
What is Test Suite? Test suites are normally used to group similar test cases together. The collection of individual test cases that will be run in a test sequence is called a test suite . The collection of individual test cases that will be run in a test sequence until some stopping criteria are satisfied is called a test suite. Test suite preparation involves the construction and allocation of individual test cases in some systematic way based on the specific testing techniques used. Another way to obtain a test suite is through reuse of test cases for earlier versions of the same product. This kind of testing is commonly referred to as regression testing. It ensures that common functionalities are still supported satisfactorily in addition to satisfactory performance of new functionalities. Special types of formal models are typically used to make the selection from existing test cases. Test suite management includes managing the collection of both the existing test cases and the newly constructed ones. At a minimum, some consistent database for the test suite needs to be kept and shared by people who are working on similar areas. Some personnel information can also be kept in the test suite, such as the testers who designed specific test cases, to better supported future use of this test suite. An object as we know is a graphic user element in an application e.g. a button or a list or an edit box and the special characteristics of an object within the QuickTest are called object properties . QTP stores the recorded object properties in Object Repository . Object Repositories are of two types Local and shared .

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What is Test Suite?

Test suites are normally used to group similar test cases together. The collection of individual test cases that will be run in a test sequence is called a test suite.

The collection of individual test cases that will be run in a test sequence until some stopping criteria are satisfied is called a test suite. Test suite preparation involves the construction and allocation of individual test cases in some systematic way based on the specific testing techniques used.

Another way to obtain a test suite is through reuse of test cases for earlier versions of the same product. This kind of testing is commonly referred to as regression testing. It ensures that common functionalities are still supported satisfactorily in addition to satisfactory performance of new functionalities. Special types of formal models are typically used to make the selection from existing test cases.

Test suite management includes managing the collection of both the existing test cases and the newly constructed ones. At a minimum, some consistent database for the test suite needs to be kept and shared by people who are working on similar areas. Some personnel information can also be kept in the test suite, such as the testers who designed specific test cases, to better supported future use of this test suite.

An object as we know is a graphic user element in an application e.g. a button or a list or an edit box and the special characteristics of an object within the QuickTest are called object properties. QTP stores the recorded object properties in Object Repository.

Object Repositories are of two types Local and shared .

If objects are stored in a Local Object Repository then these are available to specific actions but not to all the actions. But if these objects are stored in one or more Shared Object Repositories then multiple actions or tests can use them.

By default QTP makes and uses Local Object Repository. If we create a new blank test and do a recording on it, QTP automatically creates a Local Object Repository for that test or action and stores the information about any object it finds in that corresponding Object Repository.

In QTP 9 we can associate multiple Shared Object Repositories with an action. If multiple Shared Object Repositories are associated with an action then also while recording QTP stores objects in corresponding Local Object Repository on the condition that those objects are not already stored in any corresponding associated Shared Object Repositories. This is the default that every time we create a new action QTP creates a new corresponding Local Object Repository. It is also true that Object Repositories are associated with actions and no matter how

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many times we learn or record on the same object in our application in different actions the object will be stored as separate test object in each of the Local Object Repository. Local Object Repository is automatically saved with the test when we save it. The extension of the Local Object Repository is .mtr, but it is not accessible as a separate file as in case of the Shared Object Repository.

We can also manipulate some aspects of Local Object Repository using Quick test Object Repository Automation Object Model.For example we can add, remove, rename test objects in Local Object Repository. [QuickTest Object Repository Automation documents the Object Repository automation object model that enables you to manipulate QuickTest object repositories and their contents from outside of QuickTest.]

When we open a test that was created using a version of QTP earlier that version 9 we are asked whether we want to convert it or view it in read only format. In any case if the test previously used per-action Object Repository, the objects in each per action repository are moved to the Local Object Repository of each action in the test.

If the test previously used a shared object repository, the same shared object repository is associated with each of the actions in the test, and the local object repository is empty.

While learning or recording we can specify Shared Object Repository for the selected action. We can specify and associate one or more Shared Object Repositories with each action. We can also create new Shared Object Repository and associate it with our action.

In case of Shared Object Repository, QTP uses existing information and does not add objects to the Object Repository if we record operations on an object that already exists either in Shared or Local Object Repository.

As said earlier QTP does not add objects directly to the associated Shared Object Repository as we record, instead it adds new objects in Local Object Repository (if that object does not already exist in associated Shared Object Repository).

We can surely export Local objects to Shared Object Repository.

There are different ways in which we can move objects from Local Object Repository to Shared Object Repository:

1)Exporting the objects to the Shared Object Repository from the Local Object Repository:

In Object Repository window choose the action whose local objects you want to move. Choose File-> Export Local Objects.Select the location in which you want to save the file. Click on save.

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2)We can update the Shared Object Repository with the Local Object Repository:

If we create a new test it will be created with Local Object Repository, we can associate any new or old Shared Object Repository with it, and so we can update that Shared Object Repository with Local Object Repository.

In Object Repository Manager open the Shared Object Repository (clear open in read only check box).

The test in this case should not be open. In Object Repository Manager go to Tools –> Update From Local Repository. Select the test who's Local Object Repository you want to use. Click update all. It will move all the objects to the Shared Object Repository.

3)We can also merge objects from two Object Repositories (called as primary and secondary in QTP 9) into a new single Object Repository (target Object Repository in QTP 9). The original source files are not changed. It also enables you to merge objects from Local Object Repository of one or more action(s) into a Shared Object Repository. It is recommended to use as a primary Object Repository the file in which you have invested alot of your effort, like which has more number of objects.

If we do not specify a file extension for Shared Object Repository when creating a new Shared Object Repository QTP automatically appends a default extension name for Shared Object Repository as .tsr. This means that we can create Shared Object Repository with any extension other than .tsr, it should work fine (I have tried that and it works fine), I think it may create problems while merging two Object Repositories (I haven't tried that yet).

We can compare two Object Repositories using the Object Repository Comparison Tool. The tool enables you to identify similarities, variations or changes between two Object Repositories.

We can also copy objects to Local Object Repository from the Shared Object Repository. We can copy, paste and move objects in Local Object Repository and copy, paste and move objects within Shared Object Repository and between Shared Object Repositories.As said earlier we can also copy objects from shared Object Repository to Local Object Repository to modify them locally.We cannot remove an association between the action and its Local Object Repository.

According to QTP user guide:You can associate as many object repositories as needed with an action, and the same object repository can be associated with different actions as needed. You can also set the default object repositories to be associated with all new actions in all tests.

Whenever we make any changes to an Object Repository those changes are automatically updated in all the associated tests open on the same computer as soon as we make the change even if the Object Repository is not yet saved and if we close the same Object Repository

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without saving the changes the changes are rolled back in any open tests. For the test that was not open when we changed Object Repository, when we open the test on the same machine on which we modified the Object Repository the test is automatically updated with all the saved changes. To see saved changes in a test or repository open on a different computer, you must open the test or object repository file or lock it for editing on your computer to load the changes.

Important points about Object Repositories

It is a point to consider while planning and creating test that how you want to store objects; either you want to store them in Local Object Repository or Shared Object Repository.

1)For each action, we can also use a combination of objects from the Local and Shared Object Repositories, according to our needs. Local objects can also be transferred to a shared object repository, if necessary. This will cut maintenance and increase the reusability of the tests because it will enable us to maintain the objects in a single, shared location instead of multiple locations.

2)If there is a same name object in both the Local Object Repository and in a Shared Object Repository associated with the same action, the action uses the local object definition i.e. the local object is given preference over the shared object. If an object with the same name is stored in more than one Shared Object Repository associated with the same action, the object definition is used from the first occurrence of the object, according to the order in which the Shared Object Repositories are associated with the action.

3)When we open an existing test, it always uses the object repositories that are specified in the Associated Repositories tab of the Action Properties dialog box or in the Associate Repositories dialog box. When we access Shared Object Repositories from tests they are read-only; we can edit them only using the Object Repository Manager.

4)As and when an application under test changes, such as when a "Log in" button is renamed "Sign Into," we can make one update to an XML-based Shared Object Repository (within the new Object Repository Manager), and the update will circulate (propagate) to all tests that reference this object. QuickTest Professional keeps object-level changes synchronized among users throughout test creation efforts.

Object Repository dialog box

Object Repository dialog box window shows a tree of all the objects (either Local or Shared) on its left hand side in the selected action. On selecting any object in the tree Object Repository window shows the information about the object like the name, repository in which it is stored

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etc. On the left hand side in a tree local objects are editable while the shared ones are grayed out (non-editable).

To view the test object properties, to modify test object properties and to add objects to Local Object Repository we can use Object Repository window. We can also delete objects from Object Repository window; this is needed as when an object is removed form the test it is not automatically removed from the Local Object Repository.

Object Repository in QTP is XML based means that if we change something related to the object in Shared Object Repository., the change will be propagated to all the tests that reference this object, in real time.

Adding Objects to Repositories[Please see QTP user guide for in-depth information on these below points.]

We can add objects to Shared Object Repository or Local Object Repository in a number of different ways-

We can decide whether to add only a selected object, or to add all objects of a certain type, such as all button objects, or to add all objects of a specific class, such as all WebButton objects.

We can modify objects stored in a Local Object Repository using the Object Repository Window and objects in a Shared Object Repository using the Object Repository Manager.

It is possible to add objects to the object repository before they exist in an application.

We can also add objects to the Local Object Repository while editing our test.

We can add the object directly to a Shared Object Repository using the Object Repository Manager, so that it is available in all actions that use this Shared Object Repository.

If needed, we can merge test objects from the Local Object Repository into a Shared Object Repository.

We can also add objects to a Shared Object Repository while navigating through the application ("Adding Objects Using the Navigate and Learn Option").

We can also add an object to the Local Object Repository by choosing it from the application in the Select Object for Step dialog box (from a new step in the Keyword View or from the Step Generator).

We can add objects to the object repository using the Add Objects to Local or Add Objects option.

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We can add objects to the Local Object Repository of the current action by selecting the required object in the Active Screen.

QTP (QuickTest Professional) lets you create tests and business components by recording operations as you perform them in your application.

Test - A compilation of steps organized into one or more actions, which we can use to verify that our application performs as expected. A test is composed of actions (3 kinds of actions are there in QTP Non-reusable action, Reusable action and External action).


First step is Planning

Before starting to build a test, you should plan it and prepare the required infrastructure.

For example, determine the functionality you want to test, short tests that check specific functions of the application or complete site.

Decide how you want to organize your object repositories.


Second step in QTP is Creating Tests or Components

We can create a test or component by

a) Either recording a session on your application or Web site.

As we navigate through the application or site, QuickTest graphically displays each step we perform as a row in the Keyword View. The Documentation column of the Keyword View also displays a description of each step in easy-to-understand sentences. A step is something that causes or makes a change in your site or application, such as clicking a link or image, or submitting a data form.


b) Build an object repository and use these objects to add steps manually in the Keyword View or Expert View. We can then modify your test or component with special testing options and/or with programming statements.


Third step is

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Inserting checkpoints into your test or component.

A checkpoint is a verification point that compares a recent value for a specified property with the expected value for that property. This enables you to identify whether the Web site or application is functioning correctly.


Fourth step is

Broaden the scope of your test or component by replacing fixed values with parameters.

To check how your application performs the same operations with different data you can parameterize your test or component.

When you parameterize your test or component, QuickTest substitutes the fixed values in your test or component with parameters

Each run session that uses a different set of parameterized data is called an iteration.

We can also use output values to extract data from our test or component. An output value is a value retrieved during the run session and entered into the Data Table or saved as a variable or a parameter. We can subsequently use this output value as input data in your test or component.

We can use many functional testing features of QuickTest to improve your test or component and/or add programming statements to achieve more complex testing goals.


Fifth step is running the test

After creating test or component, we run it.

Run test or component to check the site or application.

When we run the test or component, QuickTest connects to your Web site or application and performs each operation in a test or component, checking any text strings, objects, or tables you specified. If we parameterized the test with Data Table parameters, QuickTest repeats the test (or specific actions in your test) for each set of data values we defined.

Run the test or component to debug it.

We can control the run session to identify and eliminate defects in the test or component. We can use the

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Step Into,

Step Over,

And Step Out

commands to run a test or component step by step.

We can also set breakpoints to pause the test or component at pre-determined points.

We can view the value of variables in the test or component each time it stops at a breakpoint in the Debug Viewer.


Sixth step is analyzing the results

After we run test or component, we can view the results.

➤ View the results in the Results window.

After running the test or component, we can view the results of the run in the Test Results window. We can view a summary of the results as well as a detailed report.

➤ Report defects identified during a run session.

If Quality Center is installed, we can report the defects fond out to a database. We can instruct QuickTest to automatically report each failed step in the test or component, or we can report them manually from the Test Results window.

Test object Model is a set of object types or Classes that QuickTest uses to represents the objects in our application.

A test object class comprises of a list of properties that can individually (uniquely) identify objects of that class and a set of appropriate methods that QuickTest can record for it.

Test Object Class

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Properties       Methods

A test object is an object that QuickTest creates in the test to correspond to (represent) the actual object in the application. QuickTest uses the stored information about the object during the run session to identify and check the object.

A run-time object is the real (actual) object in the application or Web site on which methods are performed during the run session.

Properties and methods of objects:

The property set for each test object is created and maintained by QuickTest. The property set for each run-time object is created and maintained by the object architect (creator) (Microsoft for Internet Explorer objects, Netscape for Netscape objects).

Similarly, methods of test objects are methods that QuickTest recognizes and records when they are executed (performed) on an object while we are recording, and that QuickTest executes when the test or component runs. Methods of Run-time object are the methods of the object in the application as defined by the object architect (creator). We can access and execute run-time object methods using the Object property.

Some important points to remember about methods and properties :

Each test object method we execute (perform) while recording is recorded as a separate step in the test. When we run the test, QuickTest executes (performs) the recorded test object method on the run-time object. Properties of test object are captured from object while recording. QuickTest uses the values of these properties to identify runtime objects in the application during a run session. Property values of objects in the application may change .To make the test object property values match the property values of the run-time object, we can modify test object properties manually while designing the test or component or using SetTOProperty statements during a run session. We can also use regular expressions to identify property values. We can view or modify the test object property values that are stored with the test or component in the Object Properties or Object Repository dialog box. We can view the syntax of the test object methods as well as the run-time methods of any object on our desktop using the Methods tab of the Object Spy. We can retrieve or modify property values of the TEST OBJECT during the run session by adding GetTOProperty and SetTOProperty statements in the Keyword View or Expert View. We can retrieve property values of the RUNTIME OBJECT during the run session by adding GetROProperty statements.

If the available test object methods or properties for an object are not sufficient or they do not provide the functionality we need, we can access the internal methods and properties of any run-time object using the Object property. We can also use the attribute object property to identify Web objects in the application according to user-defined properties.

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Checkpoints in QTP (QuickTest Professional)

A checkpoint enables you to identify whether the Web site or application under test is functioning correctly or not by comparing a current value for a particular property with the expected value for that property.

After we add a checkpoint, QuickTest adds a checkpoint to the current row in the Keyword View and adds a Check CheckPoint statement in the Expert View.

By default, the checkpoint name receives the name of the test object on which the checkpoint is being performed. We can change the name of the checkpoint ifneeded.

Types of Checkpoints:

1. Standard checkpoint

2. Image checkpoints

3. Bitmap Checkpoint

4. Table checkpoints

5. Accessibility Checkpoint

6. Text Checkpoint

7. Page Checkpoint

8. Database Checkpoint


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9. XML checkpoints

Standard checkpoints allow checking the object property values in the Web site or application under test. Standard checkpoints evaluate (compare) the expected values of object properties captured during recording to the object's current values during a run session. Forexample we can check that a radio button is activated after it is selected. Standard checkpoints are supported for all add-in environments.

Standard checkpoints can be used to perform checks on

Images,Tables,Web page properties, andOther objects within your application or Web site.

Standard checkpoints can be created for all supported testing environments (as long as the appropriate add-in(s) are loaded).

Image checkpoints allow you to check the properties of an image in the application or Web page. For example, you can check that a selected image's source file is correct or not. An image checkpoint can also be created by inserting a standard checkpoint on an image object. Image checkpoints are supported for the Web add-in environment

With Bitmap Checkpoint we can check an area of a Web page or application as a bitmap. While creating a test, we have to specify the area to check by selecting an object. An entire object or any area within an object can be checked. Bitmap checkpoints are supported for all add-in environments

By adding table checkpoints to the test, we can check the content of tables displayed in the application. For example, we can check that a specified value is displayed in a certain cell. Certain environments also support checking the properties of the table object. For example, a check that a table has the expected number of rows and columns. A table checkpoint can also be created by inserting a standard checkpoint on a table object.

Accessibility Checkpoint recognizes areas of your Web site that may not conform to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. For example, check if the images on a Web page include ALT properties, required by the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Accessibility checkpoints are supported for the Web add-in environment

QuickTest can check that a text string is displayed in the appropriate place in an application or on a Web page with Text Checkpoint. Text checkpoints are supported for the Web add-in environment, plus some Web-based add-in environments

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Page Checkpoint checks the features of a Web page. For example, you can check how long a Web page takes to load or whether a Web page contains broken links. A page checkpoint can also be created by inserting a standard checkpoint on page object. Page checkpoints are supported for the Web add-in environment

The contents of a database accessed by your application can be checked by Database Checkpoint. Database checkpoints are supported for all add-in environments

By adding XML checkpoints to your test, you can check the contents of individual XML data files or documents that are part of your Web application. The XML Checkpoint option is supported for all add-in environments.

QTP Tutorials 4 - Standard Checkpoint

Checkpoints cannot be added manually, they are inserted using QTP's interface. Results of the checkpoint can be viewed in the Test Results Window.

Checkpoint information is stored in the Local Object Repository. It is in the Resource.mtr file which is in the action folder (if you created checkpoint in action1 then it will be action 1 folder under the folder in which you are saving the test/script, if you created checkpoint in action 2 then it will be action 2 folder and so on) .

In the expert view, on any blank line type Checkpoint and put "(". As soon as you put the starting bracket it will show all the checkpoints you have used in the test.

Now we will start with checkpoints. I will try to show easy to understand example of each and every checkpoint.

Lets start with simple example of standard checkpoint which checks a variety of objects such as buttons, radio buttons, combo boxes etc. Standard checkpoints are supported for all add-in environments

1. Open a blank test.2. Make sure that Flight application is open.

(Now only QTP with blank test and Flight application should be open).3. Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens

up. Go to "Windows Applications" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open Windows based application." and click ok.

4. Go to Insert (menu)->Checkpoint->Standard Checkpoint (or press F12).The mouse pointer will become hand and QTP will be minimized.

5. Click on the "Flights..." button which is on the Right Hand Side of the "Fly To" combo box in the Flight application.


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6. It will open "Object Selection - Checkpoint Properties" window (with WinButton:FLIGHT highlighted). Click ok.

7. It will open checkpoint properties window. (only one property will be checked in it i.e. 'enabled' with a value of False.)

8. Click ok. Click on Stop in order to stop the Recording.9. Save the test.

This is a small test in which we have used standard checkpoint and captured the disabled button on the Flight application. Now we can run the test in two ways to see how it fails and passes the results of the checkpoint.

To see a pass test result:

Make sure that this test and Flight application is open.Click on run.It will Run the test and show you the result as pass.

To see a Fail test result:

Make sure that this test and Flight application is open.

In the Flight application enter the Date of Flight, Fly From and Fly To fields and nothing else. (The reason for doing this is that it will enable the 'Flight...' button)

Click on run in order to run the test.

It will Run the test and show you the result as Fail. This is because QTP was looking for a disabled 'Flight...' button for which it recorded the information at the record time, but now since the button was enabled at run time, so it failed.

This will help you in understanding the standard checkpoint in QTP more deeply.

Simple example of QTP Existing Checkpoint QuickTest (QTP) now makes it possible for you to reuse an existing checkpoint in your test. For example you can use bitmap checkpoint to verify your company's logo on each page of your application or website.

Let’s see a very simple example to accomplish this.


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1. Open a new test(Make sure that Flight Reservation Window in open.)

2. Click on Record in order to start recording.

3. Go to Insert->Checkpoint->Standard Checkpoint.(QTP will be minimized and mouse pointer will take the shape of a hand.)

4. Click on the Flights... button which is on the right hand side of Fly To dropdown.

5. Object Selection - Checkpoint Properties window opens, Click OK.

6. Checkpoint Properties window opens, Click OK.(Standard checkpoint will be added)

7. Click Stop in order to stop recording.

8. Go to Resources->Object Repository(OR associated with this particular action will open)

9. Go to File-> Export and Replace Local Objects(Export Object Repository dialog opens)

10. Enter any filename e.g. rep1 and click Save(All the objects in Local Object Repository will be grayed)

11. Close that Object Repository.

12. Save the test as testone.13. Open a new test and Save it with the Name testtwo.Associate Shared Object Repository Rep1 with it also. (If not already associated)In the keyword view, right click on action 1 and choose Action Properties.Go to Associated Repositories tab.Click on the ‘+’ sign to locate the shared Object Repository and associate it.(If it asks for Automatic Relative Path Conversion Click Yes)Click Ok to close that Action Properties window.14. Now (in testtwo) you can see when you go to Insert-> Checkpoint, Existing Checkpoint will be enabled to let you insert any checkpoints already saved to the shared Object Repository (Rep1 in our case).

QTP Tutorials 5 - Page Checkpoint

Page checkpoint:It is for web applications only.Common things to check with this are load time, broken links etc.

1. Open a blank test.


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2. Make sure thathttp://www.google.co.in/ is open.(Now only QTP with blank test and www.google.co.in should be open.)

3. Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens up. Go to "Web" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open browser." and click ok.

4. Go to Insert (menu)->Checkpoint->Standard Checkpoint (or press F12).5. The mouse pointer will become hand and QTP will be minimized.6. Click anywhere on the white space on the Google.co.in page.7. It will Open "Object Selection - Checkpoint Properties" window. Click on 'Page : Google'

option which has a page icon on left of it with right corner of the page slightly folded.8. Click ok.9. A 'Page Checkpoint Properties' window opens up. Let all the options be default. Click ok.10. Click on Stop in order to stop the Recording.

In the Expert view it will add just one line: Browser("Google").Page("Google").Check CheckPoint("Google")We will explore this line later on.

I ran this test by opening www.google.co.in in offline mode (not on internet). It recorded the following properties:

Property Name Property Value load time "0"number of images "2"number of links "20"

Here it shows the load time as 0 because I did not open Google at the time of running the test, it was already open.

When you run it, in the results window, on left hand side, it will show (when every option is expanded):

Test Checkpoint-page Summary (where Checkpoint-page is the name with which I saved the test

Run-Time Data Table Checkpoint-page Iteration 1 (Row 1) Action1 Summary Google (This will be the browser) Google (This will be the Page)Checkpoint "Google"

If you run this test on www.google.com it may fail.


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QTP Tutorials 6 - Database Checkpoint

Now we will try out Database checkpoint: using Oracle 9i

First of all you have to connect oracle 9i to QTP 9.(before doing any recording)

1. For this go to Insert -> Checkpoint -> Database Checkpoint.2. A Database Query Wizard opens.

Select ' Specify SQL statement manually' from the Query definition area. Click Next.3. Here click on 'Create' button which is on the right of "Connection String:" It will open

'Select Data Source' window. Click on 'Machine Data Source' Tab4. Click on New Button.5. ' Create New Data Source' window opens.6. Select 'User Data Source' from Select a type of data source. Click Next.7. It will show all the data source drives it could find.8. Select Oracle (on my machine it was 'Oracle in OraHome9'). Click Next. Click Finish.9. It will open 'Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration' window.10. Enter 'Data Source name' ( I entered "oracle")11. Enter 'description' (I entered "SQL")12. Select 'TNS Service Name' ( I selected 'DB02', my oracle database name) from combo

box.13. Enter userid (I used SCOTT).14. Click 'Test Connection' Button.It will ask for a Password. Enter your password for

Oracle.15. If successful it will show 'Testing Connection' window with 'Connection Successful'

written on it.

This completes our task of Connecting QTP with Oracle.

Now we will record a test.

1. Open a blank test.

2. Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens up. Go to "Windows Applications" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open Windows based application." and click on ok.

3. Go to Insert (menu)->Checkpoint->Database Checkpoint 4. A 'Database Query Wizard' opens.

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5. Select ' Specify SQL statement manually' from the Query definition area. Click Next. Click Create.

6. Go to 'Machine Data Source' Tab7. Select Oracle from data source name. Click Ok. It will open 'Oracle ODBC Driver


8. Enter password. Click ok9. It will come to Database Query Wizard window with 'Connection String' field filled with:

"DSN=oracle;UID=SCOTT;PWD=TIGER;DBQ=DB02;DBA=W;APA=T;EXC=F;FEN=T;QTO=T;FRC=10;FDL=10;LOB=T;RST=T;GDE=F;FRL=F;BAM=IfAllSuccessful;MTS=F;MDI=F;CSR=F;FWC=F;PFC=10;TLO=0;"In the SQL Statement area type "select * from emp;". Click Finish.

10. It will open 'Database Checkpoint Properties' window with the result of the query. Click Ok.

11. Click Stop in order to stop the Recording.

12. In the Expert View, it just adds one line "DbTable("DbTable").Check CheckPoint "DbTable")"

This is the simplest database checkpoint example.

Lets run it.

Click on Run. ( we don't need to open any other window or application to run this as our Oracle is running at the back end as a service - default way in which it was installed- nothing special.)

When it is passed it will show following in the Result window:

Test Checkpoint-database Summary (where Checkpoint-database is the name with which I saved the test)

Run-Time Data Table Checkpoint-database Iteration 1 (Row 1) Action1 Summary DbTable Checkpoint "DbTable"

( when you click on this, in details it will show checked 112 cells (in your case number of cells may differ). It means if you go to the oracle and add or delete any row and run this test again it will fail.)

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Just try to think how QTP is comparing the expected results with the actual one, with the count of cells.

QTP Tutorials 7 - Bitmap Checkpoint

Now we will look at the bitmap checkpoint which is different from the image checkpoint.

Make sure that QTP and the Flight application are open.


1. Open a blank test.

2. Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" windowopens up. Go to "Windows Applications" tab and choose first option "Record andrun test on any open windows based application." and click Ok.

3. Go to Insert (menu)->Checkpoint->Bitmap Checkpoint4. Click on the "Fly To" combo box.5. "Object Selection- Bitmap Checkpoint Properties" window opens up. I will have

"WinComboBox:Fly To" highlighted. Click ok6. It will open "Bitmap Checkpoint Properties" window.7. Change the "Checkpoint timeout" at the bottom of the window to 0 seconds, so that we

will have no wait time while running the test.8. Click ok.9. Click stop to stop recording the test.


Above, after 3rd point, instead of clicking on the "Fly To" combo box, click somewhere in the empty space above the "Fly From" Combo box but below the line, i.e. in the "Flight Schedule" area.

"Object Selection- Bitmap Checkpoint Properties" window opens up. It will have "WinObject:Flight Schedule" highlighted. Click ok

It will open "Bitmap Checkpoint Properties" winodow. This time it will have "Flight schedule" area instead of just the "Fly To" combo box.

Now click on the "Select Area..." button. Mouse pointer will change so that you can select any area by dragging. Just select "Fly From" combo box by dragging.

Change the "Checkpoint timeout" at the bottom of the window to 0 seconds. so that we will have no wait time while running the test.


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Click ok.

Click stop to stop recording the test.

Now you can run the test it will pass. To see how it stores the results, just fail the test. If you have recorded in the style A then just select any value in the "Fly To" combo box and then run the test. In the result window on the left hand side when you click on Checkpoint "Fly To:", it will show you the expected bitmap and actual bitmap on the right hand side. (note: it will show that only in case of Failed result)

QTP Tutorials 8 - Image Checkpoint

We will look at the Image checkpoint.

Open a blank test.

On your system under My Documents, there will be a folder named My Pictures, under this you will will find a folder- Sample Pictures( containing 4 pictures - Blue Hills, Sunset, Winter, Water lilies)

We will run this test with one of the image there- Sunset.

Go to My Documents->My Pictures-> Sample Pictures and right click on imagenamed 'Sunset' and open it with internet explorer.

Now only a new blank test and internet explorer with this image should be open.

Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens up. Go to "Web" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open browser." and click on Ok.

Go to Insert (menu)->Checkpoint->Standard Checkpoint(or press F12).The mouse pointer will become hand and QTP will be minimized.

Click on the image which is opened in the explorer.

It will open 'Object Selection Checkpoint Properties' window with Image: Sunset highlighted. Click Ok.

It will Open 'Image Checkpoint Properties' Window. In this window just uncheck all the property values like href, html tag etc and only check last property which is src.

Rest every thing will be default. Click OK.

Click stop to stop recording the test.


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In the expert view it will just add one line Browser("file:///C:/Documents%20and%20S").Page("file:///C:/Documents%20and%20S").Image("Sunset").Check CheckPoint("Sunset")

If you run it with that image open in internet explorer it will pass. This test is not intelligent enough. It is just checking that the image in the explorer is in the same location in which it was when the test was recorded and its name is Sunset. If you change the name of some other picture in that folder to Sunset and run the test with that it will also pass.

In this way you can test for some or all the properties of the image which it showed in the 'Image Checkpoint Properties' Window.

QTP Tutorials & Interview Questions

QTP Tutorials 9 - Text Checkpoint

Now we will look at the Text Checkpoint:

1. Open a blank test and a web page in offline mode like this below:2. Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens

up. Go to "Web" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open browser." and click on ok.

3. Go to Insert (menu)->Checkpoint->Text Checkpoint.The mouse pointer will become hand and QTP will be minimized.Click on the first paragraph (which starts with-The page you are looking..) of that web page.

4. "Text Checkpoint Properties" window opens up. It will show the text to be checked in "Checkpoint Summary" area in red color and also show in blue color the text which is displayed before and after the selected text.

5. Click on Configure -here you can change your selected text, change before and after text and so on, but for now just click ok. At the bottom of the "Text Checkpoint Properties" window change 'Checkpoint timeout' to 0 seconds. Again Click ok to come out of "Text Checkpoint Properties" window.

6. Click on stop in order to stop recording.

Run the test and when it is passed just go to the results window and on the left hand side just expand every option and click on last option Checkpoint "Cannot find server". On the right hand side it will show you the details. Try to understand those.

QTP Tutorials 10 - Table Checkpoint



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In this tutorial we will look at a table Checkpoint just to get familiar with it.

Open a blank test and also open a website "http://www.editorial.co.in/software/software-testing-life-cycle.php" in offline mode.

This website has a table at the bottom of the page.

Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens up. Go to "Web" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open browser." and click on ok.

Go to Insert (menu)->Checkpoint->Standard Checkpoint (or press F12).

The mouse pointer will become hand and QTP will be minimized.

Click somewhere inside the table.

"Object Selection - Checkpoint properties" window opens.

Select "WebTable: Software Testing Life Cycle" which has a table icon on its left, where "Software Testing Life Cycle" is the name of the table.

Click ok.

'Table Checkpoint properties' window opens. It will show all the rows and columns of the selected table. This time we will not do any extra setting. Just change the Checkpoint timeout at the bottom of this window to 0 seconds and click ok .

Click stop in order to stop recording.

Run the test and analyze the results in the result window, mainly the checkpoint results to see how QTP verifies the result. We will manipulate test results in later tutorials.

QTP Tutorials 11 - Checkpoint Return Value

We will use the Standard Checkpoint which we did in tutorial 4.

Open that test that contains the standard Checkpoint.In the expert view of the test you will see only one line i.e.

Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").Check CheckPoint("FLIGHT")

Now we will make some changes in this one line so that it can return some value.

NOTE: Checkpoint always returns a value, it depends on us whether we capture it or not.


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Lets now capture it.Declare a variable and catch the return value in that variable:

Dim returnreturn = Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").Check CheckPoint("FLIGHT")msgbox (return)

One thing more we need to do here is that we have to enclose Checkpoint ("FLIGHT") in brackets. So the final version looks like this:

Dim returnreturn = Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").Check (CheckPoint("FLIGHT"))

msgbox (return)

Now run the test and see the msgbox appearing with the return value.

Difference Between Text & Text Area Checkpoint

Text Checkpoint Text Area Checkpoint

Text Checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed in the appropriate place on a Web page or application.

Text Area Checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed within a defined area in a Windows-based application, according to specified criteria.

You can add a text checkpoint while recording or editing steps in a Windows- or Web-based application.

You can add a text area checkpoint only while recording a test on Windows-based applications, such as Standard Windows, Java, Visual Basic, and ActiveX.

A small & simple example to get a feel of both Text and Text Area Checkpoint:

Make sure that the Flight Reservation window is open as shown below.


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Open a New test in QTP and click Record.

Go to Insert (Menu) ->Checkpoint->Text Checkpoint

QTP will be minimized and the mouse pointer will change into pointing hand.

With the pointing hand click on $110.00 in the above Flights Table. Object Selection window opens. Click OK. Text Checkpoint Properties window opens. (See Screenshot for Text Checkpoint Properties window below). Click Cancel.

Go to Insert (Menu) ->Checkpoint->Text Area Checkpoint

QTP will be minimized and the mouse pointer will change into crosshairs.

With the crosshairs select $110.00 in the above Flights Table. Object Selection window opens. Click OK. Text Area Checkpoint Properties window opens. (See Screenshot for Text Area Checkpoint Properties window below). Click Cancel.

Object Selection Window for "Text Area checkpoint" will also be similar as the below one for "Text Checkpoint":

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Text Checkpoint Properties window [In Windows-based environments, if there is more than one line of text selected, the Checkpoint Summary area displays [complex value] instead of the selected text string. You can then click Configure to view and manipulate the actual selected text for the checkpoint.]

Text Area Checkpoint Properties window:

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Now considering both Text and Text Area checkpoints, analyze yourself:

Which one is better (if any) and

Which one is to be used in which situation?

QTP (QuickTest Professional) Recording

The default mode of recording is the Normal recording mode. There are other

recording modes also like Analog Recording or Low Level Recording. Normal mode is the default and takes full advantage of the QuickTest test object model, as it recognizes the objects in the application regardless of their location on the screen.

Analog Recording : Exact mouse and keyboard operations are recorded in relation to either the screen or the application window. In this QTP also records and tracks every movement of the mouse for example, recording a signature produced by dragging the mouse. Analog Recording steps are not editable from within QuickTest.

Low Level Recording : At any time, if an environment or on an object not recognized by QuickTest, use Low Level Recording. It records at object level and records all run-time objects as Window or WinObject test objects. QuickTest records all parent level objects as Window test objects and all other objects as WinObject test objects.

Each step recorded in Low Level Recording mode is shown in the Keyword View and Expert View.


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All the three modes of recording can be used in a single test e.g. we can switch to either Analog Recording or Low Level Recording in the middle of a recording session for specific steps and then return to normal recordingmode.

Analog Recording and Low Level Recording require more disk space than normal recording mode.

Use Analog Recording when :

The actual movement of the mouse is what you want to record.

Recording in Analog mode can be relative to the screen or relative to a specific window (see user guide for detail)

In Analog Recording a separate file is saved and stored with the action.

In Analog Recording mode, QuickTest adds to your test a RunAnalog statement that calls the recorded analog file.

Use Low Level Recording when :

Environments or objects not supported by QuickTest.

Exact location of the operation on your application screen is necessary. in normal mode QuickTest performs the step on an object even if it has moved to a new location on the screen.

If the location of the object is important to your test, switch to Low Level Recording

Parameterizing Tests in QTP (QuickTest Professional)

By replacing fixed values with parameters QuickTest enables you to enlarge the scope of a basic test. It is known as parameterization, greatly increases the power and flexibility of a test. A parameter is a variable that is assigned a value from an external data source or generator. Values in steps and checkpoints and also the values of action parameters can be parameterize.

Parameters let us check how the application performs the same operations with multiple sets of data.

There are four types of parameters:


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Test/action parameters: Test parameters make possible for us to use values passed from the test. Action parameters enable us to pass values from other actions in your test. To use a value within a specific action, the value must be passed down through the action hierarchy of the test to the required action. We can then use that parameter value to parameterize a step in the test. For example, suppose that we want to parameterize a step in Action3 using a value that is passed into the test from the external application that runs (calls) the test. We can pass the value from the test level to Action1 (atop-level action) to Action3 (a nested action of Action1), and then parameterize the required step using this action input parameter value (that was passed through from the external application). Alternatively, we can pass an output action parameter value from an action step to a later sibling action at the same hierarchical level. For example, suppose that Action2, Action3, and Action4 are sibling actions at the same hierarchical level, and that these are all nested actions of Action1. We can parameterize a call to Action4 based on an output value retrieved from Action2 or Action3. We can then use these parameters in the action step.

Data Table parameters allow us to create a data-driven test (or action) that runs several times using the data that we supply. In each repetition, or iteration, QuickTest uses a different value from the Data Table.

Environment variable parameters allow us to use variable values from other sources during the run session. These may be values that we supply, or values that QuickTest generates for us based on conditions and options we choose.

Random number parameters Enable us to insert random numbers as values in your test.

Values in steps and checkpoints can be parameterized while recording or editing the test.

The values of object properties can be parameterized for a selected step.

The values of the operation (method or function arguments) defined for the step can also be parameterized.

When the value of an object property for a local object is parameterized, we are amending the test object description in the local object repository. Therefore, all occurrences of the specified object within the action are parameterized.

Parameterizing the value of a checkpoint property enables us to check how an application or Web site performs the same operation based on different data

QTP (QuickTest Professional) keyword view

In QTP (QuickTest Professional) we first of all record a test, then run a test and then analyze the results, but before running the test we can also enhance it with checkpoints and parameters.


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First of all let's talk a little about keyword view in QTP and then we will talk about recording in QTP and then we will move on to other things.

After recording all the operations, QuickTest displays them as steps in the Keyword View, and generates them in a script (in an Expert View).

In the keyword view there are 4 visible columns –

(For other valuable information on below points please see QTP user guide pg 92 and pg 114)

Item The item on which we want to perform the step and it can be a test object, utility object, function call, or statement. This column shows a hierarchical icon-based tree. The highest level of the tree is actions, and all steps are contained within the relevant branch of the tree.

Operation The operation (methods or functions) to be performed on the item selected in the Item column, for example, Click or Select.

Value The argument values for the selected operation, for example, the mouse button to use when clicking the image.

Documentation It is a Read-only auto-documentation of what the step does in an easy-to-understand sentence, for example, Click the "findFlights" image.

Assignment The assignment of a value to or from a variable for example, Store in cCols would store the return value of the current step in a variable called cCols so you can use the value later in the test. This column is not visible by default.

Comment Any textual information you want to add regarding the step. This column is also not visible by default.

Actions in QTP 9 (QuickTest Professional)

Actions break up the test into logical sections/units such as specific activities that we perform in our application.


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When we create a new test, it contains a call to one action. By breaking up the tests into calls to multiple actions, we can design more modular and well organized and professional tests. An action has its own test script, containing all of the steps recorded in that action, and all objects in its local object repository. An action is stored with the test in which you created it.

If you create a test in which you log into the system (email), check inbox, and then log out of the system (email), your test might be structured as shown—one test calling three separate actions:

Test 1 Actions stored with Test 1Call to action 1 ---> Action 1(Logging In)Call to action 2 ---> Action 2(Checking Inbox Mails)Call to action 3 ---> Action 3(Logging Out)

Actions make it possible to parameterize and iterate over specific elements of a test. They also make it easier to re-record steps in one action when part of your application changes. For every action called in the test, QuickTest creates a corresponding action sheet in the Data Table so that we can enter Data Table parameters that are specific to that action only.

Three types of actions are:

Non-reusable action This non reusable action can be called only once and that too in the test with which it is stored.

Reusable action Reusable actions are like functions in any programming language. If there is a process that needs to be included in several tests, we can record, modify, and enhance the steps of the process and save them in a reusable action. Then we can call the action from other tests, rather than recording, modifying, and enhancing the same steps each time. It can be called several times by the test with which it is stored (the local test), as well as by other tests.

Deleting a reusable action that is called by other tests will cause those tests to fail.

External action is a reusable action stored with another test. External actions are read-only in the calling test, but we can choose to use a local, editable copy of the Data Table information for the external action. When a call to an external action is inserted, the action is inserted in read-only format

We can create an additional call to any reusable or external action in the test by pressing CTRL while we drag and drop the action to another location at a parallel (sibling) levelwithin the test.

By default, new actions are non-reusable. Each action created in a test can be marked as reusable or non-reusable.

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When we run a test with multiple actions, the test results are divided by actions within each test iteration so that we can see the outcome of each action, and can view the detailed results for each action individually.

If you expect other users to open your tests and all actions in your tests are stored in the same drive, you should use relative paths for your reusable actions so that other users will be able to open your tests even if they have mapped their network drives differently.

QTP Sync, Wait and Synchronization

Synchronization makes available specified amount of time for an object to process prior to moving on to the next step.

Wait is like forcing the QTP to wait for a specified amount of time while synchronization is not a 'forced' wait e.g. whenever a specific page loads QTP moves forward in case of synchronization, but in case of wait, if the wait is for 10 seconds and a webpage loads in 3 seconds then it still waits for 7 seconds.

Synchronization is there to take care of the timing problems between QTP and the AUT. Examples where synchronization can be used:

For a web page to load.For a button to become enabled or disabled.For client-server communications to finish.

Synchronization is possible in many ways:

1)We can insert a synchronization point for example for a progress bar to reach 100%. QTP will generate a WaitProperty statement in the Expert View in case of synchronization.

2)We can use Exist or Wait statements. Exist statements always return a Boolean (0 or 1) value.

3)We can also modify the default amount of time that QTP waits for a Web page to load.(Browser Navigation Timeout, File(menu)-> Settings-> Web tab)

4)When working with tests, we can increase the default timeout settings for a test to instruct


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QuickTest to allow more time for objects to appear.(Object Synchronization Timeout, File(menu)-> Settings-> Run tab)

Synchronization is enabled only during recording.

Example of Synchronization

Make sure that only QTP and Sample Flight application are open.

Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens up. Go to "Windows Applications" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open windows based application." and click on ok.

Enter the Date of flight as tommorrows date.In Fly From choose Denver.In Fly To Choose Frankfurt.Click on Flights... button which is on theR.H.S of the Fly To combo box.

Flights Table window open up. Let thefirst option remains selected in that and just click on ok. It willautomatically fill some of the fields.

Enter your name in the Name field.

Click on Insert Order and let it complete uptill 100% untill you see the 'Insert Done...' text.

Go to Insert (menu)-> Synchronisation Point. QTP will be minimized and cursor will take the shape of a hand.

Click on that 'Insert Done...' text in the Flight application.

'Object Selection - Synchronization Point' window will open with 'ActiveX: Threed Panel Control.' selected.

Click Ok.

'Add Synchronization Point' window will open. Choose Property name as 'text' and Property value as "Insert Done..." (Don't forget to put those 3 dots, and double quotation marks e.g. " in the Property value text box.)Click Ok.

In Flight application go to File (menu)-> New Order.


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Click Stop in order to stop the recording.

This whole process will add WaitProperty.

The code in the Expert view looks like this:

Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("MaskEdBox").Click 1,9Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("MaskEdBox").Type "092407"Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").Select "Denver"Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly To:").Select "Frankfurt"Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").ClickWindow("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").WinButton("OK").ClickWindow("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Name:").Set "axc"

Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Insert Order").ClickWindow("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("Threed Panel Control").WaitProperty "text", "Insert Done...", 10000Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Button").Click

I have modified the above script a little bit to capturethe WaitProperty value. WaitProperty Waits until the particular object property attain the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step.

Reporter is an Object used for sending info to test results and it uses ReportEvent method to accomplish this.

ReportEvent method sends the results to the result window. For more info on these plase see QTP help.

Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("MaskEdBox").Click 1,9Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("MaskEdBox").Type "092407"Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").Select "Denver"Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly To:").Select "Frankfurt"Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").ClickWindow("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").WinButton("OK").ClickWindow("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Name:").Set "axc"Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Insert Order").Clickrc=Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("Threed Panel Control").WaitProperty ("text", "Insert Done...", 10000)If rc=true Thenreporter.ReportEvent micPass,"sync on Insert Done...", "Property of text is true"End Ifmsgbox rcWindow("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Button").Click

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Example of WAIT

Make sure that only QTP should be open.

Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens up. Go to "Windows Applications" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open windows based application." and click on ok.

Go to Start->AllPrograms->QuickTest Professional->Sample Applications->Flight.

Enter Username as your first name (make sure to enter 4 or more characters).(use tab to move to password textbox.)Enter password as 'mercury.'Click Ok.When Flight Reservation window is open, go to File(Menu)->Exit.

It will record the code as below but one thing which I have added extra is Wait(5) in step 4 (just go to the expert view and add this line before the line which includes encrypted password).

1)SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe","","C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\","open"2) Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set "sachin"3) Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Type micTab4) wait(5)5)Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure "46ed14b628c7ae93e3a3ab35576f08fc424a6fb9"6) Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").Click7) Window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu").Select "File;Exit"

Example of Sync

Make sure that your internet is On and QTP is open.

Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window opens up. Go to "Web" tab and choose first option "Record and run test on any open browser." and click on ok.



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Open internet explorer (make sure your default page is www.google.com, so that when you open internet explorer, it by default opens google.com as homepage..)

Type Blogger in the search text box and click on "I'm Feeling Lucky" button instead of Search button.

When www.blogger.com is open (i.e. when you see 'Done' on the status bar at the bottom) , click on Back toolbar button (below File menu) to go back to google.com again.

Go toFile(Menu)->Exit.

It will record the following code with sync automatically recorded by QTP (see 4th step).

1)SystemUtil\Program files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE","","C:\Documents and Settings\Sachin","open"2) Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebEdit("q").Set "blogger"3) Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebButton("I'm Feeling Lucky").Click4) Browser("Google").Page("Blogger: Create your Blog").Sync5) Browser("Google").Back6) Browser("Google").WinToolbar("ToolbarWindow32").Press "&File"7) Browser("Google").WinMenu("ContextMenu").Select "Close"

Try to run this code, it works fine.

Now go to File(Menu)->Settings, Web tab and change the 'Browser navigation Timeout' to 2 seconds for example and then run the above code again. It will fail because sync method waits for the browser to complete the current navigation, but here we have set the browser navigation timeout to 2 seconds, which is too short for a browser to complete the navigation i.e. to open www.blogger.com after clicking on "I'm Feeling Lucky" button (I am not on T1 lines, my internet connection is average), because what happens is, after the 3rd step it just waits for 2 second after which it goes to the Back button, but it finds it disabled as it gets enabled only when www.blogger.com is open.

Keep 'Browser navigation Timeout' to 10 seconds in File(Menu)->Settings and then it should pass because in 10 seconds it surely makes the back button enabled after the 3rd step of clicking "I'm Feeling Lucky".

QTP Parameters This is not an exhaustive material on parameterization. This is just to give you a startup on parameters in QTP, so that you can go ahead and do wonders with parameters in QTP on your own.


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Environment Variables in QTP

Random Variables in QTP

Test parameters

Action Parameter

Global and Action data sheet Parameters

QTP Output Values

Parameterize a checkpoint

QTP Environment Variables

User-Defined Internal, User-Defined External, Built-in are the types of environment variables available in QTP.

Built-in variables as the name suggests are predefined by QTP. Examples of such variables are OS, OSVersion, ActionName which are for Operating System, Operating System Version and name of the action which is currently running, respectively.

Lets look at an example of this:

1. Open a new Test.

2.Go to File (Menu)->Settings, a Test Settings window opens.

3. Go to Environment Tab. By default Built-in variable type is selected and you will be able to see Name and Description of Built-in variables below Variable type dropdown box.

4. You can click on any of those variables to see their current value.

5. I just did the above four steps in order to show you from where you can access Built-in variables.

6. Now close this Test Settings window and go to test.

7. In the Expert View type:

a = environment("ActionName") & " is running on " & environment("OS")msgbox (a)


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8. And Run the test.

It is just a simple way to show how a Built-in environment variable works.

User Defined Internal variables are the variables defined by you (the user) within the test and which are saved within the test and also accessible from within the test.

Lets look at an example of this:

1. Open a new Test.

2. Go to File (Menu)->Settings, a Test Settings window opens.

3. Go to Environment Tab. From Variable type dropdown select User-defined.

4. Click on the '+' which is on the right of Variable type dropdown.

5. 'Add New Environment Parameter' window opens up, type the name and value of the variable e.g. in Name type 'a' and in Value type 'hello' (without quotes, I have added quotes just for clarity) and click on OK. It will add the variable with its type as 'internal'.

6. Click Apply and OK to come out of Test Settings window.

7. Go to expert view and type:msgbox(environment("a"))

8. Now Run the test. It will show you the value of variable 'a' in the message box.

User-Defined external variables are the variables which are defined in the file outside of test. These act as read only for the test. You can create as many files for environment variables as you want and choose them for your test.

Now lets look at an example of this:

Open a new text file and type the following lines in it and save it with .xml extension. ( I saved it in 'tests' folder in the 'QuickTest Professional' folder under C:\Program files.)

1. Open a new Test.

2. Go to File (Menu)->Settings, a Test Settingswindow opens.

3. Go to Environment Tab. From Variable type dropdown select User-defined.

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4. Click on "Load variables and values from external file" check box and import that external xml file that we created above. As soon as it is imported the complete path of that file will be shown in the File text box and the variable in it will show under Name, Value and Type heading (in our case it will show Address under Name, 25 yellow Road under Value and External under Type).

5. Click on Apply and Ok to come out of it.

6. Go to expert view and type:msgbox(environment("Address"))

7. Now run the test. It will show you the value of variable 'Address' in the message box.

QTP Random Variables

First example of Random Numbers:

When you define parameters for an action you can set the parameter's value as Random numbers. There are many different ways in which you can use Random numbers in QTP. Lets jump at the examples straightway.

Example 1:

1. Open a new test.

2. In the keyword View right-click on Action1, select Action Properties, 'Action Properties' window opens, Go to 'Parameters' Tab.

3. In the 'Input Parameters' area click on the '+' sign and enter the Name of the input parameter as 'a', Type as Number, and Default value as 1. Click Ok.

4. Again right-click on Action1 in the keyword View , select 'Action Call Properties', 'Action Call Properties' window opens. Go to 'Parameter Values' Tab.

5. Make a single click under 'Value' column in the 'Input Parameter's' area, it will become a button '<#>'. Click on this button.

6. It will open 'Value Configuration Options' window.

7. Click on 'Parameter' radio button, select 'Random Number' from the dropdown. In the Numeric Range enter 0 against From and 100 against To.

8. Click on Name Checkbox and choose arg_a from the dropdown.


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9. In the 'Generate New Random Number' area, select first option-For each action iteration. Click ok.

10. Again Click ok to come out of 'Action Call Properties' window.

11. Now Go to Insert (Menu)-> Call to New Action, 'Insert Call to New Action' window opens, click ok to insert a new action- action2.

12. Go to Expert view of action1 and type:

msgbox "action1"


13. Go to Expert View of Action2 and type:

For i=1 to 3RunAction "Action1", oneIteration, RandomNumber("arg_a")Next

14. When you copy the above text to Expert View of Action2, it will show you a message that it has made Action1 Reusable, just click ok.

15. Now Run the test.

(It would be better if you run it by activating the expert view, then it will show you which step it is currently running by pointing to that particular step with yellow color arrow and then you will be able to understand it in a better way. You will see that it shows a different value in each msgbox() because we selected 'For each action iteration' from the 'Generate new random number' area. If we select the second option 'For each test iteration' then a messagebox will show same values, but different values if you run it next time i.e. a different value at each test run.)

RandomNumber is an Object.

RandomNumber(ParameterNameOrStartNumber [,EndNumber])

EndNumber is optional above.

Second example of Random Numbers:

Here is another way of generating random numbers:

Open a new test and in the Expert view write these lines and run the test:

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For i=1 to 5var1=RandomNumber (0, 100)msgbox(var1)Next

Third example of Random Numbers: (This is more or less same as the first one)

One more way is to define a Random Number parameter in the 'Parameter Options' or 'Value Configuration Options' dialog box.

1. Open a new test.

2. In the keyword View right-click on Action1, select 'Action Properties', 'Action Properties' window opens, Go to 'Parameters' Tab.

3. In the 'Input Parameters' area click on the '+' sign and enter the Name of the input parameter as 'a', Type as Number, and Default value as 1. Click Ok.

4. Again right-click on Action1 in the keyword View , select 'Action Call Properties', 'Action Call Properties' window opens. Go to 'Parameter Values' Tab.

5. Make a single click under 'Value' column in the 'Input Parameter's' area, it will become a button '<#>'. Click on this button.

6. It will open 'Value Configuration Options' window.

7. Click on 'Parameter' radio button, select 'Random Number' from the dropdown. In the Numeric Range enter 0 against From and 100 against To.

8. Click on 'Name' Checkbox and choose arg_a from the dropdown.

9. In the 'Generate New Random Number' area, select first option-For each action iteration. Click ok.

10. Again Click ok to come out of 'Action Call Properties' window.

11. Now in the Expert View of action1 type:


12. And Run the Test.

Fourth example of Random Numbers:

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Another VBScript method of generating a random number:

For i= 1 to 3var1 = int((101*rnd)+0) ' Generate random value between 0 and 100.MsgBox var1next

Let's talk about Randomize and Rnd for some time:

Randomize [number]

We use a number with Randomize to initialize the Rnd function's random-number generator, giving it a new seed value. If the number is omitted, the value returned by the system timer is used as the new seed value. In simple terms Rnd is a function and Randomize is used to initialize this function.

If Randomize is not used, the Rnd function (with no arguments) uses the same number as a seed the first time it is called.

No matter how many times you Run the below code it generates the same values:

For i= 1 to 3randomize(2)var1 = Int((6 * Rnd) + 1) ' Generate random value between 1 and 6.MsgBox var1next

But if you omitt randomize(2) from the above code and instead put only randomize then at each run it generates different values.

For i= 1 to 3randomizevar1 = Int((6 * Rnd) + 1) ' Generate random value between 1 and 6.MsgBox var1next

Some light on Rnd:The following formula is used to produce a random number in a given range:Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)

likewiseInt((6 * Rnd) + 1) ' Generate random value between 1 and 6.The Rnd function returns a value less than 1 but greater than or equal to 0.

Rnd(number)If the number is Less than zero (< 0) then Rnd generates 'The same number' every time, using number as the seed.

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For i= 1 to 3x=rnd(-1)msgbox(x)Next

If the number is Greater than zero(> 0) then Rnd generates 'The next random' number in the sequence.

For i= 1 to 3x=rnd(1)msgbox(x)Next

If the number is Equal to zero (=0)then Rnd generates 'The most recently generated' number. For i= 1 to 3x=rnd(0)msgbox(x)Next

If the number is Not supplied then Rnd generates 'The next random number in the sequence.'

For i= 1 to 3x=rnd()msgbox(x)Next


For any given initial seed, the same number sequence is generated because each successive call to the Rnd function uses the previous number as a seed for the next number in the sequence.

Before calling Rnd, use the Randomize statement without an argument to initialize the random-number generator with a seed based on the system timer.

QTP Test parameters

1. Open a New Test.


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2. Go to File->Settings, a 'Test Settings' window will open, go to 'Parameters' Tab.

3. Click on '+' sign which is on the top right.

4. Enter the Name of the parameter as 'vartest' and its Default Value as 'hello'. Click Apply and then Ok. The Type of this parameter is string.

5. Above we have created a Test Parameter.

6. Now in the Keyword View right click on Action1 and select 'Action Properties'. 'Action Properties' window opens.

7. Go to 'Parameters' Tab. Click on '+' sign which is on the top right.

8. Enter the Name of the parameter as 'varaction' and its Type as string and no default value. Click Ok to come out of that window.

9. Again in the Keyword View right click on Action1 and select 'Action Call Properties'. 'Action Call Properties' window opens.

10. Go to 'Parameter Values' Tab. There you will see the 'varaction' action parameter we created earlier. Make a single click under 'Value' heading, it will show a button like this <#>. Just click on this button to open 'Value Configuration Options' window.

11. Click on 'Parameter' radio button and select 'Test/action Parameter' from that dropdown.

12. 'Test Parameters' radio button will be selected by default and under 'Test Parameters' radio button select 'vartest' from Parameter dropdown.[ remember this vartest is a test parameter we created at the beginning]

13. When you click on ok to come out of 'Value Configuration Options' window, in the 'Action Call Properties' window, under 'Value' it will show <vartest>. Click Ok.

14. Go to Expert View and type:msgbox(parameter("varaction"))

15. Now run the test. While running it will show 'hello' in the msgbox.

This example show how to declare test parameters and how to access those.

Remember (taken from QTP guide):

You can directly access test parameters only when parameterizing the value of a top-level action input parameter or when specifying the storage location for a top-level output parameter. To use values supplied for test parameters in steps within an action, you must pass the test parameter to the action containing the step.

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Alternatively, you can enter the parameter name in the Expert View using the Parameter utility object, in the format: Parameter ("ParameterName").

QTP Action Parameter 1. In the Keyword View right click on Action1 and select 'Action Properties'. 'Action Properties' window opens. 2. Go to 'Parameters' Tab. Click on '+' sign which is on the top right. 3. Enter the Name of the parameter as 'a' and its Type as Number. In the same way create another Number parameter 'b'.4. Click Ok. 5. In the Keyword View right click on Action1 and select 'Action Properties'. 'Action Properties' window opens. In the general tab, click on 'Reusable Action' checkbox at the bottom to make the action reusable.6. In the Expert View of Action1 type:s1=parameter("a")s2=parameter("b")msgbox(s1+s2)

7. Go to Insert (menu)-> Call to New Action. 'Insert Call to New Action' window opens. Just click ok to insert a new action.

8. Make action2 reusable as we did for action1.

9. In the Expert View of action2 type:

RunAction "Action1", oneIteration, 2,2

10. In the keyword View right click on action2 and select 'Run from Step', it will show you the sum 4 in msgbox.

QTP Global & Action Data Sheet Parameters Example 1

How, for each row, in global data sheet, QTP iterates all rows of any action data sheet.

1. Open a new Test.

2. Click on Record.

3.Go to Start->All Programs->QuickTest Professional->Sample Applications->Flight.



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4. Enter the Agent Name as 'mary' and Password as 'mercury'. Click Ok (make sure we click ok with mouse and not hit the return (enter) Key.)

5. When the Flight Reservation window is open, go to File->Exit.

6. Click Stop in order to stop recording the test.

7. In the Keyword View under 'Value' column, make a single click on 'mary' (Agent Name), a button like <#> will appear, click on this button to open 'Value Configuration Options' window.

8. Click on Parameter radio button and select Data Table from the dropdown and let rest everything be default. click ok to come out of that window.

9. In the Global Data sheet it will add a new columns with 'mary' as its first value.

10. Go to Insert (menu) -> Call to New Action to insert action2.

11. For this action2, repeat steps from 2 to 7. (This time I have used the Agent Name as 'bill')

12. After repeating step 7, when you click on 'Parameter' radio button and select Data Table from the dropdown, make sure you select Current action sheet (local) in the Location in Data Table area. Click Ok to close that window.

13. It will add a new column in action2 Data Sheet with 'bill ' (because I used bill as an Agent Name ) as its first row.

14. Now you have two actions (action1 and action2), both of them do the same job but their data is in different sheets.

15. Go to Global Data Sheet and Add one more row in it below 'mary'. I added 'rama'.

16. In the Local Data Sheet (action2) add two more rows to make them a total of 3. I added 'amar' and 'Sumit'.

17. Right click on action1 and select action call properties, go to Run Tab and select "Run on all rows" radio button. Do the same for action2.

18. Go to Expert View of action one and type : msgbox("acton1"). Now my action1 looks like this:

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SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTestProfessional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe","","C:\Program Files\MercuryInteractive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\","open"

Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set DataTable("p_Text", dtGlobalSheet) Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Type micTab Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure

"4725bcebeea3b6682d186bf7b15ae92cc4e6c0ba" msgbox("acton1") Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").Click Window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu").Select "File;Exit"

19. Do the same for action2 and type msgbox("acton2") in its Expert view, as we did for action1.

20. Now Run the test.

I have added the msgbox step in both the action just to make you understand how the QTP is picking up the rows from Data Sheets, otherwise it will be fast and some people may not able to understand.

Example 2

This examples shows that each action can access data not only from Global Data Sheet or its own Local Data Sheet but also from other action's Data Sheet in the same test.

Open a new test.

Insert two actions.

In the Global Data table, in cell(A,1) type 'Global Data'.In the Action1 Data table, in cell(A,1) type 'Action1 Data'.In the Action2 Data table, in cell(A,1) type 'Action2 Data'.

In Expert View of action1 type: msgbox("I am in action 1")rc = DataTable.Value("A", dtGlobalSheet) 'accessing data from Global data sheet from action1

msgbox rcrc = DataTable.Value("A", 2) 'accessing data from action1 data sheet from action1

msgbox rc

In expert view of action2 type:

msgbox("I am in action 2")

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rc = DataTable.Value("A", dtGlobalSheet) 'accessing data from Global data sheetfrom action1

msgbox rcrc = DataTable.Value("A", 2) 'accessing data from action1 data sheet from action2

msgbox rc

QTP Output Values

This is a very small tutorial on output values, just to make you familiar with the process so that you can start on your own. For complete understanding of Output values please see QTP User Guide.

1. Open a new test and also open a sample Flight application (Flight Reservation window)

2.Make sure that both (new test and Flight Reservation window) are open and visible.

3. Click on Record in order to record a test.

4. Go to Insert (Menu)->Output Value->Standard Output Value.

5. QTP will be minimized and mouse pointer will take the shape of a hand. Click on 'Insert Order' button in 'Flight Reservation window.'

6. "Object Selection - Output Value Properties" window opens with WinButton :Insert Order highlighted. Click Ok.

7. "Output Value Properties" window opens with 'Insert Order' in the Name text field.

8. Click on first checkbox (which is Property enabled and Value False).

9. In the 'Configure Value' area click on Modify button.

10. 'Output Options' window opens. In this window just click Ok. (It creates Insert_Order_enabled_Out column in Global datasheet in Data Table with a Value False in the first row)

11. It will bring you back to "Output Value Properties" window. Now earlier where under Value it was showing False (see step 8) now it will show Insert_Order_enabled_Out.

12. Again Click Ok to come out of this "Output Value Properties" window.

13. Click Stop in order to stop the test.


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14. Now it means whatever the value of Insert Order button's Enable Property will be, QTP will show that value in Data Table (under Insert_Order_enabled_Out column) at Run time.

Just make that Insert Order button enable by putting some values in Flight Reservation window and then see that column (Insert_Order_enabled_Out ) in Data table. It will show a true value in there at run time. It will also show that captured value in the Results window.

These above steps show you how to use output values with Data Table. Below tutorial shows how to use output values with Environment variables.

1. Open a new test and also open a sample Flight application (Flight Reservation window)

2. Make sure that both (new test and Flight Reservation window) are open and visible.

3. Click on Record in order to record a test.

4. Go to Insert (Menu)->Output Value->Standard Output Value.

5. QTP will be minimized and mouse pointer will take the shape of a hand. Click on 'Insert Order' button in Flight Reservation window.

6. "Object Selection - Output Value Properties" window opens with WinButton : Insert Order highlighted. Click Ok.

7. "Output Value Properties" window opens with 'Insert Order' in the Name text field.

8. Click on first checkbox (which is Property enabled and Value False).

9. In the Configure Value area click on Modify button.

10. Output Options window opens.

11. In 'Output Options' window, from 'Output Types' dropdown, select Environment, andclick Ok.

12. Now Insert_Order_enabled_out will be User-Defined internal environment variable.

13. Click Ok to come out of this "Output Value Properties" window. (You can check that environment variable by going to File->Settings, Environment Tab and choosing User-Defined from variable type)

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14. Just add the below line in the Expert View at the end to see the value of the environment variable.


15. Now you can Run the test.

Just make that Insert Order button enable by putting some values in Flight Reservation window and then see that environment variable value (Insert_Order_enabled_Out ). It will show a true value in there at run time. It will also show that captured value in the Results window.

Parameterize a Checkpoint

You can create a Checkpoint while recording or editing a test. For this tutorial I will take into account Text Checkpoint created through Standard Checkpoint while editing.

Open a new test.

Click on Record.

Go to Start-> All Programs->QuickTest Professional->Sample Applications->Flight.

Enter the Agent Name as "Sachin" and Password as "mercury". Make sure you use Tab key to move from one text box to another and hit Return (Enter) key after entering the Password.

When the Flight Reservation window is open Go to File (menu)->Exit.

Click on Stop in order to stop the recording.

In the Keyword view go to the row which has "Sachin" under Value column. Right-click anywhere on that row and choose "Insert Standard Checkpoint."

"Checkpoint Properties" window opens. Make sure only the Text property is checked which has a value of "Sachin" and rest all of the properties must be unchecked.

Just make a single click on Text Property, which you checked above, in order to highlight it and make "Configure Value" area enabled.

In this area click on Parameter Radio button. This is all we need to do.

[On the right hand side of Parameter Radio button you will see Parameter Options button (which has paper and pen image on it). you can click on it to see the default values QTP has set for us.]

In the "Checkpoint Properties" window just click on Ok to come out of it.


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It will add a column in the Global Data Sheet with "Sachin" as its first value.

Add two more values in the subsequent rows. I added "aaaa" in the 2nd and "bbbb" in the 3rd.

Now when we run the test and it opens the window where we need to enter the Agent Name and Password, you have to enter Agent Name all of the 3 times (Just enter the Agent Name, that's it, no Tab key or Return key). Make sure you enter "Sachin" during first time, "aaaa" during second time and so on. We don't need to enter the Password. Remember this is a Text Checkpoint on the "Agent Name" Text field. Any value entered there first time will be compared by first row of the Global Data Sheet which has "Sachin" and any value entered there Second time will be compared by second row of the Global Data Sheet which has "aaaa" and so on. Just try to enter some other value during second time like "xxxx" it will run the test but show you "Failed" in the Results window in the second iteration.

QTP Action input output parameters

Those who are still confused about input parameters to actions and output values from actions, just have a look at these examples, these act as a foundation for action input and output values (this is ONE of the many ways, of course there can be other ways of doing the things I have done below).

1) Action output value (value returned by a called action) can be stored in a variable

2) Action output value (value returned by a called action) can be stored in data table column.

3) Action output value (value returned by a called action) can be stored in environment variable.

4) Action output value (value returned by a called action) can be stored in Any variable and RunAction Statement is not used.

5) Working with Four Actions

QTP Action input output parameters Example 1

Action output value (value returned by a called action) can be stored in a variable

Open a new test. By default, it will have Action1.

Go to Insert (Menu) -> Call to New Action, to add a new action at the end of the test.

Now we have Action1 and Action2 in this test.



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In the Keyword View, right click on Action1 and choose Action Properties.

Go to Parameters tab and create input variable in_a1_1 with Type as Number. Rest everything be default.(To create an input variable, you have to click on ‘+’ sign which is on the right hand side of Input parameters section).

Create another input variable in_a1_2, same as above.

In the Parameters tab, also create one output variable out_a1_1 with Type as Number(To create an output variable, you have to click on ‘+’ sign which is on the right hand side of Output parameters section).

In the Expert view of Action1 type:


In the Expert view of Action2 type:

(When you copy this below code in Expert view of Action2, it may give you a warning that it will make Action1 reusable, just click on Ok)

RunAction "Action1", oneIteration, 2,2, var1msgbox var1

To Run this test make sure Action2 is selected / highlighted if you are in the Keyword View or Action2 is selected from the dropdown above if you are in the Expert View and then choose Automation (Menu) -> Run Current action.

QTP Action input output parameters Example 2

Action output value (value returned by a called action) can be stored in data table column.

Open a new test. By default, it will have Action1.

Go to Insert (Menu) -> Call to New Action, to add a new action at the end of the test.

Now we have Action1 and Action2 in this test.

In the Keyword View, right click on Action1 and choose Action Properties.


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Go to Parameters tab and create input variable in_a1_1 with Type as Number. Rest everything be default.(To create an input variable, you have to click on ‘+’ sign which is on the right hand side of Input parameters section).

Create another input variable in_a1_2, same as above.

In the Parameters tab, also create one output variable out_a1_1 with Type as Number(To create an output variable, you have to click on ‘+’ sign which is on the right hand side of Output parameters section).

In the Expert view of Action1 type:


In the Expert view of Action2 type:

(When you copy this below code in Expert view of Action2, it may give you a warning that it will make Action1 reusable, just click on Ok)

RunAction"Action1", oneIteration, 2, 2, DataTable("Action1_out",dtGlobalSheet)

In the Global Data Sheet, where you have column names as A, B and so on, double click on A,

It will open Change Parameter Name box,

Enter the parameter name as Action1_out and click Ok.

To Run this test make sure Action2 is selected / highlighted if you are in the Keyword View or Action2 is selected from the dropdown above if you are in the Expert View and then choose Automation(Menu) -> Run Current action.

QTP Action input output parameters Example 3

Action output value (value returned by a called action) can be stored in environment variable.

Open a new test. By default, it will have Action1.

Go to Insert (Menu) -> Call to New Action, to add a new action at the end of the test.


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Now we have Action1 and Action2 in this test.

In the Keyword View, right click on Action1 and choose Action Properties.

Go to Parameters tab and create input variable in_a1_1 with Type as Number. Rest everything be default.(To create an input variable, you have to click on ‘+’ sign which is on the right hand side of Input parameters section).

Create another input variable in_a1_2, same as above.

In the Parameters tab, also create one output variable out_a1_1 with Type as Number(To create an output variable, you have to click on ‘+’ sign which is on the right hand side of Output parameters section).

In the Expert view of Action1 type:


Go to File-> Settings, Environment tab, in the 'Variable type' dropdown choose User-defined. Click on the + sign which is on the right side.

‘Add New Environment Parameter’ window opens. Enter the Name of the parameter as env_var and let the 'Value' field be empty and click on Ok.

In the Expert view of Action2 type:(When you copy this below code in Expert view of Action2, it may give you a warning that it will make Action1 reusable, just click on Ok)

RunAction "Action1", oneIteration, 2, 2, Environment ("env_var")msgbox Environment ("env_var")

To Run this test make sure Action2 is selected / highlighted if you are in the Keyword View or Action2 is selected from the dropdown above if you are in the Expert View and then choose Automation (Menu) -> Run Current action.

QTP Action input output parameters Example 4

Action output value (value returned by a called action) can be stored in Any variable and RunAction Statement is not used.


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Open a new test. By default it will have Action1.

Go to Insert-> Call to New Action, to add a new action at the end of the test.

Now we have Action1 and Action2 in this test.

In the Keyword View, right click on Action1 and choose Action Properties.

Go to Parameters tab and create output variable out_a1_1 with Type as Any.

In the Keyword View, right click on Action2 and choose Action Properties.

Go to Parameters tab and create input variable in_a2_1 with Type as Any.

In the Keyword View, right click on Action1 and choose Action Call Properties.

Go to Parameters tab and in the ‘Store In’ column enter var1.

In the Keyword View, right click on Action2 and choose Action Call Properties.

Go to Parameters tab and in the Value column enter var1.

In the expert view of Action1 type:

Parameter("out_a1_1") = 23

In the expert view of Action2 type:

msgbox Parameter(" in_a2_1")

To Run this test, always go to Action4 and then, Automation (Menu) ->Run Current Action

What these Actions will do:

Action4 will call Action1 with two input values 2, 2.

Action1 sums those values (2+2=4) and assigns the sum to out_a1_1 (Action1’s output parameter).

Then Action1 passes the sum (i.e. 4) along with another number (3) to Action2 by calling Action2 in its last line.


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Action2 multiplies those two values (4, 3) it got from Action1 and passes on the result of multiplication (12) and another number (5) to Action3, where these passed on values are added and the result is shown in a message box.

1. Open a new test. Obviously Action1 will be there by default.

2. Go to Insert-> Call to New Action, when ‘Insert Call to New Action’ window opens, just click on Ok. This adds Action2.

3. Similarly add Action3 and Action4.

4. In the Keyword View right click on Action1 and choose Action properties. Action Properties window opens and go to Parameters tab.

5. In the Parameters tab, click on the +, which is on the right hand side of input parameters. Add 1st input variable as in_a1_1 (in means input, a1 is for action1 and 1 is 1st variable) and keep its Type as Number, let all other things be default.Similarly add 2nd input variable in_a1_2 and one output variable out_a1_1 also a Number Type.

6. Similarly add input and output parameters for Action2 (input variables in_a2_1 & in_a2_2, output variable out_a2_1) and Action3(input variables in_a3_1 & in_a3_2, output variable out_a3_1).

In the Expert view of Action1 type:

s1=parameter("in_a1_1")s2=parameter("in_a1_2")parameter("out_a1_1")=s1+s2RunAction "Action2", oneIteration, parameter("out_a1_1"), 3

In the Expert view of Action2 type:

parameter("out_a2_1")= parameter("in_a2_1") * parameter("in_a2_2")RunAction "Action3", oneIteration, parameter("out_a2_1"),5 In the Expert view of Action3 type:

parameter("out_a3_1")= parameter("in_a3_1") + parameter("in_a3_2")msgbox parameter("out_a3_1")

In the Expert view of Action4 type:

RunAction "Action1", oneIteration, 2,2

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QTP SystemUtil Vs InvokeApplication

SystemUtil is an object which is used to control applications and processes during a run session.Run is “one of the methods” of SystemUtil object. Although there are other methods like CloseProcessByName etc.

The InvokeApplication method can open only executable files and is used primarily for backward compatibility

object.Run file, [params], [dir], [op], [mode]

file: The name of the file you want to run.

params: If the specified file argument is an executable file, use the params argument to specify any parameters to be passed to the application.

dir The default directory of the application or file.

op:: The action to be performed. If this argument is blank ( ""), the open operation is performed. Other actions can be Edit, Print etc.

mode: Specifies how the application is displayed when it opens. You can specify one of the modes in the table below. Default = 1 - Activates and displays the window.

There are 10 modes, for complete list of modes, please see QTP User Guide.

Example using all arguments except params:SystemUtil.Run "foo.txt"," " , "C:\", "Open", "1"wait(3)window("text:=foo - Notepad").Close

Example using params:SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe","http://www.google.com"

InvokeApplication(Command ,[StartIn])

command: The path and command line options of the application to invoke.

startIn:The working folder to which the Command path refers.Return ValueBoolean. If the function fails to open the application, False is returned.

Example using Command argumentThe following example uses the InvokeApplication function to open Internet Explorer on my machine. You can type the below line in a new test in QTP and Run it.

InvokeApplication "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"

Example using both the arguments.InvokeApplication "\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE", "c:"

This below example opens a text file foo which is saved in C:\ drive and waits for sometime and then closes it. You can write the below code in a new test in QTP and run it. It should work fine. (Make sure you have a file name foo.txt in C:\ drive)

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SystemUtil.Run "C:\foo.txt", "", "", ""wait(3)window("text:=foo - Notepad").Close

You can run any application from a specified location using a SystemUtil.Run statement. This is especially useful if your test includes more than one application, and you selected the Record and run test on any application check box in the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

A SystemUtil.Run statement is automatically added to your test when you run an application from the Start menu or the Run dialog box while recording a test.

QTP Optional Step

By default, QuickTest Professional deems steps that open the following dialog boxes or message boxes as Optional Steps:

Dialog Box / Message Box Title Bar

AutoCompleteFile DownloadInternet ExplorerNetscapeEnter Network PasswordErrorSecurity AlertSecurity InformationSecurity WarningUsername and Password Required

1. To COMPLETE a Run session an optional step is not necessarily required.

2.If a Step in an optional dialog box does not open, QTP avoids that step and continues ahead during a Run session. At the end of the Run session, a message is displayed for the step that failed to open the dialog box. Here remember that the step does not cause the Run to fail.

3. However if QTP does not find an Object from the optional step in the Object Repository, then the Run fails with an error message.


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You can also add an optional step in the Expert View by adding OptionalStep to the beginning of the VBScript statement. For example:


This is an Optional step icon

A simple example for Optional Step:

1. Make sure that a new blank test and a blank Internet Explorer window is open.

2. In QTP click on Record in order to start recording.

3. Go to Start-> Programs-> QuickTest Professional->Sample Applications-> Flight.

4. Enter Username.

5. Enter Password.

6. Hit the enter key.

7. When the Flight application is open go to File->Exit.

8. Close the Internet explorer window also from the Cross button which is on the extreme top right..

9. Click Stop to stop the test recording.

In the Keyword view, follow the below steps:

Finally it looks like this

Now before you run the test make sure Internet Explorer window is NOT open.

The idea is when you run the above test without IE, it will not show any error message or fail, it will just bypass the ‘browser closing’ step as we have marked it Optional and it will ignore any error for the optional step. But it shows you the warning in the test results.

Try to run the same test by just removing the ‘Optional Step’ tag from the above lines and see that it will fail and show you the Run Error.

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QTP Relative Path For this example assume that all of the tests are stored in C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests

1.I created a test in QTP with the name "twra". (E.g. for better understanding “test with reusable action"). It has just one line of code:

Msgbox "I am a reusable action"

In the Keyword View, right click on Action1 and choose Action Properties. In the Action Properties dialog box that opens, check the ‘Reusable action’ checkbox in the General tab and click OK.

2.I created another test in QTP with the name "call twra". At present it also has just one line of code:

Msgbox "I am going to call a reusable action in a test - twra"3.Now make sure that "call twra" test is open and go to Insert ->Call to Existing Action. Select Action window opens.


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Here you have to click on “…” button or type the complete path (in ‘From test:’ dropdown) to select the test that contains the reusable action.

Now without doing anything on Select Action window, just close (Cancel) it.

4.Now go to Tools -> Options and go to Folders tab. Click on + to add a Path. The paths that you specify here can be a full path or a relative path. The relative path is relative to the location of the test currently being edited.

In our case we will add C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests, because all the tests are stored in Tests folder.

After entering the path click OK.

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5.Now again go to Insert ->Call to Existing Action. Select Action window opens.Now in the “From test:” dropdown just type the name of the test from where you want to call a reusable action (twra in our case) and it will list all of its reusable actions.

[If you enter any path (e.g. path for Function Library or path for Object Repository etc.) as relative path, then during the run session, QuickTest searches for the file in the folders listed in the Folders pane of the Options dialog box, in the order in which the folders are listed.]

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Note: Use of relative path is possible anywhere in QuickTest Professional.

Above you saw just one way of doing things.

[Just understand the below text very carefully:]

We can also do the above steps like this: (Suppose “call twra” test is open)

Above in the 3rd step when Select Action window opens, since both “twra” and “Call twra” are stored under Tests, we can simply write ..\twra in the “From test:” dropdown (No need of step 4 and 5 above) in order to access its reusable actions.

This is because both the tests are located in C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests and we are currently in C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests\call twra. Path of current test (<current test>) is always there in search list (Tools -> Options -> Folders tab),

and our current path is C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests\call twra, so to find twra which is under C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests\ we go one step back with ..\ and type twra. So in all we type ..\twra and it will find it.

One more way to understand:

(Still suppose we are in “call twra”)

If on your system you go to C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests\ and cut the folder twra from here and paste it under C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\ then in the above situation you have to go two folders back and type ..\..\ and then type twra (so in all we have to type ..\..\twra) in ‘From test:’ dropdown in Select Action window, since we are in test C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests\call twra.


You can use a PathFinder.Locate statement in your test to retrieve the complete path that QuickTest will use for a specified relative path based on the folders specified in the Folders tab.

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PathFinder is an object which lets you to find file paths.

Locate is a method of PathFinder object which returns the full file path that QuickTest uses for the specified relative path based on the folders specified in the Folders tab search list (Tools -> Options -> Folders tab).

Additionally you can add the below line in the "call twra" test to know which relative path it picked from the search list (Tools -> Options -> Folders tab).Msgbox (PathFinder.Locate ("twra"))

See how much you have learned about QTP Relative & Absolute Path by answering these Multiple Choice Questions .

Script on How to add any path in the Search List '(Tools -> Options -> Folders tab) through a script.

QTP Random Variables

First example of Random Numbers:

When you define parameters for an action you can set the parameter's value as Random numbers. There are many different ways in which you can use Random numbers in QTP. Lets jump at the examples straightway.

Example 1:

1. Open a new test.

2. In the keyword View right-click on Action1, select Action Properties, 'Action Properties' window opens, Go to 'Parameters' Tab.

3. In the 'Input Parameters' area click on the '+' sign and enter the Name of the input parameter as 'a', Type as Number, and Default value as 1. Click Ok.

4. Again right-click on Action1 in the keyword View , select 'Action Call Properties', 'Action Call Properties' window opens. Go to 'Parameter Values' Tab.

5. Make a single click under 'Value' column in the 'Input Parameter's' area, it will become a button '<#>'. Click on this button.

6. It will open 'Value Configuration Options' window.

7. Click on 'Parameter' radio button, select 'Random Number' from the dropdown. In the Numeric Range enter 0 against From and 100 against To.


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8. Click on Name Checkbox and choose arg_a from the dropdown.

9. In the 'Generate New Random Number' area, select first option-For each action iteration. Click ok.

10. Again Click ok to come out of 'Action Call Properties' window.

11. Now Go to Insert (Menu)-> Call to New Action, 'Insert Call to New Action' window opens, click ok to insert a new action- action2.

12. Go to Expert view of action1 and type:

msgbox "action1"


13. Go to Expert View of Action2 and type:

For i=1 to 3RunAction "Action1", oneIteration, RandomNumber("arg_a")Next

14. When you copy the above text to Expert View of Action2, it will show you a message that it has made Action1 Reusable, just click ok.

15. Now Run the test.

(It would be better if you run it by activating the expert view, then it will show you which step it is currently running by pointing to that particular step with yellow color arrow and then you will be able to understand it in a better way. You will see that it shows a different value in each msgbox() because we selected 'For each action iteration' from the 'Generate new random number' area. If we select the second option 'For each test iteration' then a messagebox will show same values, but different values if you run it next time i.e. a different value at each test run.)

RandomNumber is an Object.

RandomNumber(ParameterNameOrStartNumber [,EndNumber])

EndNumber is optional above.

Second example of Random Numbers:

Here is another way of generating random numbers:

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Open a new test and in the Expert view write these lines and run the test:

For i=1 to 5var1=RandomNumber (0, 100)msgbox(var1)Next

Third example of Random Numbers: (This is more or less same as the first one)

One more way is to define a Random Number parameter in the 'Parameter Options' or 'Value Configuration Options' dialog box.

1. Open a new test.

2. In the keyword View right-click on Action1, select 'Action Properties', 'Action Properties' window opens, Go to 'Parameters' Tab.

3. In the 'Input Parameters' area click on the '+' sign and enter the Name of the input parameter as 'a', Type as Number, and Default value as 1. Click Ok.

4. Again right-click on Action1 in the keyword View , select 'Action Call Properties', 'Action Call Properties' window opens. Go to 'Parameter Values' Tab.

5. Make a single click under 'Value' column in the 'Input Parameter's' area, it will become a button '<#>'. Click on this button.

6. It will open 'Value Configuration Options' window.

7. Click on 'Parameter' radio button, select 'Random Number' from the dropdown. In the Numeric Range enter 0 against From and 100 against To.

8. Click on 'Name' Checkbox and choose arg_a from the dropdown.

9. In the 'Generate New Random Number' area, select first option-For each action iteration. Click ok.

10. Again Click ok to come out of 'Action Call Properties' window.

11. Now in the Expert View of action1 type:


12. And Run the Test.

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Fourth example of Random Numbers:

Another VBScript method of generating a random number:

For i= 1 to 3var1 = int((101*rnd)+0) ' Generate random value between 0 and 100.MsgBox var1next

Let's talk about Randomize and Rnd for some time:

Randomize [number]

We use a number with Randomize to initialize the Rnd function's random-number generator, giving it a new seed value. If the number is omitted, the value returned by the system timer is used as the new seed value. In simple terms Rnd is a function and Randomize is used to initialize this function.

If Randomize is not used, the Rnd function (with no arguments) uses the same number as a seed the first time it is called.

No matter how many times you Run the below code it generates the same values:

For i= 1 to 3randomize(2)var1 = Int((6 * Rnd) + 1) ' Generate random value between 1 and 6.MsgBox var1next

But if you omitt randomize(2) from the above code and instead put only randomize then at each run it generates different values.

For i= 1 to 3randomizevar1 = Int((6 * Rnd) + 1) ' Generate random value between 1 and 6.MsgBox var1next

Some light on Rnd:The following formula is used to produce a random number in a given range:Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)

likewiseInt((6 * Rnd) + 1) ' Generate random value between 1 and 6.The Rnd function returns a value less than 1 but greater than or equal to 0.

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Rnd(number)If the number is Less than zero (< 0) then Rnd generates 'The same number' every time, using number as the seed.

For i= 1 to 3x=rnd(-1)msgbox(x)Next

If the number is Greater than zero(> 0) then Rnd generates 'The next random' number in the sequence.

For i= 1 to 3x=rnd(1)msgbox(x)Next

If the number is Equal to zero (=0)then Rnd generates 'The most recently generated' number. For i= 1 to 3x=rnd(0)msgbox(x)Next

If the number is Not supplied then Rnd generates 'The next random number in the sequence.'

For i= 1 to 3x=rnd()msgbox(x)Next


For any given initial seed, the same number sequence is generated because each successive call to the Rnd function uses the previous number as a seed for the next number in the sequence.

Before calling Rnd, use the Randomize statement without an argument to initialize the random-number generator with a seed based on the system timer.

QTP Crypt Object Crypt Object is used to encrypt strings. Crypt object has an Encrypt method which takes string (string to encrypt) as its parameter.

Example 1 of Crypt Object

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Type the below text in a new test in QTP and run it.

pwd = "sachin" e_pwd = Crypt.Encrypt(pwd)msgbox e_pwd

Example 2 of Crypt Object

Type the below text in a new test in QTP and run it. You can also write the function (Crypt_Pass) in library and call it from a QTP test.

pas = "Sachin"MsgBox Crypt_Pass(pas)

Function Crypt_Pass(epas)Crypt_Pass = Crypt.Encrypt(epas)End Function

Example 3 of Crypt Object

Use Encrypt outside of QTP in VBScript. Write the below 3 lines in a notepad and save it with .vbs extension and run it from command prompt. For example I saved it as "a.vbs" under c:\ and ran it from command prompt by typing just "a" and pressing enter.

Set a=CreateObject("Mercury.Encrypter")Msgbox a.encrypt ("Sachin")Set a=Nothing


Example 4 of Crypt Object

There is one trick by which you can know the encrypted password. For example type the below lines in a new test in QTP and run them. I am entering the encrypted password (in e_pwd) in "Agent Name" field of the Login dialog box which shows up when you open the Flight Application. Entering the encrypted text in a non-secured edit box lets you know the original text.

pwd = "sachin"

e_pwd = Crypt.Encrypt(pwd)

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe","","C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\","open"

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Dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Agent Name:").SetSecure e_pwdDialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Agent Name:").Type micTab Dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Password:").Set "mercury"Dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Password:").Type micReturn


Function Library Function Libraries in QTP

If you have repeatable steps in a test or an action then consider using a user-defined function. User-defined functions will make your tests look shorter, easier to maintain, read and design. A user-defined function can then be called from within an action.

Advantages of Function Library (functions)

1. Time and resources can be saved by implementing and using user-defined reusable functions.

2. User-defined functions can be stored in a function library or within an action in the test.

3. User-defined functions can be registered as a method for a QTP test object.


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[It is advisable not to give user-defined functions same name as built-in functions (refer to the Built-in functions list in the Step Generator (Insert > Step Generator, in theStep Generator dialog box choose Built-in functions from Library Combo box, it will show all of the Built-in functions in Operation Combo box))]

If the function is stored in a function library then we have to associate that function library to a test so that the test can call all the public functions listed in that library.

Functions in an associated function library are accessible:

a) From Step Generator (for tests and function libraries),

b) From the Operation column in the Keyword View, or

c) Can be entered manually in the Expert View.

Functions directly stored in an action in a test can be called from within that action only making them private from the outside world.

A Private function can also be created in a function library and this private function can only be called from within the function library itself in which it is defined.

Functions can be created manually or by using Function Definition Generator.

It is easy to create a function library:

1. Open a new function library (File->New->Function library).

2. Add content to it (your function). Associate it with a test (File-> Associate Library with Test).

3. You are ready to go.

Many different function libraries can be opened simultaneously as each opens in its own separate window and you can work on them separately.

If a test is open you can view all the function libraries associated with it. (Resources->Associated Function Libraries.)

You can save function library either from File->Save or right click on function library tab on the top of function library and choose save.

Example 1 - Simple example of a Function Library and test

Example 2 - Example using private and public functions in function library

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Example 3 - Example of registering a function to a test object by creating a new operation

Example 4 - Example of overriding a copy operation of a WinEdit Class objects

Some important points regarding Function Libraries.

When we register a function, it applies to an entire test object class and it's not possible to register a method for a specific test object.

If we use options like Run from step or Debug from step, to begin running a test from a point after method registration was performed in a test step (and not in a function library), QTP does not recognize the method registration because it occurred earlier to the beginning of the current run session and this all is due to the reason that QTP clears all method registrations at the beginning of each run session.

If you want to use Option Explicit statement in Function Library, you must include it in all the function libraries associated with the test otherwise QuickTest ignores all the Option Explicit statements in all function libraries.

Steps using user-defined functions are not displayed in the test results tree of the Test Results window by default. For function to appear in the test results tree, you must add a Reporter.ReportEvent statement to the function code.

If a function library that is referenced by a test is modified by you or any other user using an external editor, the changes will take effect only after the test is reopened.

Always make sure that each function has a unique name, if more than one function with the same name exists in the test script or function library, QTP will always call the last function because QuickTest searches the test script for the function prior to searching the function libraries.

Most important of all: If you register a method within a reusable action, it is strongly recommended to unregister the method at the end of the action (and then re-register it at the beginning of the next action if necessary), so that tests calling your action will not be affected by the method registration.

We can re-register the same method with different user-defined functions without first unregistering the method. When it is unregistered it is reset to its original QTP functionality e.g.

RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set", "MySet"

RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set", "MySet2"

UnRegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set"

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After running the UnRegisterUserFunc statement, the Set method stops using the functionality defined in the MySet2 function, and returns to the original QuickTest Set functionality, and not to the functionality defined in the MySet function.

If there are two associated function libraries that define the same variable in the global scope using a Dim statement or define two constants with the same name, the second definition causes a syntax error. Include a Dim statement only in the last function library (since function libraries are loaded in the reverse order). If you need to use more than one variable with the same name in the global scope.

Function Library Example 1 QTP Function Library - Example 1

1. Open a new test. Go to File->New->Test.

2. Open a new function library. Go to File->New->Function library.(Now both new test and function library are open at the same time and we are in function library.)

3. Go to Insert->Function Definition Generator.

4. In the Function Definition Generator window, type the name of the function as my_sum.

5. In the Arguments area click on ‘+’ and type the name of first argument as ‘var1’ and again click on ‘+’ and type the name of second argument as ‘var2’ and let the Pass Mode be the default which is ‘By Value’.

6. In Additional Information area, enter the Description as ‘addition function’. Let the ‘Documentation’ be empty. Click on Ok to close that Function Definition Generator window.

7. Now it will add the function to your already open Library.

8. Now we have to write the function body (where it says TODO:)

9. Finally it will look like:

'@Description addition functionPublic Function my_sum(var1, var2)sum=var1+var2msgbox sumEnd Function

10. Save it. (Save it by giving any name and extension either .qfl (by default) or .vbs or .txt)


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11. Associate it. (File-> Associate Library with Test)

12. In expert view of Associated test type:

my_sum 1, 2

Function Library Example 2 QTP Function Library - Example 2

Another example which uses both public and private functions in the function library.

1. Open a new function library. Go to File->New->Function library.

2. Open a new test. Go to File->New->Test.

3. Write the below two functions in the function library. One of the functions is private i.e. it can be accessed from within the function library itself and cannot be accessed from outside of this function library. One of the functions is public which we will access from the test.

Private Function my_name_tell(name2)msgbox "Hello " & name2EndFunction

Public Function my_name(name1)msgbox(name1)my_name_tell(name1)End Function

4. Save the function library.

5. Associate the function library with the test which is open.

In the expert view of the test type:


7. When you run it, it will show two message boxes, one from the public function and second from the private function.

Function Library Example 3



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QTP Function Library - Example 3

Registering a Function to a test object by creating a new operation

Open a new test.

Open a Function Library.

Make sure that we are in Function Library.

Go to Insert-> Function Definition Generator.

Type the name of the function in the 'Function definition' area (I entered function_1). Let Type and Scope be the default i.e. ‘Function’ and ‘Public’ respectively.

Click on '+' in the ‘Arguments’ area and type 'var1' under Name to create a new variable and let the Pass Mode be default i.e. 'By Value'.

Check the 'Register to a test object' checkbox.

From Test Object dropdown select 'WinEdit' and in the Operation dropdown instead of selecting one of the values it already shows there, just type a new value 'New_operation_1'

In the ‘Additional information’ area, type 'my first operation on WinEdit' in Description text box.

Click Ok.

It copies the whole code it generated in the Preview area to the open library.

After it is copied to the already open library just complete the function body. Finally it looks like this:

'@Description my first operation on WinEditPublic Function function_1(test_object, var1)' TODO: add function body heremsgbox var1End FunctionRegisterUserFunc "WinEdit", "New_operation_1","function_1"

Save the function library.

Once it is saved, go to File->'Associate Library with Test' to associate this function library with the already open test.

After it is associated go the ‘Expert View’ of the test already open and type:

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Window("title:=Filght Reservation").WinEdit("Attached text:=Name:", "height:=20").

as soon as you press . (dot), the list of operations which WinEdit supports are displayed by default (also called IntelliSense), just select New_operation_1 from there.

After selecting New_operation_1 just supply one argument to it because while creating the function we provided one argument called var1. So the final line of code in the Expert View now looks like:

Window("title:=Filght Reservation").WinEdit("Attached text:=Name:", "height:=20").New_operation_1"merry"

[You can open Flight Reservation window for this test, but it is not necessary]

Just Run the test. It does nothing for the WinEdit object or anything special. It just displays a message box with the value which we have supplied to it at the time of writing the code. This is just a simple example to show how it works.

If in this same test you go to ‘Keyword View’, it will show you New_operation_1 under the Operation column. It is displayed as an operation in the Keyword View Operation list when that test object is selected from the Item list. But here we are not using any Object repository (we are using Descriptive Programming) so we cannot select any object from the Item list as the Object Repository is empty. But if we do the below steps it surely will show:

We will record a simple step in a new action.

Now insert another new action in this test. (Insert->Call to New Action)

Make sure ‘Flight Reservation’ window is open.

Click on Record.

In the ‘Flight Reservation’ window, in the Name text box enter any name.

Stop recording.

Now go to the ‘Keyword View’. In this ‘Keyword View’, go to the row which has 'Name' under item. Make a single click under Operation column in that row (click where it shows Set) it will show a dropdown and you will be able to see New_operation_1 in that dropdown. This New_operation_1 will be there for every object of class WinEdit.

Now if you open any new test and again type

Window("title:=Filght Reservation").WinEdit("Attached text:=Name:", "height:=20").

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Now QTP will not display New_operation_1unless otherwise you associate the library we created earlier to this new test.

Function Library Example 4 QTP Function Library - Example 4

Below is an example that creates a new copy method for winedit object which copies the data from the text field to clipboard and then shows that data (which is copied to the clipboard) in a message box. In a new library file type:

Sub Copy (edit)Edit.ClickEdit.SetSelection 0, Len(Edit.GetROProperty("text"))Edit.Type micCtrlDwn + "c" + micCtrlUpEnd Sub RegisterUserFunc "WinEdit", "Copy","Copy"

Open a new test and type:

Dialog("text:=Login").winedit("attached text:=Agent Name:").CopySet objhtml=Createobject("htmlfile")a=objhtml.parentwindow.clipboarddata.getdata("text")msgbox aunRegisterUserFunc "WinEdit", "Copy"

Associate the library with the test as we did earlier. Make sure 'Login' window is open (Start-> All Programs -> QuickTest Professional -> Sample Applications ->Flight). In this login window type "sachin" in the Agent Name text field and run the test.

ExecuteFile ExecuteFile

There are two ways (usually) to associate the library file to a test.

1. Resources pane of Test Settings (File->Settings) dialog (has advantages like files are in global scope –all the actions in a test can use those, can be debugged).

2. ExecuteFile (Local scope - When you run an ExecuteFile statement within an action, you can call the functions in the file only from the current action, and you cannot debug a file that is called using an ExecuteFile statement).



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3. Another way (obviously it uses the first one in some way).

We will start with a very simple example and go on to elaborate more on ExecuteFile.

Create a new .vbs script as shown below. I saved it under c:\ as add.vbs.

Now open a new test in QTP and write few lines as below and run the test. It will show the value of a as 5 in message box.

Above we are using ExecuteFile function to include the add.vbs file we created earlier. After including that file we are calling the function from that file and showing its return value in a message box.

When you run your test, the ExecuteFile statement executes all global code in the function library making all definitions in the file available from the global scope of the action's script.

The syntax of ExecuteFile:

ExecuteFile File

Where File is a string - the absolute or relative path of the file to execute.

The ExecuteFile statement utilizes the VBScript ExecuteGlobal statement.

ExecuteFile - Important points from QTP Guide.

When you run an ExecuteFile statement within an action, you can call the functions in the file only from the current action.

To make the functions in a VBScript file available to your entire test, add the file name to the

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associated function libraries list in the Resources pane of the Test Settings dialog box.

In addition to the functions available in the associated function libraries, you can also call a function contained in any function library (or VBscript file) directly from any action using the ExecuteFile function.

You can also insert ExecuteFile statements within an associated function library.

You cannot debug a file that is called using an ExecuteFile statement, or any of the functions contained in the file. In addition, when debugging a test that contains an ExecuteFile statement, the execution marker may not be correctly displayed.

ExecuteFile - Try this

Now my add.vbs and QTP test are like as shown below, i.e. one more variable z is added. Now what do you think it will show (for z) when the test is run.

On running this QTP test it will show 7 for msgbox z.

And guess what will it show now for the msgbox z if the add.vbs and QTP test are as below:

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QTP GetTOProperty, GetROProperty, GetTOProperties GetTOProperties

Returns properties and values which QTP has recorded and will use to identify an object at run time.

GetROPropertyIt will Return the current value (run time value) of the test object property from the object in the application.

GetROProperty retrieves the current property value of the object in the application during the test run.

GetTOPropertyIt will Return the value of a particular property for a test object which QTP recorded to identify an object during Run time. The value is taken from the Object Repository.

GetTOProperty retrieves the values of only those properties that are included in the test object description in Object Repository by QTP.

I will show very easy to understand example of GetTOProperty, GetROProperty, GetTOProperties on a radio button object.

Just record a simple test on Flight Reservation application.

1. Go to Start->All Programs->QuickTest Professional->Sample Applications->Flight2. Flight Reservation window opens.3. Click on Record in QTP to record a new test.4. Enter Date of Flight.5. Select value from "Fly From" dropdown.6. Select value from "Fly To" dropdown.7. Click Flights... button.


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8. Flights Table window opens. Click Ok9. Enter Name.10. From Class area select Business radio button.11. Click stop in order to stop recording and Save the test.

Below is the Expert View script of above steps:

Window("Flight Reservation").WinObject("Date of Flight:").Type "120908"Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").Select "Denver"Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly To:").Select "Frankfurt"Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").ClickWindow("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").WinButton("OK").ClickWindow("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Name:").Set "sach"Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").Set

We did all the above steps just to enable the radio buttons in the Class area.

From the above script which QTP recorded in Expert View, delete all the lines, except one, which sets the Business radio button as shown below.

Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").Set

Go to Resources (menu)->Object Repository. Object Repository window opens.

Click on Business radio button as shown below

It will show all the properties which QTP recorded for Business radio button.

Now to view all these properties through a script (and use them later somewhere)use GetTOProperties as below:

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GetTOPropertiesConvert the remaining one line in the Expert view like this below and add a For Loop.

set a=Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").GetTOProperties

count_of_prop = a.CountFor i = 0 To count_of_prop - 1Prop_Name = a(i).NameProp_Value = a(i).ValueMsgBox Prop_Name & " = " & Prop_ValueNext

This above code which uses GetTOProperties shows all the properties of Business radio button which QTP recorded in order to identify it.

For GetROProperty & GetTOProperty you have to specify the property whose value you want to retrieve.

In the same test delete or comment all of the above code (GetTOProperties) and write the below code for GetROProperty and run the test.


a=Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").GetROProperty("checked")msgbox a

Select Economy radio button and then run the above code again to see a different value.

Again in the same test delete or comment all of the above code (GetROProperty) and write the below code for GetTOProperty and run the test.


You can view the value for only those properties which QTP recorded for a particular object.

a=Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").GetTOProperty("nativeclass")msgbox a

a=Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").GetTOProperty("text")msgbox a

QTP SetTOProperty QTP SetTOProperty

The SetTOProperty method enables you to modify a property value that QuickTest uses to


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identify an object.

Because QuickTest refers to the temporary version of the test object during the run session, any changes you make using the SetTOProperty method apply only during the course of the run session, and do not affect the values stored in the test object repository.

The Object Repository window is read-only during record and run sessions.

Syntax of SetTOProperty method

Object(description).SetTOProperty Property, Value

Example 1 of SetTOProperty

I opened a new test in QTP and opened Calculator (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories->Calculator). I started Recording in QTP.

I clicked on button (7), then button (+), then button (3) and finally button (=). Finally I closed the Calculator. It recorded the first six lines of the script as seen below. I added the following lines afterward.

Object Repository shows that the text property of button named "7" has a value of 7.

'QuickTest refers to the temporary version of the test object during the run session.


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Window("Calculator").WinButton("=").ClickWindow("Calculator").Closebelow statement retrieves a value of the text property of a button named "7" using GetTOProperty from memory.x=Window("Calculator").WinButton("7").GetTOProperty("text")msgbox xthe following statement would set the button's (named "7") text property value to seven (remember temporarily)Window("Calculator").WinButton("7").SetTOProperty "text", "seven"below statement retrieves a value of the text property of a button named "7" using GetTOProperty from memory.x=Window("Calculator").WinButton("7").GetTOProperty("text")msgbox x

After running the above statements the Object Repository will still be the same as it was before running the above statements. (See screenshot above)

Example 2 of SetTOProperty

Open a new Notepad.

Write the below text in the Notepad and save it as .html file. I saved it as a.html

When you open the file in IE it will look like as shown below:

Make sure that this above file (a.html) is open in IE and QTP is open.

Click on Record.

While recording click on Link 1.

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Stop Recording. It will record the below line of code:

Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Link("Link 1").Click

So for this test, Object Repository contains information only for Link 1 as can be seen below:

And now if we run this test it will click only Link 1. [Object Repository does not contain information on Link 2]

Now if you write the below line in this test, removing the above line (which clicks link 1) and run, it will show error:

Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Link("Link 2").Click

But if you use SetTOProperty as below, it will click on Link 2 although Link 2 is not in Object Repository.

Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Link("Link 1").ClickBrowser("Browser").BackBrowser("Browser").Page("Page").Link("Link 1").SetTOProperty "text", "Link 2"Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Link("Link 1").Click

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Descriptive Programming in QTP

Whenever you record on any object using QTP, QTP adds the test object to the Object Repository. While running a test, QTP finds the object in the Object Repository and uses the stored test object’s description to identify the object in your application/website. Only after the object is found in the Object Repository, QTP can perform methods on those objects.

We can also instruct QTP to perform methods on objects without referring to the Object Repository. This is possible with the help of Programmatic descriptions or descriptive programming.

This implies that descriptive programming is very helpful if you want to perform an operation on an object that is not stored in Object Repository.

Descriptive Programming is also useful to perform the same operation on several objects with certain matching properties e.g. suppose there are 8 check boxes on a web page with names as chk_1, chk_2 and so on. So it’s not a good idea to put these in an Object Repository. With the help of Descriptive Programming you can Set these check boxes ON or OFF according to your application needs.

If you are dynamically creating test objects during the run session then also Descriptive Programming goes a long way to help you. Suppose in a web site you have to generate a list of all the customer's email addresses, who brought iPhone from you, based on the geographical information you provided and then after the email addresses are provided as checkboxes you have to send a rebate letter to them. You don't know how many check boxes will be there based on the geographical information you provided. So in this case, you can use a Descriptive programming to instruct QTP to perform a Set "ON" method for all objects that fit the description: HTML TAG = input, TYPE = check box.

Descriptive programming can be done in two ways:

Static: We provide the set of properties and values, that describe the object, directly.

Dynamic: We have to add a collection of properties and values to a description object and then provide the statement with the description object's name.

Static is easier but Dynamic provides more power, efficiency, and flexibility.

We will see examples of both static and dynamic type of descriptive programming in QTP.

First let’s take a look at Static:


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This below example uses Descriptive Programming to open Flight Application and does not use object repository at all. So one of the other advantages is you can copy this script and Run this from any other machine (other than on which it was created) and it is supposed to work fine.

For this time just read the script and move on, you will better understand it as you read more.

[ I have given Example 1a's recorded version (which uses Object Repository)in Example 1b just for your comparison of the two so that you can better understand both ]

Example 1a: uses DPWe can describe the object directly by specifying property: =value pairs.

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4b.exe"window("Title:=Login").WinEdit("AttachedText:=Agent Name:").Set "sachin"window("Title:=Login").WinEdit("AttachedText:=Password:").Set "mercury"window("Title:=Login").winbutton("Text:=OK").Clickwindow("Title:=Flight Reservation").close

Examle 1b: uses OR

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe","","C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\","open"Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set "sachin"Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Type micTabDialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure "476a9c021bc5a7422cf5a84ad08503823abcbaae"Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").ClickWindow("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu").Select "File;Exit"

Note: When using programmatic descriptions from a specific point within a test object hierarchy, you must continue to use programmatic descriptions from that point onwards within the same statement. If you specify a test object by its object repository name after other objects in the hierarchy have been specified using programmatic descriptions, QTP cannot identify the object.

For example, you can use the following statement since it uses programmatic descriptions throughout the entire test object hierarchy:

Browser("Title:=Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Name:=Author", "Index:=3").Set "Sachin"

Above line uses Descriptive Programming for all objects like Browser, Page, WebEdit.

You can also use the statement below, since it uses programmatic descriptions from a certain point in the description (starting from the Page object description):

Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Name:=Author", "Index:=3").Set "Sachin"

Above line uses Object Repository for Browser object and Descriptive Programming for Page and WebEdit.

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However, you cannot use the following statement, since it uses programmatic descriptions for the Browser and Page objects but then attempts to use an object repository name for the WebEdit test object:

Browser("Title:=Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours"). WebEdit("Author").Set "Sachin"

QTP tries to locate the WebEdit object based on its name, but cannot locate it in the repository because the parent objects were specified using programmatic descriptions.

If the same programmatic description is being used several times then we can assign the object to a variable:E.g. in the above Example 1a script, window("Title:=Login") is being used several times so we do this:

Set var = window("Title:=Login")SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4b.exe"var.WinEdit("AttachedText:=Agent Name:").Set "sachin"var.WinEdit("AttachedText:=Password:").Set "mercury"var.winbutton("Text:=OK").Clickwindow("Title:=Flight Reservation").close


We can use 'With & End With' Statement like below:

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4b.exe"With window("Title:=Login").WinEdit("AttachedText:=Agent Name:").Set "sachin".WinEdit("AttachedText:=Password:").Set "mercury".winbutton("Text:=OK").ClickEnd withwindow("Title:=Flight Reservation").close

Now let’s take a look at the dynamic type:

Understand it like this – A Property Object is a property name and value. We use Description object to return a Properties collection object containing a set of Property Objects. Then only in place of an object name, returned properties collection, can be specified in a statement.

For creating Properties collection "Description.Create" statement is used.

Set Myvar = Description.Create()

Once Property Object (Myvar) is created, statements to add, edit, remove and retrieve properties and values to or from properties objects can be entered during the run time.

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Lets take a complete example of this: [these extra values (height & width) are not important in our example. Our example can run without height and width properties. I have just added those in order to make you understand this]

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4b.exe"window("Title:=Login").WinEdit("AttachedText:=Agent Name:","height:=20","width:=119" ).Set "sachin"window("Title:=Login").WinEdit("AttachedText:=Password:").Set "mercury"window("Title:=Login").winbutton("Text:=OK").Clickwindow("Title:=Flight Reservation").close

Now modifying the above script using Description.Create.

Set myvar= description.Create()myvar("AttachedText").value="Agent Name:"myvar("height").value=20myvar("width").value=119SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4b.exe"window("Title:=Login").WinEdit(myvar ).Set "sachin"window("Title:=Login").WinEdit("AttachedText:=Password:").Set "mercury"window("Title:=Login").winbutton("Text:=OK").Clickwindow("Title:=Flight Reservation").close

Retrieving child objects in Descriptive Programming:

There is a ChildObjects method which can be used to get all objects located within a specific parent object or only those that match some criteria for programmatic description. In short we first of all need to create a description and then use a particular syntax to retrieve all child objects that match that description and manipulate them according to our own wish.

I will straightway show you an example of how to do this:

Make sure that Flight Reservation window is open (Start- Programs- QuickTest Professional- Sample Applications- Flight). In this Flight reservation window go to File- Open Order.

We will use this childobjects method to count the checkboxes in this 'Open Order' dialogbox.In the below script childobjects method is being applied to dialog object and childobjects method uses mydescription property object we created.

Set mydescription=Description.Create()mydescription("Class Name").value="WinCheckBox"Set Checkboxes = window("text:=FLight Reservation").dialog("text:=Open Order").ChildObjects(mydescription)a=Checkboxes.countmsgbox(a)

Just try to understand the above code. This is just an example, in real life you can use this count in some kind of loop.

Creating checkpoints programmatically:

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Run-time value of a specified object property can be compared with expected value of that property by using programmatic description.Descriptive programming checks are helpful for the object whose properties you want to check but the object is not stored in Object Repository.

I will show a small example here which checks if the "Flights.." button in Flight Reservation window is enable or disable. I have used a message box to show whether it is enable or disable, you can use the Report.ReportEvent Statement to send the results to the result window of QTP.

For the below script make sure that Flight reservation window is open:

a=window("Title:=Flight Reservation").winbutton("Text:=FLIGHT").GetROProperty("enabled")msgbox (a)If a = True Thenmsgbox ("button is enable")elsemsgbox ("button is disable")End If

In the above script GetROProperty method is being applied to 'Flight..' button to check the 'enable' property of the button.

[you can see an object's properties and methods from QTP help. Definitely there are other ways also to get these].

DP is also useful in case of programming WebElement objects (A WebElement is a general web object which can represent any web object.)

As an example, just open the website (http://newtours.demoaut.com/) and make sure the cursor is in the “User Name” text box and write the following line in the Expert View of new test:

browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").page("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").webelement("name:=password","index:=2").Click

It will just click the “Password” text box which just highlights that text box and places the mouse cursor in that box.

For all the methods and properties of WebElement object please refer QTP User Guide.

Index property

Index property is useful to identify a test object uniquely. QTP also, while learning an object, can assign a value to test object’s index property to uniquely identify it. Index property values are specific to an object and also the value is based on the order in which the object appears in the source code.The value starts with 0.

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If you use Index:=1 with WebEdit test object, QTP will search for the second WebEdit object on a web page.

As an example, just open the website (http://newtours.demoaut.com/) and write the following line in the expert view of new test:

browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").page("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Index:=1").Set "hello"

This will write “hello” in the “Password” text box. In the above line if you do Index:=0 then “hello” will be written in the “User Name” text box.

On the other hand if you use Index:=2 to describe a WebElement object, QTP will search for the third object on the page (it can be any, regardless of type) because WebElement object is general object that applies to all objects.

Last but not the least SystemUtil object

SystemUtil object allows you to open and close application by writing its code manually in the Expert view of QTP.Below example shows how to open or close a Notepad using code:

systemutil.Run "Notepad.exe"wait(3)SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName("Notepad.exe")

This example uses Run and CloseProcessByName methods to open and close the application (Notepad). Instead of closing the Notepad with CloseProcessByName method, we can use the below line also which is mostly used.

window("title:=Untitled - Notepad").Close

For opening the application we can use complete paths also e.g.

systemutil.Run "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

This opens an Internet explorer.

How we can parameterize Descriptive Programming statements?

Open a new blank Notepad and type

<title>Hello World1</title>

And save it with .html extension. (I saved it as First.html under c:\)


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2.Open another new blank notepad and type

<title>Hello World2</title>

And save it with .html extension. (I saved it as Second.html under c:\)

3.Open a new blank test in QTP and type the following code:

Set myBrowser = Description.Create()myBrowser("opentitle").Value = "Hello " & DataTable.Value("A")Browser(myBrowser).close

4.Also enter World1 and World2 in Cell A1 and A2 in Global Sheet.

5.Double click on First.html and Second.html in order to open them in Internet Explorer.

6.Make sure that both First and Second are visible and run the test.Running the test will close both the browsers.

Above is a very small example that shows how we can data-drive a property value since the browsers have opentitle property values as “Hello World1” and “Hello World2” respectively. So we have used data table in this example to parameterize the values.

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QTP Object Repository Vs Descriptive Programming

There is no specific answer as to which of the two (object repository or descriptive programming) is better. There are certain situations when using descriptive programming has its own benefits (with descriptive programming along with other features you also get code portability) while in some other typical situations object repository works like a charm (No need to adjust the script when an object properties change, Highlighting an Object in Your Application etc are couple of features you can’t just resist and of course there are many more). Below you can find some of the differences between object repository and descriptive programming. (Differences between object repository and descriptive programming are not limited to what is shown below, there can be many more)

Object Repository Descriptive Programming

With object repository QTP automatically resolves which properties and values are required to uniquely identify an object. QTP starts with predefined mandatory and assistive properties in that order. If the mandatory and assistive properties do not uniquely identify an object, QTP uses an ordinal identifier. QTP can also use Smart Identification (if enabled).

With descriptive programming set of property/value pairs are created by you and all are mandatory, although you can use object spy to get help in selecting set of property/value pairs.

Object repository in QTP is created automatically (manual creation is also possible) as and when you record on the application.

Descriptive programming statements need to be put into operation manually. Finding a set of properties to distinctively identify the object time and again can be time consuming.

Object repository is considered relatively faster if you take into account the performance for large applications.

It is considered relatively slower to create and performance wise also in case of large applications.

QTP Descriptive Programming Questions Can Descriptive Programming be used with Smart Identification?

Smart Identification works with the help of Object Repository. In case of Descriptive Programming we bypass the Object Repository. So the Smart Identification mechanism is not used with Descriptive Programming or Programmatic Description.

How to use regular expressions with descriptive programming?

Regular expressions can be used with descriptive programming. Let us take a small example.



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This below example clicks on File ->Open, menu of either a new blank Notepad or WordPad which ever is open. You can write the below example in a new test in QTP and make sure either a new Notepad or a WordPad window is open and run the test. It uses regular expression in the second line where value of regexpwndtitle in case of Notepad is Notepad and in case of WordPad is WordPad. So I have used regular expression for this where first four dots (.) correspond to any four characters and after these four characters there can be capital or lower case p and then ad.

Set myobj = Description.Create()myobj("regexpwndtitle").Value = "....[Pp]ad"

Window(myobj).WinMenu("menuobjtype:= 2").Select ("<item 1="">;<item 2="">")


Set myobj = Description.Create()myobj("regexpwndtitle").Value = "....[Pp]ad"

Window(myobj).WinMenu("menuobjtype:=2").Select "File;Open... Ctrl+O"

In this above code there can be issues if there is no proper spacing between File;Open… and Ctrl+O

Is there a way to use special characters in descriptive programming?

Let’s understand this with a very simple example:

Open a new blank notepad and type

<title>Welcome A*</title>And save it with .html extension as I saved it as sac.html under c:\After it is saved just double click it to open it with Internet Explorer.

Now in a new test in QTP type:

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Browser("text:=Welcome A* - Microsoft Internet Explorer").Refresh

Make sure that “Welcome A*” Internet Explorer window is open. Run the test.It will show an error.

Now rewrite the above line with a backslash “\” in front of *

Browser("text:=Welcome A\* - Microsoft Internet Explorer").Refresh

It will work fine.

You can try another example:

a=Browser("text:=Welcome A\* - Microsoft Internet Explorer").ExistMsgbox a

Is it possible to use descriptive programming inside a checkpoint?

No it is not possible to use descriptive programming with the checkpoint object as in the below line of code:

Browser("Browser").Page("Page").check checkPoint("text:=sometext")