equipment.Details of the project were settled by

the end of 1940, and on 21 February,1941, the Government approved thenecessary funding for design anddevelopment work (including a mock­up) as well as two prototypes. Theprototypes were to be built using thefacilities available at the AeronauticalResearch Institute (FFA) at BrommaAirport, Stockholm.

On 3 September, 1942, the firstprototype had progressed so far that itcould be weighed in order to establishthe centre of gravity. As it transpiredthe dry weight was lower than calcu­lated, 1,902 kg (4,193 Ib) against the

calculated 1,952 kg (4,303 Ib): nomean performance by a fresh designteam!

On 20 September the first flight tookplace with Major O. Enderlein at thecontrols. The flight lasted 40 minutesand was described as completely success­ful. Enderlein said the aircraft was'easy to fly with excellent manoeuvr·ability. No dangerous tendencies werediscovered despite the fairly high wingloading. The aircraft was easy to takeoff and land'. Subsequent flight test­ing, however, lead to a slight enlarge­ment of the rudder. The landing run,using hard braking, was only 250 m(820 ft).

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Appendix: FFVS J22 185

Built basically of steel and wood, the J22 was produced. using hundreds of suppliers outside the existing aircraftindustry. (Flyguapnet/F 10)

The J 22 was also used for reconnaissance. Note cartridge collector box.(Flyguapnet/F3)

As early as 6 October a diving test to620 km/h (385 mph) indicated air speedwas made.

In the meantime the structure wastested on the ground, with the wingspar successfully surviving a stipu­lated 180 percent safe design loadwithout major deformations to thewooden panels.

The second prototype made its firstflight on 11 June, 1943. However

during the following two months theJ 22 programme suffered a majorsetback through the loss of bothprototypes. In the first accident, thetest pilot, Lt B. J. E. Salwim,lost his lifefor reasons unknown. Indications werethat he lost consciousness due to lackof oxygen.

After the second accident, the testpilot was able to walk away althoughhe was considerably shaken. The

engine had failed at flagpole heightduring a critical landing manoeuvreand the aircraft was a total loss.

But"flight testing had already shownthat there was nothing basically wrongwith the aircraft; in fact the contrarywas the case, and there was certainlyno occasion for lengthy contemplationsin those days. In fact, on 21 March,1942, exactly six months before thefirst flight, an initial sixty aircraft hadbeen ordered off the drawing-board.The new production machinery wentinto operation, with hundreds of sup­pliers participating in the programme.Some deserve special mention. Thefuselage inner structure was producedby Hagglund & Soner at Ornskoldsvikwhilst the wing inner structure was theresponsibility of See Fabriks AB atSandviken which together with AGAat Lidingo near Stockholm welded andhardened the wing spars and the otherinterior components. NK at Nykopingproduced the wooden panels for thefuselage and the wings. Uno Sarnmarkat Gothenburg produced much of theelectrical equipment and NordiskaArmaturfabriken (NAF) at Linkopingmost of the instrumentation.

Despite the loss of the two prototypeswhich delayed flight testing until the

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FFVS J 22 production serials

J22 prototypes: 22001, 22002J22A and Eo 22101-22298

Span 10.0 m (32 ft 9V2in); length 7.8 m (25 ft 7 in); height 3.6 m (11 ft 10 in); wing area 16sqm(172 sq ft). Empty weight 2,020 kg (4,453 Ib); loaded weight 2,835 kg (6,250 lb). Maximumspeed 575 kmlh (357 mph); curising speed 340 kmJh (211 mph); landing speed 140kmlh (87mph); initial rate of climb 8.4 m/sec (1,650 fVmin); ceiling 9,300 m (30,510 ft); range 1,270 km(790 miles).

186 Appendix: FFVS ) 22

first production aircraft became avail·able, deliveries to the F9 fighter Wingat Gothenburg began on 23 October,1943.

Eventually a total of 198 productionaricraft were ordered. All but 18 ofthese were completed before a metal­workers union strike stopped produc­tion in February 1945. On 1 July, 1945,the new Air Force maintenance work­shops at Arboga (eVA) were ready andtheir first job was the assembly of thelast 18 aircraft which were allocated toa reconnaissance Wing, and eq~pped

with an SKa 4 camera and therefore re­designated S 22. '!\va fighter versionswere produced: 142 J22As and 57J 22B8. The main difference was in thearmament. The J 22A had two 8 mmand two 13.2 mm guns, the" J 22B four13.2mm.

In performance the J 22 comparedwell with foreign fighters of the early19408. For example, it could outelimb

the North American P-51D Mustang ataltitudes below 4,500 m (15,000 ft)despite the limited power available. Athigher altitude, the Mustang's super­charged Merlin engine turned thebalance. It is interesting to note thatthe development costs including proto­types, testing and production toolingwas only some 22 million SwedishCrowns compared to the total Air Forcebudget in 1942 of 213 million.

The J 22 programme meant that in


1943-44 the capacity of the Swedishaircraft industry could suddenly beincreased by 40 percent. During 1944 amonthly production of 22 aircraft wasachieved. The aircraft unit cost (exclud­ing engine and instrumentation) wasonly 150,000 Swedish Crowns whereasthe complete aircraft with engine, radioand instrumentation cost some 3OO,0Cl0.The total unit cost was affected by thefact that less than 600 Swedish 1\vinWasps were produced.

Page 187: Putnam] SAAB Aircraft Since 1937


A 20 see Saah 37 Viggen under Saahaircraft

A 21 see Saah 21 under Saah aircraftA 32 see Saah 32 Lansen under Saah

aircraftABA see Swedish Air LinesAcro Delta aerobatic team 129Aeronautical Research Institute of

Sweden (FFA) 11, 76, 184Aeroplanvarvet Skane (AVIS) 9Aerotransport. AB (ABA) see Swedish

Air LinesAerovias Brasil 88, 90 92AFF see Forenade FlygverkstaderAFV see Flygplanverken. ABAGA Company 42,151, 185Air Force Board

civil aircraft 63, 90contract negociations 18, 20, 30, 50,

54-5,75,104,143farsightedness 39,131-3responsibilities 42,145-6wartime problems 22, 23, 24see also Basic Agreements

Air Force, Swedishaircraft orders 12, 62, 68, 96,100,126aircraft requirements 59, 66, 104,

177-18,136formation 11, 12programmes 14-15, 36, 90strengths 14-15, 31, 39, 54tactical measures 27-8, 46,125wartime plight 20, 24see also F Wings

Air France 96Air Material Department (AMD) 50Airborne Mapping Ltd 71Airline Pilot School, Netherlands 96,

101AJ 37 see Saab 37 Viggen under Saab

aircraftAlbatros trainer 9Amundson, Gen K. A. B. 13Andersson, A. J. 11,30,75-6,93,95Andreasson, Bjorn 163Antarctic Expedition (1951) 98Arboga (CVA) 30, 40-1,186ARENCO Company 151Armstrong Siddeley engines, Jaguar

11,12Army, Swedish, aircraft and missiles

40,59,163Ars, AB 18Asea Company 30ASJ see Svenska

JarnvagsverkstadernaASJA see Svenska


Australia, aircraft orders 54,171,173Austrian aircraft orders

Draken 45,53-4,135-6,141Saab 29: 131, 114-15, 115Saab 105: 49, 49, 53-4Safir 93, 97other 63,140, 141, 142

AVIA Company 63Avro Lancaster 39

B3LA54,55B3 (Ju86K) 12,19, 22, 23, 24, 63B4 (Hart) 13,14,16, 20, 22, 27B5 (8A-5) 19,21,21,22,27B6 (2P-A) 24B 16 (Ca.313) 24B 17 see Saab 17 under Saab aircraftB 18 see Saab 18 under Saab aircraftBasic Agreements (Ramautal)

(1940): 24-6,30,31, 75(1949): 36(1961): 45

Beagle Bulldog 163Belgium, NATO procurement 52, 54Bjurstromer, Bror 66, 87, 91Bleriot monoplane (Thulin A) 8, 9Blomberg, Sven 11, 13BOAC 92Board of Civil Aviation (BCA) 58, 88,

90,169,171Boeing aircraft

B-17: 33, 35Boeing 727: 145Stratocruiser 92

Bofors Aerotronics 151Bofors Company 11, 15-16, 18, 31

missiles 47, 48see also Saab-Bofors Missile

CorporationBolinder-Munktell Company 31Bosch 30Brasja, Arthur 116Bratt, Erik 42, 125, 125Brazil, aircraft orders 88, 90Brewster Buffalo 22Brising, Lars 42, 52, 104,105, 145Bristol Aeroplane Company 11Bristol engines

Jupiter 11, 12Mercury 11,16, 26, 59, 59, 61Taurus 20, 22, 27, 66

Britainindependent air force 12wartime policies 23

British Aerospace 180Bae 146: 56Sky Flash (Rb71): 48,159, 162,179

Bromma Airport 29, 90, 184Bucker, Carl Clemens 11, 12Bucker aircraft

Bii 181 (Sk 25): 30trainers 11,93

Burnett, James A 19

Caproni Ca. 313: 24Cirrus-Hermes engine 13, 14Comair 171,174Congo, Swedish aid to UN 112-14Convair CV 240: 89CR42: 23, 24Crossair 57, 58,168,175,176CSF Company 42

Index 187

Dahlen, Gustav 9Dahlstrom, Erik 146Daimler-Benz Company 30Daimler-Benz engines

DB 601: 30DB 605B: 27,28,30,31,71,71,75,81

Danish Air Force see DenmarkDanish Brigade 62Dassault Mirage F-1: 54DDL Company 90de Havilland aircraft

Mosquito (J30) 116Tiger Moth (Sk 11) 14, 16Vampire (J28): 85, 80, 137

de Havilland enginesGhost 37, 38, 104,105,111, 111Gipsy Major X: 93, 94, 94Gipsy Six 13, 15Goblin 32, 85, 81, 82, 84, 104

De Schelde Company 34, 96Defence Committee 54Defence Department 50Defence Material Administration

(FMV) 50, 163, 180DelIner, Gunnar 18Denmark

aircraft orders 44-5, 133, 135, 167,167

NATO procurement 52, 54DNL Company 90Douglas DC aircraft 89, 90, 92, 145Douhet, Gen Guilio 28Draken see Saab 35 Draken under

Saab aircraft

E 4 aircraft 14Edgerton Graier & Gerrneshausen 130Electrolux Group 18Enderlein, Maj 0 184Enoch Thulins Aeroplanfabrik. AB

(AETA) 9-10Enskilda Bank 16, 17Ericsson Company. LM (Ericsson

Radar Electronics) 42, 50, 54-5, 123,129,150,158,178

Ethiopiaaid to UN 112aircraft sales 62-3, 63, 94, 96, 97, 102relief operations 166

F 1 Wing 88, 72, 135F2 Wing 62F 3 Wing 62, 71, 130F 4 Wing 62,110,112, 115, 130, 162F 5 Wing (Flying School) 141F 6 Wing 62,80,109,120,152F 7 Wing 62, 72, 80, 83,109,120,152F8Wing80F 9 Wing 80, 186FlO Wing 81, 83, 130, 185F 11 Wing 68, 71, 120F 12 Wing 62, 80, 124, 185F 13 Wing 106, 126-7, 129, 130, 185,

161,162,182F 14 Wing 72, 120F 15 Wing 80, 115, 120, 152

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188 Index

F 16 Wing 129, 135, 162F 17 Wing 72, 84,120,135,162F 18 Wing 129F 21 Wing 71, 130Fairchild Industries Inc 56-8, 168-73

paSSLmFairchild aircraft 168-73Fairey Firefly 63Falcon missile 45, 46, 130,151Falk, Maj Gen Greger 51Farman biplane 9Faxen, Torsten 27Federal Aviation Administration, US

58Femherg, Karl-Erik 138FFVS see Flygforvaltningens

Flygverkstad i StockholmFFVS J 22: 28-30, 182-6Fiat Company 90Fiat aircraft

CR.42: 23, 24G.50: 22

Finlandaircraft orders (Draken) 45, 53-4,

134,135 (Safu) 96, 97, 98 (other)58-4,63

missile orders 46Swedish aid in war 22, 23

Florman, Carl and Adrian 12, 86Flygforvaltningens Flygverkstad i

Stockholm (FFVS) Company 30, 54Flygforvaltningens Flygverkstad i

Stockholm (FFVS) aircraft, J22: 28­30, 182-6

Flygindustri, AB (AFI) (MalmoFlygindustri) II, 12, 13,52, 163

Flygindustri aircraft 12, 163Flygkompaniets Verkstader Malmen

(FVM)IO-llFIygkompaniets Verkstader Malmen

aircraft 11Flygplanverken, AB (AFV) 20-1, 66Flygplanverken aircraft, GP 9: 20-1Flygvapnet see Air Force, SwedishFlying School (F 5) 141Focke-Wulf Company 18Focke-Wulf Fw 44J Stieglitz 18, 18Fokker Company 39, 90, 96Fokker aircraft

C.VE (S6): 10, 13F.27 Friendship 90

Fontoura, Olavo 90Forenade Flygverkstader, AB (AFF)

18,19,20,59Forenade Flygverkstader (AFF)

aircraftAFF/Gassner 19-20P7: 22

Forsberg, Uno 25Forsvarets Robotvapenbyra 40Fouga Magister 112France, Swedish aviation interests 9,

20,42,46,49,130Friis, Gen Torsten 14,16

Gassner, Alfred 19, 20, 66General Dynamics F-l111YF-16: 54General Electric engines

CT7:58, 169, 174

F404: 55J85: 49, 137, 142RM 12: 178, 179

Germanyaviation interests 11, 12, 23, 104licensing 9,18-19,20,30missile landing 40

Glen L Martin Company 92Gloster Gladiator 22Goring, Reichsmarschall Hermann 30Gotaverken (GV) 15, 20, 66Giitaverken (GV) aircraft, B4/GP8: 20GP 8/9 aircraft 20-1Gripen see Saah 39 Gripen under Saab

aircraftGullstrand, Dr Tore 42, 52, 52Gustafsson, Sten 53

Hagermark, Olle 88Hagglund & Saner 30, 60, 185Hagglund & Saner aircraft, Sk 25: 30Haile Selassie, Emperor 62Hamre, Gen Sverre 52, 54Hansa S5: l1,ll,13Hansa-Brandenburg monoplane 11Hansson, Per Albin 12, 16Hardmark, Regnar 82, 83, 137Hawker aircraft

Hart (B4) 13, 14, 16, 20, 22, 27Tempest 78

Heinkel Company 11Heinkel aircraft

HD 19 (J4): 12He 5 (S5): 11, ll, 13

Hesselmann Company 30Hoffstrom, Bo 87Holm, 'Iryggve 37, 37, 39, 41, 42, 51, 51Honeywell Company 151Hughes missiles 45, 46,130,151

Indiaaid to UN ll2, ll3interest to Viggen 54

Industrial Commission (IK; 1939) 24-5,26,28

Italyindependent air force 12Swedish aviation interests 20, 24, 61

Ivarsson, Tommy 58,181

J 1 Phoenix 122: IIJ 4 (HD 19) 12J 6B Jaktfalken ll,12, 14J 9 (EP-1) 24, 28J II (CR 42) 23, 24J 19 (L-12) 20, 21, 22J 20 (Re 2000) 24J 21 see Saah 21 under Saab aircraftJ 22: 182-6,28-30J 26 (Mustang) 75, 78-9, 186J 28 (Vampire) 35, 80,137J 29 see Saab 29 under Saab aircraftJ 30 (Mosquito) ll6J 32 see Saab 32 Lansen under Saab

aircraftJ 35 see Saab 35 Draken under Saah

aircraftJA 37 see Saab 37 Viggen under Saab


Japan, use of Safir 97JAS Industry Group 54-5, 180Johnson Group 15Joint European Airworthiness Group

(JAR) 58, 171Jonkoping factory 42, 45Junders Flugzeug und Motorenwerke

AG ll,12,19Junkers aircraft

F 13: 12G24: 12Ju 52/3m: 12Ju 86K (83): 12, 19,22,23,24,68K series 12

K 24/37/47 aircraft 12Karnsund, Georg 57Katangan Air Force 112, 114Kazmar. Ernest W 19Kjellson, Henry 11Koch, Peter 11Kockums shipyard 15

L-10 see Saab 17 under Saab aircraftL-ll see Saah 18 under Saab aircraftL-12 (JI9) 20, 21, 22L-13 see Saab 21 under Saab aircraftL-21 see Saab 21 under Saab aircraftLalander, Kurt 42Lampell, Col Sven ll2Lansen see Saab 32 Lansen under

Saab aircraftLe Rhone engines 9, 10Lidbro, N 37Lidmalm, Tord 42, 87, 91Lignell, Karl 87Lindqvist, Maj Gen Gunnar 133Linkoping

company headquarters 53, 66works 16,17, 18,36,41,45,62

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter 54LOfkvist, Hans Erik 42Lufthansa Airline 96Lundberg, Bo 14, 20, 28, 66,182Lycoming engines 94, 95, 96, 99, 165

McDonnell Douglas Company 55-6Maimer, Dr Ivar 10, 11Malmo Flygindustri (MFn 52, 163 see

also Flygindustri ABMalmsHitt maintenance works 10-11,

12, 141Martin 2-0-2: 89Maverick (Rb 75) missile 148-9, 150,

179Maybach engines 11Mercedes engines 9MFI-15/17 Safari Supporter 163-7Mileikowsky, Dr Curt 51, 52, 53Moore, Sqn Ldr Robert 105,106, 106Mustang (J26) 75, 78-8, 186

NA-16-45M (SK 14): /9,19,74,76NATO procurement 52,54Navy, Swedish, aircraft and missiles

40, 46, 48, 59Netherlands

NATO prcurement 52,54Swedish contracts 10, 20, 34, 39, 90, 96

Page 189: Putnam] SAAB Aircraft Since 1937

Nicolin, Curt 40NK Company 185Nohab Flygmotorfabriker AB 11, 15­

16,18,20,26Nohab engines

Mercury 11, 16, 26, 59 see alsoSvenska Flygmotor engines

Nord missiles, CT-20: 46Nordiska Aviatik AB (NAB) 9Nordquist, Maj Elis 13, 13North American aircraft

F-86 Sabre 109NA-16-4M (Skl4) 19, 19, 74, 76P-51 Mustang 75, 78-9, 186

Northrop Corporation 19Northrop aircraft

8A (B5): 19, 21, 21, 22, 27YF-17: 54

Norving Norway 174Norway

aircraft orders 96,103,167,167NATO procurement 52,54

Nothin, Torsten 20Nydqvist & Holm (Nohab) 11

01/04 aircraft 1109, ASJA 13, 15Olow, Bengt 42,117,125,128OMERA/Segid Company 130Ostermans Aero AB 63

P7:22Pakistan, aircraft pruchase 52,164,

167Pellebergs, Per 162, 170PERT Planning System 146Petersson, Tage 58Philips Company 42Phoenix aircraft 11Piaggio engines

P VII RC-16: 19, 24P XIbis RC 4: 26, 61, 64

Piasecki XH-16 helo 92Piper L-21B: 163Porat, Gosta von 11Pratt & Whitney engines

JT8D (RM8): 50-1, 54, 144-5, 155,161,161

R-2000/2180:87,88,89,92R-4360 Wasp Major 921\vin Wasp (supply) 24, 26, 31, 66,

183 (Saab 17/18) 25, 27, 27, 59, 60,61, 66, 68, 71 (Scandia) 86-7 (J22)28

Project Directorate 145

Raab-Katzenstein RK 26Tigerschwalbe 13, 15

Rb missiles see Falcon; Maverick;Saab missiles; Sidewinder; Skyflash

Reggiane aircraft, Re 2000 (J20): 24Republic Express (Business Express)

175RF-35 see Saab 35 Draken under Saab

aircraftRolls-Royce engines

Avon Series 39-40, 50, 117, 120-1,126-7, 128

Eagle 11

Rosen, Col Carl Gustav von 62, 94-5Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

76Royal Norwegian Air Force see


S 5 (He5): 11, 11, 13S 6 (Fokker C.VE) 10, 13S 16 (Ca.313): 24S 17BS see Saab 17 under Saab

aircraftS 18/S 23 aircraft 11S 18A see Saab 18 under Saab aircraftS 29 see Saab 29 under Saab aircraftS 32C see Saab 32 Lansen under Saab

aircraftS/SFISH 37 see Saab 37 Viggen under

Saab aircraftSAAB Aktiebolag see Saab CompanySaab Company

foundations 18, 24expansion 31, 35-9, 58, 87restructuring 20, 50, 51-3, 66, 168-9car manufacture 35, 37, 58, 93see also Svenska AeroplanAktiebolaget AB (SAAB)

Saab aircraftB3La 54, 55B3: 19,22,23,24,68J 19 (L-12): 20, 21, 22MD 80 series 56

. MFI-15/17 Safari/Supporter 163-7Saab 17 (L-10) 22, 25

(development) 20, 27, 28, 59-62(service) 26, 62-3 (details) 65

Saab 18 (L-11) 27, 29(development) 26-7, 28, 66-8, 71(service) 68-73 (details) 74

Saab 21 (L-13): 31, 32, 37(development) 30, 31, 32-3, 75-8,81-3 (service) 37, 78-80,83-4(details) 28, 80, 85

Saab 24: 28Saab 29 (development) 33, 36-9, 104­11, (service) 36, 111-15 (details)

115Saab 32 Lansen 39, 40

(development) 28, 39, 42, 116-21(service) 41, 49,121-4 (details) 124

Saab 35 Draken 42, 43, 44(development) 41, 43-4, 49, 125-34(service) 44-5, 46, 47, 53-4, 121,133-6 (details) 136

Saab 37 Viggen 50, 53(development) 49-51, 52, 54, 55,143-54,55,143-54,179 (service)140,148-61, 177 (details) 140,161-2

Saab 39 Gripen 55, 177-81Saab 90 Scandia 35

(development) 35, 36, 37, 86-90(service) 90-2 (details) 92

Saab 91 Safir 34(development) 35, 36, 93-4(service) 95-8 (details) 98-103

Saab 105(development) 48, 49, 137-41(service) 53-4,141-2 (details) 142

Saab 20112: 97, 106

Index 189

Saab 210: 125, 125, 129Saab 340: 56, 57, 57-8, 168-71

Saab equipmentautcpilot 123, 129bombsight 27-8, 61, 62, 71, 80, 119computers 50, 80 119, 150ejector seat 28, 30, 73, 76, 78, 105,

121,128,138jig-making 38sighting systems 42, 129, 130

Saab Missiles AB 46-7Saab missiles

development 40-1, 45-8, 72, 130fitting 118, 119, 128, 131, 133, 148,

150,150,151Saab-Bofors Missile Corporation

(SMBC) 48Saab-Scania Aktiebolag 51-3, 168, see

also Saab CompanySABENA Airlines 96Safari/Supporter (MFI-15/17) 163-7Safir see Saab 91 Safir under Saab

aircraftSalair 58, 173Salwim, Lt B J E 185Sandvik Steel Works 9Scandia see Saab 90 Scandia under

Saab aircraftScandinavian Airlines System (SAS)

12,89,90Scania-Vabis 51Schroder, Harald 58, 146See Fabriks AB 185Segerqvist, Lennart 13Seversky-Republic aircraft

2P-A (B6): 24EP-1 (J9): 24, 28

SF 340 see Saab 340 under Saabaircraft

SFA see Svenska FlygmotorSH/SF 37 see Saab 37 Viggen under

Saab aircraftSidewinder missile

AIM 9L (Rb74) 47, 159, 162, 179Rb24: 104, 112, 121, 129, 133, 150,

151Sierra Leone, aircraft order 167Sjoberg, Erik 170Sk 10/12, ASJA 13, 14,15,16, 18, 18Sk 11 (Tiger Moth) 14, 16Sk 14 (NA-16): 19, 19, 74, 76Sk 25 (Bli 181): 30Sk 35 see Saab 35 Draken under Saab

aircraftSk 37 see Saab 37 Viggen under Saab

aircraftSk 50 see Saab 91 under Saab aircraftSk 60 see Saab 105 under Saab aircraftSkandinavista Enskiida Banken 51Skii!d, Per Edvin 20Sky Flash missile (Rb71) 48, 159, 162,

179Smith, Claes 59, 78, 88Soderberg, Maj Gen Nils 25, 28, 29, 30,

39, 182Sodertelge Werkstaders

Aviatikavdelning (SW), AB 9Spannann, Edmund 14Sparre, Ciaes 18

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190 Index

Spica missile craft 48SRA Company 42STAL Company 32, 39-40STAL engines

Dovern II (RM4): 39, 116-17, 124Glan: 39, 40, 117GT35: 40Skuten 32

Stockholm Technical Museum 10Sunden, Col Ake 51, 82, 83Suter, Moritz 57Svantesson, Osten lliSvensk Flygtjanst Company 63, 124Svenska Aero AB ll-I2, 13Svenska Aero aircraft

J 4: 12Jaktfalken 11, 12, 14

Svenska AeropIan Aktiebolaget AB(SAAB)foundation 18, 20, 51see also Saah Company

Svenska Aeroplanfabriken (SAF) 9Svenska Flygmotor AB (SFA) 26, 31,

39-40,51, 61Svenska Flygmotor engines

Glan 39, 40Goblin 32, 35, 82, 84Mercury 61Mx31R 201: 39RM 2B (Ghost) 38, 111-12, 116RM 5/6 (Avon) 120-1, 126-7, 128,

129RM 8: 50-1, 144-5, 155, 161, 161RM 68B: 126-7'l\vin Wasp 26, 27, 27, 28, 60, 180see also Nohab engines

Svenska Jarnvagsverkstaderna, AB(ASJ) 12, 13, 20

Svenska JarnvagsverkstadernasAeroplanavdelning, AB (ASJA) 13­14,16-20,59,66

Svenska JarnvagsverkstadernasAeroplanavdelning (ASJA) aircraftB 4/5: 13, 14, 16, 19,21,21,27J 6B: 11, 12, 141.10: 20, 22, see also Saah 17 under

Saab aircraft09: 13, 15Sk 10/11: 13, 14, 15, 16Sk 14: 19, 19, 74, 76Viking 13, 14, 15

Swooair 124Swedish Air Lines (ABA) 12, 22, 29, 35,

86-92 passimSwedish Intercontinental Airlines

(SILA) 33, 35, 92

T 18 see Saah 18 under Saah aircraftTaiwan, Saah 340 order 173Target Flying Squadron 124Thornell, Gon 0 24Thulin, Dr Enoch 8, 9, 10Thulin Company (Enoch Thulins

Aeroplanfabrik) 9-10Thulin aircraft 8, 9, 10Thunberg, Lieut Gen Lage 51, 146Tiger Moth (Sk11) 14,16Trollhiittan works 16, 18, 20, 31, 35, 39,

62'!Ummelisa (01) 111\misia, aircraft orders 102Thrbomeca engines 49, 137, 137.


Uggla, Erland 13United Nations, Congo operations

112-14United States of America

sales restrictions 19. 20, 59, 182Swedish orders 23-4, 169, 171

Uno Sammark Company 185

V1I2 missiles 40Vampire (J28): 35, 80, 137VASP airline 90-1, 92Vasterb workshops 12, 71Vennerstrom. Ivar 14Vickers Viscount 91Viggen see Saah 37 Viggen under

Saah aircraftViking aircraft 13.14,15Vinten Company 130Volvo Company 26Volvo Flygmotor 54-5, 155Volvo Flygmotor engines 155, 178, 179

see also Svenska FlygmotorVolvo Penta Company 31Vreedeling, Henk 52Vultee P-48 Vanguard/48C: 24, 182

Wahrgren, Ragnar 14, 20, 28, 32, 37, 86Wallenberg Jr, Marcus 20, 25, 41Wallenberg Group 16Walter engines, Gemma radial 13, 14Wanstrom, Frid 75Wenner-Gren, Axel 16, 18, 18,26Westerlund, Capt Anders 107Westland Lysander 19Wilkenson, Dr Erik 27, 32Wingquist, Sven 16Wright Engines, Whirlwind R-975E: 15, 19