python – getting started · oriented programming. ... debug the script in an ide python - getting...

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop . E Esr Esr Esr sr Esr sr Esr Esr Esr Esr ri U U U U i U U i U i U U i U U U U UC20 C20 2 C20 C20 C20 C2 C2 C2 C20 C20 C20 0 2013 13 13 13 13 1 1 13 13 .T . T T . T . T T T T T . T . T T T Tech e ech ech ech ech ech ech ech e ech c e ech ech ech ech h ch ech ech ec c nic nic c c nic nic nic c ni ni ni ni nic c c n n c c cal al al al al al al al al al al al al a a a a al al al Wor Wor Wor Wor Wor Wor Wor Wor Wor Wor Wo W r r r r W r r r r orksh k ksh ksh ksh ksh ks ksh ksh ksh k ksh ksh ksh k ksh ksh ksh k ksh ksh ksh s s s s s op op op p p p op op op op op op op o . . . . . . . Technical Workshop 2013 Esri International User Conference July 812, 2013 | San Diego, California Python Getting Started Drew Flater, Ghislain Prince

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Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop . EEsrEsrEsrsrEsrsrEsrEsrEsrEsrri UUUUi U Ui Ui UUi UUUUUC20C202C20C20C20C2C2C2C20C20C200201313 1313131113 13 . T. TT. T. TTTTT. T. TTTTecheechechechechechechecheechceechechechechhchechechec cnicnicccnicnicniccnininininicccnn cccalalalalalalalalalalalalalaaaaalalalaaaa WorWorWorWorWorWorWorWorWorWorWoW rrrrW rrrrorkshkkshkshkshkshkskshkshkshkkshkshkshkkshkshkshkkshkshkshssssss opop oppppop opopop op opopo .......

Technical Workshop

2013 Esri International User ConferenceJuly 8–12, 2013 | San Diego, California

Python – Getting StartedDrew Flater, Ghislain Prince

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Does this describe you?

New to Python scripting

Comfortable using ArcGIS but want to become more efficient

Moving to Python from other scripting language like VB, AML

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .


What is Python and why use it?Python 101What is ArcPy?Scripting geoprocessing toolsTroubleshootingArcPy functionsBatch processing

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

What is Python?

“Python is an easy to learn, powerful language… (with) high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing…make it an ideal language for scripting…in many areas and on most platforms.” –

Scripting language of ArcGIS

Free, cross-platform, easy to learn, widely useful, great community

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Why use Python and ArcGIS?

Automate repetitive tasksDevelop custom toolsAdd geoprocessing to web applicationsCustomize Desktop apps Extend the capabilities of ArcGIS

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Python 101

Where do I write Python code?Python file is text with .py extensionIDE like PyScripter, Wing IDE ($), PythonWinPython window in ArcGIS

How do I run? …Double-click, IDE, ArcGISWhat are variables?

A name that stores a value; assigned using =

input = "C:/Data/Roads.shp"distance = 50both = [input, distance]

# Variables act as substitutes for raw valuesarcpy.Buffer_analysis(input, "Roads_buffer.shp", distance)

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Python 101

Python has logic for testing conditionsif, else statementColon at end of each conditionIndentation determines what is executed== tests equality; other operators like >, <, !=

var = "a"if var == "a":

# Execute indented linesprint("variable is a")

else:print("variable is not a")

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Python 101

Techniques for iterating or loopingWhile loops, for loopsColon at end of statementIndentation determines what is executed

x = 1while x < 5:

print(x)x = x + 1

x = [1, 2, 3, 4]for num in x:


Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Python building blocks

Function: a defined piece of functionality that performs a specific task; requires arguments Module: a Python file where functions live; import

Package: a collection of related modules

math.sqrt(100) … 10

Python Standard Library / Built-insos, sys, math, datetime, urllib2

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .


Site package that adds ArcGIS functionality to PythonAccess to 800+ geoprocessing toolsFunctions, classes and modules

Helper functions like ListFeatureClasses, DescribeClasses that can be used to create complex objects like SpatialReference, FieldMapModules that provide specialized functionality like Mapping, SpatialAnalyst, NetworkAnalyst, DataAccess

Enhancement of arcgisscripting module (pre-10.0)Your old scripts

gs will work

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

ArcGIS Python window

Embedded, interactive Python window Access to Python and modules within ArcGIS applicationsGreat for experimenting with Python code and learning tool syntax

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop . Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .p30Cs U ec ca o s o .hrkWni lh. T1ri 2E ii

Run Geoprocessing tools


Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Run geoprocessing tools

import arcpy

Follow tool syntaxarcpy.toolname_toolboxalias()

Enter input and output parameters

How do I use a specific tool?Tool help pageCopy as Python Snippethelp(arcpy.Buffer_analysis)

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Geoprocessing environment settings

Use geoprocessing environments as global parameters

See tool help for honored environmentsProductivity and code cleanuparcpy.env

arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data"

arcpy.env.extent = "0 0 100 100"

arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = 4326 #WKID

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop . EEEsri Ui UUC20C20C20C202013 13 13 11313 3 . Techhchchchnicnicnnn alalal alal Workshop .


Why do errors occur?Incorrect tool use, typos, syntax, ...or bugs

My script doesn't work!? Help!View geoprocessing messagesUse Python error handlingDebug the script in an IDE

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Geoprocessing messages

Three types of messagesInfo, warning, error

Displayed in the Python window

Errors displayed in IDE

To see other messagesarcpy.GetMessages

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Python error handling

Try…Except…Try to do something, and if an error occurs, do something else

# Start Try blocktry:

arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Roads.shp", … )# If an error occursexcept:

# Print that Buffer failed and why

print("Buffer failed")print(arcpy.GetMessages())

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop . Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .p30Cs U ec ca o s o .hrkWni lh. T1ri 2E ii

Use try except logic and debug a script



Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop . Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .p30Cs U ec ca o s o .hrkWni lh. T1ri 2E ii

ArcPy Functions

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

ArcPy functions

Perform useful tasksList data: ListFeatureClassesGet data properties: Describe

Enables automationof manual tasks

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Batch processing

Automating a geoprocessing operation to run multiple times

Clip every feature class in a geodatabase to a boundaryCalculate statistics for every raster in a folder

List functions used in Python to perform batch processing

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .


# Set the workspacearcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/FileGDB.gdb/FDs"

# Get a list of all feature classesfcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()

# Print the names of the feature classesfor fc in fcList:print(fc)

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .

Getting data properties

Describe function reads data propertiesReturns an object with properties

Data type Shape typeSpatial referenceFields

# Describe a feature classdesc = arcpy.Describe("C:/Data/Roads.shp")

print(desc.shapeType)>>> "Polyline"

Python - Getting Started

Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop . Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .p30Cs U ec ca o s o .hrkWni lh. T1ri 2E ii

Batch processing


Esri UC2013 . Technical Workshop .


Python - Getting Started

resources.ArcGIS.comAnalysis, Python

arcpy.wordpress.comGIS Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow

Python ReferencesPython Scripting for ArcGISby Esri PressLearning Python by LutzThe Python Standard Library by Example by

More Python sessions

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