q1 finished contents page evaluation

Evaluation Q1 Contents page

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Q1 finished contents page evaluation

Evaluation Q1Contents page

Page 2: Q1 finished contents page evaluation

This is my finished contents page. On my contents page i followed conventions of using three collums only to display the information, the use of only three columns makes the information look neat and all in order. I’ve created synergy by using a blue gradient for the background, this is also setting a house style of the magazine.

This is not how i had originally planned my contents page. I had planned for there to not be any columns and for there to be a bundle of three photos in the top corner and three photos in the bottom corner. When planning on paper that design really seemed to work and looked great, but the problems started when i started to construct. I started the construction by adding in the bundles of three pictures at each side, after that i decided to start drawing the lines for where the articles and numbers were going to go, and thats where it all went wrong. So to solve the problem i decided to start my contents design again.

After realising the design before wasn't going to work i decided to do some research into popular magazine such as ‘Q’ and look at how they have planned there contents page, and i took inspiration from them and started to design a new contents page.

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The exclusive articleAfter having the main exclusive article so heavily advertised on the front cover i decided to make the exclusive article not as outstanding on the contents page so other articles also got advertised.

I decided to use a photo of Amy again so the reader makes the connection between the front cover and the contents page that its the same artist and it then reminds them to turn to the article and read it. I have tilted the image so it goes across the column line so it is in two columns. I know this is breaking conventions as its not adhering to three columns but i did this to also make sure that the article is still seen amongst all the other articles on the contents page.

Also i have repeated the idea that this is the ‘cover story exclusive’ just so people realise that this is a amazing article due to it being advertised on the front cover and contents page. Also because it is addressed as exclusive both times.

The ‘cover story exclusive’ was also put in the same colour as Amy’s dress to create synergy between the photograph and the title for the advertisement.

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Conventions adhered to-The first convention I have adhered to is the use of columns, this is a convention seem in pretty much all vintage music magazine. The use of columns makes the information clearly displayed and make all the articles easy to read.

The next convention i have adhered to is advertising features such as gigs, vintage events near you and things like vintage tearooms. Advertising things like this attracts the attention of people who like vintage much or who are vintage collectors.

Another convention i have adhered to is using puffs on the contents page to advertise the magazines Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages so that fans of the magazine can follow these social media pages and then information on new and exciting things that the magazine is doing. Also Ticketmaster is advertised, this is a big selling point as it attracts the target audience or people who like going to concerts so they can see what concerts they can go to or see if any of the artists featured in the magazine are featured.

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Conventions manipulated-

This photograph features on the contents page, i have manipulated this by instead of just making it black and white or sepia i have transposed the photograph into sepia and then i have added a scratched effect on top of it. The use of this effect created the look as though the image was actually a photograph from the era of the magazine and could be a genuine photo from the period.

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Conventions challenged-A convention i have challenged is the fact that all my photographs on my contents page are just of single artists instead of a mixture of groups. I feel this was an appropriate choice as the photographs on my magazine are generally advertising the article about them. Also only using single artists changes the magazine and makes it less traditional vintage and more modern.

Also the photographs on my contents page are all of girls, this is representing the genre that the magazine is based around through the use of photographs.

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More conventions challenged-

Another convention that has been challenged is the fact that no colour popped photographs have been carried through from the front cover. The reason I did this is because I didn't want colour pop to be seen as synergy between the pages, I just wanted it to be a feature that happened once to attract the target audience to modern vintage.

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TheoristsI believe that Perkins theory that

“stereotypes are not simple” is true in the case of my contents page. As i

wanted to create a contents page that was noticeably vintage without making it too traditional as i wanted the whole magazine to be modern to interest teenagers and young adults,

but also attract older people who love and lived through the vintage

music era.

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This is the headline at the top of my contents page, this is a very outstanding feature because of its size and the boldness of the black writing. Also the masthead from the front cover is used onto of the word contents. The point of using the masthead from the front cover on the contents page is to create synergy between the front cover and the contents page.

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At the bottom of the contents page i have added a puff advertising that you can subscribe and get the magazine digitally or printed and how you can save up to 42%. This puff will appeal to a lot of people as they like to get good deals on this such as magazines. I decided to make the back of the puff blue so that it matches in with the house style of the magazine blue.

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On the contents page I also decided to advertise gigs and festivals in a puff with the ‘Ticketmaster’ logo. This is so people can have a look on ticket master to see what gigs and festivals are available to them. Again I have made the puff blue so it fits in with the house style and the shape used as a puff is like a brush coat of paint which is unusual so will catch the readers eye.

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At the very bottom of the contents page i added in the logos for popular social media sites Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I did this so people will follow the magazine on social medial sites to see and the new exciting things happening with the magazine. Also the magazines target audience majority use these social media sited so will be able to find out social media sited and offers that are happening.

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At the bottom corner of the front cover and the contents page is a web address for the magazine. The point of the website is so people can subscribe to the magazine and can choose whether they would like to have a printed copy of the magazine or whether they would like it digitally. I decided to due this as from my target audience research everybody seemed interested in having different options of ways to read the magazine.

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Finally on the contents page i decided to create a usuals column, that would be filled with the same kinds of article in every magazine. The things that will be in this column are the most popular things from each issue of the magazine.