quarter 3 project

Imperialism Project

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Imperialism Project Options


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Option 1: Acting

Imperialism News Show Activity

► Create a News Show that highlights a major conflict in a region of the world where Imperialism was taking place in the 1800’s.

► Research the situation, write a script, practice your play and perform or tape your production.

► Props, Costumes, Accuracy and Drama all count!

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Your News show will look like this:

• News Anchor introduces news program and the relationship between the two sides, the European and the Non European. News Anchor explains who is involved and gives a brief history of the issues and the area.

• News Anchor goes live to the Field Agent standing in the middle of the area under Imperialism during or just after the main violent conflict between the Europeans and the Non Europeans.

• Field Agent gives a brief historical description of this particular conflict and the position of the two sides.

• Field Agent interviews the European and the non European.

• The European and the Non European give their points of view.

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Option 2: Essay• Write an Editorial to a Newspaper in 1899 either

FOR or AGAINST Imperialism.• Choose a specific incident and country as your

example. (ex. the Opium War in China)• Give background information and explain

European involvement and motivation in the region.

• Establish criteria to support your opinion and use historical data to support your argument.

• 2 page minimum, double spaced and typed.

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Option 3: Collage

• Create a Collage describing a major event in Imperialism in great detail.

• Cover who, why, when, how, where and the significance of the event.

• Include drawings, pictures and illustrations for your information.

• Use color and artistic skill to create a beautiful project.

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WhenWho Where




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“When”: The waves of immigration from Ellis Island. They were from northern and western Europe, mainly between 1849 and 1920… About 25 million people immigrated to the USA.


“Where”: Ellis Island is located in the New York Harbor. Is was built in 1842 from a building known as the Castle Garden- an old military structure. For many it is the Statue of Liberty that was their first glimpse of America. Many Immigrants went to the big cities to find Jobs in cheap labor.


“Why”: Most immigrants left their native countries for very important reasons. Some left to escape religious persecution, famine, political corruption, bad economy, etc. Some left just to get a better chance here in America.


“How”: The trip was a long journey with uncomfortable conditions. Steerage was the class that most traveled in because it was inexpensive. The trip was crowded and took up to 3 months.


This event changed the US immensely. Most current Americans have a friend or acquaintance who’s an immigrant. 40% of Americans can trace their families to Ellis Island alone. It has created our cultural melting pot of America and shaped our diverse nation.



“Who”: These people who came through the Island, European and Caribbean people who wanted a better like. Germans came and British, Irish, Scandinavian, later people from Italy, Russia and Poland. Some were poor, some rich.

This is a C- example

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This is an A example….