question 4 - techology

QUESTION 4 USE OF TECHNOLOGY Evaluation By Tanjia Sayed

Upload: scarletrook104

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Photoshop / Paintshop ProVokiMicrosoft Office & PowerpointSurvey Monkey Questionaire MakerGoogle Document DriveSlide shareSound CloudYouTube / VimeoTimelineFacebook and TwitterInstagramFilming Equipment
  2. 2. Construction Research & Planning EvaluationFinal Cut Google Google DriveAudacity IMBD Website Slide ShareMicrosoft Word Microsoft Word Microsoft WordAbode Photoshop Pro Slideshare VimeoSound Cloud Voice Memo PowerPointSlideshare Survey Monkey YoutubeYouTube YouTube VokiVimeo Facebook Animate.comFacebook & twitter Instagram Facebook & TwitterInstagram WikipediaFilming Equipment SpliceiMovieSpliceI have created this table to represent what programs I used or each section...Construction OfProductionResearch &PlanningEvaluation
  3. 3. The use of Photoshop as well as various photo editing software, in term of research and planning, ithelped me create tables and schedules to work with in order to organise my work as well as present it in adifferent and unique way, I also edited pictures together, change photos and designs needed tocreate colours and backgrounds altogether. I also created my logo, various banners for my blog as well asthe second and final ancillary product for my film, the poster! Photoshop over all was an excellentprogram to use for this process as it ensured I created this in a professional and creative mannerthroughout the construction stage . Photoshop helped keep my research clear with high quality and alsohelped me to build vital skills Microsoft would was handy in the sense that it helped with spelling grammar something that wasconvenient, and arranging test appropriately, it was almost like a preview before I posted it on my blog, ithelped with my research, construction and evaluation providing me with a space to think and write mynotes and ideas up without them getting lost Final Cut was the program used in constructing my short film altogether, it helped me add effects, soundeffects, edit the sound and impact as well as give me the option to manipulate scenes with filters toconvey meaning. I previously used Windows Movie Maker as well as iMovie to edit footage, however FinalCut proved to be much more of an advanced software which allowed a higher range of editing choices forexample changing the clips brightness and lighting, sharpening footage, rewinding and slowing downclips to create a certain effect. I enjoyed playing around with it so much that I became a natural at using it.For my film , the narrative required a vision which needed to be in a different tone and pace for theaudience to clearly see the change in scene. For this I used a grunge filter over clips and created a slowermotion picture over all to make it seem hazy and not of reality. This type of editing can not be done inMovie Maker or iMovie. Other programs such as Slideshare, Sound Cloud and Google Drive allowed me to upload work on to theinternet where I was able to extract work and place it in my blog by copying the HTML code
  4. 4. The website, YouTube, helped in research by allowing me to view other trailerswithin my genre. & because of YouTube I was able to also upload and share mywork and post them on social network sites to get maximum traffic.Social network sites such as Facebook, twitter and also an app on my phonecalled Instagram allowed me to broadcast my production after the constructionprocess as well as post questioners during the research and planning stage.These sites also act as marketing as it reaches maximum audience. Products goviral and stimulate word of mouth by its users.I also used slide share which helped me share PowerPoint presentations as wellas word documents to be uploaded on to the internet. I have done this withvarious scripts I have had to write for the film as well as the radio trailer.I also used technologies such as my Fujifilm SLR camera to take photos of theactors as evidence for my blog as well as hold a photo shoot for the maincharacter to complete work for the making of my ancillary product, the poster.Other equipment such as the professional camera for the final production wasalso used by myself with the aid of a tripod to stabilise scenes. I have gained avariety of skills with these various equipment and now feel very confidentindeed.
  5. 5. The range of media available has made it easy to gatherfeedback and present an evaluation of my film trailer. bygathering some of my audience feedback from friendsonline, both through Facebook and survey monkey as wellas social networking apps on my phone such as Instagram.These are useful interactive sources.To summarise I have used a variety of technology to research,plan, construct and evaluate my work to high standards.The various sources seem to grow and the ability to accessnew types of information over the internet is still growing