quotes of imam husain and western writers a.s. hashim, md imam al-husain

Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers Writers A.S. Hashim, MD A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain Imam Al-Husain

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Page 1: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Quotes of Imam Husain and Western WritersWriters

A.S. Hashim, MDA.S. Hashim, MD

Imam Al-HusainImam Al-Husain

Page 2: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain
Page 3: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Husain’s Side inDefense of Islam

Yazid’s Side inDefense of Power

Al-HusainAl-AbbasZainul AbideenAl-Qasim and othersZainab

Habib ibn MudhahirAl-HurIbn Qayin

Mu’awiyaYazidIbn ZiyadOmar ibn Sa’adShimr


Page 4: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

ParametersParameters What parameters did affect Imam Husain?What parameters did affect Imam Husain?

a. Personalb. Spiritualc. What has been foretold

See next 3 slides for detail

Page 5: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

PERSONALPERSONAL # #1. Possible parameters affecting Al-1. Possible parameters affecting Al-


1. The Ummah denying the Khilaafah to Ali after the Prophet’s death

2. The Ummah giving trouble to Imam Ali during his Khilaafah: Jamal, Siffin, Khariji

3. The misfortune or debacle of the short period of Al-Hasan’s Khilaafah

4. The deteriorating spiritual condition of the people at large during Al-Husain’s Imamah

Page 6: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain


SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL ##2. Possible Parameters affecting Al-2. Possible Parameters affecting Al-


Al-Husain’s ExperienceIslam becoming Predominant during the Prophet’s time and a few years afterward

Cracks in the Ummah showing up during Uthman’s rule, and accelerating afterwards

The return of Jahiliya ways (but under the guise of Islam), accelerating to an alarming degree during Mu'awiya then Yazid’s times

Page 7: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Was ForetoldWas Foretold ##3. Possible Parameter: What was about him3. Possible Parameter: What was about him

1. Crying, the Prophet informed others that al-Husain would be killed in Karbala, as had Gabriel told him

2. The family probably kept referring to al-Husain’s forthcoming events, and al-Husain always remembered

3. On his way to Siffin, Imam Ali stopping at Karbala and saying:

It is here where they will be stopped, and it is here where their blood will be shed

Page 8: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Mount of Rahma (Mercy) where al-Husain Mount of Rahma (Mercy) where al-Husain supplicatedsupplicatedDu’aa ArafatDu’aa Arafat

Page 9: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

On top of Mount of Rahma (Mercy) where al-On top of Mount of Rahma (Mercy) where al-Husain supplicated: Du’aa ArafatHusain supplicated: Du’aa Arafat

Page 10: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

On Jabal Rahma Al-Husain Calls on God:On Jabal Rahma Al-Husain Calls on God:One sOne section of Du’aa Arafatection of Du’aa Arafat

وBال ،EعG مان GهG GعBطائ ل وBال ،EعGداف GهG GقBضآئ ل BسW Bي ل ]ذى ال Gلله WحBمWد[ Bل ا BناسWجB ا BرBطBف ع[، GواسW ال WجBواد[ ال Bه[وBو Gع، صان Wع[ ص[ن GهGعW Bص[ن ك

Gع[ الط]الئ GهW Bي عBل BخWفى ت ال ،BعG الص]نائ GهG WمBت GحGك ب BنBقW Bت وا ، GعG Bدائ Wب ، ال wل] ك Gش[ وBرائ Gع، صان wل] ك جازى Gع[، WوBدائ ال WدBه[ ن Gع Bضيع[ ت وBال

ضارGع، ، قانع wل] ك ….. وBراحGم[All the Praise is to God:  Whose decree none can avert, and Whose gift none can prevent. None can fashion the way He fashions, and He is the All-Generous, All-Embracing. Allah brought forth creatures unprecedented, and by His wisdom He perfected and fashioned. Harbingers hide not from Him, nor their deposits are lost with Him. Allah repays those who produce, comforts the men content, and is graceful to the men of humility. …

Page 11: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Thomas Carlyle:Thomas Carlyle:The spirit of Ashura’The spirit of Ashura’

“The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Cerebella [Karbala] is that Husain and his companions were rigid believers in God.

They illustrated that numerical superiority does not count when it comes to truth and falsehood.

The victory of Husain, despite his minority, marvels me!”

Page 12: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Al-Husain Pleads in his Supplication:Al-Husain Pleads in his Supplication: One s One section of Du’aa Arafatection of Du’aa Arafat

وBال • ، BقوايكB Gت ب عGدWنى WسB وBا ، BراكB ا �ى [ن Bا ك BشاكWخB ا Wنى عBل Wاج �ه[م] Bلل ا ، BكG Bت GمBعWصGي ب قGنى Wش] فى ت لى WكGبارBو ، BكG قBضآئ فى لى WرGخBو

ال �ى حBت ، BكGرBدBق ، BتWج]لBع ما BأخيرB ت وBال Bت Wخ]رB ا ما BجيلWعB ت [حGب] أ• WلBعWاج �ه[م] Bلل WGخWالصB ا وBاال Wبى، قBل فى BقينB Wي وBال BفWسى، ن فى BناىGغ

فى Bور� وBالن عBمBلى، دينى، فى فى Bة BصيرB Wب وBال BصBرى، ….بO God, let my apprehension of Thee be as if I were seeing Thee, Give me joy through piety toward Thee, Make me not wretched by disobedience toward Thee, Choose the best for me by Thy own JudgmentAnd O God bless me by Thy decree: that I may not hasten what You have delayed, nor wish to delay what You hasten. O Lord! Appoint for me sufficiency in my soul, •Certainty in my heart, •Sincerity in my action, ……

Page 13: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Sir Muhammad Iqbal:Sir Muhammad Iqbal:The spirit of Ashura’ The spirit of Ashura’

“Imam Husain uprooted despotism forever until the Day of Judgment. He watered the dry garden of freedom with the surging wave of his blood, and indeed he awakened the sleeping Muslim nation.

If Imam Husain had aimed at acquiring a worldly empire, he would not have traveled as he did. Husain weltered in blood and dust for the sake of truth.

Verily he, therefore, became the bedrock foundation of the Muslim creed:

‘There is no deity but Allah.’ ”

Page 14: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Al-Husain still reflecting:Al-Husain still reflecting: One s One section of Du’aa Arafatection of Du’aa Arafat

،G �ام WBي وBاال ]يالى الل Gوف وBص[ر[ ،Gالد�ه[ور GقG Bوائ ب عBلى �ى BعGن BهWوالG وBا ا WنGم Bجwنى وBنما ر] Bش WفGنى وBاك ،Gة BرGخW اال Gبات [ر[ وBك Wيا WBرWضG، الد�ن اال فGى Bم[ونG الظ�ال BعWمBل[ ي

وBما • WفGنى، فBاك Bخاف[ ا ما �ه[م] Bلل وBدينى ا BفWسى ن وBفى فBقGنى، BحWذBر[ اوBفى فBاحWفBظWنى، فBرى Bس وBفى نى، Wس وBفى فBاحWر[ [فWنى، ل WاخBف وBمالى BهWلى ا

لى، WكGبارBف Bنى قWت Bز Bر ما•O' Lord! Aid me against the misfortunes of time and the mishaps of the nights and days, •Deliver me from the tyranny of this world and the torments of the forthcoming world •And spare me from evilness of what the evildoers do in the earth. •O Lord! As for what I fear, spare me from it, •And as for what I seek to avoid, guard me against it:

•in my soul and my religion watch over me, and in my traveling protect me, •in my family and my property appoint a successor for me, •in what You have provided for me do bless me, …..

Page 15: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Charles Dickens:Charles Dickens:The spirit of Ashura’ The spirit of Ashura’

“If Husain had fought to quench his worldly desires, as alleged by certain Christian critics:

then I do not understand why his sister, wife, and children accompanied him.

It stands to reason therefore, that he sacrificed purely for Islam.”

Page 16: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Al-Husain in his Appeal to God:Al-Husain in his Appeal to God: One s One section of Du’aa Arafatection of Du’aa Arafat

ال]ذى BتW Bن ا ، BتW ن BسWحB ا ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتWمBعW Bن ا ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتW Wن مBن ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا BالىWوBم ياال]ذى BتW Bن ا ، BتWق Bز Bر ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتWلBمW Bك ا ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتWلBضWفB ا ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتWلBمWجB ا

ال]ذى BتW Bن ا ، BتW Bي BقWن ا ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتW Bي BغWن ا ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتW BعWطBي ا ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتWف]قBوال]ذى BتW Bن ا ، BتWمBصBع ال]ذى BتW Bن ا ، BتW هBدBي ال]ذى BتW Bن ا ، BتW BفBي ك ]ذى ال BتW Bن ا ، BتW آوBي

، Bت WرB ت Bس.…O Allah, my Protector and my Lord! You are He who is gracious, •You are He who has blessed, •You are He who has worked good, •You are He who is kind, •You are He who is bounteous, •You are He who has perfected, •You are He who has provided, •You are He who has given achievement, •You are He who has bestowed, •You are He who has enriched, •You are He who has given contentment •You are He who has sheltered,….

Page 17: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Edward Gibbon:Edward Gibbon:The spirit of Ashura’The spirit of Ashura’

“In a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of Husain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.”

Page 18: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Mohandas Gandhi:Mohandas Gandhi:The spirit of Ashura’ The spirit of Ashura’

• “I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind.... I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life.

• It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of Husain, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission to save Islam. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle.”

Page 19: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Al-Husain professing before God:Al-Husain professing before God: One s One section of Du’aa Arafatection of Du’aa Arafat

�ى Gن ا BكB Wحان ب س[ BتW Bن ا � Gال ا BلهG ا ال ، BمينG الظ�ال BنGم Wت[ [ن ك �ى Gن ا BكB Wحان ب س[ BتW Bن ا � Gال ا BلهG ا ال ، BرينGفWغB ت Wم[سW ال BنGم Wت[ [ن ك

�ى Gن ا BكB Wحان ب س[ BتW Bن ا � Gال ا BلهG ا ال ، BدينwحBم[وW ال BنGم Wت[ [ن ك �ى Gن ا BكB Wحان ب س[ BتW Bن ا � Gال ا BلهG ا ال ، BفينG Wخائ ال BنGم Wت[ [ن ك

�ى Gن ا BكB Wحان ب س[ BتW Bن ا � Gال ا BلهG ا ال ، BلينGجBوW ال BنGم Wت[ [ن ك �ى Gن ا BكB Wحان ب س[ BتW Bن ا � Gال ا BلهG ا ال ، Bراجين[ ال BنGم Wت[ [ن ك

، BبينGاغ الر� BنGم Wت[ [ن ك �ى Gن ا BكB Wحان ب س[ BتW Bن ا � Gال ا BلهG ا �ى ال Gن ا BكB Wحان ب س[ BتW Bن ا � Gال ا BلهG ا ال ، Bلينw Wم[هBل ال BنGم Wت[ [ن ك

•There is no god but Thee, glory be to Thee! I am of those who profess Your Oneness. •There is no god but Thee, glory be to Thee! I am one of the fearing. •There is no god but Thee, glory be to Thee! I am one of those who are afraid. •There is no god but Thee, glory be to Thee! I am one of the hopeful. •There is no god but Thee, glory be to Thee! I am of those who yearn. •There is no god but Thee, glory be to Thee! I am one of those who say "There is no god but Thee". •There is no god but Thee, glory be to Thee! I am one of the glorifiers.

Page 20: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

William Muir:William Muir:The spirit of Ashura’The spirit of Ashura’

“The tragedy of Karbala decided not only the fate of the Caliphate,

but also of [Muslim] kingdoms long after the Caliphate had waned and disappeared.”

Page 21: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Edward G. Browne:Edward G. Browne:The spirit of Ashura’The spirit of Ashura’

“A reminder of that blood-stained field of Karbala, where the grandson of the Apostle of God fell, at length,

tortured by thirst, and surrounded by the bodies of his murdered kinsmen, has been at anytime since then, sufficient to evoke, even in the most lukewarm and the heedless, the deepest emotion, the most frantic grief,

and an exaltation of spirit before which pain, danger, and death shrink to unconsidered trifles.”

Page 22: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Said the Indian leader Gandhi Said the Indian leader Gandhi  The spirit of Ashura’The spirit of Ashura’

(Having read carefully the life of Imam Hussein,The great martyr of Islam,And looked over the pages of KarbalaIt was clear to me that if India wanted to victory,It must follow a tracking biography of Hussein).

He also said, (I learned from Hussain how to be oppressed and won). 

Page 23: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Ignaz Goldziher Ignaz Goldziher  The spirit of Ashura’The spirit of Ashura’

"Ever since the black day of Karbala, the history of this family ('Alawi family) has been a continuous series of sufferings and persecutions. These are narrated in poetry and prose, in a richly cultivated literature of martyrdom - a Shi'i specialty - and they form the theme of Shi'i gatherings in the first third of the month of Muharram, whose tenth day ('ashura) is kept as the anniversary of the tragedy at Karbala. Scenes of that tragedy are also presented on this day of commemoration in dramatic form (ta'ziya).

Page 24: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Ignaz Goldziher: Ignaz Goldziher: ContinuesContinues   The spirit of Ashura’The spirit of Ashura’

'Our feast days are our assemblies of mourning;' So concludes a poem by a prince of Shi'i disposition recalling the many anguish of the Prophet's family.

Weeping and lamentation over the evils and persecutions suffered by the 'Alawi family, and mourning for its martyrs: these are things from which loyal supporters of the cause cannot cease.

'More touching, the tears of the Shi'is' has even become an Arabic proverb.

Page 25: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Explain the value of Karbala.Explain the value of Karbala.

a. Karbala saw the physical glory of Imam Husain.

b. Karbala gave birth to the voluptuous spiritual awakening for Islam.

c. b, + It was the beginning of the Islamic arousal all over, the rebirth of Islam. We owe our totality to Imam Husain.

d. a, + It was the very beginning of the Shi'a movement.

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Page 26: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

What actually did Imam Husain What actually did Imam Husain accomplish?accomplish?

a. He launched the beacon of Islam to illuminate Karbala.

b. a, + He launched the beacon of Islam to illuminate the Muslim World

c. b, + He launched the beacon of Islam for the global pursuit

d. a+b+c to be permanent.

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Page 27: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

What was the technique Imam What was the technique Imam Husain pursued?Husain pursued?

a. Willfully at the sacrifice of himself

b. Willfully at sacrificing family and friends

c. Leave Zainul Abideen and Zainab to broadcast the event.

d. a+b+c leave a permanent imprint of Islam on the world

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Page 28: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

How old was Al-Husain when he How old was Al-Husain when he was designated to be the Imam?was designated to be the Imam?

a. 41 years old.b. 46 years old.c. 51 years old.d. 66 years old.

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Page 29: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Describe people's feelings when Describe people's feelings when Yazid was imposed on them.Yazid was imposed on them.

a. There was anger, tension, and disapproval everywhere.

b. The calamities caused by Benu Umayya clan caused much discontent.

c. a, b, + Evidence of resistance began to show, as people could not swallow Yazid.

d. a, b, + Though Yazid had a rotten nature, most people in Syria welcomed him as their hero.

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Page 30: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

What did the governor of Medina do What did the governor of Medina do to take allegiance from Al-Husain for to take allegiance from Al-Husain for Yazid?Yazid?

a. He visited Al-Husain at home and asked him for allegiance to Yazid.

b. He called upon Al-Husain to meet with him and asked for Husain's allegiance to Yazid.

c. He forced Al-Husain to give allegiance to Yazid.

d. He begged Al-Husain to give allegiance to Yazid.

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Page 31: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Why didn't Imam Husain perform Why didn't Imam Husain perform the Haj but instead hastened the Haj but instead hastened

toward Kufa?toward Kufa?

a. Possibility of presence of secret agents of Yazid to kill Al-Husain while performing Haj, thus undo Al-Husain's challenge to Yazid and exposing Benu Umayya.

b. a, + Was advised against going to Kufa since it was too dangerous.

c. a, + b, + Family members were sick at the time.

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Page 32: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Why did Imam Husain take his Why did Imam Husain take his closest family with him?closest family with him?

a. So that they cannot be held as hostages, thus undo Al-Husain's plan.

b. a, + The remaining of his family can broadcast to the general public what happened in Karbala, thus divulge the atrocities of Yazid and Benu Umayya.

c. a, + He enjoyed the company of his family.

d. a, + He wanted to be close to his family to take care of him.

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Page 33: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Describe the feeling at camp of Husain Describe the feeling at camp of Husain the night before the anticipated the night before the anticipated


a. The members of Husain's camp were preoccupied in exhilaration and anticipation.

b. The feeling was about how to meet their loved ones in Heaven.

c. Husain urged them to leave, since he was the one the enemy was after.

d. a, b, c, + They answered Husain's request by saying, “Never, by God never.”

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Page 34: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

What did happen at noon time What did happen at noon time on the 10th of Muharram?on the 10th of Muharram?

a. The fighting engagement was most severe.

b. Al-Husain stopped the fight to perform Salat Dhuhr.

c. b, + Two companions guarded the praying people from arrows of the enemy, and after Salat one of them fell dead from the wounds he received.

d. a, b, c, + The enemy prayed with Imam Husain leading the Salat.

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Page 35: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Describe the last moments of Describe the last moments of the fight of Imam Husain.the fight of Imam Husain.

a. Al-Husain, bleeding and cut, rushed to his nephew, carrying him saying, “O beloved! it deeply hurts me that you call me and I cannot be of much help...”

b. Then, Imam Husain supplicated, “O' Lord! May I ask Thee to take away Thy bounty from these people! And if You, Lord, allow them a respite, may I ask Thee to sow difference among them and let them be divided!"

c. a, b, + Al-Husain confronted them again. No one dared to carry the burden of his blood. They heard him say: “It is my blood that you want, but I ask Allah Almighty to have me honored by disgracing you and humiliating you, and in ways you cannot imagine, take a full revenge from you.”

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Page 36: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Which of the following is incorrect?Which of the following is incorrect?

a. Al-Husain was 57 Yr old in Karbalab. Al-Abbas was 34 Yr old in Karbalac. Zainab was 56 Yr old in Karbalad. Zainul Abideen was 57 Yr old in

Karbalae. Umm Kulthoom was 55 Yr old in

Karbalaf. Al-Qasim was 22 Yr old in Karbala

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Page 37: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Mohandas Gandhi:Mohandas Gandhi:The spirit of Ashura’ The spirit of Ashura’

“I have learned from Husain how to be oppressed yet victorious.”

Page 38: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

End of quizEnd of quiz

a. To get these slides go to Islamicbooks.info then click: Slide-show in PowerPoint

b. Other interesting subjects can be downloaded

c. Thank you and may Allah bless you!

Page 39: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Let us read togetherLet us read together

a. Let us Read Surah Al-Fatiha togetherb. For the souls of your loved onesc. And particularly for the soul of my wife

Nancy Carolyn Hashim

Page 40: Quotes of Imam Husain and Western Writers A.S. Hashim, MD Imam Al-Husain

Be in Allah’s CareBe in Allah’s CareA.S. Hashim, MD