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BroadcastNews for God’s People at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church

June 2016

P e a c e W i t h C h r i s t L u t h e r a n C h u r c h1412 West Swallow Road

Fort Collins, Colorado 80526970-226-4721

[email protected]


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Church Staff & Church Council Listing……………….... Page 3The Dais…………………………………………………. Page 4Letter from Preschool…………………………………… Page 7Marilyn’s Memo………………………………………… Page 9Youth Activities………………………………………… Page 10LWML…………………………………………………… Page 11Council Minutes “Minute”………………………………. Page 12

News & Announcements

Vacation Bible School (VBS)………………………… Page 15Church Picnic…………………....…………………….. Page 15Pastoral Call……..……………………………………. Page 16Staff Letter to Michael………………………………… Page 17RMHS Lunch Thank You ………………………………. Page 17Anniversaries…………………….…………………..…. Page 18Birthdays….……………………………………………. Page 18



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P eace Wi t h Chr i s t S ta f f & Leader sh ip

Church StaffRichard Pierson—Pastor, 970-597-0218

Renee Hein—Preschool DirectorMarilyn Lasich—Youth Coordinator

Marcy Petago—Office Manager

Church Elders with telephone numbersRay Kaiser, 223-0987

Dan Krueckeberg—Worship Elder, 988-1168Brian Lacey—Staff Elder, 213-9056

Wes Nierman—Head Elder, 226-5936Aaron Peterson, 988-3656Michael Rohlfs, 482-2663

Church CouncilLarry Siegfried—President

Loren Wiesner—Vice PresidentKaren Carlson—SecretaryClaude France—Treasurer

Amy Hoy—Early Childhood Preschool ChairpersonMark Geisler & Emily Geisler—Education Chairperson

Loren Wiesner—Endowment Fund Committee ChairpersonKaren Groves—Evangelism Chairperson

Pat Juchartz & Connie Jesser—Fellowship ChairpersonBetty Keeney—Hands in Harmony Chairperson

Drew Hoffner—Head TrusteeTeri Frerichs—Missions & Ministry Chairperson

Lori French—Youth Ministry Chairperson

Prayer ChainCheryl Harsen—Coordinator – Phone #229-1459


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The Da i s

My Grace Is Sufficientor

Blessed Is the Man Who’s Lost It All

For some of you it was glaringly obvious; for others, you might not have even noticed. But regardless of whether you caught it or not, the fact remains that something was missing from last month’s Broadcast, namely, my article.

As the deadline crept closer in its steady, impending way, I racked my mind trying to come up with something to write about. There were a few initial ideas, but they just wouldn’t bloom. Soon, time came around to where I needed to be finished two hours ago, and I had to admit that an article, even a poorly written one, just wasn’t going to happen. It was time to print, and I wasn’t going to hold up the works. I had nothing, couldn’t conjure a sentence worth writing, and I simply and finally had to own that fact.

Sometimes, that’s how life is—you just have nothing. Nothing to give, nothing to spend, nothing to use, nothing to say. You have no ideas, no energy, no resources, no inspiration, no goodwill, no back-up plan, no patience, no peace.

There are all sorts of ways you can have nothing—from daily essentials like food to the more abstract things like meaningful relationships. I could make a long list here, but I’ll bet you know what I saying.

For many of us the idea of having nothing evokes some discomfort because we like having; to have this, have that, have whatever. We live in a culture oriented around having, and tend to view lack as an absolute evil to be avoided at all cost. In our day, having nothing is the worst thing that can happen to you.

Or maybe it’s the best thing that can happen to you. When you’ve lost it all, that’s when you truly come to

understand mercy.When we have nothing—when we stop pretending we have

a fighting chance to extricate ourselves from the depths of our lack

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and just own it; when we commit to the reality of our having nothing and throw ourselves at another’s mercy—this is when the grace comes. That’s because grace is a thing that’s underserved; it’s a thing that’s precisely for those who have nothing.

This can happen for those who lack temporal needs and could use some grace, some mercy. Often others will provide help, and this is a gracious thing; we call that being merciful. But the truth is that, regardless of our prosperity or lack thereof, all of us are missing at least one thing, and the most needful one at that: righteousness. Whether you’re wealthy or destitute, there’s one thing you can’t acquire on your own and that no person can give to you: the righteousness that makes you right with God. It turns out that, with reference to God, we’re all in the worst kind of poverty—spiritual poverty. We have nothing that argues for him to accept us. But such a poverty makes us ready to receive what God has to give, since those who have nothing are most prepared to receive mercy. And mercy is something that God loves to dole out.

Unfortunately, it’s too common that we are spiritually proud. Realistically, we’re starving, naked, and homeless, and yet we’ll still bristle at the idea of asking for some mercy. Even in our deepest destitution, we believe the lie that we still have something, anything, to contribute, to give, to cash in. But what we really need is that moment of sober clarity, where we see the magnitude of our lack—our utter, spiritual depravity before God—and turn to him for grace. And it’s in that moment when we’ve lost it all that God gives us everything.

So, then…blessed is the man who’s lost it all.By the work of the Spirit through the Word, God

dismantles the tasty lie convincing us of a capacity that we just don’t have. And because we’re astoundingly recalcitrant, the Spirit works on us in this way throughout our lives lest we come to believe that, somehow, we’re no longer poor. The Spirit rouses us to estimate our true station and our lack before God, and in these we are brought to


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repentance, given divine forgiveness, and are stood back on our feet with the strength of God.

When St. Paul wrestled with the “thorn in his flesh,” he pleaded with God to remove it from him. But then Paul says God actually gave it to him to keep him “from becoming conceited.” Paul’s situation was purposely without remedy so that he would learn about God’s mercy. God’s response to Paul, then, says everything, and it speaks to us, too: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Think about that—power in weakness. It makes no sense; they’re contradictory ideas. And beyond that, we live in a world where power begets power, not weakness. But what God reveals is that his kingdom, his reign in creation, doesn’t operate the way the world does. His preference isn’t those who can, but those who can’t, because empty vessels are the only ones you can fill. If we’re full to the brim with that which is not God, then there is no room left for him. But emptiness—having nothing, admitting it, and throwing yourself to grace—is how God starts his new life in you. And he points you to one who had everything, yet forsook it to make himself poor to be like you; to identify with you, to stand in your place, and not simply dispense the mercy of God but to be the mercy of God for you. Jesus became nothing to give you everything.

He is the exemplar of power in weakness. Jesus let wicked men sentence him to death unjustly and allowed them to carry it out, and in this appearing helpless, dying, doomed. Yet in that death he secures salvation for all who simply trust in his righteousness; who say “I have nothing, but you’ve promised to fill my lack with your abundance, and that’s all I need.”

That’s grace—a thing not yours, not deserved, but given anyway. And God’s grace is sufficient; it fills up our emptiness so that we’re not just filled, but overflow with his life. That’s not a life that’s lacking, that’s a life that’s abundant; there’s so much grace that it’s running over the brim. And God, in Christ, has plenty more.


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So, maybe it’s that having nothing is the best thing that can happen to you, because it’s when you’ve lost it all that you truly come to know the abundance of God’s mercy, and it’s when you’re empty that there’s plenty of room for you to be filled.

Grace & Peace, Michael

A Le t t e r f rom P reschoo l

Dear PWC friends,

God’s Promises Preschool is a School and Mission of Peace With Christ Lutheran Church, Fort Collins, Colorado.

This year your Preschool provided 22 children with a Christian education that helped their minds and hearts to grow with knowledge and love of Jesus. Additionally, we had the pleasure of including TWO students from China that showed the children that God’s love crosses cultures. In order to continue to provide these great faith based learning opportunities for children, your Preschool relies on the support of the congregation through prayers and budget support. Currently that support is around 9% of the church’s budget. For those of you who have a special place for the Preschool in your heart and who are able to give beyond your normal tithing, please consider one of the following ways to give.Ways to help:

GENERAL GIFTS: a general gift is undesignated and will be used in whatever area the need is the greatest. These gifts are useful because they are flexible in helping the Preschool.


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DESIGNATED GIFTS: These gifts are generally for a specific program, capital purchases, scholarships, etc. The donor specifies how these funds are used.

MEMORIALS: These gifts may be made in honor of a special person, special event, or in memory of a deceased loved one or friend.

THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS: Thrivent members can designate their Choice Dollars to God’s Promises Preschool.

Please keep in mind that even though you may be designating your Choice Dollars to Peace With Christ… is NOT being directed to the Preschool. You must direct your Dollars SPECIFICALLY to the God’s Promises Organization. Look for the Link on the Membership email you receive. Type in God’s Promises Preschool in Fort Collins. Choose the amount you want to designate.

We are a non-profit organization, gifts are tax deductible. So, what is and what is NOT tax deductible? Designated and undesignated financial gifts to the Preschool are considered tax deductible and a receipt will be given to the donor. Undesignated gifts are used as needs dictate. Gifts given directly to staff or families are not deductible.

Thank you. Your support and prayers are priceless.

In His Name,Peace With Christ Preschool Board Renee Hein, Director


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Mar i l yn ’ s Memo

Dear PWC family,

Summer is here! School is out and we are all making plans for summer activities and projects. We are getting ready to host VBS and I am planning summer activities for the Youth and before we all know it the summer will be over!

Time does fly by and we need to be thankful for all the blessings that God has given us! After the last week of rain, we are thankful to see the blue sky and the sun shining. The rain is a blessing that will help the trees, crops, flowers and gardens to flourish. It is easy to overlook it as a blessing when the skies are gray and dreary!

Despite all the problems in our world, we are blessed to be able to worship in our church, blessed to have God’s word available to read and study, blessed to have Pastors and teachers to spread God’s word and blessed to have fellow Christians to be our friends, neighbors and church members.

Take some time this month to think of all the blessings God has given to you – we usually remember to think of our blessings in November but we know we should be thinking of them each and every day! We also need to be thankful each day for all the blessings he has given us because no matter what is going on in this world, we can be thankful for a loving, gracious God and for

Christ Jesus who gave up all to become our greatest blessing as our Savior!

Have a blessed and thank-filled month, Marilyn


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You th A c t i v i t i e s

June 13 – 17: VBS The Tree of Life, 9 am – Noon, Staff report at 8:30 am

June 12: VBS set-up and decorating following late service, bring a lunch, we will provide some snacks.

June 13: VBS Staff Meeting - at 8:45 am in the sanctuary.

June 15: Youth lunch and Movie (if an appropriate one is showing), stay after VBS for lunch and then we will go to a movie, watch one at church, or play some games! Sign-up so I can plan.

June 22: Youth Work Day - 9 am – 2 pm, Sign-up to help around the church or wherever we are needed

June 24: Movie/Game night with Care Housing, 6:30 - 9:30 pm

June 26 – 29: LVR Catechism Retreat! Meet Sunday, June 26 at 11:00 am (plan to attend 8 am church), being a lunch, drink and all your things. We will eat lunch on the road. We will return on Wednesday, June 29 by late evening, 6 pm at the earliest.

Upcoming dates in July to plan for:High School Lock-in – July 8/9 Water World – July 13, Cost $30 per personHigher Things – July 26-29

Lu theran W omen i n Mis s ion


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June Brunch: Saturday, June 25thAll ladies of PWC are invited to brunch at Bev Russman's home

on Saturday, June 25th at 10am. Please bring your favorite brunch item to share and join us for this final gathering before

summer break!• Mites are mighty! LWML's mite box for World Missions will be in the Narthex on Sunday, June 5th. Your donations support National and District grant recipients at home and around the globe.• Your votes have been tallied and profits from LWML's 2016 Craft Fair will be distributed as follows: Claire Hoy 38%, Joshua Vanderhyde 20%, Benjamin Vanderhyde 20% and Austin Theriot 22%. Congratulations to all the recipients!• St. John's Missionary Guild invites all ladies of PWC to their Annual Potluck Picnic on June 7th at 6pm in their Fellowship Hall (305 Elizabeth St.) They request that you bring one of your favorite potluck dishes to share and they will provide the fun!• May's Mission Project overflows into June: We continue our collection of lap robes and goodie boxes in support of military men and women. Small food items, personal items and some fun things are requested. Lists are posted on the LWML bulletin board for your convenience. A large labeled basket is available in theSunshine Hall for your donations through June 8th. All gifts will be taken to Colorado Springs for inclusion in the District Convention's “Gifts of the Heart”. Lap robes will benefit veterans served by VA Hospitals/Medical Centers in Denver, Ft. Carson, Albuquerque, El Paso and Grand Junction. Goodie Box supplies will be shipped to a man or woman in the military. If you know a soldier who would appreciate a package, please provide their name/ address to Julie Frank or Christie Peebles.

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• The Rocky Mountain District Convention entitled “God Our Fortress and Refuge” is June 10-12th in Colorado Springs. All convention information, including how to register, can be found online at

C ounc i l M inu te s “Minu t e”

The Council Minutes Minute gives you the opportunity to see potentially important information several weeks before the approval of the actual minutes. Copies of the approved Minutes for Council and Congregation Meetings will be available in the Narthex. It is anticipated the Minutes will be available electronically once the Church website is updated. This report is for both the April and May 2016 meetings due to the postponed date of the April Council Meeting.

Here are highlights from the April 25, 2016 Council Meetings: Treasurer’s report indicated that offerings are on target for

this time of the year at 24.7%. Claude France is continuing to review the various line items and transferring funds as necessary to the appropriate accounts.

Continued discussion regarding the various Social Ministry programs that Peace with Christ supports. It was decided

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not to form a Task Force to review the programs and not to pursue any major changes at this time.

Discussion was held on where to donate the free will offering monies from the Council and Congregational Lent Soup Suppers. The consensus was to make the decision at a later date after the Council goals are decided.

It was decided that as a 2016 goal, Council will formulate and implement a plan to get all members more involved in congregational life.

Council will continue to discuss the Council Structure (Positions and Committees) and the associated changes that will be necessary in the Bylaws at the May Council Meeting.

The Endowment Fund Committee has developed and will implement an Education Program.

An additional $2800.00 was approved for the Fellowship Committee to cover the weekly Sunday morning treats, the Church Picnic, Oktoberfest and Season’s Opener.

The Church website is in the process of being upgraded.

Highlights from May 16, 2016 Council Meetings: Claude France has researched setting up electronic

(automatic) giving for PWC members to use. He reported that it is a fairly easy process to implement and should be completed in the near future.

Marilyn Lasich reported that the Youth is inviting Care House (from across the street) to an ice cream and game night on Saturday, May 28 from 6:30pm – 9:30pm. This is expected to be the first of these types of events.

Brian Lacey represented the Staff Care Committee (SCC) and provided information regarding the hiring process of Hannah Walters. Council will be reviewing the wording of the Bylaws regarding the SCC to include provisions during

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a vacancy of the Senior Pastor, who plays a key role in the SCC.

The Fellowship Committee will develop guidelines regarding providing treats between services which will allow others such as congregational members and groups (i.e. LWML and Preschool) to participate with this task.

Michael Groves reported that the upgrading/revising the PWC website is continuing and is expected to be complete by the end of June.

Council approved a motion to provide a severance package for Michael Groves. After reviewing the finances, Claude France will send a recommendation for the amount of the package to Council for final approval.

Continued discussion on the Council job responsibilities/positions; separating them from the Bylaws into a handbook to allow for easier reference and modifications and the possibilities of combining and/or changing Council positions. Additional work will be conducted by Council members before the next meeting.

Continued discussion on Council/Committee goals and priorities for the year.

Respectfully Submitted,Karen CarlsonCouncil Secretary

News and Announcements


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Save the Date for VBS (Vacation Bible School)Get ready to gather 'round The Tree of Life during our 2016

Vacation Bible school, happening June 13-17, 9a.m. to noon. During the week we'll learn about how God has used different trees throughout history to bring his grace and salvation to us. "Save the Date" postcards are available in the narthex that you can use for yourself or those you may wish to invite, along with registration forms. You can register as early as you like; please return those forms to Betty Keeney, box 54. It promises to be a fun week. We'll see you at VBS!

VBS Snacks Please watch for a VBS Snack board to see how you can

help provide snacks for the week.

VBS We could use some trees for decorating for The Tree of

Life. If you have some trees you would be willing to let us borrow, please contact Marilyn or Kelley. Artificial or real are fine (we will be careful of all). Thanks!

Church Picnic ~ Sunday, July 31 ~ Save the Date!We're excited to announce the return of our church picnic

on Sunday, July 31, starting at 10:30 a.m. Join us for outdoor worship in the beautiful pavilion at Good Samaritan Village in Loveland (no services at PWC that morning), followed by food, fun, and fellowship with your fellow members of the body of Christ. Look for more info mid-July.See you there!The church picnic committee of the Fellowship board



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Youth Gift card/Scrip box will be available at least two Sundays a month this summer. IF you need items, please contact Marilyn or Marcy and we will get them to you.

Call AcceptedRev. David B. Magruder of Trinity Lutheran Church and

School in Riverton, Wyoming has accepted a divine Call to be the next pastor at Peace With Christ. Rev. Magruder is a 1990 graduate of Concordia seminary in St. Louis. He has served as an assistant and associate campus pastor in Aberdeen, S.D. and Duluth, Minnesota. He was Senior Administrative pastor at Mount Olive Lutheran in Duluth for nine years. Rev. Magruder has served as Senior Administrative pastor at Trinity Lutheran for over eleven years. Rev. Magruder is a chaplain in the U.S. Naval Reserve.

Rev. Magruder is married to Dr. Joy Magruder (family practice physician) and they have three children. Emma is sixteen, Iain is fourteen, and Aidan is almost twelve. The arrival of the Magruder family and the installation at Peace With Christ is uncertain at this time. Dr. Magruder has a commitment to her practice for up to 90 days.

Please continue to pray for Rev. Magruder and his family and for Trinity Lutheran during this transition period. They will be saying farewell to many close friends and neighbors.

Paul RubelCall committee chair


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Dear Peace with Christ,My son is a freshman at Rocky Mountain High School.

Your Thursday lunch program has been so great.He doesn’t believe in God yet, but never misses a

Thursday lunch with you.Thank you for taking care of his hunger and spirit! He

doesn’t realize he’s drawn to more than just food, but I keep praying.

I doubt he gives a donation so please accept this donation as my thanks for what you do.

Karen Wolff


Dear Michael, We will miss having you as a part of the staff at PWC.

Thank you for all your service to the congregation during your time with us. We know of all the meticulous time you put into planning services, selecting hymns and hymn tones, preschool Chapel time, planning VBS, music, Bible Study, Confirmation, working on the website, helping all of us with computer issues, and all the other things you did! We will miss your insight and knowledge of the Bible during staff devotions!

We all are praying your new endeavor is wonderful and we ask that God would bless and keep you each and every day! You were a wonderful blessing to work with and we are thankful for your time with us. We are grateful that you will remain a part of our Peace With Christ family!

Love in Christ, Marcy, Renee and Marilyn

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Ron & Kelley Pichel June 1, 2002Chuck & Jana Black June 12, 1982Rev. David & Carol Caspersen June 12, 1970Steve & Barb Spanjer June 15, 1974Cleve & Nancy Moore June 17, 1961Owen & Joanne Dahmer June 18, 1966Glenn & Betty Mulholland June 18, 1955Cliff & Lu Buchholz June 19, 1976Jon & Pat Juchartz June 19, 1981Aaron & Mari Peterson June 19, 2000Ned & Kathy Daugherty June 20, 1959Michael & Karen Groves June 22, 2002Greg & Cindy Seebohm June 23, 1973John & Carolyn Huisjen June 24, 1961Dennis & Julie Kaster June 24, 2006Dave & Tina Nierman June 24, 1995Warren & Jan Wergin June 26, 1955Howard & Marcie Walter June 27, 1948

Evie Korb June 1Pat Blackstun June 2Jeffrey France June 2Starr Parke June 2Racheal Tolar June 2


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Ron Pichel June 4Jackson Roth June 4Bill Roth June 4Rich Dunker June 5Caleb French June 6Art Pforr June 6Robbie Fields June 7Brianna Lacey June 10Garrett Peterson June 10Robert Kingsley June 12Cheryl Kudick June 12Karen Buchlieter June 14Marcus Mueller June 14Nicholas Black June 15Deborah Cerman June 16Mark Geisler June 16Rachael Bernhardt June 20Kyle Krueckeberg June 21Leora Snyder June 21Dave Nierman June 22Kay Rubel June 22Colleen Rohlfs June 24Stony Achziger June 27Millie Miller June 27Rylie DuRant June 28Libby Hoy June 28June Grueber June 29Tatum Kottwitz June 30


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