qa (manual & automation) contents

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  • 8/7/2019 QA (Manual & Automation) Contents


    QA-Manual TestingTotal Number of Hours: 20

    1). Introduction

    2). Software Development Process Models (SDLC)


    Waterfall Model

    Prototype Model/ Dummy Model

    V-Model Fish Model

    Spiral Model etc.,

    3). Testing Types-

    4). Verification/Reviews-

    5). White box testing-

    6). Black box testing-

    7). Performance Testing

    8). Regression Testing & Re-Testing

    9). Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) -

    10). Test Plan-

    11). Test Case Design-

    12). Use Case-

  • 8/7/2019 QA (Manual & Automation) Contents


    13). Unit Test Cases-

    14). Integration Test Cases-

    15). System Test Cases-

    16). Example Test Cases-

    17). Test Execution-

    18). Test Metrics-

    19). Defect Management-

    20). Acceptance Testing-

    21). Web Testing-

    22). Standards and Certifications-

    23). Testing Terminology-

    Automation Testing with Win Runner

    1). Over view of Win Runner

    2). Testing an Application using Win Runner

    Recording Test Cases

    Calling the Test Cases using call Function

    3). Test Script Language (TSL)

    4). GUI MAP File

    5). Synchronization of test cases

    Creating test cases

    Synchronizing Test cases

  • 8/7/2019 QA (Manual & Automation) Contents


    6). Data Driven Testing

    7). User defined functions

    8). Compiled Modules

    9). Exception handling

    10). Web text Checkpoint

    Performance Test Automation with Load Runner

    1). Introduction

    The need of performance testing

    When load testing comes into process

    2). Performance Test Process

    Manual Load Testing

    Automation Load Testing

    3). Performance Test Approach

    Study system under test

    Create Vuser Script

    Execute Tests

    Analyze Test Results

    4). Load Runner Components

    Virtual user generator



    5). Load Testing process

    6). Building Tests

  • 8/7/2019 QA (Manual & Automation) Contents


    7). Running Load Tests

    8). Analyze the results

    9). Load Runner Controller

    10). Publish Reports

    HP-Quick Test Professional (QTP-9.5)

    Total Number of Hours: 20

    1). Introduction -- Types of Automated Tools

    2). Recording Modes: Normal Recording, Analog Recording,

    Low-level Recording- Types of ORs

    3). Testing Process in QTP

    4). Identify Objects -- Object SPY

    5). Synchronization Methods

    Default Time (), Wait Property () Wait ()

    Exist () Sync ()

    6). Types of Check Points

    7). Types of Out put values

    8). Step Generator

    9). Object Identification

  • 8/7/2019 QA (Manual & Automation) Contents


    10). Recovery Scenario Manager

    i). Types of Trigger Events

    ii). Creating Recovery Files

    iii). Associating Recovery Files

    11). Virtual Objects

    12). Object Mapping

    13). Parameterization

    Action Parameters

    i). Creating Actions ii). Splitting Actions

    iii). Types of Actions 1v). Input and Output Parameters

    Data Table Parameters -

    Environment Variable Parameters -

    i). Built in Parameters

    ii). User defined Parameters

    Random Number Parameters -

    14). Debugging-

    i). Break Points ii). Step Into

    iii). Step Out iv). Debug viewer Pane

  • 8/7/2019 QA (Manual & Automation) Contents


    15). Libraries

    i). Creating Libraries ii). Associating Libraries

    16). Functions

    i). Need of Functions ii). Creating user defined functions

    17). Database Connectivity-

    18). Flat Files-

    19). With--- End with

    20). Transactional Statements- Regular Expressions-

    21). Descriptive Programming-

    i). Method-I

    ii). Method-II

    22). AOM (Automation Object Model)-

    i). Working with AOM ii). Advantages

    23). Frame Works-

    i) Linear Frame Work ii) Modular Frame Work

    iii) Functional Frame Work iv) Data Driven Frame Work

    v) Keyword Frame Work vi) Hybrid Frame Work

    24). VB Script (for QTP) & SQL concepts for Testing

  • 8/7/2019 QA (Manual & Automation) Contents


    Test Management withHP-Quality Center (QC-9.2)

    1). Introduction to QC

    Primary Functions of QC-

    Main Objectives of QC-

    2). Test Management Process-

    Requirements Business Components

    Test Plan Test Lab Defects

    3). Q.C components-

    Site Administration Quality Center

    4). Create Project-

    5). Managing Requirements-

    6). Business components-

    7). Test Plan-

    8). Test Lab-

    9). Defects-