question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? * Question 7

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

*Question 7

Page 2: Question 7

*Comparing my magazines

From looking at both my front covers you can see that for the main coursework I chose to use a different layout from my preliminary task. I also feel that my main coursework front cover (left) has a more professional look to it than my preliminary task front cover (right).

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A more edited and defined Photoshop image used.

Bold font used

Serif font used, not as bold, looks more professional.

StraplineNo strapline

Smaller barcode and price.

More thought and all writing to one side.

Writing not organised.


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Here you can see that I have chosen to go for the same style of title with the ‘…’ at the end, but however my main task contents page (left) is not as crammed and packed together as my preliminary task (right). My main task also includes strapline, which my preliminary task does not contain, the strapline improves the contents page and makes it look more professional.

*Comparing my contents pages

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*DevelopmentSerif font.

More professionally produced images using Photoshop.

No strapline.


Bold, quite boring font.

Looks a bit too busy.

More order too it.

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When producing my preliminary task I did not know much about the programmes and technology I was using, as it was the first time I had been introduced to any of the programmes used. When it came to creating my Main Coursework I had used Photoshop and InDesign before, therefore knew more about the tools and was able to create a better front cover and contents page by using the tools to the best of my ability. Morever I also picked up skills on how to use the DCLR camera and was therefore able to take and produce better quality photographs for my magazine.

*Preliminary – Main Coursework

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When I did the preliminary task I did not do much planning and preparation, therefore when it came to creating my front cover and contents page I had to waste time thinking about what to do. However when producing the main coursework and I planned what I was going to do, by organising my models and where the photographs were going to be taken and when. Furthermore I also planned ahead what the magazine was going to be called and what type of music magazine it was going to be. To help plan and prepare I also conducted research in to what music magazines of my chosen genre include, therefore I was able to plan and decide what was going to go into my final magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

*Planning and Preparation

*Organisation of timeDuring my main coursework I tried to set myself time limits in order to finish

something. For example I gave myself a week to finish my contents page. The fact that I gave myself a time limit made me work harder in lessons and at home to get my work done. My knowledge of the technology also improved with this as I knew I was on a time schedule in to get it done on time and did not have time to mess about.

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Whilst doing this project I have learnt much about magazines and how certain aspects of the magazine can help attract the target audience. As well as attracting the target audience I have learnt that certain images and words can connote different things depending on the individual. Furthermore I have also learnt about dominant and emergent ideology and how they can be expressed through images and text within a magazine.

From my preliminary task to my main coursework I have trained myself to use the software better, so that I get used to the tools and I am able to produce work to the best of my ability. Moreover if I did not quite know how to use the software or struggled with certain aspects of producing my magazine, for example knowing how to rotate an image in Photoshop or InDesing I would ask people around me for help.

*What I have learnt