question 3

What kind of institution might publish your media product and why?

Upload: adeaiyedun197

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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What kind of institution might publish your media product and why?

There are two types of publishing non paid publishing and paid (vanity) publishing.For most large media institutions such as ICP and Hearst it is mostly the process of paid publishing used, and if I were to look for a publisher for my magazine it would most likely have to be a paid publisher, this is because they publishers and authors of the magazines would have full rights to the magazine and would be able to market it how they want.

Many magazine publishers make money from their magazine through advertising as many people will look at their magazines it means that products from companies can use this opportunity to promote their products and buy doing so they pay magazine publishers a fee. If I were to publish my magazine through vanity publishing I would use advertising spaces as a way to make more revenue from the magazine as I plan to sell my magazine at a cheaper price.

Magazine companies also copyright their written content ad images, this includes interviews and stories, photoshoots ect. Anyone who wants to use this content would have to pay royalty fees which also go back to the magazine publishers.


I believe Hearst may publish my media products

Hearst is the largest distributor of magazine in the UK and was established by William Randolph Hearst. Hearst produce 300 magazines which are distributed worldwide as well as newspapers and running websites such as . Hearst also has a TV station ‘Hearst Television, Inc as well as other television production. Each month the combined circulates to over 12.1 million adults.However I am aware that most of Hearst magazines are targeted at middle to upper-class and reformers as they make magazines such as Harpers Bazaar whereas my magazine would be aimed at upper middle to low middle class people, I believe my magazine would still be successful due to Hearst marketing power and the variety they provide in terms of demographics for their current magazines. Furthermore their magazines such as ‘cosmo’ and ‘seventeen’ are aimed at ‘the mainstream’ they are the largest psychographic group and try to buy Established brands/family brands. I have aimed my magazine at teenagers who are part of this psychographic so I think my magazine would fit in with the Hearst brand image

Selection oh Hearst magazines

Hearst are already experienced in publishing female orientated magazines and their top 5 best selling magazines are female orientated. I believe they would be able to market my magazine properly so that it could become successful as they currently reach 1 in 3 women in the UK, these may be mothers for example who would find my magazine appropriate for their daughters as Hearst is a magazine that produces magazines for variety of demographics for example ‘good housekeeping’ may be aimed at housewives or mothers and ‘Cosmo’ magazine is aimed at young women who are interested in fashion, celebrity culture and relationship advice.

Currently Hearst do not have any female orientated magazines exclusively about music, my magazine would attract a new demographic as it would be attracting more consumers which may be very interested in pop music rather than fashion (Harper Bazaar as an example) or celebrity culture (Cosmopolitan).

However Esquire is the only top male orientated magazine and is aimed at male reformers. I believe that because Hearst are doing well selling female orientated magazines they would be able to have good results with a media products like mine.

This is a print screen showing Hearst’s top publications. Most of these are female orientated and appeal to mainstreamers or aspirers (who are inspired by the successful/rich)