question 7 media evaluation

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? Masthead I have used two different mastheads in my work, and I also decided to use a different layout. On my preliminary task (second image) the masthead is very simple, 3 words one straight after the other, which makes it really boring and look less professional, unlike my final product which is the masthead is only one work making it easy for my audience to remember, and you can tell the different between the two mastheads, it went from boring to interesting. The improvement of the masthead from the preliminary task to the final product was mainly how I laid it out, for the preliminary task I didn’t really think much about where I was laying it out, but for the final product I had it all planned before I even had a mast head, I decided to put it behind the picture to make It look like we are a confident magazine and that anyone will recognize our masthead without it all being shown. Also the improvement came from the font I used, for the preliminary task I used a font from Microsoft Office PowerPoint, but for the final product I used font making website, to make it more interesting, I made the ‘Fresh’ font a lot bigger so it stands out from everything on the page, and the size of the font for the masthead on the preliminary task

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Post on 25-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Question 7   media evaluation

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


I have used two different mastheads in my work, and I also decided to use a different layout.On my preliminary task (second image) the masthead is very simple, 3 words one straight after the other, which makes it really boring and look less professional, unlike my final product which is the masthead is only one work making it easy for my audience to remember, and you can tell the different between the two mastheads, it went from boring to interesting. The improvement of the masthead from the preliminary task to the final product was mainly how I laid it out, for the preliminary task I didn’t really think much about where I was laying it out, but for the final product I had it all planned before I even had a mast head, I decided to put it behind the picture to make It look like we are a confident magazine and that anyone will recognize our masthead without it all being shown. Also the improvement came from the font I used, for the preliminary task I used a font from Microsoft Office PowerPoint, but for the final product I used font making website, to make it more interesting, I made the ‘Fresh’ font a lot bigger so it stands out from everything on the page, and the size of the font for the masthead on the preliminary task is a lot smaller and it doesn’t really stand out from the rest of the things on the page.

Page 2: Question 7   media evaluation

Front Cover Image

The main different between the images is the way the photographs were taken and how they were taken. The lighting from the preliminary task is very dull and boring, like a natural photograph. As for the final product we shot this in a clear background with really bright lighting to make the imagine look more professional. The position of the preliminary task is less professional than the position of the main task, as we took the preliminary task in a classroom with students in there it makes it less professional as for the main task we had to organize where we were going to take it and to make sure there wasn’t any students there. For the main task I decided to have a plain background so she stands out more and because the lighting is hitting her face well it looks like the photo has been airbrushed but no editing was done to the picture, and by having a plain background doesn’t just make her stand out, it make it look like a professional magazine cover. As for the preliminary task there is a lot of things going on in the background which doesn’t make the model stand out.For the main task I decided to have a close up shot of the model filling up the whole page to make her the center of attention.

Page 3: Question 7   media evaluation

Font on the front cover

The font I have used from the preliminary task to the main task has changed a lot. As you can see the difference straight away, as the main task looks a lot more professional as I used a variety of fonts and colours to make it more interesting, as for the preliminary task I just used simple fonts from Microsoft Office PowerPoint, and also simple colours that don’t stand out. For my main task I used a website I used a website call Font Space to make all my fonts a different font, but I always tried to use fonts that related to the genre and that were similar to one another so the magazine looks organized. The colours I chose to use for the preliminary task are very dull and don’t stand out, as for the main task I made sure I made sure I used colours that would stand out and were able to read, and also I had a colour theme for the main task which was blue, grey and black which complemented each other and it look really organized. The preliminary task doesn’t have a theme colour I just used any colour which looking back now it doesn’t look organized at all. And also I shortened the subtitles so I could make it bigger and able to read it and also to make the target audience want to read more, but in the preliminary task I only had two subtitles and they were much longer which made it less interesting.