quentin tarantino media studies

Quentin Tarantino Quentin Tarantino is an American director. His films are controversial, violent and sometimes gory. He uses interesting actors and very cool soundtracks. His films jump around from scene to scene. Reservoir Dogs was made in 1992. It was his first film as an Independent Director. It’s a classic. His next film was Pulp Fiction, a big success, having a big impact on the careers of some big name actors such as John Travolta and Bruce Willis. Kill Bill, a "revenge flick" was made six years later, and was released as two films: Volume 1 in 2003 and Volume 2 in 2004. It was very gory and very stylish. These are three of my favourite Tarantino Films, along with Inglorious Basterds.

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Page 1: Quentin tarantino media studies

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino is an American director. His films are controversial, violent and sometimes gory. He uses interesting actors and very cool soundtracks. His films jump around from scene to scene.

Reservoir Dogs was made in 1992. It was his first film as an Independent Director. It’s a classic.

His next film was Pulp Fiction, a big success, having a big impact on the careers of some big name actors such as John Travolta and Bruce Willis.

Kill Bill, a "revenge flick" was made six years later, and was released as two films: Volume 1 in 2003 and Volume 2 in 2004. It was very gory and very stylish.

These are three of my favourite Tarantino Films, along with Inglorious Basterds.Tarantino uses distinct styles and techniques to mark his work – some can be seen in each of his films.

He is definitely one of the best filmmakers around.

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Kill Bill

The lead character, called The Bride, was a part of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, led by her lover, Bill. When she finds out she is pregnant she tries to escape to Texas, but is captured.Four years later she wakes from a coma and discovers her baby is gone. She, then, decides to seek revenge upon the five people who destroyed her life and killed her baby. She then starts her vengeance voyage by killing Bill's younger brother Budd and Elle Driver, the only survivors from the squad of assassins who betrayed her four years earlier. It's all leading up to the ultimate confrontation with Bill, the Bride's former lover and the one that ordered her execution.

Pulp Fiction

Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield are two men on the hunt for a briefcase whose contents were stolen from their employer, gangster Marcellus Wallace. They run into a few unexpected detours along the road. Marcellus is out of town for a few days, and he's gotten Vincent to take care of his wife, Mia. Things go well up till one of them makes a big mistake with drugs.Butch Coolidge is a boxer who's been ordered by Marcellus to lose his next fight. When Butch ends up killing the other boxer, he must escape Marcellus.Pumpkin and Honey Bunny are two lovebirds/thieves who have decided to rob the cafe they're currently eating at. But the cafe doesn't turn out to be as easy as the other places they've robbed.

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Reservoir Dogs

Six delinquents, who are strangers to each other, are employed by a crime boss, to carry out a diamond theft. Right at the beginning, they are given false names with the intention that they won't get too close and will concentrate on the job instead. They are completely sure that the robbery is going to be a success. But, when the police show up right at the time and the site of the robbery, panic spreads amongst the group members, and two of them are killed in the subsequent shootout, along with a few policemen and civilians. When the remaining people assemble at the premeditated meeting point (a warehouse), they begin to suspect that one of them is an undercover cop.

Pulp Fiction is my favourite of the three. I really like the way the stories tie together, the strength of the characters and the brilliant acting. The music is also really cool

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Cinematography – shot angles

Car boot

In terms of cinematography, Tarantino has many ways of letting the viewer know that they are watching one of his movies.An example of this is point of view. He usually uses this from the point of view from a character in a car boot, looking up at other characters, potentially making them look intimidating and capable. I personally think that the director feels it is pivotal to have these shots in his movies. He is said to be a pioneer of this type of shot, although I have seen this angle used in other movies.

It shows an interesting perspective.

Kill Bill: Volume 1, The Bride looking at a woman in a trunk

Pulp Fiction: Vincent and Jules looking at someone in a trunk

Reservoir Dogs: Mr Brown, Mr Pink and Mr White looking at Marvin in a trunk

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Cinematography – shot angles

Birds eye

Another shot used a lot by Quentin Tarantino is a bird’s eye view shot. This shot is filmed with the camera directly above the actors. It is used to express something bigger than the characters is watching them and what they are doing. In other words, a cinematic inner conscious. In Kill Bill, the bird’s POV seems to be follow The Bride on her journey of revenge.

Kill Bill: The sequence at Vernita Green's kitchen

Kill Bill: Part of the fight in the House of Blue Leaves is also shot with The God's eye view.

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Common scenes - Dancing

One scene that I noticed in these three movies was that of certain characters dancing. Considering the dark and gritty tones of all three movies, I was surprised to see some characters amusing themselves in such a way, given the situations they were in when they weren’t dancing. I still appreciate these scenes, however, as they give some more personality to the characters.I think Tarantino uses dancing to make his characters seem more human.

Reservoir Dogs: Mr blonde dancing

Pulp Fiction: Mia and Vincent dancing

Kill Bill: Big fight scene… reminds me ofdancing

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Common scenes – bar / restaurant

One scene familiar with all three of these films is the bar/restaurant scene. This could be a reflection of the director’s personal life, or just coincidentally fits in with the type of movie Tarantino wants to make.

Reservoir Dogs: Opening sequence at the coffee shop. This sequence has a 360 shot showing every character and I really enjoy it.

Pulp fiction: Pumpkin and Honey Bunny at the same coffee shop as later Jules and Vincent. This starts to tie up the different stories.

Kill Bill: The Bride meets with Esteban at a bar