quand les métaux arrivent en ville. enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques....

Parole d’experts Panel d’experts autour de Prof. Eric PIRARD, ULg - GeMMe Quand les métaux arrivent en ville. Enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques.

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L’augmentation des besoins mondiaux et les enjeux stratégiques liés au contrôle de l’approvisionnement en matières premières stratégiques (minéraux, métaux, terres rares, …) exercent une pression croissante sur la recherche de solutions industrielles innovantes et performantes pour exploiter mieux les gisements, en découvrir d’autres, "fermer les boucles" d’usage des matières critiques, améliorer les rendements des procédés de recyclage, … Ce 23 avril, à l’initiative du Professeur Eric Pirard et en collaboration avec LIEGE CREATIVE, acteurs académiques, industriels et représentants politiques se sont réunis pour débattre des enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques.


Page 1: Quand les métaux arrivent en ville. Enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques. par Denis Goffaux | Liege Creative, 23.04.13

Parole d’experts

Panel d’experts autour de Prof. Eric PIRARD, ULg - GeMMe

Quand les métaux arrivent en ville. Enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques.

Page 2: Quand les métaux arrivent en ville. Enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques. par Denis Goffaux | Liege Creative, 23.04.13

Avec le soutien de :

Page 3: Quand les métaux arrivent en ville. Enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques. par Denis Goffaux | Liege Creative, 23.04.13

Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 1

Closing the Loop: A Sustainable Way to address Resource Scarcity

Denis Goffaux Chief Technology Officer

Page 4: Quand les métaux arrivent en ville. Enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques. par Denis Goffaux | Liege Creative, 23.04.13

Today metals and materials scarcity topics are in the mainstream media

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 3

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… which is no surprise taking into account …

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World population growth and development

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 6

Trends in metal prices

Commodity Metals Price Index Monthly Price - Index Number

Description: Commodity Metals Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Copper, Aluminum, Iron Ore, Tin, Nickel, Zinc, Lead, and Uranium Price Indices

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 7

Criticality for Europe: EU-Raw Materials Initiative materials for which a threat to supply could involve harm to the national economy, and for which the risk is higher than for most other raw materials in the coming 10 years

Source: Critical Raw Materials for the EU – European Commission Enterprise & Industry, July 2010

Critical materials (EU): Be, Co, Ga, Ge, In, Mg, Nb, PGM, REE, Sb, Ta, W, fluorspar, graphite

Page 10: Quand les métaux arrivent en ville. Enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques. par Denis Goffaux | Liege Creative, 23.04.13

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History of sustainability

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“We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” Native Americans

Native Americans, Aboriginals and Inuit people have a tradition to protect their resources and use them in a sustainable way.

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 10

1971 1972

1968 1972

Green movement in the 60´s and 70´s Environmental issues became more mainstream

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 11

Brundtland report 1987 Brought sustainability to the mainstream public

Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development:

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".

Two key concepts: 1. 'needs', in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given 2. ‘limitations’ imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 12

21st century: A renewed sense of urgency from a number of players.

United Nations Millennium goals

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 13

Technology Materials are part of the solution… Their scarcity is another issue to deal with

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 14

Efficient production and use of energy will further boost demand for technology metals

Fuel Cells Light Emitting Diodes (LED)

Photovoltaic (solar cells) Electric vehicles & batteries Germanium Gallium Selenium Indium Tellurium Silver …

Lithium Cobalt Nickel Rare Earth Elements Copper …

Gallium Indium Germanium Silver …

Platinum Iridium Cobalt …

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 15

C. Hagelüken, C.E.M. Meskers: Complex lifecycles of precious and special metals in Linkages of Sustainability. Strüngmann Forum Report vol. 4. T. Graedel, E. van der Voet (eds.) Cambridge, MA, MIT Press 2010.

Technology metals mainly come as a mining by-product

Supply of technology metals is price inelastic

Substitution potential is usually limited

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 16

Recent boom in demand for most technology metals

% mined in 1980-2010

% mined in 1900-1980

Mine production since 1980 / since 1900


Re Ga In Ru Pd Rh Ir REE Si Pt Ta Li Se Ni Co Ge Cu Bi Ag Au

% mined in 1980-2010

% mined in 1900-1980

REE = Rare Earth Elements

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 17

Resource efficiency needed to deal with scarcity of technology metals

material solutions Metals

Application know-how


Material solutions

Chemistry Material science


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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 18

Section title slide

Umicore Cherry

Urban mining

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 19










t CO2/ t

primary metal *




0 * Source:

Ecoinvent 2.0, EMPA/ETH-Zürich, 2007

Urban mining offers significant environmental advantages q  Urban mining prevents impact from non-

recycling •  Hazardous emissions •  Land use

q  Recycling mitigates environmental impacts of mining •  Less energy consumption/CO2 production •  Less land & water use •  Less environmental pressure on sensitive areas

q  Recycling lowers CO2 footprint for majority of metals

Urban mining offers ethical sourcing possibilities Not all metals can be economically recycled


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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 20

End-of-life recycling rates

Too low, especially for complex feeds!

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 21

Opportunities & challenges of a circular economy

a reduce metal losses along all steps of lifecycle

• Reduce generation of residues • Collect residues comprehensively & recycle these efficiently

• Improve metal yields by using high quality recycling processes





Historic wastes (tailings, landfills)






Historic wastes (tailings, landfills)




Natural resources

Metals, alloys& compounds

New scrap

Raw materials production


industrial materials

from Concentrates

& ores

Page 24: Quand les métaux arrivent en ville. Enjeux et stratégies pour les matières premières critiques. par Denis Goffaux | Liege Creative, 23.04.13

Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 22

Recycling needs a chain, not a single process - system approach is crucial

Collection 10,000’s

Prepro- cessing



Example recycling of WEEE Recovery of technology metals

from circuit boards


Number of actors in Europe


Total efficiency is determined by weakest step in the chain Make sure that critical fractions reach these plants

Smelting & refining of technology metals (metallurgy)

Example: 30% x 90% x 60% x 95% = 15%


components/ fractions

metals Inve


ent n


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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 23

ISO 14001 & 9001, OHSAS 18001

Umicore’s Hoboken smelter

§  Input > 300 000 t/a of precious metals bearing secondary materials (WEEE, catalysts, smelter by-products etc.), §  Recovery of 17 metals: Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir, Cu, Pb, Ni, Sn, Bi, Se, Te, Sb, As, In (universal process). §  Innovative special processes for more metals: rechargeable batteries → Co, (Li, REE) §  Investments since 1997: 500 Mio €; Investment for a comparable green field plant: >> 1 Bio €! §  PM yields > 95%; value of precious metals enables co-recovery of specialty metals (‘paying metals’)

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What is the alternative?

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Unicef photo of the year 2011


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Umicore in a nutshell: Much more than recycling

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 27



Union Minière 1981

1908 Société Générale Métallurgique de Hoboken

1800 1850 1900 1950 2000

1853 Asturienne des Mines

1805 Vieille-Montagne

1887 Usine de Désargentation (Degussa)

1919 Société Générale des Minerais

1959 Mechim

1906 Union Minière du Haut-Katanga

1904 ACEC 1989 UM


2005 Cumerio

1873 Degussa (EM) DMC2 PMG 2003

MDK Kombinat Pirdop



1928 Compagnie des Metaux d’Overpelt 1970




2007 Nyrstar

* Smaller acquisitions not mentioned in this overview

1869 Table of Mendeleev

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 28

Global presence: 14,600 people in 79 industrial sites

Figures include associated companies as of end 2012

North America

•  910 people

•  11 industrial sites

South America

•  1,118 people

•  5 industrial sites


•  1,517 people

•  3 industrial sites


•  3,203 people

•  23 industrial sites


•  7,690 people

•  32 industrial sites


Revenues € 2.4 bn

REBIT € 372 m

R&D € 182 m

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Umicore’s business approach

q  We transform metals into hi-tech materials

q  We use application know-how to create tailor-made solutions in close collaboration with our customers

q  We close the loop and secure supply by recycling production scrap and end-of-life materials

q  We aim to minimize our environmental impact and be the best employer and neighbour

material solutions Metals

Application know-how


Material solutions

Chemistry Material science


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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 30

Umicore activity fit with global megatrends

Electrification of the automobile

Resource scarcity

More stringent emission control

Renewable energy

We are the largest recycler of precious metals; we are able to recycle more than 20 different metals

We are a leading producer of key materials for rechargeable batteries for laptops, mobile phones as well as electrified vehicles

We provide catalysts for 1 out of 3 cars in the world as well as for trucks & non-road vehicles

We supply key innovative materials for high-efficiency solar cells and other photovoltaic applications

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Sustainable Development at Umicore

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Liège Créative April 23rd, 2013 32

Great place to work


Stakeholder engagement

Economic performance

Sustainability objectives for 2011-2015

Zero lost time accidents

Occupational exposure reduction

People development

Preferred employer

We aim to have ZERO lost time accidents

We will reduce the body concentrations of specific metals to which our employees have an exposure: Cd, Pb, Co, Ni, As, Pt

All employees will receive an annual appraisal to discuss individual development

We will target our actions based on the results of the 2010 People Survey

Growth and returns

Reduce carbon footprint

Emission reduction

Product sustainability

We aim to reduce our CO2 emissions by 20% vs 2006 levels and based on 2006 industrial scope

We aim to reduce by 20% the impact of metal emissions to water and air vs 2009 levels

We will invest in tools to better understand and measure the life cycles and impacts of our products

Sustainable procurement

Local community

We will implement the new Sustainable Procurement Charter throughout our business

All our sites will be expected to make further steps in identifying key stakeholders and engaging with the local community

We have the potential to achieve double digit revenue growth in our key growth areas. We aim to generate ROCE of 15%.

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Umicore ranked world’s most sustainable corporation

2013 Global 100 List COMPANY RANK Umicore SA 1 Natura Cosmeticos SA 2 Statoil ASA 3 Neste Oil OYJ 4 Novo Nordisk A/S 5 Storebrand ASA 6 Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV 7 Biogen Idec Inc 8 Dassault Systemes SA 9 Westpac Banking Corp 10

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