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  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    Quiz #1: Chapter 1 Human AnatomyACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness


    1) When comparing the medialepicondyle of the humerus to the lateralepicondyleof the humerus, which of the following statements is correct?

    a. The medial epicondyle is more toward the front of the body than the lateralepicondyle

    b. The medial epicondyle is more toward the back of the body than the lateralepicondyle

    c. The medial epicondyle is more toward the midline of the body than the lateralepicondyle

    d. The medial epicondyle is more away from the midline of the body than thelateral epicondyle

    Explanationc. The medial epicondyle is more toward the midline of the body than the lateralepicondyle

    The term medial means toward the midline of the body, while the term lateralmeans away from the midline of the body.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p.

    ) Which of the following is NOTone of four types of tissue found in the humanbody?

    a. !uscular

    b. "er#ousc. $pitheliald. %ascular

    Explanationd. %ascular

    The four primary types of tissue are muscular, ner#ous, connecti#e, and epithelial.ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. &

    &) Which of the four components of blood carries hormones, food materials, ions,and gases throughout the body?

    a. 'lasmab. (ed blood cellsc. White blood cellsd. 'latelets

    Explanationa. 'lasma

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    The liuid component of blood, called plasma, is responsible for carrying hormones,plasma proteins, food materials *e.g., carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids), ions *e.g.,sodium, chloride, bicarbonate), and gases *e.g., o+ygen, nitrogen, carbon dio+ide)throughout the body.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. &-

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    -) When blood is owing through the heart, where does it go after passing throughthe tricuspid #al#e?

    a. (ight atriumb. /eft atriumc. (ight #entricle

    d. /eft #entricle

    Explanationc. (ight #entricle0lood passes through the tricuspid #al#e on its way from the right atrium to theright #entricle.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p.

    2) The a#erage person3s breathing rate through the nose is eual to 4 to &4 litersper minute while at rest.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse6umans normally breathe appro+imately 2 to liters of air per minute through thenose when at rest, but use the mouth as the primary passageway for air when#entilation is increased to appro+imately 4 to &4 liters per minute during e+ercise.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 7

    ) Which of the following mo#ements takes place in the frontal plane?

    a. 8epression of the scapulaeb. 5le+ion at the elbowc. $+tension at the hipd. 9upination at the wrist

    Explanationa. 8epression of the scapulae

    The mo#ements that take place in the frontal plane are as follows:



    $le#ation 8epression

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    =) Which of the following statements about e+ibility is CORRECT?

    a. ;s people age, e+ibility naturally increases due to decreased collagen le#els.b. !ales are generally more e+ible than females.c. >ollagen is made up of proteins that limit motion and resist stretch.d. The buildup of scar tissue after in@ury often increases e+ibility.

    Explanationc. >ollage is made up proteins that limit motion and resist stretch.9tructures containing large amounts of collagen tend to limit motion and resiststretch. Thus, collagen Abers are the main constituents of tissues such as ligamentsand tendons that are sub@ected to a pulling force. (egarding the other options,e+ibility decreases with aging, females are generally more e+ible than males, andscar tissue limits e+ibility.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. &4 B &

    7) Which pair of shoulder muscles is BESTstrengthened by shoulder shrugsperformed with resistance?

    a. (homboid ma@or and rhomboid minorb. 'ectoralis minor and serratus anteriorc. /e#ator scapulae and trapeCiusd. Teres ma@or and latissimus dorsi

    Explanationc. /e#ator scapulae and trapeCius

    These two muscles that act at the shoulder girdle to ele#ate the scapula areeDecti#ely targeted by shoulder shrugs.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. &2 B &7

    E) The birddog is an eDecti#e e+ercise for which of the following muscles that act atthe trunk?

    a. !ultiAdib. $rector spinaec. (ectus abdominisd. Trans#erse abdominis

    Explanationa. !ultiAdi

    The multiAdi, which contribute to spinal stability during trunk e+tension, rotation,and sidebending, are eDecti#ely targeted by the birddog.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. -&

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    14) Which category of hip muscles is primarily responsible for hip adduction?

    a. ;nterior musclesb. 'osterior musclesc. !edial musclesd. /ateral muscles

    Explanationc. !edial muscles

    The medial hip muscles *i.e., those hip muscles closer to the midline of the body),including the pectineus, adductor bre#is, adductor longus, gracilis, and adductormagnus, are primarily responsible for hip adduction.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. --

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    Quiz #: Chapter Exer!i"e hy"iolo$yACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness


    1) Which of the following is NOTa beneAt of regular physical acti#ity?

    a. 8ecreased an+iety and depressionb.

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    -) Which of the primary energy systems supplies enough energy for no more than14 seconds of allout e+ertion?

    a. 'hosphagen systemb. ;naerobic glycolysisc. ;erobic glycolysis

    d. 0eta o+idation

    Explanationa. 'hosphagen

    The total amount of ;T' and creatine phosphate *>') stored in muscle is #ery small,and thus the amount of energy a#ailable for muscular contraction is e+tremelylimited. There is probably enough energy a#ailable from the phosphagens for onlyabout 14 seconds of allout e+ertion, if there were not continual resynthesis of ;T'.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. =

    2) /owintensity e+ercise is the best way to lose weight because it burns a higher

    percentage of fat than e+ercise at a higher intensity.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse8uring highintensity e+ercise, the total number of calories burned is much higherthan during lowintensity e+ercise, and negates the higherpercentagecoming fromfat. 8uring lowintensity bouts, a higherpercentageof calories is coming from fat,but the total number of fat calories is less than during highintensity workouts.

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. =E

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    =) Which of the following is an adaptation speciAcally seen with regularweightbearing e+ercise?


  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    14) Which of the following is NOTone of the primary symptoms of altitudesickness?

    a. 9hortness of breathb. 'rofuse sweatingc. 6eadache

    d. "ausea

    Explanationb. 'rofuse sweatingWhile shortness of breath, headache, and nausea *along with lightheadedness) areall symptoms of altitude sickness, profuse sweating is one of the primary symptomsof heat e+haustion.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 7= B 7E

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    Quiz #%: Chapter % &un'amental" o( Applie' )ine"iolo$yACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness


    1) Which of "ewton3s laws of motion is described as follows? ; body at rest will stay

    at rest and a body in motion will stay in motion *with the same direction and#elocity) unless acted upon by an e+ternal force.

    a. /aw of gra#ityb. /aw of reactionc. /aw of inertiad. /aw of acceleration

    Explanationc. /aw of inertia"ewton3s Arst law of motion, known as the law of inertia, states that a body at restwill stay at rest and that a body in motion will stay in motion *with the same

    direction and #elocity) unless acted upon by an e+ternal force.

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 11

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    -) ; muscle with which of the following muscle arrangements has the *O+ESTforce production, but the H,-HESTspeed of contraction?

    a. Inipennateb. 0ipennatec. !ultipennate

    d. /ongitudinal

    Explanationd. /ongitudinal'enniform muscles, which include unipennate, bipennate, and multipennatemuscles, are designed for higher force production than longitudinal muscles./ongitudinal muscles are long and thin and ha#e parallel Abers that run in the samedirection as the length of the muscle. This type of Aber arrangement allows forspeed of contraction.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 1111&

    2) 9tatic balance e+ercises often in#ol#e FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

    a. Widening the base of supportb. "arrowing the base of supportc. 9hifting the line of gra#ity outside the base of supportd. 9hifting the line of gra#ity through rotary motion

    Explanationb. "arrowing the base of support

    To work on static balance with a client or class participant, the Atness professionalcan make the indi#idual3s base of support narrower to stimulate adaptation to theimposed demand. Widening the base of support lessens the balance challenge.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 11211

    ) What muscles are strengthened when a client performs sidelying leg lifts withthe lower leg?

    a. ;dductorsb. ;bductorsc.

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    =) The soleus, gastrocnemius, and plantaris are located in which compartment ofthe lower leg?

    a. ;nterior tibial compartmentb. 'osterior tibial compartmentc. 8eep posterior compartment

    d. 9uperAcial posterior compartment

    Explanationd. 9uperAcial posterior compartment

    The soleus, gastrocnemius, and popliteus are all located in the superAcial posteriorcompartment of the lower leg and ser#e as primary plantare+ors of the ankle @oint.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 1&

    7) When e#aluating a new client3s posture, a personal trainer notices a long outwardcur#e of the thoracic spine with an accentuated lumbar cur#e and a backward shiftof the upper trunk. What postural de#iation does this client ha#e?

    a. Jyphosisb. /ordosisc. 5lat backd. 9way back

    Explanationd. 9way back9wayback postureis a long outward cur#e of the thoracic spine with anaccentuated lumbar cur#e and a backward shift of the upper trunk.

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    #ital role in pro#iding feedback about spinal @oint position, and thus forewarn thecentral ner#ous system about impending dynamic forces to be created in thee+tremities that may destabiliCe the spine.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 1&&

    14) 9houlder girdle is the formal term for the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.a. 9K> @ointb. ;K> @ointc. 9KT articulationd. LK6 @oint

    Explanationc. 9KT articulation9houlder girdle is the formal term for scapulothoracic *9KT) articulation, whichconsists of the muscles and fascia connecting the scapula to the thora+.

    ACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 1&-

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    Quiz #.: Chapter . NutritionACEs Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness


    1) >arbohydrates, which are the body3s preferred energy source, contain how many

    kilocalories per gram?

    a. kcalKgb. - kcalKgc. = kcalKgd. E kcalKg

    Explanationb. - kcalKg!ade up of chains of sugar molecules, carbohydrates contain about - kcalKg.'roteins also contain - kcalKg, while fat contains E kcalKg and alcohol contains =kcalKg.

    ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 14

    ) >ontributing to cell membrane function, making bile acids essential for fatabsorption, metaboliCing fatsoluble #itamins, and making #itamin 8 are allfunctions of which nutrient?

    a. 'roteinb. >arbohydratec. >holesterold. Gmega& fatty acids

    Explanationc. >holesterol>holesterol, a fatlike, wa+y, rigid fourring structure, plays an important role in cellmembrane function.

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    intestines and are critical for normal gastrointestinal function), and #itamin 8 can beselfproduced with sun e+posure.

    ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 1

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    -) ; client who @ust found out she is pregnant asks what foods to eat to increase herintake of folic acid. What would be the BESTresponse?

    a. Lreen leafy #egetables, organ meats, dried peas, beans, and lentilsb. >itrus fruits, berries, and #egetablesc. Lreen leafy #egetables, fruit, dairy, and grain products

    d. !ilk, li#er, eggs, and peanuts

    Explanationa. Lreen leafy #egetables, organ meats, dried peas, beans, and lentils

    These foods are the best sources of folate, or folic acid. >itrus fruits, berries, and#egetables are good sources of #itamin >M green leafy #egetables, fruit, dairy, andgrain products are good sources of #itamin JM and milk, li#er, eggs, and peanuts aregood sources of choline.

    ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 1-

    2) Which of the following minerals has a recommended dietary allowance *(8;) that

    is more than twice as high for women than it is for men?

    a. Nincb.

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    =) Which of the following is NOTamong the 14 insights gleaned from thee+periences of the "ational Weight >ontrol (egistry?

    a. $at breakfastb. 0e mindfulc. ;#oid the scale

    d. 0e optimistic

    Explanationc. ;#oid the scaleWhile it is not ad#isable to become obsessi#e about weight to the nearest 4.41pounds, people who maintain their weight loss keep tabs on the scale, weighingthemsel#es at least once per week.

    ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals,p. 1=


  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    14) ; client who is also a high school soccer player is interested in using theglycemic inde+ to guide him as he refuels after practices and matches. Which ofthe following would be the BESTsnack choice?

    a. 8ried fruitb. (ye bread

    c. Gatmeald. 9trawberries

    Explanationa. 8ried fruit6ighL< carbohydrates, including dried fruit, are best for refueling. (ye bread is amediumL< carbohydrates, while oatmeal and strawberries are lowLhapter 1, p. -

    ) Which of the following accounts for the uniue position that personal trainershold in the allied healthcare continuum?

    a. They are able to pro#ide detailed dietary planning to combat chronic illnessesb. They are at the top of the allied healthcare pyramid due to the e+tended time

    they spend with clientsc. They are able to show clients how to e+ercise eDecti#ely while following

    physicians3 general recommendations

    d. They are licensed professionals who can prescribe speciAc e+ercise programs

    Explanationc. They are able to show clients how to e+ercise eDecti#ely while followingphysicians3 general recommendationsWhile other members of the allied healthcare continuum might also gi#e patients orclients guidelines for general e+ercise *e.g., try to walk up to &4 minutes per day,most days of the week), few of them actually teach clients !o" to e+erciseeDecti#ely. This is where personal trainers hold a uniue position in the alliedhealthcare continuum.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, >hapter 1, p.

    &) What is the primary purpose of a Atness certiAcation?

    a. To protect the public from harmb. To pro#e mastery of the professionc. To increase one3s earning potentiald. To pro#ide handson e+perience

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    Explanationa. To protect the public from harm

    The primary purpose of a certiAcation is to protect the public from harm byassessing if the professional can perform the @ob in a safe and eDecti#e manner.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. =

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    -) Which of the following is NOTpart of the deAnition of scope of practice?

    a. The legal range of ser#ices that professionals in a gi#en Aled can pro#ideb. The code of ethics that must be adhered to while in the workplacec. The setting in which the ser#ices can be pro#idedd. Luidelines or parameters that must be followed

    Explanationb. The code of ethics that must be adhered to while in the workplace; scope of practice deAnes the legal range of ser#ices that professionals in a gi#enAeld can pro#ide, the settings in which those ser#ices can be pro#ided, and theguidelines or parameters that must be followed.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. =

    2) ;ccording the general scope of practice for Atness professionals, personaltrainers can rehabilitate clients who are reco#ering from musculoskeletal in@uries.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse'ersonal trainers can design e+ercise programs once clients ha#e been releasedfrom rehabilitation, but they cannot rehabilitate clients after in@ury.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 7

    ) ;s a general rule, ;>$ recommends that candidates allow FFFFFFFFFF of studytime to adeuately prepare for the ;>$ 'ersonal Trainer >ertiAcation $+am.

    a. 1 to & monthsb. & to monthsc. to E monthsd. E to 1 months

    Explanationb. & to months;s a general rule, ;>$ recommends that candidates allow three to si+ months ofstudy time to adeuately prepare for the ;>$ 'ersonal Trainer >ertiAcation $+am.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 14

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    =) 8iagnosing the cause of a client3s lordosis posture and prescribing an e+erciseprogram to treat it is within a personal trainer3s scope of practice.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse5itness professionals must ne#er diagnose a client3s condition or prescribe anytreatment.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 11

    7) To renew certiAcation for a new twoyear cycle, ;>$certiAed 'rofessionals mustcomplete a minimum of FFFFF hours of continuing education credits and maintain acurrent certiAcate in FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and, if li#ing in "orth ;merica, automatede+ternal deAbrillation.

    a. 14M cardiopulmonary resuscitationb. 4M risk managementc. 4M cardiopulmonary resuscitationd. &4M risk management

    Explanationc. 4M cardiopulmonary resuscitation;>$ certiAcations are #alid for two years from the date earned, e+piring on the lastday of the month. To renew certiAcation for a new twoyear cycle, ;>$certiAed'rofessionals must complete a minimum of 4 hours of continuing education creditsand maintain a current certiAcate in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and, if li#ing in"orth ;merica, automated e+ternal deAbrillation.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 1

    E) What should a personal trainer do if a client insists on using dietary supplementsdespite the trainer3s assurance that his or her Atness goals can be met withoutthem?

    a. (efer the client to the health club3s sales teamb. (efer the client to a registered dietitian or physicianc. >heck that the facility3s insurance policy co#ers the sale of these productsd. 9top training the client until he or she agrees to stop using these products

    Explanationb. (efer the client to a registered dietitian or physician

    The personal trainer can help the client understand that Atness goals can bereached without supplements and that supplements can ha#e negati#e andpotentially harmful side eDects.

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 1-

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    14) Which of the following is an appropriate response to a client who mentionsbeing sore following a weekend tennis tournament?

    a. (ecommending the use of o#erthecounter antiinammatory medicationsb. (ecommending the use of a creatine supplement prior to his or her ne+t


    c. 'ro#iding deep tissue massage to help relie#e the sorenessd. 8iscussing the proper techniue for icing the aDected areas

    Explanationd. 8iscussing the proper techniue for icing the aDected area8iscussing the proper techniue for icing the aDected area is the appropriateresponse. The other options all fall outside the ;>$ scope of practice.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 12

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    Quiz #3: Chapter rin!iple" o( A'heren!e an'/oti4ationACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) ;dherence is deAned as the psychological dri#e that gi#es beha#ior direction and


    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse5or the purposes of a Atness professional, e+ercise adherence refers to #oluntaryand acti#e in#ol#ement in an e+ercise program. !oti#ation is deAned as thepsychological dri#e that gi#es beha#ior direction and purpose.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p.

    ) !ore than FFFFP of people who start a new program will drop out within the Arstsi+ months.

    a. 2b. 24c. 4d. =2

    Explanationb. 24!ore than 24P of people who start a new program will drop out within the Arst si+

    months.ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. =

    &) Which of the following is NOTone of the three primary categories of potentialdeterminants for physical acti#ity?

    a. 'ersonal attributesb. 'hysical attributesc. $n#ironmental factorsd. 'hysicalacti#ity factors

    Explanationb. 'hysical attributes

    The potential determinants for physical acti#ity can be broken down into threecategories:

    'ersonal attributes $n#ironmental factors 'hysicalacti#ity factors

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. =

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    -) Leneral trends re#eal that members of which of the following populations are/OST *,)E*5to be performing higher le#els of physical acti#ity in unsuper#isedsettings?

    a. Glder adultsb. !en

    c. Those with fewer years of educationd. Those in a lower socioeconomic bracket

    Explanationb. !en!en demonstrate higher and more consistent acti#ity adherence than women./ower le#els of physical acti#ity participation are seen with increasing age, feweryears of education, and low income.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. =

    2) What is arguably the most important and inuential personal attribute #ariable

    when predicting adherence to physical acti#ity?

    a. ;cti#ity historyb. Gbesity le#elc. >ardio#ascular disease statusd. 9ocial support network

    Explanationa. ;cti#ity history;cti#ity history is arguably the most important and inuential personal attribute#ariable.

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  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    =) Which of the following indi#iduals is /OST *,)E*5to adhere to a super#isedphysicalacti#ity program?

    a. ; highly moti#ator beginner who elects to begin a #igorousintensity e+erciseprogram

    b. ;n indi#idual who percei#es his health to be poor and had been encouraged

    by his doctor to e+ercisec. ;n obese man who is moti#ated by a fear of ad#erse health conditions that

    are common in his familyd. ; middleaged man who has prehypertension but belie#es he has personal

    control o#er his health

    Explanationd. ; middleaged man who has prehypertension but belie#es he has personalcontrol o#er his health; belief in personal control o#er health outcomes is a consistent predictor ofunsuper#ised e+ercise acti#ity participation among healthy adults. (egarding theother options, the dropout rate in #igorousintensity e+ercise programs is almost

    twice as high as in moderateintensity acti#ity programsM those who percei#e theirhealth to be poor are unlikely to start or adhere to an acti#ity programM and obeseindi#iduals are typically less acti#e than normalweight indi#iduals, and are lesslikely to adhere to super#ised e+ercise programs.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. =E

    7) Which of the following terms is deAned as the belief in one3s own capabilities tosuccessfully engage in a beha#ior?


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    9etting negati#e goals puts the focus on the beha#ior that should be a#oided, notthe beha#ior to be achie#ed.

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    14) What is the most important tool when dealing with a client who is at risk forrelapse?

    a. $nhancing the client3s asserti#enessb. 8e#eloping a system of social supportc. 'lanning ahead and being prepared

    d. 9igning beha#ioral contracts

    Explanationc. 'lanning ahead and being prepared

    The most important tool in dealing with a relapse is planning ahead and beingprepared. 'ersonal trainers should educate their clients about the potentialoccurrence of a relapse and prepare them in ad#ance, so that they are able to getback on track with their acti#ity programs soon after e+periencing a relapse.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. &-

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    Quiz #8: Chapter % Communi!ation an' Tea!hin$Te!hni9ue"ACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) Which of the following presents the four stages of the clienttrainer relationship

    in their proper order?


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  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    -) What personality style does a client ha#e if he scores high on the sociability scaleand low on the dominance scale?

    a. 8eliberatorb. 8irectorc. >ollaborator

    d. $+pressor

    Explanationc. >ollaborator>ollaborators are high on the sociability scale and low on the dominance scale. Theytend to be emotionally open, relationship oriented, and fa#or relationships o#erresults.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. -&

    2) When working with a client whose personality style is classiAed as e+pressor,which of the following approaches would be the BESToption for a personal trainer?

    a. GDer incenti#es and rewardsM stimulate the client3s thoughts and pro#okeideas

    b. 0e clear, concise, and businesslikeM appeal to the need for action andproblemsol#ing

    c. 0e candid, open and patient, personally interested and supporti#e, and goaloriented

    d. 'ro#ide consistent, accurate followupsM supply information to supply theneed for detail

    Explanationa. GDer incenti#es and rewardsM stimulate the client3s thoughts and pro#oke ideasGDering incenti#es and rewards, stimulating the client3s thoughts, and pro#okingideas are eDecti#e techniues when working with e+pressors. The othertechniues listed are more eDecti#e when working with other common personalitystyles.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. -&

    ) ; personal trainer who is seeking clariAcation from a client by trying to restatethe main points and feelings in a client3s communication is using which method ofeDecti#e listening?

    a. $ncouragingb. 'araphrasingc. (eectingd. 9ummariCing

    Explanationc. (eecting

    The personal trainer can use the listening techniue of reecting to demonstrateunderstanding or seek clariAcation by trying to restate the main points and feelings

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    in the client3s communication. The client can correct a conclusion if it is wrong, ore+plore the reection in more depth if it is correct. (eections should help to mo#ethe con#ersation in producti#e directions as well as indicate eDecti#e listening.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. -=

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    =) < will perform a fullbody resistancetraining workout twice e#ery week is ane+ample of which type of goal?

    a. 9!;(T goalb. 'rocess goalc. 'roduct goal

    d. Timebound goal

    Explanationb. 'rocess goal; process goal is something that the client does, as opposed to something he or sheachie#es. 'rocess goals are easy to track and pro#ide shortterm successes.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. -7

    7) !oti#ational inter#iewing is most commonly done during which stage of theclienttrainer relationship?

    a. (apportb. orrect errorsM pro#ide reinforcement for what was done wellM moti#ate clientsto continue practicing and impro#ing

    b. 'ro#ide reinforcement for what was done wellM correct errorsM moti#ate clientsto continue practicing and impro#ing

    c. !oti#ate clients to continue practicing and impro#ingM pro#ide reinforcementfor what was done wellM correct errors

    d. >orrect errorsM moti#ate clients to continue practicing and impro#ingM pro#idereinforcement for what was done well

    Explanationb. 'ro#ide reinforcement for what was done wellM correct errorsM moti#ate clients tocontinue practicing and impro#ing5eedback should do three things:

    'ro#ide reinforcement for what was done well >orrect errors

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    !oti#ate clients to continue practicing and impro#ingThe correcting of errors, which may be seen as the more negati#e point, should besandwiched between reinforcement and moti#ation.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 2-

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    14) >lients who are beginning the basics of a particular mo#ement and are ready forspeciAc feedback are in which stage of motor learning?

    a. >ogniti#eb. ;ssociati#ec. ;utonomous

    d. ;Decti#e

    Explanationb. ;ssociati#e

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    Quiz #: Chapter . Ba"i!" o( Beha4ior Chan$e an' Health"y!holo$yACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) Which beha#ioral theory model is based on a prediction that people engage in a

    health beha#ior depending on the percei#ed threat they feel regarding a healthproblem?

    a. Transtheoretical model of beha#ioral changeb. 6ealth belief modelc. 9elfeHcacy modeld. 9tagesofchange model

    Explanationb) 6ealth belief model

    The health belief model predicts that people will engage in a health beha#ior *e.g.,e+ercise) based on the percei#ed threat they feel regarding a health problem and

    the pros and cons of adopting the beha#ior.ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. -

    ) What is the most inuential source of selfeHcacy information?

    a. 'ast performance e+perienceb.

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    faced with too many setbacks, they are likely to lose faith, gi#e up, and drop out ofthe program.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. =

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    -) ; prospecti#e client tells you that he has been going for mile walks a couple oftimes each week for the past two months, and that he @oined the gym because he isAnally ready to adopt a more structured workout regimen. What is this indi#idual3sstage of change?

    a. >ontemplation

    b. 'reparationc. ;ctiond. !aintenance

    Explanationb) 'reparation

    The preparationstage is marked by some physical acti#ity, as indi#iduals arementally and physically preparing to adopt an acti#ity program. ;cti#ity during thepreparation stage may be a sporadic walk, or e#en a periodic #isit to the gym, but itis inconsistent. 'eople in the preparation stage are ready to adopt and li#e an acti#elifestyle.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. =

    2) Which of the following inter#ention strategies would be *EAST AROR,ATEwhen working with someone in the precontemplation stage?

    a. !ake inacti#ity a rele#ant issueb. 'ro#ide information about the risks of being inacti#e and the beneAts of being

    acti#ec. 'ro#ide information from multiple sources *e.g., news, posters, pamphlets,

    general healthpromotion material)d.

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    Gne of the four components of the transtheoretical model, decisional balance refersto the number of pros and cons that an indi#idual percei#es about adopting andKormaintaining an acti#ity program.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. E

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    =) Which of the following occurs when a positi#e stimulus that once followed abeha#ior is remo#ed and the likelihood that the beha#ior will reoccur is decreased?

    a. 'ositi#e reinforcementb. "egati#e reinforcementc. $+tinction

    d. 'unishment

    Explanationc) $+tinction$+tinction occurs when a positi#e stimulus that once followed a beha#ior is remo#edand the likelihood that the beha#ior will reoccur is decreased.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. =&

    7) ; client lea#es a gym bag on the front seat of his car each morning as a reminderto work out on his way home from work. What beha#iorchange strategy is heusing?

    a. 9timulus controlb. Gbser#ational learningc. 9hapingd. Gperant conditioning

    Explanationa) 9timulus control9timulus control refers to making ad@ustments to the en#ironment to increase thelikelihood of healthy beha#iors. 9imple and eDecti#e stimuluscontrol strategies mayinclude choosing a gym that is in the direct route between home and workM keepinga gym bag in the car that contains all the reuired items for a workoutM ha#ingworkout clothes, socks, and shoes laid out for early morning workoutsM and writingdown workout times as part of a weekly schedule.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. =-

    E) When should beha#ior contracts and written agreements be re#ised or updated?

    a. Whene#er the client has a relapse into inacti#ityb. ;fter the client Anishes his Anal purchased workoutc. "e#erM they should be permanent documentsd. When goals are met or programs are modiAed

    Explanationd) When goals are met or programs are modiAed

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    14) ;fter se#eral months of working with a client, a personal trainer notes that theclient3s selfeHcacy and ability le#els ha#e impro#ed. 6ow should this aDect theamount of e+ternal feedback the trainer pro#ides to the client?

    a. The trainer should increase the amount of e+ternal feedbackb. The amount of feedback should not change

    c. The trainer should taper the amount of e+ternal feedbackd. The trainer should immediately stop pro#iding e+ternal feedback

    Explanationc) The trainer should taper the amount of e+ternal feedback;s selfeHcacy and ability build, trainers should taper oD the amount of e+ternalfeedback they pro#ide, encouraging the clients to start pro#iding feedback forthemsel#es. >lients must learn to reinforce their own beha#iors by pro#idinginternal encouragement, error correction, and e#en punishment.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. =2

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    Quiz #1;: Chapter ,ntro'u!tion to the ACE ,nte$rate'&itne"" Trainin$ /o'elACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) The following list presents the four phases of the functional mo#ement and

    resistance training component of the ;>$

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    While these two phases both represent phase & of their respecti#e trainingcomponents, it is important to understand that each client will progress from onephase to the ne+t according to his or her uniue needs, goals, and a#ailable time tocommit to training. !any clients will be at diDerent phases of the two trainingcomponents based on their current health and Atness le#els.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. 7


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    "o assessments are recommended during the aerobicbase training phase, sincemany of the clients who start in this phase will be unAt and may ha#e diHcultycompleting an assessment of this nature.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. E&

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    =) What is a R,/AR5goal of introducing inter#al training during phase of aclient3s cardiorespiratory training program?

    a. To impro#e aerobic endurance by raising the intensity of e+erciseb. To add #ariety to the program to a#oid boredomc. To help the client e+ercise at intensities beyond the Arst #entilatory threshold

    d. To increase the client3s adherence to the program by impro#ing his or hermood state

    Explanationa) To impro#e aerobic endurance by raising the intensity of e+ercise

    The goal of inter#al training will be to impro#e aerobic endurance by raising theintensity of e+ercise performed at %T1, and to impro#e the client3s ability to utiliCefat as a fuel source.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thedition, p. E&

    7) ; client who is in phase & of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ;>$

    lients working in the anaerobicpower training phase of the ;>$ lients working in this phase of cardiorespiratory training will be training forcompetition and ha#e speciAc goals that relate to shortduration, highintensity

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    eDorts during longer endurance e#ents, such as speeding up to stay with a pack inroad cycling.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. E2

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    14) What is the most important goal when working with specialpopulationclientele?

    a. To pro#ide them with initial positi#e e+periences that promote adherencethrough easily achie#ed initial successes

    b. To mo#e them through the #arious phases of the ;>$

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    Quiz #11: Chapter 2 Buil'in$ Rapport an' the ,nitial,n4e"ti$ation Sta$eACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) The Arst ob@ecti#e when meeting a prospecti#e client is to gather information on

    the client3s goals and ob@ecti#es.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb) 5alse

    The Arst ob@ecti#e when meeting a prospecti#e client is to Arst build a foundation fora personal relationship with the indi#idualM gathering information on the client3sgoals and ob@ecti#es is secondary.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 144

    ) Which of the following is NOTone of the primary purposes of a preparticipationscreening?


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    #$n t!e past mont!, !a)e you !ad c!est pain "!en you "ere not doingp!ysical acti)ity'(

    a. 9lowly and progressi#ely start becoming more physically acti#eb. Take part in a Atness appraisal before beginning e+ercisec. Talk with a doctor before beginning to e+ercise or undergoing a Atness

    appraisald. 8elay becoming much more physically acti#e until feeling better

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    Explanationc) Talk with a doctor before beginning to e+ercise or undergoing a Atness appraisal

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    This document is used to release a personal trainer from liabilityfor in@uriesresulting from a super#ised e+ercise program, and represents a client3s #oluntaryabandonment of the right to Ale a lawsuit.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 114

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    =) ;fter how long a period of inacti#ity following an in@ury does disuse atrophy in themuscles surrounding the in@ury begin?

    a. Two hoursb. Two daysc. Two weeks

    d. Two months

    Explanationb. Two days8isuse atrophyof the muscles surrounding an in@ury may begin after @ust two daysof inacti#ity.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 11=

    7) Which of these medications causes a doserelated decrease in a person3s resting,e+ercise, and ma+imal heart rates?

    a. 0eta blockersb. ;ntihistaminesc. ;ntidepressantsd. 8iuretics

    Explanationa) 0eta blockers0eta blockers inhibit the eDects of catecholamines *epinephrine andnorepinephrine) throughout the body and reduce resting, e+ercise, and ma+imalheart rates.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 14

    E) Which medication has no primary aDect on heart rate, but can cause dangerouscardiac arrhythmias due to water and electrolyte imbalances?

    a. ;>$ inhibitorsb. >alcium channel blockersc. 8iureticsd. 0ronchodilators

    Explanationc) 8iuretics8iuretics are medications that increase the e+cretion of water and electrolytesthrough the kidneys. They ha#e no primary eDect on the heart rate, but they cancause water and electrolyte imbalances, which may lead to dangerous cardiacarrhythmias.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 11

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    14) Which of the following must be included as part of e#ery client3s preparticipation screening?

    a. 0odycomposition testingb. !o#ement screensc. 9tatic posture assessment

    d. 6ealthrisk appraisal

    Explanationd) 6ealthrisk appraisal(egardless of the assessments selected and how the assessment timelines arestructured, trainers should remember that a healthrisk appraisal must be includedas a preparticipation screen.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 111

    11) Which of the following is NOTcause to immediately stop a cardiorespiratorye+ercise test?

    a. /eg crampingb. >omplaints of se#ere fatiguec. "ausea and lightheadednessd. 6ea#y breathing due to intense e+ercise

    Explanationd) 6ea#y breathing due to intense e+erciseWhile shortness of breath, wheeCing, and diHcult or labored breathing are on thelist of symptoms that call for an immediate end to an e+ercise test, hea#y breathingdue to the intensity of the e+ercise is not.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 1

    1) Which of the following is NOTa reason that the a#erage resting heart rate forwomen is higher than that of men?

    a. 9maller heart chamber siCeb. /ower sympathetic dri#ec. /ower blood #olumed. /ower hemoglobin le#els

    Explanationb) /ower sympathetic dri#e

    The higher #alues found in the female (6( are attributed in part to: 9maller heart chamber siCe /ower blood #olume circulating less o+ygen throughout the body /ower hemoglobin le#els in women

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thedition, p. 12

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    1&) FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF represents the pressure that is e+erted on the artery walls asblood remains in the arteries during the Alling phase of the cardiac cycle.

    a. (esting blood pressureb. !a+imal blood pressurec. 9ystolic blood pressure

    d. 8iastolic blood pressure

    Explanationd) 8iastolic blood pressure8iastolic blood pressure represents the pressure that is e+erted on the artery wallsas blood remains in the arteries during the Alling phase of the cardiac cycle, orbetween beats when the heart rela+es.

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    Quiz #1: Chapter 3 &un!tional A""e""ment": o"ture/o=ility an' /o4ementACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) Which of the following @oints fa#ors stability o#er mobility?

    a. ;nkleb. Jneec. Thoracic spined. Llenohumeral

    Explanationb. Jnee

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    d. 9houlders

    Explanationa. /umbar spine

    The process begins by targeting an important pro+imal region of the body, thelumbar spine, which encompasses the body3s center of mass and the core. ;s this

    region is primarily stable, programming should begin by Arst promoting stability ofthe lumbar region through the action and function of the core. Gnce an indi#idualdemonstrates the ability to stabiliCe this region, the program should then progressto the more distal segments.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 21

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    -) ;fter pro+imal stability is established in the lumbar spine, the focus of thestability and mobility training phase shifts to establishing FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

    a. 9tatic balanceb. !obility and stability in the distal e+tremitiesc. 9tability of the scapulothoracic spine

    d. !obility of the pel#is and thoracic spine

    Explanationd. !obility of the pel#is and thoracic spine; programming seuence that promotes stability and mobility within the body willadhere to the basic principle that pro+imal stability facilitates distal mobility. Withthis in mind, the ne+t step after establishing stability in the lumbar spine is toaddress mobility of the pel#is and thoracic spine.ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2

    2) Which stretching techniue is /OSTappropriate for deconditioned clients to

    perform 70R,N-a workout?

    a. 8ynamic stretchingb. ;cti#e isolated stretchingc. 'ropriocepti#e neuromuscular facilitationd. !yofascial release

    Explanationb. ;cti#e isolated stretching;cti#e isolated stretching is the best choice for deconditioned clients during aworkout. 8ynamic stretching is only appropriate for conditioned clients and athletes,while myofascial release and propriocepti#e neuromuscular facilitation are moresuitable during the warmup and cooldown.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2&

    ) Which stretching techniue in#ol#es holding each stretch to the point of tensionfor 12 to 4 seconds?

    a. 8ynamic stretchingb. 9tatic stretchingc. ;cti#e isolated stretchingd. 0allistic stretching

    Explanationb. 9tatic stretching9tatic stretches should be taken to the point of tension, with clients performing aminimum of four repetitions and holding each repetition for 12 to 4 seconds.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2&

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    =) ; skilled performance athlete who has established good e+ibility would like toaddress functional e+ibility during his pree+ercise stretching routine. What twotypes of stretching would be the 0$9T choices for this client?

    a. ;cti#e isolated stretching and dynamic stretchingb. 8ynamic stretching and ballistic stretching

    c. 9tatic stretching and propriocepti#e neuromuscular facilitationd. !yofascial release and acti#e isolated stretching

    Explanationb. 8ynamic stretching and ballistic stretching8ynamic and ballistic stretches are appropriate during a pree+ercise stretchingroutine for athletes interested in impro#ing their functional e+ibility.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2&

    7) Which of the following muscles is part of the outer layer of the core?

    a. !ultiAdib. 8iaphragmc. Vuadratus lumborumd. /atissimus dorsi

    Explanationd. /atissimus dorsi

    The outermost layer consists of larger, more powerful muscles that span many#ertebrae and are primarily responsible for generating gross mo#ement and forceswithin the trunk. !uscles in this region include the rectus abdominis, erector spinae,e+ternal and internal obliues, iliopsoas, and latissimus dorsi.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 22

    E) The strengthening of weakened muscles should begin with the performance oftwo to four repetitions of isometric muscle contractions, each held for A#e to 14seconds at less than 24P of ma+imal #oluntary contraction in a supported, isolateden#ironment.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationa. True

    The strengthening of weakened muscles follows a progression model beginning withtwo to four repetitions of isometric muscle contractions, each held for A#e to 14seconds at less than 24P of !%> in a supported, more isolated en#ironment. Thene+t progression is to dynamic, controlled (G! e+ercises incorporating one to threesets of 1 to 12 repetitions.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2-

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    14) ; key role of the serratus anterior is to mo#e the thora+ toward a more A+ed,stable scapulae.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse8uring open kinetic chain *GJ>) mo#ements, a key role of the serratus anterior is tocontrol mo#ement of the scapulae against a more A+ed ribcage. 8uring closedkinetic chain mo#ements, howe#er, where the distal segment is more A+ed, a keyrole of the serratus anterior is to mo#e the thora+ toward a more A+ed, stablescapulae.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. =-

    11) The center of mass is generally slightly lower in men due to their increasedbody mass and narrower stance.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse

    The location of the center of mass #aries in indi#iduals by body shape, siCe, andgender, being slightly higher in males due to greater uantities of musculature inthe upper body.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 71

    1) Which of the following techniues will reduce the balance challenge of ane+ercise?

    a. "arrowing the base of supportb. /owering the center of massc. /ooking up and down during the e+ercised. >losing the eyes

    Explanationb. /owering the center of mass/owering the center of mass will reduce the balance challenge of an e+ercise, whilethe other choices will all increase the balance challenge.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 7&

    1&) 9tanding on a single leg and taking a step mandates stability in each of thefollowing regions $X>$'T the FFFFFFFFFF.

    a. 9tance legb. 6ip

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    c. Torsod. (aised leg

    Explanationd. (aised leg

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    9tanding eHciently on a single leg mandates stability in the stanceleg, hip, andtorso, while simultaneously e+hibiting mobility in the raised leg if stepping isin#ol#ed.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. E

    1-) Which type of mo#ement has the -REATESTneed for thoracic mobility?

    a. 'ushing mo#ementsb. 0endandlift mo#ementsc. (otational mo#ementsd. 'ulling mo#ements

    Explanationc. (otational mo#ements

    The need for thoracic mobility is greater during rotational mo#ements than withpushing and pulling mo#ements, gi#en the threedimensional nature of themo#ement patterns. 'erforming these e+ercises without thoracic mobility or lumbar

    stability may compromise the shoulders and hips, and increase the likelihood forin@ury.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &4-

    12) Which of the following e+ercises BESTaddresses the rotational mo#ementpattern during the mo#ementtraining phase?

    a. Woodchopb. Inilateral rowc. /unged. 6ip hinge

    Explanationa. Woodchop

    The woodchop is a rotational mo#ement. The unilateral row is a pulling mo#ement,the lunge is a singleleg mo#ement, and the hip hinge is a bendandlift mo#ement.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &4-&4

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    Quiz #1: Chapter 1; Re"i"tan!e Trainin$: ro$rammin$an' ro$re""ion"ACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) Which of the following terms is deAned as the product of muscular strength and

    mo#ement speed?

    a. !uscular enduranceb. !uscular powerc. ;bsolute strengthd. (elati#e strength

    Explanationb. !uscular power!uscular power is the product of muscular strength and mo#ement speed.;ssuming that an indi#idual3s mo#ement speed remains the same, an increase inmuscular strength is accompanied by a proportional increase in muscular power.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &1=

    ) Which of the following is a skillrelated parameter that might be addressed in aclient3s e+ercise program?

    a. 0alanceb. 5le+ibilityc. 0ody compositiond. ;erobic capacity


    a. 0alanceThe skillrelated parameters are as follows: power, speed, balance, agility,coordination, and reacti#ity. The other three options are healthrelated parameters.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &17

    &) Training freuency is in#ersely related to both training FFFFFFFFFF and trainingFFFFFFFFFF.

    a. %olumeM typeb. TypeM intensityc. %olumeM intensity

    d. TypeM duration

    Explanationc. %olumeM intensity

    Training freuency is in#ersely related to both training #olume and training intensity./ess #igorous e+ercise sessions produce less muscle microtrauma, reuire less timefor tissue remodeling, and can be performed more freuently. !ore #igorous

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    e+ercise sessions produce more muscle microtrauma, reuire more time for tissueremodeling, and must be performed less freuently for optimum results.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &17

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    -) ; client3s resistancetraining regimen in#ol#es performing four sets of eache+ercise, with each set containing four repetitions. This training #olume 0$9Taddresses which training goal?

    a. !uscular hypertrophyb. !uscular endurance

    c. !uscular strengthd. Leneral muscle Atness

    Explanationc. !uscular strength!uscular strength is addressed with any training regimen in#ol#ing the performanceof two to si+ sets of si+ or fewer repetitions.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &1

    2) What is the Arst progression made when utiliCing the doubleprogressi#e trainingprotocol?

    a. ;dding resistance in 2P incrementsb. ;dding repetitions to the setc. ;dding sets to the workoutd. (educing the rest inter#als

    Explanationb. ;dding repetitions to the set

    The doubleprogressi#e strengthtraining protocol may be used with any repetitionrange. The Arst progression is adding repetitions, and the second progression isadding resistance in 2P increments.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &-

    ) ;ccording the principle of re#ersibility, a client who stops performing resistancee+ercise will lose strength at about FFFFFFFFFF that it was gained

    a. The same rateb. Twice the ratec. Gnetenth the rated. Gnehalf the rate

    Explanationd. Gnehalf the rate; client who stops performing resistance e+ercise will lose strength at about onehalf the rate that it was gained. 5or e+ample, if an indi#idual increased his or her legpress strength by 24P o#er a 14week training period, he or she would lose half ofthat strength gain after 14 weeks of no resistance e+ercise, and all of his or herstrength gain after 4 weeks without training.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &

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    =) ;fter progressing to the loadtraining phase of the ;>$

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    Explanationc. !uscular power

    To impro#e the production of muscular force and power, plyometric e+ercise can beimplemented. 'lyometric e+ercise incorporates uick, powerful mo#ements andin#ol#es the stretchshortening cycle Yan acti#e stretch *eccentric contraction) of amuscle followed by an immediate shortening *concentric contraction) of that same

    muscleZ.ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &-&

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    14) Which of the following types of plyometric drills pro#ides the highest intensity?

    a. !ultiple linear @umpsb. [umps in placec. 6ops and boundsd. !ultidirectional @umps

    Explanationc. 6ops and bounds6ops and bounds are the most intense of the options listed. 6ops in#ol#e taking oDand landing with the same foot, while bounds in#ol#e the process of alternating feetduring the takeoD and landing. 6ops and bounds emphasiCe horiContal speed andare performed repeatedly with no rest between actions.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &-- B &-

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    Quiz #12: Chapter 11 Car'iore"piratory Trainin$:ro$rammin$ an' ro$re""ion"ACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) !ost health beneAts occur with at least FFFFFFFFFF a week of moderateintensity

    physical acti#ity.

    a. 4 minutesb. =2 minutesc. 124 minutesd. 174 minutes

    Explanationc. 124 minutes!any of the recommendations from the *++ P!ysical Acti)ity Guidelines for

    Americansare deri#ed from the knowledge that most health beneAts occur with atleast 124 minutes a week of moderateintensity physical acti#ity and that the

    beneAts of physical acti#ity far outweigh the possibility of ad#erse outcomes.ACE Personal Trainer anual, -th ed., p. &=-

    ) ; client performs regular moderate to #igorousintensity acti#ity at 72P of hisma+imum heart rate. What is his Atness classiAcation?

    a. 'oorKfairb. 5airKa#eragec. ;#erageKgoodd. LoodKe+cellent

    Explanationc. ;#erageKgood;n indi#idual in this category will perform habitual physical acti#ity: (egularmoderateto#igorous

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    number of speechpro#oking stimuli *normal con#ersation, a structured inter#iew,reciting a standard paragraph) by stating that they can speak comfortably. ;bo#e%T1, but below a second metabolic marker called the second #entilatory threshold*%T), they will be able to speak, but not comfortably.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. &7

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    =) 8uring which cardiorespiratory training phase of the ;>$

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    14) 8uring which cardiorespiratory training phase of the ;>$

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    Quiz #13: Chapter 1% /in'>Bo'y Exer!i"eACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) Which form of mindbody e+ercise is BESTdescribed as a form of mo#ingmeditation?

    a. "iab. ogac. Tai chid. 'ilates

    Explanationc. Tai chi

    Tai chi, the martial art deri#ati#e of igong, is best described as a mo#ingmeditation.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -2-

    ) Which type of yoga program is BESTsuited for indi#iduals who are new to yoga?

    a. (estorati#e yogab.

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    -) Which term, also the name of a type of yoga, is synonymous with what is alsocalled serpent power, or the coiledup energy contained in the body?

    a. 0ikramb. Jundalinic. Jripalu

    d. ;nusara

    Explanationb. Jundalini;lso called the yoga of awareness, kundalini yoga3s principal purpose is to awakenthe serpent power *kundalini, or coiledup energy) with postures, breath control,chanting, and meditation.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -

    2) Which form of tai chi is the most practiced in the West today?

    a. Griginal >hen styleb. >hang stylec. ang styled. Wu style

    Explanationc. ang styleGriginated by ang /uchan in the 1744s, the ang form is the most widely practicedform in the West today. The original ang form consists of 147 mo#ements *ang/ong 5orm)M howe#er, the ang -9hort 5orm is a popular modiAcation practicedtoday.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -

    ) ;n older adult client who is interested in trying mindbody e+ercise has decidedthat tai chi might be the best At for her needs and abilities. Which form of tai chiwould you recommend?

    a. Griginal >hen styleb. >hang stylec. Wu styled. 9un style

    Explanationd. 9un style0ecause the sun style in#ol#es a higher stance than other forms, it is often theeasiest for older adults to learn.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    =) Which contemporary form of mindbody e+ercise in#ol#es oor work and as wellas work done on a machine called a reformer?

    a. "iab. 'ilatesc. ;le+ander Techniue

    d. 5eldenkrais !ethod

    Explanationb. 'ilates'ilates is based on the idea that there is a core set of postural muscles that help tokeep the body balanced and are essential to pro#iding good support to the spine.

    This method is di#ided into two modalities, oorKmat work and work on a (eformer,a piece of resistance euipment originally de#eloped by [oseph 6. 'ilates.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. --=

    7) Which contemporary form of mindbody e+ercise includes a moderatele#el

    aerobic component that fosters spontaneity?

    a. "iab. 'ilatesc. ;le+ander Techniued. 5eldenkrais !ethod

    Explanationa. "iaInlike other mindbody e+ercise programs, "ia also includes a moderatele#elaerobic component to address cardiorespiratory endurance. The aerobic segment isdesigned to foster creati#ity and spontaneity rather than strict adherence tostandard group mo#ement patterns.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -7

    E) Gne of the means of ob@ecti#ely assessing the success of a mindbody e+erciseprogram is to record baseline and serial bloodpressure measurements.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationa. True0aseline and serial resting blood pressure measurement is also an acceptedoutcome measure responsi#e to four to si+ weeks of mindbody e+erciseQespeciallyif the participant has a resting blood pressure in the prehypertension or higherrange *i.e., S14K74 mm6g).

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -E

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    14) FFFFFFFFFF is the practice of #oluntary breath control, consisting of consciousinhalation, retention, and e+halation.

    a. ;sanab. 9i#anandac. %iniyoga

    d. 'ranayama

    Explanationd. 'ranayama

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    Quiz #18: Chapter 1. Exer!i"e an' Spe!ial opulation"ACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) Which of the following is NOTa common manifestation of atherosclerosis?

    a. 9trokeb. ;rrhythmiasc. ;nginad. 6eart attack

    Explanationb. ;rrhythmias;therosclerosis is the underlying cause of cerebral and peripheral #ascular diseases.!anifestations of atherosclerosis include angina, heart attack, stroke, andintermittent claudication.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -71

    ) 8uring a workout, you notice that a client displays a sudden lack of coordinationand balance and, when asked, reports trouble seeing. What is the /OSTlikelycause of these symptoms?

    a. !yocardial infarctionb. >laudicationc. 8iabetesd. 9troke

    Explanationd. 9troke

    The warning signs of a stroke are as follows: 9udden numbness or weakness of the face, arms, or legs

    9udden confusion or trouble speaking or understanding others

    9udden trouble seeing in one or both eyes

    9udden walking problems, diCCiness, or loss of balance and coordination

    9udden se#ere headache with no known causeACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -72

    &) ; client3s physician pro#ides the following guideline regarding the intensity ofe+ercise for a new client: ;n ('$ of 11 to 1 * to 4 scale) is the preferrede+ercise intensity. With which condition is this client !G9T likely coping?

    a. 6ypertensionb. >ancerc. Type diabetesd. 5ibromyalgia

    Explanationc. Type diabetes

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    -) ; male client brings a form from his primary care physician reporting thefollowing test results:

    Waist circumference: -1 inches

    Triglycerides: 1-4 mgKd/

    68/ cholesterol: &7 mgKd/

    0lood pressure: 17K74 mm6g 5asting blood glucose: E& mgKd/

    This client currently has the metabolic syndrome.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse

    The metabolic syndrome is deAned as the presence of three or more of the followingcomponents:

    $le#ated waist circumference

    !en S-4 inches *14 cm) Women S&2 inches *77 cm)

    $le#ated triglycerides S124 mgKd/

    (educed 68/ cholesterol !en R-4 mgKd/

    Women R24 mgKd/

    $le#ated blood pressure S1&4K72 mm6g

    $le#ated fasting blood glucose S144 mgKd/

    This client has only two of these components *ele#ated waist circumference andreduced 68/ cholesterol).

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -E-

    2) ; client3s physician pro#ides the following guideline regarding the mode ofe+ercise for a new client: 9wimming is the recommended mode of e+erciseM upperbody resistancetraining e+ercises are not appropriate. With which of the followingconditions is this client /OSTlikely coping?

    a. Gsteoporosisb. ;rthritis

    c. ;sthmad. 5ibromyalgia

    Explanationc. ;sthma9wimming may be particularly beneAcial for indi#iduals with asthma because itallows them to inhale the moist air @ust abo#e the surface of the water. 5or some

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    clients with asthma, upperbody e+ercises such as arm cranking, rowing, and crosscountry skiing may not be appropriate because of the higher #entilation demands.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. -E-

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    ) Weightbearing and resistancetraining acti#ities are /OSTimportant for clientswith which of the following diseases or disorders?

    a. Gsteoporosisb. 8iabetesc. ;rthritis

    d. /owback pain

    Explanationa. Gsteoporosis5or clients with osteoporosis, the mechanical stress associated with weightbearingor resistancetraining acti#ities produces strain on bone tissue and stimulates bonedeposition and resulting gains in bone mass and strength.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. 24

    =) 5or clients with which of the following diseases or disorders is it /OSTimportantto de#elop a regular pattern of acti#ity that does not result in postacti#ity


    a. /owback painb. >hronic fatigue syndromec. 5ibromyalgiad. >ancer

    Explanationb. >hronic fatigue syndromeWhen working with clients with >59, the goal is to de#elop a regular pattern ofacti#ity that does not result in postacti#ity malaise. /owintensity e+ercise isrecommended.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. 24E

    7) 6ow often should lowback e+ercises be performed in order to yield the ma+imumbeneAt?

    a. & daysKweekb. -2 daysKweekc. 2 daysKweekd. = daysKweek

    Explanationd. = daysKweekWhile there is a common belief that e+ercise sessions should be performed at leastthree times per week, it appears that lowback e+ercises ha#e the most beneAcialeDect when performed daily.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. 211

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    E) When programming e+ercise to help a client reduce lowback pain, it is mostimportant to focus on muscular strength, as opposed to muscular endurance.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationb. 5alse/owback e+ercises performed for maintenance of health need not emphasiCestrengthM rather, more repetitions of lessdemanding e+ercises will assist in theenhancement of endurance and strength. Li#en that endurance has more protecti#e#alue than strength, strength gains should not be o#eremphasiCed at the e+pense ofendurance.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual, -thed., p. 211

    14) G#erweight or obese clients who are seeking to lose weight should perform a!

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    Quiz #1: Chapter 1 Common /u"!ulo"?eletal ,n@urie"an' ,mpli!ation" (or Exer!i"eACEs Personal Trainer Manual, 4thEdition

    1) The most commonly reported knee in@ury in#ol#es damage to the FFFFFFFFFF.

    a. ;nterior cruciate ligamentb. !edial collateral ligamentc. 'atellad. !enisci

    Explanationd. !enisci

    The most commonly reported knee in@ury is damage to the menisci. The menisciha#e an important role within the knee due to their multiple functionsQshockabsorption, stability, @oint congruency, lubrication, and proprioception.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2&

    ) What type of in@ury can be classiAed as longitudinal, obliue, trans#erse, orcompression?

    a. 9tress fracturesb. 9prainsc. 0ursitisd. 9hin splints

    Explanationa. 9tress fractures

    /ongitudinal, obliue, trans#erse, and compression are the four types of stressfractures, which often occur in distance runners, track athletes, and court sportathletes *e.g., #olleyball, basketball).

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2&

    &) What is the Arst phase of healing after an in@ury occurs?

    a. (emodeling phaseb.

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    -) Which of the following is an ABSO*0TEcontraindication to stretching?

    a. [oint hypermobilityb. 'ain in the aDected areac. 'resence of osteoporosisd. [oint swelling

    Explanationa. [oint hypermobility

    The absolute contraindications to stretching are as follows: ; fracture site that is healing

    ;cute softtissue in@ury

    'ostsurgical conditions

    [oint hypermobility

    ;n area of infectionThe other three choices are all relati#e contraindications.ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2&7

    2)/ateral epicondylitis is commonly known as FFFFFFFFFF.

    a. Lolfer3s elbowb. [umper3s kneec. Tennis elbowd. (unner3s knee

    Explanationc. Tennis elbow/ateral epicondylitis, which is commonly called tennis elbow, is deAned as an

    o#eruse or repetiti#etrauma in@ury of the wrist e+tensor muscle tendons near theirorigin on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

    ACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2-1

    ) ; client complains of pain in the wrist during sleep and numbness and loss of gripstrength during e+ercise. What in@ury is the !G9T likely cause of these symptoms?

    a. Lreater trochanteric bursitisb. arpal tunnel syndrome

    Explanationd. >arpal tunnel syndrome

    The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include: "ight or earlymorning pain or burning

    /oss of grip strength and dropping of ob@ects

    "umbness or tingling in the palm, thumb, inde+, and middle AngersACE Personal Trainer anual,-thed., p. 2-

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    =) ; client comes to you with recommendations from her doctor regarding e+ercisewith greater trochanteric bursitis. Gne of the focuses or her training should bestrengthening which of the following muscle groups?

    a. 6amstringsb. Lluteals

    c. Vuadricepsd.

  • 8/21/2019 Quiz Answers ACE PT


    14) When programming e+ercise for a client who is reco#ering from a lateral anklesprain, it is important to begin with sidetoside motions before progressing tostraightplane and then multidirectional motions.

    a. Trueb. 5alse

    Explanationa. 5alse