q1 - codes and conventions of real media product

Codes & conventions of real media products (Question 1) Zia Martinez

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Codes & conventions of real media products (Question 1)

Zia Martinez

Page 2: Q1 - codes and conventions of real media product

Print AdvertWhen picking our broadcast channel for our advertisement, we

chose Channel 4. As part of our research, we looked at many different print ads that Channel 4 had advertised. We strived to conform, develop and challenge it’s codes and conventions.

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Print Advert

My print ad.

Channel 4 print ad.

• One image that dominates the screen / ad – not much manipulation (Photoshop editing) is used. The image also portrays the theme of the documentary.

• The image is landscape.

• Channel 4 logo placed on the middle right corner – size is the same as other channel 4 print ad logo.

• Information on the bottom left corner – to indicate audience about the documentary and information about airing date and time.

• Basic / minimal information – to influence audience to watch the documentary so that they can gain more information / knowledge.

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Print Advert

My print ad.

Channel 4 print ad.

•Clear and simple text font – because the Channel 4 font was unavailable to download, chose a similar font (Verdana) that still represent the same theme / impression as the Channel 4 font.

•Use of colour schemes – with the text boarders and Channel 4 logo; we strive to stick to the colour schemes of the photograph.

•White colour for the text – make it easier to read. Also portrays simplicity and professionalism.

•Font size – we strive to replicate the size font from the Channel 4 print ad as we didn’t want the text to bee too small nor too big.

•Boarders for texts – to separate the image and texts. It also makes it much easier to read.

•Title of documentary is one size font bigger that the other texts- to make the title stand out.

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Radio Advert• A radio advert can range from 15 seconds to 60 seconds. However the average time for a radio advert is around 40 seconds.•Radio advert will contain information about the documentary to the audience.•Often contains music bed or “jingle” to make the advert memorable with a voice over on top.•The voice over often contains a woman’s voice.•Will contain slogan of the documentary.•Language used will be tailored to demographic.•The mode of address is directly to the audience.•The voice over will normally be upbeat and lively to attract attention and typical uses of English accent and will speak very clearly for audibility.•Will be information dense.•Normally contains vox pops•Normally has uses of persuasive language. i.e. repetition, rhetorical question, alliteration etc.

Examples of radio adverts. – click on the “speaker” icon.


Toby carvery -

Doctor Who -

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Documentary •Opening sequence – to draws attention and get audience entertained.

•Opening title – to indicate the title of the documentary and to inform the audience what the documentary will be addressing.

•Introduction – in our case, the history of breakfast would be our introduction. Not only does it introduces it to the theme of the documentary but it also gives out useful information.

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Documentary• Montage – to show interest to the theme. Also draws attention and to entertain audience.

• Interviews – Expert interviews such as chefs and employee of the cafes.

• Narrative structure – persuasive argument is used throughout. This also used to keep audience entertained. Narrative structure can be used within the interviews.

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• Actuality – Footage was recorded and taken by us using HD Sony video camera. Creates the impression that the documentary is valid.

• Statistics – to discuss and back up argument.

• Archive footage – such as commercials. To create similarities between our work and other professional work.

• Graphics - such as still title and the main title. This provides information for the audience.

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• Sound (diegetic and non diegetic sound) - background music. – consistent and fast tempo to keep audience entertained.

• Diegetic sound – voice over / voice of God – used when footage is shown. Voice over is used to back up the footage that is being shown on the screen with related information.

• Vox pops – to add interest of the documentary. To also portray different views and opinions of the public.

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Cross fade transition – to add creativity within the documentary.

Close up shot – draws focus on the subject. Highlight and express its importance

Long shot- to add creativity within the documentary.

Medium shot – this is normally associates with interviews as it enables the audience to see detail of mise on scene

Over the shoulder shots – adds interest to the topic

Panning shot – to create a sense of direction. It also adds creativity within the documentary

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Rule of thirds – normally associates with interview, keeping the interviewee on either the left or right hand size of the space.

Establishing shot – to inform audience information without relying on the voice over. Also enhance the actuality within the documentary as what is being shown is actually real.

High and low angle shot – to add interest and creativity towards the documentary. To also highlight the subject’s importance.

Cutaways – to back up what is being shown or said within the screen. This also enhances actuality as cutaways shows that what is being said within the voice over is actually real.

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Mise en scene – to express the topic of the documentary at every angle. This is particularly significant during interviews so the documentary flows correctly.