qnx real time os


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Building Reliability and Scalability Into Your Next Embedded Project

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QNX Strategic Corporate Direction

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Who we are

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QNX at a Glance

QNX/(CUE-nix) > Provider of realtime operating system (RTOS) software,

development tools, and services for embedded and mission critical applications

Over 25 years of real-time embedded experience

Millions of installations worldwide

Global technology provider> Headquarters in Ottawa, Canada> Offices in Germany, France, UK, Japan, and the USA> Products distributed in over 100 countries

Broad embedded ecosystem with vertical focusKnown for leading technical innovation and excellent customer support

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Global Coverage







Silicon Valley




Detroit GermanyUK


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QNX Markets and Customers





GE Medical








KPIT Cummins


IGT Gaming




Request Multimedia




Juniper Networks





Siemens VDO




Hyundai Autonet





Lockheed Martin


Bharat Electronics


Medical Industrial Automation

ConsumerMilitaryNetworking Automotive

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Proven OS Platform

Cancer diagnostics

Military/airport securityFinancial transactions

Carrier-grade networks


In-car telematics

One reliable RTOS core Multiple critical environments

Nuclear Reactor Control

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QNX Strengths

Standards based OS > POSIX permits application portability> Leverage Linux and Unix knowledge and developers without IP

risks > OpenGL ES, Open VG, etc.

Standards Based Tools> Eclipse brings 3rd party tools vendors into Momentics suite.> Large software projects require favorite tools to enhance

engineer’s productivity.

Reliable> MMU and QNX Microkernel architecture permits reliable design> Reliability is key for customers that have products with 10+ -year

intended lifespan

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QNX Strengths

Scalable > Same OS used in Nuclear Control – In-car Navigation – High

End Core Routers. > Leveraging a core “platform” of software and hardware through

a product family is easy using the QNX Microkernel Architecture and other innovative technologies from QNX

Clean IP> No viral GPL or other licensing restrictions.> Mitigates risk of IP infringement lawsuits> Maintains customer confidence in products

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QNX in India – SPA Computers Ltd.

QNX has had a presence in India for over 15 years through distribution partner

SPA Computers Ltd., is a long serving distributor with a large and sophisticated customer base

QNX distribution partners have secured some of the largest, mostwell known and prestigious QNX customers

The India territory is experiencing a healthy 10% annual revenuegrowth per year

Existing, strong markets for QNX in India, such as industrial automation, process control, medical and military are further developed by SPA Computers, our full-service distributor

QNX is very fortunate to have a strong industry partner network –both with technology and distribution partners in the region

An exciting future lies ahead for QNX in India

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QNX provides an ultra-reliable product for embedded customers worldwide

The QNX presence, via SPA Computers, in the Indian market is solid and we continue to strengthen our awareness in this geography

QNX will continues to support and build upon the measured success that has been achieved to-date

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QNX Neutrino RTOS:The Most Reliable Realtime Operating SystemTechnical Overview

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QNX Momentics Suite at a glance

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In a traditional Real-Time Executive:

All modules share the same address space and are effectively one big program.


File System

Serial Driver

Disk DriverMemory Allocator

Network Stack

User Interface Application


Architecture – Realtime Executive

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File System

Serial Driver

Disk DriverMemory Manager

Network Stack

Monolithic Kernel

Application User Interface Application

The kernel contains the OS kernel functionality and all drivers,so driver development is complex and debugging can be painful.Applications are processes in protected memory space, so the kernel is protected from applications and applications are protected from each other.

Architecture – Monolithic Kernel

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> The QNX Neutrino OS consists of a small microkernel managing a group of cooperating processes.

> QNX Neutrino acts as a kind of "software bus" that lets us dynamically plug in/out OS modules whenever they're needed.

The OS as a team of processes

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Microkernel Architecture Benefits

Realtime Executive > No MMU and no protection> Applications, drivers,

and protocols are all in Kernel space

Monolithic Kernel(NT / Unix / etc)> MMU with partial protection> Applications are protected

TRUE Microkernel(QNX Neutrino)> MMU with full protection> Applications, drivers,

and protocols are protected

Device Drivers TCP/IP Stack File-system

Application Application Kernel space

Device Drivers TCP/IP Stack



Device Drivers TCP/IP Stack File-system

Application Application

Kernel spaceUser Space

System wide corruption

Contained (re-startable)

System wide corruption

Contained (re-startable)

Contained (re-startable)

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Microkernel Architecture Benefits

Development and Testing> Immediate Isolation of Bugs> Faster Develop Test Cycle> Allows for Parallel Debugging with Limited Targets> Memory Protection Forces Use of APIs (Cleaner & Better Code)> POSIX Programming Through Out System, Even in Drivers> High Code Reuse> Easier Driver Level Development> Regression of Component as Completed

Release and Management> Immediate Fault Recognition and Recovery> High Availability Falls Out of Architecture> Makes System Upgrades and Patches Easy to Deliver> Upgrades and Patches can be done Live, Without Downtime> System Can Scale With Out Software Re-Architecture

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Hard Realtime Performance

Multiple concurrent scheduling algorithms

FIFO, Round Robin, Sporadic

Prioritized pre-emptable threads256 priority levelsFully pre-emptable and deterministic kernel

Prioritized and nested interruptsInterrupt handlers can schedule a user thread or run custom interrupt code

Handler x

Handler y


IRQ y (higher)

Thread A

Thread B

Thread Bscheduled

Thread B

Thread C

Thread A

Priority 50

Priority 18

Priority 12

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Shared Memory -Large data sets and

hardware access


Inter-Process Communication

Processes communicate by sending messages

Using messages cleanly decouples processesPOSIX calls built on messages

fd = open(“/dev/tcpip”, ,,,)read, write, stat, devctl, …close

Other POSIX calls as well> realtime signals> pipes and POSIX mqueues> mutexs, condvars, semaphores> barriers, sleepon> reader/writer locks

Audio DriverFlash FileSystem


Network Driver

Graphics Driver File System


/dev/tcpip /dev/ser1

Microkernel Message-Passing Bus

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Symmetric Multiprocessing

Multiple processors sharing common hardware

> Common memory bus and address space

> Access to all peripheral devices and interrupts

> OS manages tasks running on processors – true concurrency

Transparent to application programs

No application software changes needed

Automatic thread (~) scheduling across all CPUs

Thread E

Thread B

Thread C Thread DThread B

Thread BThread A

Route Manager

Thread D

File System Ethernet Driver

QNX Neutrino Realtime Scheduler (OS)


Thread C Thread E










High-Bandwidth CPU Bus

Thread A

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ge (E




ic, i





Flash FileSystemDatabase




Flash File System



Message-Passing Bus

Transparent Distributed Processing

Applications/servers can be network-distributed without special code> Message queues> File systems> Services> Databases> …

fd = open(“/etc/log_file.dat”,…);write(fd, …);

fd = open(“/net/$HOSTNAME/etc/log_file.dat”,…);write(fd, …);

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High Availability

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MTBF: mean time between failure

MTTR: mean time to repair

What is High Availability?



Availability = The probability that a system or subsystem will perform its intended function at a given instant of time. Availability = The probability that a system or subsystem will perform its intended function at a given instant of time.

• 99.999% Availability = Fewer than 5.25 minutes of Annual Downtime

• As MTTR approaches 0, Availability reaches 100%


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Critical Process Monitor

Critical Process Monitor (HAM) monitors components and sends notification of component failureHeartbeat services detect component ‘hang’Core file on crash can be created for debugging and analysisRecovery from crash can be:

> Controlled shutdown or system restart

> Restart of only the failed subsystem (driver)

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System Upgrades

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Sample Flash Layout

Boot Image> Contains Kernel> Requires only Flash Filesystem to be in Image

Flash Filesystem> Fault Tolerant POSIX Compliant Filesystem> Once Filesystem is Loaded Everything Else Can be Loaded from the

Filesystem, Even Drivers

IPL (Initial Program Loader)> Sets Up Board and Loads Boot Image> Sits at Reset Vector



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System Upgrade

Flash FileSystem


Network Driver

Graphics Driver

MicrokernelApplication 1 Application 2

Add New Features or Processes on the Fly> Download New Binary into Filesystem or Ram> Load New Binary into RAM

Replace Existing Processes Without Reboot>Download New Binary to Filesystem>Remove Process Running in RAM>Load New Binary From the Filesystem

Application 1.1

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Zero Down Time Upgrade

New Client





New version of the server attaches to the same name

New clients connect to new server

Old server exits when all old clients are gone

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QNX Momentics:The Most Productive Tools

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QNX Product Overview

QNX4 Wavemaker “Talk”

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Momentics is Built on Eclipsewww.eclipse.org

QNX sits on the Board QNX sits on the Board and leads the C/C++ and leads the C/C++


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Development Host OS: Windows, Linux, Solaris, QNX Neutrino

QNX Momentics Tool Suite – Highlights

Choose your hostWindows, Linux, Solaris, QNX Neutrino

Choose your languageC, C++, Java

Choose your targetARM, MIPS, PPC, SH4, XScale, x86

Choose your BSPsBSPs for many popular boards and

reference platforms

Board SupportPackages (Binary)

Application Builder

Command Line GCC Tools

(GCC v3.3.1)

Driver Development


Other Tools and Kits

Choose command line or IDEIDE and command line tools interoperate

Choose 3rd party toolsGrowing ecosystem of tools vendors

supporting Eclipse

Source Debugger

C, C++ Code Developer

Target System Tools

Memory Analysis

Application Profiler

System Builder

System Profiler

IDE Tools

Code Coverage

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QNX Momentics Plug-ins

Code Development Tools> C, C++, Embedded C++> Power wizards> Code editors> Source navigator> Local history

Code Coverage> Use coverage data to validate test plan> Multi-run coverage amalgamation> Runtime launch integration into IDE

Source Debugger> Concurrently debug multiple C and C++ applications

Target System Tools> System builder> Target agent> Detailed information on all processes and threads

Application Builder> Create QNX Photon microGUI applications> Drag and drop widgets

> Source control tools> Makefile structures> Build tools> Launch configuration wizard

> Target navigation view> Target system information tool

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QNX Momentics Plug-ins - Continued

Performance Optimization Tools> Application Profiler

Statistical samplingCall counting and call pair tracking Visual call graphShared-library aware

> Memory AnalysisDetect double free, non-initialized useOverrun/underrun and memory leaksKill/freeze/debug/ignore on error

> System ProfilerSoftware logic analyzerAnalyze events from instrumented kernel

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Code Editors

Use the outline view to

jump to any point in your source file

Simply double-click to build for any target

Hover over any function to view its arguments

and required headers.

Hover over any variable to view its


Identify keywords, syntax, and matching brackets at a glance

Insert bookmarks and to-do’s

Set breakpoints before you


Identify compile errors and warnings

at a glance

Track all errors and to-do’s from a central task


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Source Debugger

Use the debug toolbar to start, stop, or restart processes, and

to define breakpoints

Track each thread

independently or trace control

from thread to thread

Edit source directly from the debugger view

Simply double-click to set breakpoints

Hover over any variable to view

its contents

Jump directly to any point in your


Click here to view

breakpoints, variables, watch points, memory,

registers, etc.

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Code Coverage

Runtime launch integration into the IDE

Track launched processes

See live results of

binary coverage

down to the function level

View a graphical annotation of

source – what’s been covered, what has not

Get quick results on your session


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System Builder

Display files in image and file system layout

Use the item browser to

quickly select components for

your target image

View the options and properties

for any component

Extract information about QNX

binaries (build, usage info)

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Target System Information Tool

Inspect each process for heap and CPU usage

Set and examine threads by

various attributes

Monitor memory

usage per process

View blocking relation-

ships at a glance

Display system information and memory usage

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Application Profiler

Identify at a glance which

functions need optimization

View results by total time,

percentage of total time, call

count, etc.

Pinpoint which source lines consume the

most CPU time

Utilize call pairing to

highlight your program’s execution

structure, then use the

information to make your code more efficient

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Memory Analysis

Identify the location and nature of any memory error

View memory leaks and

allocations as they occur

Detect invalid pointer

references and jump directly to

the source

Inspect a call stack trace

leading back to the origin of the


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Instrumented Kernel





System Profiler


On/Off filters

Static event filters

User defined filters

E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6

Event buffers




The instrumented kernel logs events which are filtered and stored into buffers which are captured and analyzed.

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System Profiler

Annotate log files with custom bookmarks

View event details at a

glance, including owner, type, and

event data

Examine summary statistics of thread states, including duration

Zoom in on a time range,

select processes of interest, and create custom


Search for specific event

types, and jump directly to any


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QNX Networking Solutions Update

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Market Requirements

Customer Demands OEM Requirement

System ReliabilityService Availability


Service Velocity


Develop and DeployServices Quickly

OS Benefits

Nuclear Grade OS

Distributed/ Multi-processing


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Customers Demand Service Availability

Service Availability

With QNX Software our customers can deploy new services without restartingSupporting more than 5 nines with the following key features:

Microkernel Architecture

Memory ProtectionEverything in user spaceKernel is the only trusted element

Everything breaks – fact of life – what matters is how the system recoversNeutrino enables self-healing systemsStops and restarts processCleans up resources after failure

Deterministic Predictable

Hard Realtime

Critical Process Manager

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Customers Demand Scalability

ScalabilityWith QNX Software our customers can eliminate significant development investment & costs of forklift upgrades

Support for Scaling

On the cardWithin the boxAcross multiple boxesAcross the network

Scale to multiple processorsSupports next generation integrated multi-core architectures

Symmetric Multi-Processing

Transparent Distributed Processing

PerformancePort countFeaturesNew services

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Customers Demand Service Velocity

Service Velocity

QNX Software supports rapid development and deployment of new services and upgrades

Microkernel Architecture

Modularity simplifies designNew features can be introduced as processes

Customers experience 30% savings with faster developmentMinimized requirements for regression testing

Reducing costsReducing timeReducing risk

Eclipse Compliant CDTSeamless integration of 3rd party tools

POSIX CompliantLarge pool of supporting source codePortability

NetBSD based TCP/IP stackStandard BSD Socket interface for portability

Deploy new services dynamically without restartingReduced cost/penalty in deploying fixes and upgrades

Microkernel Architecture

Standards Compliance




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QNX for Networking

QNX Momentics IDE GNU Compiler

Web Services Critical Process Monitor SSH SNMP v1/v2/v3

VoIP IP Routing MPLS Optical ATM

Embedded TransactionFilesystem IPSec IKE NAT IP Filtering

DOS Filesystem RIP v1/v2 RIPng RADIUS

QNX Filesystem DVMRP ARP 802.11 SCTP

Network Filesystem IPv4 Routing Stack IPv6 Routing Stack

Flash Filesystem VLAN PPP ML-PPP 802.1p

QNX Neutrino RTOS Instrumentation Symmetric Multiprocessing

USB Network Reference Platform

Training Integration Design/ArchitectureConsulting SMP Optimization OS Porting



ent D







Platform and TDK

Base Networking

Extended Networking






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Networking Customers


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Networking Ecosystem

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Key Technologies for Networking

QNX New Product Initiatives

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QNX Multi-core Edition

Multi-core devices> Broadcom BCM1255/1280/1455/1480> Freescale MPC8641D> Intel Dual Core Processors> Raza Microelectronics XLR Processors> PA Semi PWRficient Processors> Cavium Octeon

Primary focus for multi-core processors is the netcom market

We have an unparalleled multi-core story

QNX Multi-core Edition offers comprehensive support for multi-core processors

Extremely successful product launch> Over 500 people pre-registered for QNX Multi-core Webinar> Over 20 feature articles on QNX Multi-core Edition> Many speaking engagements done and going forward

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QNX Enables Multi-core Migration

Asymmetric Multiprocessing• Support existing software base, non-optimized

uni-processor approach• Mixed OS environment

Bound Multiprocessing• Migrate existing software base• Mix existing applications with multi-

core optimized applications• Transparent scaling beyond dual core

Symmetric Multiprocessing• Multi-core optimized applications• Transparent scaling beyond dual core

Design Needs

The QNX provides complete solution:

Proven OS support for any multi-core processing model

Full suite of development tools to characterize and optimize multi-core applications

Expert professional services and support

Market leading multi-core board support packages

Professional Training

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Adaptive Partitioning

Secure.> Build secure compartments around your

applications to protect them from external threats

Real Time.> Build high performance real time systems> No CPU cycles are wasted

Guaranteed.> Ensure availability by guaranteeing CPU cycles for

critical system functions

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Adaptive Partitioning in a Nutshell

What is Adaptive Partitioning?> QNX Neutrino RTOS extension that enforces secure compartments or

“partitions” around a set of applications or threads> Enforces system resource guarantees for applications, controlled through

easy to use budgets

Why is it Adaptive?> Provides minimum resource guarantees, but free resources can be

“reallocated” if not in use to accommodate spikes in demand> Patent-pending design ensures that no CPU cycles are wasted when

processing power is required

Easy to get started> No code changes are required to implement partitions > Does not change how designers work today

Same, familiar design, programming & debugging techniques

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Adaptive Partitioning

QNX Neutrino RTOS provides the basic structure > Application and OS service encapsulation with message passing> Hardware memory protection for security and reliability

Adaptive partitioning extends the Neutrino micro-kernel to provide secure partitions and guaranteed CPU time > A collection of processes and threads make up a partition> A partition is assigned a percentage of CPU time, averaged

over a time window> Overlays on existing thread scheduling

Application Application

ApplicationFile System

Device Driver


QNX NeutrinoMicrokernel

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File System


Maximum Realtime Performance

Core Application


QNX NeutrinoMicrokernel Add-On

10%I/O Partition





Device Drivers


CPU Utilization

CPU guarantees for partitions at full

system load

Dynamic allocation of CPU cycles when not

fully loaded

0% 50% 100%

No idle time

Idle time available

Partitions Enforced

Free time – use idle cycles

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Microkernel Architecture for Security

Applications and DriversAre processes which plug into a message busReside in their own memory-protected address spaceCannot corrupt other software components or kernelCan be started, stopped and upgraded on the flyFailures in drivers do not require system restarts




Application Application

Disk Graphics SerialNetworkAudio


Xscale, x86

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Security Threats

Almost all embedded systems are becoming network connected> Untrusted network interfaces and threats> Untrusted, add on software

If appropriate measures are not included by design, your product’s security and availability can be compromised

Rogue software can launch denial of service (DOS) attack and starve core applications of CPU time

> Need to ensure untrusted, add-on software can be contained to guard against attacks

Distributed DOS attacks can busy your system with network processing

File System

Networking Core Application


QNX NeutrinoMicrokernel



Device Drivers


Networking Stack hogging CPU time

Rogue add-on stealing CPU time

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Partitioning to Contain Threats

Create OS enforced partitions to ensure critical system resources are protected

> Ensure CPU available for core functions> Partition inheritance ensures applications get CPU time for OS

services (such as drivers, file systems, networking)

Contain threats and protect core applications> Limit impact of rogue applications> Contain denial of service attacks

File System


Core Application


QNX Neutrinomicro-kernel Add-On

Add-OnDevice Drivers


20% 5% 50% 25%

Network Attacked

Denial of Service Attack


Adaptive PartitioningCPU Time Guarantees

Rogue add-on


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QNX is Innovation

QNX is a Thought Leader in the Embedded Market

QNX works closely with the embedded market to deliver industry leading technology> QNX Neutrino is still the only high performance, commercial micro-

kernel RTOS in the world> QNX Critical Process Monitor provides a comprehensive software

HA framework> Adaptive Partitioning> Comprehensive multi-processing support> Distributed processing> Transaction File System

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QNX Customer Success StoriesInspire Innovation

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QNX Case Study Submarine Robots

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What is an Independent Submersible Robot?

Submerge at a specific oceanic location to large depths

Move along a specified trajectory

Perform intended tasks

Independently return to the mother ship or coast station

Independent Submersible Robot (ISR) is an automatic self-propelled vehicle carrying research instrumentation and able to:

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Mission examples

Surveillance and exploratory missions at large depths and in rugged submarine topography

Under-ice missions

Fiber-optic cabling works

Exploring water-filled tunnels

Search and rescue operations

Water environmental monitoring operations

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On-board equipment

Environment measuring instruments

Photo and video facilities

Surveillance sonar

Geophysical equipment (magnetometer, acoustic surface analyzer, gravimeter)

Computer vision system

Magnetometric and electromagnetic sensing units

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Requirements for on-board systems

The motion control system must ensure stable control of course, speed, depth (or height above bottom level).

The navigation system must be capable of keeping up a required track, approaching a specified object, and determining the location with an accuracy of several meters.

The computer vision system must ensure recognition of specified objects and their orientation.

The behavior planning system must ensure the ISR's ability to keep up a specified track and to perform required maneuvering operations in the vicinity of a specified object.

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Control system functions

Maintain coordinated operation of on-board units and systems according to a specified mission

Control the state of on-board equipment and the ISR's body, as well as monitor the environment conditions to ensure safety

Perform data gathering and storing

Perform pre-start checkouts of on-board equipment and the loaded mission program

Interact with the remote control system at the mother ship's control station

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Computer System

The on-board electronics, such as processors and controllers, are enclosed in firm containers that are made 15 cm in diameter to fit in the ISR's limited internal space.

The ISR carries on board one to several processors combined in a LAN.

On-board Ethernet

Serial line RS-485.

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On-board computers


Compact size

Low power consumption

Ability to work in duty-heavy surrounding conditions


Reliability and maintainability


РС-104/104+ single-board computers

Lippert Cool RoadRunner, Cool SpaceRunner, and Cool EcoRunner

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Distributed Control System


Minimal system overhead on CPU resources

Distributed processing support

LAN modifiability support

System timers and priority mechanism support

System reliability and predictability

Simple implementation and wide applicability

QNX 4.25 users historically

Deployed new products withQNX 6

Development tools: Momentics

GUI: Photon

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Distributed Control System

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Examples: МТ-98

Was designed to work at depths of as much as 6,000mand in rugged submarine topography.

Its control system consists of several computersintended for different tasks and combined in an Ethernet local area network.

The LAN is operated by QNX OS.

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Examples: Solar ISR

Unmanned submarine vehicle designed to perform oceanographic measurements for an extended duration (e.g. multiple days).

On-board computer controlled by QNX.

The interaction between the submersible's on-board computer and the operator's computer is implemented via a radio-modem or acoustic modem, with the submersible's on-board computer working as a remote node of the QNX network.

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Examples: Independent tethered submersible "TSL"

Designed to perform surveillance and exploratory work on shelves at depths of as much as 200 meters, and to execute visual exploration of underwater parts of docks, bottom structures, sunk objects, large water-filled tunnels or containers, and underwater pipelines.

Control system is distributed and consists of an on-board autopilot computer and the operator's remote control. The operator's remote control and the on-board computers are combined in a QNX-based network. The interprocessor data exchange is performed based on the QNX built-in message passing.

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Institute of Marine Technology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia – and have used QNX since 1994.

The QNX OS allows them to build robust and compact systems.

No failures of QNX-based ISR control systems at all.

The Institute is planning to deploy QNX for future products.

Migration from QNX 4.25 to QNX 6.3 - advantage of MIPS, PowerPC, SH-4, XScale, and ARM architectures in building compact submersibles.

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QNX Customer Success Stories

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Automotive & Transportation

Cogent – Helicopter Navigation System

Delcan – Urban Traffic Control System

SAM Electronics – Ocean Liners Navigate With QNX

BCI – In-vehicle Navigation System

EBIM – Chunnel-train Simulators

JVC – In-car infotainment device

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WorldSpace – Digital Satellite Broadcasting

British Telecom – Web-enabled Payphones

MC Europe – Digital Radio Broadcast System

Visara – Network Computers

Wavetek Wandel Goltermann – Cell-phone Test Equipment

T-Netix – Telephone Security and Monitoring Systems

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Consumer Electronics and Residential

Epson – Web-based Thin Client

International Gaming Technology – Inter-Casino Gaming Machines

Loewe Opta GmbH – Multimedia Television Sets

Teligent – Web-Enabled Payphones

ReQuest Multimedia – CD Jukebox

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Defense and Security

Neptec Design Group – Advanced Space Vision Systems

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Nuclear Weapon Watchdog

University of Michigan, National Science Foundation, NASA –Radiometer for Advanced Understanding of Global Warming

Lockheed Martin – Autonomous Underwater Robot

Senstar-Stellar – Security Control System

OPAL-RT – Space Simulators

T-Netix – Telephone Security and Monitoring Systems

Neptec Customer Spotlight – QNX-based vision system puts focus on shuttle safety

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Industrial Automation and Control

Aquila – Control Systems for Surface Mines

Cogent and Cadbury Chocolate – Process Control System

ICE Felix – SCADA System for Hydroelectric Plants

Insight Control – Closure Inspection Systems

Motorola – SPC System for Semiconductor Manufacturing

Saab Marine Electronics – Marine Tank Gauging Systems

U.S. Postal Service – High-Speed Barcode Sorters

Precitech – Machining Systems

Digital Semiconductor – Validation Environment for VLSI Components

Patrick Technology & Systems – Automated Straddle Carrier

Siderar – Blast Furnace Control

Yashio – Supply monitoring and administration for the power industry

PromTransAvtomatika – Automated Drawbridge System Gets a Lift from QNX

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Medical Devices

Burdick – Electrocardiograph Stress Test Equipment

Qualicon – DNA Fingerprinting System

Siemens Medical Solutions – Angiography System

IntraLase Corp. – Laser Vision Correction System

Physiometrix – Anesthesia Monitor

Biospace - Body Composition Analyzer – InBody 4.0- helps treat obesity

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Thank YouThank You

SPA Computers Ltd

“Surpassing Expectations”
