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Minimum standards for OVC programming


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  • Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development








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    2012 Minimum Service Standards for Quality Improvement of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programmes

    Published by: Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development

    P.O. Box 46205 00100, Nairobi Kenya

    Tel : +254 -20-2228411

    Website: www.gender.co.ke

    MGCSD 2012


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    Table of contents........................................................................................................................................................... iii

    Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................................................... iv

    Forward............................................................................................................................................................................ v

    List of Abbreviations...................................................................................................................................................... vi

    Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1

    Operational Denition of Terms ............................................................................................................................... 2

    Denition of Quality Care (QC)............................................................................................................................... 4

    Objectives of Quality Standards.............................................................................................................................. 4

    Scope and Rationale for Quality Standards........................................................................................................... 4

    Denition of Quality Service Standards (QSS)....................................................................................................... 5

    Methodology of Standards Development................................................................................................................. 5

    Components of Service Standards............................................................................................................................ 5

    Implementation of Quality Service Standards (QSS)............................................................................................. 6

    The Intended User of the Quality Service Standards............................................................................................ 6

    Guiding Principles of the Quality Service Standards............................................................................................. 6

    Monitoring and Evaluation......................................................................................................................................... 7

    Denition of the Dimensions of Quality.................................................................................................................. 8

    Quality Service Standards ..................................................................................................... 9

    2.1 Food and Nutrition.............................................................................................................................................. 9

    2.2 Education............................................................................................................................................................... 14

    2.3 Health..................................................................................................................................................................... 19

    2.4 Psychosocial Support (PSS)............................................................................................................................... 24

    2.5 Shelter and Care.................................................................................................................................................. 29

    2.6 Child Protection................................................................................................................................................. 33

    2.7 Household Economic Strengthening.............................................................................................................. 38

    2.8 Coordination of Care ....................................................................................................................................... 43


    APPENDIX A: Participating Organisations..................................................................................................... 47 APPENDIX B: References.................................................................................................................................. 48 APPENDIX C: Members of the QI technical working group..................................................................... 49


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    The Minimum Service Standards for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) care and support document has been developed with support from different players.The Kenya National Steering Committee on Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) under the leadership of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, approved the process of developing the Minimum Service Standards for Quality Improvement document and appointed a Technical Working Group to lead the process.

    Gratitude goes to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for providing funds and the University Research Co., LLC (URC) through USAID Health Care Improvement Project, for providing technical support.

    The exercise could not have been completed without the participation of the key implementing partners who included the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Local Government, Orphans and Vulnerable Children, whose valuable ideas and experience not only made the document more realistic, but also issue-based.

    Special thanks go to the Technical Working Group (TWG) members who included representatives from the World Vision, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), SOS Childrens Villages Kenya, UNICEF, USAID, URC USAID Health Care Improvement Project, PSI/Kenya, FHI 360, Child Fund, HOPE Worldwide Kenya and OVC Secretariat.


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  • vForeword

    The Minimum Service Standards for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) care and support is a Government of Kenya response to unharmonised interventions targeting OVC. Lack of standards has resulted in mushrooming of uncoordinated programmes and projects in the country, which is manifested in unfair distribution of interventions targeting OVC.

    The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Local Government and implementing partners have developed the Minimum Service Standards for OVC Care and Support so as to:

    Harmonise interventions by various stakeholders;

    Encourage fair distribution of interventions within the country; and

    Provide framework for monitoring and evaluation of impact of interventions.

    The process of developing the Minimum Service Standards for OVC Care and Support started in November 2009 and was completed in January 2012. The process involved several steps aimed at incorporating the views of various stakeholders including OVC themselves.

    The Minimum Service Standards for OVC consists of eight key service areas of focus. Each of these areas has specic operational denition of service, desired outcome and outcome indicators. Further, the document identies essential actions with suggested activities.

    The Minimum Service Standards for OVC is based on the provisions of The Children Act 2001 which recognises the central role the Department of Childrens Services play in supervision and coordination of services and programmes for children run by various stakeholders in the country.

    It is estimated that 30% of children in Kenya are OVC; this constitutes a signicant proportion of our population aged below 18 years. What this means is that, if all interventions geared towards their support are properly implemented, the country would greatly move towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

    I therefore appeal to all implementing partners for orphans and vulnerable children programmes and projects to utilise the provisions of the Minimum Service Standards for OVC under the leadership of the Department of Childrens Services.

    Dr James Nyikal, CBS Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Development


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    AAC Area Advisory Council

    ART Antiretroviral Therapy

    CORPS Community Owned Resource Persons

    CBO Community Based Organisation

    CCC Community Care Coalitions

    CCPU Community Child Protection Units

    CSI Child Status Index

    FBO Faith Based Organisation

    ITNs Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets

    KEPH Kenya Essential Package for Health

    MVCC Most Vulnerable Children Committee

    NCCS National Council for Childrens Services

    NPA National Plan of Action for OVC

    OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children

    PCRN Provincial Child Rights Networks

    PSS Psychosocial Support

    QI Quality Improvement

    RAAAP Rapid Assessment, Analysis and Action Plan

    SITAN Situational Analysis

    VC Village Committees

    VCO Voluntary Childrens Ofcers


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  • 1Introduction


    The situation that Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) nd themselves in is an issue of national concern in Kenya. It is estimated that there are over 2.4 million orphans in the country, 47% of whom are orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS.

    The HIV/AIDS scourge compounded with high poverty levels and other factors exposes the orphaned and vulnerable children to stress and trauma, in addition to the loss of parental love, care and protection. Orphans and vulnerable children are also exposed to different forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation, a situation that diminishes their capacity to participate in matters that impact on their lives.

    Traditionally, OVC were best cared for within their extended family system. The existence of a strong social fabric ensured that all children belonged to the entire community. The breakdown of the traditional coping mechanisms due to the changing socio-economic status has resulted in most of the orphaned children being left on their own. With 46% of the Kenyan population living below the poverty line, the situation of OVC is expected to get worse if adequate mitigation measures are not put in place.

    Efforts to provide care and support to OVC have expanded rapidly within the Government and civil society organisations characterised by increased funding from the Government and development partners. It has been noted that more emphasis has been given to the expansion of coverage and outputs without corresponding attention to the impact of these programmes on the lives of OVC.

    A situational Analysis (SITAN) was conducted in 2009 to assess the quality of services provided to OVC and determine the extent to which the interventions make a difference in the lives of the targeted children. The SITAN identied various gaps that include:

    Failure of service providers to adhere to the universally accepted denition of OVC hence leaving out other vulnerable children.

    Quality of services offered by some of the organisations has been inappropriate leading to stigmatisation and discrimination of OVC by the rest of the community and wastage of resources.

    Existing interventions only support a small proportion of OVC.

    Lack of social mapping of OVC service providers making it difcult for the Department of Childrens Services (DCS) to monitor and coordinate their operations.

    Lack of regulation on the duration a service provider should support a beneciary.

    Inadequate and inaccurate data on the needs of the children before the intervention is launched.

    Dependence on volunteers as programme staff, an arrangement that is not sustainable.

    To support and help streamline the quality of OVC care, the Government through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development (MGCSD) and stakeholders initiated the process of developing service standards for quality improvement of service delivery.

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  • 2Operational Denition of Terms

    The placement of a child in a care setting other than the immediate or extended family setup, including foster care, adoption and institutional care in Charitable Childrens Institutions.

    Increasing capacity of OVC households to purchase and own items/resources that they would not have been able to afford previously.

    Provision of the correct mix of services to each OVC as a response to their identied individual needs and circumstances.

    Any form of work, either within or outside the family arrangement, that is likely to be hazardous and/or that is likely to interfere with a childs education or desired growth and development.

    A group of people with a common goal, shared values and norms who come together to improve the well being of OVC.

    The participatory processes of the community to approve proposals for services, including mechanisms for targeting and selecting OVC households that should receive services at a stakeholders forum.

    The specic and appropriate treatment to cure an illness or injury.

    The ability of OVC to access the right food in the right quantity on a regular basis.

    A child whose mother (maternal orphan) or father (paternal orphan) or both (double orphan) are dead.

    A child who is living in circumstances of high risk whose prospects for continued growth and development are seriously threatened.

    Any human being under the age of 18 years.

    Any medical intervention, management or treatment that is directed at maintaining a persons general well-being and good health. For example, immunisation, safe water supply, good nutrition and good hygiene to prevent malaria and HIV.

    Voluntary and free legal services provided by lawyers to OVC.

    Promotion of OVC safety and welfare by preventing and responding to violence, exploitation and abuse.

    OVC have daily meals, similar in frequency to other members of the same community.

    Alternative care

    Asset building

    Case management

    Child labour


    Community validation exercise

    Curative care

    Food secure

    Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC)


    Vulnerable child


    Preventative promotive health care

    Pro bono


    Regular meals

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  • 3A process that involves both medical and social interventions aimed at enabling children to reach their desired developmental maturity in terms of physical, cognitive, language, socio-emotional temperament in order to achieve a degree of self or higher level of self reliance.

    Children who have additional needs beyond those typically experienced by OVC and who might require special attention or services, in addition to the usual OVC services provided. For example, OVC with disabilities and those with chronic health conditions.

    Any person with a vested interest, concern or responsibility in the care and support of OVC and their households.

    OVC, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to enough safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences to support an active and healthy life.

    Extent to which the services provided makes a difference in the lives of OVC by improving their well-being.

    Degree to which OVC are exposed to risk and uncertainty, leading to possible physical, mental and emotional harm as a result of reduced resilience.

    Rehabilitative care & management

    Special needs


    Sufcient food

    Value addition


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  • 4Denition of Quality Care (QC)

    Quality care is dened as the provision of the correct mix of services for each child, family and community, and is offered based on current best practices and expert knowledge. It shows the degree to which the cluster of services provided to children, families and communities maximises benets and minimises risks, so that children may grow and develop properly. This also enables children, families and communities to make their own decisions about the care and services they receive, leading to quality improvement (QI) of the quality of services.

    Objectives of Quality Standards

    1. To develop outcome based standards to improve the quality of OVC services.

    2. To improve the quality of programmes for OVC.

    3. To support the implementation of various Government policies and guidelines at family and community level.

    Scope and Rationale for Quality Standards

    Considerable effort is currently being made to provide services for OVC in the country resulting in the implementation of many intervention programmes. The programmes are, however, initiated with inadequate standards to guide their establishment and management. The operation of these initiatives is therefore left to the wisdom of the implementers and the conditions stipulated by the funding organisations. In the absence of service standards, it is difcult to determine the quality of service provided to the OVC by these programmes.

    In the legal and regulatory framework, Kenya has been ranked highly among the 52 African countries especially for putting in place a legal and regulatory regime, that is protective of and promotes the rights of children by implementing a budgetary policy and programme that favours children.

    Furthermore, the Government strives to ensure that children access basic social services such as nutrition, shelter, education and health care, besides providing an enabling environment for their growth and development. The above is enshrined in The Kenya Constitution and The Children Act of 2001. The Children Act incorporates the spirit of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC).

    A National Social Protection Policy is being nalized in order to harmonise social protection interventions in the country and ensure a better and well-coordinated, effective and efcient social protection system.

    Furthermore, a National Children Policy is in place to support and protect the rights of children including OVC in four key areas: child survival, child development, child protection and child participation.

    The Quality standards will therefore form the basis for the operationalization of the legal framework as they address implementation gaps at the point of service delivery.

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  • 5Denition of Quality Service Standards (QSS)The quality service standards dene what constitutes quality care for OVC. The standards are an important step in improving OVC programming and reect evidence from locally developed best practices. The standards clearly state desired outcomes per service area based on the dimensions of quality. They also articulate minimum essential actions to reach the desired outcomes.

    Methodology of standards development To initiate the process of developing the required service standards, a team of Government and partners nancing the process participated in a regional workshop on quality improvement facilitated by the Health Care Improvement Project. A work plan for Kenya was developed as the product of the meeting. Subsequently, a Technical Working Group comprising of Government ofcials and partners was formed to coordinate the process.

    An original draft of the service standards was developed at a workshop in Naivasha, Kenya, from 1st - 5th December 2009. The workshop was attended by 48 participants drawn from 28 organisations who included ofcers from the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, USAID and other civil society organisations.

    The content of the draft covered seven core service areas: Food and Nutrition, Education, Health, Psychosocial support, Shelter and care, Child Protection, Household Economic Strengthening. An additional service area on Coordination of Care was added later during the review of the draft. To date, the draft has been reviewed four times by various groups that include the OVC themselves. The standards were piloted for nine months in the country and the results used to inform the nal document.

    Components of service standards The service standards have three main components that are basically interdependent as shown in the diagram below:

    o Desired outcome with indicators

    o Essential actions

    o Guidelines to achieve essential actions with indicators

    Desired Outcome

    Essential Actions


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  • 6Implementation of Quality Service Standards (QSS)

    The QSS are yardsticks for measuring the outcome of services and detect gaps between current practices and what is desired. The QI approach is aimed at improving coverage (reach more children), effectiveness (make a difference for each child) and efciency (coordinate providers of various services to avoid duplication, wasted resources and uncoordinated care).

    The QSS will enhance efforts by programmes to mobilise additional resources, both from inside and outside the community. The standards will also empower children and households to take responsibility for their survival by adopting sustainability mechanisms. Finally, the QSS are to harmonise implementation standards among service providers and ultimately, everyone stands to benet.

    The intended user of the Quality Service Standards

    The Quality Service Standards are for those working at the point of service delivery to harmonize content and process of care for each service area among stakeholders.

    Guiding principles of the Quality Service Standards

    In implementing QSS across programmes, a number of issues that touch on general programming principles will be taken into consideration to ensure harmonious application. The most critical principles include democracy, human rights, good governance, childrens rights, rights of indigenous people, gender equality, a sustainable environment and HIV and AIDS.

    Collaboration among various service providers is critical for the success and effective implementation of the QSS. In addition, service providers and communities are expected to build their own capacity by identifying and facilitating training of their resource persons, and to create appropriate networks and linkages for better services delivery.

    The quality service standards require service providers to adhere to the following guiding principles during the implementation of their programmes.

    1. Stakeholder mapping and establishment of an effective referral and linkage network among all OVC service providers and stakeholders.

    2. Identication of individual needs of OVC and their families and provision of appropriate services on an ongoing basis. Needs assessment is a continual process and the results of each assessment should be compared to the previous assessment to determine the level of progress.

    3. Ensuring the participation and involvement of OVC, households and communities in mainstreaming monitoring and evaluation activities.

    4. Continued lobbying of institutions and the Government for provision of services not currently and/or adequately provided for OVC.

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  • 7Monitoring and Evaluation

    The implementation of the QSS will be monitored at the point of service delivery and outcome of their interventions established and documented.

    The Technical capacity of the District Childrens Ofcers will be strengthened to enhance consistent monitoring of OVC service provision activities. This monitoring will be done (half yearly) through data review and supportive supervision.

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  • 8Denition of the Dimensions of Quality

    There are 10 dimensions of quality, which should guide service provision. Although each dimension of quality is relevant in all eight of the service areas, certain dimensions should be priorised to show how they have been designed in the Quality Service Standards. Here are the denions of the 10 dimensions of quality:




    Technical Performance



    Compassionate Relationship




    Degree to which risks related to care are minimised; do no harm.

    Extent to which a service can be reached and utilised. There are no geographic, economic, social, cultural, organisational or linguistic barriers to obtaining service.

    Degree to which desired results or outcomes are achieved.

    Degree to which tasks are carried out in accordance with programme standards and current professional practice.

    Extent to which resources needed to achieve the desired outcomes is minimised, while the reach and impact of programmes are maximised.

    Delivery of ongoing and consistent care by the same person, including timely referrals and effective communication among providers.

    Establishment of trust, respect, condentiality and responsiveness achieved through ethical practice, effective communication and appropriate socio-emotional interactions.

    Adaptation of services and overall care to needs or circumstances based on gender, age, disability, community context, culture or socio-economic factors.

    Participation of caregivers, communities and children in the design and delivery of services and in decision-making regarding their care.

    Degree to which the service is designed so that it can be maintained at the community level, in terms of direction and management, as well as procuring resources, in the foreseeable future.

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  • 9Quality Service Standards

    2.1 Food and Nutrition

    Denition of Service

    The provision of regular and adequate food to OVC and their households, the food should be of good quality and correct quantity to ensure desired growth and development. The food provided should be easy to access, sustainable and appropriate for the age of recipients, the local diet and any special needs.

    Desired Outcome

    OVC and members of their households are food secure and enjoy good and regular nutrition, adequate for normal growth and development.

    Outcome Indicators

    a) Percentage of OVC households with sufcient food all year round.

    b) Percentage of OVC at the right weight and height for their age.

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    Dimensions of Quality for Food and Nutrition

    Safety Food must be safe for human consumption, available to all OVC to avoid social conict and distributed

    in a manner that does not put OVC or their households at risk. Food production, storage, transportation and preparation methods must be safe and relevant.

    Access Food supplies need to be cost-effective in order for OVC, households and programmes to be able to

    buy, use and distribute them. Households need to be able to obtain food and utilise it to benet OVC with minimum effort

    required. Quality food needs to be available in appropriate quantities.


    Food should be accepted by households and should meet the required/approved micronutrients standards by GOK.

    Food provided should be appropriate to the age, culture and special needs of all OVC.


    Community involvement is crucial at all levels of food and nutrition activities to enable collaboration, ownership and enhance sustainability.


    OVC and their households need to have access to opportunities for continued food production to ensure healthy living for OVC, hence the involvement of communities and stakeholders at all levels.

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    Essential Action 1: Conduct ongoing assessments of the communitys food and nutrition needs

    Guidelines1.a.) Organise forums to discuss and gauge the communitys

    food and nutrition needs.1.b.) Conduct ongoing household needs assessments on

    food and nutrition from a representative sampling of households across the community and compare assessments, in order to determine progress.

    1.c.) Mobilise and sensitise the community on the importance of proper food and nutrition.

    1.d.) Establish feedback mechanisms within the community to regularly monitor the communitys needs.

    Guideline Indicators Notes and observations from the

    community forums. Number of households and children

    assessed. Periodic assessment reports. Meetings with community resource


    Essential Action 2: Map and link stakeholders and resources available for food and nutrition support services

    Guidelines2.a.) Conduct community mapping of stakeholders and

    resources available for food and nutrition support.2.b.) Create food and nutrition networks among stakeholders

    to allow for collaboration and the creation of quality food and nutrition programming.

    Guideline Indicators A current inventory of stakeholders

    and resources in the community. Number of functional networks

    established. Number and quality of nutrition

    programmes created.

    Essential Action 3: Institute effective referral and linkage services with organisations involved in food and nutrition support services

    Guidelines3.a.) Utilise existing networks and linkages to provide

    OVC with appropriate referrals for food and nutrition support.

    3.b.) Establish new and strengthen existing relationships with organisations involved in food and nutrition support services to provide greater access and timely delivery of support to OVC and their households.

    3.c.) Create mechanisms to identify and quickly administer food and nutrition support to malnourished OVC.

    3.d.) Monitor and follow up on all referrals to ensure OVC and their households are receiving adequate food and nutrition support.

    Guideline Indicators Number of effective referrals

    administered. Number of new relationships

    established to assist with OVC food and nutrition support.

    Number of malnourished OVC identied and provided for in a timely manner.

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    Essential Action 4: Promote knowledge on nutrition to OVC, their households and the community

    Guidelines4.a.) Create community awareness on nutrition through the

    use of media, public meetings, information sessions, etc.4.b.) Educate caregivers, OVC and their families on nutrition.4.c.) Establish mechanisms to promote good nutritional

    practices among OVC and their families, including proper preparation and utilisation of food.

    4.d.) Link OVC and their households with nutritional programmes, including relevant Government ministries.

    Guideline Indicators Number of community members,

    caregivers, OVC and households trained on nutrition.

    Household assessments to determine if the nutritional information is understood and is being implemented.

    Essential Action 5: Increase access to nutritious food by OVC and their households

    Guidelines5.a.) Build OVC and household capacity on proper food

    production, storage and preservation.5.b.) Link OVC and their households to livelihood

    programmes.5.c.) Encourage OVC and their households to diversify food

    production.5.d.) Create access points to safe and clean water for OVC

    and their households.

    Guideline Indicators Number of households that are food

    secure. Number of households with daily

    nutritious meals. Number of households with access

    to clean water.

    Essential Action 6: Provide targeted food and nutrition interventions for OVC and their households

    Guidelines6.a.) Provide food support for OVC households without

    access to adequate food supplies.6.b.) Enable OVC households to access micronutrient

    supplementation.6.c.) Create linkages and effective referral systems for OVC

    requiring specialised or emergency food and nutrition support.

    Guideline Indicators Number of OVC and their

    households provided with direct food support.

    Number of households receiving micronutrient supplementation.

    Number of specialised or emergency support referrals effectively administered.

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    Essential Action 7: Advocate to stakeholders to ensure that OVC receive regular and adequate food and nutrition

    Guidelines7.a.) Mobilise and sensitise all stakeholders on the need

    for OVC to be food secure and provided with quality, nutritious food.

    7.b.) Lobby stakeholders to provide regular and adequate food and nutrition services.

    7.c.) Lobby the Government and service providers to institute mechanisms that can ensure regular and sustainable access to food and nutrition.

    7.d.) Facilitate the collection of data on existing gaps and weaknesses in food and nutrition services and propose solutions.

    Guideline Indicators Number of advocacy sessions

    conducted with relevant stakeholders.

    Number of stakeholders responding to OVC food and nutrition needs.

    Assessment reports on service gaps and weaknesses.

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    2.2 Education

    Denition of Service

    The provision of a structured, age-appropriate and relevant teaching and learning process, provided by registered educational and/or training institutions. Teaching and learning is delivered through both formal and non-formal approaches, based on government-approved curricula and encompasses early childhood development (kindergarten, pre-school and pre-primary), primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

    Desired Outcome

    OVC is enrolled, retained and progresses through education and/or training as a result of receiving appropriate and quality education, enabling him/her to become a responsible and contributing member of society.

    Outcome Indicators

    a) Percentage of OVC enrolled in school and or learning institution and training.

    b) Percentage of OVC who attend school/training regularly.

    c) Percentage of OVC who complete their education and/or training.

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    Dimensions of Quality for Education

    Access Barriers that hinder OVC from accessing quality and appropriate education and training must be

    reduced. These barriers include long distances between homes and schools, added responsibilities at the household level and inadequate resources for households supporting OVC, etc.


    Exposure of OVC to a variety of risks that increase their vulnerability must be eliminated, including distance from services, crime, inappropriate infrastructure, child abuse, truancy, stigma, discrimination, etc.


    Programmes targeting OVC should ensure retention, progress and completion of education and/or training.

    Programmes providing vocational training to adolescent OVC should create effective linkages for internships and/or employment/entrepreneurial opportunities.


    OVC should be involved in decisions that affect their education and training.

    Programmes should recognise the role that parents/caregivers can play and seek to involve them in the design and implementation of education/training interventions.


    The community and OVC should be consulted on the role they can play and be involved in all activities, to enable the continuation and maintenance of interventions beyond the life of a programme.

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    Essential Action 1: Create a support base by identifying, keeping track of and linking community resources available to support education and training for OVC

    Guidelines1.a.) Work with community members to dene geographic

    boundaries that will guide the community resource mapping exercise.

    1.b.) Conduct community resource mapping exercise to identify the existing educational and training resources.

    1.c.) Conduct networking sessions to introduce and link existing educational and training resources.

    1.d.) Collaborate with existing educational and training resources to create opportunities for OVC.

    Guideline Indicators Completed inventory of existing

    educational and training resources in the community.

    Number of networking sessions held. Number of new opportunities for

    OVC education and training created.

    Essential Action 2: Sensitise and mobilise the community, especially key stakeholders, to support age-appropriate education and training for OVC

    Guidelines2.a.) Encourage education and training institutions to enhance

    their support for continuity of education for OVC.2.b.) Hold meetings with community members to create

    awareness of the educational needs and rights of OVC, as well as the barriers OVC face in accessing education and discuss the role stakeholders can play to support OVC access to education and/or vocational training services.

    2.c.) Collaborate with relevant Government ministries to support educational and training opportunities for OVC.

    2.d.) Discuss the importance of education with OVC and the members of their household, especially caregivers, and emphasise the importance of educating both boys and girls equally.

    Guideline Indicators Number of education or training

    institutions with OVC support programmes.

    Number of community/stakeholders meetings held.

    Number of stakeholders supporting OVC education programmes.

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    Essential Action 3: Ensure that non-discriminatory, comprehensive education and training is delivered to OVC, which is appropriate according to age, gender and context

    Guidelines3.a.) Involve OVC, caregivers and other stakeholders in

    conducting a market assessment to inform vocational training opportunities and needs relevant for OVC and use that assessment to guide OVC in their education, training and career choices.

    3.b.) Work with the community and relevant stakeholders, including OVC, in dening appropriate and stigma-free education and training responses.

    3.c.) Develop written agreements with participating schools and institutions creating clear roles and responsibilities in providing education and training support to OVC.

    3.d.) Visit schools to monitor progress of OVC in the schools.

    3.e.) Establish mechanisms for referrals and linkages with appropriate stakeholders, including community and public private partnerships, to ensure appropriate, comprehensive and continued educational and vocational support to OVC.

    Guideline Indicators A career guidance document for

    OVC developed. Number of schools that have signed

    agreements with OVC support programmes in favour of OVC education.

    Number of school visits conducted. Number of referrals and linkages


    Essential Action 4: Develop and implement appropriate mechanisms that address educational barriers and enable OVC to enrol, continuously attend and complete school and/or training

    Guidelines4.a.) Hold community forums and work with stakeholders to

    identify OVC who do not attend school, the reasons for non-attendance and to collect data on household and other barriers to education for OVC.

    4.b.) Design guidelines to address and overcome barriers to education at the household level; share these guidelines with other stakeholders.

    4.c.) Create community and household awareness of the barriers to education that OVC face and the solutions for how to overcome those barriers.

    4.d.) Develop interactive relationships with OVC and caregivers to promote continuous learning for OVC.

    4.e.) Conduct site visits to schools to monitor OVC attending and to address any problems or barriers at the school or training centre.

    4.f.) Collaborate with CORPS to create links between the community, schools and programmes in support of OVC education and training.

    Guideline Indicators Number of community forums held

    to address barriers to education. Number of OVC identied,

    reintegrated and retained in school. Guidelines on identication of and

    addressing barriers to education developed and shared.

    Number of school visits to monitor attendance.

    Number of active CORPS supporting and strengthening linkages between schools, communities and programmes.

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  • 18

    Essential Action 5: Engage in policy advocacy to ensure regular and consistent reforms in the education sector which support the needs and aspirations of OVC

    Guidelines5.a.) Develop partnerships at all levels of schools, the

    community and government to provide continuous advocacy in the education sector.

    5.b.) Liaise with school administration, education ofcials and other OVC stakeholders to generate evidence for advocacy in support of effective policies addressing OVC education and training.

    5.c.) Engage policy makers and develop policy briefs to outline the current state of OVC education and training and to suggest solutions to current challenges.

    Guideline Indicators Number of partnerships developed

    in support of OVC education, needs and aspirations.

    Number of responses to advocacy that inuence action for OVC education.

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  • 19

    2.3 Health

    Denition of Service

    The facilitation of OVC and household access to preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health care services in order for OVC and the members of their households to maintain physically, mentally and socially healthy lives.

    Desired Outcome

    OVC and their households have reliable access to preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health services when needed and all members of the household are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Outcome Indicators

    a) Percentage of healthy OVC, meaning OVC showing no signs or symptoms of physical or emotional illness.

    b) Percentage of OVC and members of their household with access to comprehensive affordable health care services

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  • 20

    Dimensions of Quality for Health

    Safety Health safety guidelines and protocols should be available and adhered to at points of service delivery.

    Access Barriers that hinder OVC to access health services should be addressed and eliminated.

    Effectiveness Health services should reect awareness of the unique health care needs of OVC and their

    households, and consequently meet them.

    Technical Performance There should be continuous training of service providers to ensure high quality health services are

    provided to OVC at all levels of service provision.

    Efciency Health services should be delivered to OVC within an appropriate time period and with minimum

    cost to realise maximum impact.

    Continuity Services provided to OVC and their households must be followed up, referred and/or linked

    appropriately to make sure all needed services are available and accessible. Capacity of existing local health facilities including the Government, should be strengthened and work

    collaboratively to ensure continuity of services.

    Compassionate Relationship Services should be provided in a way that does not elicit stigma and discrimination, such as de-worming

    all pupils, not targeting only OVC. Condentiality of records and personal information, such as HIV status, disability and impairment status

    must be maintained and, when necessary, information disclosure should be handled appropriately.

    Appropriateness Programmes are designed so that culture, age and gender dimensions and disability status or chronic

    illness of OVC and their households are taken into consideration.

    Participation OVC, CORPS and the general community need to be actively involved in training, implementation and

    monitoring of health standards in the community and at the OVC household level.


    Service is maintained at the community level in terms of direction and management, as well as procuring resources in the foreseeable future.

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  • 21

    Essential Action 1: Assess the health needs, services and costs for OVC and their households

    Guidelines1.a.) Develop an assessment tool and, using that tool, conduct

    an assessment of the health needs of OVC and their households.

    1.b.) Carry out OVC identication by age, gender and the level of vulnerability.

    1.c.) Refer to NPA when identifying OVC health needs per age group.

    1.d.) Map and keep track of the health services, service providers and costs in the area, both at facility and community levels.

    1.e.) Identify the common health problems in the community.1.f.) Support and work with Community Health Strategy

    units in addressing the health needs of OVC and their households.

    Guideline Indicators Number of OVC and households

    assessed. Complete and commonly available

    assessment report. Number of OVC identied. Inventory of health service providers

    developed and shared.

    Essential Action 2: Prevent childhood illnesses in OVC, as per KEPH age groups

    Guidelines2.a.) Educate and sensitise parents, caregivers, community

    health workers and older children on childhood illnesses, preventive methods, basic treatment and referral (for example, immunisations, diarrhoeal diseases, etc.)

    2.b.) Strengthen the capacity of community health workers, locational OVC committees and caregivers to deliver disease prevention activities focusing on OVC households.

    2.c.) Train service providers and primary caregivers on basic health care for children.

    2.d.) Collaborate with the Ministry of Health and other partners in the acquisition of essential health prevention commodities such as ITN, Vitamin A, water treatment and oral rehydration therapy and establish community-based distribution mechanisms by linking them to the Ministry of Healths KEPH strategy.

    2.e.) Conduct community education activities on the signs and prevention of childhood illnesses, such as malaria and diarrhoea.

    2.f.) Collaborate with the Ministries of Health and other partners to improve access to preventive promotive health care services for OVC and their households.

    Guideline Indicators Number of clinic and home visits

    conducted to educate on childhood illness.

    Percentage of essential health prevention commodities acquired compared with the percentage distributed in the community.

    Number of community education activities held.

    Number of OVC accessing age-appropriate preventive health services.

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  • 22

    Essential Action 3: Enhance access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support for OVC

    Guidelines3.a.) Collaborate with other HIV prevention programmes

    to create age-appropriate messages, programming and activities and ensure the information and activities are delivered to OVC and their households.

    3.b.) Train service providers on HIV prevention, including behaviour change communication, life skills and adolescent sexual reproductive health.

    3.c.) Facilitate and support the formation of age-specic peer education clubs, either through educational institutions or within the community.

    3.d.) Promote HIV counselling and testing for OVC, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and other service providers.

    3.e.) Provide treatment literacy and ART adherence support interventions to community health workers, caregivers and HIV+ OVC.

    3.f.) Identify HIV+ OVC and OVC at risk of HIV and link them to appropriate care and treatment services; follow up to ensure OVC are receiving necessary care and treatment.

    3.g.) Support the formation of HIV support groups for affected OVC and their caregivers.

    Guideline Indicators Number of HIV prevention activities

    delivered to OVC households. Number of service providers trained

    on HIV prevention, behaviour change communication, life skills and adolescent sexual reproductive health.

    Number of active peer education clubs formed.

    Number of OVC whose HIV status is known.

    Number of HIV+ OVC receiving care and treatment support.

    Number of active HIV support groups formed.

    Essential Action 4: Ensure access to appropriate curative services for OVC and their households

    Guidelines4.a.) Train and sensitise community health workers

    and caregivers to know how to identify signs of childhood mental and physical illnesses and to respond appropriately to those signs.

    4.b.) Establish linkages with health facilities and other service providers to ensure OVC and members of their households receive timely curative services; always provide follow up to make certain all necessary services were provided.

    4.c.) Refer sexually abused children to the Ministry of Health or other appropriate service providers for clinical and psychosocial management; and follow up to ensure service is provided.

    4.d.) Advocate for waivers for OVC treatment from Ministry of Health and other service providers.

    4.e.) Identify existing health nancing mechanisms and link OVC households to benet from them, for example community health funds and insurance schemes.

    4.f.) Adhere to the Ministry of Health guidelines in the treatment and management of childhood illnesses.

    Guideline Indicators Number of community health worker

    and caregiver training sessions held. Number of linkages established with

    health facilities. Number of OVC and/or members

    of their households accessing appropriate curative services.

    Number of sexually abused children who have been referred and received appropriate support.

    Number of waivers obtained.

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  • 23

    Essential Action 5: Promote safe water, hygiene and sanitation practices in the community and in OVC households

    Guidelines5.a.) Conduct household assessments to determine the

    current access to safe water and sanitation practices.5.b.) Educate and mobilise communities on the use of safe

    practices, including hand washing with soap, use of latrines, water treatment (boiling), proper storage of water and proper waste disposal.

    5.c.) Engage communities in identication and protection of water sources.

    5.d.) Discuss and demonstrate proper sanitation practices with OVC and encourage them to support others to use safe practices.

    5.e.) Discuss with girl OVC and their caregivers about proper female hygiene during menstruation and ensure access to necessary female products.

    Guideline Indicators Number of household assessments

    and a complete report of the assessments.

    Number of community education activities held on the use of safe practices.

    Number of OVC regularly using safe practices.

    Essential Action 6: Advocate service providers and the Government to enhance access to quality health services for OVC

    Guidelines6.a.) Advocate and lobby the Government to implement the

    national policies regarding health for OVC. 6.b.) Identify emerging health needs of OVC and lobby for

    their inclusion in the existing Government policies.6.c.) Lobby the Government to avail more personnel,

    essential drugs and infrastructure within health facilities for the care of OVC, depending on needs (this could include training middle level medical cadre).

    Guideline Indicators Number of lobbying and advocacy

    forums on OVC health care needs. Percentage of emerging health needs

    of OVC that are included in the Government policies.

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  • 24

    2.4 Psychosocial Support (PSS)

    Denition of Service

    The provision of emotional, social, spiritual, mental and physical support to OVC and their households, provided in an enabling and supportive manner, which promotes the holistic growth and development of each individual.

    Desired Outcome

    OVC is emotionally well-adjusted (happy, self condent, expressive, hopeful for the future, interactive and participatory), relates well with peers and adults and is aware of available support systems and structures for OVC at the household and community levels.

    Outcome Indicators

    a) Percentage of emotionally healthy OVC who communicate and relate well with adults and peers.

    b) Percentage of OVC who are actively involved in their households, schools and communities.

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  • 25

    Dimensions of Quality for Psychosocial Support

    Safety All staff and volunteers working with OVC and their households ensure condentiality, privacy, respect

    and safety, as well as avoid stigma and discrimination. All staff and volunteers condemn and report all instances of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, if


    Effectiveness PSS should be integrated with other OVC services in a sustained, timely and need-responsive manner.

    Continuity Interventions targeting OVC and their households are ongoing and consistently available and

    appropriate referrals are made.

    Compassionate Relationship PSS services must be anchored on empathetic and committed relationships that allow for children to

    feel safe and appreciated, with a sense of belonging that allows them to interact freely.

    Appropriateness PSS interventions are delivered in a customised manner that reects the unique and individual needs

    of each OVC.

    Participation To implement PSS programmes, it is important to involve OVC and their households in determining

    the suitable response for a specic situation.

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  • 26

    Essential Action 1: Conduct community mobilisation and sensitisation activities to create awareness of the PSS needs of OVC and their households

    Guidelines1.a.) Utilise appropriate available community forums, including

    national and international days and events, to inform the community on PSS, particularly for the care of OVC.

    1.b.) Utilise appropriate existing communication systems to provide guidance to community members, particularly community health workers, service providers and caregivers, on the provision of PSS to OVC.

    1.c.) Conduct participatory PSS awareness and education sessions for the community, particularly focusing on schools, clinics and other places OVC typically visit.

    1.d.) Promote safe and interactive platforms for OVC to express their needs and ideas for appropriate responses.

    Guideline Indicators Number of available community

    forums utilised. Number of communication systems

    providing PSS information. Number of community PSS

    awareness and education events.

    Essential Action 2: Build the capacity of OVC to recognise, understand and meet their PSS needs, as well as to obtain necessary PSS services

    Guidelines2.a.) Discuss PSS needs and concerns with OVC and

    document their responses in order to nd relevant support services.

    2.b.) Empower OVC to recognise their PSS needs and not be ashamed to ask for support, as well as to encourage and support other OVC.

    2.c.) Distribute information and ensure OVC know where and how to access PSS services.

    2.d.) Facilitate the formation of peer PSS groups through schools or in the community.

    2.e.) Provide PSS to OVC and, when necessary, make referrals and provide follow up on all PSS services.

    Guideline Indicators Number of documented discussions

    with OVC on their PSS needs. Percentage of OVC who know how

    and where to access PSS services. Number of active peer PSS groups

    formed. Number of effective referrals made. Percentage of OVC who are

    receiving necessary PSS services.

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  • 27

    Essential Action 3: Strengthen community and household capacities to provide PSS to OVC and their caregivers

    Guidelines3.a.) Conduct PSS needs assessment among community PSS

    providers to identify gaps and determine training needs.3.b.) Facilitate needed trainings for PSS providers.3.c.) Create an inventory of current PSS materials which

    could be useful in working with OVC.3.d.) Build the capacity of PSS providers by making PSS

    materials available and applicable in the local context.3.e.) Provide ongoing support and mentorship for caregivers

    and home visitors engaged in PSS provision.3.f.) Collaborate with other service providers and PSS

    experts to develop a standardized national PSS curriculum.

    3.g.) Collaborate with the Department of Childrens Services and other partners to identify relevant stakeholders in PSS to aid the development of the PSS Protocol.

    Guideline Indicators Number of trainings held for PSS

    providers. Completed inventory of PSS

    materials made available to PSS providers.

    Standardised national PSS curriculum created.

    PSS Protocol developed.

    Essential Action 4: Establish and strengthen effective PSS referral systems and linkages among service providers to enhance the level of care provided to OVC and their households

    Guidelines4.a.) Conduct a mapping exercise of existing PSS providers

    and resources and share the completed inventory with all relevant stakeholders.

    4.b.) Collaborate with other service providers to establish effective and well-coordinated PSS referral mechanisms and procedures, including follow up and reporting procedures.

    4.c.) Mainstream PSS into appropriate OVC interventions and services.

    Guideline Indicators Inventory of PSS providers developed

    and shared. Effective PSS referral mechanisms

    and procedures created and shared. Percentage of referrals effectively


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  • 28

    Essential Action 5: Advocate for the provision of quality PSS services to OVC at all levels

    Guidelines5.a.) Lobby OVC caregivers and service providers to ensure

    quality PSS services to OVC.5.b.) Collect data on gaps and weaknesses in the existing PSS

    systems to educate advocacy efforts on the necessary mechanisms to strengthen PSS services.

    5.c.) Lobby the Government on the importance and consequent need to provide nancial and logistical assistance for PSS services to OVC and their households.

    Guideline Indicators Number of households reached with

    information to enhance PSS to OVC. Qualitative and/or quantitative data

    collected to support PSS service improvements.

    Increase and/or consistent nancial and logistical support from the Government to the PSS needs of OVC.

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  • 29

    2.5 Shelter and Care

    Denition of Service

    Ensuring OVC reside in a structure which is safe, secure, adequate and habitable, while receiving love, support and protection from at least one responsible adult caregiver.

    Desired OutcomeOVC lives in a safe, clean shelter and in a healthy family environment or an alternative care situation that provides adult care and supervision, which ensures the childs well-being and provision of basic necessities.

    Outcome Indicators a) Percentage of OVC living in a healthy family or

    alternative care environment.b) Percentage of OVC who reside in a secure, clean

    structure.c) Percentage of OVC who have adequate and clean

    clothing and bedding.

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  • 30

    Dimensions of Quality for Shelter and Care

    Safety Shelter is secure, clean, hygienic, well-ventilated and warm, as well as able to protect household

    members from all types of weather and disasters, natural or manmade. Shelter has adequate space for OVC, including a specic sleeping area and separate kitchen. There is the presence of a responsible adult caregiver who undertakes the responsibility and care of

    OVC in a household or in an alternative family care environment.

    Technical Performance When a structure is being constructed, indigenous knowledge should be utilised. Technical knowledge is vital in all undertakings. Location of the building is safe from natural disasters, has good sanitation and easy access to safe

    water points.

    Continuity Clothing and beddings are replaced for OVC as need arises. Shelter is maintained properly. When a structure is being constructed, local skills, knowledge and labour should be used. Linkages and referrals are made for consumables in need of constant repair and replacement.

    Appropriateness The shelter must meet acceptable community standards and take into consideration the variation in

    OVC age, gender and other special needs.

    Participation The adult, OVC, and community must be actively involved in the decision-making on the

    appropriateness of the structure, the materials used and their roles (who will do what).

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  • 31

    Essential Action 1: Conduct household needs assessments to determine and support appropriate community shelter and care initiatives for OVC households

    Guidelines1.a.) Conduct household needs assessment and community

    assessments using tools such as CSI or RAAAP to identify households in need, needed services and current weakness or gaps in shelter and care services.

    1.b.) Identify knowledge, skills and attitude gaps towards shelter and care provision for OVC households.

    1.c.) Collaborate with other service providers to nd and implement solutions to issues identied in the needs assessment and to determine the appropriate course of action for households in need of shelter renovations.

    1.d.) Monitor and follow up to ensure action is being taken to address needs identied in the assessment.

    Guideline Indicators Number of household and

    community assessments conducted. Number of households in need of

    shelter renovation. Periodic reports monitoring progress

    on identied households in need.

    Essential Action 2: Map and link stakeholders and resources available to support OVC shelter and care

    Guidelines2.a.) Identify and keep track of available services, community

    resources, knowledge and individual skills which could be utilised for the provision of OVC shelter and care.

    2.b.) Establish networks and linkages with identied structures, resources and services, including national social protection systems.

    2.c.) Hold consultative meetings with identied stakeholders and resources to determine mechanisms and procedures for providing OVC shelter and care.

    Guideline Indicators Completed inventory of services,

    resources and knowledge available to support OVC shelter and care.

    Number of effective linkages and networks established and assisting OVC households.

    Number of consultative meetings held.

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  • 32

    Essential Action 3: Mobilise and sensitise the community and households on the importance of OVC receiving regular and loving care from adults

    Guidelines3.a.) Hold community sensitisation meetings to create

    awareness on the care needs of OVC and to reduce stigmatisation of OVC.

    3.b.) Hold consultative and awareness forums with community stakeholders and OVC.

    3.c.) Regularly discuss with members of OVC households, especially caregivers, the importance of consistently providing loving support, appropriate ways to show love, challenges caregivers are experiencing with OVC, appropriate ways to discipline and reward, etc.

    3.d.) Encourage community leaders, health workers and teachers to reinforce the message and help support OVC receiving regular loving support from adults.

    3.e.) Regularly monitor OVC family/living environment to ensure they are being properly cared for.

    3.f.) Expand and promote both formal and informal foster care services to provide substitute family care to more OVC.

    3.g.) Facilitate after-care services that can enable OVC to be integrated gradually into the community.

    Guideline Indicators Number of community sensitisation

    forums held to discuss care for OVC.

    Number of consultative forums held with stakeholders and OVC on shelter and care.

    Number of households providing shelter and care to an OVC.

    Percentage of OVC living in a caring environment.

    Periodic reports monitoring the family situation for OVC.

    Increase in the number of OVC in safe and caring foster care environments.

    Number of reintegration activities held for OVC.

    Essential Action 4: Facilitate community and stakeholders implementation of shelter initiatives to support OVC households

    Guidelines4.a.) Provide training on basic skills to construct and maintain

    shelters. 4.b.) Train and empower OVC and caregivers with knowledge

    and skills on the needs of OVC regarding shelter, including a safe structure, proper beddings, clean toilet facilities, etc.

    4.c.) Establish linkages with income-generating activities, social support programmes (i.e. local councils of elders such as Njuri Ncheke, Luo Council of Elders and Kaya Elders), religious organisations and community groups to help construct and maintain shelter for OVC.

    4.d.) Mobilise identied stakeholders and resources to commit funding and logistical support for the renovation of OVC households in need.

    4.e.) Consult the community and OVC to ensure that the shelter provided is according to the local standards and does not stigmatise OVC.

    Guideline Indicators Number of community members

    trained in basic shelter construction and maintenance.

    Number of OVC households linked with community social support mechanisms for shelter improvement.

    Amount of funding and logistical support committed for renovation of OVC households.

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  • 33

    2.6 Child Protection

    Denition of ServiceThe provision of safe community and household environments, free from all forms of abuse, neglect, discrimination and exploitation of OVC, as well as the provision of all needed legal and protection services.

    Desired OutcomeOVC lives in a safe community and household environment, free from all forms of abuse and has access to legal and protection services when needed.

    Outcome Indicators a) Percentage of OVC with access to protection services.b) Percentage of OVC with access to legal services, when

    needed.c) Percentage of OVC in procession of civil registration


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  • 34

    Dimensions of Quality for Child Protection

    Safety Care and service provision must not expose OVC to risks of abuse, neglect, discrimination or

    exploitation at any time.

    Access OVC and members of their household who require protection services should be provided with

    adequate information on their rights and where to seek and access services. Access to protection services for OVC and members of their household should not be hampered by

    distance, cost, cultural practices, fear of intimidation, slow response, etc.

    Continuity Where cases of child rights violations are identied and reported, interventions should be fast and

    cases followed up to conclusion. There is a need to ensure the existence of functional support systems and prevention mechanisms

    that are responsive to identied needs of OVC.

    Compassionate Relationship In handling cases related to child rights violations, the code of conduct must be strictly adhered to,

    the childs privacy must be respected and condentiality of OVC and household information must be maintained.

    Participation OVC and caregivers should be involved in service provision, as well as in decisions that affect them.

    Sustainability Community resources and structures should always be considered in determining sustainable

    protection interventions.

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  • 35

    Essential Action 1: Assess OVC protection needs, as well as available resources and structures

    Guidelines1.a.) Conduct a comprehensive baseline survey on the

    protection needs of OVC and share the results.1.b.) Identify formal and informal structures for OVC

    protection within the community.

    Guideline Indicators OVC protection needs identied. Number of formal and informal

    structures for OVC protection identied.

    Essential Action 2: Educate OVC and communities on child rights, responsibilities and child protection

    Guidelines2.a.) Develop and implement a relevant, appropriate and

    comprehensive communications strategy on child protection.

    2.b.) Train children and all stakeholders on child rights issues. 2.c.) Facilitate processes of civil registration for OVC and

    members of their households (birth, identication card and death certicates).

    2.d.) Promote succession planning (inheritance, will writing, memory books, etc.).

    2.e.) Work with caregivers and stakeholders to educate them on their role in child protection.

    2.f.) Hold forums to sensitise the community and OVC on gender-based violence prevention and what action to take if gender-based violence is observed or suspected.

    Guideline Indicators Availability of a comprehensive

    communication strategy on child rights and child protection.

    Number of children and stakeholders trained on child rights.

    Number of OVC in possession of civil registration documents.

    Number of OVC households with succession plans.

    Number of caregivers and other stakeholders educated on their role in child protection.

    Number of gender-based violence forums held.

    Essential Action 3: Build the capacity of and strengthen household and local community structures to enhance OVC protection and maximise utilisation of available resources

    Guidelines3.a.) Train members of existing community structures (e.g.

    AAC, Child Protection teams, Volunteer Childrens Ofcers, Court User Committees and CBOs) in identifying, reporting and investigating child rights abuses.

    3.b.) Train caregivers on how to recognise signs of abuse and what action to take if abuse is observed or suspected.

    3.c.) Educate caregivers on their role in holding protection services accountable to children and what action to take if a service provider is not upholding the rights of a child.

    3.d.) Facilitate and promote alternative family care for OVC in need of care and protection.

    Guideline Indicators Number of community structure

    members trained on identifying, reporting and investigating child rights abuses.

    Number of training sessions held with caregivers on child protection.

    Number of OVC placed in alternative family care.

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  • 36

    Essential Action 4: Promote OVC participation to enable them to contribute to matters impacting their lives

    Guidelines4.a.) Educate children on child rights and involve them as

    key players in improving and upholding child rights and protection.

    4.b.) Ensure children know how to report an abuse and nd protection services when needed.

    4.c.) Facilitate the establishment of mechanisms to support childrens participation in protection, such as creating a childrens advisory group.

    4.d.) Disseminate National Guidelines on Child Participation through forums and community events.

    Guideline Indicators Number of children educated on

    child rights. Number of children participating in

    matters regarding their protection. Number of child participation

    mechanisms established. Number of forums for dissemination

    of national guidelines on child participation held.

    Essential Action 5: Strengthen partnerships and linkages to ensure case management, law enforcement and appropriate referrals and monitoring systems

    Guidelines5.a.) Map and keep track of existing child protection service

    providers, available at the point of service delivery.5.b.) Hold regular consultative meetings with stakeholders on

    child protection.5.c.) Strengthen the capacity of the AAC and NCCS, in line

    with Child Protection system to take up their core mandate of coordination and supervision of provision of relevant services to OVC.

    5.d.) Advocate local authorities and juvenile justice service providers to enforce relevant legislation and policies, as well as to provide necessary services.

    5.e.) Facilitate the development of professional participatory processes in determining care options for each OVC.

    5.f.) Strengthen referrals and linkages with other support organisations in the community to ensure child protection.

    5.g.) Institute legal protection mechanisms for OVC through the provision of legal services.

    Guideline Indicators Inventory of service providers

    developed and shared. Number of consultative meetings on

    OVC protection held. Number of coordination structures

    strengthened. Number of advocacy forums held for

    local justice structures to enforce relevant legislation, policies and service provision.

    Number of effective child protection referrals and linkages made.

    Percentage of OVC provided with legal services, when needed.

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  • 37

    Essential Action 6: Establish and strengthen data collection and documentation mechanisms on child protection that build into a national data bank

    Guidelines6.a.) Establish protocol for data collection, ow and feedback

    between the community and national data bank and make this protocol available to all stakeholders.

    6.b.) Strengthen the capacity of AAC and other relevant stakeholders to establish data banks.

    6.c.) Create mechanisms to promote sharing and use of data.

    Guideline Indicators Data protocol developed and shared. Functional data management

    framework at district, provincial and national levels.

    Essential Action 7: Advocate for the protection of the OVC at all levels

    Guidelines7.a.) Lobby all formal and informal protection mechanisms

    for prompt response to OVC needs for protection at all levels.

    7.b.) Facilitate collection of data on the existing gaps and the weaknesses of OVC protection mechanisms and advocate for efforts to ll in the gaps and strengthen the weak areas in OVC protection at all levels.

    Guideline Indicators Number of advocacy forums on child

    rights and OVC protection held. Numbers of gaps and weaknesses

    identied and effectively addressed.

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  • 38

    2.7 Household Economic Strengthening

    Denition of ServiceA process of assisting and building the capacity of vulnerable households to mobilise and manage resources, enabling the household to meet the basic needs of OVC and other members of the household to ultimately become self-sufcient.

    Desired OutcomeIncreased and sustainable income and other resources for OVC households which are used to meet their basic needs and ensure the well-being of the OVC.

    Outcome Indicators a) Proportion of OVC households with increased and

    sustainable income. b) Percentage of OVC households able to meet the basic

    needs of all members of the household.

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  • 39

    Dimensions of Quality for Household Economic Strengthening

    Safety The income generated should not put households at risk and the level of support provided should

    match the local standards. OVC should be involved in income generating activities and exit strategies should be gradual, bearing

    in mind the degree of stability of the household.

    Technical Performance The degree to which tasks to economically strengthen OVC households are carried out in accordance

    with programme standards and existing professional practice to improve the well-being of OVC.

    Efciency Time taken from income generation to achievement of assets should be minimal and resources

    generated from assets should reach members of the households in a timely manner and improve their livelihoods over an extended period of time.

    Continuity Interventions should not be a one-off activity. There should be effective referrals for micro-

    credit facilities, marketing, development etc. The information provided to the household should be comprehensive and complete in relation to the activity that they are engaged in and support provided on a day to day basis.

    Appropriateness The activities should be suitable, as per targeted community in the context of their culture. Skills

    should be relevant to the needs of the individual and groups.

    Participation Caregivers and OVC should have maximum participation and involvement in the design of household

    economic strengthening interventions.

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    Essential Action 1: Conduct baseline assessment of OVC households and ongoing economic activities in order to measure progress

    Guidelines1.a.) Identify OVC households through an economic needs

    assessment and community validation exercise.1.b.) Conduct a baseline assessment of OVC households and

    share results.1.c.) Collaborate with other stakeholders to determine

    appropriate action, based on the baseline needs assessment.

    1.d.) Conduct on going economic needs assessment of OVC households and compare the results against the baseline assessment to determine a households progress.

    Guideline Indicators Periodic household needs

    assessment reports. A baseline survey report.

    Essential Action 2: Identify and mobilise stakeholders and resources in the community available for economic strengthening activities for OVC households

    Guidelines2.a.) Map and keep track of existing stakeholders and

    resources available in the community for economic strengthening activities for OVC households and share inventory with all stakeholders.

    2.b.) Conduct focus group discussions with identied stakeholders, the community and OVC households on economic strengthening and possible interventions.

    2.c.) Mobilise stakeholders to commit nancial resources and logistical support to economic strengthening activities for OVC households.

    2.d.) Develop community action plans to respond to the economic needs of OVC households.

    Guideline Indicators An inventory of stakeholders

    and resources for economic strengthening.

    Number of meetings held with stakeholders, the community and households.

    Report on focus group discussion ndings.

    Number of active and effective community action plans developed.

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    Essential Action 3: Initiate and facilitate successful economic strengthening interventions for OVC households, informed by the community action plans

    Guidelines3.a.) Involve the community and households in identifying,

    planning, implementing and monitoring economic strengthening activities.

    3.b.) Link OVC households with existing economic strengthening service providers.

    3.c.) Build the capacity of OVC and their households to develop practical skills for household economic strengthening activities.

    3.d.) Assess emerging capacity gaps at the household level.3.e.) Build the capacity of community structures and

    mechanisms to ensure appropriate implementation and monitoring of economic strengthening activities.

    3.f.) Build the capacity of OVC households to identify and maximise avenues for income generation, investment promotion and asset building.

    3.g.) Monitor and evaluate economic strengthening activities and provide appropriate guidance to OVC households.

    Guideline Indicators Number of households involved in

    the process of developing economic strengthening activities.

    Number of OVC households linked to existing economic strengthening service providers and/or activities.

    Number of households graduating from high vulnerability to medium and low vulnerability.

    Essential Action 4: Institute mechanisms to ensure sustainability of economic strengthening in OVC households

    Guidelines4.a.) Determine and implement opportunities for value

    addition in established activities.4.b.) Link with other existing community structures for

    continuous monitoring, reporting and referrals for OVC services.

    4.c.) Encourage and assist households to plan for and develop strategies to become self-sufcient in their economic strengthening activities.

    4.d.) Educate households on the availability and structure of existing savings and loans programmes.

    4.e.) Encourage and assist households to create and adhere to a monthly budget.

    Guideline Indicators Number of OVC households linked

    with existing community support systems.

    Number of households that are self sufcient as a result of their economic strengthening activities.

    Percentage of households effectively using savings and loans programmes.

    Percentage of households effectively utilising monthly budgets.

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    Essential Action 5: Advocate that all service providers prioritise household economic strengthening in OVC programmes

    Guidelines5.a.) Facilitate the collection of data to generate evidence

    and inform advocacy efforts for economic strengthening responses at the household level.

    5.b.) Institute mechanisms for lobbying and advocacy to ensure programmes respond to household economic strengthening capacity gaps.

    Guideline Indicators Database to inform advocacy efforts. Number of service providers

    reached through advocacy for household economic strengthening activities for OVC households.

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    2.8 Coordination of Care

    Denition of ServiceCreating a structured, systematic and monitored process that enhances service providers networking and linkages for provision of quality and essential services to OVC.

    Desired OutcomeHarmonised and coordinated approaches for effective and sustainable service delivery for improved well-being of OVC.

    Outcome Indicators a) Improved coordination and clustering of relevant core

    services delivered to OVC and their households by the Department of Childrens Services.

    b) Effective communication, information sharing and referral mechanisms established among service providers.

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    Dimensions of Quality for Coordination of Care

    Safety Service providers must always ensure that OVC and their households are not exposed to risks when

    they are providing services access. To enable communities, households and OVC to receive essential services in time and to ensure

    linkages are made that eliminate duplication and enhance effective use of resources.

    Effectiveness All OVC are effectively reached, with regard to numbers as well as essential and quality services,

    through proper coordination of service providers.

    Technical Performance The programme standards and current professional practices are adhered to for realisation of

    optimum results for OVC.

    Efciency Resources available for OVC services are used to produce desired outcomes at a minimum cost to

    ensure adequate coverage and delivery of quality services.

    Continuity Organisations implementing OVC activities should have structured implementation and exit plans for

    their beneciaries.

    Compassionate Relationships To ensure OVC and their households are treated, supported and communicated to in a dignied way.

    Appropriateness Ensure the needs of each individual OVC in terms of age, gender, disability and other special needs are

    met within the community context and cultural expectations.

    Participation Ensure that community, households and OVC are involved in all decisions that aim at improving

    service delivery for OVC households.

    Sustainability Communities are actively involved in caring for their OVC during and after the life of the programme,

    using locally available resources when designing continuum and coordination of care elements in OVC programming.

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    Essential Action 1: Establish and maintain a National Directory of Service Providers for the care of OVC, informed by local level databases

    Guidelines1.a.) Conduct local mapping of all OVC services and service

    providers. 1.b.) Ensure that the local database is merged into the

    national database of all OVC services and service providers and shared with stakeholders.

    1.c.) Maintain current service and service provider information in both the local and national databases.

    Guideline Indicators A comprehensive local database of

    OVC services and service providers. A comprehensive national database

    of OVC services and service providers.

    Essential Action 2: Establish and develop an effective referral system for OVC services

    Guidelines2.a.) Collaborate with other service providers to establish a

    network of OVC service providers, with a clear method of communication, regular meetings and for the distinct purpose of coordinating and elevating OVC care and service delivery.

    2.b.) Develop tools to facilitate referrals, feedback and follow up of services.

    2.c.) Develop a system of checks and balances to ensure the referral system is working effectively.

    Guideline Indicators Effective network of OVC service

    providers established. Effective tools to facilitate referrals

    created. Number of OVC referrals effectively


    Essential Action 3: Establish and/or strengthen new coordination units for the integration and harmonisation of OVC service provision at all levels to avoid duplication and encourage prudent utilisation of resources

    Guidelines3.a.) Establish and/or strengthen new structures to

    coordinate support for OVC at the community, district, provincial and national levels, e.g. CCC, VC, AAC, MVCC, CCPU and PCRN.

    3.b.) Create a common work plan from local to national level.3.c.) Advocate for recruitment of more VCO.3.d.) Strengthen the Department of Children Services

    supportive supervision role to OVC implementers.

    Guideline Indicators Number of existing and effective

    coordination structures trained on OVC support.

    Number of VCO recruited.

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    Essential Action 4: L