question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? Question 2

Upload: jameshooper1998

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 2

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Social groups that appear in our production

Youth White Dead

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How are they represented?

Youth- In our production youth groups are presented to be slightly mysterious and in the case of the girl quite scary and unknown. They also follow the dominant ideology that teenagers want to explore and be adventurous by the way the boys go into the house alone.

White- The fact that all our characters are white has no relevance what so ever but they are still a social group so should be mentioned.

Deceased- In our production just like many other horror films our little dead girl is presented as being very scary and pale. Through the music we tried to infer that she no longer belongs in this world and does not fit in with the living.

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How we constructed these representations

Youth- The innocence of youth in our production was heavily enhanced by the mise-en-scene of the room. We placed many items that this little girl would have been likely to own. For example the rocking horse in the corner greatly added to the overall scare of the room

We made our little girl look even more deathlike through the use of make-up which turned her from an ordinary girl into a creature of the underworld