question 4 pp

QUESTION 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

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QUESTION 4 Who would be the audience for your media


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My target audience for my Indie/Alternative magazine would be men and women between the ages of 16-25. I feel that this age range is appropriate as between these ages, people would enjoy finding out about and listening to new music as they would avoid mainstream artists/bands. Gig goers would also be a part of my target audience. Most gigs allow 16 year olds and older to attend without an adult. This demonstrates again why my target audience’s age range starts at 16 years old. Gig goers would be interested in SOLO due to the ‘gigs’ and ‘events’ pages in my magazine. They would also be interested in being introduced to the new and upcoming artists featuring in my magazine. I decided my target age range would stop at 25 because at that age most individuals would begin to settle down. People might not have the time or money to go to gigs so they may lose their interest in following the music scene.

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My magazine would appeal to both genders-male and female but it may appeal to one more than the other depending on the issue. The artist/band that features might appeal to a male or female audience more than the other. My genre of music for my magazine is Indie/Alternative. This meaning that the majority of my audience would enjoy being different to others. They would listen to alternative music which would differ from the mainstream, chart music. Individual styling would differ from person to person. The individuals in my target audience would all have an individual style that represents themselves as a person. This could include their clothing, hair styles or just their personality in general.

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My target audience would also watch Indie films which would have been individually produced. Films such as ‘Me Earl and the Dying Girl’. Series such as ‘Orange is the New Black’ would also be watched by my target audience as these are away from the mainstream. I have priced my magazine at £3.50 which I thought was a reasonable price considering i-D magazine is £6.00. NME is sold at £2.50 which is only £1.00 lower than my price; therefore I believe that people would spend £3.50 on an Indie/Alternative music magazine.

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On the website UK Tribes, the tribe ‘Scenesters’ would be apart of my target audience for my magazine. The website describes them as ‘Replacing the recently demoted Hipsters – the scenesters encapsulate everything that Hipsterdom has failed to in recent years. Setting themselves apart by creating new trends by co-opting fashion and music from accross the Tribal map and blending it with their own individual attitudes. Ever difficult to pin down, they move at lightning speed through youth culture – moving onto whats ‘next’ before it has a chance to become ‘now’.’

The tribe ‘Stylers’ would also be apart of my target audience. They are described as ‘Still representing status and style, it’s about partying, looking good and staying ahead of cool. Stylers hold strong on the UK Tribes map – innately cool and stylish, the rising influence of Urban fashion and music have made them a hugely aspirational Tribe for youth today. As luxe sportswear and Urban high fashion has hit the Aspirants, more young people than ever before are looking like a Styler and aspiring to their luxury lifestyle.’

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During the designing period of the project, I had to take my research into account when styling my artists and while designing my magazine. I chose to style my artist ‘Scarlett Stone’ in a way in which her clothing would fit my genre of music and my target audience’s interests. This would ensure that my audience would be able to relate to my magazine, gaining more customers. I chose to design my magazine in a simplistic way; I adopted the minimal style of ‘Loud and Quiet’. This style would attract my target audience as it is different to the usual mainstream magazines.

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The two audience profiles below fit into my target audience and would be potential customers for my magazine. Both have an individual style and enjoy Alternative music. This demonstrates that they would enjoy the articles which would feature in my magazine. I asked my two audience profiles three questions: ‘Would you buy my magazine if it was to be published?’ ‘What would attract you to my magazine if you saw it in a shop?’ and ‘What artists would you be interested in featuring in my magazine?’

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Would you buy my magazine if it was to be published? Hannah: Yes definitely! It is the sort of magazine that I would be interested

in and want to buy. Kate: Of course, I love music magazine so I would definitely be interested in

buying it. What would attract you to my magazine if you saw it in a shop? Hannah: I love the bold style that it shown. The use of the letters in the four

corners really makes the cover stand out from other magazines. It shows that the magazine is going to be different from the average music magazine.

Kate: The minimal style of the magazine would really stand out to me. I love that sort of style of magazine as most usually have a busy design which doesn’t appeal to me.

What artists would you be interested in featuring in my magazine? Hannah: Catfish and the Bottlemen are one of my favourite bands so I would

love it if there was an article on them. That would be really interesting. Foals would also being good, they would fit into your style of magazine too.

Kate: The Courteeners would be cool, that would be really interesting if there was an article on them. Also bands like the Wombats and The Neighbourhood would be good!