pwbib - university of hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · cases of ar-euic-poisoning apear from time to time...

..I i .. C-- iT m m mm urir "1 Y"V1 WW- - VCW,i4H Oil ft i ii n VL' HT If i T h f ii v M & a N II HQ fl P B fi B r b g H HI f 7 " r y Mr - iO-- , U VOL. IX.-N- O. 107. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MONDAY, 31 A V 0, LhbJ). PKICE 5 CENTS. business (Cards. POISOX CV THE TON. OK Til K THROUGH STEAMERS or THE OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. J Australian Mail Service FOK SAN FRANCISCO. 8. N. CA8TLE. J. L A ! m.J:TUN. (j. P. CASTLE. V. A. bOWLN. i:i,V. V. TLNM.V. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Com mission Merchants, TIIE DAILY I'aeilic Commercial Advertiser IS l'l'DLlSUK" Kum v Mornini: Kxeet Sumlays, At No. Hi Merchant M. SL'li.Ss.-ua'1'lON- : SO 0 Vailx V. C. ALvi.iin.tu.oiie yr.r an mouths J W ,, jrnniultj 0 ..... 5 w) WritLY U.(uiAsO.'.vics.ouej"t tortMu w l'uyttble lnriIl li huv. AND VK LLKS IN- - -- IMroKTldtS Gro li e l 'al -- ALSO, (irove lUuch PlautAtion, K. Kalriteud'H Plantation. A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, K.inai, G. F. Islake's Steam puiiim. Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etn Fire Insurance (To, of Hartford. The New England MntUH Lift- Insurance Co , of P.oston. D. Weston's Patent Centrif ual Machines. The New York aud Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and Sun Francisco. Dr. Jayue s Sons Celehrited Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, IJt'niiuton and Wbotdcr & Wilson smw iis c 1 . vc ni 1 :s . Tlie Equitable .Life Assurance Society OF- - THE UN"J.TKD STATES. Stands First Among tlie Leading Lifs Assurance Companies of tlis World In Outstanding Assuram-o- , iii New Bainoss, in Surplus, in Total Income, in Premium Iiu-ome- , in the annual liu-iva- s in Surplus and Assets, in the l'erecntae of Ar-sel- s to 1 ialilities, and in all other Important KesiH-t-ls- . Assets. Dec. 31, : : : SaUTOl o. Outstanding Assurance New UusineHS of 1n.s7 Surplus (4 percent. Slandardi Increase In Surplus dnrinu the Venr. Increase in Assets during the War... Total Income I'reiiiiuiu Income I'erceutage of Assets to Idubilities. . . A Careful Study of the above Proves Coneliisively that the r.quitahle Society is the must Prolltable and Seeure Life Assurance Coiiipany for inteiidimr Assurer. ALEX. e. OARrwniOHT, IKl-- tf (IKNKUAI; AC.KNT HAWAIIAN 1S1,AMS. GEO. W. LINCOLN, rpill-- : WKLL-KNOW- P.UILDKIi, IS STILL IN Till: FIKLD AS A COX-I- . tractor, and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of work appertaining to contracting d any other class of work belonjiin to his trade, in the same jjood and workmanlike manner as heretofre ; having curtailed my shop expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain- ing to the building trade that may be nit runted to my care. 1 am enabled to do the same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, ai.d at the same time bearing in mind that what is worth doinu at all is woith doinu well. ENOUGH ARSENIC IMPORTED TO DE- POPULATE AMERICA. A Small Amount I'scd for Medicinal Purpose Ar.xcnic Aci.l the Iit 1'rei.crrcr of I abric and Colors AMiat Hore-lcaler- s Du. New York Ilera'd.l There are imported annually in this city from Cornwall. Kngland. tind from the mines of Austria. Hungary, and Bo- hemia, about 1,(K0 kegs of arsenic, which a entire pouudsof weight eiick. I'hysieians say that a dose of two and a half grains of arenioab acid is retty cer- tain 10 prove lutaL A little sample figur- ing will therefore show that if the impor- tations of a single 3"car were divided up into e ual portions correprn ling iu number with the number of inhabitants in the I nited States, and each man. woman, and child took one of those por- tions on a given day, human life would on that day cease to exi?t in the territor3 now eoered by the stars and fetrijH.'. In recent years the importation hies rapidly increased, and the fact that numerous cases of ar-euic- poisoning apear from time to time on the police records and be- fore coroner s juries renders an inquiry desirable as to the purposes to which the enormous shipments of this deadly min- eral are apolied. A report r vidted several of the great drug importing houses, and consulted chemits iu reference to this matter. All tidmilted that the quantity of arsenic used for medicinal purposes is iuignifi-(int- , and that the bulk of the importation is used for manufacturing, preserving, decorating and beautifying purposes-Som- e of ihe chemisis while, expressing a desire not to be quoted, freely admitted that health and life were being end.tu-gere- d by a too free introduction of the poison into articles of cveryda' use, A chemist who is engaged in the serv- ices of ;ne of our leading importing houses, and who is an acknowledged au thoritv amcng his brethren, said; lt is no secret that the careless aud unskillful handling of arsenic and arsenical prepara- tions result, in serious illness and in heavy loss of life eery year. " "Is it not a fact that arsenic m one shape or another is making inroads into fashionable households vtar after year?" "This can net be disputeti. Arsenic acid is the very best preserver not only of fabrics, but ot colors, and it is but natural that decorators shculd take some Tisks in using it. In many of our fashionable mansions the bright colors on the walla are made fast by arsenic; the same mav lo saiil of the carpets and tapestries, anal of the gaudy, tinted robes which have a fascination for some young ladies, " "Dees the presence ot arsenic in an apartment necessarily imply that it must be an unhealthy place of abode?" "Not of necessity; still, 1 myself would nt care to sleep in such a room. Odors may be ghen out that are sure to sicken ihe'stomaeh if the work is unskillful ly done. In my opinion this accounts for a good deal of the debility and nervous ail- ments that pr. a 1 in fashionable circles here ami elsewhere, tuite 'recently a woman lot her eyesight in tins city while cleaning n carpet that was found to hao its colors fastened with arsenic. 1 do not believe any physician would main- tain that it was proj r to place such a carpel for ue in any room. " "Are the dangers of using arsenic prep- arations fully recognized hy the manu- facturers who ue llicm " "They certainly should 1C; there is no excuse tor ignorance in a matter of this kind. It is our business to import and H'll our goods tinder proper safeguards; alter that all our spousibility ends. " "A re there dangers in the preparation of the article for the market. " "1 l.e preparation of arsoniou acid is a most hazardous cupation. The work- men employed genera!!' tlie. Vforo the. age of ot and their mean term of life runs from i.D to 15.) years. They are com- pelled to avoid alcoholic drinks, and to lie pri; a ipa'lv on leguminous vegetables, w Alt plenty of butler, laking very little niea. and that fat. To each man two glasses of olive oil are administered daily. " . "Tn what extent is the drug used as a med cllie, . - "A ery small fraction insert iion is us, , ,r ilial pmposc 'K'i h ,1'('' a; a tonic oeeas o;ui I . nnd treses rc it 1 a pre'ty tonsideiab'e extent to im- part a bright hue to the complexion ami luster to Die eyes W hen once used for that purpose it must lv taken right alonr' or the onng lady will tind that not only lor 1.a z 1 i ng but her bodily cnei giosi w ill inch awa w ith inri edible epecd. llovso . aileri ku-- v : tbiag or two a'aiul ai-eai- e. and lii al-- o u-- o it. " " I or w hat pni pose? " "Take an old railroad bo, s t V at h heroine iouaeiated in the vi nice, or Imi'Io m il'iw ii inerr, and tios, Inni W illi ios,Mio iiinl, i (be aliie of a eteiinatv-siiiL't'o- n tor a few weckn lli- - nppciiie ill eeiiie to hint, his old hair wili du p tiT. nnd n m w oat will come nut, and the n'dnial will become : f i ol h s, ane n a year old. In the hoi-- e m ilket IkIh bound 1o biing n pi ice and l?o ceuutiman w ho bu " lont wili le ptoud of bia bargain al a- -t f- I a dav or , 'hen the ell. i t ol the dl Ug iln'J ouMl o le l 'e au a and ho inan ii iim ) en b "F Ml eteou a id u id i ' g i t I ' l a ' el y b III l"lil,ii ,u Mi tip; . ei j ! i. I 1 im 1 1 i i e i an bo lo d ' I 't I i ' M' I I e o i K !. ; 10 11 ilil (In i M' - o! !!" in li mo- - (lie ;i id 1'ivii i . i I . i . on i a i ' i i a t I a e 1 1 hm. i i a i I i : o iu Tt'i'i a ) a e . a nd t e b - o ! . o in I'; i e in-- i 1 i ni't bin i ' i i n i i ' e m ill tli'i 1 i i a i ii'iiri i I loe It a ' ' oi 1. 1 t i I. Il'at "eill" ren . i i ! i i r a i Mo a I pi e i ' at ion j pi coin? ?! tin it .. i i and tiii-- i jj ttatiinle a niM.i i;' i ioii ,.!' on - i a -- i s of lb i - b. o 1 tlop up tieiu lieie ti lime. ?M Oi ?'f w I'l. Ii o iiM 1 Oa , hut I I now ol ?o iii l u te ill In Ii the o!tell,t ? lett ived ihe i " i ni i no nt b ' niiiittd. At i "ie t .1 ! ou i Hi i ! c o i i on u 1 - u 1 ; in pain I i ii I o q audio i ol ? i n ' 1 1 i in in i " gs f t r a'l d l e; M: t If ,. Ilnii.; h u id be torpid t'V tl ' J!o:,nl ot beMi. The pit. lie I 'I'l' I mom li to taoa;e tin i? ntletl lilill i'l li :!i'; l!' lli' I nil I of le it (. li!'!i- - l'ii''i. rl i'l I i! t i 11 bi' h t he ptli ii II tn i nun a aluab'e a nt it handled With i i nti!'e tl.ill HARRY'S LUNCH K003LS HOTKI. STKKKT. steals at all Hours. Kti the Iteat ColVee. T- - ami t'hot-o-lat- o to be I" the City. Miifili and lllk every moriilng. A Change of Dinner Every Day! Hinvaiian Fertilizing Co. JIanufiU-turer- s of ami Dealers in Cane lertilizei"s r.ONF. MKAI-- S made to order ; STAIU.K MANl'UK, rotted and mixed, ON HAND AND FOR SALE In quantities to suit. A. F. COOKE, Manager. Faetory, Honolulu, II. 1. ltH-3- m The Jiiverpool and Lon- don and Globe IsSXJR.srCE CO ESTABLISHED 1636.1 Art4t4 4 0.OJO.000 Net Income Claims I'aitl rakH F.isl, against Loss or Dainaire by t ire on building. M icfaiu-ry- . Suir Mills, Dwellings And furniture, on the n.ost favor ible terms. IBisliop So Co. SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. Insurance effotJ upon every description of property at current rat-- a of premium. ToUl Sam Insured In lH5 327.3-'O,T0- Claims arraci?-- by the Local Agent., and paid with proinptitnde and liberality. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. 3Iaefarlane & Co. lin Asnt for Hawaiian Inlands. S. FOSTER & CO., WFIOLKSALK (illOCEIiS AND Purchasing Agknts. Sole Agents for S'imj'.vn' Toj--('a- n Ilrand Diamond Creamery BUTT Kit. j rfMfr.S CVA.VAWiMYA) fiTTTKl: LS j 1 of tlir: tn-- t ci'ialily, rn ulc nrn the liinin ari'l -- ystem cornr.iri'I. I'.i' k-- 'I in aci.'f.l tir,, ain'J arrarif--- ! to k.-- e in hot climates. 2G CHforri Hf, san Fi:ANC:i.-r:- o, CA . l. LEVY & SOX, Importer. Vr.oa Iie'liers and ('oniinissM'on Merclnuits In Foreign and Iorr.e.t!c j-- UriTM A N I I'KODfJCK. "e ire prepared to fill nr-!e- r of !J kind in rir ,,. in.l inie a yeilty in parking all ic ad of f rr.i t for Ion g dittanr rriirket. ila-J- r ifi if. NiiTid pitronaie ari;i receive .perlsl ttentl.n. ix nd V t)rir "t , 3a ft Franio. p. . P.ox 17 tj, n t.. MT;-rr- r.T., rronoi iia. 1 An' for Hinn IInd. I'KLIX OLLKUT, Ariistic Kntcnivcr 011 Wood Contracts T.xwtarl on Modf rato Terms. ! HII'I.OVfA. j A r'Y ! ' K "T If rft'fH !'-'- . -- '. . Apr;;, i l ed ':.. t:.!i-ii".- cf o fo'.ir.d tj ,.,;'',' ' srsv r ; r.d in all rc-).- c rj a j I..-;.- ' . H irj 'r Ur , N V g43f tr-- I. F.. f'.ro-r- j -- ; Mr?."- ti-t- t. ' irn ' Thanking the I bo lue at Honolulu from Kan Francisco, on ur about. Alameda May 11 Mariposa Jane 8 Zealaudia July G Alameda August 3 Mariposa August 31 Zealaudia September 28 Alameda October L'C Mariposa November 23 Zealaudia December 21 Leave Honolulu for Nan Fraiiclnco, ou or about. Mariposa May 4 Zealand ia June 1 Alameda June 29 Mariposa July 27 Zealandia August 24 Alameda , ..September 21 Mariposa . .. .October 19 Zealandia . . .November 16 Alameda ...December 14 TIME TABLE OF INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS - Uniutilia and Australia Leave San Francisco for Honolulu at. 1 2 o'clock noon, on F April 2( Friday May 24 Friday June 21 Friday July 19 Friday August 10 Friday . September 13 Friday 11 Leave Honolulu for San Francisco at 1 'i o'clock noon, on Friday Mry 10 Friday Je 7 Friday July 5 Friday Argust 2 Friday August 30 Friday September 27 Friday October 25 OMciidoifs Fertilizers THKO. H. DAVIKS & CO. Having been appointed SOLE AGENTS in (be Hawaiian Island-- ' for these Celebrated Fertilizers, are prepared to execute order for Dissolved Peruvian Guano, Special Cane .Manure, And the )ther it itifizer For Sugar Cane anil Fruit Trees Made by T 1 1 1; A Mil,' ST I N l",NT A L i .S(t W'OKKS (late )Jdfnd,rfTs). And to give U' b iiiformatioii cuiii'c ruing th" ;mif a may f repiired. A Quantity of Special Cane Man urn is now on hand, A nd a fn rther 'diipmcnt of tbii nrid of the Ii'ilv'd Peruvian 'oifuo ii due b-r- e in May. 71 dm 7I.C1 no J lard wan; Vak L'd. FoKf If iv .fof. f)ren'd New Lilies of (loodsj Whi h will rep iy invp' f f iofi. " 1 the Sab-aroom- on tho econd tlo'.r aro rnanv articb entirely now to t f i - nearkef Spc i,i J 'rood-- J ad Sp'ojal I'ri'f'H! I f ('i-eb- '.! I 'e.'jjft Far;" 'iri'fv ( orrilO' fc Lioe-- t F I i rd .if, i'rt' iU r i) hti)imi-fil"- , J .. I'l lo'atioo S'lppliea, Kero H'!H' Oil tti b"-- t 'pia I i t y . '(n Hu:r.'Uff: Co , L' , i2'l hl-- f Oorif;bjb. ' The new aud Ana Al ateel steamsUiv 99 Of ttt Ooeaule steamship Company, will be duw at Houluln froui Sydney and Auckland ou or about May lth, 1885), Au4 will leave for the above port with uialls and on or about that date. b'or treigbt or passage, having SVl'EKIOK ACCOM MO OATIONS. apply to Win. ti. Irwin & Co., A (IK NTS. For Sydney and Auckland. 1 he new and Hue A 1 ateel (steamship 99 Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Sau Fraucisco or or about May 11, 1889. Ami will have prompi dUpatcn with mails an aMfleUhers for the above porta. For freight or passage, having SCPKRIOR I IOXS, apply to Win. G. Irwin & Co., AOKNTrt Clans Spr-ckf- la Wm. O. Irwin. CLAUS SPllECKELS & CO., misoniu HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Kxchange on tle principal parol o the world. Will receive deposits oa open account, make collections and conduct a jfeneral hanking and frliiiiigf hiiMlneaa. repf)Sits hear'ng Interest rereiverl In the!r Sav In partfneijt subject to published rules and ntyjXtt nv I)ITQ! j 11 Ur PLANING MILL, ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. L.11 1 174 Teiepnonc T:;. II. G. CKAIJIiE, HAY & (iliAIN King Strekt, Honolulu, lipp, the old Police Station. ?.2-l- TIIKO. I". SUV EI? IN Photographer, (li taken the St:j lio f'.rrferly f.rrnpie.-- I i.v A. A. Montane, eorrc-- of KI VO and HK ! H'H , and ! prepared to tak I ,ir;t.iir3S in friy Stvl tT i't i fi done for A rinten rn t Cabinets 50 a doz. Work iifiraritwed. Kr.trfi -- e 00 V rt Jtrat. 1 ff Sleam (kiilv Fadorv A N l I A Iv lo I Pri' Mcil ( r,T'''ti'rr, I i.try f'r-'i'- f;Vf f!Kh ini I ! ion !- - I rrn rn vd ti - f i 71 Motol Htroofc. i Li 3 xcl 1 a 1 1 cl i . AfiKNTS tOli- - ! Koliala Snar Co., Uaikn Siifar Co., I'aia Plantation, l'apailion Sn;r Co. tr i:!s,n,';,i(:i . -.- l,71S.:t7i s.s;s.4.'t io.s4 i;m i.".?;." iv:; i-- 'i jaiblic for iast favors, remain respectfully mws, (ii:)! U. LINCOLN. iVi'i'luAcM.;. I '. 1 art i A I' ol,ol. Wa(e Maltcr. : I Ml. I '.' s Mil ti o .v. (. : Mil! TIM: IMWN ISIWIV ! C.) rV r 3 Ifouoiciin (. coils. ; 1 1 1 ' 1 Slice! Iron Woilt ll.VW.Vll.VX. . vzfrrE cv.. ' Mfrch. .t St., U. I. llouola'.u. lostortictf V3 O. -- Buslutss (Tards. L EWERS a COOKE, tSm:oeor3 to Lexers t'ifksou lutrler iul Il"r in Limiibfr AuJ 11 KiuJ of Building N . fOliY 'VREET. Uonolalu. J. ALFRED MAG00N, Vttoruev at - Law, il Merch viit Street, lloiolulu. ltf JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, IiiHorti-- r xud L'ralf c iu GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No.'iV U Q.ieen Street, Honol-alu- . ltf H. HACKFELD & CO , General Coinmis.sion Agents Ccr. Fort .t Qneen Std., Honolulu, ltf BEAVER SALOON, 1'ort Mrft, pMit Wilder A .. U. J. NuLTE, tUUFUIETOR. tirstclv-- a Lunches Srvcil witb T?. Coffee, mo-I- a Wtrr, Oiiijjcr Ale or Mlik. Mn roin :I . m. till lO j. ni. Xm.)&trs' I'.r ijuniv- - a i ilty. ltf R. W. FRAZER, MKUCHANT TA1L0IL ..r. ivi u i nd A!.ui sw., Honolulu. Modern- - cli.iri;- -. workn.aMshl p and a ei:t .it lar.iil'f'l. G E R MAN I A , MA R K ET. Otto. ii. t:rii', ... strvPi, Ifiiliilu. EEEF, MUTTOIT AND VEAL. fri-il- i iii, I'orlt, tilr., C.mntly 0:1 shipping served on short n. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Hteam .Kngines, K..ilrH, iinr Millt. ! r. Bran Hint I.kl "t i nw. And ir..i.-- n. ry of every description mvlw to or l.r 11 ir iffen-io- n ti hip hl.vtlr-,.;i;illia- ;. J:v, .v..r' exec'-.te.- l on the nhortem ltf Iio'.i-- THE ROYAL SALOON, .r. inwnn tiil JfTflmnJ trl rjnder the Management of K. II. "Wolter, K- -' ! n :ock a virJeiy of ?h 'et Wine. I.. i '..r. h-- -r in 1 cold :.ver on dri-ih- t at 1 ce u:- - p'r : Walker & Rnhvanl, 1 011 tractors A: 15uil(lers j.r:.-:- . Jton .ind IMiblin .fol.l.i.itf ITrtinpfl ,llftll P. (. t ' ! DAVIS & wii-dki:- . fo:.-- t -- ti::kt. I M I'O I IT '"- - I f. r ' JT rF I I ' S LIQUID MALT EXTliACT Contains all the nutritive virtues of the hel Malt Li-juor- whiK' ii i:; FULL fnm itll si inudat in;' etl'eets. -- o- - isro'i a The following analysis the p! po I i n f.f alcohol in the Mall Fxlract a. Com- pared with Malt Lipi 'i s : Faili14'' rM.'dl l r. . beer ( I'.pioklyn) Malt extrie I ( Wyctlt") Th' Manufael urei j, Mi k'ik. . Vi in A Ibto . I'idl.. have appointed SMITH A COM I 'ANY. it -- v -- L . ii: I'll ;j r,L. - . I r I , . N 7 w i I -- .".in SMl.i: t , J C) I I N rr fc$V. :.r 'Ft-- . . J - - --f ; cv r.: - SiovcM, Wiuxiyn ;hmI Plumbing, Tin, ropprr ,f'.,,.- -

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Page 1: PWBIB - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · cases of ar-euic-poisoning apear from time to time on the police records and be-fore coroner s juries renders an inquiry desirable

..I i .. C-- iT m m mm urir "1 Y"V1


VCW,i4H Oil ft i ii n VL' HT If i Th f ii v M & a NII HQ fl

P B fi B r b gH HI f 7 " r y Mr

- iO-- , U


business (Cards.POISOX CV THE TON.OK Til K



Australian Mail Service


8. N. CA8TLE. J. L A ! m.J:TUN. (j. P. CASTLE.V. A. bOWLN. i:i,V. V. TLNM.V.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Com mission Merchants,


I'aeilic Commercial Advertiser

IS l'l'DLlSUK"

Kum v Mornini: Kxeet Sumlays,

At No. Hi Merchant M.

SL'li.Ss.-ua'1'lON- :

SO 0Vailx V. C. ALvi.iin.tu.oiie yr.r

an mouths J W,, jrnniultj 0

..... 5 w)WritLY U.(uiAsO.'.vics.ouej"t

tortMu w

l'uyttble lnriIl li huv.


Gro liel 'al-- ALSO,

(irove lUuch PlautAtion,K. Kalriteud'H Plantation.

A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, K.inai,G. F. Islake's Steam puiiim.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etn Fire Insurance (To, of Hartford.

The New England MntUH Lift- Insurance Co , of P.oston.D. Weston's Patent Centrif ual Machines.

The New York aud Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and Sun Francisco.

Dr. Jayue s Sons Celehrited Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, IJt'niiuton and Wbotdcr & Wilson

smwiis c 1 .vcni 1 :s .

Tlie Equitable .Life Assurance SocietyOF- - THE UN"J.TKD STATES.

Stands First Among tlie Leading Lifs Assurance Companies of tlis World

In Outstanding Assuram-o- , iii New Bainoss, in Surplus, in Total Income,in Premium Iiu-ome- , in the annual liu-iva- s in Surplus and

Assets, in the l'erecntae of Ar-sel- s to 1 ialilities,and in all other Important KesiH-t-ls- .

Assets. Dec. 31, : : : SaUTOl o.Outstanding AssuranceNew UusineHS of 1n.s7Surplus (4 percent. SlandardiIncrease In Surplus dnrinu the Venr.Increase in Assets during the War...Total IncomeI'reiiiiuiu IncomeI'erceutage of Assets to Idubilities. . .

A Careful Study of the above Proves Coneliisively that the r.quitahle Societyis the must Prolltable and Seeure Life Assurance

Coiiipany for inteiidimr Assurer.



tractor, and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of workappertaining to contracting d any other class of work belonjiin to his trade, inthe same jjood and workmanlike manner as heretofre ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be nit runted to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, ai.d at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doinu at all is woith doinu well.



A Small Amount I'scd for MedicinalPurpose Ar.xcnic Aci.l the Iit

1'rei.crrcr of I abric and ColorsAMiat Hore-lcaler- s Du.

New York Ilera'd.lThere are imported annually in this

city from Cornwall. Kngland. tind fromthe mines of Austria. Hungary, and Bo-hemia, about 1,(K0 kegs of arsenic, whicha entire pouudsof weight eiick.I'hysieians say that a dose of two and ahalf grains of arenioab acid is retty cer-tain 10 prove lutaL A little sample figur-ing will therefore show that if the impor-tations of a single 3"car were divided upinto e ual portions correprn ling iunumber with the number of inhabitantsin the I nited States, and each man.woman, and child took one of those por-tions on a given day, human life wouldon that day cease to exi?t in the territor3now eoered by the stars and fetrijH.'. Inrecent years the importation hies rapidlyincreased, and the fact that numerouscases of ar-euic- poisoning apear fromtime to time on the police records and be-

fore coroner s juries renders an inquirydesirable as to the purposes to which theenormous shipments of this deadly min-eral are apolied.

A report r vidted several of the greatdrug importing houses, and consultedchemits iu reference to this matter. Alltidmilted that the quantity of arsenicused for medicinal purposes is iuignifi-(int- ,

and that the bulk of the importationis used for manufacturing, preserving,decorating and beautifying purposes-Som- e

of ihe chemisis while, expressing adesire not to be quoted, freely admittedthat health and life were being end.tu-gere- d

by a too free introduction of thepoison into articles of cveryda' use,

A chemist who is engaged in the serv-ices of ;ne of our leading importinghouses, and who is an acknowledged authoritv amcng his brethren, said; lt isno secret that the careless aud unskillfulhandling of arsenic and arsenical prepara-tions result, in serious illness and in heavyloss of life eery year. "

"Is it not a fact that arsenic m oneshape or another is making inroads intofashionable households vtar after year?"

"This can net be disputeti. Arsenicacid is the very best preserver not only offabrics, but ot colors, and it is but naturalthat decorators shculd take some Tisks inusing it. In many of our fashionablemansions the bright colors on the wallaare made fast by arsenic; the same mavlo saiil of the carpets and tapestries, analof the gaudy, tinted robes which have afascination for some young ladies, "

"Dees the presence ot arsenic in anapartment necessarily imply that it mustbe an unhealthy place of abode?"

"Not of necessity; still, 1 myself wouldnt care to sleep in such a room. Odorsmay be ghen out that are sure to sickenihe'stomaeh if the work is unskillful lydone. In my opinion this accounts for agood deal of the debility and nervous ail-ments that pr. a 1 in fashionable circleshere ami elsewhere, tuite 'recently awoman lot her eyesight in tins citywhile cleaning n carpet that was found tohao its colors fastened with arsenic. 1do not believe any physician would main-tain that it was proj r to place such acarpel for ue in any room. "

"Are the dangers of using arsenic prep-arations fully recognized hy the manu-facturers who ue llicm "

"They certainly should 1C; there is noexcuse tor ignorance in a matter of thiskind. It is our business to import andH'll our goods tinder proper safeguards;alter that all our spousibility ends. "

"A re there dangers in the preparation ofthe article for the market. "

"1 l.e preparation of arsoniou acid is amost hazardous cupation. The work-men employed genera!!' tlie. Vforo the.age of ot and their mean term of liferuns from i.D to 15.) years. They are com-pelled to avoid alcoholic drinks, and tolie pri; a ipa'lv on leguminous vegetables,w Alt plenty of butler, laking very littleniea. and that fat. To each man twoglasses of olive oil are administered daily. "

. "Tn what extent is the drug used as amed cllie, . -

"A ery small fraction insertiion is us, , ,r ilial pmposc 'K'i h

,1'(''a; a tonic oeeas o;ui I

. nnd treses rcit 1 a pre'ty tonsideiab'e extent to im-part a bright hue to the complexion amiluster to Die eyes W hen once used forthat purpose it must lv taken right alonr'or the onng lady will tind that not onlylor 1.a z 1 i n g but her bodilycnei giosi w ill inch awa w ith inri edibleepecd. llovso . aileri ku-- v : tbiag ortwo a'aiul ai-eai- e. and lii al-- o u-- o it. "

" I or w hat pni pose? "

"Take an old railroad bo, s t V at hheroine iouaeiated in the vi nice, orImi'Io m il'iw ii inerr, and tios, Inni W illiios,Mio iiinl, i (be aliie of a eteiinatv-siiiL't'o- n

tor a few weckn lli- - nppciiieill eeiiie to hint, his old hair wili du p

tiT. nnd n m w oat will come nut, andthe n'dnial will become : f i ol h s, ane n a

year old. In the hoi-- e m ilket IkIhbound 1o biing n pi ice and l?oceuutiman w ho bu " lont wili le ptoudof bia bargain al a- -t f- I a dav or ,

'hen the ell. i t ol the dl Ug iln'J ouMl ole l 'e au a and ho inan ii iim )

en b"F Ml eteou a id u id i ' g i t I ' l a ' el y

b III l"lil,ii ,uMi tip; . ei j ! i. I 1 i m 1 1 i i e i an bo

lo d ' I 't I i ' M' I I e o i K !. ; 10 11

ilil (In i M' - o! !!" in li mo- - (lie ;i id1'ivii i . i I . i . on i a i ' i i a t I a e 1 1 hm.i i a i I i : o iu Tt'i'i a ) a e . a nd t e b

- o ! . o in I'; i e in-- i 1 i ni't bini ' i i n i i ' e m ill tli'i 1 i i a i ii'iirii I loe It a ' ' oi 1. 1 t i I. Il'at "eill" ren

. i i ! i i r a i Mo a I pi e i ' at ion j picoin? ?! tin it .. i

i and tiii-- i jj ttatiinlea niM.i i;' i ioii ,.!' on - i a -- i s of lb i - b. o 1

tlop up tieiu lieie ti lime. ?M Oi ?'fw I'l. Ii o iiM 1 Oa , hut I I now ol ?oiii l u te ill In Ii the o!tell,t ? lett ivedihe i " i ni i no nt b ' niiiittd. At i "ie t

.1 ! o u i Hi i ! c o i i on u 1 - u 1 ; in pain I

i ii I o q audio i ol ? i n ' 1 1 i in in i " g s f t ra'l d l e; M: t If ,. Ilnii.; h u id betorpid t'V tl ' J!o:,nl ot beMi. The

pit. lie I 'I'l' I mom li to taoa;e tin i? ntletllilill i'l li :!i'; l!' lli' I nil I of le it (.li!'!i- - l'ii''i. rl i'l I i! t i 11 b i' h t he ptli ii IItn i nun a aluab'e a nt it handled With

i i nti!'e tl.ill


steals at all Hours.Kti the Iteat ColVee. T- - ami t'hot-o-lat- o

to be I" the City.

Miifili and lllk every moriilng.

A Change of Dinner Every Day!

Hinvaiian Fertilizing Co.

JIanufiU-turer- s of ami Dealers in

Cane lertilizei"sr.ONF. MKAI-- S made to order ;

STAIU.K MANl'UK, rotted and mixed,

ON HAND AND FOR SALEIn quantities to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager.Faetory, Honolulu, II. 1. ltH-3- m

The Jiiverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


Art4t4 4 0.OJO.000Net IncomeClaims I'aitl

rakH F.isl, against Loss or Dainaire by t ireon building. M icfaiu-ry- . Suir Mills, DwellingsAnd furniture, on the n.ost favor ible terms.

IBisliop So Co.


Established 1710.Insurance effotJ upon every description of

property at current rat-- a of premium.

ToUl Sam Insured In lH5 327.3-'O,T0-

Claims arraci?-- by the Local Agent., and paidwith proinptitnde and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. 3Iaefarlane & Co.lin Asnt for Hawaiian Inlands.



Purchasing Agknts.

Sole Agents for

S'imj'.vn' Toj--('a- n Ilrand

Diamond Creamery


j1 of tlir: tn-- t ci'ialily, rn ulc nrn theliinin ari'l -- ystem cornr.iri'I.

I'.i' k-- 'I in aci.'f.l tir,, ain'Jarrarif--- ! to k.-- e in hot climates.

2G CHforri Hf,

san Fi:ANC:i.-r:- o, CA .

l. LEVY & SOX,Importer. Vr.oa Iie'liers and

('oniinissM'on MerclnuitsIn Foreign and Iorr.e.t!c

j-- UriTM A N I I'KODfJCK.

"e ire prepared to fill nr-!e- r of !J kind inrir ,,. in.l inie a yeilty in parking allic ad of f rr.i t for Ion g dittanr rriirket.

ila-J- r ifi if. NiiTid pitronaie ari;i receive .perlslttentl.n.

ix nd V t)rir "t , 3a ft Franio.p. . P.ox 17 tj,

n t.. MT;-rr- r.T., rronoi iia.1 An' for Hinn IInd.


Ariistic Kntcnivcr 011 Wood

Contracts T.xwtarl on Modf ratoTerms. !


A r'Y ! ' K "T If rft'fH !'-'-. --'.. Apr;;, i

l ed ':.. t:.!i-ii".- cf o fo'.ir.d tj,.,;'',' ' srsv r ; r.d in all rc-).- c rj a j

I..-;.- ' . H irj ' r Ur , N V

g43f tr-- I. F.. f'.ro-r- j

--; Mr?."- ti-t- t. ' irn '

Thanking theI


lue at Honolulu from Kan Francisco,on ur about.

Alameda May 11

Mariposa Jane 8

Zealaudia July G

Alameda August 3Mariposa August 31

Zealaudia September 28

Alameda October L'C

Mariposa November 23Zealaudia December 21

Leave Honolulu for Nan Fraiiclnco, ouor about.

Mariposa May 4

Zealand ia June 1

Alameda June 29Mariposa July 27

Zealandia August 24

Alameda , ..September 21

Mariposa . .. .October 19

Zealandia . . .November 16

Alameda ...December 14



- Uniutilia and Australia

Leave San Francisco for Honolulu at. 1 2o'clock noon, on

F April 2(

Friday May 24

Friday June 21Friday July 19

Friday August 10

Friday . September 13Friday 11

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco at 1 'io'clock noon, on

Friday Mry 10Friday Je 7Friday July 5Friday Argust 2Friday August 30Friday September 27Friday October 25

OMciidoifs Fertilizers


Having been appointed SOLE AGENTSin (be Hawaiian Island-- ' for these

Celebrated Fertilizers, areprepared to execute

order for

Dissolved Peruvian Guano,

Special Cane .Manure,

And the )ther it itifizer

For Sugar Cane anil Fruit Trees

Made by

T 1 1 1; A Mil,' ST I N l",NT A Li .S(t W'OKKS (late )Jdfnd,rfTs).

And to give U' b iiiformatioii cuiii'c ruingth" ;mif a may f repiired.

A Quantity of Special Cane Man urn

is now on hand,

A nd a fn rther 'diipmcnt of tbii nrid of theIi'ilv'd Peruvian 'oifuo ii due b-r- e inMay. 71 dm

7I.C1 noJ lard wan; Vak L'd.


If iv .fof. f)ren'd

New Lilies of (loodsjWhi h will rep iy invp' f f iofi.

" 1 the Sab-aroom- on tho econdtlo'.r aro rnanv articb entirely now tot f i - nearkef

Spc i,i J 'rood-- J ad Sp'ojal I'ri'f'H!

I f ('i-eb- '.! I 'e.'jjft Far;" 'iri'fv

( orrilO' fc Lioe-- t

F I i rd .if, i'rt' iU r i) hti)imi-fil"- ,

J .. I'l lo'atioo S'lppliea, KeroH'!H' Oil tti b"-- t 'pia I i t y .

'(n Hu:r.'Uff: Co , L' ,

i2'l hl-- f Oorif;bjb. '

The new aud Ana Al ateel steamsUiv


Of ttt Ooeaule steamship Company, will be duwat Houluln froui Sydney and Auckland

ou or about

May lth, 1885),

Au4 will leave for the above port with uialls andon or about that date.

b'or treigbt or passage, having SVl'EKIOKACCOM MO OATIONS. apply to

Win. ti. Irwin & Co.,A (IK NTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

1 he new and Hue A 1 ateel (steamship


Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from Sau Fraucisco

or or about

May 11, 1889.Ami will have prompi dUpatcn with mails an

aMfleUhers for the above porta.For freight or passage, having SCPKRIOR

I IOXS, apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co.,AOKNTrt

Clans Spr-ckf- la Wm. O. Irwin.



Draw Kxchange on tle principal parol o theworld.

Will receive deposits oa open account, makecollections and conduct a jfeneral hanking and

frliiiiigf hiiMlneaa.

repf)Sits hear'ng Interest rereiverl In the!r SavIn partfneijt subject to published rules and ntyjXtt



L.11 1 174 Teiepnonc T:;.


HAY & (iliAIN

King Strekt, Honolulu,

lipp, the old Police Station. ?.2-l-


Photographer,(li taken the St:j lio f'.rrferly f.rrnpie.-- I i.v A. A.

Montane, eorrc-- of KI VO and HK ! H'H ,

and ! prepared to tak

I ,ir;t.iir3S in friy StvltT i't i fi done for A rinten rn t

Cabinets 50 a doz. Work iifiraritwed.

Kr.trfi -- e 00 V rt Jtrat. 1 ff

Sleam (kiilv FadorvA N l

I A Iv lo I

Pri' Mcil ( r,T'''ti'rr, I i.try f'r-'i'- f;Vff!Kh ini I ! ion !- - I rrn rn vd ti - f


71 Motol Htroofc. i

Li 3 xcl 1 a 1 1 cl i .AfiKNTS tOli--

! Koliala Snar Co.,Uaikn Siifar Co.,

I'aia Plantation,l'apailion Sn;r Co.


i:!s,n,';,i( .



io.s4i;m i.".?;."

iv:; i-- 'i

jaiblic for iast favors,remain respectfully mws,

(ii:)! U. LINCOLN.


I '. 1 art i

A I' ol,ol. Wa(eMaltcr.

: I Ml. I

'.' s Milti o .v. (.


! C.) rV r


Ifouoiciin (. coils.

; 1 1 1 ' 1 Slice! Iron Woilt

ll.VW.Vll.VX. . vzfrrE cv..' Mfrch. .t St.,

U. I.llouola'.u.lostortictf V3 O.

--Buslutss (Tards.


tSm:oeor3 to Lexers t'ifksou

lutrler iul Il"r in Limiibfr

AuJ 11 KiuJ of Building

N . fOliY 'VREET. Uonolalu.


Vttoruev at - Law,il Merch viit Street, lloiolulu. ltf


IiiHorti-- r xud L'ralf c iu

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.No.'iV U Q.ieen Street, Honol-alu- . ltf


General Coinmis.sion Agents

Ccr. Fort .t Qneen Std., Honolulu, ltf

BEAVER SALOON,1'ort Mrft, pMit Wilder A ..


tirstclv-- a Lunches Srvcil witb T?. Coffee,mo-I- a Wtrr, Oiiijjcr Ale or Mlik.

Mn roin :I . m. till lO j. ni.Xm.)&trs' I'.r ijuniv- - a i ilty. ltf


MKUCHANT TA1L0IL..r. ivi u i nd A!.ui sw., Honolulu.

Modern- - cli.iri;- -. workn.aMshl p and aei:t .it lar.iil'f'l.


Otto. ii. t:rii', ...strvPi, Ifiiliilu.

EEEF, MUTTOIT AND VEAL.fri-il- i iii, I'orlt, tilr.,

C.mntly 0:1 shipping served on shortn.


Hteam .Kngines,K..ilrH, iinr Millt. ! r. Bran

Hint I.kl "t i nw.And ir..i.-- n. ry of every description mvlw toor l.r 11 ir iffen-io- n ti hip hl.vtlr-,.;i;illia- ;.

J:v, .v..r' exec'-.te.- l on the nhortemltfIio'.i--


.r. inwnn tiil JfTflmnJ trlrjnder the Management of

K. II. "Wolter,K- -' ! n :ock a virJeiy of ?h 'et Wine.I.. i '..r. h-- -r in 1 cold :.ver on dri-ih- t at

1 ce u:- - p'r :

Walker & Rnhvanl,


011 tractors A: 15uil(lersj.r:.-:- . Jton .ind IMiblin

.fol.l.i.itf ITrtinpfl ,llftllP. (. t ' !

DAVIS & wii-dki:- .

fo:.--t --ti::kt.

I M I'O I IT '"-- I f.

r ' JT rF I I ' S

LIQUID MALT EXTliACTContains all the nutritive virtues of the hel Malt Li-juor- whiK' ii i:; FULL

fnm itll si inudat in;' etl'eets.-- o-

-isro'i aThe following analysis the p! po I i n f.f alcohol in the Mall Fxlract a. Com-

pared with Malt Lipi 'i s :

Faili14'' rM.'dl l r. .

beer ( I'.pioklyn)Malt extrie I ( Wyctlt")

Th' Manufael urei j, Mi k'ik. . Vi in A Ibto . I'idl.. have appointed


it -- v --L .

ii: I'll ;jr,L. - . Ir I , .

N 7 w i

I -- .".in SMl.i: t ,

J C) I I Nrr


:.r 'Ft-- .

. J - - --f; cv r.: -

SiovcM, Wiuxiyn ;hmI

Plumbing, Tin, ropprr

,f'.,,.- -

Page 2: PWBIB - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · cases of ar-euic-poisoning apear from time to time on the police records and be-fore coroner s juries renders an inquiry desirable


Ir S. . Imatilla. an t racci.f , April The Fir-- t fam of the avi-- B rill Ian t

REMOVAL !in C.liffiunof the Trnton- -

ha, th ....!.-.- . for a cop; of th .Sam-,a- Tim-- - of Ai-ri- l b'h fr-.- m which


Grand Opening ofEuropean & American

Only in potcr.-'A--l utr. led the inari- -

meiSESS: a. Ieil cf rx.-ellt.-u- t freshthe .'.hunor.-i- . TLe Kameh- -

n.-r- .j, ..h-j.jl.-,- jra .r team, hive intro-- 1

:cei a ! au'l catcher readyrnA.:e to the arena. Thie score w.os--,

v-- r. a;.; tv ;ti Cwn tale:K HF.HAMEK A. GroodsDrv and. LKaiicy

th 4 arecoL-L-r- .

Th- - U. S. S. .Mor.or.,;ah.. Command-- r i. K. Winy-at-- . arrival atAr .a fr.m San i'rano;-c- o on Satr

;.v. Ar.r:. 'h. .m- - r.ot erter- " -

t:. but an o.I:c-- r on-- r. - t t..- - Admiral, ami ;

t ' lav -- ailI f vr I'ajroh'.rhor, th United .States coal- -

J :nn- - tn- - fortr.;,':.t pr-c-- i:n of th- - Tir:- -. th- - h-'-a-

j-.- s of th- - U. S. S Tr-nt- on had! -- n tak-- n a-- h .r- - A r:?;mh-- r of

r tin 1- -r Chi'-- St:a:nantafar.,i th.- - sail ,rs. to th.- - ;.crr,r:i- -

- f 1. ' 1 I !

-r-'.-r,;,! l.:tr.d from Trenton

J Tin.- -, -- av- "th- - nativ- to

N T. R. B.H. A. F.

.r. i5 . i ..I . 4 J7 i "i H 4 1


r - r . 4 3 e 0A. L..-Ue- . r.f.. '.33101... 7 3 1 o 0 '"

-- " !.. 4 4 2 .


. '

.i i r.j.. ....... , 12 0 0 0

T. - -1 . -.. -- i o o

. wi:oh- - l and The advance has been steadyr j tt;.- - 'i- - r. - pr-rit- . j' V-- "' --

..jt a to th 'Tr-- n ton's ard an 1 .seerns likely to p. 7r r'


-- :o

gUT N r.- -n and after May

our lrvs;nakin: ll.-ms- .

h 7h 'h.:-.;-;.---- ; :

h 7" " ! - rT" 1;- v



Ginivr Ale,




oX'UiL-A-. ho.voll'lt;.

' ' r. at tie- - U :.A! ;!.! I J i..-- . ,. ,, . J tt . T a . r. ;,;, ( j ( , '.;

ta'.-.i- Yo ;,-- .,


V i -

r ... J1.-- -:

I, '..i. i. . i

.i ; i i ; t.'i- -


! i .';.! I i . It.- - I. i ...

LoiiKr.'. a. r.f.' i: ''',M,...-f-- r

I ; r.or . Aj.'.I I".. -- '.

J.' .7-- t l


lc Iff t. .'. !

'n Til1' f:-i- 'A V . May .". -- ar 12' ! k t.'.'.i., af th- - ir-.rj- t atri;:.- - .f

a ( i i'.i n i ll. iii-- , 'a til in- - -- ti.i ,i t p.,:,;.- a 'j -t. .M. l.t- - M, , ai, '.". r;. (,:,;: .t,i,..

Ti:i:.fs i. ;,r ii v.- - v.Mr- -

y ' ' ' "'. ;

li 'I 'il , pa v.i.i i' -- 'tu i .in Ji.ii....i ifi a'Ivit;i-

'' x- J1'1 -"l. j

Mu.i-U- T of tie- - Irif. rior. I

Ino-rio- r or!, . v. 1 1 1 t j

"r 'i;irk l ll.tii.t-- , Miiiin. !'

I ill n.;

..,...-.- . m i.em.y vr:v-t-, that th- - tiie :- -r j teiel. r- - :.,r th.- N-- .v Mark.--' " '. 'i'i 'i in

t . .........i'. , .m;iv "., lift, nl IJ .. i j., k i' u. j


Miui-f.-- r ..f tie- - Ino-rior- .

Ii.'.-rio- r Oili-e- . April 2?. j

Ir2..,t l.oi




' ' 7i '"',r ' M r' '

Illt'lM 1 lV r II. 1 II. In. ,......... l I -- tl.t-r M l.l, I- ... ,,,




The Water used in preparing their Goxls being purified by the

"HYATT FFU1-- : WATER SYSTEM,"1-i-T In operation in the Hawaiian Islands in their Establishment only "

7s--tf .

2;, ino.

The Sij;--- r MarketThe Tru-s- t has Lee en- -

deav ,rir,2 to "hear" the market brthe situation is too strong for them.Stock-- s have L-- en farther reduced.and holders have less disposition to

.'i4 . . In Xf?w York, Jl t Ai.'J e we-- a . snrrdv an-- i tner,.:i..0r. is at hand during hich the

consumption taks piace.Total stocks in the world arnrt to

.C.j .-

-. tons which is 'SiZ.') tens',--s tnan a vear a-- o.

In L-.l- the market for bv 0 S u "

,r. r o i f.-,- . rr;If.--- d

lirj- -. 4h!. for 3la ery. Raw SU- -

?,'ar now Lisrh- -r than the high-- st

I"int toucLei in 12 which wa-- , 7.42cents p-- r pound. At present pric-- si.'. it ml! ri.riv t :.oi !t- - ill totoll r.r their U'ar. which wai av.

i r:.i-iiCLM- v UiUf LO: Hi OI

inaintain-.- l. n.-tii:-.- l Lav.-- 'fully with the- - iuavk- -t

for raw- -, and granulat.-- d is nowquoted at b n per pound iu SanTran-i-co- . The cargo of sugar toLand per "W. (i. Irwin" was th- -

nr.--.t to th i .4 1 hfi-- s.

Th New Y Ol'fC Shipiig List of.vpru say me sinsation in

.the country is singularly the direct hup. nation ofsugar ior sale m this market Labeen almost abarnlonf-- d and accord-ingly retiners have ben oblig-- l toenter jrolacing markets in competi- -

tion with buyers from oth-rcohsi- im ;

ing countries in order to secure thirneces-ar- y supplies, while holders Jappreciating the advantageous po-- i-

tion that they occupy, have held!their slocks with stubbornness. I

Still another feature that has been!very disappointing to buyers i- - the j

bring OUt the more liberal supplies j

upon wbieb they c,??,l,nt!vIn Cuba some asking!as high as 5 cents for 'Jo' centri- - i

iiigais. inis is equivalent to ashade more than 8 cents in NewY'ork. If the present European j

prices are maintained, then 8 cents !

will have yet to be paid in New I

York. j

ForeiRii .nair.Princess Charlotte Eugenia Angus- -

tine Amelia Abertine. sister of theKin of Sweden, is dead. She wasxm on April 24. lSiO.

The doctors who are in attendanceupon the King of the Netherlands!-- av that if his Maiestv'.s nre-e- nl

favorable svmptDms continue he will i

able to resume his duties as;.sovereign within a few weeks.

Severe snowstorms are reported mCJ 1 t , . - ft! - i. .. 1 ll ,rjueni.t. x ae scorms nave atieigreatlv to the distress caused bv the

- S ij . i "recent noous.


IVotice of Meeting. i




V N AD.JmFUNFH MKF.TIN; mF THFn!"'k,i",,!;U'r; 'e Wahuku Mltrar C...

the ofljieot t . UreWer.t:0. on .Monday, May oth. at i o'. i. k p. i

in. A full attendaiu-- - .h-ir- e.l a- - hiisi- - j

ru "f '"T'ortaK.e - to i,e eot.-i.lere- .l. )

V. V. H A 1.1.1 Jos-I- t Io.;-t- d Secret a rv.

Kemoval Notice.l

b. SMITH HAS UFMoYFH Hisiin thn ylrlntVTe ui0,.k-- i.t helow

Woiiicr .V Co'- -, Fort street, when- - he will j

.erye his eu-tote- rs hi- - j

te-- store is finished. 1'hi-v- v

" i I

1ST OT'l. C 'hi.

1 I.I. FAUITES Win AUK INDKIU.','1. '"LtAli Ul

tUed;.ite -- ettlenietit. Le-- al a. ti..n. will he' - accounts which remain unpaid

NOT1CI':.T5 !': .M A" r;;K VM A i ENT .F

,t:' '. '.rk,M:',:. 1Vv:l-- "!' j"trespen-ioi- c tor .nuts oi tue raw,.;.

Honolulu. A;-r:- ; :'.o. ;ss;i. 1 w

XOTICErpHK ANNUAL ME FT I Nil OF THEFirst 1 vision of the L'htiek.F.e.i !M, -cation. ii Soeietv will he IteNi at !i.-

;ncev.i II. It. H. Frite-- ss L;h id ;,tWashington Fia.-e- . W KiNKiAY...a una. .it o c.ckk. p. no, t.-- e.eeti.--o'.hcers for tiie A full atendance is i i nested

!!: it h;i;:!;.

i. i v ! iU.llli Lj It Iv. WILDKIL

--iV ttorneval-L;tw- .

0,n i. Honoluhi Hah-- . Mereh.s.-.- t ;

AX1K1(L VV IAXm.33oiitists.

.. "CA UTIFP i AI 1 ho l ii

o :a ...'.it- ; ; . t ; re ! :

i.etttd 'OlT. : . i i ; , . -

'n".vn hr.'ue a' 'u- .


s, r,- -

.tlnilolllh ,li;d th at. 'A e 1 t C;Phyl i ' '" i : .it t . A , . i - i

i. .n per.on.K i .jccu-ia:.- . .;;i ;),,.i"i',-r.- ' i

. ti.i ..i,o ; ; i o s.e. tn . x r r... 0,1 u ,:i:,:;r p, ,., :., r!ll..,4:0,4s :.:,. ims.

T lieUi slrtvti riCj.-lo.ti- : r ;tllH;,


Have the:- - Factory to

Colbttm's Fire -- proof Building,

KICG STEEET,Near M j :: akr.t :rrt.


AVill Openla the Now P.r:..k Bui: :i: c.-n- r Mer-chai- :t

ai.i Nuuanu ?trt-rt?-

On Thursday, 31av Dtlu

O ' L.i.--e o".'-'- Dir'.tnirr'X1:: uj.t.t

Eest Bill of Fare iL Honolulu.

hop o r co.I'H-'-r- .

:THEHISDONIron and Locomotive Vorks,

Comer of lea! s-- l fl jWiri streets,

t'ram ic alifornitV. HTAVIaK I'raSiect '

s. . . .s-.i- r:uteiidt.t

Builders of Steam MaMiinervi

In Ail Its braccbes.steimSoit, Steamship. Lan 1 tctcs i Boil

Hijh Pressure or Coiu 4.juiiJ.STEAM VESSELS of ail kiihli hui It coifitlete. '

witfc hulia ot wooJ, truD or toni-osne- .

OP.DISAKY F.NOINLS. coil-- i ounid hen d- - I

visible.STEAM LAUNCHES, Kari1 anil stram oon- -

sirr..-.t.;- a wnn io il rrae in wlicd j

th. ar to te era; loved, !, loaa, ilJnmiJe aft. ti.e ui.,,t aj-- roved j un. aiso,u

Boiler Iron Uorii couun'tt.1 therewith.WaTEB PIPE, of Boiler oi het Iron, of anj

size, made 1 n aaitaMe lengths f.-- r con ii:titi(i '

t.jiCethr. or Sheets rolied, j uuehed ind jackedfor snipiiieiit, read to be riveted ou tLe !

ground. i

UYDKAULIC RIVETIN'i, Boiler V.'ork and Water '

Pij es made by this estatUishtuctt. rivete.i !

hydraulic n veti machi ctj , that fjualityo j

work hein? far snj..erir.r to hand virk.SHIP WuRK, Ship aiid Steam Ctfftaua, Steaoi !

Winches, Air and Circulating piiiiiys, iia.le j

after the most approved plana.SOLE Amenta and minufaoturer fur the Pacifi.

Coast of the Urine Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pniups for irrigation or ;

city worts' i.nrt oe, batlt wKh the celebrated i

Iavy Vilve Motion, superior to any i


.JOHN 1IVKK II OIlul 111 It41-:S- m Room No. a, upstairs, S re.-kei- a" Bhx-k- .

FOR SALE.w The Ltirsie EstatelM. !


Known a.

KA1IUKU, KAUIslar'.l of Hawaii.

Contains ltf-- l .000 Acr

CSF Applv to J. U. CAUTFU.72 133-t- f




Wi,i:,,:;l t''r;:r ::::::rlrthe I'aw.y Aio liiiiisiiii

I i

:o. 46 Merchant St

A few doors at Iroin Fort St.

The Te'ephuie number will re- -Mi '.m ..s iotn,, ily, S3 in both cjiiipauies.

1 he i oani i iu will be on the !ii!:io...r, and ail orders for l't ii.tin or Find- -i t fa' of any kind. r f..r ad ei ; wn,.isanat

All onlt-r- s irotn the oih,-- r prmtiu;.', advert iMneiit- - or

ui'-- ci ipti-itts- . !.. ad.iress-- to

Hawaiian ;.xi:tt!; co.,!E .M. W 111 ! sky .

hl-jue- s. p u:.-i-er-.

IV'ii't foreet the numner, jf

j .t 1,,-w- s paragraph it is stated thatKmmmmmi irKi, Fri.:r. . . w ... iri.I. I Mataafa has sent orders to Savaii for

' his men to return to Apia immedi- -. nun F. Ilaniio.-i- v I,.. --, Kitu tr. t. j atly. This is in consequence of re--''

'"' I ports that Germany is sending freshY. M. A. F.of.kki pii,i' . la-- -, 7 p .tu. j warships to take revenge on the Sa-Mi.n- i.

-- Hawaiian . ". ,v A . M.. ! moans for (b-rma- sailors killed ini'M-e,- , an. I li.ft street-- . 7 :::n p. in. j !;ittlf). 'l'h Times suggests, if the

i i iiim - Monthly m.-- . rii, ;.j Samouns an to quietly inan-- l Imh-eth- . . r- -, 7 :'t p.m. i lle-i- r home-i- , the declaration of waro a jnt. wilcox.

15th, MIS CLAKK will have charge of1-- tf

I'aeilic Hardware Co., L'dIlonolala,

special olid Zteei IT(VQ fFianter- - T IlUiLO .

New Styles ot Plows,Invoice .Flint At Hand.

H l.l. LINtS or

icoltiira! Inplements.


F.x .hio. I. r.r-we- r. L'matilla, V.ll. Pini.wi.I. Alex. ifcNtill

autl o. N. Wilcox.'orre-pomlen- ce will receive

preiiifr an.1 eartul attention.12''l 57-- y


Cream Soda,

riain Soda,

.Mineral Waters,


f111 AlfTlV 1i I

same lor sa e if

- f;Tn

of business :

eroperiv a.ihisted.reiurns ntmle.

rm-- t Aiiructt. of Titles furnishedii,;ioii , .w:i,. .1. ... ,r v. ..nam u aim nanuiumely

n ' lI'is Kingdom


i i.' ai'iisuers.


29 125trtf

Daily p. C. Advertiser

Having JUST RECEIVED ex above vessel a Consign-ment of

k : T.AM.

H. A . E.

r.n.-i.t- .. j.. .

! ' 3 i o j ii1,'';.1" 3 1 12 4

m ! 7r.-rr-- 7 .' ."

T'--t ' :,1

.1 4 5 7 - 0 ;

K ..'!:.!!. eh ' " 1 1 2 2 7 ; 3K.::.; I 1 .j ti if 1 f t


L:r;:.--i It.ii; fhi;,th t, I'':T'.v- - 1 Hir I;iV;,.Th r.-- p. H.r a. EarthsJL :;. K .r.--- A. Liwt!j.

; PI. iv K;r..-hanirh.i- . 1.I'..i.r ..M E dl i!v Iavi. t : hv H..!.


i,i F.t.nPav;..2; Hoick. 4.fin,- - ..f O .in. e i wo h...tir- I

mpir 'i.-,.- . i..!il;ia!l..r.-r-J- . V. Winter.

r" "





WMhj 1

hlltlTUlllllllCIl t !!


l . AT. (7 J - 1-- Fn 1 1j

a L',.. r--UOllUaj eiUll, Aia U


"Vf'rtlir' Knini IFat:tak;. . . Mis EinUy Hal-te- a. 1

T Alii. KA FX. j

i'V' '.V."r:"in , M -s 'orn wt-I- l

Miss Dowsett i

Multifikutien , i

ertru.Je F.rown i

f he Siikati'- - Favorite Mi-- s Jia-injr- er ;

u:.v- - he Mii Mist ' SlltlOtl dh Faxon bishop j

J. M. Carter. Jr j

;Vpul' u '"U-- . w-.i- Mi-- s Lfcwers I

a i tie .Mi-- - " i

Nvlia .Mi.VVfi73 !

l.uilahv.. iertrule Brown i

Hn itatioii I.eut !i r.f th Mid SquireMr. II. V. lik

T A I'.LFA FX.M;it r I ioro--- a . . Mi- - FullerA sea Nyiiij.ii Mt-- s May AtkinsonCleopatra. ...... M -s i 'oney

Fis?" KinnevThe Minuet Alfred W. CarterSnl. fraction i .n .... M. eottVorl.a Miss Wi.MiheUlc,., . . . . Miss Weight :

Tri-e.K- -.ui-- s iernice 1 arKeniia Mis- - IMIlitisham I

(ioolNi lit Mis.-- Jhuiiv Habtead j


LOUD ILFINS PAFoHTFl!.Mi-- s H. CJiaineerlain, Caj-t- . Staples, Mr.

Fissd!, A. F. J u. Id. Jr.i Mrs. E. C. I'ainonY.x al I'm t. ' Mr. Fi-se- !!


1 lii (;i(1,,f . Fve'.u--n "Pexter !

'awn M.-tr- 1 'anion '

1 v Iiihet Kiti j

rwVh-h- i. Lottie Le, II art well !

Ni.-r-! "'hi. cat- - A'fwi"vForest .

e.t Myra AiigiiChi. U Ethel Atius '

L't'liire on Tliotoliy ! i

Pro lessorVM. T. lUaCillAAi

ctuic- on 'iie aoove sui'jecal the

M. C. .A. HALLFor i in- - I'.iiai.t oi tiie-Librar-

and Heading Room


Tuesilav Kveniiiir. Mav 7

K" iveds

Uooin.N t LetA i N". '.AKi-K- sfttidit",U..n..m.--


N i n 1 ui- - m v t s n; ; i Nd,:i ' 1 M ay ;.en ,y .(,,.

1 . -- t a n -- o!;s 1 . v m ur t(l v:...o'i-- t ;:i- - rH-- .0

o, A. .1 .e

g. u. ixjrr & co.'s

.:.!. iu th- - ;'::r,. t . the oldr:.::.--:.- t ii -:- t.-."' Th- - ho'i.-- -

'..- -i S..- -n ha!ih-- d to Mulinttu by th- -

i I rtnar.-. and a liriti-- h tia hoi-t-- d

n th- - -i- t-, to t th" property,sa- - living iu tatt r.-d rag- - until "a ;

!.-.- (1 ;.v- - :,-- f ,r; th!i r.:.ort. !,

hii; guns from tu" Trenton : i a .uav i.r-- n sT.or- -i on --uc-

Aitliur v tlo.'s pi.-uj-.-"-

1 h" D.-put- Ifi'h (lommi-sionf- -r

ot j'i"-- n v ict na at r jji. Sir ). IS. .

I liurstori, ljas oua-h"- d tl;( judgmentof th D--iut- High Commissionerat. Apia, und-- r which Mr. StephenI. (,'u-;r- k, editor and proprietor of

t.ii Samoau Tim-- s, was fined 2t)aud cost-- " for lihel at th suit of Dr.Knapp'. consul, on behalf of the

ermati (foveruriient and Navy.'i'ine and co-t- s have been returned;to Mr. (hisack.

Mr. (iebauer. manager of one of ;

iiufil H-n- ) marks and costs, in the ;

i'terman (.o?.-ul- ar Court, for statmir '

:nat the (jrman ostmaster hadpermission to open the mail bags anddetain any letters he suspected to beArjtt(.ri t( jjie riewsoapers affectingthe Germans in Samoa. He hadmade th statement to support an j

rlf.c,ivtion against Mr. Lodge, aliriti.--h subject, charging th latters. writing a lot ot lies to the !

Colonial and American newspapers, j

Lodge lodged a complaint with the;liritish ( 'oristil : hence the prosecu- - ;

t!';'n of Viehauer. j

Llie Tiuu-- s editorially mistrusts!Dr. Steubel, th new (ierman Con ;

sfil, from of old, as he was recalled '

two years ago, for conduct almost as J

repreii'-iisioi- e ur. rvnappe s. it!"'iU att :5,tI,,n tu the fHCt that theGerman declaration of war posted inil, a r,r.v,r... L.,.., , Tr..- -i. ii. in ;

should be withdrawn. i

U. S. ships Omaha and Mohican i

were daily expected, and II. li. M. S.Itapid about the 11th. !

A jta enger on the Mariposa .

heard tliat t lie (ierman warship Olgawas afloat, but she does not appear !

in the Time-,- ' shipping list as doestie U. S. S. Nipsic.


!: port for Mir , .1 rl I r y a; ..f lie- - Tea l..r- - four !. j;

i iriru' the j.a-- i ween ib.o ha-- , been;ri .i ii.iti'b of the F i r 'Ti . Nearlv-- v .rv I,,,;.,., h.;- - heeI( ti,e ho-jfira- .e p.- - ;

se ;-.-r it treasure or two. i

I h- - general tote :" eon ver-atio- hasbeen chiictlly colored in a hi-- h d.- - j

very i.tsem i; in' to tliose concern- - i

"'b hut, judinhy wearv s .r... palef'"-,- 1 h"'l'."'V

lt 1"f, courteous :

lli ":t" ,vVcr ly ;l u',-'r'-1 their


ue.o lU-.s.- t feted, sett n.l-Ie.J- , and ell- - ' their vi-i:..- .is in a most -- laoioUsui.mner.

i.ror.h the kitidie-.-- of Kv. Mr.o..-t-

, thj session-- . ! tie- - nis.'it'.ite Wereon too piv.' ui th Hi'.,

i'.oard;:U' tho..;. Mr. Lord of KohV-- i

as and iiistructor ol the con- -

veu'icii. ex-cute- the durics intrusted toh::a by the Inspector-- ' iencral in a i

.h..ronh'.y ah!e way. Mr. Thatcher of i

lvciiala act'vl as secretary.'What to teach and how to teach it i ron i i tie o ei.inr auuress ol Air'r. u- - the h ea t which inil-dence-

a:: t chanu-ei-ue- d the week's dein. i

Not one ot .ne thirty-hv- e teachers pies- - i

cut possessed ; ac rae ii.te'.Ii1ence andr. unary : .n o, iser V;l' lull CoU.diave fa: !ed to ': in jst valuai'Ie and

lastn: ' henent lroui tue norma! !lt,'M..IiSi n.

The executive r i:ot oalv renderedni 'st cliec'.'it seriv,e in his lectures, ita. so wa. tiio-- t happy in tus sc.ection of '

ucs a. ...v,m oou. .iis. inazciicr o iehah. and Mis I vyo ot Papaikou not

:. rendered mestunah.e !eneht to the.'icsiitatt oy tn. :r instructions, hutc oaim-'- liicu au ;i't's ov tne. p.cAMii,;11 i

i n.s. con vent ion mis oe-e- eminent I vs in aecvfnplisliin,; its purjvse, ! --

..nd at tiiesaui-,- ' time has prctnoteel a '

dvs-.rahl- traternal iVeaiijt ainotutie- - tc ite-rs- . It isa titling here to ex- - t

j Jes-- . thanks u the Hoard of Educationu the opportmutv for such a.o. ... ao.. o oie 1 ispccioi -- i euera'! ic management iias hicu-- ht

s.;v n . t . r .. ;

fVv. u.Mak.c.a.. M. A; t h .7: a.

iue report.- - avni tiie fatiiitio dis .,,tricts ,.f China how thai there i no

i .i - i.uiviease in uie sunen ng. rears aic. . . . .. .... ... ..i t o t i I .? i I. I... .'. .1.' "iouiu u ri iiiiruni I'lotc u i u l lie' a :

lt-o- , W lier. A I lOUs dlse ie e,.:. t.. . . i i ,

lu"u ,l l , ne t, .u. ncv, haseaued m;ui deatiis in Fvauag a wa .

Iveti, Japan. f

T?XTBA n11 DKY "

.. ciier u.e



hi )


s:0.00 per (iise. va. 1 uoz. qts.;s:2.V0 er Cur, ea. 2 doz. pts.


4 iO:'l

Knvii. Hwitv I'.sm. ' oi.ri rt lhutn I

Hiare. , :.--i p. ru.



Pacific Commercial Admi!jnppitViOl. i


i d J it and fear not :j

Let all th end th in altuVt atThy I'.iiititry'n, thy Oo I n, an I Tr oh.

MONHAY, MAY 0. - vi.


The lecture on photography byProf. Rrigham t morrow eveningi.uj.h: to draw out a full attendance,nni j.: .ging from the number oftif:L(ls already sold, is likely to do

T:,f. Mil-ji'c- t is im in i.Ul.gren: r.i.U'e t.-- -J est- -


'Ml iu.s; !: . ever before, and

-- ecturer is u gentleman of uusually attractive and eutertainin-ipiahties as a speaker ;.s well as en-

tirely familiar with the subject. Inadditi. n to these ccdisidc-ra- t icons, is thefact that the loci lire held here ha-be- en

entirely unoccupied for a longtime. Two more lectures by the samegentleman will follow at early dates.Those will be uooo. ....,i.,.,i.... i,, v. . .. .tphysical culture. The vart icularsWill be announced het-a?te- r

Ouv readers wi'i tind in this

issue a very full digc--t of thefuvigu news received by theUmatilla and Marip. a. IdKv.i-'-

laokii:g in any special sen-- a

tional element, the intelligencefrom ti outside world contains atrreat i ;.;v i:.:itt,.r. ,u' o,...,.,.,.t v. UiH u?uSugar h another big lump.and i?, i).mv .pi. toil at ligures consid- -

erably : y,.::d the anticipations ofthe most, sanguine. The continu-ance of anything like present prie s.fcr any considerable time, mean.-- , anaddition of a very substantia! sum toi.n- - iu'i aiuecu i),ir su"i" oo.viIt ...;'M.. 1 ...i .! .v ivitieiuoeien inaiaaiHcU'- -

nee of only half a cent a pc-un-

amounts to considerablv oer a mil- -

Hon dc-ilar- s on one -- ;,ls dispatches lr.,n Ihihns.eioT.!....,,!......! r..v oi.. ii in me cm ('(to o, iin- -

en It- - ..... 1 I l ... . - . io, ,ii i leace.ii in' .e, 1 a Ml . ol I ei I lieSa : n i.i , :. tUestnui. hi w hloh We haeseveral tunes ,0,,,..,..! ... ( ,,

4 . v 4.44ilence

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Comer of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Island:-!- .




-- O-

DFpartiin iirs.' 'K AM. A ' oi M .s ::ccu r;-- . ie'i h pr .nd

' ' .1.1.1 " IO.S A -- , , ,.,V ,. ,

1 '"o" liUl"i""1 OS V KY N, ;.N, ;''."r" ";in h "V. .'' ;.:.'r . J lot1. CM f s, i s .' 1 A oi evt-r- v .ies. - i-

engross,, ;

' r ; n i . ii I . . :...-!:- .

Ukm. 'e.-ta'-tk n): vl:iru

" .is .M, ;:i-- l Ions S..U. il...- -

KM I l l M i , "'. . .... . .

' I K ' : K' !! " ' 'ri '.

': ItllssjoM.I Mfl. 1 s , I ; I , l ...

: ' elVe p.n ticui.-.-r

.l.L FFsINES; ; . : 7J:;!TO 1,111 ('AK!: kkceivk promptAM l Airill I L AITENTHJN AT --MODERATE CHARGES.ij

lew Y.),i'"c I,'? '"r1"' nv;mr "Mnrit-nc- e f.,r over twenty.five vers initiieate'pd u ioM'l ; hi'"!l12ttendtoallbusine,8 of an

M.AIIA bbsINEisvS AGENCYET" F.eil Teep!ic,ne No. 274

rhe Weekly (iat?tte ami);inmn,i N.i I. .:e m lo U . Aprd tn.. ;.. No. 4r Merchant- Street. f A


Page 3: PWBIB - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · cases of ar-euic-poisoning apear from time to time on the police records and be-fore coroner s juries renders an inquiry desirable

5 i





7" and 77 FDKT )



$24,000 WOItTJl


MUST be Sold AVitliin tlie "Ii.5ca:


liiae Dress niicl Fiincy Goods!Pact's, FnihroitUM-y- , ILits, FeatluTs, Killnns, Hilks, Velvets, Tiimminga, I ailiea'

Fmleiwear, Hosiery, Roots, Shoes, clippers, etc., ete.

-- o-

On aci'onnt of the tleath of Mr. Simon Cohn, the Entire new ami Magnificent


.A--t a,ncl Below Cost !ii

r; iL'Cii-.'i- ni

Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu.iSTo. IT Emma Street.

oThe uinlprsijineil hes to Inform tLe public of these llmds that be la making Sltlrta

measurement. Directions for will hv sivt-- ou applicatiou.

Wliite Shirts, Over Shirts and Night (towns.A lit guaranteed ly making a sample Shirt to every order. Isl.uul orders solicited.


I'.ell Telephone 11(1.

Jrl. K. Melntyre & BroM

AKKIVA I.S.Satcrday. May 4.

Stmr Lehua, Clark, from llamakua.sStnirJ A Cummins. Neilson. from Kuo-la- u.

Stmr Waialeale, Campbell, from Kilai.eaauu u&iiaiei.Stmr James Makee, Macaulav, fromKapaa.Stmr Tele, Smythe, from Kauai.Stmr Viva from Maui.

Sunday. May "."Stnir Mikahala. Freeman, from Kauai.Stmr Likelike, Davies. from Maui amiHawaii.

Stmr Kilauca llou, Cameron, from lla-makua, Hawaii.Hchr Liholiho from Lahama.Schr Kulamanu tmm Kolmlalele.Schr Kauikeaouli from Kohala.Schr Waiehu from Kona.SS Mariposa, Haywanl, 11 .lavs fromthe Colonies.

ikii:ti;i:ks.Satckday, May 1.

Haw bk W P Godfrey, Panel, for Sanr rancisco.

Veaseln LpkiIiic To-Ia- y.

KM S S Mariposa, Haywanl, for SanFrancisco.

.Stmr Kaala, Cnderwooil, for Waialuaarid Waianae, at ! a rn.

Stmr J A Cummins, Ncil-u- n. fur K.,!;ni9 in.

Stmr Viva for Maui at ." p m.Stmr Lehua, Clark, for llamakua, Ha-

waii, at A p in.btmr Mokolii, Mc Jregor. for Mulokai. at5 p m.Schr Ka Mifor Koholalele.Schr Mary for llanalei.

Vm1 In I'ort fioiu l on-l- u Tort.OSS I'matill i, Holmes.Am Mist pkt Morning Star, tiarlan.I. S S I.

! k(i N Wilcox, Kav li. r.r. iM. n.II II M S Cormorant, Nio.lK Hawaii.Ilk Olaf Trygvaon, .Mt ver. Newcastle.Uk W U Ctxlfrev, Dahel". San Franci-co- .l'.k Alex McNeil, Friis, San Frant is. .

Pk Jamei Chestou, I'luinl., Pu'ct "iind.Haw bk Andrew Welch, New-

castle.Pr lk Jamaica, Sit-hcr- iiagov.Hk lr. Metzger. Newcastle.Am hk C O Whitmore, Ward, l'uet Sound.

Kvcelpt of I'nxliKf.liaKrf auar. Harriet. Mm. pk((.

Stmr Likrlike. .. Mfs JuTKilmieu Hou . . ,'VxniHtnir Lehua ... LVoOJStuir Mokolii. . . . SJ ;io UhiStmr Mikahala. . 413S 'O

Htnir Waialeale.. 10Stmr J as Makee. "J.lvjtitmr Pele.... . . . 4'ACtMtrur Kaala lt;4o

chr Liholiho... lwoichr Kulamanu.. 100


AKKIVAI.S.From Waialua and Waianae, per Mmr

Kaala, May a James Uav, J F Scott, MrCook, and 10 deck passengers.

From Kauai, per stmr Waialeale, May 11 latnberg, jr, ami 4 deck passengers.From Kauai, per stmr James Makee,

May 4 11 C Spalding und wife, Dr Mita-inura.Mr- sJ

Fernandez, and 11 .leek pas-aenge- r.

From Kauai, per stmr Mikahala . MivCW Spitz and wife. Hon (ill Dole, 'll .Macfie, jr, Aug Dreier, AWMaiohoandwife, h Iovell, Mrs O Denherg, MissHardy, A Urote and wife, J IVrei.--a, M Jailva, F Holme. 5 Chinese, and 4 deckpassengers.

From Maui, per stmr rakelike, May rH 11 Hitchcock, wife and child, Mrs A CHurohardt, 2 children and maid, KevFather Tiietnloro and James, Miss 1) ECrook, J A l'ulmer, SM Kaiiakanui, MrsJ Barba, J II Wilcox, V, Perry, H Morri-uo- n,

and 59 deck passengers.From Waimea, per stmr Pele, May 4

Fred Wilbelm.From the Colonies, per S. S. Mariposa,

May 5 Cubin: Mr Keaiimoitt, J t Bryant,T Simpson. J Willcox, J Parker, MrsBond, Miss Bond, Miss MeCormick, PJames, J James, B James. II Satow, MrWoodford. Steerage: H Albert, Kev ABohn, K Krahenbull, J (iraham, JohnHooker. Theo Maag, Aug Schmidt, MissKmma Uhl, Mr and Mrs Kirke and family.


The Koloa ami Waimea sugar mills haveshut down for a week.

The steamer Ewa brought (MX) bunchesbananas from Ewa on Saturday.

The steamer Lehua brought '2 racehorsesml 2i head cattle from Kawaihae on Sat-

urday.The steamer Waialeale brought 2;? horses

on Saturday from Kauai for Mr. P. Isen-ber- g,

Jr's., ranch at Waialae.The steamer Mokolii brought 15 head

cattle, 2 horses, o' calves, and H'2 bags sugarfrom Molokai. and 1 sheep from Lanai.

The steamer Mikahala brought on Sun-day morning, besides sugar, 'JO head cattle,lt hides, I horse, and SO sheep fromNiihau.

Th bark Alex. McNeil was lowered fromih Murine Uailwav on Saturday afternoon

nd was moored at the Kinau wharf wherenhe will commence receiving sugar for SanFrancisco.


The steamer Likelike arrived on Sunday j

from Maui with o.l.V bags sugar. 1,011 feetkoa timber, trace horse. 1 mule, 7 bags j

com , 30 bags taro flour, 4! hides, and m

packages sundries. She w ill leave j


The Oceanic Steamship Company's brig-ntine- s;

Consuelo and John 1. SpreckelsI

Joth sailed from Kahului, Maui, on Satur-day, Mav 4th, with full cargoes of sugarfor San Francisco. They were to race toSan Francisco, the Lonsueio naving a sian i

of nearly two hours.The bark W. B. Oodfrev sailed May 1th

for San Francisco with ,;ls uf;ir i

shipped as follows: Theo. II. I a vies o..I.04O bgs sugar; F. A. Schaefer V ( o.,4 H89 do. do. ; Castle & Cooke, 4,.10do. .io. ;

C. Brewer ,t Co.. 7,0-- N do. do. Total to,,. ,

i,Hge,l,0l3tons; domestic va!ue,10o.,.O.N..Mestrs Hall Bros, are now building, at

Port' Blakelv, Puget Sound, a newfonr-raaste- d schooner for Messrs. Lewers j

A Cooke of this city, and to le;commanded by Captain 1). 1. I . 1 en- -


1 lanter.hallow now of the barkentmeHer carrying capacity will be about 5o0,hm


feet lumber. j

Mariposa are: CastleThe consignees perA Cooke. J. K. Brown A. Co., - A. baiter ;

A Co . S. M. lamo, I nit.n reed t "Uro.. II. May Co.. Mrs.K. Me In tyre

William . Irwin A C .., W .Von Pepi-k- v.

C. Peacock. 'Order. The importations area ..l, w ne. I.1) PKirs. mcii., - -

ludse.. K' pkgs. cheese 1 e. caniieugoods, 2.V bags potatoes, e onion. 10

bbls. beef, '2X coils rope.


Arrivals-Ap- ril "..' bktne John Smith.Oscar Kustel master, two 'lav- - ixxx Hon-

olulu; 30. schr. J.C. l ord. H. Mi nerma ter.lOdays. and. May 1. bgtne. Join.1. Spreckels, K. W. Christiansen master.PJdavs from San Francisco.

I. schr. J. . l onl. 4.iMrtn? "nsuelo. S. T. Robertson master;bSj?nti.?i John D. Spreckels, all for anFrancisco.

IIKI.THRUM In this city. May .Mb. of par

alysis. Thomas A. Thrum, a native ofIxmdon, England, aged . years... a

months; a resident of these islandssince 1S."1.XJ-- Han Francisco and Sydney papers

please copy.


j S. S. Mariposa sails at S this morning.

Twelve lepers arrived fruiu Ko;;a by aschooner un Sunday.

The hand gives a concert at KmiuaSquare this evening.

A good ileal of amusement will begleaned at Y. .M. C. A. hull this eve-ning.

S. S. Umatilla sails on Friday at noon.For freight or passage apply to Messrs,W. r. Irwin & Co.

Prof. W. T. Prigham, of Harvard,lectures on Photography at the V. M.C. A. hall w evening.

Messrs. V. C. Peacock fc Co. havegiven us a hand' memo, tahlet in cellu-loid with a calendar for lSS'jon the back.

The Illustrated London News devotestwo pau'es to pictures of the Americanbaseball game and players in that city.

Spreekelsville plantation is estima'edto yield 14,000 tons of sugar this season,two or three thousand tons more thanlast year.

Salurlayand Sunday yielded no lessthan eighteen arrests for drunkenness.T.vo nen were arrested for smugglingopium, and two children for disobedienceto parents.

A telephonic voict suggests that ladiesleave their hats and bonnets at homethis evening, while attending the- enter-tainment, so that people in the backeats may be able to see the performance.

I'.v the I'm itilla the Criterion has re-

ceived a large invoice of the celebratedPhiladelphia beer, including a limitedsupply of the well-know- n Bock brew.Lookout lor their big advertisement to-


The (ileaners' entertainment this even-ing promises to be a delightful affair.The young ladies who so kindly takepart in the tableaux have expendedmuch thought and displayed great goodtaste in their dresses and makeup. Sue-ce- ss

is sure to reward them.

The Anglican Church Chronicle forMay contains the programme of the Dio-

cesan Synod to meet on Wednesday.Tie editor supports the Saturday halfholiday movement. For the rest theperiodical contains the usual proportionsof interesting intelligence and instruc-tion.


A Small 11mi but :t l.rilliant Per-foriufiii-

There, was an undeservedly smallpatronage given Mr. Maltby, the cham-pion cyclist of the world, at his openinglerforinance on the stage of the Ha-

waiian Opera House on Saturday even-

ing. Although the stage was itself toosmall to permit of the best display ofvh!eh the cyclist is capable, yet the feats

he performed were incredible to any-

thing but the actual seeing of them.Mr. Maltby appeared first in feminine

attire and many really thought it was alady who was performing the very skil-

ful gyrations on the bicycle until unde-ceived by the champion throwing off thomask at the finish. In his next appear-ance, after doing some of the finest tricksimaginable on the regulation bicycle,Maltby removed the small wheel fromhis machine. To the marvel of the au-dience and the confusion of ordinaryideas of the laws of gravity be balancedand prop-die- himself about the stageonthe single wheel, tirst seated and againwith the seat taken olF and supportedonly on the treadles. A greater feat stiilw as accomplished, when he attached thedriving gear to the little wheel, and roderound on that alone. Other tricks wereperformed, such as balaneingthe bicycle,with the cyclist astride, upon a chair.

Mr. Melville appeared in good acro-batic feats on the trapeze and on ladders.He leaped twelve or fifteen feet in theair lrom the trapeze to a sw ing. Also,he gave some rare good tumbling. Prof.Berger with the lioyal string Viand fur-nished excellent orchestral accompani-ments.

The next exhibition will be on Tues-day evening. Seats are to be had at Mr.L. J. Levey's o trice.


Two Firemen of the Steamer I'matillaArrestett with Ouautitfcs f Opium.

Between eiht and nine o'clock onSaturday evening, Win. Thomas Tenlapand Samuel Patterson, of the fire roomof the S. S. I'matiHa, were interceptedwhile going ashore from that vessel withopium in their possession. Tenlapbad l; half pound tins and Patterson If.of the same kind of package. A thirdman descried the trouble in time to es- -

cape unrecognized back to the ship. Oneof those caught threw away his stockbut it was recovered. The other hadi.. . .... ... .his supply with turn. Ltistom Houseguards F.dwin and Dibble and police of-

ficer D. Kekona have the credit of thedouble capture. The prisoners arecharged with smuggling opium.

The Tahiti lHsaster.The Auckland Herald has accounts of

the Tahiti fljds, which show them tohave been bad enough, but less awfulthan reported in American papers. Thecapital city of Papeete had live feet ofwater in the streets, and the fine roadswere destroyed to a great extent. It wasthe little hamlet of Papetoa which wasswept away, instead of the city of Pa-peete. The Jives lost were not thethousands previously reported, but thoseof twenty-si- x natives carried oil with thehouses of the village of Papetoa.

Tyrolean Warbler.Mr. Levey has secured at great ex-

pense, to appear in conjunction withMaltby Ibe cyclist evening,the famous Swiss Tyrolean warblers, whoarrived last night by the Mariposa. Thisis enterprise, on the part of the presentlessee f the Opera House, which can... . . .i r i i . - i ..i i i iscarcely l.tu io ieumru i .i rroHueiihouse Two world-renowne- d and dis- -

tmct specialties m onthing to which we have not been usedBox plan open now at Mr. Levey's oMice

, A petanl, thrown By somo un-

known person, exploded behind thoaltar of the cathedral at Valentin,Ireland, during service. A panic en-sued, but no lives were lost. Thecathdral was greatly damaged.

Heath aiul Uurial of Tliiniir.. A. TlirmuOne f the Olilest ami i;est Itesi-l'iit- s

Sketch of His Career.The announcement of the death ot

Mr. T. A. Thrum came with the sudden-ness of a blow to many people yesterday.Although he was known to be failingunder advancing years, only a limitednumber of citizens were aware he was sonear his end.

Thos. Augustine Thrum was horn inLondon, England. November 17, 1811,and died May 5, lssy, consequently wasin his seventy-eight- h year. By trade aboat builder and shipwright, as was hisfather, he emigrated with his, parents toNew South Wales in 1S3S or lSo". Hemarried, December 16, 1S3!, ElizabethWharton McPhail, whose death in Feb-

ruary, 18S7, is stiil fresh in memory.Through the favorable reports of theseislands early in the '"lifties," he was in-

duced to try his fortune here, arrivingearly in ISol, followed the next year Byhis wife and family, save the secondeldest son, Thomas G., who was left, enroute, at Tahiti with his grandfather,and followed on a year later. Owing toscarcity of mechanics through the "goldtever" on bis arrival, Mr. Thrum's tirstservice was as house carpenter withliobt. Wakeman, but soon followed hisown trade with W. II. Johnson, after-ward Emmes ec Johnson, and subse-quently with (i. J. Emmes, till, fromvarious injuries, through being run overin lSbT, and from a severe fall from astaging ten years later, he felt hisstrength unequal to the demands of histrade in this climate. He was markedfor all that was good and honorable inman, of staunch principle yet humblecharacter.

On the establishment of the Sailor'sHome, in this city, the subject of thissketch and his excellent wife wereselected by the late lr. Damon as theright parties for its management, andunanimously confirmed by the trustees.This was held for several years, and thekind reference to Father and MotherThrum was carried br "wandering boys"to various oceans and climes.

Upon --Mr. T.'s arrival he early identi-fied himself with the church work of thiscity, connecting himself with the thenforming Second Congregational Churchtill the establishment of the Methodistchapel, which he stood by till its death,when he identified himself with the lateBetllel church, holding the honored posi-tion of deacon for several years.

Seven children survive this honoredfather, three sons and four daughters, ofwhom Mrs. D. Dayton, Mrs. .I.S. (furneyand Thomas i. Thrum, Registrar ofConveyances, are well known residentsof this city. The others, John F., amiJames W. Thrum, Mrs. J. A. Hamiltonand Mrs. C. 11. Woolmington have beenresidents of California for several years.

The funeral of the late Mr. Thrumtook place on Sunday afternoon, andwas largely attended. Kev. Dr. Beck-wit- h

conducted the services, assisted byKev. S. E. Bishop. The former, in thecourse of his address, stated that, at lastaccounts, the father of the lamentedgentleman was still alive and well at the

,age of ninety-eig- ht years. He also re- -

terred to 'the tact that the late Mr.Thrum had attended divine service atCentral Union Church on foot the lastSabbath of his life. Interment was inNuuanu cemetery. At ibe residencewere noticed Kev. Dr. C. M. Hyde andwife, Kev.W.C.Merritt, Kev. W. B. Ole-so- n,

Mrs. J. M. Damon, Mrs. P. C. Jones,Miss Chamberlain, Captain Melntyre,Hons. S. ,M. Damon, J. B. Atherton, XV.

XV. llall, M. P. Kobinson and II. Water-hous- e;

Messrs. J. O. Carter, J. A. Hop-per, J. Hopp, M. Mclnerny, J- - Gilfillan,C. M. Cooke, L. Adler, E. C. Damon, C.B. Reynolds, II. 11. Williams, John M.Angus, XV. K. Ilerrick, XV. IE Lewers,J. C. .Marchant, J. A. Dower, CharlesGray, II. E. Melntyre, and many others,ladies and gentlemen. The chief mourn-ers were Mrs. Gurney and family, Mr.and Mrs. Thomas G. Thrum and family,Mr. and Mrs. David Dayton and family.The colli n was a very handsome one inthe native koa and kou woods furnishedbv Messrs. II. H. Williams & Co.

Hand Concert.The lioyal Hawaiian Band will give a'

concert this evening, at Emma Square,commencing at 7 :"0. The following isthe programme :

1. Overture French Comedy Bela2. Waltz Southern Breeze Meisler.'5. Fantasia Forge in the Forest Machaelis1. Selection Nabucco VerdiAloha Oe. Ahi Wela. Malamalama. (By

request.)f. Selection Bells of Corneville

PianquetteC. Waltz Dorothy Ceilier7. Cavotte Old Gold Bogetti3. March-T'- e Salute Boeder

Hawaii Foiioi.

Li awaii jlii

OPERA HOUSELessee and Manager - Lewis J. Levey.

Great Success !


Iieiiowiicl:-:Iicycle:-:Ri(lo- r!

Who was greeted with great applau-- e onhis first appearance on Saturday even-

ing, and will bv special request,ilVi: Ni: MoUK exhibi-

tion at the Hawaiianopera House,

Tupsdav Evciiiiiir, May 7thAt s o'clock,

And in addition Mr. Levey Ins securedTIIK FA MOPS

Swiss Tyrolean Singers !

.fust Arrive.! per Stmr. Mariposa.

Who will make their tirst appearance mthis occasion. Further particulars

in next issue.

fif-Se- ats can now be secured at L. .1 .

Levey's othce.ffir"Nu ad vane1 in prices 1A7--- Jt


itllVin I win hi. i ii. pn -1 i iuhiIiI fre.M - t. T. t'o. "i 0 1 Sac'to ht. 6au 1 'rmiicisco, Cal. CS.A

Arrives from the Colonies Full of las-eiie- rs

Ileport of the Voyage andthe Fire on loartl Steamer Koc ktonon the Way with Shipwrecked avy--Men.

The Oceanic steamship Mariposa ar-

rived in Mjrt about 9 o'clock last nightfrom the Colonies, with all her pas-senger accommodation filled. Thirteenof the cabin passengers stop over for thesteamer Umatilla. The Mariposa bringsword that the .steamer Rockton, chartered to take home the American shipwrecked naval men trom Samoa, hadleft Sydney the day before the lormer,but nothing had been heard of her atTituila. Mr. Thomas Smith, the courte-ous purser, has our thanks for files ofAustralian and New Zealand papers, andthe following report of the voyage :

Sailed from Sydney at 5 :35 p. m.April 17th. To iith inst. had battlingwinds and confused sea, after which hadtine weather to Auckland, which portwas reached at rj .oO p. m. April 21st.Sailed from Auckland April L'2nd, at.1:47 p.m. At 0:40 a. m. of the 23rdfire was discovered in the cargo of rlaxin the fore-hol- d and at S :20 a. m. thevessel was turned back to Auckland.The wharf was reached at 4 a. m. April24th, and all of the flax on board wasput ashore. Sailed again for Honoluluat 'J:j p. in. same dav. Called off Tu- -tuila 5:20 p. in. April 2Sth. Fineweather was experienced during thepassage.

On the evening of the 4th inst. thecabin passengers met in the dining sa-loon and tendered an address to Cant.Hay ward, an engrossed and illuminatedcopy of w hich w ill be made in San Fran-cisco and there presented to him to-gether with a souvenir. A sum of 131was also collected and money presenta-tions will be made to the officers andcrew. During the voyage, a number ofconcerts were given under the manage-ment of Mr. Leybour.ic-Popha- m.

From a two-colum- n clipping from theAuckland Herald, furnished by PurserSmith, the following additional factsabout the lire on board are gleaned.

At first the tire was supposed to be inthe mail room, and a deluge of waterwas turned into that quarter through thehose. The mail was spread out on thewharf at Auckland and found uninjured.Special mention is made of the assist-ance in putting out the fire given byCaptain Melntyre and crew of thewrecked ship lied Cioss who were pas-sengers. Five hours after putting backthe fire was all out, but Captain Hay-war- d,

fearing a recurrence of the disasterin the tropical belt, determined to con-tinue to Auckland. There was not theslightest manifestation of a panicamong the passengers, a result attribut-ed by Lieut. A. Marix, U. S. N., whowas homeward bound from the Mel-bourne Exhibition, to the "tact of Capt.Ilayward and the splendid disciplinemaintained on board the ship." TheCaptain believed the fire arose fromspontaneous combustion in the flax.There was 300 tons of the article, ship-ped by a Wellington firm. On behalf ofMr. M. J. Flavin (who lately spent someweeks in Honolulu) and other passen-gers, a band was engaged at Aucklandto play the Mariposa oil", when she madeLer second departure thence, out of com-pliment to Capt. Hay ward, ollicers andcrew.

The Maiiposa was announced to sailat 8 o'clock this morning for San Fran-cisco.


authorized Collector. All bills due memust be paid to him or to myself.

10U JNO. S. McdllKW, M. 1).

NOTICE.A LL FFRSONS ARE FORBIDDEN TOf- - trespass or wash clothes or to allow-an- y

cattle to dirty the artesian water onthe land of Kapakea, Waikiki uka, and allparties found on the lands after 8 o'clockat night will be prosecuted to the full ex-tent of the law.

FOOK SING WAI CO.Honolulu, April 2l, lSn. 102-l- m

Hawaiian Tramways Co.(LIMITED.)

W1 AUK PllEPAIlED TO 01 VIS SPE- -cial Cars to Waikiki for ordinary

fares with a minimum of twenty-fiv- e pas-sengers anV-ia-esrei- t Saturday or Sun-day. Notice to" be j;iven at tlie Company'soffice the day previous. 102-l- w


inform her friends and thepublic generally that she has opened aplace of business on Fort street, next doorto Oonsalves' Photo. Gallery, where she isprepared to do sewiner. embroidery, etc. ofall descriptions. Native hats of all kindsmade to order. Hawaiian curios alwayson hand. An inspection invited. 82-.5- m

Oceanic Steamship Co.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.The A 1 steamship

i 6 TJ MAT I L LA, 99


Will lav Honolulu for the above port on

Friday, May ll), l.'UW,

At .noii.

or Passage api-l- to

Wjl. (J. IRWIX & CO.,A yen i.


AiitM'Y, bt ec '.") Merchant's Exchange,San Francisco, Cal., where contracts toradvertising can be made for it.

( 75 and 77 FORT& CO., STREET.


EfJAN CO., 7o ami 77 Fort St.




This Firet-rlas- Family lintel,'"3i3 fiaviiij? just changed bands, haa beenlitl tboroujjhly renovated, together wltb

ntS.-i- the KAI'EXA I'KEMISES now attached,and it) prepared to receive gmests

By the Day, Week or MonthAt Keasoiialde Itatea.

TA11T.K UNSURPASSED. Transient RuestHwill find ev-r- y accommodation, a place whereall the comfortH of a borne can be obtained.

TUGS. KHOU.SE, Prop.Honolulu, 11. I. 15f

Planters' MonthlyFor April J&M.


stNot'SLoad to the VolcanoPananas, Increased ShipmentAmerican Sugar TariffSugar MaiketJlawaiian Commerce, ISaJapanese immigrantsSugar Manufacture at W.iiakeaCold Storage for Oranges, etcFertilizers for Sugar Canel)i (fusion in DemeraraSugar Enterprise at Koloa, l.H.'SSugar Enterprise at AVaimea, lKIJS

Maceration (.'oniared with DiffusionExperiments on Cane and Peet SugarHow to Make an Orange Orove PaySugar and Coffee Planting in JavaCleaning Steam Engine ToilersWaiakea Plantation, HiloSelling Fruit in the GroveThe Overproduction Heresy"Iiondon Purple" Ileinetly for Cof-

fee PlightThe Same Old PredictionSunshine llegis-te- r A NoveltyStarting in PusinessSensitive Plant in Fiji.


Yea i ly sul iscri t ion .$ 2 roForeign "Pound Volumes 4 (K)

Pack Volumes bound to order,

jLjT Address :

;zi:tte pup.lisiiincj co.,Merchant St., Honolulu.


hVERTlSE YOER WANTS INJ V Daily l'acitic Commercial Advertiter

Groceries, Provisions and. FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KTNO STREETS.

New Goods received by every par Ret from the Kastern States and Europe Jrenh CallforufaI'rr.dwre by every ste?.mer. All orders faithfully :it tended to, mid (Joods delivered to any part of the:ity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. I'ostollicc l;ox o. 41biviehntie Nn. or1

Absolutely Pure.tor quick raising, the Koyal Baking l'owiur isuperior to all ether lr: vein use agents. It is a!solutely pure and whules-oai- e of the Mt.tMleaveuir.g power. ll is always umforu. in

ntreutith and quality an. 1 never f.iM.s toluol;?ligbt, sweet, most yahiia'ule aiul nutritive t !.hreait, biscuits, inutliiis, cake, eu-.- . raised v, ii!Koyal Baking Powder may l.e eaten Lyi il!.i:edistress 111; results to the most d.-- ate iii;--:iv-organ. It will keep iu any climate wilhuiudeterioration.

Prof. 11. a. Mott. T. S. Government Chemist,after examining olliiially the principal bakingpowders of tlie country, reported:

"The Uoval Paking Powder is absolutely pure,for I have so found it i n many tests made bothfor that compauj and the l uited States Govern-ment.

"Pecause or the facilities that com pan v havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon tlie properproportions of the same, and the met liu.i of itspreparation, the Koyal Piking Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"k. li ENUY A. MO'I'T, Ph. 1.."S 1221-l- y V. S. Government Cfieeiist.

JA jV1.ES CAPrYCan be found next door t'" the P. ('. A.

Office, Merchant Street.

Hacks Nos. U, 37. (iG, 7o, 10AND WAGON KTTK 111).

t-S- It el l Telephone 'lOl, Mutual T.OO.jiia-t- r

Received per S. S. UmatillaA Full Line of Spalding's

Baseball GoodsSO-li- n MPS. THOS. LACK. Port St.


Wool, Calico and Linen Shirts,

Queen St., next door to K. P.. Thomas'.

CHR. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer in

;ents, I.alies' and ClifMreiiN

Toots, Slio.s a d nippersNo. SO Fort St., Honolulu.

78-l- y

Firewood For Sale!S8 per Cord,



FLORIDA WATERThe Universal Perfume

For the Toilet, the Enth and the Handkerchief.

la view of the attempts maderecently by some hum ru;uliisHi dealer-.- , to 'f"it upon the publica worthless imit.iti.--n- . bearing tliegeneral outward appcaranue ofthe genuine, we call attention tothe marks of thegenuine Mckkay 3c Lanman

FLORIDA WATER.F.ach bottle of the grnuine

article bepr on its neck tlie TradeMark, which appears alongsidethis notice j and on each leaf ofthe pamphlet, which ii wrappedaround it. appears in faint watermark letters the words


If pillar liethe article- - us fei"il"".,ml!,,Vus DOWNING Sc SCII3IIDT

Wholesale AgentsSan Francisco, CaU



11') l?40-l-

V. ."-.i- l ;:.ti,f:,.-ii- . n in theurea 1: v.1 TO 4 It A VS. I'iin- - ,T '. ii.iiui I h i a .t inl

- f t'-- l .:U- - it; nci'l-- . n leinl- -

II r 4 only hvth., , ing u to nil Mil i rcr..

1 Ohio. Jt4 Decatur, hi.

Tr.JisSSSn .ril Si Jd l,y 1 r.if - ils.iKLNSON, SMITH Jt ..

r,i A-ri- its.

EAD THE DAILY ADVERTISERif you want the latest news.


Fashionable Milliner,

Fort Street, Honolulu,

Has Received ier Steamer Umatilla, inall the

Newest Shades and Latest Novelties

lUbhons, Velvets,Surah Silks, a Large Variety of

French. Flowers,rilKNCH LACK 1 1 ATS AND HAT


ics in

gZ?" Personally seltvted by me forHonolulu and the other islands. H." ltn

Manliattaii Life

Of ev York. F.tal.ll-lie.- l I8j(l.

This old Company now oli'ei.s to ih; In- -

Hiring Public its new

ft r I '..

Mirioi 'Sill ) l)i

i Which affords all'tlie advantaH of Lifj Insurance during the earlier years of life,

and at tin' sarin" time makes a provisionfor old age, as the Policy-hold- er can s n- -'

render his Policy at the end of the Sur-- -

ivoi.-hi- p 1iviii:.M) and receive' i:s I't'l.i. V.ti.i r. in ('ami thus combin-

ing Invj.stmkni' and Pkotkc i ion.

T3r" Any information clieei fully


- . X T T" III' ' W JOHN ll. l'ATV.Agent.F YOU WA.N1 Alili mi.

read the Daily 1. C. Advertiser. i Itt 1200



'i if

Page 4: PWBIB - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · cases of ar-euic-poisoning apear from time to time on the police records and be-fore coroner s juries renders an inquiry desirable



M. 1J., Minister Ufsid-n- t; C. d'A.. Chare"' d'Affairs; D. A.. Diplomatic Af-eu- t: Com.,Coniu, is, loner; C. (J., Conid Goner I; . A., Coraruercial Aent;

C, Consul; A. C, Acting Consul; V. C, Vice Consul.

r GEIiTZ,laiAiMVTHOMAS LINDSAYIIm Keruoved His Manufacturing


VI K.liForeign Legations and Consulates in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

IK GElsEliAL MERCANTILE Sr-- jTm .t "Daie of ExuguA-tibo- r

Commission.Hank.Name.( 'nrxiKV.

I'rom iiimnii Street to-

M. K. COMMISSION AGENTS.Cm n o Sr TKs,Ih.n ai,l'oltl l lrAI., Thomas IJlock, Kini; Street.(,'otn., C. G.

;Cum., C.

d. a.,c. g.i Attached.


I'articnlar attention paid to revlrlng- -

Jano 12, 1HS5.

Jane 21, lH',.C, Kopt. .r. IHS'2Jan. rFeb. .'--

), 1HK-,-.

(March Kk 1N.April 4,Au. 2t, 1KSM.

!l)fcC. L',IJan. 10, 18f3.LMarch 10. 1SS8.

dl is Excellency Geo. V. Merrill,vlaj-- r JaiueH H. Wodf-lioiiHe- ,

Sfiihor A. do Souza Canavarro,

Mr. I'aro An do,l'oitchi Taknsiiyi,S. Han,K. Tauno,s. llayakawa,

M. (J. G. HoKseront d'Anlade,:M. Lellacuet,

I. C. Jones. Jr . TrPsldent and Manager.Treasurer and Secretaryi. 1). Carter.

Hon. W. Allen Auditor

lilMI Cow. CChan. DIKLCTOK8:

V "V J - ' V KEOOK LUX & CO., Hon. C. It. tistop. Hon. H. WaterhouseA aList of Foreign Consuls Resident in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Sliii M ; 103 Fort Street. IJ 1113 Nuuauu Street, opposite Euiuia llall

lMl'OUTEi; AND DKALERS IN t"t - .... T! lfirn ai r i r i m eWing Wo Chan & Co., j

Chinese & Jaiumese Goods,NUUANU STREET,

Have Just Received by Late Arrivals p--Fire Cr.irkers. New Pestniis In Cups andSaucees, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of Fancy

A large ami well assorted Stock ofhand-painte- d China

(00d3At rvty Itediioeil Vri .

Datk ofCol NIKY. KiMK. ' 1ANK. .

I'm i in St Airs, J. II. I'utnain, C. G. C. .Inly 10. 1S8.".Oct. 'S.i. 1KHT.

V P. llHstiugfl, V. t Dtp. C. G. April L'tk 188(5.

A. W. Kichardrton, Con. Clerk, Oct. 18. 188(1.K ihuliii, Mam, A. V. llopke, Con. Agent, Auc 20, 1880....i 'inkona, 11., C. I- Wij-ht- , Con. Aijetit, Oct. 2:5, 1882.Pilo, Hawaii. C. Furneaux, Con. Agent, Sept. 22, 1888. .

I ii. y, 1 A. Schaefor, C. (Dean of the May 0, 1 SGI).Con. Corps. )

Pn.r, A. J. Cartwriht, C. ug. 20, 1878.N 1. ; i; i. i 's. I. II. Putv. C. Nov. 2C, 18S0.Av-iiin-- N.iAiiv, H. 1'. Glade, C. Nov. 28. 1882.(m , C. Ah e, Com. Aent, April 17, 1884.

Goo Kim, Asst. C. A. April 17, 1884.S i A Noiuvay. II. VV. Schmidt, C. ;May 28, 1885.Mmc, li. U. Ijaino, C. (Oricinal Feb. 24

1881.) Ke-ap- p.

Dec. 2, 1885.')i:nmvi:k, II. 1J. Macfarlnne, !C. Jan. 22, 1880.IUi.oii'm. 1. F. Hackfeld, iC. March 14, 1887.ii i.mvn Lmi iki-- , II. F. Glade, ,C. lni. 4. 1887.

M viN. K. W. Laino, V. C. Feb. 17, 1880.lit ssi v, I. F. llackfeld, SActc V. C. S?pt. 21, 188(5.

in,nri;i;rmv. V. K. Walkor. V. C. Oct. 17, 1888.

Dinneix and Tea Sets

Hm I'imlnii for I'luy f.ynrh Uvw a.iiuMini; for it liintif-r- .

' ni',i!l M.i '.iin".!A wl'ln tlt totir round tin; 1 i t h 1 r i n

H ititoila' very tliii l f ( liirii-.- c i,hrouix; dicr-i- . f t!n ,c lr l' diilf r fromtin ir I .nli-d- i foii'Mvii rn in i n .r friendsof soup :uil unler, :tnd ! s).i! i tt of iit

orpt. Tliii e art iio otin :r ';il s. u

iiow-- . itii l no Aunt S.illirs r;il er.vksover tin ir own hnul which mutt ho recehed with i !iticii( c, arc so fic'iucnt licittln'y loc 1 1 ci of a joke - hut in lieu ofthem, jjMinhliiiL; booths of every shade anddescrip! ion iilu-.trali- - the hiucso j'uwoufor play, (untitling booths lor lare

uimm LM'inldi:. booths for k li i k k na k s,

I'wnbiiiu' hoot 1m for hiih priced drinka-bles, rumbling (tooths tor low-price-

(arrion, ai h hooth with an ca;MT throngof holh see and of all iiLis around it.which renders calculation di . cult.

I'l ivati ThoiniM Atkins thinks it willhe ph a-a- and to win a dollar or sofrom the heathen lillice, tail cle ion hediscovers that lie has heeii lictol. andtliat the heathen Chinee is infinitely looclever for him.

What is that turmoil I see in the ditance. with as utt linf about of t he crow 1,

Hinoli wlnHi two hih' hel meted red-coat- s

are c v prominent? '.n

r:rred at having I n ".ne" at tin: nativeet noir. tlev put in practice a lilt o

1) in h law, tear down the fra:.i!c canvashoot h, ai in t In m h cs w ith the sup. oilin hainhoo pole-.- , clear a space b. w hirlin; them aiouni1 like the arms of a windnull. tin. aiiially rain down cracks on thhktill.s of tin? iinieustin s .rroiinders. andthen quietly withdraw to a more repul-ivh'-

part of the t ourse. I ach party isp rlci tly satis'ad. the hinese sharperfloats over his tilched iaius, and the soldieis think they have taken change in theVeii!. e ince they hav e e ecuted.

'Mm liacas has siarcely interrupted tlmHow, or rather the 'i nt. of eamhlinj;The imp of nh ut s years old isreally a study ol innate human nature inthis department of vice. He is ainhlinfor his d. nner at the hooih of a wrinkled.diallica!. loathsome old male atioitand still more loathsome ha:. A form of"Mind hookey " is. I f.mcy. the favoriteform of ice. ( oin after coin, each worthabout one I 1'tli of a farthing, he loses athis venture 4. Tin: iniis face lowers,his features hecoine contorted with :ui;rr

vehement, faster, faster he plays regardlrss of his I'd tin of fai things, until at lasthe w ins.

Pit a rowl one would never haveMipposril that, hoyidi throat could haveemitted, he dashes on one bide up to thetray of raw meat, seit s a lump of horriMo ;;arha ;e with singular dexterity byimviiis of chop sticks, plunges it into xkettle of I t i i ii :"C lancid j;rca-.e- . and thenrams the drea liul morsel into his throat.His cheeks are distended to near bursting,the tears of st aiding sull'oeation stand ieli is eyes, ami ho marly chokes; but stil:he wears vour thorough unnihlcr s exprcsion of tfeliht at having at last w on.Childhood's innocence is not a prettysijjlit out liere. Are these crealuicereally akin to I n.lish childhood.

Regular shipments by every gtearoer To which the attention of intending purHAS JUST RECEIVED PER ST3IR. UMATILLA,chasers ia directed, as no i;oods of equal

qualitv have ever been imported intoFOX NO. 255. this market. Also, all varieties andPOST OFFICE

qualities of

Silk Handkerchiefs, A Large Stock ofOf Chinese and Japanese make. Also,



HacWcId, from Londonnow due, an assortment of

GRANITEDiplomatic and Consular Representatives of Hawaii.Ladies, blisses. Gents, and Children's

Pavina and Curb StonesName. Datk okCommission.

Kank.Col'N 1 KY.

-- BEST-and a few

CLINKER BUILT BOATS.155-l- y BOOTS sm SHOESEn. Ex. and Min. Feb. 9. l8S:i.

l'len.Fence Wire,

Galvanized Buekets,C. G. IJnlv 21, 1S7".CO. for Pacific June J, issr.

His Ex. Hon. H. A. 1. Carter,

E. H. Allen,1. A. McKinley,

Lawrence- Bond,John MeCraken,Junes G. Swau,

OF THEMates V. lerr.C. Auar. iss:t. rdn AToiiiiurit ni i t'll iiiaiiiiimApril 7, 1S(L".

July 10, 1MS1.

Sale at l'rlces by t$Ji


Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers In

Latest Style and Best QualityiSept. 21, lSs;?.c.V. c.c.

(kl. W.J. DeGress,Anastatio (,)l)re(j;oii,liobert JaineH Harney,

March 14, 1SS7.March 14, 1887. U. AV. Jhicfarlane & Co.

I'ximi Sr.M i s.Wasamton, 1. C.

New York.San Francisco,

Kosti u,I'ortland, (.,Port To iisoiid,l'hil:idelihia,

M kxico,.Mexico,

MiiizanilK),Ckn i kai. A South


GCallao,Colon,Guatemala,Monte Video,Assumption,

1 1 UK XT r.KU XlN AI Ul l..M.

Lolldi 'II,

C. d'A. A, C. (.David Thomas,li. II. Iteddv, Groceries and Provisions. 4 linEVER IMP0ETKD INTO THE KINGDOM.C. d'A. A C. G.

FILTKR PRESSES.Sept. i:?, 1S.S.Ann. 22. 1871.July 24. 1871.Nov. 18, 1884.July 2:. 1S8;?.

An. : 1S8C.

;SylviniM Crosly,Henry E. ('ooke,Henry Tolke,

itkmrad Hughes,,A. Marengo,


IIollMO MMl H STlHll3' vjlM-t- fAn. 21, 188f. I'AAVHAIT 1'L A STATION, dHawaii, Miwroli V,

Kis.lon Iron ail e Work, Sau Fran- - HAWAIIAjN1 gazetteJuly :1. INS.--..

oiscoC. d'A.S. t I.ei.

Abraham HolTnnnj?.Sidney H. Francm HoflnniiK, lJUly .ii, ixij. ilnen--

We U V I I I T Tl ave ie.l two of your SO- - JI AKK ET.JLVlllJiL' JJ U1'iM.M- - l'rss"S this seanou. They! (AotK. C. d'A.) Itl71.lkl llFeb. 15. 18.H7. ar ouiiveuieut, easily lmiulloil autl are vvorMun

entirely to our Hatisfaotion. 1 can recoiuuieuu(Successor to Wiu. McCandleBS.)

Alanley Hopkins,I lurold Janion,

Mark Whitwell,W. Moran,E. Ihestorfeldt,

uo iiu ;irveiiifiit on tiiem.Very reepeotf ully yours.

(sigueit) A. MoobE,Mauat r Pa-iulm-u Vlantation.

I .iverpool,liriitol,Hull.Newcastle on

l ne,

Orifr.FVl.7. 18oC.)t)ct. 14, 1S.'July 10. 1884.(Sept. 28, 1878.;Oct. 12, 1882.

Unly 10, 1857.

No. lueu Ntroet. FtIi Market, IIo- -

uInlu, II. I . Priii ting Establ i slimentW. S. P.road,Falmouth,Hover ami the F. W. l'reseott, ulttltvLl 1 1 , 1 OO $ ,

Tv..ia iv.agim im liAinj In stock In


IC.!c- -




'cV. c.c.

Honolulu ami are hoM at very low iHcsJnly 187y.Cwnpie Forts,

Cardill A. Swan- - Hyain Goldberg,sea.

Ediutmrh and E. G. meet thfdemauil. A constgumeni is now ph

A I'l tlirlpltt tif !tlittiirt "tin :ilitv.l?fiHl t'.-r- . N. . 'I 'i:n-s-- l ,' .

T!i'r i a si ct nmonj; Hie lilmloosrallcl .lain. The lirst inl highestpriiuip!o ot ti c Jain rcliiriou is r.c cr tokill, hut r.hvays to protect a!! livingt'ti'Htures niiil promote their happiness.A riiil .lain woiihl not trample vn aninsect while passing ly the toail. !locan it's-- hroomst ieU. an.l with it clearsliii ialli of nil minute injects-- and worms.A .fain woukl mladly lie on a luilslc.ulthat is infisted with lus. aiul coollyhIKiw his Mootl to he snckcil by them.

An I ni;lish gentleman once nut a lain,nnd tohl him that the water lie used todrink was full of microscopic in.sect.The. . I Rin would not hcliexe him. TheEnglishman drought his mien Kcope, andproved the truth of his assertion. TheJain looked surprised, and wept hittcrly.lie was a devoted follower of h s religionnnd he proved his de oiion by refusingever npiin to lake water, and the cmisotplence was that he was soon attacked bya serious malady aid d ed.

The I nilisli educated youti Hindoocf the day. il nuM he noted, disreanlthe almvc jM'incipie of Hindoo mora'itythe priiu'iple of heinr kind to all li inij

Dot. 18, 187o.Lelttl,

Choicest Beef, Mutton, Per. Fisl


Always Kepi on Hand.

the way.

Kistloii I ron V I.oo. Works,San Francisco.

For particulars enquire ofJOHN 1VF.K Honolul

Koom N . a Spreckels" lHocH:8 V:U AV. ii. 1UWIN & Co., Agfiita.

4(5 Merchant St..Nov. 18, 1870.July -,

1881.Oct. 12, 182. Honolulu.

James Dunn,j I. G. oiler,li. J. Murphy,G. M. Dawson,

!V. A. Kosa,

Sept. 10, 1888.


Cork,Mel fast,


('. Elliot Anderson,Hiekson Aiulersiui,t'ol. Geo. A. Shaw,

Family and Shipping orders CarefnllyAttended to. "5v --

.I oronto. The Planters' Month y

Feb. 2;, 188G.

May 14, l8S.--.

Any. 2:5. 18S.5March 12. 184.March 12, 188t.Marcli 12. 1S1.March 12, 184.April 28. 1.S87.March 12, 1884.

March 12. 1884.

Live Stock Furniheu to Vessels at iIn.rtnotice.

IVvotetl to the Kiirourauomont ofjJan. 14, 187D.

:tk G. for theDoniinion,

'c.IV. c.jv.". c".v. c.c.v. c.c.


,C. O. for Austra-- i

lasia, etc.V. CC.C.c.V. c.v..c.C. G.C.C.

KoekviUe, Out., I. 1. Muell,Hamilton, Out.. A. Mrown,KiiiL;stovvn. t nt.. ti. Kichardson,Kimouski, q., I. N. Fonliot, ii. C,St. John's, N. M. A. I). Crookshank,Halifax. N. S.,Yarmouth. N. S., E. F. Clements,Victoria. M. C.. IC. F. Eithet,Vancouver, M. C,cs 1 1; M.ASIA.Sulncv. N. S. V., 1'rnest t). Smith,Newcasile, " 11. E. Stokes.Melt uirue, Vict. Captain G.N. Oakley,Mrish.i'ie. i., A. M. Webster,Holtart, las.. Captain Hon. A. Coote,Liuneestoii, l as tie. Collins,Auokland. N. '.., 1. 1. ('ruickshank,Danedin, N. '... H. Driver,

Jan. 11. 1SST. a (j men ;rn iv. , 1 o u n cn .t it ke ,

Telepliones ISTo. '21

LOVE'S BAKERY.3fo. 73 Xiiiiiii Street.

MKS. HOB T. LOVE, - I'roprletrese.



Oct. 1. 188.Keb. 7.

j July 10, 1SS4.lJuly 12. 1S7S.June 1SS7.

I JulyFeb. 5. lt71.Sept. i'l, iss;.

!Nov. 17, 1K1.Hon. J. Hell Irving,!J. J. Keswick,11. Schott,

Every Pencrtptiou of l'lalu auil Fancyi

crcalun'-i- . 1 lu 1 nlisli educated younHindoo is a jzu-a- t Uct of tash d:a t. Herats mutton, and hoof and Lacoi. as vora-ciously as an Englishman. He has latelytaken to shootin; and hunting reltyUrely. Ho cares little to feed birdswith li e and corn, and laughs at the un-educated Hindoo who shows Midi markswl kindness toward the Icatherv trite,lie docs not hesitate to kill a suake asnoon as he sees it, l'ut the nuiube;' ofMich educated Hindoos is very small, onlyttdiop in tin- - vast oceaa ol Hindoo hutuunity

H 'lu-a- ; M.i;l. .

A CMrnrC, man. " ttaid a well know &

I roket can k nd an order ocrjriHti-- . nlio to th; New ork tta'Uv Nebulise and lmv it executed in a

minute. Some of thee pi i ate n ires runriht on to tho I'.oor of the exihani". theinesa-'- is in the I Jam I of the brokernlnio.M instantly nt'U'r tlie fTjio.iLro opo:ator M' the order, and in another minuloIho tt.ido is executed. I hae sent orders.

Eo: oKoNU,ii..xo:iK,

(ifiUAUTAV.,c' A Coi.

Oct. ", 188i.

And lllOR istKcially to the develop- - )'QiH Mild CraCliCl'S,and perfection of Cultivationd'A. & C. (i. inent

j MIS.Pans,

j M irs-dle- s.

P.oi" leanx,Kouen,

FRESHAlfred Honlo,A. (uv;,F.. vl Hoiss:c,t SohiicssU r,


Mav 21, ISSii.'March 1, 18U;.March 1, 18t;.July 27, 1874.

'.Vng. 12, 1881'..

of Cane and the

MANCFACTUUV: OF SUGAR.Sot ir i v tJuorr. j

' Papeete, lat iti. I. I". Cornet'

t h r.v. n y A lVi.iv-- :

NU.I H.vrllM.

Plain and Fancy PrintingSoda Crackers


Saloon IheadAlwrtv on Ilnntl.


K. F. WtLer.I. F. Muller.J. Korp,

A. F. Kns.II. Mul'.vr,

It. 1. 1 tli.'t.i

i March 2". 187tl.' Inly 8, 18v87.Man. 7, 188i.

March 14.j li ss than





INCLVIMXii- -that' MXis SOOr." !"!lxu" The time made


I iauibur,I'.ec.ieti.

j Frankfort-on- -

Maine,Dresden.x irUiuue.

"! tadnd. "

Maieelou.i,Cut;.-- ,


'v'.XNAKV lsl VNPS.

I .as,

This popular journal has entoreJ

'.V.V.1 roiunie. anvl liavinj: been

Enlai'gea to 18 Pages

Monthly, makes a yearly volume of

nearlv tW paces, devoted to the airricul-tura- l

and commercial prosperity of the

Hawaiian Islands.

VI. Lnw JnHtks ;uul Blanks.Lawyers' Briefs,

Statistical Work,

tt. Sv'hiiiu,V. t'lnist.F. I . Po Nav;irrrt,I. Fans.

raiuplilcts c f any kin.,Freight aiul Plantation Books.

Co lore d Poster Work,



Sot. li, 1888.Inly 21, 1887.Jnlv 14. 188.March 14, 1887.March 14, 1887.

Sept. 29. 188.VMarch 14, 18S7.March 14, 187.

I.. Falcon y vaevf Jo,

a,"Hjc co speculator in any o.ic of lli'J'd en t.loi'k oilicts at Chicago is prai lially a 'i 'eoni trader.' He can scalp the

Mock market 'ul as if In' as standingon the ed.o of the crowd a;;d doin hiiown buying ami He'lsr.. "

lH.ln't Want Ti llo X ivl n t !.

Tuiis. 1

When Use vaccination inspector wainakiu hU rounds on a tra.n from Mon-treal to Toronto, he accosted a ccnlleiaauin the Pullman car with the us.i.d ques-tion llaeyou born v:tc'inatcilr " Tf.aeentleniu:i, who had xcry oniniir. eitlence of a three wei ks h d. puu nt ofthe opei at ion on one of hi amis, ei'credto let the inspector feel the sore p'accsthrough his coat sleeve. The inspector(iovecr. compelled the cn'leinin to re

L(nsular lnv.ii es. MeK Ceititu :ih, JJe.eir.t P.r.tThe attention of the business men of

I. 1. Pt L;ii;nti;i,S.n'.i t'ru.'. iio la H. Mattbt-- y 1a t taller.

I'o'.ni mi. A t'ot o--

MIS.i. A. F. Pe Seriv,

tp,irto, N I". M. lVrro.Madeira, . Hutcl ason.

St. Vincent. l Martins.


IhIaimI Onlerw Pruniiillj Atloiilsl to172-3i- n


Ilabana Cisrars.

Iavarian Jeer.,.f thf Hackerl-ra- Frewery. Mum hen;

Strasslmnr leer.Flenslnirir Ieer.

i Honolulu and of all persons, enlaced in

; industrial pursuits is called tothisper-- ;

icniical as a medium for


V. C.

Vpril 19. s--J.

March 2". 18S.".ict. 2o. 1878.Nov. 17, 1881.Jouf C, 1884.


Promisoiy Note-- . Pk.nk Kcei-.ts- .

Lithograph Coloroil r.u;s, lh:s;r.t s and VisUin-- r CanU,Ball ami WoiMin C.nls, IVo-ramni- os, Billheads,

Letterheads printe.l in C'.pyif- ;- Jr.k, Etc., Etc., Etc.

j Advert siuir & Informationmove the coat and shirt sUcves in orderthat he niiht be satlstuxl about the Cv ii

i. Flinton HcHiker,K. Pe l.ncla.I.. FiA. Taliavia,

March 9. 188f.'Anc. -- 1. 1n7.lulv 14. 18-m- ?.

March 14. 1S7.

C. G.



Which can !o obtained in no other pub

lication, here or abroad.J. P. der UJe. V. K. z. n.. V. C.

I V VI V.Kone.iienoa,'e-- .

r.iUraio.NvTiina m.


Ft l uU'M.Antwerp.Utent,laii.e,Hrue.

Sn viN A Nounv t.Si.vkbolni,Fi-.- t istiai.i.4.l.ysk;'.tiotl-.fW'Furjr-

v; v.:a.Vienn.i.


The price of subscription is very ;

w-t- ho lv.MKs ' ' j Double Extra StoutPRINTING and BINDING



! lVtt'.ed M.V.. Foster A tons. London;t

Nov. 15. 108".

Jalv ol. 18n.Auc 27.Sept. 10. 18S.April 0, 188o.

Mav 29. 1879.Mav 31. 18";.Jalv lt. 1879.March 14. 17Pec. 20, 1870.

May 4, 1880.

March 18V,Not. 2U, lsc j.

French Clarets.i A few "I Kund volumt" of the j

'years lo and F: an lt obtained :

Victor Forc.K. I'oppieters,I. H! an pain.F. Vai.den,

H. A. Hurler,E. Siirson.H. Hercstroni,G. Kraak,

V. von ScL-nt-erg- er,

J. Uvinitiad,

Hi Fic?i!::cy K. W. Irwjc,S. Eudtcvtt.

I. H. fbii.Li'.,


c.C. G.e.v. c.v. c.

r.C. G.

Min. lie.C.


uineiu ss of the accinativn. stating thatlmu!i is had attempted to mislead himby howUi two or three buttons in then

It avcI . .MIIO tf l'iirii';kil.

'1 .. n l'iM. lex.; tomputes that at tue

rctniuenc. nient of ti e eighteenth centurytlu re vx . !.. ( '0.0 h.) European w;olivctl in xar ous ':i!itls oxMsivic ofInc'.ndiuiT theo people, the whole popu'ettion of Europe xxa ISo.VO.iX'vV Apresent there are S.00,iVH living inethx'r eountiies, but the popu'a'.iou ofI'mop' contuiues to ineiease rapidly, a:, iis woxv ;.'. io.ish That :s,;it ha Y.ear'.ydoubled since 1 10 , xvhi:e tV.e craicratioaio;n it is now n.c.e as lare s I;

V-x- s at ttat time.k 'trrll.i; Kio' t"ms

I'veh I

A preat en ;:ni-e- ' inir xx ork i Invn u

bv the pcop'.e wf Niiata kentJapan. xxiOi the o' a ct of diri t:n thewater of the hma,-- river through aA oeurc wliuh w'll prexenta tt ;vtitieart the ieui.c'.atloes xx l h have cauxvi sonmeh d un.te to the ncibborii'.c d;s-ti-

is At iho same lime the mrmtli ofthe xxheie thv p-.- t of Nii;ila it

lllrilcd x lil K dep4Utvl w

of superior p:;ilit-.- f ;

(lerinan Preserves,loki..Hico m

ffG? Al.Ires allF, rr'-:.v-.

j "Faok W.iunies ot the Pi antkk'! Mi'Nthia boundj Address: ;


lii iroK Vi antkk' Month! y. !

: 4m Mt-ivhar- St., !

!Jrj i;54-3u- i IIoiio'.ulu, H. I.

ftp-- FOi: ALK F.Y --tiH

Etl. lloiklilaanT f Co.,


The Dailv P. C. Advertiser and Weeklv Gazette


M- - WIUTXEV,, Mair,40 Moubau: St.. Honolulu. H. I.Are ihe New vPr iu lt Kingdom.

rlMMTw'''',Trr'''1 MMMllinWfrtrM,Ml,W'T1111