question 1 evaluation


Upload: mikecason

Post on 20-Jul-2015




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The title name of my magazine ‘Pulse’ I chose this because I felt that it would be a good and catchy name as when you listen to a song that is up beat you get involved into the song and you feel more alert and there for your pulse will be at a higher rate.

The Masthead design was that I got the font of my magazine off and I used this as it looks like pulse is travelling through the word. The colour of my Mast head is black as my house style through the magazine is Red, Black and White.

The reason that I have chosen these costumes for my images are so that it shows that my artist is in with the latest of fashions and will be an idol to his fans for them to want to be and dress as well He looks presentable and eye catching. As he is a young and modern male most of his target audience will like to be like him.

Mise-en-scene: Costumes

Mise-en-scene: Poses and Facial Expressions

The pose that my artist is expressing is that he is confident but also cocky attitude. His facial expressions are showing that he is cocky as will love the attention that he once seeked. I feel that this was the best possible expression for the front cover as it shows the individual in his true light and his natural personality.

I have chosen to do the lighting coming in and shiny in on his face as it will emphasis his expressions but also his body as he is the main object to be focusing on. I feel that this was the best option to place the lighting as it will show of my artist to his best possible ability. This is a Mid-Shot, all of my photos were taken like this as the main focus is on his face and his actions with his arms.

Mise-en-scene: Lighting

I haven't really used any props for my artist as I am showing him naturally, my artist is a modern and fashionable individual. The setting of where my photos where taken were in an all white room.

Mise-en-Scene: Props and Setting

The font and style of my text will appeal to my target audience as it is eye catching and no other music magazine has font like it, it follows the conventions of a music magazine as when they want something to stand out or to be noticed they will make the font unique and different to the other font on that page so that it is noticeable.

Title, Font and Style

My magazine genre is House, my magazine shows this as it has a list of the top House artists up to date such as David Guetta in my magazine. I have also got a list of a number of other artist’s featuring in the same genre such as Deadmau5, Madeon and Avicii. This type of genre is loud, up beat and gets everyone up dancing.


The questions which I asked the artist was:

What is JonCONN?

What’s your sound?

How did you find your love for this music?

You have been compared to as a younger David Guetta

What did your first live performance feel like?

Reviews say: ’JonCONN’s live performance are like no other, something about them keeps you drawn in’ Please explain your secret

Where in your career would you like to be in 1 years time?

Who do you aspire to be like in the future?

What are your hobbies and interests other than music?

Who’s your favourite artist?

What’s your favourite lyric?

What’s your favourite song?

At the beginning of my interview I followed the conventions of standard interview and introduced my artist first and said abit about them before I asked them the questions. The type of language that was used was informal as I was asking the questions on the spot and the artist answered them as he felt necessary. My editors profile is also informal as I have said what I felt and I have used exclamation marks to emphasis my point. Writing in this form means that the reader will feel like they are talking to the artist and will keep them drawn in and interested.

Written Content

The way that my image is arranged on my front cover is that the writing is placed around it and that the picture is the first thing that you see and is the centre of attention and your eyes will be drawn to it. The masthead is at the top of the page so that it is noticeable that is the name of the magazine. Following a convention is having the image layered over the masthead.


The features that are involved within my contents that relate to other contents are that its got a list of where the reader can find what is going to be in each issue every month. It has picture of my artist as the only image on the page. There is a detailed list of stories to choose from but the main one is first, the one you will see and read first.
