python threads · python threads aahz ... threaded example threaded example from threading import...

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Python ThreadsAahz

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title: Meta Tutorial

Meta Tutorial• I'm hearing-impaired

Please write questions if at all possible

• Take notes - or not

• Pop Quiz

• Slideshow on web

title: Contents

Contents• Goal: Use Threads!

• Thread Overview

• Python's Thread Library

• Two ApplicationsWeb SpiderGUI Background Thread

title: Part 1

Part 1• What are threads?


• Python threads

title: Generic Threads

Generic Threads• Similar to processes

• Shared memory

• Light-weight

• Difficult to set upEspecially cross-platform

title: Why Use Threads?

Why Use Threads?• Efficiency/speed

• Responsiveness

• Algorithmic simplicity

title: Python Threads

Python Threads• Class-based

Use threading, not thread

• Cross-platform

• Thread Library

title: 1.5.2 vs. 2.0

Python 1.5.2 vs. 2.0• Compile --with-thread

Except on MS Windows and some Linuxdistributions

• Multi-CPU bugCreating/destroying large numbers ofthreads

title: GIL

GIL• Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

• Full Documentation:

• Only one Python thread can run

• GIL is your friend (really!)

title: GIL in action

GIL in Action• Which is faster?One Threadtotal = 1for i in range(10000): total += 1total = 1for i in range(10000): total += 1

Two Threadstotal = 1 total = 1for i in range(10000): for i in range(10000): total += 1 total += 1

title: Dealing with GIL

Dealing with GIL• sys.setcheckinterval()

(default 10)

• C extensions can release GIL

• Blocking I/O releases GILSo does time.sleep(!=0)

• Multiple Processes

title: Performance Tip

Performance Tip• python -O

Also set PYTHONOPTIMIZE15% performance boostRemoves bytecodes (SET_LINENO)Fewer context switches!

title: GIL and C Extensions

GIL and C Extensions• Look for macros:


• Some common extensions:mxODBC - yesNumPy - no

title: Share External Objects 1

Share External Objects• Files, GUI, DB connections

title: Share External Objects 2

Share External Objects• Files, GUI, DB connections


title: Share External Objects 3

Share External Objects• Files, GUI, DB connections

Don't• Partial exception: print

• Still need to share?Use worker thread

title: Create Python Threads

Create Python Threads• Subclass threading.Thread

• Override __init__() and run()

• Do not override start()

• In __init__(), callThread.__init__()

title: Using Python Threads

Using Python Threads• Instantiate thread object

t = MyThread()

• Start the threadt.start()

• Methods/attribs from outside threadt.put('foo')if t.done:

title: Non-threaded Example

Non-threaded Exampleclass Retriever: def __init__(self, URL): self.URL = URL = self.getPage()

retriever = Retriever('')URLs = retriever.getLinks()

title: Threaded Example

Threaded Examplefrom threading import Thread

class Retriever(Thread): def __init__(self, URL): Thread.__init__(self) self.URL = URL def run(self): = self.getPage()

retriever = Retriever('')retriever.start()while retriever.isAlive(): time.sleep(1)URLs = retriever.getLinks()

title: Multiple Threads

Multiple Threadsseeds = ['', '', '']threadList = []URLs = []

for seed in Seed: retriever = Retriever(seed) retriever.start() threadList.append(retriever)

for retriever in threadList: # join() is more efficient than sleep() retriever.join() URLs += retriever.getLinks()

title: import Editorial

import Editorial• How to import from threading import Thread, Semaphore

or import threading

• Don't use from threading import *

title: Thread Methods

Thread Methods• Module functions:

activeCount() (not useful)enumerate() (not useful)

• Thread object methods:start() join() (somewhat useful)isAlive() (not useful)isDaemon() setDaemon()

title: Unthreaded Spider

Unthreaded Spider•

• Compare Tools/webchecker/

title: Brute Thread Spider

Brute Thread Spider•

• Few changes

• Spawn one thread per retrieval

• Inefficient polling in main loop

title: Part 2

Part 2• Recap

• Thread Theory

• Python Thread Library

title: Recap Part 1

Recap Part 1• GIL

• Creating threads

• Brute force threads

title: Thread Order

Thread Order• Non-determinate Thread 1 Thread 2print "a,", print "1,",print "b,", print "2,",print "c,", print "3,",

• Sample output 1, a, b, 2, c, 3, a, b, c, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, a, b, c, a, b, 1, 2, 3, c,

title: Thread Communication

Thread Communication• Critical Section Lock

Protects shared memoryOnly one thread accesses chunk of codeaka "mutex", or "atomic operation"

• Wait/NotifySynchronizes actions between threadsThreads wait for each other to finish a taskMore efficient than polling

title: Thread Library

Thread Library• Lock()

• RLock()

• Semaphore()

• Condition()

• Event()

• Queue.Queue()

title: Lock()

Lock()• Basic building block

• Methodsacquire(blocking)release()

title: Critical Section Lock

Critical Section Lock Thread 1 Thread 2mutex.acquire() ...if myList: ... work = myList.pop() ...mutex.release() ...... mutex.acquire()... if len(myList)<10:... myList.append(work)... mutex.release()

title: GIL and Shared Vars

GIL and Shared Vars• Safe: one bytecode

Single operations against Python basictypes (e.g. appending to a list)

• UnsafeMultiple operations against Pythonvariables (e.g. checking the length of a listbefore appending) or any operation thatinvolves a callback to a class (e.g. the__getattr__ hook)

title: GIL example

GIL example• Mutex only one thread Thread 1 Thread 2myList.append(work) mutex.acquire()... if myList:... work = myList.pop()... mutex.release()

title: dis this

dis this• disassemble source to byte codes

• Thread-unsafe statementIf a single Python statement uses the sameshared variable across multiple byte codes,or if there are multiple mutually-dependentshared variables, that statement is notthread-safe

title: Misusing Lock()

Misusing Lock()• Lock() steps on itselfmutex = Lock()mutex.acquire() ...mutex.acquire() # OOPS!

title: Synching threads

Synch Two Threadsclass Synchronize: def __init__(self): self.lock = Lock() def wait(self): self.lock.acquire() self.lock.acquire() self.lock.release() def notify(self): self.lock.release()

Thread 1 Thread 2self.synch.wait() ...... self.synch.notify()... self.synch.wait()self.synch.notify() ...

title: RLock()

RLock()• Mutex only

Other threads cannot release RLock()

• Recursive

• Methodsacquire(blocking)release()

title: Using RLock()

Using RLock()mutex = RLock()mutex.acquire() ...mutex.acquire() # Safe ...mutex.release()mutex.release()

Thread 1 Thread 2mutex.acquire() ...self.update() ...mutex.release() ...... mutex.acquire()... self.update()... mutex.release()

title: Semaphore()

Semaphore()• Restricts number of running threads

In Python, primarily useful for simulations(but consider using microthreads)

• MethodsSemaphore(value)acquire(blocking)release()

title: Condition()

Condition()• Methods

Condition(lock)acquire(blocking)release() wait(timeout)notify() notifyAll()

title: Using Condition()

Using Condition()• Must use lockcond = Condition()cond.acquire()cond.wait() # or notify()/notifyAll()cond.release()

• Avoid timeoutCreates polling loop, so inefficient

title: Event()

Event()• Thin wrapper for Condition()

Don't have to mess with lockOnly uses notifyAll(), so can beinefficient

• Methodsset() clear() isSet() wait(timeout)



There's More Than One Way To Do It

• Python:There should be one - and preferably onlyone - obvious way to do it

• Threads more like Perl

title: Factory 1

Body factory Wheel factory


title: Factory Objects 1

Factory Objects 1Body Wheelsbody.list wheels.listbody.rlock wheels.rlockbody.event wheels.eventassembly.event assembly.event


title: Queue()

Queue()• Does not use threading

Can be used with thread

• Designed for subclassingCan implement stack, priority queue, etc.

• Simple!Handles both data protection andsynchronization

title: Queue() Objects

Queue() Objects• Methods

Queue(maxsize)put(item,block)get(block)qsize() empty() full()

• Raises exception when non-blocking

title: Using Queue()

Using Queue()Thread 1 Thread 2output = self.doWork() ...queue.put(output) ...... self.input = queue.get()... output = self.doWork()... queue.put(output)self.input = queue.get() ...

title: Factory 2

Body factory Wheel factory


title: Factory Objects 2

Factory Objects 2Body Wheelsbody.queue wheels.queue


title: Factory 3

Body factory Wheel factory



title: Factory Objects 3

Factory Objects 3Body Wheelsbody.queue wheels.queue

Packagerwhile 1: body = self.body.queue.get() wheels = self.wheels.queue.get() self.assembly.put( (body,wheels) )


title: Part 3

Part 3• Recap

• Using QueuesspiderGUI (Tkinter)

title: Recap Part 2

Recap Part 2• Data protection and synchronization

• Python Thread Library

• Queues are good

title: Spider w/Queue

Spider w/Queue•

• Two queuesPass work to thread poolGet links back from thread pool

• Queue for both data and events

title: Tkinter Intro

Tkinter Intro

This space intentionally left blank

title: GUI building blocks

GUI building blocks• Widgets

Windows, buttons, checkboxes, text entry,listboxes

• EventsWidget activation, keypress, mousemovement, mouse click, timers

title: Widgets

Widgets• Geometry manager

• Register callbacks

title: Events

Events• Event loop

• Trigger callbacks

title: Tkinter resources

Tkinter resources• Web

• BooksPython and Tkinter Programming, John E.Grayson

title: Fibonacci


• UI freezes during calc

• Frequent screen updates slow calc

title: Threaded Fibonacci

Threaded Fibonacci•

• Tkinter needs to pollUse after event

• Single-element queueUse in non-blocking mode to minimizeupdates

• Must use "Quit" button

title: Pop Quiz 1

Pop Quiz 1How are threads and processes similar and different?

What is the GIL?

In what ways does the GIL make thread programming easier and harder?

How do you create a thread in Python?

What should not be shared between threads?

What are "brute force" threads?

title: Pop Quiz 2

Pop Quiz 2Explain what each of the following is used for: Lock() RLock() Semaphore() Condition() Event() Queue.Queue()

Why are queues great?