qbd(quality by design)のための実験計画法入門qbd(quality by...

ORIGINAL PAPER The dual effects of two inorganic selenium forms on the growth, selected physiological parameters and macronutrients accumulation in cucumber plants Barbara Hawrylak-Nowak Renata Matraszek Magdalena Pogorzelec Received: 17 July 2014 / Revised: 16 January 2015 / Accepted: 19 January 2015 / Published online: 5 February 2015 Ó The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract The boundary between beneficial and phyto- toxic levels of selenium (Se) is narrow, and both induce alteration in plant growth and their physiology. In this study, the influence of two Se forms (selenite or selenate) with different concentrations (2–80 lM) on cucumber plants was investigated. The toxicity threshold for selenate and selenite was determined at the concentrations of 80 and 20 lM, respectively. In the Se-exposed plants, the growth- promoting effect was found at 6 lM of selenite and at 6–20 lM of selenate. The root activity considerably increased with increasing selenite concentrations suggest- ing the upregulation of mitochondrial dehydrogenases activity. Selenite treatment also impaired photosynthetic pigments accumulation and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Moreover, Se exerted a dual effect on lipid peroxidation in roots: at low concentrations it inhibited this process, whereas at high concentrations it enhanced the accumulation of harmful lipid peroxides. Under low Se concentrations ( \ 10 lM), the accumulation of Se in shoots was similar in the presence of selenate and selenite. When Se concentration was [ 10 lM, the accumulation of Se in shoots was greater in selenate-exposed than selenite- exposed plants. However, in the roots the Se concentrations were always higher after selenite exposure comparing to selenate. The N level in plants was generally maintained constant, while the remaining macronutrients (especially K, P, and S) concentrations were significantly changed depending on the form and concentrations of Se. These results imply that an application of either selenate or sel- enite at concentrations \ 10 lM may be potentially used for biofortification of cucumber with Se and changes in plant macronutrient contents are not expected under these conditions. Keywords Cucumis sativus L. Á Selenite Á Selenate Á Phytotoxicity Á Macronutrients Á Chlorophyll fluorescence Introduction Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for animals, humans, and some microorganisms (Germ et al. 2007). According to Hamilton (2004), it has three levels of biological activity: (1) trace concentrations are necessary for normal growth and development; (2) moderate concentrations can be stored to maintain homeostatic functions; and (3) high con- centrations can cause toxic effects. Since either Se deficiency or excess in the human diet can have serious implications for health, this element is often labelled as a ‘double-edged sword’. Selenium is incorporated into the food chain mainly through crop plants and for that reason the Se status of the food chain is strictly dependent on the Se level in the soil, as well as in the edible parts of plants (Hartikainen 2005). The deficiency and toxicity problems associated with Se may be alleviated through the use of plants, because all plant species are able to take up, accumulate and volatilise Se. Although during the last two decades, the physiological role of Se in plants has been studied by many researches, Se has not been confirmed as an essential nutrient in higher plants, and it is thought that the essential Se metabolism may have Communicated by J. Kovacik. B. Hawrylak-Nowak (&) Á R. Matraszek Department of Plant Physiology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland e-mail: [email protected] M. Pogorzelec Department of General Ecology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland 123 Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:41 DOI 10.1007/s11738-015-1788-9

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     Qualit by DesignまたはDesign Spaceという言葉が製薬業界で使われ始めてから10年以上経過していますが、未だ裾野は広がっていません。理由はいくつかあると思いますが、実験計画法を勉強できる機会が少ない(概念を具現化する方法論が浸透していない)ということもあるでしょう。本セミナーでは実験計画法を統計の基礎から学び、ひいては合理的な製剤設計、工程設計に資することを目指しています。ですので、統計の初心者でも理解できるよう腐心しました。その代わり、製剤設計や工程設計の知識または経験は必要です。経験は無くても実験や工程をイメージできることは必要です。統計は技術的な論点をグラフ化できれば、理解したのも同然なのです。さあ、実験計画法の不思議と面白さを一緒に勉強していきましょう。 講師デモも同時進行で行なうためPC持参は必須ではありませんが、参加者ご自身でデータ解析を体験すると理解がより高まると思います。

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