question 1

Question 1 Finish the sentence 'Planning for teaching....' Starts with the goals of teaching Starts with the goals of learning Starts with the principle that all teaching should be enjoyable Starts with the principle that all learning should be enjoyable Question 2 The 5Ws plus H are an important set of questions for teachers because... with regard to the WHEN of children’s learning we know that the morning is the time when they are most alert and receptive the WHERE question does not refer simply to the classroom but also refers to the school as the primary site for learning WHO children learn from and with is a critical determinant of attitude and achievement the WHY question is redundant when there is a set curriculum it doesn’t matter HOW children learn, WHAT they learn stays with them forever Question 3 It is said that children live in three overlapping worlds –the academic world, the social world and the cyber world. Taking this into account good teaching should... Encourage children to share what and how they are learning Discourage children from doing their homework with their friends Encourage parents to see that homework does not involve use of the internet Ensure that in the classroom these three worlds are kept strictly apart

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Page 1: Question 1

Question 1

Finish the sentence 'Planning for teaching....'

Starts with the goals of teaching

Starts with the goals of learning

Starts with the principle that all teaching should be enjoyable

Starts with the principle that all learning should be enjoyable

Question 2

The 5Ws plus H are an important set of questions for teachers because...

with regard to the WHEN of children’s learning we know that the morning is the time when

they are most alert and receptive

the WHERE question does not refer simply to the classroom but also refers to the school

as the primary site for learning

WHO children learn from and with is a critical determinant of attitude and achievement

the WHY question is redundant when there is a set curriculum

it doesn’t matter HOW children learn, WHAT they learn stays with them forever

Question 3

It is said that children live in three overlapping worlds –the academic world, the social world

and the cyber world. Taking this into account good teaching should...

Encourage children to share what and how they are learning

Discourage children from doing their homework with their friends

Encourage parents to see that homework does not involve use of the internet

Ensure that in the classroom these three worlds are kept strictly apart

Question 4

Which of the following teachers would be using formative assessment?

'I try to give everyone good grades so as not to damage their self esteem’

‘Assessment helps me to rank order my students’

Page 2: Question 1

‘I always give feedback so that students know which are the right and wrong answers’

‘The advice I give to students shows them how to improve their work’

Question 5

The difference between diagnostic and summative assessment refers to...

The amount of feedback a student receives on one or more written or oral asssignments

The fact that one is concerned with grade only marking while the other is not

The fact that one is qualitative while the other is quantitative

The level of detail a student receives as to where he/she has achieved, or not achieved,


Question 6

The evidence cited by David Berliner is that the most powerful effect on children’s attitudes is:

Their parents

Their teachers

Their school

Their peers

Question 7

Three of the following are generally regarded as the hallmarks of a profession. Which of these

would NOT generally be seen as a necessary professional attribute?

Being a member of teachers' union

Acting ethically

Serving the interests of others

Having specialised knowledge

Question 8

The researcher Southworth identified what he called toxins and nutrients. The difference

between these refers to three of the following. Which is of these is NOT a distinguishing

criterion of a nutrient?

Page 3: Question 1

Being paid according to performance

The feeilng of being trusted as a professional

Those aspects of school life that promote growth

A sense of being valued

Question 9

Learning is most effective when...

Teachers pay attention to the relationship among all three aspects of learning

Teachers pay attention to encouraging free expression of emotion before trying to engage

children in what needs to be known or done

Teachers emphasise the importance of knowing over and above doing or feeling

Teachers emphasise the importance of doing as more important than or feeling or knowing

Question 10

Good teaching, wherever possible starts with what children already know because...

teachers can then build on and deepen children’s understanding and address


conceptual thinking cannot occur until misconceptions are removed

a lot of what needs to be taught can then be skipped

knowing what, knowing how, or knowing who cannot be learned without addressing errors

children make when they first come into the classroom