q6 evaluation

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Upload: izzy-hatch

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

I used many different technologies in order to achieve a successful product. Some of the technologies used included a Digital SLR camera which I used to capture my images at a high quality for my magazine. The professional software Adobe Photoshop was used to edit my pictures and create my front cover and contents page this was the best way to make a more professional looking magazine. Photoshop enabled me to achieve this task as I was able to use it quite well and efficiently, I struggled at some points however it was easily worked out and the magazine cover and contents page were successful.

Adobe InDesign was also used to make my double page spread which was a high quality professional software which enabled me to produce a much more detailed structured piece of work. This made me achieve the task much quicker however because I had never used this software before I was slow using it to start with but picked it up quite easy.

The use of blogger helped me organise all my work and it was easily structured so that it made sense. It helped me keep track of what I had learnt and also was good to present my research and planning in a clearer way. I was able to do blog updates to show how my production was getting on so I could show every step of the way when producing my magazine.

The internet was a big part of getting the research for my audience and magazine and it helped me with choosing all the different features that I needed for the magazine to make it effective for my target audience. I went on various websites to find out what key features of magazines are for that typical genre and came across many ideas such as the black and white contrast together on the double page spread with the block writing and bold red masthead on the front cover.

The use of image manipulation helped when sorting out my images to be used on the magazine. This meant that they looked perfect for where they were put on the magazine and matched the style of the product. I edited the size of many pictures and feathered them to make a more rounded edge so that they didn't look as if they were just placed there.

I used a timeline to show my time management and this type of technology kept me up to date and made sure that I completed the tasks by a certain time effectively.

I was able to put this on my blog in order to keep things up to date and every time I would go on my blog this would be there for me to see and to check.

I used slideshare to be able to put my Desk Top PowerPoints onto the blog . The use of the internet was a main focus in the production of my product as it helped me when putting everything together and getting it all organised on my blog.

The technology was very helpful in order to make the product go as well as I wanted and it also helped with the blogging and time management of the main task.

I feel that if I was to use less technology than I did, making this product would of been a disaster and therefore would of meant that my magazine wasn’t up to a high standard and of course wouldn’t of looked like one at all.