quick summary revision- looking for meaning


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Post on 23-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Quick Summary Revision- Looking For Meaning


Page 2: Quick Summary Revision- Looking For Meaning

DNA – Explain the beliefs in these two diagrams

Page 3: Quick Summary Revision- Looking For Meaning

Learning Objectives We are learning to

Know and understand the key terms and words in the topic ‘Looking for meaning’

Know and understand the religious views on this topic

We will be successful when we can;

Apply our knowledge and understanding when answering an exam question on this topic

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What is involved in this topic? https://youtu.be/SrrKCZyVuY4https://youtu.be/SrrKCZyVuY4https://youtu.be/SrrKCZyVuY4

Watch this clip and write down;

Why some people do not believe in God

Why some people do believe in God

Make sure you know what the following words mean




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Secularism Key word

Secular = something that is not religious

Look at the poster and answer the following question

‘You don’t need God, to live happily in todays society’ Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing you have thought about more than one point of view. Include a religious view in your answer.

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What is God like? For Christians

God is three people wrapped into one The Trinity God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God is Creator – He created the earth and everything in it

God gave humans Free Will, this means they are free to choose between right and wrong

God is Omnipotent (All Powerful)

God is Omniscient (All Knowing)

God has no physical form

For Muslims

Allah is all-powerful and all knowing.

Allah is one – Muslims believe that Allah is one complete being they use the word TAWHID to describe it

Allah is the Creator - Muslims believe that Allah created the earth and everything in it.

Allah requires obedience to do this Muslims must follow the 5 Pillars and follow the life Allah wants them to lead

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Symbols – Explain these two pictures

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Symbols – Explain these two pictures

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Experiencing God/ Responding to God

Key words

Awe – a sense of wonder

Revelation – The ways in which God chooses to reveal himself to people

Community – a group of people joined together because they share something in common

Vocation – Choosing to lead a life or take a job where you feel called by God to do so

Prayer – talking to God

Pilgrimage – making a holy journey

Write down 6 questions about each key word be ready to test each other and your teacher with these questions

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Think about what you need to know and what you have learnt so far on this topic

https://youtu.be/tqvi8kxzja4 Watch this clip write down anything you have not understood so far and beliefs about life after death

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A Christian Funeral – key words committal and communion

Christians believe in life after death because Jesus rose from the dead

They believe in Heaven and Hell

A Christian Funeral takes place in a Church

The body is put in a Coffin and taken inside the church where prayers are said and hymns are sung. The Priest blesses the soul of the departed and prays for them in the next life. Sometimes Communion takes place at this service.

The body is then either buried or cremated and the committal takes place.

If it is cremated it is taken to the Crematorium.

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A Muslim Funeral- Key words akhirah and barzakh

A Muslim funeral will take place in a Mosque where prayers are said for the departed person.

Before this happens Muslim wash the body and wrap it in a single piece of white cloth. Everybody is buried like this to show equality before God.

All Muslims are buried facing towards the direction of Mecca. This where the soul waits for judgement (barzakh)

Muslims believe the body will be raised on the Day of Judgement. This is the day when Allah will judge the deeds of all believers and decide who goes to Paradise and who will not.

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Exam practice – use the notes to help you answer the questions

A) Explain what religious believers mean by ‘revelation’ 2 marks

B) Explain how having a religious faith might encourage a person to respond to God. 4

C)Funerals are for the living not the dead Give 2 reasons why a religious believer might agree or disagree with this statement 4 marks

Revelation – the ways in which God chooses to reveal himself to people

Key words to use here Prayer, worship, helping others, going on Pilgrimage

Christians and Muslims would agree because they believe in Life after death, the soul lives on in Heaven. The Qur’an says ‘You shall be raised to life’

Jesus said ‘I am the resurrection and I am the life, he who believes in me shall live forever’

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Exam practice – use the notes to help you.

Explain from two different religious traditions the teachings about the afterlife. 6 marks

Christianity – Believes that Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days in the tomb. After his resurrection Christians believe that Jesus ascended into heaven. Jesus said ‘I am the resurrection and I am the life, he who believes in me shall live forever’. They believe they will live again with God in Heaven

Islam – Muslims believe in Akhira life after death. In the Qur’an Muslims are told ‘He resurrects the earth after its death. Likewise you shall be raised to life’ Muslims also believe in Judgement. They will be judged on how they have followed the teachings in the Qur’an.

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Exam Practice – use the notes to help you.

‘Praying to God? It’s all in the mind’

Do you agree? Give reasons or evidence for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. You must include reference to religious beliefs in your answer 8 marks

I agree/disagree because…........

Christians believe that prayer is a way to communicate with God. Many believe that God speaks to them through prayer e. g. The Saints and the writers of the Bible.

Similarly Muslims believe prayer is essential it is the second Pillar of Islam ,salat, and is a duty which they must perform five times a day. Muslims also have community prayers on a Friday called Jummah prayers. They see this as a powerful experience

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Remember Elephants never forget! What will you do to ensure you don’t forget ?