quickbooks for manufacturing- not the answer for growing companies

5 Really Good Reasons Growing Manufacturers Upgrade to ERP

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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5 Really Good Reasons

Growing Manufacturers

Upgrade to ERP

The ultimate goal forevery business is to generate more leadsto convert into customers

so that they can grow.

But you need the right toolsfor the job to make that happen. . .

QuickBooks may have been the answer in the beginning but now it be doing more harm than good…

…and that’s okay! QuickBooks is a great accounting system, but it was never meant to support more complex companies like yours.

Because as you know, manufacturing goes far beyond finances.

You have a lot to do…

as a growing manufacturer you need to be

able to plan, procure, produce, distribute, sell, handle complex transactions, measure up to standards, operate globally, collaborate, communicate, and much more.

To do that efficiently,you need piece all of that together &manage it in one system…

QuickBooks does not measure up; it simply doesn’t have the functionality you need…

Scalability: as a growing company you need to

bring on additional employees, and with

QuickBooks you’re capped at the number of

user licenses you have. Even with the

enterprise edition. If you are hiring more

employees who need to access the system,

this becomes a serious problem.

It’s a point solution: While QuickBooks is a solid

financial system, it lacks the tools you need to track

and manage business opportunities, support your

growing client base, or manage important assets.

You can use outside applications to manage what

QuickBooks cannot, but you’re only becoming more

inefficient while also risking data entry errors,

unhappy customers, unhappy employees, forecasting issues, and more.


Lack of visibility: to make rapid & strategic decisions you

need access to information beyond financials and you

need real-time operations information across your

organization. Because this isn’t an option in QuickBooks,

manufacturers end up working in spreadsheets, a tedious

and error-prone process. By the time the process is

complete, your information will already be too old with how

quickly things change in a manufacturing organization.

Fact: 88% of all spreadsheets have “significant” errors in them; usually human errors.

Missing industry specific capabilities: QuickBooks is a general

solution that was designed to serve a variety of industries. While

there are integrations that can serve specific industries such as

manufacturing, the system still lacks both basic and advanced

best practices every manufacturer should follow to achieve

growth goals. With QuickBooks the burden falls on you to create

manual processes that have become “norms” in your industry. An

ERP system with industry specific functionality will have these

best practices built-in, so you can leverage them for growth without even needing to think about it.

Currency issues: Having a global business is a possibility for

manufacturers of all sizes, but QuickBooks wasn’t designed for

this & does not allow you to do business in multiple currencies.

QuickBooks can handle U.S. and Canadian dollars, but for

anything else requires separate files. This can quickly get

complicated, clutter recordkeeping, and make it hard to answer even the most basic questions.

Here’s the good news…

Moving from QuickBooks to an entry-level

ERP system is not nearly as hard or as

expensive as you might think!

A few years ago, making this move would have been a painful, expensive, and difficultdecision, but that has changed.

Today, advances in technology, especially cloud-based ERP systems, have allowed small & medium sized manufacturers to easily make the move beyond QuickBooks to a more effective and complete business solution -without breaking the bank.

Speaking of a bank…

how much does making

this move cost?


Well it’s different for every company, but you can learn all about budgeting for the move & your how to pick the right system in this guide.

Click here to get started.

Questions?We can help! We are ERP software resellers &

developers with a team of consultants standing by to answer any questions you might have.



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