questionnaire analysis

Questionnaire analysis. I posted my questionnaire on both Twitter and Facebook and actively messaged people to fill it out. In total, I collected 27 responses and it helped me collect a different set of results that I could put forward to my final magazine.

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Questionnaire analysis

Questionnaire analysis.

I posted my questionnaire on both Twitter and Facebook and actively messaged people to fill it out. In total, I collected 27 responses and it helped me collect a different set of results that I could put forward to my final magazine.

Page 2: Questionnaire analysis

My first question for my questionnaire was the actual price of the magazine. In total 13 people chose the price range of £2 – 2.99 for a magazine(48.28%), however below in second place was £3 – 3.99 and it was just behind by one vote (44.83%). This makes me think that maybe I should put the price at around £3 as a lot of people picked around this price range.

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The next question was regarding freebees. This was a simple yes and no question and my results favoured more to the no answer (58.26%). I was going to add some sort of promotional offer/fake freebee on the front of my magazine for authenticity, but due to my results, I will not be adding this feature.

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My third question was regarding the colour scheme of my magazine. This was a highly important question for me as I wanted the colour scheme to be exactly right so that my magazine looked the best it could. My results told me that red and black were the most favoured out of the 3 colour schemes (51.72%). I still don’t know if I will follow this question’s results as the colour scheme of red and black doesn’t appeal to me 100%.

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The fourth question I asked was about the topic that would be most preferred in a double page spread. A “personal interview with the artist” came top (44.83%). This makes me think that knowing the artist on a personal level is the top attraction for people reading the magazine.

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My fifth question that I featured was about the layout of text on the page and what people would prefer the text to look like. The preferred choice out of the two was “Neat and easily read with images placed precisely” (62.07%). This wasn’t my preferred choice as because it’s a rock magazine, I would of thought people would like it to be messy and rough looking.

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This question was regarding gender roles within the magazine. I gave the choice of featuring only men, only women or both genders in the magazine. The choice of both genders was most picked with 96.30%. 2 people skipped this question, so perhaps it was too controversial?

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The style of text in the magazine was very important for me as I had trouble deciding. Thankfully, this questionnaire gave me the most preferred answer of both being equally included in the magazine (72.41%)

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The next question was concerning the matter of what type of bands would be featured in the magazine. Whether it be renowned bands or new and up-coming bands. The more preferred choice was the new and up-coming bands, which helps me design ideas about the new band I will be featuring, this answer was chosen by 65.52% of my surveyors.

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The 9th question featured on my questionnaire was regarding purchasing the magazine with it including a free gift. Most of the preferred answers were on “Depends what the gift was” (62.07%). This makes me feel like I shouldn’t include a fake gift on the front of my magazine. I was going to include a fake one as I thought it would bring validity to my magazine, but with the answers that I collected from this questionnaire, it would be best not to include one on the front.

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Finally, the last question featured was about the photoshoot and how the artists would most preferred to be acting. The most chosen answer was “Not taking the photoshoot seriously and having fun” (82.76%). This was my personal preferred answer before so now that I have more opinions on the magazines it helps me refine my choices and can help me carry ideas over.

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With all of the answer I have received on this questionnaire it has helped me hugely with my decision making within my magazine design. I had my own ideas about my magazine before I sent out this questionnaire, but now that I have received answers, it has made me re-think some ideas but has also made me secure on other ideas. This questionnaire has made me more confident and comfortable with my magazine and I hope that my magazine can look as authentic and as real as possible so I can secure the highest grade.