quick setup guide for edmodo

EDMODO SETUP This is a simple and quick guide on how to setup Edmodo for teachers. Even though this is not a detailed walk thru you’ll find that the setup process is very simple. Sandbox 2.0 Mark Stirbens Vol. 2

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Basic help with edmodo.


Page 1: Quick setup guide for Edmodo


This is a simple and quick guide on how to setup Edmodo for

teachers. Even though this is not a detailed walk thru you’ll find that

the setup process is very simple.

Sandbox 2.0

Mark Stirbens Vol. 2

Page 2: Quick setup guide for Edmodo

Sandbox 2.0: Edmodo Setup

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Quick Guide

1. T


1. Teachers sign up

2. Creating a group

3. How to manage those groups

4. Student sign up

5. Parents accounts

This is a guide for teachers to setup their Edmodo account: @edmodo.com

Teacher sign up

Setting up a teacher account for using Edmodo is a very simple process. For those

who are a little scarred this guide should put those fears at ease. You can find most

of the following information from Edmodo’s web site. www.edmodo.com So lets get

right into it and begin.

What you’ll see

The first thing is obvious go to www.edmodo.com and on the first page you’ll see

“Sign up now. It’s free.” And two buttons with I’m a student and I’m a teacher. You

want to click on the button for I’m a teacher.

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EEddmmooddoo TTeeaacchheerr sseettuupp

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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

Next step you’ll see is the registration screen and all you need to do is fill out all information.

Fill out username and password and email and click sign up. See I told you it was easy.

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Quick Guide

This is a guide for teachers to setup their Edmodo account: @edmodo.com

Having groups can make it easy for you to communicate with students

and keep things organized.

Step 1: In the left-hand column of your home page, click the “create” link to

choose a group name.

Step 2: Type in the important information about your group and receive

confirmation. It is important to note that you can designate everyone that joins

a group to join in Read-Only mode by default. If you leave this box unchecked,

all group members will be able to post and reply within the group immediately

Chapter 2:

Creating a group

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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

upon joining. Once you’ve successfully created a group, Edmodo will display

the group name in the left-hand navigation bar of your home page. You will

receive a note within the message stream and one in an overlay box with the

secure code for the group you’ve just created.

Step 3: Invite students to join your group with the designated code.

Note: It is best practice to reset your group’s code after all students have joined

so that no additional users can use this code to gain access.

Note: It is best practice to reset your group’s code after all students have joined

so that no additional users can use this code to gain access.

Note: It is best practice to reset your group’s code after all students have joined

so that no additional users can use this code to gain access.

I wanted you to remember this for safety features. Obviously this is important.

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Quick Guide

If any of your students already have an Edmodo account, they can join your

group by logging in and clicking the “join” link in the left-hand navigation bar

to enter the designated code.

NNoottee:: It is best practice to reset your group’s code after all

students have joined so that no additional users can use this code to

gain access.

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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

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MMaannaaggiinngg tthhoossee ggrroouuppss

This is a guide for teachers to setup their Edmodo account: @edmodo.com

Here you can change passwords, add members, add groups all by using

Edmodo simple tools. Below are a series of screen shots from Edmodo’s guide

and thanks to their help makes using Edmodo a breeze.

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Quick Guide

To start, find the desired group name in the left-hand navigation bar of your

Edmodo home page, and then click it. The right-hand navigation will be

replaced with all of the management options for your group.

Group Code – The current group code will display in the right-hand

navigation. To reset the code, click on the menu arrow next to the code

and select Reset. To lock the code, choose Lock. Resetting the code

will give you a new code for the group to give out. Locking will reset

the group code but not reveal the code so that no one will be able to

enter the group.

Group Settings – On the settings page, teachers can rename a group,

set all new members to read-only status, change the group’s designated

grade level and subject matter, and archive or delete the group entirely.

o Archive - Teachers can archive a group once the semester or

class has ended, rendering the group inactive. If you want to

reuse the name of the group for next semester, make sure to

rename the existing group before archiving it.

o Delete - You can delete the entire group as well, but please only

use this if you really mean to.

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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

Manage – On the members page (located via the link below the

member list called Manage), teachers can view a list of students in the

group. Teachers can view individual student gradebooks, change an

individual password, remove a student from the group, or get the parent

code for that child with the icons on the right side of the screen. The

teacher can also set individual students to read-only mode within the

group or set all members to read only via that link above the member


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Quick Guide

Subscribe Group to Feed – Teachers can add an RSS feed, such as

one from YouTube or Flickr, to automatically post video, photos or

other content to a group. Select the Subscribe Group to Feed link from

the group settings in the right naviagation to enter an RSS feed address.

(Edmodo crawls and updates RSS feeds every three hours.)

Public Page- Teachers (and anyone else with the link) can view the

public timeline of a specific group if they have chosen to make any

posts public to nonmembers. To access this page, click Public Page

from the right-hand navigation. (Reminder: Every post is private by


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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

Color Selector – To change the color of your group, click on the color

square next to the group name in the left navigation. This will bring up

the Color Selector and you will be able to color code your groups.

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Quick Guide

This is a guide for teachers to setup their Edmodo account: @edmodo.com

The student sign up is very similar than the teacher setup. So I just show the

setup with two steps.

1. Visit Edmodo web site click on student setup.

2. Then enter the code provided by the teacher.

See very simple they should have no problem figuring it out.

This is a guide for teachers to setup their Edmodo account: @edmodo.com

CChhaapptteerr 55::

PPaarreennttss aaccccoouunntt This is a guide for teachers to setup their Edmodo account: @edmodo.com

CChhaapptteerr 44::

SSttuuddeenntt ssiiggnn uupp

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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

The following is for helping parents to know how to use the Parent Account. If

you would like a template email for how to announce these parent accounts to

parents and teachers, please follow this link. Please see the instructions at the

bottom of this section for how to find the Parent Account codes and sending

direct messages to Parents:

Parent accounts allow the exchange of messages between parents and

teachers (including due dates and missing assignment reminders), provide

parents direct access to grades, and alert families to school events and


Create a Parent Account:

In order to create a parent account, click on the “I’m a Parent Button” in the

middle of the Edmodo home page. A face box will appear in the middle of

your screen, in which you will write in the parent code that you have been

provided by the teacher of your child. You will also need to state your

relationship with the child and provide a valid email address to register your


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Quick Guide

Navigate the Parent Account Homepage:

Within the Parent Account home page you can monitor direct messages

between parents, teachers and students (only the parent’s children) on the

middle of the page in the everything stream. If you have multiple children, you

can filter to see just an individual child’s interactions by clicking on their name

in the left navigation.

If you need to add additional children to your parent account, click on the

“Add Student” button directly below the already added children’s names. If

you are looking for quick information about due dates grades and feedback,

you can always look in the spotlight in the top right corner of the page

beneath the search box.

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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

Navigate the Parent Account Calendar:

Within the calendar you can see all of the events, due dates, and assignments

for each child enabled within the parent account. You can filter to see a single

child’s calendar by selecting it from the drop down menu directly to the right

of the month and year designation. You may navigate the calendar with the

drop down menus and forward and backward arrows to the left of the month

and year designation. You may also export or print this calendar for use in

other calendaring software or to simply have it as a hard copy.

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Quick Guide

Navigate the Parent Account Grades Page:

From the grading page, you can see all of the assignments that were given to

the children within the parent account. You can switch between the children

and the courses for those individual children from the left navigation.

Each assignment is hyperlinked to both the original file (and other type of

turned-in materials) turned in by the student and comments from the teacher.

To access them, simply click on the assignment title from the list.

Each assignment will either have a grade, a dash (for a missing assignment),

N/A (for an assignment given to some students in the class but not others for

differentiation), or waiting… (for a turned-in assignment that the teacher still

needs to grade). At the bottom of the grades page, you will find the total

points for the child and the total points possible for the given class (for all of

the assignments turned in).

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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

Navigate the Parent Account Settings Page:

From the Parent Account settings page, you can sign up for notification emails

about assignments and direct messages from teachers as well as choose an

avatar/image to represent your parent account within Edmodo. You can also

use this page to change your email and password if you need to do so.

Finding Parent Codes (as a teacher):

By hovering over the group name and then clicking on the Members of that

group, you will be able to find the parent codes for all students within that

group. To find one code, click on the parent icon. To download all of the codes

for a class as a CSV file (which you can open in any spreadsheet program), you

can click on the link after clicking on one Parent Code icon:

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Quick Guide

Note: Once your parents have been notified of their codes and have joined

Edmodo, it is best practice to reset all parent codes so that only verified

parents have access.

Sending Direct Messages to Parents (as teachers):

This is done by typing in either the parent’s names individually into the “Send

To” box or by typing in the name of the group and selecting the Parents

option from the suggestions. This will allow teachers to send direct messages

to all parents in a group at one time.

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Chapter 1: Sample Template

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Sample Manual Template

RReeffeerreenncceess:: This is a guide for teachers to setup their Edmodo account: @edmodo.com

Giving thanks

I give great thanks for Edmodo and providing all the information for this setup

guide. You can find more at www.edmodo.com for more details. The pictures

were also the product of Edmodo’s own setup guide and the inspiration to

pass this information along. By no means do I work for or are receiving any

kind of payment from Edmodo. I just believe that Edmodo is an awesome

portal to connect to the modern student. I hope to only pass along the

information to others and show what a great tool this is.