qut postgraduate study guide

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  • 8/11/2019 QUT Postgraduate Study Guide


    Postgraduate study



    Creative industries



    Law and justice

    Science and


  • 8/11/2019 QUT Postgraduate Study Guide



    Why study at QUT?QUT provides outstanding learning environments and programs leading to excellent outcomes for

    graduates. Our courses give you the skills to work in, and guide, a world increasingly characterised

    by change.

    ReputationQUT is one of Australias leadinguniversities with more than 10 000postgraduate students, including 2400research students, among its totalenrolment of 45 000. Our emphasis ison highly relevant courses and research,and graduates enjoy employmentoutcomes above the national averagefor Australian universities. In 2014 QUTwas the highest ranked Queenslanduniversity in the prestigious Times HigherEducationworlds top 100 universitiesunder 50 years. You can be confident yourQUT qualification will be well regardedoverseas.

    World-class researchQUT is a major contributor to the creationof new knowledge in our areas of researchstrength. Researchers address complexproblems and issues with rigour andimagination. More than 85 per cent ofour research was ranked world standardor above in the Australian governmentsExcellence in Research for Australiaassessment process in 2010 and 2012.

    FlexibilityYou can study full time or part time andmay be able to attend classes in theevening, study externally or undertakeflexible assessment options. Investigateyour options to enhance your studies withelectives or pursue your own intereststhrough independent study and projects.Mid-year entry or summer program mayenable you to fast-track your study. Someof our courses can be broken down intosmaller pieces so you can opt in and outwhen it suits you. For example, if you arehaving trouble finding the time to continueyour masters program, you may be able toexit early with a graduate certificate.

    Industry collaborationCourse content is created in collaborationwith top industry professionals to ensurecourses are relevant to changing industryneeds. Our teaching staff are connectedto industry and the professions asresearchers and consultants and, alongwith guest speakers, bring cutting-edge knowledge and networking intothe classroom. Our courses includeopportunities for you to gain professional

    experience through workplace projects inAustralia and overseas.

    Expert staffAs a QUT student you will learn fromthe best. Our teaching staff andresearch supervisors provide studentswith engaging learning experiencesin a supportive environment. QUTsperformance is exceptional in theAustralian Awards for UniversityTeaching and Fellowship program, whichrecognises efforts to advance learningand teaching in higher education.

    Learning environmentsQUT invests heavily in world-class facilitiesand is committed to providing some ofthe most innovative learning spaces inthe country. In 2013 QUTs $230 mill ionScience and Engineering Centre openedits doors and a further $55 million wasinvested to upgrade facilities across allcampuses. New social learning spacesencourage discussion and debate amongstudents, lecturers and researchers,changing the way we teach, learn andresearch.


    To help you succeed in your studies, QUTprovides extensive support programseverything from free workshops to buildyour academic skills, networking events tomeet future employers, or online accessto lectures and library resources.

    Postgraduate coursework study areas

    BusinessMaster of Business in accounting,

    professional accounting, applied finance,strategic advertising, integrated marketingcommunication, public relations,marketing, international business, humanresource management, management, andphilanthropy and non-profit studies. MBAand Executive MBA programs.

    Creative industriesCreative advertising, journalism,professional communication, socialmedia, architecture, interactive and visualdesign, creative production and artsmanagement, creative writing.

    EducationEarly childhood teaching, early

    years, career development, inclusiveeducation, leadership and management,teaching English to speakers of otherlanguages (TESOL), school guidanceand counselling, teacher-librarianship,graduate-entry teaching programs.

    HealthBiomedical science (honours), chronicdisease, counselling, health management,healthsafety and environment, cardiacultrasound and medical ultrasound,nursing, nurse practitioner, oculartherapeutics, podiatric therapeutics,

    psychology (fourth-year studies, clinicalor educational and developmental), publichealth, social work.

    Law and justiceCommercial, health, project management,

    intellectual property, justice, policy andgovernance, criminology, intelligence andpractical legal training.

    Science and engineeringConstruction, engineering(management, mechanical, networkingand communications, railwayinfrastructure), planning and projectmanagement, information technology(business process management,computer science, data science,enterprise systems, human computerinteraction, security, information

    management, library and informationpractice, networks), and science(medical physics).

  • 8/11/2019 QUT Postgraduate Study Guide



    Study pathwaysChoosing the best option for you depends on your reasons for study,your qualifications and experience, and your area of interest.

    Coursework or research?You can complete your postgraduatestudy through coursework or research, ora combination of both.

    If you are looking to change careers,take your current career to a new level,enhance your knowledge or acquirenew skills, then consider postgraduatecoursework study.

    If you are a high performer who is keento solve real-world problems by testingtheories and contributing significantnew knowledge, or creating newunderstanding in a particular field, thenconsider a research degree.

    Postgraduate courseworkEntry to postgraduate courseworkprograms usually requires completion of anundergraduate degree, although substantialprofessional experience or other recognisedqualifications may be considered for somecourses. For entry requirements see the

    course information at www.qut.edu.au/study/postgraduate-study

    Graduate certificatesStudy four units to complete a graduatecertificate, which can take as little asone semester to complete. A graduatecertificate allows you to acquire knowledgeof a new field in a short time, or test howpostgraduate study might fit into your life.

    Graduate diplomasA graduate diploma consists of eight unitsand can normally be completed in twosemesters.

    Coursework mastersThe duration of a masters degree variesfrom a year full time up to four years parttime. A masters degree provides scope tostudy a selection of units in your field anddevelop specialised knowledge. You maybecome a leader in your field or gain theknowledge needed to launch a new career.

    Career change courses

    Many postgraduate courses at QUTaccept an unspecified bachelor degreefor entry so you can prepare yourself fora new career without having to completeanother undergraduate degree. Visitwww.qut.edu.au/study/postgraduate-study/career-change-courses

    Customised education

    and short coursesQUT can deliver accelerated groupprograms to your workplace providinghigh-impact solutions for organisations.We also offer a range of courses forprofessional or personal development

    that allow you to develop a new skill setin a short period of time. For currentcourse offerings visit www.qut.edu.au/study/short-courses-and-professional-development

    Postgraduate researchBoth honours and postgraduatecoursework studies can provide apathway to higher degree research.

    HonoursUndertaking honours provides foundation

    skills in designing and undertakingresearch. An honours year normallyfollows directly after a bachelor degree.

    It consists of coursework study as wellas preparing a research hypothesis andmethodology, and presenting the researchresults in a thesis.

    Research mastersA masters by research is an opportunityto pursue a significant piece of supervisedresearch and present the results of yourresearch in a thesis. There is usually a

    coursework component as well.A research masters will take one to twoyears full time to complete.

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)A PhD will challenge you to make asignificant and original contribution toknowledge in your field or develop newways of approaching existing problems.You will work closely with two or moresupervisors to complete a doctoral thesis.A doctorate will take a minimum of threeyears full time or six years part time tocomplete.

    Professional doctorateThrough a professional doctorate youwill integrate high-level research into yourprofessional life by working to resolvecurrent industry problems or developingand extending your practice throughinvestigation and research evidence.Your doctorate will take a minimum ofthree years full time or six years part time.

    You may be able to design your owntopic for research aligned with one ofour research areas, or choose fromsuggested topics.

    For more information visit www.qut.edu.au/study/phds-and-research-degrees

  • 8/11/2019 QUT Postgraduate Study Guide



    Research at QUTQUT researchers are motivated by some of the biggest challenges

    and opportunities facing Australia and the global community. If you

    are passionate about creating new knowledge join our research

    leaders to work on a range of real-world projects and problems.

    QUTs research programs meet the needsof students, industry and the communitythrough supervised research trainingthat is collaborative, multidisciplinary andpurpose driven.

    Here are some reasons why you shouldconsider research at QUT, Australiasemerging powerhouse of innovation:

    QUT has one of Australias fastestgrowing research profiles

    more than 85 per cent of QUTs currentresearch areas are rated at worldstandard or above (2012 Excellence in

    Research for Australia assessment) QUT is a consistent top-10 performer

    in the Australian Research CouncilsLinkage Projects Scheme, whichsupports research and partnershipswith industry

    QUT has attracted and invested morethan half a billion dollars in infrastructurein the past six years

    QUT has a track record in attractingmajor international grants includingfunds from the Bill and MelindaGates Foundation and from theIndian Government Department ofBiotechnology

    qutbluebox, our innovation andknowledge transfer company, isbringing the benefits of QUT discoveriesto the global market.

    QUT is focused on becoming a research-intensive university in selected areas ofstrength and priority, and our interdisciplinaryresearch is characterised by quality,relevance and partnerships. Our majorresearch area developments include:

    fostering research in selected fieldsof science, technology, engineeringand mathematics, which are widelyconsidered to be essential coretechnological underpinnings for thecontinued development of society

    leading research in robotics, avionicsand automation through the AustralianResearch Council Centre of Excellencefor Robotic Vision

    building a world-class team of researchcollaborations at the Institute for FutureEnvironments focusing on sustainability,future energy technologies, resourcemanagement, healthy ecosystems,intelligent environments, simulations,maths and computations science,security, and the resilience of ourinfrastructure and subtropical agriculture

    building and consolidating our work atthe Institute of Health and BiomedicalInnovation through engagement inresearch of high relevance to the healthindustry, with a focus on disease

    prevention and the use of technologyfor better health outcomes

    addressing key problems andopportunities in the creative economywith research in media, cultural andcommunication studies, law, education,economics and business, andinformation technology

    continuing our leadership in eresearchand building distinctive expertisein developing scientific knowledge,underpinned by continuing advancesin information and communicationtechnologies

    consolidating and extending researchin education and creative industries,business (especially economics andfinance, management, entrepreneurshipand non-profits) and law.

    To achieve these outcomes, we arecommitted to developing a high-qualityworkforce and providing outstandingsustainable infrastructure, support andfacilities for our researchers.

    Read more about QUTs research atwww.qut.edu.au/research/our-research


  • 8/11/2019 QUT Postgraduate Study Guide


    Institute of Health andBiomedical InnovationThe Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation is at the

    forefront of research in disease prevention, mind and body

    health, and recovery. The institute involves more than 900

    researchers from diverse fields including public health,

    medicine, nursing, engineering, molecular biology, allied health

    and psychology.

    Postgraduate students use state-of-the-art facilities in this

    interdisciplinary community and learn from researchers who

    are focused on solutions to real-world problems. Additional

    facilities include the Medical Engineering Research Facility at

    The Prince Charles Hospital and the Translational Research

    Institute at Princess Alexandra Hospital.


    Institute for FutureEnvironmentsThe five star green star Science and Engineering Centre

    is home to QUTs Institute for Future Environments.

    Hundreds of QUT academics and students from computing,

    mathematics, environmental and geosciences, robotics,

    engineering and other fields come together to tackle the

    grand challenges facing humanityfrom feeding the worlds

    booming population to managing scarce natural resources

    and reducing our carbon footprint. These researchers study

    how our natural, built and virtual environments interact,

    change and converge, to find ways to make them more

    sustainable, secure and resilient. Research developed here

    focuses on practical applications and the delivery of viable

    outcomes to make a difference in the real world.

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    CampusesGardens Point campusWith more than 25 000 students, GardensPoint campus is a prime location inBrisbanes city centre, beside theBrisbane River, City Botanic Gardens

    and Parliament Housea position thatreinforces QUTs links with business,industry and government.

    The Science and Engineering Centrebrings together teaching and researchin science, technology, engineering, andmathematics disciplines and is home toQUTs Institute for Future Environmentsand The Cube, one of the worlds largestinteractive learning and display spaces.It also includes stimulating learning andresearch facilities, food and retail outlets,and a 50-metre swimming pool and gym.

    The Gardens Cultural Precinct presents a

    full theatre and exhibition program includingstudent productions in acting, dance andmusic, and works from visiting Australianand international companies. QUT ArtMuseum and the William Robinson Galleryin historic Old Government House offer aprogram of changing exhibitions.

    This inner-city campus is within easywalking distance of shops, restaurants,theatres and galleries.

    Kelvin Grove campusKelvin Grove campus, with almost 14 000

    students, is located three kilometresfrom the city centre. The campus is partof the Kelvin Grove Vi llage, a master-planned community that brings togetherresidential, educational, retail, health,recreational and business opportunities.

    The campus is a vibrant community withexcellent research facilities. It is home toQUTs Institute of Health and BiomedicalInnovation, a collaborative researchinstitute, dedicated to solving the healthproblems that affect Australia and ourneighbouring communities.

    QUT Health Clinics provide quality

    clinical education to the next generationof healthcare professionals, and free orlow-cost care to staff, students and thecommunity. Services are available inexercise, nutrition and dietetics, optometry,podiatry, psychology and counselling,wound healing and chronic diseasesupport.

    The Creative Industries Precinct,Australias first site dedicated to creativeexperimentation and commercialdevelopment in the creative industries, isalso located at the Kelvin Grove campus.

    A fitness club and aquatic centre withgymnasium, 25-metre pool and indoorsports stadium, as well as tennis courtsand sports fields, are located on campusor in the village precinct.

    FacilitiesTo enrich your university experience andmake life easier, QUT provides a range ofon-campus facilities including:

    cafs, food outlets and licensed bars

    childcare centres

    student centres

    counselling and QUT medical centres 24-hour computing laboratories



    automatic teller machines

    campus shops and newsagency

    swimming pools

    fitness centres and sporting facilities.

    TransportQUTs campuses are well serviced bypublic transport, and the Gardens Pointand Kelvin Grove campuses are linked by

    a free shuttle bus.

    Gardens Point campus boasts its ownferry stop and is walking distanceto central city train stations and citybus services. The Goodwill Bridge, apedestrian and cyclist bridge, links thecampus to South Bank Parklands and theQueensland Cultural Centre.

    Kelvin Grove campus is convenientlylinked to the city and suburbs by theNorthern Busway.

    For more information about campusesand transport visit www.qut.edu.au/campuses-and-facilities


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    Science andEngineering CentreThe Science and Engineering Centre lies at the heart of our

    plan to grow the next generation of researchers, teachers

    and graduatespeople wholl make a real difference to our

    world. Students and researchers enjoy the advantages of this

    state-of-the-art research, teaching and learning environment,

    unmatched anywhere in Australia, and are inspired to reachtheir potential and exceed their goals.

    The centre is transforming QUTs contribution to the needs

    of Australias green workforce and we are researching and

    developing solutions for pressing issues, such as climate

    change and sustainability. Working with public and private

    sector partners, the centre is a vehicle for collaborative and

    interdisciplinary discovery. It is also home to the QUT Institute

    for Future Environments where researchers are looking for

    ways to make our natural, built and virtual environments more

    sustainable, secure and resilient.

    Creative IndustriesPrecinctWelcome to the most sophisticated creative space in

    Australia. The $80 million stage two of QUTs Creative

    Industries Precinct opens in 2015 at Kelvin Grove. The

    development includes an 11 000 square metre, six-storeybuilding and refurbished heritage spaces, which will host

    interdisciplinary research, events and exhibitions, industry

    collaborations and short courses open to the public. Visual

    arts, music, dance and drama students will access world-

    class studios including music recording suites, a research

    and development studio and extra-high ceilinged studios for

    aerial dance and oversized artworks.

    Leading-edge technology, including a digital fibre optic

    backbone networked to each room, and real-time data

    and processing capabilities, will enable innovative research

    and teaching exploring the connections between live and

    distributed performance and interactive media design.

    Projects can be streamed to the web, QUTs world-leading

    digital display and learning space, The Cube, and other

    facilities in the university.


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    Support forpostgraduate studentsAs a postgraduate student you will benefit from free access to specialised support staff, services

    and resources while studying at QUT. These resources range from online services to physicalspaces and specialised training.

    Library and academicsupportWith libraries at Kelvin Grove and GardensPoint campuses and a specialised LawLibrary at Gardens Point, you will haveaccess to:

    individual consultation with facultyliaison librarians for research, supportand training

    online and on-campus workshopsto improve your skills in research,assignment writing, presentations,exam preparation and more

    the Ask a Librarian service by phone, inperson or through online chat

    large and diverse print and onlineinformation resource library collectionsand services providing you with accessto 800 publ isher databases, 120 000ejournals, 250 000 ebooks and 500 000print books across a diverse range ofdisciplines

    bookable study room spaces for groupsand individuals

    a document delivery service allowingyou to borrow from other libraries inAustralia and overseas.

    Visit www.library.qut.edu.au

    IT services and resourcesQUT uses technology to enhance yourstudy experience with:

    all lectures recorded and accessibleonline

    free wi-fi and 24-hour computer labs

    QUT Virtual which allows you to enrolonline, manage your timetable, checkyour results and pay your fees online

    QUT Blackboard, a web-based learningsystem that gives you access to unitoutlines, reading lists, discussionforums, lecture recordings and more

    online IT training at your own pace

    low-cost and convenient facilities forprinting, copying and scanning coursematerials

    in-person, phone and online IT supportthrough the IT Helpdesk, availableseven days a week

    for research students, the web-basedPostgraduate Research Training

    Information Assistant (PORTIA) toassist with managing research plansand facilitate communication withsupervisors.

    Career development andemploymentQUT has a dedicated team ofpostgraduate career counsellorswho provide free, specialised careercounselling services, and conduct aprogram of workshops and eventsdesigned to assist students with theircareer development and transition toemployment. The QUT Career Mentor

    Scheme provides postgraduate studentswith the opportunity to be matched withan industry professional, to support theircareer development and assist with thetransition from study to the workforce.

    QUT CareerHub allows employersto upload advertisements for viewingby alumni, staff and students. Visitwww.careers.qut.edu.au

    QUT Alumni provides opportunities fornetworking and professional and personaldevelopment, and assists graduates to formmeaningful, lifelong relationships with QUT.Visit www.qut.edu.au/alumni

    Research student supportnetworkResearch higher degree students willbenefit from an extensive support networkand services including:

    a comprehensive program of face-to-face and online training anddevelopment opportunities

    specialist training and administrativesupport through QUTs centralResearch Students Centre

    research staff who recognise the

    importance of the student-supervisorrelationship and are trained andaccredited in the supervision ofresearch students

    QUT Library Researchers Centreslocated at Gardens Point andKelvin Grove libraries and individualconsultation with liaison librarians

    access to high performance computing,mathematics, statistics and numeracysupport, technology support and QUTsexpertise in eresearch

    opportunities to receive internationalexposure for research findings throughthe QUT ePrints repository of publishedresearch outputs and PhD and mastersby research theses

    international exchange opportunities anda scheme to provide financial support forstudy-related travel, including attendingconferences and accessing specialisedequipment or resources

    the Indigenous Studies Research

    Network, a network of Indigenousresearchers, affiliates and postgraduatestudents promoting the sharing ofknowledge, research and informationwithin the Indigenous studies globalcommunity.

    General services andsupportThere is a wide range of general servicesavailable including personal counselling,QUT medical centre, childcare centres, anaccommodation service, and chaplaincy for

    all major religions. The QUT Guild supportsstudents with advocacy, services, clubsand societies, and accommodation andemployment listings.

    Specialised services are available forAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students(through the Oodgeroo Unit), internationalstudents, students from non-Englishspeaking backgrounds, students with adisability and students from low-incomebackgrounds.

    The Student Ombudsman assists studentswho have a complaint concerning anacademic or administrative process at QUT

    by providing advice or investigating yourgrievance or complaint.

    For more information visitwww.qut.edu.au/support

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    Study costs, scholarshipsand financial supportCoursework study costs

    Tuition fee and Commonwealth

    supported places*If you are studying a postgraduatecoursework program, you will usually bein a tuition fee place. A small number ofpostgraduate courses are offered on aCommonwealth supported basis, wherethe government makes a contributiontowards the course cost and you also paya student contribution.

    Your letter of offer will state if you have beenoffered a tuition fee or Commonwealthsupported place. Fee information for allcourses is published on the QUT websiteby 1 October each year. Check the onlinecourse details at www.qut.edu.au/study/postgraduate-study

    Fees are charged on a per semesterbasis. You can pay your fees in full or youmay be able to defer payment of some, orall, of your fees through the governmentHELP loan scheme.

    Higher Education Loan

    Program (HELP)*If you are in a tuition fee place you may beeligible for a FEE-HELP loan which allows

    you to defer payment of your fees until yourincome reaches a certain level ($51 309for the 20132014 income year). If you areearning over this threshold amount, youcan take out a FEE-HELP loan and pay feesthrough the taxation system in increments,rather than in full to the university. You canalso make partial fee payments and deferthe remainder through a HELP loan.

    If you are in a Commonwealth supportedplace you may defer payment of yourstudent contribution with a HECS-HELPloan.

    Citizenship and other conditions apply

    for HELP loans and Commonwealthsupported places. For more informationvisit www.qut.edu.au/study/fees-and-scholarships

    Student Services and

    Amenities FeeDomestic postgraduate courseworkstudents are charged a fee for non-academic student services such ashealth and welfare, employment andcareer advice, study skills programs, andorientation information and activities.The maximum Student Services andAmenities Fee for 2014 is $281. Eligiblestudents can defer the fee through thegovernment loan scheme, SA-HELP.

    Research study costs

    Research Training Scheme*If you are an Australian or New Zealandcitizen or Australian permanent residentyou will normally be awarded a ResearchTraining Scheme (RTS) place. If youcomplete your degree within the specifiedtime period you wont need to pay tuitionfees. Where the maximum time has beenexceeded, additional fees may apply. Visitwww.qut.edu.au/research-degree-tuition

    Scholarships and financialsupport

    ScholarshipsQUT and external organisations offer arange of scholarships including QUTsEquity Scholarships Scheme for low-income students across all study areas.For application forms and details visitwww.qut.edu.au/scholarships

    If you are planning to pursue a researchdegree you can apply for a scholarship to

    help with living costs by completing thescholarship application section of yourresearch degree application form. Mostscholarships are offered as part of theannual scholarship round. Applicationsclose on 30 September for studentsstarting their degree the following year.A smaller number of scholarships areoffered for students at other times. Formore information visit www.qut.edu.au/research/scholarships-and-funding

    Other financial assistanceIf you are undertaking a postgraduate

    coursework program, you may be eligiblefor financial support such as YouthAllowance, Austudy or Abstudy.Visit www.humanservices.gov.au

    As a QUT student you can receivefinancial advice from our welfare officersthrough the Financial Helpline and accessemergency loans or bursaries. The QUTGuild also offers a food bank, tax adviceand legal assistance.

    You may also be able to claim a taxdeduction for self-education expenses.Visit www.ato.gov.au

    * Dependent upon the passage of legislation for the

    201415 budget, the study costs and HELP loanconditions may change for postgraduate coursework

    and research students. For more information visit



  • 8/11/2019 QUT Postgraduate Study Guide


    Making your decisionTo choose a course that is right for you, consider your reasons for undertaking study and seek

    advice from employers and industry professionals about developments in your chosen field.

    Undertaking further study is a significantinvestment of your time and money.Follow these steps to help you decidewhat to study.

    Work out what you are interested in andwhat you value in a career, and use thisto guide your choice. Youll be moremotivated and achieve better results ifthe course is a good match for you.

    Talk to your employer about your rolein the organisation, opportunities fordevelopment, the future direction ofthe company and study assistanceprograms.

    Talk to industry professionals,employment consultants or checkemployment websites to identify areasof growth, future skill demand andwhere you might need to upgradeyour qualifications or skills. Ensureyour chosen course will equip you foryour future career with relevant coursecontent, technology, facilities andlecturers with industry connections.

    If you are considering a career change,it is a good idea to check that yourperception of a career or industry isrealistic by talking to people in theindustry, or working in the particularrole you are interested in. Find out whatis involved on a day-to-day basis andwhat skills you need for the role.

    Consider how you will fit study intoyour life. Many courses are offered infull-time, part-time and external modesto help you balance your time. For acoursework program, you will need toallow around 10 hours of study per unitper week.

    A person with a postgraduate degreecan be expected to earn more than

    $3.17 million over their lifetime (SmartAustralians: Education and Innovationin Australia, 2012). However you stillneed to consider the costs and checkwhether scholarships, governmentstudy loans or income support, taxationbenefits or employer support can helpease the financial load.

    There are a number of resources availableto help you research your study optionsand make your decision.

    Visit QUTs Open Day on 27 July 2014 totalk with academics and faculty staff aswell as career counsellors and supportstaff. If youre too busy to attend an event,chat online with staff at the PostgraduateOptions Evening on 14 and 15 October2014 and get all of your questionsanswered. Visit www.qut.edu.au/study/events

    QUTs postgraduate career counsellorsare available for half-hour telephoneconsultations for prospective students tohelp you with career planning and studydecisions. Visit www.careers.qut.edu.au

    Check the detailed online courseinformation including unit outlines, coursestructures and entry requirements to helpyou compare similar courses and ensurethe course content meets your needs.You can view, download and print courseinformation at www.qut.edu.au/study/postgraduate-study

    You can also call or email staff in yourfaculty of interest to find out more aboutyour course options. Refer to contactdetails on the back page.


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    How to applyPostgraduate courseworkAustralian and New Zealand citizens andAustralian permanent residents applyingfor entry to a postgraduate courseworkprogram (including honours) apply to QUTusing the Application for PostgraduateCoursework Admission (PG) form.

    Applications close on 31 January (forfirst semester) or on 30 June (for secondsemester) each year. We recommend thatyou apply well before the closing date asquotas can fill quickly and applicationsare considered up to one year in advanceof entry. Some courses also have earlierclosing dates.

    Entry is based on merit and subject toavailable course quota places. Once thequota is filled, no further offers will bemade. If you miss out on an offer you canrequest that your application be held overfor the next available intake.

    If you apply for more than one courseyour application will be assessed for eachcourse in the order indicated on yourapplication form. You will receive an offerfor the first course with available places forwhich you meet the entry requirements.

    It usually takes about three weeks toprocess your application and you will benotified by email regarding the outcome ofyour application.

    You may be eligible for credit for priorlearning (advanced standing) if you haveundertaken previous postgraduate studyor have relevant work experience. To apply,complete an Advanced Standing (AS) formand submit it with your application. Theadvanced standing application closing dateis no later than 10 days after you receiveyour offer.

    For an application form and details about

    applying visit www.qut.edu.au/applyIf you are applying for the GraduateDiploma in Education or Master ofTeaching you must apply through the

    Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre.Different closing dates apply.Visit www.qtac.edu.au

    Short coursesMany of our short courses are opento students of all backgrounds andhave online registration. For someshort courses there are specific entryrequirements and application procedures.For details visit www.qut.edu.au/study/short-courses-and-professional-development

    Postgraduate researchAustralian and New Zealand citizens andAustralian permanent residents applyingfor a masters by research, professionaldoctorate or PhD should apply usingan online or paper-based PostgraduateResearch Application (PR) form, whichcan be submitted at any time.

    Before submitting your application thereare a number of considerations.

    You will need to choose your courseand a research topic. Your proposedresearch topic should align with QUTsresearch focus. Research support staffin your intended faculty can help you todevelop your research topic and ensureit has the right scope and scale for theresearch degree you wish to complete.

    Your supervisory team is one of themost important things you need foryour research degree. Visit www.qut.edu.au/finding-a-supervisor

    With your application you will need towrite and submit a research proposal.This is the most important part of yourapplication and should include anoverview of the project and previous

    relevant research, objectives, outline ofresearch methods, supervisor detailsand coursework requirements.

    QUT will contact you to let you knowwe have received your applicationand request any further informationif necessary. We will notify you of theoutcome of your application normallywithin six to eight weeks. If you applyduring the annual scholarship round(closing on 30 September) we will adviseyou of the outcome in ear ly December,when the results of the scholarship roundare finalised.

    For more information about applying forresearch degrees visit www.qut.edu.au/apply

    English languagerequirementsEntry to QUT award courses assumesproficiency in English. If your previousstudies were not completed in English,or were completed in a country whereEnglish is not the first language, you willneed to demonstrate that you meet ourEnglish proficiency requirements. You cando this by providing an IELTS (Academic)or TOEFL (internet-based) test result. Forthe required test results visit www.qut.edu.au/apply

    International studentsInternational students apply by submittingan international student application(F form for coursework, FR form forresearch) to either QUTs internationaladmissions or through one of QUTsauthorised representatives. Some coursesare not open to international students.For more information visit www.qut.edu.au/internationalor phone AustraliaFreecall 1800 181 848.

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    Contact us

    BusinessCoursework programs

    Phone 07 3138 2050Email [email protected]

    Research programs

    Phone 07 3138 1407Email [email protected]

    Creative industriesCoursework programs

    Phone 07 3138 8114Email [email protected]

    Research programs

    Phone 07 3138 3716Email [email protected]

    EducationCoursework programs

    Phone 07 3138 3947Email [email protected]

    Research programs

    Phone 07 3138 3041Email [email protected]

    HealthCoursework programs

    Phone 07 3138 4810Email [email protected]

    Research programs

    Phone 07 3138 8290Email [email protected]

    Law and justiceCoursework programs

    Phone 07 3138 2707Email [email protected]

    Research programs

    Phone 07 3138 4653Email [email protected]

    Science and engineeringCoursework and research programs

    Phone 07 3138 8822Email [email protected]

    General informationQUT Information Services

    Live chat www.qut.edu.au/student-centres24/7 answers ask.qut.edu.auEmail [email protected] 07 3138 2000

    Student centres

    Gardens Point2 George Street, Level 1, X Block

    Kelvin GroveVictoria Park Road, Level 6, F Block

    Research Students Centre

    Level 4, 88 Musk AvenueKelvin Grove campusPhone 07 3138 4475Email [email protected]/research

    International students

    Australia Freecall 1800 181 848

    Phone +61 3 9627 4853Fax +61 3 9627 4863www.qut.edu.au/international

    2014 calendar of eventsQUT staff will be available at the following 2014 events to answer your questions. You can signup to receive email reminders about upcoming events at www.qut.edu.au/study/events


    (Tertiary Studies Expo)1920 July, 10am4pm

    Brisbane Showgrounds

    QUT Open Day27 July, 9am3pm

    Gardens Point campus

    Postgraduate Options

    Evening (online)14 October, 46pm

    Business, Creative Industries, Law

    15 October, 46pm

    Education, Health, Science andEngineering

    Stay connectedStay connected with QUT to receivepersonalised emails about courses,events, scholarships and key dates. Weknow you are busy so we will send onlyinformation thats relevant to your interests.Visit www.qut.edu.au/stay-connected

    Information contained in this publication was

    correct at the time of publishing. The university

    reserves the right to amend any information,

    and to cancel, change or relocate any course.

    For the latest course information visit


    International studentsThis publication has been prepared for Australian students and those with permanent resident status.

    For more information on courses, fees, entry requirements and applying as an international student visit

    www.qut.edu.au/internationalor phone Australia Freecall 1800 181 848.

    QUT is committed to sustainability. The paper used in

    QUT Postgraduate study 2015has the credentials:

    QUT 2014 20312CRICOS No.00213J
