qb mass communication 106

 School of Dist ance Education Introduction to Mass Communication Page 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION COMPLEMENTARY COURSE  MASS COMMUNICATION FOR BA ENGLISH (2011 Admission) SEMESTER II PAPER I ASS COMMUNICATION INTRODUCTION TO M QUESTION BANK 1. The In terpre tati on proc ess i n Commu nicati on take s place in a) Sender b) Message c) Receiver d) Channel 2. The Hindu News paper was founded by G. Subrahmaniy a Aiyer in the year ………… a) 1868 b) 1878 c) 1898 d) 1875 3. The Pres s Act passed by the British in 1878 to prevent Indian langu age press from being critical of the British rule is ……………. a) Indian News Paper Act b) Indian Press Act c) Vernacular Press Act d) Colonial Press Act 4. Which among the followi ng publication is not ass ociated with Gandhiji? a) Young India b) Harijan c) Swarajiya d) Navajeevan 5. The News paper founded by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru i s? a) Indian Chronicle b) Times of India c) Indian Herald d) National Herald 6. The first Newspaper in In dia, Bengal Gazette founded by? a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy b) James Augustus Hickey c) Dr. William Carrey d) S ir. Philip Francis 7. “When the Press was asked to bed , Most of them chose to crawl” who said this about press during the emergency period? a) JaiprakashNarayan b) A.B.Vajpai c) L.K.Advani d)I .K.Gujral 8. The FM Station owned by Malayala Manorama group is ……………… a) Best FM b) Radio Mango c) Club FM d) Radio Mirchi 9. The first p rivate television channel in In dia is………………..

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FOR BA ENGLISH (2011 Admission)





1. The Interpretation process in Communication takes place in

a) Sender b) Messagec) Receiver d) Channel

2. The Hindu Newspaper was founded by G. Subrahmaniya Aiyer in the year …………

a) 1868 b) 1878

c) 1898 d) 1875

3. The Press Act passed by the British in 1878 to prevent Indian language press from

being critical of the British rule is …………….

a) Indian News Paper Act b) Indian Press Act

c) Vernacular Press Act d) Colonial Press Act4. Which among the following publication is not associated with Gandhiji?

a) Young India b) Harijan

c) Swarajiya d) Navajeevan

5. The News paper founded by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is?

a) Indian Chronicle b) Times of India

c) Indian Herald d) National Herald

6. The first Newspaper in India, Bengal Gazette founded by?

a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy b) James Augustus Hickeyc) Dr. William Carrey d) Sir. Philip Francis

7. “When the Press was asked to bed, Most of them chose to crawl” who said this

about press during the emergency period?

a) Jaiprakash Narayan b) A.B.Vajpai

c) L.K.Advani d) I.K.Gujral

8. The FM Station owned by Malayala Manorama group is ………………

a) Best FM b) Radio Mango

c) Club FM d) Radio Mirchi

9. The first private television channel in India is………………..

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a) Asianet b) NDTV

c) Times New d) Surya

10. The expansion of ABC is …………………………

a) Audit Bureau of Circulation b) Account Bureau of circulation

c) Affidavit Bureau of Circulation d) None of these

11. The mouth piece of Communist Party of India (CPI) Kerala chapter is ……………..a) Jana Shabdam b) Deshabhimani

c) Chinta d) Janayugam

12. Kandathil Varghese Mappilai is associated with which among the following News


a) Malayala Manorama b) Mathrubhumi

c) People’s Democracy d) Pashchimodhayam

13. The first domestic news agency in India is …………………….

a) Press Trust of India b) United News of India

c) Samachar Bharati d) Associated Press of India

14. AFP stands for …………………..

a) Associated France Press b) Agence France Press

c) Agence Far Press d) None of these

15. Associated Press (AP) is head quarted at

a) Paris b) Tokeyo

c) Moscow d) Newyork

16. Tass-Har was the Official News Agance of …………………..

a) Cuba b) Soviet Union

c) China d) Barma

17. Who represented India in Mc Bride Communication?

a) Sam Pitroda b) B.G. Varghese

c) A.G. Noorani d) G.S. Subrahmanya Aiyer

18. The Press Council of India was constituted as per the recommendation of …………

a) Registrar of News Paper India b) First Press Commission

c) Second Press Commission d) Mathew Commission Report

19. The publication of an annual report which will contain the facts and figures relating

to the News Paper industry is the responsibility of ………………….

a) Press Council of India b) ABC

c) Registrar of News Papers d) Ministry of information and Broad casting

20. ………………… is the Modal Agency of the Govt. of India to disseminateInformation to the print and electronic media on government policies programmes,initiatives and achievements.

a) Ministry of Information and Broad castingb) Press information Bureau

c) Press Councils of India

d) None of these

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21. The Quarterly vidura is a journal published by ……………………..

a) Press Institute of India b) Press Council of India

c) Press Trust of India d) Vivid Bharathi

22. Advertorial is a ……………………………

a) Combination of Advertising and editorial

b) Advertisement is an editorialc) Description is an advertisement

d) None of these

23. AAAI stands for ……………..

a) Audit Agencies Association of India

b) Advertising Agencies Association of India

c) Article Assessment Association of India

d) Accredited Advertisement Association of India

24. The two readership survey conducted in India are

a) NRS and IRS b) ABC and IRS

c) NRS and ABC d) IRS and CRS

25. Who said “Comment is free, Facts are sacred”

a) Walter Lipman b) Oscar wild

c) C.P. Scou d) G.B. Shaw

26. The first radio programme in India was broadcast by the …………………….

a) Radio Club of Calculta b) Radio Club of Bombay

c) PTI d) Doordarshan

27. Indian State Broad Casting Service (ISBS) was renamed all India Radio in the year


a) 1936 b) 1935

c) 1948 d) 1950

28. At the time of Independence, AIR Network hand only ………………. Stations

a) Three b) Six

c) One d) Four29. Expand FM?

a) Face Modulation b) Fidelity Magnificing

c) Frequency Modulation d) None of these

30. AIR’s youth broadcasting service is titled as ……………………….?

a) Youth Brigade b) Yuvavani

c) AIR Youth d) Yuva

31. The first controller of broad casting in India was

a) Lionel Fieldan b) B.G. Varghesec) C.P. Scott d) Anshumon Gupta

32. Loksabha passed Prasar Bharati (…………………..) Bill in the year?

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a) 1994 b) 1999

c) 2000 d) 1998

33. Door darshan Sail over to colour transmission on August is 1982 in connection


a) Olympion b) Asian Games

c) Pun d) National Games34. The Flagship channel of Doordarshan is?

a) DD Metro b) DD1

c) DD Loksabha d) DD Rajya Sabha

35. Expansion of NDTV is ……………..

a) National Democratic Television b) Nai Dainik Television

c) New Delhi Television d) None of these

36. ……………………….. is the process of translation of the message into a code

suitable for transmission to the intended receivers.a) Decoding b) Replication

c) Transmission d) Encoding

37. FM and …………are the two types of Radio transmission

a) FM b) AM

c) SM d) XM

38. The first Indian films to be nominated for Oscar Award is …………….

a) Salaam Bombay b) Lagan

c) Slum Dog Millionaire d) Mother India

39. The word ‘Tele’ means ………………

a) To see b) Far

c) Screen d) Moving

40. The CBFC Certificate of ‘U’ means

a) Under Exhibition b) Unknown Exhibition

c) Universal Exhibition d) Unrestricted Exhibition

41. BBC stands for ………………….

a) British Broad Casting Corporation b) Broadened Broad casting Corporation

c) Bit-by-Bit Broadcasting Corporation d) None of these

42. The Satelite Television Asia Region (STAR) is based in?

a) New Delhi b) Banglore

c) Tokyo d) Honkong

43. Manoramaonline.com is an example of …………………..

a) News Site b) Social Site

c) Portal d) Interactive Site44. The ‘water gate’ scandal was associated with which US President?

a) Bill Clinton b) Jimmy Carter

c) George W Bush d) Richard Nixon

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45. The Mac Bride Commission was constituted by?



46. Fourth estate refers to ……………………..?

a) The internet b) The press

c) Whistle bloucers d) Private media47. Close encounter is and interview programme in which Malayalam channel?

a) India Vision b) Reporter

c) Manorama News d) Amrita TV

48. The Central information and Broad casting minister of India is ……………

a) Tasian Ramesh b) Kapil Sibal

c) Ambika Soni d) Sachin Pilot

49. ‘Your moment is waiting’ is the advertisement tagline of………………..

a) Coco kola b) KSEB

c) Kerala Tourism d) Incredible India

50. Who introduced Printing Press in England?

a) William Canton b) John Gutan Beeg

c) Thomas Marshal d) Isaac Newton

51. ……………….. holds the record of congest and company in India

a) ONGC b) King Fisher

c) Amul d) Boost

52. ASCI stand for …………………………

a) Advertising Standards Council of India

b) Advertising Scheme Council of India

c) Advertising System Corporation of India

d) Accounting System Council of India

53. The DAVP (Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity) is headed by a ………

a) President b) Chaiman

c) Minister d) Director General54. K.P. Kesava Menon is the Founder editor of ?

a) Puschimodayam b) Deepika

c) Mathrubhumi d) Kerala Kaumudhi

55. The official News paper of BJP Kerala unit is?

a) Kesari b) Samna

c) Janmabhoomi d) Viveka

56. …………………… was India’s first Multi Lingual News Agency

a) PTI b) UNIc) Samachar Bharati d) Hindustan Samachar

57. India and Easter News paper Society (IENS) now known as?

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a) North Eastern Newspaper Society b) Indian News paper Society

c) Press Information Bureau d) National Newspaper Society

58. IFWJ stands for…………………?

a) Indian Federation of Working Journalists

b) International Federation of Working Journalists

c) Intercontinental Federation of Working Journalistsd) None of these

59. Byline Means ……………………..

a) Text accompanying a Photograph b) Name of the author

c) Place & Date d) Edition of the News paper

60. The process of filtering a messages from source to receiver is……………

a) Filtering b) Refining

c) Framing d) Gate keeping

61. What is lead?

a) Headline of the story b) Opening paragraph of a storyc) Closing lines of a story c) Subhead lines of a story

62. Tabloid refers to---?

a) News paper half the size of a broad sheet b) Periodicals

c) Table magazines d) House Journals

63. News reporting that sensationalise or over emplacing soft writing, which is decidedby some editors is means as……………………….

a) Sensational Journalism b) Black Journalism

c) Criminal Journalism d) Yellow Journalism

64. When did AIR (All India Radio) come under the department of Information andBroadcasting?

a) Oct 24, 1941 b) Sept 3, 1940

c) March 2, 1950 d) Dec 7, 1956

65. Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) programme was the brainchild of

a) Dr. S. Janardhanan b) V.K. Saraswat

c) Vikram Sarabai c) Sam Pitrocla

66. The Prasar Bharati Act came into force on …….

a) 1992 b) 1997c) 1995 d) 1996

67. Which among the following is not a feature of Mass Media?

a) Transcient b) Universal Access

c) Narrow scope d) Gatekeeping

68. Indian Institute of Mass Communication (11 MC) is located at

a) Bombay b) Bengalore

c) Kolkatta d) Newdelhi

69. What is “Reuters”?

a) The first journal in South East Asia b) A British based news blong

c) An economy based blog. d) Internet technology chip

70. The First Press Commission was constituted in the year?

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a) 1950 b) 1952

c) 1960 c) 1956

71. Which among the following pair is not correctly matched?

a) The Hindu – Siddharth Varadarajan

b) India Today – Arnab Goswami

c) Outlook – Krishnakumar

d) The week – Philip Mathew

72. In DAB, what does the letter ‘A’ stand for?

a) Asterisk b) Audio

c) Antenna d) Automatic

73. Deliberate application of light to achieve some practical or Aesthetic effect iscalled ?

a) Lighting b) Animation

b) Optimisation d) Lenshood

74. ‘Rotoscoping’ is associated with?

a) Animation b) Robotics

c) New media d) Television

75. ‘Face book’ is an example of

a) Search option b) Social Network

c) Online paper d) Blog

76. The process of improving the visibility of a webpage/website in a searchengine is called?

a) Referral Marketing b) Affliation

c) Search Engine optimization d) Social Media Marketing

77. The scholar who coined the expression – ‘The Medium is the Message” is wellrenown for his concept of “Global Village”.

a) Albert Bandura b) Marshall Mcluhan

c) Leode Genero d) Wilbur Schram

78. Prannoy Roy is associated with which among the following media?

a) CNBC b) Sakshi T V

c) NDTV d) IBN Lok Mat

79. Indian Foundation for Public Relations education and Research (IFPR) is based

a) New Delhi b) Imphalc) Bombay d) Hyderabad

80. IPRA’s (International Public Relations Association) code of Athens wasadopted in the year?

a) 1970 b) 1962

c) 1988 d) 1965

81. Who was recently appointed as the Editor-in-chief of outlook magazine replacingVinod Mehta?

a) Rajiv Shukla b) Pradeep Bhakshi

c) Krishna Kumar d) Rajiv Ahir82. Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) a voluntary organization ofadvertisers is head quartered at?

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a) Bombay b) Secunderabad

c) Kolkata d) New Delhi

83. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) is headed by?

a) Secretary General b) Chairman

c) Director General d) President

84. Which among the following activity is concerned with creating goodwill, and

providing better ambience for an organization of function effectively …..

a) Advertising b) Public relations

c) Communication d) Press release

85. ‘News and truth are not the same thing’- Who said these words?

a) Jerome.K.Taylor b) Henry Ikaka

c) Watler Luppman d) Ravel Mzoko

86. Wi-Fi Refers to

a) Width fixture b) Wireless fidelity

c) Wireless fixture d) Width figure

87. Reporter who covers a specific geographical or subject area is

a) Special Reporter b) Subject Reporter

d) Beat Reporter d) Correspondent.

88. A Newspaper’s first edition of the day is known as

a) Bull dog b) Dummy

c) Hoax d) Newshole

89. Associated Press of India (API) a domestic news agency was started by

a) Keval. J. Kumar b) K.C. Roy

c) Govind Phule d) Rama Raju Sinha90. PTI (Press Trust of India) celebrated the Golden Jubilee of it’s inception in the year?

a) 1999 b) 2000

c) 1995 d) 1990

91. What does the Latin Word “Communis” mean?

a) Commute b) Communication

c) Common d) None of these

92. The film “Alam Ara” was produced by

a) Ardeshir Irani b) Satya Charu

c) Gopinath Varma d) Vipin Chandra93. Expansion of CNN is?

a) Canadian News Network b) Communication News Network

c) Cable News Network d) Common News Network

94. The Regional office of Central Board of film certification in Kerala is situated at?

a) Kochi b) Thiruvananthapuram

c) Thrissur d) Kozhikode

95. ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) was launched in

a) 1965 b) 1969

c) 1958 d) 191996. Goenka award for excellence in journalism is constituted by

a) PTI b) Times group

c) Express group d) IUWJ

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97. A whistle blower means?

a) A professional Musician b) A crusader against corruption

c) Legal officer in a lower court d) Chief of a news agency

98. The program Devil’s Advocate in CNNIBN is hosted by?

a) Karanthapar b) Prannoy Roy

c) Arnab Goswami d) Rajdeep Sardesai

99. Right to Information ACT (RTI) applies to all the states and UT’s of India except

a) Kerala b) Jammu & Kashmir

c) Goa d) Nagaland

100. Frequency Modulation (FM) Radio was invented by?

a) Edwin. H. Armstrong b) Jacques Diouf

c) Andy Zeollick d) Mckarthy wolf

101. The term ‘ Mockumentary’ is the portmanteau of?

a) Mockum + Documentary b) Mock + Documentary

c) Motion + Documentary d) Mog + Documentary

102. VJ stands for Video Jockey, what does DJ stands for?

a) Disc Jockey b) Drive Jockey

c) Dude Jockey d) Diffo Jockey

103. The expansion of ENG is?

a) Engineered News Generation b) Electronic News Gathering

c) Electronic Nano Gathering d) Engineered News Gadget

104. “Tilt” is a?

a) Internet based news gadget b) Camera Movement

c) Term coined by Vincent ‘D’ Zouza d) Protocol for print media105. Who among the following is not a photo journalist?

a) Kevin Carter b) Raghu Rai

c) Madhuraj d) Cyrus Barucha

106. Headline across top of a page over the name plate is called?

a) Scoop b) Skyline

c) Newshole d) Lead

107. Request not to publish Information supplied in advance until specified timecircumstance is

a) Feed back b) Advocacyc) Freelance d) Embaego

108. The process of filtering messages from source to receive is called?

a) Hand out b) Degeneration

c) Gate keeping d) Kinesics

109. Olfactory communication refers to?

a) Communication by Smell b) Communication by Sound

c) Communication by Fingers d) Communication by Eyebrows

110. Opening paragraph of a news story is called?

a) Body b) Leadc) Scoop d) Skyline

111. Second Press Commission was Constituted during the reign of ?

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a) P.C. Goswami b) Indira Gandhi

c) Moraji desai d) Jawaharlal Nehru

112. ‘The Time of India’ newspaper is owned by

a) Time Group b) Arnab Goswami

c) S.K. Jain Group d) UB Group

113. The line of a story that names the author is called

a) By line b) Name plate

c) Sky line d) Bull dog

114. Which among the following is component of Communication process?

a) Message b) Channel

c) Decoding d) Analysis

115. The Consequence of Communication is called?

a) Effect b) Message

c) Source d) Context

116. Which among the following is famed for Investigative journalism?

a) BBC World b) Tehelka

c) Vidura d) IBN Lokmat

117. Who among the following is the chairman of press council of India?

a) Just. Markanday Katju b) Just. J.B. Koshi

c) Just. Harilal. J. Kania c) Just. Ashok Ganguly

118. Doordarshan was delinked from All India Radio, in the year?

a) 1976 b) 1970

c) 1983 d) 1980

119. The fundamental Right of freedom of expression is guaranteed in constitution bya) Article 19 b) Article 120

c) Article 91 d) Article 358

120. ‘Cutline’ is connected wise

a) A Web portal b) Video Chip

c) DVD Write d) Photograph

121. The Vehicle or Medium through which signals are sent are called

a) Culttu b) Channel

c) Follow d) Sowce

122. Who among the following is not a cartoonista) Vinod Mehta b) R. Shankar

c) B.M. Gafoor d) Toms

123. The teem ‘Broad band’ is connected with

a) Radio b) Internet

c) Animation d Mobile

124. ………………… can be simply defined as ‘transmission’ of ideas.

a) Noise b) Communication

c) Encoding d) Decoding

125. The word communication was originated from the ……… word ‘communis’

a) Latin b) Greek

c) French d) English

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126. Whose model best explains the premise that communication has no beginningand no end?

a) Lasswell b) Frank E. X. Dance

c) David M Berlo d) Wendell Johnson

127. ‘Communis’ means …………...

a) Common b) Information

c) Code d) Communities

128. Advertisement is an example for …………….. communication

a) Propaganda b) Persuasive

c) Personal d) Permanent

129. The degree of similarity between individuals

a) Heterophily b) Homophily

c) Synchrophily d) Unophily

130. The degree of difference between individuals

a) Heterophily b) Homophily

c) Synchrophily d) Unophily

131. Which of the following is the idea generating component of communication?

a) Sender b) Message

c) Channel d) Receiver

132. The study of the way people approach others or the keep their distance fromothers

a) Kinesics b) Proxemics

c) Chronemics d) Ocullesics

133. Communication between the equals

a) Temporal communication b) Intrapersonal communication

c) Terminal communication d) Lateral communication

134. Who is the Web Inventor?

a) Tim Berners-Lee b) Bill Gates

c) Stallman d) Charles Babbage

135. A newspaper library is called

a) Obit b) NIB

b) Stack room d) Morgue

136. Fonts are related witha) Typography b) News values

c) Shots d) Camera

137. PageMaker is a

a) Video editing programme b) News tracking programme

c) Audio editing programme d) Desktop publishing programme

138. The organization of publishers, advertising agencies and advertisers for verifyingthe circulation statements of member publications.

a) PNS b) PTI

c) ABC d) IRNA139. In newspaper terminology ‘ears’ means The upper corners of page one of a


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a) The upper corners of page one of a newspaper

b) The Left corner of page one of a newspaper

c) The lower corners of page of a newspaper

d) The Middle part of the page one of a newspaper

140. The process of editing photos by trimming off unwanted parts

a) Chunking b) Correcting

c) Trimming d) Cropping

141. Who is well known for his comment on communication :

’Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) What Channel (with) What Effect’

a) Frank F X Dance b) Harold Lasswell

c) Marshall McLuhan d) Joseph A Devito

142. Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) is situated at

a) Surat b) Pune

c) Ahmedabad d) Chennai

143. A defamatory statement made verbally is known as

a) Contempt b) Slander

c) Libel d) Backbiting

144. Which Article of the India Constitution ensures freedom of speech and expression

a) Article 3 (19) b) Article 14

c) Article 17 (2)a d) Article 19 (1) a

145. Gramophone was invented by

a) Isaac Newton b) Marcony

c) Alfred Nobel d) Thomas Alva Edison

146. The smallest unit in the sound system of a languagea) Phoneme b) Word

c) Letter d) Prepositions

147. Lionel Fielden is an important figure in the history of Indian

a) Newspapers b) Radio broadcasting

c) Television d) Satellite communication

148. India’s first multilingual news agency was

a) PTI Varta b) Hindustan Samachar

c) UNIVART d) PNB Hindi

149. The first Chairman of the Press Council of Indiaa) Prof. M G K Menon b) L K Deshpande

c) Justice J R Mudholkar d) M.V.Kamath

150. The Pioneer's special correspondent who exposed 2G spectrum scam

a) Venkitesh Ramakrishnan b) T R Gopalakrishnan

c) Anand Parthasarathy d) J. Gopikrishnan

151. Which of the following is a news writing style?

a) Mummy b) Phoenix

c) Pyramid d) Hourglass

152. A communication model developed by David Berlo

a) SMCR Model b) Mathematical Model

c) Helical Model d) Gatekeeping Model

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153. WWW stands for

a) World Wide Wisdom b) World Wide Web

c) World Wide Wizards d) World Wisdom Web

154. HTML stands for

a) Hypertext Markup Language b) High Text Maker Language

c) Hidden Text Marker Language d) Hyper Text Marker Language

155. The total number of copies of the newspaper distributed in one day.

a) Readership b) Circulation

c) Tariff d) Print Run

156. Proximity is a

a) News value b) News type

c) News style d) Intro type

157. News about lighter side of life is called

a) Soft news b) Hard news

c) Scoop d) Exclusive

158. Sting operation is a method of

a) Investigative journalism b) Paid news

c) embedded journalism d) Yellow journalism

159. Death news is called

a) Obituary b) Morgue

c) Deadline d) Dummy

160. infogragraphics related with

a) Factual information b) Cartoon

c) Editorial d) Letters to Editor161. Internal critic of the newspaper is called

a) Sub Editor b) Leader

c) Back bench d) Ombudsman

162. Times New Roman is a

a) Serif Font b) San Serif Font

c) Decorative Font d) None of the above

163. Inverted Pyramid is a

a) News writing style b) News collection method

c) News corporation in Egypt d) None of the above164. PTI is a

a) News channel b) News portal

c) Magazine d) News agency

165. Publication activities in India are specifically regulated by

a) PRB Act b) RTI Act

c) IT Act d) IPC

166. Ariel is a

a) Serif font b) Sans serif font

c) Decorative font d) None of the above

167. Social media is a term related with

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a) Newspapers b) Web

c) Radio d) Television

168. Page 3 news means

a) Death news b) Hard news

c) Entertainment news d) None of the above

169. Editor of the Hindu

a) N Ram b) Sidharth Varadarajan

c) V Raman d) None of the above

170. AP is a

a) Newspaper b) News portal

c) News channel d) News agency

171. The Indian Institute of Mass Communication is headquartered in

a) Hyderabad b) Mumbai

c) New Delhi d) Kolkatta

172. Who is considered as the inventor of television?

a) Charles Babbage b) John Logie Baird

c) Thomas Alva Edison d) None of the above

173. Who introduced the concept of global village?

a) Marshal McLuhan b) Wilbur Schramm

c) Noam Chomsky d) Henry Luce

174. Expansion of SMS

a) Short Message System b) Short Message Service

c) System for Message Service d) Service Message System

175. The Prasar Bharati is related witha) Broadcast media b) Print media

c) Web media d) Folk media

176. The ability to remember specific information content is called

a) Retain b) Recall

c) Dissemination d) Selective exposure

177. Expansion of PTI

a) Private Television Institute b) Protocol for Transferring Information

c) Press Trust of India d) Publicly Trusted Information

178. The founder editor of the Mathrubhumi newspapera) K Sukumaran BA b) K P Kesavamenon

c) M T Vasudevan Nair d) Sukumar Azheekode

179. The first full-length motion picture in India was produced by

a) Dhundiraj Govend Phalke b) Satyjit Ray

c) Adoor Gopalakrishnan d) None of the above

180. Expansion of RNI

a) Rapid News Initiative b) Registrar of the News Institute

c) Registrar of Newspapers India d) None of the above

181. SFX denotes

a) Sound effects b) Visual effects

c) System with Extra Fittings d) None of the above

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182. Al Jazeera is a

a) Newspaper b) News portal

c) News channel d) News agency

183. The source of social responsibility theory

a) McBride Report b) Chadda Committee Report

c) Hutchins Report d) Varghese Report

184. The term prime time is related with

a) Television b) Print media

c) News agency d) Folk media

185. Who authored the book “ Medium is the Message”?

a) Sein McBride b) Wilbur Schramm

c) Marshall McLuhan d) George Gerbner

186. Asian Age was s started under the editorship of

a) Khushwant Singh b) N Ram

c) Salman Rushdie d) M J Akbar

187. AFP is a

a) Newspaper b) News Agency

c) News Portal d) Ad Agency

188. Wikileaks is run by

a) Julian Assange b) Robert Cull

c) Prannoy Roy d) None of the above

189. Mark Zuckerberg is the inventor of ……………

a) Facebook b) Orkoot

c) Google d) Yahoo!190. Communication though touching is called

a) Tactile communication b) Olfactory communication

c) Auditory communication d) Signals

191. Developer of SMCR model

a) Marshall McLuhan b) Harold D. Lasswell

c) Dance d) David Berlo

192. Idea generating component of communication is called

a) Source b) Receiver

c) Channel d) Message193. Famous question formula to define communication was developed by

a) George Gerbner b) Harold D. Lasswell

c) Noam Chomsky d) David Berlo

194. A two-person unit

a) Monad b) Triad

c) Clad d) None of the above

195. Communication with the self

a) Interpersonal communication b) Intrapersonal communication

c) Transpersonal communication d) None of the above

196. CNN-IBN is a

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a) News agency b) Wire photo service

c) News channel d) Internet service provider

197. The act of interpreting message is called

a) Decoding b) Encoding

c) Coding d) None of the above

198. Mixing various media options on one device

a) Media convergence b) Media explosion

c) Media implosion d) None of the above

199. The science of signs

a) Semiotics b) Communicology

c) Ethnography d) Anthropology

200. Opinion of the newspaper is reflected in

a) Follow up b) Writ up

c) Feature d) Editorial

201. Morgue means

a) Death news b) Newspaper library

c) Byline d) Dummy

202. Pictorial representation of information in newspapers

a) Feature b) Infographics

c) Acknowledgement d) Imprint line

203. News stories in serious tone

a) Hard news b) Soft news

c) Editorial d) None of the above

204. Newspapers ensure consistency of language style in their content througha) Syntax b) House style

c) Layout d) None of the above

205. A report should answer

a) 5 Ws and 1 H b) 6 Ws

c) Who, Why and What d) None of the above

206. Which of the following is a news writing technique?

a) Inverted pyramid style b) Question style

c) Liberal style d) House style

207. PRB Act regulatesa) Newspaper publication b) Web maintenance

c) Television channels d) FM Radios

208. Vlogging is term related with

a) Newspapers b) Web

c) Radio d) Television

209. Obit page contains

a) Soft news b) Hard news

c) Death news d) None of the above

210. …………….. is the news source a reporter regularly contact

a) Beat b) Primary source

c) Secondary source d) None of the above

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211. The INS is headquartered in

a) New Delhi b) Bombay

c) Chennai d) Kolkatta

212. Who launched the Bengal Gazette

a) James Augustus Hicky b) William Bolts

c) James Silk Bukingham d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

213. The publications started by Mahatma Gandhi

a) Miraatul Akbar b) The Harijan

c) Times of India d) Hindustan Times

214. The publication started by Lokmanya Tilak

a) Kesari b) The Young India

c) Amrit Bazar Patrika d) Bombay Chronicle

215. The publication started by Mohamed Abdul Rahiman Saheb

a) Al Ameen b) Al Ahram

c) Al Hind d) Miraat Al Akbar

216. The former name of All India Radio

a) India Radio Service b) Indian State Broadcasting Service

c) Indian State Radio d) Prasar Bharat

217. PCI stands for

a) Press Committee of India b) Press Council of India

c) Press Censorship Insitute d) None of the above

218. Expansion of DTH Television

a) Direct To Home Television b) Digital Technology Home Television

c) High Definition Technology Television d) None of the above219. The Copyright Act was enacted in

a) 1927 b) 1937

c) 1947 d) 1957

220. A Persian publication launched by Raja Ram Mohan Roy

a) Al Hilal b) Miraatool Akbar

c) Zindagi d) Samachar

221. Expansion of INS.

a) Indian News Service b) Indian Newspaper Society

c) International News Service d) International Newspaper Society222. The first press commission was set up in

a) 1975 b) 1952

c) 1987 d) 1999

223. Areopagitica was written by

a) Milton b) Keats

c) Abraham Lincoln d) De Lolme

224. The First Amendment of American Constitutions is related to

a) Rights of the slaves b) Freedom of the Press

c) Fundamental Rights d) Contempt of Court

225. Defamation through spoken words is called

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a) Libel b) Slander

c) Breach of privilege d) Contempt

226. The Act that empowers people to get access to public documents

a) Official Secrets Act b) Freedom to Information Act

c) Right to Information Act d) Information Technology Act

227. Which of the following comes under the purview of the Press Council of India?

a) Newspapers and news agencies b) Newspapers and electronic media

c) Radio and Television d) Websites

228. Expansion of PIB

a) Press Information Bureau b) Press Information Bulletin

c) Press and Information Branch d) None of the above

229. News about lighter side of life is called

a) Soft news b) Hard news

c) Scoop d) Exclusive

230. Sting operation is a method of

a) Investigative journalism b) Paid news

c) embedded journalism d) Yellow journalism

231. Verdana is a

a) Serif Font b) San Serif Font

c) Decorative Font d) None of the above

232. Asian Age was s started under the editorship of

a) Khushwant Singh b) N Ram

c) Salman Rushdie d) M J Akbar

233. Who of the following was the editor of the earstwhile ‘ the Illustrasted Weekly’?a) Khushwant Singh b) Thomas Jacob

c) Shaji Jacon d) N Ram

234. The founder editor of the Kerala Kaumudi newspaper

a) K Sukumaran BA b) K P Kesavamenon

c) M T Vasudevan Nair d) Sukumar Azheekode

235. Director of Appu Trilogy

a) Mahesh Bhatt b) Satyajit Ray

c) Adoor Gopalakrishnan d) None of the above

236. Presenter of ‘Kannadi’ programe in Asianeta) N K Raveendran b) T N Gopakumar

c) Sreekandan Nair d) None of the above

237. The Free Press Journal was headquarted in

a) New Delhi b) Bombay

c) Chennai d) Kolkatta

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1) c

2) b

3) c

4) c

5) d

6) b

7) c

8) b

9) a





















































































100) a

101) b

102) a

103) b

104) b

105) d

106) b

107) d

108) c

109) a

110) b

111) c

112) c113) a

114) d

115) a

116) b

117) a

118) a

119) a120) d

121) b

122) a

123) B

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124) Communication

125) Latin

126) Frank E. X. Dance

127) Common

128) Persuasive

129) Homophily

130) Hetrophily

131) Sender

132) Proxemics

133) Lateral communication

134) Tim Berners-Lee

135) Morgue136) Typography

137) Desktop publishing programme

138) ABC

139) The upper corners of page one of anewspaper 

140) Cropping

141) Harold D. Laswell

142) Pune

143) Slander

144) Article 19 (1) a

145) Thomas Alva Edison

146) Phoneme

147) Radio broadcasting

148) Hindustan Samachar 

149) Justice J R Mudholkar 

150)   J . Gopikrishnan

151) Hourglass

152) SMCR Model

153) World Wide Web

154) Hypertext Markup Language

155) Circulation

156) News value

157) Soft news

158) Investigative journalism

159) Obituary

160) Factual information

161) Ombudsman

162) Serif Font

163) News writing style

164) News agency

165) PRB Act

166) Serif font

167) Web

168) Entertainment news

169) Sidharth Varadarajan

170) News agency

171) New Delhi

172) John Logie Baird

173) Marshal McLuhan

174) Short Message Service

175) Broadcast media

176) Recall

177) Press Trust of India

178) K P Kesavamenon

179) Dhundiraj Govend Phalke

180) Registrar of Newspapers India

181) Sound effects

182) News channel

183) Hutchins Report

184) Television

185) Marshall McLuhan

186) M J Akbar  

187) News Agency

188) Julian Assange

189) Facebook

190) Tactile communication

191) David Berlo192) Harold D. Lasswell

193) Source

194) None of the above

195) Intrapersonal communication

196) News channel

197) Decoding

198) Media convergence

199) Semiotics

200) Editorial

201) Newspaper library

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202) Infographics

203) Hard news

204) House style

205) 5 Ws and 1 H

206) Inverted pyramid style

207) Newspaper publication

208) Web

209) Death news

210) Beat

211) New Delhi

212) James Augustus Hicky

213) The Harijan214) Kesari

215) Al Ameen

216) Indian State Broadcasting Service

217) Press Council of India

218) Direct To Home Television

219) 1957

220) Miraatool Akbar

221) Indian Newspaper Society

222) 1952

223) Milton

224) Freedom of the Press

225) Libel

226) Right to Information Act

227) Newspapers and news agencies

228) Press Information Bureau

229) Soft news

230) Investigative journalism

231) San Serif Font

232) M J Akbar

233) Khushwant Singh

234) K Sukumaran BA

235) Satyajit Ray

236) T.N. Gopakumar

237) Bombay

