quality in the workplace: w. edwards deming's 14 key principles


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Page 1: Quality in the Workplace: W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles

QUALITY in theWorkplaceW. Edwards Deming's14 key principles on qualityin business

S O U R C E S : D E M I N G , W . E D W A R D S ( 1 9 8 6 ) . O U T O F T H E C R I S I S .M I T P R E S S . I S B N 0 - 9 1 1 3 7 9 - 0 1 - 0 . O C L C 1 3 1 2 6 2 6 5 .

H T T P S : / / E N . W I K I P E D I A . O R G / W I K I / W . _ E D W A R D S _ D E M I N G

Page 2: Quality in the Workplace: W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles

1. Createconstancy ofpurposetoward improvement ofproduct and service, withthe aim to becomecompetitive, to stay inbusiness, and to providejobs.

Page 3: Quality in the Workplace: W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles

2. Adopt thenewphilosophy.Awaken to the challenge,learn your responsibilities,and take on leadership forchange.

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3. Ceasedependenceon inspectionto achievequality.Eliminate the need formassive inspection bybuilding quality into theproduct in the first place.

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4. End thepractice ofawardingbusiness on thebasis of a pricetag.Move towards a singlesupplier for any one item, ona long-term relationship ofloyalty and trust.

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5. Improveconstantlyand foreverthe system of productionand service, to improvequality and productivity,and thus constantlydecrease costs.

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6. Institutetraining onthe job.

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7. Instituteleadership.The aim of supervisionshould be to help peopleand machines andgadgets do a better job.Supervision ofmanagement is in need ofoverhaul, as well assupervision of productionworkers.

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8. Drive outfearso that everyone maywork effectively for thecompany.

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9. Breakdownbarriersbetweendepartments.People in research,design, sales, andproduction must work as ateam.

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10. Eliminateslogans,exhortations,and targets forthe workforce,asking for zerodefects andnew levels ofproductivity.

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11. Removebarriers that robthe hourly workerof his right topride ofworkmanship.The responsibility ofsupervisors must bechanged from sheernumbers to quality.

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12. Removebarriers thatrob people inmanagementand inengineering oftheir right topride ofworkmanship.

Page 14: Quality in the Workplace: W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles

13. Institute avigorous programof education andself-improvement.

Page 15: Quality in the Workplace: W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles

14. Put everybodyin the company towork toaccomplish thetransformation.Remember: Thetransformation iseverybody's job!

Page 16: Quality in the Workplace: W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles

Quality. Ourcommitmentsince 1994.WHR Group was foundedon a promise to providerelocation services with anunmatched level ofquality.

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