question 3 - caitlin hulse

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? Caitlin Hulse

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question 3 evaluation


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3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Caitlin Hulse

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Questionnaire Results

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Could you get a feel for what the topic was in the opening sequence?


Out of the 13 people we gave our questionnaire too who watched our documentary, all of them said the opening sequence gave them an insight into what our topic was. One member of the audience said “Yes, it relates to me myself so I would carry on watching it”. This is what we wanted to achieve, people in our target audience relating and wanting to carry on watching our documentary. Several members of the audience said that the footage was relevant e.g. the teenagers drinking in a bar and therefore they had an idea into what was going to happen throughout.

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How well do you feel the topic was introduced?

Well/GoodIt was Ok

Out of 13 people, 12 said that the topic of Binge Drinking was introduced well and was very good and only one said it was ‘Ok’. I am pleased with this as I wanted the opening sequence and introduction to create an impact straight away and catch the audiences attention hence why I suggested to the group we have the introduction and opening sequence as quick and fast paced to mimic a lively ‘night out’.

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Were there enough information/facts given?


Out of the 13 people all of them said that there was enough information and that if there was any more it would be too overpowering and too much. I think we included enough facts without it being over bearing and boring. Several people said they liked the idea of the wine glasses and what happens after each glass you drink.

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How relevant was the information given?

Yes No0








All of our audience agreed that the information given was relevant and one person said, “Completely, nothing wasn’t relevant” and another said, “Very, the real facts scare people”. This is what we wanted to achieve, we wanted valid facts hence the thorough research I did in order to make sure the information we put on our documentary was true.

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Did the music fit in with the themes throughout?

Yes No0








Everyone agreed that the music fit with the themes in our documentary and people commented on the switch between the lively and upbeat music for the ‘fun’ half and then the change to serious and slow music for the ‘fatal’ half. I am happy that people picked up on this change as we wanted it to be noticeable and effective.

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Do you think the documentary ran smoothly? If yes did the fading/editing




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

All of our audience said that thought that our documentary ran smoothly and agreed that the fading/editing helped do this. One person said “Yes, Very- all things flowed on nicely from one thing to another” and several other people commented on the music flowing and fading into the appropriate music e.g. the upbeat music for the ‘fun’ half flowed well into the slower music for the ‘fatal’ section. I am pleased with this as I wanted our documentary to look and sound professional and feel satisfied that the fading and editing has helped this happen.

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Do you feel the vox pops added a comedy effect to the documentary?


All our audience agreed that the vox pops added a comical touch to the documentary which I am happy about as I wanted the ‘fun’ half to be comical and relatable to the audience. In particular the audience commented on and laughed about the effects of alcohol on the people we interviewed, as they found answers such as “I’m a mess” and “My dance moves get better” funny and could think of an time when they had been drunk and done/felt the same. This is pleasing to hear as our aim was for the audience to relate or sympathise with the interviewees.

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Do you feel the formal interviews were factual and informative?


Our audience agreed that our documentary was factual which is good as the research I did was thorough to ensure that the information was true and valid. Several people commented that, “There was just the right amount of facts” and “Any more would’ve been too much” which validates that I did enough research and we used them in just right amount to be informative and still enjoyable.

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Do you think that the newspaper article was eye catching? If yes did it persuade you to watch the















All of our audience agreed that the newspaper article was eye catching and that it would persuade them to watch the documentary. People liked the images used and thought they were relevant; as well as liking the colour scheme and agreed that it wasn’t too overpowering but still eye catching. They also commented on the short interview in the article which broke it up from being too informative and ‘boring’. People particularly liked the opening sentence as it was comical and relatable and was a unique way to start an article, which I am pleased about because I wrote the article.

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Did listening to the radio trailer make you want to watch our documentary? Why?











All of our audience said that the radio trailer made them want to watch our documentary. One person commented that “I liked the clips and the structure of the trailer as it was a mix of seriousness and humour”. I am glad people picked up on this as we wanted our trailer to tell a story like our documentary of is it ‘fun or fatal?’ hence the serious parts contrasting with the comical clips. Another audience member said, “The seriousness of the Policeman’s clip was intriguing” which is another aim of ours as we wanted this interview to be particularly hard hitting and the main focal point of our ‘fatal’ section.

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Focus Group

• I decided to do a focus group with a parent and a student, as this is who our documentary is aimed for. I split the group into three sections, feedback on the documentary, then the article and lastly the radio trailer.

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Summarisation of Main Findings

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• I found the focus group extremely helpful as it meant having more in depth feedback about our final products and from this I am able to get an idea about what was good and what needs improving.

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• From the feedback about the documentary, the student and parent I asked questions too thought that the opening sequence was good as they recognised it was going to be about a night out which is what we wanted to achieve.

• They also agreed with those who filled in the questionnaire that there was enough facts given and if there had been many more it would’ve been boring and especially as students, they may have turned off and become uninterested.

• They also recognised the music change from the dance instrumental to the sadder one.

• The student said she enjoyed the comical vox pops and that this is what she enjoyed the most because it related to what she would drink on a night out and therefore felt like she could connect with them.

• From a parent’s perspective, she found the serious interviews the most interesting and hard hitting which is what we aimed for.

• Overall both student and parent wanted to watch the rest of the documentary.

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• From the feedback about the TV listings magazine, the student felt that the article was eye catching mostly because of the images used because she felt she could relate to it more, whereas the parent was drawn to the image of PC Patel as she as a parent was more interested in what he would have to say.

• They both agreed the colours worked well and the fonts were effective in catching their eye.

• The parent specifically noticed the red bubble with the fact about hospital admissions. She thought the colour being red signified danger and this is what caught her eye.

• Overall there was nothing negative about the article and in fact they were more interested in wanting to watch the documentary because of the captions, pull quotes and images etc.

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• From feedback about the radio trailer the student said that the voices from people her own age is what attracted her the most as she felt she could relate to it more.

• The parent, as a parent was attracted to finding out about what young people were doing and thinking.

• They both agreed the change between the music was effective and contrasted well with what the voiceover was talking about.

• They both agreed the radio trailer promoted the documentary and they would want to watch the rest of it.