question 7 version 2

Question 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Question 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
  2. 2. Preliminary task When working on our prelim at the beginning of the course, we were introduced to the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot. We were given this basic knowledge and instructed to incorporate it into our 1.30/2 minute video.
  3. 3. Definitions The 180 degree rule: This refers to the guideline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between a character and another or an object within the scene. In other words, it means that two character's eye lines must match and you cannot cut to the other side of the line without showing movement. For example, if two characters were sat across from each other at a table, they cannot be filmed from opposite sides, so that it is clear to the audience where they are in relation to each other. Match on action: (sometimes called cutting on action) refers to the editing technique where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the action being shown in the shot before. For example, if one character were to open a door to enter/leave a room, they could be filmed from both the inside and outside of the room and it would be edited so that the single action of opening the door matched up in two separate shots. Shot reverse shot: This is a film technique that involves showing one character looking at another and then that character looking back and the first character. For example, this often used during a scene of conversation between characters, where the camera focuses on the character that is speaking and looks to the other character to capture their reaction/response.
  4. 4. PRELIM
  5. 5. Thoughts on prelim outcome I feel that I have learnt a lot since our initial preliminary task. The two (prelim outcome and film opening) have clear differences in terms of editing and camerawork. Our prelim finished product turned out well considering our lack of experience and technical ability but did not fully meet all of the tasks requirements. We failed to include a match on action and shot reverse shot. However, it was a good way of testing our ability to work together as a group and get us working on a practical task and I feel that I learnt a lot from it.
  7. 7. Thoughts on film Opening Our film opening is clearly much better and a lot more interesting in comparison to the preliminary task. The plot is more interesting, we incorporated music and titles into our film opening and we used a range of different locations as well as having an actual actor (rather than acting in it ourselves) which enabled every member of our group to be involved in the camerawork.