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Page 1: QUARTERLY COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY › assets › gov › environment › research-monit… · The 2nd Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary for 2008 outlines 13


July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

Page 2: QUARTERLY COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY › assets › gov › environment › research-monit… · The 2nd Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary for 2008 outlines 13

Highlights for the 3rd Quarter of 2008

The 2nd Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary for 2008 outlines 13 Orders, 14

Administrative Sanctions, 725 Tickets and 6 Court Convictions for a combined total of

$155,982 in fines.

Earlier this year Environment Minister Barry Penner introduced the Environmental (Species

and Public Protection) Amendment Act which amends the Wildlife Act and the Environmental

Management Act, allowing provisions for:

Increasing (doubling, on average) maximum fines and penalties for all offences under the Wildlife

Act ; filling in regulatory gaps for managing alien species and helping to protect both the public and

native wildlife; increasing Park Ranger's authority to monitor hunting and fishing activities; clarifying

the scope of the government’s authority concerning spill response and cost recovery; and to

improve general regulation-making powers for results-based regulations and minister’s codes of

practice under the Environmental Management Act .

Williams Lake resident Don Kunka was convicted and fined a total of $11,000 in connection with the

illegal shooting of a grizzly bear in Tweedsmuir Provincial Park in 2004. Kunka pleaded guilty to one

count under the Wildlife Act and $9,000, with $8,000 of that to be paid to the Grizzly Bear Trust Fund.

Kunka also pleaded guilty to one count under section 29 of the Parks and Recreation Areas Regulation ,

and was fined $2,000 for illegally discharging a firearm in a provincial park.

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Table Of Contents

Table of Contents


Administrative Sanctions (Licensing actions under the Wildlife Act)

Section 24………………….………………………………………………………….07

Section 61………………….………………………………………………………….08

Section 85………………….………………………………………………………….09

Tickets..……………………………….……………………………………………. 10

Convictions………………….………………………………………………….…. 33

Cross Reference Guide………………….………………………………….……..34

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Husky Oil Operations Ltd. Prince George Environmental

Management Act

77 An Information Order was issued in response to waterfowl having been oiled in an effluent pond

at a property held by Husky Oil Operations. The order required that: 1) a report be submitted to

the Ministry outlining i) all areas where hydrocarbon contact could occur with wildlife, ii)

deterrence measures taken and planned, and iii) a timeline for implementation; and

2) if additional wildlife is adversely affected, Husky shall immediately i) rectify the situation, ii)

verbally notify the Ministry, and iii) follow up in writing with actions taken.

Canadian Forest Products


Prince George Environmental

Management Act

77 An Information Order was issued after a site inspection revealed improper storage and land filling

of wood debris. The company was ordered to submit a plan prepared by a Qualified Professional

that: 1) describes measures taken to assess the site and determine environmental impact and

risks to surface and ground water; 2) identifies the type and amount of waste deposited; 3)

identifies distance to any sensitive areas (e.g. community watersheds, potable water sources,

residential properties, etc.); 4) identifies all monitoring proposed for the site; 5) details the

measures taken, or to be taken to prevent a re-occurrence; 6) plans to minimize impacts (e.g.

surface water diversion, compaction of waste, type of cover and methods for monitoring and

managing leachate); and 7) identify timelines for actions taken and planned.

R.D. Moyen Holdings Ltd.

dba: City Centre

Paving & Aggregates

Prince George Environmental

Management Act 217/97



As part of an on-going compliance monitoring program, an Information Order was issued

requiring that the company: 1) perform additional stack monitoring (beyond that laid out in the

Asphalt Plant Regulation) and provide the information to the Ministry; 2) submit all stack sample

results to the Ministry; and 3) submit on a weekly basis, the daily production quantity of the plant.

Northwest Wood

Preservers Ltd.

Prince George Environmental

Management Act

81 A Pollution Prevention Order was issued after a site inspection revealed improper storage of ash

which may cause pollution to occur. The company was ordered to: 1) immediately stop

introducing waste to the environment; 2) remove the existing piles of ash and other waste and

dispose of it in an authorized manner; and 3) submit to the ministry a plan that i) confirms actions

to be taken with dates of materials removed and the waste disposal method, ii) describes

measures to be taken to assess the environmental impact to the site, and iii) details measures to

be taken to prevent a re-occurrence.

Don's Repair Fort St. James Environmental

Management Act

81 A Pollution Prevention Order was issued after spilled oil was observed during a site inspection.

The order requires the property owners to: 1) hire a Qualified Professional to i) investigate the

extent of impacts caused by the oil spill, ii) assess the repair shop's floor drain for adequacy, iii)

assess the likelihood of groundwater contamination and off-site migration, iv) develop an action

plan to remediate any off-site contamination and prevent any future contamination; 2) submit the

results to the Ministry; and 3) comply with the Contaminated Sites Regulation.

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Wall, Alice and Lenard Vanderhoof Environmental

Management Act

81 A Pollution Prevention Order was issued after an inspection of the property revealed that more

than five vehicles were being dismantled, requiring registry with the Vehicle Dismantling and

Recycling Industry Environmental Planning Regulation . The property owners were required to:

1) remove all scrap vehicles; or 2) fulfill the requirements of the Vehicle Dismantling and

Recycling Industry Environmental Planning Regulation.

Interior Warehousing Ltd.

c/o Christopher Perry,

Donald Engelsjord, and

Michael Perry

Prince George Environmental

Management Act

83 A Pollution Abatement Order was issued to stop pollution from occurring at the Prince George

site. The order requires the property owners to: 1) submit to the Ministry a plan from a Qualified

Professional outlining measures to prevent the spread of contaminants off the property, as well

as a remediation plan for the removal of hazardous substances from the property, identifying the

facilities where the material will be delivered; 2) meet with Ministry staff to discuss the plan and

initiate site remediation as per the plan within 1 day of the meeting; 3) submit to the Ministry a

final report detailing the remediation and results of sampled materials within 30 upon completion

of the plan.

Allan Glen Edge Hills

Provincial Park

Park Act 180/90 3(1) A Park Act Order was issued to address an illegal water pipeline that was installed in Porcupine

Creek, and was within the boundaries of a protected area. The order states that this person must

remove all personal property and dispose of all structures, improvements and works of any

nature in a park, conservancy or recreation area and restore, repair or rehabilitate the area as

nearly as possible to the satisfaction of park officer issuing the order.

Eldon Nyberg Cariboo River

Provincial Park

Park Act 16 A Park Act Order was issued to address illegal access to a mining tenure through a protected

area. The tenure holder has been ordered to remove any and all equipment from the protected

area within 30 days.

Sun Wave Forest

Products Ltd.

Kloiya River,

Prince Rupert

Water Act 88(1)(a)(d) An Engineer's Order was issued to address concerns about the safety of a series of dams on the

Kloiya River. The order requires the following conditions to be met: 1) the company must acquire

the services of a Qualified Professional engineer to complete a joint comprehensive review with

Ministry staff of the three dams; 2) develop a dam safety remediation plan, approved by the

Qualified Professional engineer and submitted to the Ministry for review and acceptance; 3)

obtain written Leave to Commence Construction from the Ministry to undertake any dam safety

remediation in accordance with the approved plan; and 4) advise the Ministry upon completion of

the remediation works.

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Bergdahl, Warren & Karleen Lewis Creek,



Water Act 93(2)(i);


An Engineer's Order was issued to address unauthorized construction of a bridge. The order

instructed the property owners to remove all components of the bridge structure while complying

with the following conditions: 1) wherever possible heavy equipment shall not be operated in the

water; 2) no riparian vegetation shall be removed; 3) all materials and equipment shall be

operated and stored in a manner that prevents any deleterious substances (e.g. petroleum

products, silt, etc.) from entering the water; 4) vehicle and equipment re-fuelling and

maintenance shall be conducted away from the water; 5) any part of the vehicle entering the

water shall be cleaned and free of leaks; 6) an in-water silt curtain must be in place; 7) no rock,

gravel, natural woody debris or aquatic vegetation shall be removed from below the annual high

water level; 8) all disturbed areas adjacent to the creek should be stabilized upon completion of

work and restored to a pre-disturbed state or better; and 9) upon completion of this work a report

be submitted to the Ministry detailing all activities undertaken in the bridge removal.

Bergdahl, Warren & Karleen Lewis Creek,



Water Act 93(2)(i);


A second Engineer's Order (same as above) was issued adjusting the timelines of the original


Barnes, Lawrence Dougherty

Creek, Prince


Water Act 93(2)(q) This is a follow-up Engineer's Order. After an investigation by the Conservation Officer Service,

the first order was served to the property owner for unauthorized works in or about Dougherty

Creek. The original order required that a Site Remediation Plan designed by a Qualified

Environmental Professional with experience in fish habitat assessment, soil and slope

stabilization, vegetation remediation, and water and erosion control be submitted to the Ministry.

Based on that plan, the new order authorizes the property owner to undertake the work as

specified in the plan developed by the Qualified Professional.

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Administrative Sanctions Angling, hunting or firearm licence cancellations against individuals

(s. 24 Wildlife Act)


Telford, Darrel Quesnel Wildlife Ac t 16(5)(a) Must successfully complete the

CORE program

Failing to report the killing of wildlife to an officer within the period


Fined $115

Buchanan, David Quesnel Wildlife Ac t 32;


1 year hunting licence suspension

and must successfully complete the

CORE program

Discharging a firearm in a no shooting area;

Resist or obstruct an officer from exercising his/her duty;

Court fines of $230;

Ordered to pay $1,500 to HCTF

Trueman, Gilbert Campbell River Wildlife Ac t 33(2) 1 year automatic hunting licence

suspension (second conviction in

two years)

Unlawful possession of dead wildlife;

Fined $230

Witt, Billy Jack Terrace Wildlife Ac t 49(1)(a)


10 year suspension of angling and

hunting licences and from carrying a

firearm, bow or crossbow (plus must

pay all fines)

Unlawfully guide for fish (2 counts);

Knowingly make a false statement to an officer;

Court fines of $2,600 plus restitution of $3,000 and forfeiture of

motor boat, boat trailer and various fishing gear;

Ordered to pay $21,400 to HCTF

Witt, Christian Terrace Wildlife Ac t 49(1)(a)


10 year suspension of angling and

hunting licences and from carrying a

firearm, bow or crossbow (plus must

pay all fines)

Unlawfully guide for fish (2 counts);

Knowingly make a false statement to an officer;

Court fines of $2,600, plus restitution of $3,000 and forfeiture of

motor, boat, boat trailer and various fishing gear;

Ordered to pay $21,400 to HCTF

Park, Bradley Cranbrook Wildlife Ac t 82(1)(a) 1 year automatic hunting licence

suspension (second conviction in

two years)

Make a false statement to obtain a licence;

Court fine of $3,000

Sifton, Ronald Fernie Wildlife Ac t 96(1) Ordered to return illegally obtained

hunter number card

Resist or obstruct an officer in his/her duty;

Court fine of $115;

Ordered to pay $900 to HCTF

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July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Administrative SanctionsLicence cancellations against commercial operators

(s. 61 Wildlife Act)


No administrative actions under section 61

of the Wildlife Act for this quarter

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July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Administrative Sanctions Angling, hunting and firearm licence cancellations for failure to pay fines

(s. 85 Wildlife Act)


Sigurdson, Larry Kamloops/Savona Firearm Act 9(1) Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle (2 counts)

Beaubien, Jason Fort Nelson/Summit Lake Park Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Papanek, Christopher North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Jessop, Chad West Kootenay/Moyie River Wildlife Act 97(a) Fail to produce licence/permit (hunting/angling) on request

Speta, Ronald Kootenay/Radium Hot Springs Wildlife Act 97(a) Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Gathergood, Tobias North Okanagan/Gardom Lake Wildlife Act 261/83 2(b) Transport live fish without authorization or permit

Zhang, Xing Smithers/North Road Wildlife Act 338/82 2.08(1)(b) Possess or import bear genitalia separate from carcass or hide

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Individual Langley/Fraser River Canada Shipping Act COPCR 3(2.1)(A) $288 Allow a person to operate a pleasure craft without

prescribed competency

Individual Langley/Fraser River Canada Shipping Act COPCR 3(2.1)(A) $288 Allow a person to operate a pleasure craft without

prescribed competency

Individual Fraser South/Fort Langley Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(1)(A) $230 Operate pleasure craft not over 6m with insufficient

number of personal flotation devices or life jackets of

appropriate type

Individual East Kootenay Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $230 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Three

Island Lake

Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $230 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual East Kootenay Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $230 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual East Kootenay Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $230 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual East Kootenay Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $230 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $230 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual East Kootenay Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $230 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $115 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Canada Shipping Act SVR 16.02(2)(A) $230 Pleasure craft not over 6 m in length fails to carry one

personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size

for each person on board

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(A) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without a

person on board keeping watch

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(A) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without a

person on board keeping watch

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Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(A) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without a

person on board keeping watch

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(A) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without a

person on board keeping watch

Individual East Kootenay Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(A) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without a

person on board keeping watch

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(A) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without a

person on board keeping watch

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(A) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without a

person on board keeping watch

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(A) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without a

person on board keeping watch

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(B) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without

seating space on board for the person being towed

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(D) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without

seating space on board for the person being towed

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(D) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without

seating space on board for the person being towed

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Canada Shipping Act SVR 41(1)(D) $115 Use a small vessel to tow a person on water without

seating space on board for the person being towed

Individual Central Island/Nanoose Bay Environmental Management Act 3(1)(a b) $230 Open burning of debris within prohibited distances of

neighbouring structures

Individual Omineca/Prince George Environmental Management Act 6(3) $575 Introduce waste into environment by prescribed activity

Individual North Okanagan/Salmon River Road Environmental Management Act 6(3) $575 Introduce waste into environment by prescribed activity

Queen Charlotte


North Coast/Naden Harbour Environmental Management Act 6(3) $575 Introduce waste into environment by prescribed activity

Individual Omineca/Prince George Environmental Management Act 6(4) $575 Introduce waste into the environment and cause


Individual Thompson-Nicola/Kamloops Environmental Management Act 6(4) $575 Introduce waste into the environment and cause


Individual Fraser Valley/Harrison Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Williams Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual South Okanagan/Summerland Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual Omineca/Prince George Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Squamish Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

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Individual East Kootenay/Hidden Valley Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/ Moricetown Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Lac Du Bois Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual Fraser North/Brackendale Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual West Kootenay/Rialto FSR Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual North Coast/Terrace Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual Peace/Burnt River Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Whistler Environmental Management Act 12(2) $115 Deposit litter

Individual East Kootenay/Mazur Meadow Environmental Management Act 13 $230 Discharge domestic waste from a recreational vehicle in

an unauthorized manner

Canfor-LP Peace

Valley OSB Plant

Peace/Fort St. John Environmental Management Act 120(6) $575 Introduce waste into the environment without complying

with permit or approval held

Pacific Bioenergy


Omineca/Prince George Environmental Management Act 120(6) $575 Introduce waste into the environment without complying

with permit or approval held

Rinner Holdings Ltd Cariboo-Chilcotin/Bella Coola Environmental Management Act 120(6) $575 Introduce waste into the environment without complying

with permit or approval held

Westcoast Energy Inc. Peace/Kwoen Gas Plant Environmental Management Act 120(6) $575 Introduce waste into the environment without complying

with permit or approval held

Westcoast Energy Inc. Peace/Laprise Environmental Management Act 120(6) $575 Introduce waste into the environment without complying

with permit or approval held

Individual Central Island/Nanoose Bay Environmental Management Act 145/93 8(1) $230 Burning in unfavourable conditions according to publicly

available ventilation index

Individual Sunshine Coast/Madeira Park Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Stewart Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Omineca/Salmon FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Peace/Wonowon Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual South Okanagan/Princeton Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Taweel FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Omineca/Tagai Lake Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Omineca/KayKay FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Bear FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Thompson-Fraser/70 Mile House Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual North Okanagan/Big White Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

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Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Midway Mine Road Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual North Okanagan/Esperon FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual North Okanagan/McCulloch Lake Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Dease Lake Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual West Kootenay/Middle Teepee FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Nilkitkwa FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Nilkitkwa FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Findlay-Whitetail FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Midway Mine Road Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Nechako Lakes/Fishery Road Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/White River Road Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Omineca/Missinka FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Harvey Creek Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual West Kootenay/Kidd Creek FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Nechako Lakes/Ocock FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual North Okanagan/Espron FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Atlin-Liard/Log Jam Creek Road Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Flathead FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Peace/Pink Mountain Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Nechako Lakes/Fort St. James Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Omineca/Cobb Lake Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Atlin-Liard/Toad River Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Peace/Wonowon Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Findlay-Whitetail FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual South Okanagan/Peachland Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Peace/Beavertail Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual South Okanagan/Princeton Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Omineca/Mackenzie FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual North Okanagan/Kettle Valley FSR Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Birch Island Firearm Act 9(1) $230 Discharge, carry, possess loaded firearm in vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Line Creek Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 33(2)(b) $50 Fail to release fish in least harmful manner

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(a) $50 Possess fish in a way that species cannot be identified

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kispiox River Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(a) $50 Possess fish in a way that species cannot be identified

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(a) $50 Possess fish in a way that species cannot be identified

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(b) $50 Possess fish where number cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(b) $50 Possess fish where number cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(b) $50 Possess fish where number cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(b) $50 Possess fish where number cannot be determined

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(b) $50 Possess fish where number cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(b) $50 Possess fish where number cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(d) $50 Possess fish where size cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(d) $50 Possess fish where size cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(d) $50 Possess fish where size cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(d) $50 Possess fish where size cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(d) $50 Possess fish where size cannot be determined

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) FGR 36(1)(d) $50 Possess fish where size cannot be determined

Individual North Okanagan/Westbank Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Nechako Lakes/Graham Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Lac Des Roche Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Coast/Gitnadoix Bar Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Coast/Exchamsiks Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Nechako Lakes/Babine Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Okanagan/Sorrento Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kitwanga Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual West Kootenay/Columbia River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Horsefly Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual West Kootenay/Balfour Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual West Kootenay/Slocan Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Horse Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Okanagan/Mabel Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Coast/Exchamsiks Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Okanagan/James Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Okanagan/Mabel Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Coast/Exchamsiks Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Okanagan/Peachland Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Horse Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Glimpse Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Whistler Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 6(1)(a) $150 Angle with more than one fishing line

Individual North Island/Campbell River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 10(2) $150 Retain foul-hooked fish

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 13(1) $220 Possess more than twice the daily quota for fish

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 13(1) $220 Possess more than twice the daily quota for fish

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Individual Nechako Lakes/Ootsa Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 13(1) $100 Possess more than twice the daily quota for fish

Individual Nechako Lakes/Babine Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 13(1) $100 Possess more than twice the daily quota for fish

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 13(2) $150 Fish in closed area-tidal waters

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 13(2) $150 Fish in closed area-tidal waters

Individual North Coast/Tlell River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 18(a) $100 Fish without a licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Britannia Beach Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 18(a) $100 Fish without a licence

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 18(a) $100 Fish without a licence

Individual Greater Vancouver/Cates Park Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 37(1)(b) $200 Catch and retain undersized dungeness crab

Individual Nechako Lakes/Babine Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 43 $250 Fish for salmon during close time

Individual Nechako Lakes/Babine Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 43 $250 Fish for salmon during close time

Individual Fraser Valley/Chilliwack River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 43 $250 Fish for salmon during close time

Individual Fraser Valley/Chilliwack River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 44 $150 Catch and retain salmon in excess of the daily quota

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Holmes River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 44 $150 Catch and retain salmon in excess of the daily quota

Individual Greater Vancouver/Abbotsford Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 49 $150 Fish for salmon by prohibited method, with prohibited gear, or

with prohibited bait

Individual North Island/Campbell River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 49 $150 Fish for salmon by prohibited method, with prohibited gear, or

with prohibited bait

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 55(1) $250 Fish, or catch and retain fish, during close time

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 55(1) $250 Fish, or catch and retain fish, during close time

Individual North Okanagan/Wood Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $200 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual East Kootenay/Sparwood Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $200 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kispiox River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $150 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stellako River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $200 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Birkin Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $150 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Green Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $150 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual Fraser Valley/Skagit River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $150 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stellako River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $150 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $150 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuck Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $150 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuck Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $150 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual West Kootenay/Hoder Creek Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 56(1) $100 Catch and retain more than the daily quota

Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 57(b) $150 Catch and retain more than daily quota for wild and hatchery


Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 57(b) $150 Catch and retain more than daily quota for wild and hatchery


Individual North Coast/Terrace Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 57(b) $200 Catch and retain more than daily quota for wild and hatchery


Individual North Okanagan/Wood Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 57(I) $150 Catch and retain more than the aggregate daily quota for

wild and hatchery kokanee

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July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Individual Sea-To-Sky/Cheakamus River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay/Wardner Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Cheakamus River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual West Kootenay/Goat River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay/Wigwam River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Green Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Atlin-Liard/Toad River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay/Elkford Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Coast/Skeena River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual West Kootenay/Salmo River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual West Kootenay/Moyie River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Cheakamus River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Columbia River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $115 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Columbia River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Cheakamus River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/White River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Fraser North/Pitt River Slough Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Holmes River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $100 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Vernon Be Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual West Kootenay/Salmo River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $115 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Anderson's Flats Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stellako River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mamquam River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Twin Lakes Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay/Gold Creek Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stuart River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

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Individual North Okanagan/Mara Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Lillooet Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Green River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Beady Creek Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay/Morrissey Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Squamish Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Kootenay River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Green Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Nechako Lakes/Tchesinkut Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Mabel Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Peace/Burnt River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay/Wardner Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Kootenay River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay/White River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual East Kootenay/Gold Creek Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Holmes River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Holmes River Fisheries Act (Canada) SFR 63 $150 Fish by/with prohibited method, gear or bait

Individual North Okanagan/Winfield Forest and Range Practices Act 46(1.1) $575 Engage in unauthorized activity resulting in damage to an


Individual East Kootenay/Horseshoe Lake Forest and Range Practices Act 46(1.1) $575 Engage in unauthorized activity resulting in damage to an


Individual West Kootenay/Kootenay Lake Forest and Range Practices Act 46(1.1) $575 Engage in unauthorized activity resulting in damage to an


Individual South Okanagan/Keremeos Forest and Range Practices Act 58(1)(b) $115 Disobey order restricting or prohibiting recreation

Individual South Okanagan/Keremeos Forest and Range Practices Act 58(1)(b) $115 Disobey order restricting or prohibiting recreation

Individual East Kootenay Forest and Range Practices Act 16/2004 6(1) $115 Illegal use of vehicle or equipment on recreation site

Individual East Kootenay/Horseshoe Lake Forest and Range Practices Act 16/2004 6(1) $115 Illegal use of vehicle or equipment on recreation site

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Forest and Range Practices Act 16/2004 16 $58 Unauthorized use of site, trail or area

Individual East Kootenay/Munroe Lake Forest and Range Practices Act 16/2004 16 $58 Unauthorized use of site, trail or area

Individual East Kootenay/Munroe Lake Forest and Range Practices Act 16/2004 16 $58 Unauthorized use of site, trail or area

Individual East Kootenay/Munroe Lake Forest and Range Practices Act 16/2004 16 $58 Unauthorized use of site, trail or area

Individual East Kootenay/Munroe Lake Forest and Range Practices Act 16/2004 16 $58 Unauthorized use of site, trail or area

Individual Fraser Valley/Harrison Lake Forest and Range Practices Act 58/99 11 $115 Illegal use of traps, firearms, bows or crossbows

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River FST Forest and Range Practices Act 70/2004 12(1) $345 Operate or cause to be operated a motor vehicle or trailer on

a forest service road without required insurance

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Forest and Range Practices Act 70/2004 12(1) $345 Operate or cause to be operated a motor vehicle or trailer on

a forest service road without required insurance

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Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Forest and Range Practices Act 70/2004 12(1) $345 Operate or cause to be operated a motor vehicle or trailer on

a forest service road without required insurance

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Findlay-Whitetail FsrForest and Range Practices Act 173/95 12(1) $345 Operate vehicle on a forest service road without required


Individual East Kootenay/Gold Creek FSR Forest and Range Practices Act 177/95 6(1) $115 Tracks or wheels within 5 meters of stream bank

Individual East Kootenay/Gold Creek FSR Forest and Range Practices Act 177/95 6(1) $115 Tracks or wheels within 5 meters of stream bank

Individual South Okanagan/Cawston Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Keremeos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Keremeos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/ Oliver Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Osoyoos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Osoyoos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Osoyoos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Osoyoos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Keremeos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Oliver Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Cawston Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Osoyoos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Osoyoos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Keremeos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual South Okanagan/Keremeos Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

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Individual South Okanagan/Summerland Integrated Pest Management Act 3(1)(b) $575 Unlawfully use, handle, release, transport, store, dispose

of or sell a pesticide

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Liquor Control and Licensing Act 40(1) $115 Consume liquor in public place

Individual East Kootenay/Torrent FSR Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Wycliffe Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuck Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual North Island/Duncan Bay Mainline Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Lac Du Bois Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Fraser Valley/Skagit Valley Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Pemberton Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual North Okanagan/James Lake FSR Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Fraser Valley/Harrison Lake Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Squamis Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Squamish Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Fraser Valley/Harrison Lake Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Squamish Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Falls Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Kimberley Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Atlin-Liard Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual West Kootenay/Creston Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual North Island/Fry Lake Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mount Currie Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Greater Vancouver/Chilliwack Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual South Okanagan/Peachland Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Fraser Valley/Harrison Lake Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual North Island/Comox Lake Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Nechako Lakes/Fishery Road Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Lac Du Bois Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual West Kootenay/Sunrise Fsr Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Torrent Road Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual Fraser Valley/Harrison Hot Springs Liquor Control and Licensing Act 44(2) $58 Possess opened liquor in motor vehicle

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act 4(3) $58 Operate an ATV on/across highway without a drivers licence

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act 4(3) $58 Operate an ATV on/across highway without a drivers licence

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act 4(3) $58 Operate an ATV on/across highway without a drivers licence

Individual East Kootenay/Aye's Ranch Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act 4(3) $58 Operate an ATV on/across highway without a drivers licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Whistler Motor Vehicle Act 13(1)(a) $109 Operates vehicle without the licence required by the act

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Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mount Currie Motor Vehicle Act 13(1)(a) $109 Operates vehicle without the licence required by the act

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mount Currie Motor Vehicle Act 13(1)(a) $109 Operates vehicle without the licence required by the act

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mount Currie Motor Vehicle Act 23(3)(b) $598 Drive/operate motor vehicle on highway without insurance

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mount Currie Motor Vehicle Act 24(1) $138 No driver's licence

Individual Fraser Valley/Fraser River Motor Vehicle Act 24(1) $138 No driver's licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Squamish Motor Vehicle Act 24(1) $109 No driver's licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Pemberton Motor Vehicle Act 33(1) $81 Fail to produce driver's licence and certificate and motor

vehicle liability insurance

Individual Greater Vancouver/Surrey Motor Vehicle Act 204(2) $81 Litter on highway

Individual North Okanagan/Vernon Motor Vehicle Act 204(2) $81 Litter on highway

Individual Fraser Valley/Harrison Hot Springs Motor Vehicle Act 215 $0 24 hr suspension for impaired driving

Petro-Canada Peace/Kotcho River Water Act 93(2)(i) $230 Constructs/operates/maintains works without authority

Gallant Trucking Ltd. Thomson-Nicola/Campbell Creek Water Act 93(2)(k) $230 Divert water from stream without authority

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Williams Lake Water Act 93(2)(k) $230 Divert water from stream without authority

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Williams Lake Water Act 93(2)(q) $230 Make change in/about stream without lawful authority

Canadian Natural

Resources Limited

Peace/Stewart Lake Water Act 93(2)(r) $230 Breach the regulations

Crew Energy Inc. Peace/Stewart Lake Water Act 93(2)(r) $230 Breach the regulations

J.B. Water and

Vacuum Service

Peace/Stewart Lake Water Act 93(2)(r) $230 Breach the regulations

Individual Atlin-Liard/Prophet River Wild Animal and

Plant Protection Act

6(2) $115 Import/export any animal or plant or any part or derivative of

an animal or plant, without a permit

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Gold Creek Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Caven Creek Road Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

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July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Englishman Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 3(1) $173 Drop, release or mishandle substance likely to cause a fire

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Wildfire Act 5(1) $345 Light, fuel or use an open fire in a non-industrial activity in

or within 1 km of forest or grass land

Individual Omineca/Nukko Lake Wildlife Act 9(1)(b) $345 Disturbs, molests, destroys beaver house, den or dam

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Dorr Road Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Dorr Road Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Individual East Kootenay/Wardner Townsite Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Dorr Road Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Suzanne Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Wasa Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Kimberley Wildfire Act 10(3) $345 Light, fuel or use fire against restriction

Individual East Kootenay/Kimberley Wildfire Act 10(4) $345 Fail to comply with fire restriction

Individual South Island/Highlands Wildlife Act 11(1)(a) $230 Hunt without licence

Individual East Kootenay/Summer Lake Wildlife Act 11(1)(c) $115 Hunts wildlife or carries a firearm without a licence required

by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Sparwood Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Pioneer Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

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Individual East Kootenay/Fernie Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Bridge Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual West Kootenay/Salmo River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual West Kootenay/Salmo River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kispiox River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Bridge Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Vaseaux Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Bridge Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Okanagan/Winfield Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Okanagan/Fish Hawk Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual West Kootenay/Salmo River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Lost Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Elkford Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Columbia River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/N. Barriere Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Yellow Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Vaseaux Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Wigwam River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Wigwam River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Columbia River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Okanagan/Sorrento Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual West Kootenay/Slocan Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Yellow Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Yellow Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Green Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Island/Campbell River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Fernie Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Yellow Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Jaffray Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

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Individual North Okanagan/Beaver Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Dease Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Paul Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mamquam River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Yellow Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Yellow Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Fraser South/Chilliwack River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Green Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Bosk Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/N. Barriere Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Kettle River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Okanagan/Sorrento Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Okanagan/Cameo Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Green Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Fernie Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Kettle River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Kettle River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kispiox River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $155 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Browning Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Michel Creek Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Green Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Koocanusa Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Elk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual South Okanagan/Kettle River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay/Elk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual West Kootenay/Hoder Creek Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Holmes River Wildlife Act 12(a)(i) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without angling licence

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/St. Mary River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

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Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Wigwam River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Michel Creek Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual North Coast/18 Mile Bar Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/St. Mary River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/St. Mary River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Elk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual North Coast/Skeena River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual North Coast/Skeena River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Meziadin Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Moricetown Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuck Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Wigwam River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/White River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

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July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Individual East Kootenay/White River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual North Island/Campbell River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stellako River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kitwanga Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/White River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Elk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual North Coast/Gossen Creek Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/White River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

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Individual North Coast/Skeena River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Michel Creek Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Elk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Bull River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Wigwam River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kitwanga Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual East Kootenay/Elk River Wildlife Act 12(a)(ii) $115 Angles in non-tidal waters without other licences or permits

required by regulation

Individual Kelowna/Hidden Creek FSR Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) $345 Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) $345 Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Individual South Okanagan/Princeton Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) $345 Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) $345 Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Individual Peace/Wonowon Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) $345 Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) $345 Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Individual Fraser Valley/Lawless Creek Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) $345 Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mount Currie Wildlife Act 26(1)(c) $345 Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open season

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 26(1)(h) $115 Hunt with unplugged shotgun

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 27(1) $575 Hunt wildlife from motor vehicle or boat

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 27(1) $575 Hunt wildlife from motor vehicle or boat

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 31 $345 Discharge firearm on or across highway

Individual East Kootenay/Horseshoe Lake Wildlife Act 31 $345 Discharge firearm on or across highway

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 31 $345 Discharge firearm on or across highway

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 31 $345 Discharge firearm on or across highway

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 31 $345 Discharge firearm on or across highway

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 31 $345 Discharge firearm on or across highway

Individual East Kootenay/Horseshoe Lake Wildlife Act 31 $345 Discharge firearm on or across highway

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

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Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Bridge Lake Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual East Kootenay/Newgate Road Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mount Currie Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Wildlife Act 32 $345 Discharge firearm in no shooting area

Individual East Kootenay/City Irrigation Fields Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Pioneer Lake Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual East Kootenay/St. Mary River Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual Peace/Alces Creek Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual South Okanagan/Princeton Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual West Kootenay/Leech Lake Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual Fort St John/Fireside - Helgrim Lake Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual East Kootenay/City Irrigation Fields Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Falls Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual Peace/Halfway River Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual Peace/Beavertail Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Edgewater Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual West Kootenay/Retallack Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual Omineca/Prince George Wildlife Act 33(2) $230 Unlawful possession of dead wildlife

Individual GVRD/North Vancouver Wildlife Act 33.1(1) $345 Feed or attempt to feed dangerous wildlife

Individual GVRD/North Vancouver Wildlife Act 33.1(2) $345 Provides, leaves or places food, food waste or other

substance that could attract dangerous wildlife to land or


Individual North Okanagan/Hidden Creek FSR Wildlife Act 35(2)(a) $230 Fail to retrieve wildlife

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 35(2)(a) $230 Fail to retrieve wildlife

Individual Peace/Wonowon Wildlife Act 35(2)(a) $230 Fail to retrieve wildlife

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Wildlife Act 35(2)(a) $230 Fail to retrieve wildlife

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Alexis Creek Wildlife Act 35(2)(b) $115 Fail to remove edible portions of wildlife

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Wildlife Act 35(2)(b) $115 Fail to remove edible portions of wildlife

Individual Prince George/Tumuch FSR Wildlife Act 35(2)(b) $115 Fail to remove edible portions of wildlife

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Wildlife Act 36(1) $115 Possess carcass without parts attached

Individual East Kootenay/Skookumchuck Wildlife Act 36(1) $115 Possess carcass without parts attached

Individual East Kootenay/White River Road Wildlife Act 36(1) $115 Possess carcass without parts attached

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 37 $115 Transport wildlife in province contrary to regulations

Individual North Coast/Highway 16 Wildlife Act 37 $115 Transport wildlife in province contrary to regulations

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Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Terrace Wildlife Act 37 $115 Transport wildlife in province contrary to regulations

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Terrace Wildlife Act 37 $115 Transport wildlife in province contrary to regulations

Individual North Coast/Terrace Wildlife Act 37 $115 Transport wildlife in province contrary to regulations

Individual North Coast/Terrace Wildlife Act 37 $115 Transport wildlife in province contrary to regulations

Individual North Coast/Highway 16 Wildlife Act 37 $115 Transport wildlife in province contrary to regulations

Individual South Okanagan/Ashnola Wildlife Act 38 $345 Fail to provide information to officer

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Wildlife Act 39(1)(a) $230 Hunt or trap on cultivated land without consent

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/150 Mile House Wildlife Act 39(1)(a) $230 Hunt or trap on cultivated land without consent

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Wildlife Act 39(1)(a) $230 Hunt or trap on cultivated land without consent

Individual East Kootenay/Little Sand Creek Wildlife Act 47(b)(i) $575 Non-resident hunts big game without guide

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin Wildlife Act 55(2)(b) $230 Guide fails to deliver report

Individual Omineca/Vanderhoof Wildlife Act 56(1) $575 Guide unlicenced hunter

Individual Peace/Two Rivers Wildlife Act 75 $115 Fail to report killing of game for protection

Individual North Okanagan/Hidden Creek FSR Wildlife Act 75(2) $115 Fail to report promptly to an officer the accidental killing or

wounding and the location of the wildlife

Individual South Okanagan/Ashnola Wildlife Act 75(2) $115 Fail to report promptly to an officer the accidental killing or

wounding and the location of the wildlife

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 75(2) $115 Fail to report promptly to an officer the accidental killing or

wounding and the location of the wildlife

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Radium Hot


Wildlife Act 78(a) $345 Allow dog to hunt wildlife

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Invermere Wildlife Act 78(a) $345 Allow dog to hunt wildlife

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Invermere Wildlife Act 78(a) $345 Allow dog to hunt wildlife

Individual North Island/Comox Wildlife Act 78(a) $345 Allow dog to hunt wildlife

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Squamish Wildlife Act 78(b) $230 Allow dog to hunt game in violation of regulations

Churchill Properties Sea-to-Sky/Squamish Wildlife Act 88.1(7) $575 Fails to comply with a dangerous wildlife protection order

Individual East Kootenay/Kikomun Road Wildlife Act 95(2) $345 Fail to stop vehicle and provide information

Individual East Kootenay/Sparwood Wildlife Act 95(2) $345 Fail to stop vehicle and provide information

Individual East Kootenay/Sparwood Wildlife Act 95(2) $345 Fail to stop vehicle and provide information

Individual North Island/Gold River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual North Okanagan/Sicamous Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual North Okanagan/Eagle Bay Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Omineca/Bowron River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stellako River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Sea-To-Sky/Mount Currie Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Omineca/Bowron River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual North Okanagan/Sorrento Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

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July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Individual Thompson-Nicola/Kamloops Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Thompson River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Peter Hope Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Thompson-Nicola/White Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual North Coast/Terrace Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stuart River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Thompson River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Fraser North/Alouette River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Deka Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stellako River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual West Kootenay/Salmo River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Omineca/Wicheeda Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Nicola Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Fraser North/Alouette River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual West Kootenay/Salmo River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Kootenay River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Kootenay River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual North Okanagan/Sorrento Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Peace/Burnt River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Loon Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual North Okanagan/Okanagan Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Thompson-Nicola/White Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce angling licence or permit

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Palliser FSR Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Nicola Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual Atlin-Liard/Toad River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual Peace/Hudson's Hope Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual East Kootenay/White River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual West Kootenay/Moyie River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual Thompson-Fraser/Sheridan Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual Omineca/Bear Lake Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual Omineca/Salmon FSR Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual East Kootenay/White River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual Omineca/Anzac River Wildlife Act 97(a) $115 Fail to produce licence/permit (hunt/angle) on request

Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 8/99 5(1) $230 Hunt big game without hunting licence and species licence

Individual North Okanagan/Kelowna Wildlife Act 8/99 5(1) $230 Hunt big game without hunting licence and species licence

Individual East Kootenay/St. Mary River Wildlife Act 8/99 5(1) $230 Hunt big game without hunting licence and species licence

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Wildlife Act 8/99 7(1) $115 Fail to immediately cancel species licence

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July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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Individual East Kootenay Wildlife Act 8/99 7(1) $115 Fail to immediately cancel species licence

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Wildlife Act 8/99 7(1) $115 Fail to immediately cancel species licence

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Wildlife Act 8/99 7(1) $115 Fail to immediately cancel species licence

Individual Prince George/Tumuch FSR Wildlife Act 8/99 7(1) $115 Fail to immediately cancel species licence

Individual Atlin-Liard/Swift River Wildlife Act 8/99 7(1) $115 Fail to immediately cancel species licence

Individual South Island/Sooke Wildlife Act 76/84 19(1)(b) $345 Discharge a firearm within 100 metres of a dwelling house

Individual Thompson-Nicola/Kamloops Wildlife Act 125/90 16(1) $230 Dress fish in manner such that species, number or length

cannot be determined

Individual North Okanagan/Mabel Lake Wildlife Act 125/90 16(1) $230 Dress fish in manner such that species, number or length

cannot be determined

Individual North Okanagan/Mabel Lake Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual North Coast/8 Mile Bar Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kispiox River Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kispiox River Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual North Coast/Skeena River Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual North Coast/Kalum Boat Launch Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual Fraser Valley/Vedder River Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Terrace Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual Bulkley-Stikine/Kitwanga Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual Fraser South/Chilliwack River Wildlife Act 125/90 17(d) $115 Fail to properly record adult chinook salmon on licence

Individual North Okanagan/Sicamous Wildlife Act 125/90 17(e) $115 Fail to properly record rainbow trout from Shuswap lake

Individual North Okanagan/Shuswap Lake Wildlife Act 125/90 17(e) $115 Fail to properly record rainbow trout from Shuswap lake

Individual North Okanagan/Sicamous Wildlife Act 125/90 17(f) $115 Fail to properly record char from Shuswap lake

Individual Nechako Lakes/Stellako River Wildlife Act 125/90 19(a) $230 Angle in prescribed waters without licence

Individual East Kootenay/Sparwood Wildlife Act 125/90 19(a) $230 Angle in prescribed waters without licence

Individual East Kootenay/Sparwood Wildlife Act 125/90 19(a) $230 Angle in prescribed waters without licence

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel Wildlife Act 125/90 19(a) $230 Angle in prescribed waters without licence

Individual West Kootenay/Champion Creek


Wildlife Act 134/93 9(1)(a) $345 Unlawfully hunt LEH species: hunt in LEH during closed

season for caribou, deer, elk, grizzly, bear, moose, mountain

goat, mountain sheep or turkey

Individual Atlin-Liard/Toad River Wildlife Act 190/84 15(2)(A) $115 Leave attached male sex organ of big game

Individual Fraser Valley/Surrey Wildlife Act 190/84 16(1) $230 Fail to submit species for compulsory inspection in 30 days

Individual East Kootenay/Dorr Road Wildlife Act 190/84 17(1) $115 Kill mule (black-tailed) deer buck with less than 4 points

during open season

Individual South Okanagan/Princeton Wildlife Act 190/84 18(1)(d) $230 Continue to hunt after taking daily/seasonal limit

Individual West Kootenay/Dodge Creek FSR Wildlife Act 190/84 18(1)(g) $230 Carry a cocked crossbow in or on a vehicle

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Eureka Mountain Wildlife Act 196/99 2 $230 Operate motor vehicle in a closed area

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Wildlife Act 196/99 2 $230 Operate motor vehicle in a closed area

Individual Cariboo-Chilcotin/Eureka Mountain Wildlife Act 196/99 2 $230 Operate motor vehicle in a closed area

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Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Dutch Findlay Wildlife Act 196/99 2 $230 Operate motor vehicle in a closed area

Individual West Kootenay/Mahon Fs Road Wildlife Act 196/99 3 $230 Use or operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of hunting in

closed area

Individual North Island/Tahsis Wildlife Act 338/82 2.08(1)(b) $575 Possess or import bear genitalia separate from carcass or


Individual Fraser Valley/Hope Wildlife Act 338/82 2.09(1) $575 Traffick in dead wildlife or parts

Individual Fraser Valley/Bonapart Lake Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual East Kootenay/Wardner Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual East Kootenay/Cranbrook Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual East Kootenay/Waldo Cut Off Road Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual East Kootenay/Grave Creek Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual Columbia-Kootenay/Golden Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual East Kootenay/City Irrigation Fields Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual Atlin-Liard/Fort Nelson Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(b) $115 Fail to comply with condition-species licence

Individual East Kootenay/Wycliffe Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(d) $115 Fail to comply with condition - LEH

Individual Omineca/Prince George Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(d) $115 Fail to comply with condition - LEH

Individual Omineca/Vanderhoof Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(i) $115 Fail to comply with condition of guide-outfitter licence

Individual North Okanagan/Eagle Bay Wildlife Act 340/82 16.01(e) $115 Fail to comply with condition or instruction on angling licence

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Sea-To-Sky/Mamquam River Environmental

Management Act

12(2) $500 Deposit litter (dumped vehicle in ravine);

Fined $500 and ordered to remove vehicle at owner's


Thompson, Mike Castlegar Fisheries Act (Canada)

Wildlife Act

SFR 56(1);


$1,125 Catch and retain more than the daily quota;

Allow licence to be used by another person.

Kunka, Donald Bella Coola/Atnarko River,

Tweedsmuir Park

Park Act

Wildlife Act

180/90 29(1)(a);


$11,000 Discharge a firearm, bow or crossbow in a park;

Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open

season (2 counts);

$8,000 to be paid to the Grizzly Bear Trust Fund.

McQuillan, Michael Powell River/Homalco


Wildlife Act 8/99






$3,500 Hunt big game without hunting & species licence;

Hunt without licence;

Hunt mountain sheep or goats, elk, etc. with shotgun;

Hunt, take, trap, wound wildlife not within the open

season (3 counts);

$1,500 to HCTF plus one year court-imposed hunting


Baller, Gail Fort St. John/Triangle Road Wildlife Act 33(2) 100 days Unlawful possession of dead wildlife;

One hundred day court-imposed hunting prohibition.

Boesem, James Fort St. John/Triangle Road Wildlife Act 134/93 9(1)(b);



$300 Unlawfully hunt LEH species: hunt without valid


Possess carcass without parts attached;

Hunt or trap on cultivated land without consent.

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Cross Reference Guide

Regulation Name

8/99 Hunting Licensing Regulation

16/2004 Forest Recreation Regulation

26/58 Motor Vehicle Act Regulations

76/84 Closed Areas Regulation

125/90 Angling & Scientific Collection Regulation

134/93 Limited Entry Hunting Regulation

145/93 Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation

180/90 Park, Conservancy and Recreation Area Regulation

190/84 Hunting Regulation

196/99 Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulation

217/97 Asphalt Plant Regulation

261/83 Freshwater Fish Regulation

338/82 Wildlife Act Commercial Activities Regulation

340/82 Wildlife Act General Regulation


ATV All Terrain Vehicle

COPCR Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations

CORE Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education

dba: Doing business as

DWPO Dangerous Wildlife Protection Order

EAB Environmental Appeal Board

FGR Fishing (General) Regulations

FSR Forest Service Road

GVRD Greater Vancouver Regional District (geographical area)

HCTF Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation

HWR Hazardous Waste Regulation

LEH Limited Entry Hunt

MBR Migratory Birds Regulations

PCRAR Parks, conservancies and recreation areas Regulation

SFR British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulation

SVR Small Vessel Regulations

Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Summary

July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008

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