r i hospital marketing

ROSVE INC HEALTH CARE MARKETING www.rosveinc.com [email protected] 06/28/2022

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TEAM EXPERTISE Optimizing the healthcare marketing efforts in a rapidly changing landscape. Developers are creating new technology to improve the state and management of population health. Our government is fighting for change to improve accessibility to care. It’s an exciting and inspiring time to be working in the healthcare sphere. Healthcare revolution, Patients are looking third & fourth opinions. ROSVE INC specializes, Marketing organizations contributing to this revolution: Hospital systems, provider networks and alternative care channels.

Together, we work to achieve the common goal of improving healthcare by: Expanding the capabilities of healthcare marketing team Deepening the impact of healthcare marketing resources, Amplifying the results of y healthcare marketing Investments. More than 23+ years of successful Health care Marketing experience has led us to develop a clear, reliable system for achieving these objectives.www.rosveinc.com

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Successfully marketing healthcare brands in a rapidly changing marketplace can be a challenge. These are the tools we use to make it easier.



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BRAND STRATAGYCombating the competition with a strong and consistent brand Thirty years ago, hospitals and physician practices didn’t need to advertise. Patients made health care decisions based on their physician’s referrals, recommendations and prior experiences.

Today, where the average patient has become a healthcare consumer who researches health information, reads physician reviews & actively seeks second opinions.

The healthcare industry has become more competitive than ever, and healthcare organizations need to differentiate themselves with a strong and consistent brand.

Developing Multichannel media Initiatives for Brand strategy will align the Health care support. Consistent voice, patients are likely to recollect the Marketing messages. They want to know what makes a hospital or practice different, desirable and deserving of their time. Can answer this question.www.rosveinc.com

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ROSVE INC Has a tried-and-true process for brand development & competitive positioning of healthcare organizations. Over the years, we have applied it successfully to hospitals, healthcare systems, clinics and physician practices. Proven, repeatable process that, when applied consistently, assures our client a differentiated and desirable brand. Here is a snapshot of our brand planning process:Diagnosis: We start by inviting all key decision makers to a half day session. It’s here that we gather undocumented institutional memory, discuss vision, core values, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, competitors and the future. We then study the organization’s history and business plans, review secondary and field primary research. Finally, we analyze the data across four dimensions: the brand, the audience, the competition and the client’s current Marketing practices, to uncover key insights that lead to sound strategic thinking.

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Here is a snapshot of our brand planning process: Prescription: Utilizing key insights uncovered in the diagnosis, we determine the winning brand strategy, in the form of a strategic direction (including a brand positioning statement, brand pillars and tactical priorities), and creative direction (in the form of the Brand Imaging™ board). At this time, we reconvene all key decision makers in a two-hour check-up to review our findings, build consensus and fine tune brand strategy. Treatment: Once brand strategy has been agreed to and any questions or concerns have been addressed, we develop the brand promise (in a form that is tactically and media agnostic, assuring that the message can be evaluated without the typical trappings of form and function). We then apply this brand promise across a variety of pre-determined owned and paid media (in the form of a pro-forma brand grid). Key decision makers are brought together again for a final one hour meeting, where we present, review and seek consensus on the final brand plan.

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Coordination: Once we have the approval of the key decision makers, we work with the MARKETING team to execute the brand plan. Together, we develop the annual marketing plan: defining goals and measurements (both leading and lagging indicators), determining and prioritizing tactics, allocate FUNDS, assign accountabilities and put the plan into action. We routinely review our key indicators, adjusting and fine tuning the treatment to ensure the results we’ve set out to achieve.

Does your hospital have a strong, consistent brand identity? Do you have a strategy to carry out this brand

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INTERNAL ALIGNMENTMarketing to staff to deliver a better patient experienceYou’ve probably experienced empty promises in the marketplace. It’s when MARKETING messages tout a completely different experience than you, the consumer, encounters. The same thing happens in healthcare. A television ad may promise short wait times or a print ad may promise friendly staff, when in reality, you’re faced with a full waiting room run by a grumpy receptionist. This happens when hospitals and physician practices fail to communicate and align internal audiences to their brand promise.It’s a mistake to take a shortcut with MARKETING messages by overlooking your most important primary audiences: physicians and staff. When a brand position is communicated to external audiences and the staff isn’t trained on it, the brand promise can’t be delivered consistently. This results in unhappy patients.At Rosve Inc, we know that gaining brand buy-in with internal audiences is an important step, which is why it’s included in our brand development and standardization process. Here are four important ways to introduce, reinforce and test your new brand identity with internal audiences:

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Communicate the brand language within the organization and how it applies to daily tasks and practices of physicians and staff members.

Explain to physicians and staff how they fit into the brand identity through success stories and owned media. Incorporate into every internal meeting evidence-based stories that demonstrate how people within the organization are delivering the brand promise and patient experience you expect. Make MARKETING messages consistent with the brand including look, personality, and voice. Test the brand messaging in a variety of forms to ensure it’s cohesive, for example: name, logo, MARKETING, and advertising materials and interior design.Internal alignment is an important stepping stone that bridges the expectation gap. Communicating how everyone fits into the new brand and their role in execution helps to engage employees and weed out who doesn’t belong. Mind the gap, and if you need help, we can walk you through it.

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BRAND STANDARDIZATIONTools to protect and sustain a healthcare organization's identityAs your healthcare organization evolves over time, it’s important to sustain your brand position across departments, medical groups and offices. Rosve Inc have developed tools and processes to help organizations protect their identity.Here are four tools in our box that we create for clients:Brand Imaging™ board: Developed during the Prescription phase of our brand planning process (link), the Brand Imaging™ board is a visual interpretation of the brand strategy. It is used as a litmus test to evaluate all brand messaging going forward and acts as an objective point of reference to help our clients make important strategic decisions. Brand Protocol™ manual: This document is an instruction manual for creating communications that are aligned with the strategic position and identity. The guidelines are designed to assure that minimum quality standards are maintained throughout all brand communications: the look and tone of communications remain consistent, and every communication comes from a single voice, no matter who creates it.

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Electronic Brand Record™:

We maintain an online repository containing all the information and resources Marketer & designers need to maintain brand integrity: the Brand Protocol manual, electronic art files, logo graphics, photographs, stationery, ad formats, signage or almost any visual elements that have been created in support of the brand identity.

Chief Brand Officer: The person assigned as the keeper of the brand vision, the overseer of all brand communications and identity executions. Depending on the organization, this may be a full-time position, an informal role assumed by someone close to the branding process, or outsourced to an independent contractor (your agency, for instance).When executed with consistency and integrity, brand standardization will outlast trends and changing market conditions. It is a sound investment that helps patients to recognize your healthcare brand and helps physicians and staff to deliver a consistent patient experience. Through standardization, we can help boost the life expectancy of your new brand that you worked so hard to create

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DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGYIntegrating traditional and digital media technologiesDigital media technologies are transforming the patient decision process and changing the focus of Health care Marketing. Marketers have been forced to develop new competencies in social media, search, mobile technologies and targeted online advertising. Rosve Inc has helped our clients embrace digital media for a more fully integrated strategy, more sophisticated implementation and greater success than ever before.The high cost of mass media real estate means that in most formats, there simply isn’t time or space to deliver deep, informative content that consumers want. However, offline advertising can be highly effective in building traffic and audiences for your online inbound marketing content. By using short URLs, or links to campaign landing pages, healthcare marketers can use mass media channels to drive consumers to websites or social channels.Social media: While popular social media platforms such as Facebook, and Twitter are still viable, marketers need to establish a presence on emerging platforms such as Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and others to continue to build audiences.

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SEO/SEM: Search and paid search have become an integral part of our Hospital inhouse Marketing strategies, bolstering web traffic and driving patients to online content to satisfy their appetite for information.Mobile: It’s estimated that 79% of the world’s population has a mobile phone; most with access to the Internet. Healthcare marketers must adapt content to the mobile market with messaging, site layout and content appropriate to the consumer’s stage in the decision process.Targeted online ads: Online display and ad retargeting will increase visibility on the web, and help maximize Healthcare Marketing Budget to reach younger, connected audiences.Digital media represents a huge opportunity for healthcare brands, especially when supported by offline and traditional marketing efforts. If your organization could use some help in identifying the appropriate channels and creating meaningful digital strategies to attract patients, contact us Rosve Inc

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RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATIONDesigning for mobile healthcare consumers Today, it’s mobile first, desktop second. We live in a culture of on-the-go, want-it-now and information overload. The same goes for healthcare consumers. Frequently referred to as “e-patients,” these consumers are searching for health information online and tracking their health with mobile apps. From Googling symptoms and self-diagnosing to stalking physicians online for honest reviews to polling friends for referrals on social media, healthcare and the web have never been more integrated. Healthcare marketers have a huge opportunity to adapt content to the mobile MARKET. Rather than presenting a miniature desktop site where consumers have to squint, pinch, zoom and scroll, or a stripped down mobile site that lacks all of the information consumers are searching for, responsive web design is the best way to reach patients across multiple platforms. Consumers may search on their desktop computer while at work, on their mobile phone on their way out to dinner and on their tablet while relaxing on the couch. Healthcare marketers want all of their information to be easily accessible on all of these devices, at all times of the day and points in the decision-making process.

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Rosve Inc Web design process has evolved with the healthcare consumers’ habits. We have shifted from desktop-based web delivery to responsive web design as the target audiences have grown to dominate the MARKET. We have experience in planning,designing &implementing effective mobile sites that respond to consumer media preference and help them find health information where and when they need it most. Paired with effective on- and offline MARKETING implementation, health care organizations will be perfectly positioned to engage today’s Mobile healthcare consumers. There are a number of ways to drive to web via mobile MARKETING, including: Mobile display ads Search ads with mobile click-to-call Branded mobile apps Text message appointment reminders Is your hospital’s website engaging consumers with responsive web design and mobile marketing? If not, contact us, Rosve Inc can help.

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DIGITAL ADVERTISINGDrilling down on niche audiences with digital channelsWhy do we like digital advertising? Let us count the ways.1. They are highly targeted, low-cost media channels Traditional media casts a wide net, but only catches a fraction of consumers currently shopping or in your target demo. In contrast, digital advertising can be hyper-targeted demographically, and can potentially reach everyone in search of what you have to offer. That’s because digital advertising allows us to target people based on their demographics, online habits and personal information. We can specifically reach niche audiences to ensure everyone who sees your ad is a member of the target audience. It is also very low-cost compared to mass media channels. Some channels offer pay-per-click or conversion, instead of general impressions, meaning you only pay for the people who are interested in your product or service.2. You have the ability to hit people across platformsThrough digital advertising, you can follow individuals around across websites and social platforms through retargeting. Have you ever been shopping for shoes, and then been served an ad for that same pair on weather.com and later in your Facebook newsfeed? www.rosveinc.com

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It keeps those shoes top-of-mind, and you can do the same to patients checking out your services to keep your hospital top-of-mind. You also have the ability to serve ads on desktop computers, lap tops, tablets and mobile phones so you can hit people multiple times throughout the day.3. It provides measurable resultsWith digital advertising, you have access to the number of impressions served, the number of people who clicked through and where they went or what they did after hitting your landing page. No other medium allows you to track these results, unless you rely on a vanity URL, which most people don’t bother typing in anymore, hence why the address bar in your browser has become a search bar. This kind of analytics allows you to fully evaluate the success of your campaign and determine your ROI.Now that we’ve explained why digital advertising is so great, here are a few of our favorite ad types and how you can best use them:Search Ads: Nowadays, when patients are searching for a new physician they simply open a browser and type it into their search bar. Make sure your doctors and practices are popping up first through PPC. www.rosveinc.com

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Display Ads: Target and retarget prospective patients based ondemographics, content they’re reading online, the keywords they’re typing into Google, a vertical of sites with related content, and even email addresses or whether they opened an email MARKETING message you sent to them.

Social Ads: Target prospective patients in a way that looks like news content through Facebook Newsfeed ads, Twitter promoted tweets, and Instagram promoted posts.Digital Television & Video Streaming: Get more mileage out of television spots by taking a portion of your television media spend and putting it towards digital video streaming through services like Hulu+ and network/broadcast station mobile apps.Internet Radio: Reach patients on radio beyond local stations with targeted programming and an expansion of geological reach.Need some help brainstorming how you can best take advantage of digital advertising? Contact us today and we’ll use our digital healthcare MARKETING expertise to develop a plan to complement your goals and campaigns

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CONTENT MARKETINGInbound strategies engage information-hungry patientsWhen you’re in the market for a new car, do you wait to see a flashy ad or receive a direct mail piece with rates and sale prices before you begin the buying process? Or do you go on the internet and start searching for information on cars and local dealers? We’d guess the latter, and healthcare consumers act the same way.

More and more, patients are tuning out interruptive MARKETING and actively seeking relevant information through search engines and social networks. If you don’t have content on your website, such as blog posts, videos, or newsletters, the patients who are out there searching won’t be able to find you. It’s no longer enough to have SEO-optimized web pages. You need a library of content on topics relevant to your patient base, such as diseases, treatments, physicians, hospitals and wellness information.

The reason inbound MARKETING is so effective is simple: instead of trying to “sell” patients through interruptive messaging, content marketing puts control into the hands of the patient. They can find you on their own terms and the information is perceived as more credible. Lastly, hospital inbound marketing provides a depth of content that traditional marketing doesn’t allow. You can’t share the same amount of information in a thirty-second TV spot as you can in a 500-word blog post. www.rosveinc.com

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Rosve Inc has been leveraging and perfecting content marketing from the time we launched our first healthcare website. We help marketers develop content strategies that will position them as thought leaders, promote community wellness and drive volume through risk assessment and self-referrals.The key to a successful inbound marketing program is content strategy and consistent execution. It’s valuable to keep up with current trends and apply best practices to your hospital or practice. It’s also important to work with qualified content creators, people who understand healthcare and can write intelligently on topics of interest to prospective patients, while maximizing use of keywords and SEO so your content ranks for your chosen keywordsOf course, in order for content marketing to work, adequate time and resources need to be dedicated for development and maintenance. It requires a realistic budget to fund overhead costs and manpower, and a commitment to keep content creation a priority even when other issues compete for resources. If your organization could benefit from content marketing but lacks publishing expertise, contact Rosve Inc

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Corporate media and brand storytelling update the press releaseHas brand journalism killed the press release? Well, we wouldn’t go that far, but brand journalism, also known as corporate media, became a buzz word in 2013 and has continued to gain momentum. Brand journalism is when organizations cover their own stories and then distribute them to their audiences via their website and social media platforms. While us marketing folk refer to this as content marketing, the difference is that brand journalism focuses more on storytelling, features, human-interest pieces and real-life examples — could there be a better fit for healthcare marketing? We think not.At Rosve Inc, we believe that content and brand journalism is the new wave of healthcare marketing. For the first time, we are seeing a decreased reliance on paid media, and a higher utilization of owned and earned media. The reason it works is because it places an emphasis on the audience — who they are and what they are looking for. Plus, it’s more credible than a print ad.We help hospitals and healthcare networks build successful brand journalism programs based on the following criteria:Valuable content

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In the past, the goal of content was to be funny or entertaining, but now patients want to benefit from what they are reading. To be successful, you need to research what problems your patients have and present solutions in your content.Long-form content. Google algorithms are placing a higher value on long-format content. This means that having a social media presence is no longer enough. Move beyond 150-character snippets of information and back to the blog to publish longer posts rich with information relevant to patients. Content creators We recommend an increased budget for content creation and promotion. In some cases, this includes expanding internal staff with writers and in-house journalists, and sometimes this means working with an agency partner, such as Rosve Inc, to develop content on your behalf. It’s important to have writers who are knowledgeable on healthcare topics, storytelling and SEO-optimized content. This means that relying on your summer intern won’t cut it.These are just a few of the ways healthcare providers can leverage inbound content and earned media to build brand presence and preference in the healthcare market. If you’re not getting the most mileage out of your brand story, contact Rosve Inc.

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SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT Tracking the bigger picture in social mediaSocial media game, people placed a lot of importance on page likes or followers. However, Learned that those numbers are somewhat meaningless for big picture goals. What really matters is the amount of engagement on your social media pages. A ‘like’ or ‘follow’ may bump up your initial numbers, but if that person never visits your page again, it’s not social engagement. You want your customers to continuously visit your page, read your posts, ‘like,’ comment, retweet, embed & share them with friends. Engagement measures the quality of conversation surrounding your healthcare brand, not just the numbers. We understand that it’s currently difficult to measure social media’s direct influence on hospital business goals (market share & patient volumes, for instance). However, there are still means of looking at results that will help prove the value of your efforts. Here are four ways we help hospitals prove ROI of social media efforts:Social Media Policy; Many hospitals & physician practices have a strict no social media policy in the workplace, but enforcing that overlooks their largest, most INVESTED audience: internal staff, nurses & physicians.

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This audience is a great base for your social media efforts because they care about the success of the organization & their engagement on your social pages will reach all of their social connections, including family, friends & neighbors.Social Media CalendarImportant to have a set plan for social media postings. Create an editorial calendar with content topics in line with your healthcare marketing campaign schedule and seasonal and national trends related to healthcare. Measurable Goals & Analytics Assigning measurable goals and metrics can demonstrate the impact of social activity. To truly measure social media engagement, it’s important to listen to the conversations and feedback about the hospital brand, monitor the tone of conversations, and follow the buzz that surrounds its content. Online Reputation Management Social media can be used to placate unhappy patients, respond to negative comments in a public setting and as an outlet to receive honest feedback to help improve the patient experience for all. Don’t shy away from social media because of disgruntled patients – this can be used to your advantage. If you’re having trouble measuring the real impact of your social activity, contact Rosve Inc. We can help dial in analytics to measure engagement and prove a return on your social INVESTMENT.

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ADITIONAL ADVERTISINGPlanning mass media spending strategically,With a 50/50 split Healthcare Marketing Budget are being gobbled up by a serious addiction that’s also hindering work performance. Of course, we’re talking about the addiction to mass media. Don’t get us wrong, mass media has its place. It’s great for increasing awareness, brand building and reputation management. However, at Rosve Inc, we have found that the perfect balance of mass media to digital media channels is a 50/50 split. To be blunt, news consumption in newspapers, radio and television are on the decline. The savvy patients of today are searching for health information on their own time, and they’re looking for authoritative and trustworthy sources for their second and third opinions. Because of this, it’s more important than ever for healthcare organizations to plan their paid media strategically. We understand that the mass media detox is more easily said than done, both for MARKETERS and internal audiences, such as the hospital c-suite and physicians. Here are some ways to buy traditional advertising wisely:Television News consumption is on the decline. Television viewership overall remains strong. Rethink your television buy by focusing on popular, prime time shows, sporting

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events, cherry picking cable programming that appeals to the target demo.

Print Print Media funds to online news sources & native advertising. Local papers about sponsoring a health column written by your physicians or a wellness education event. Outdoor Billboards that feature doctors in crisp white coats, with arms crossed & a knowing face that says, “I’m an expert.” This won’t make patients book an appointment with your office, but outdoor can be a great channel depending on the campaign and market. We design billboards with as little words with as little words as possible that say a lot more, so people whizzing by at 65 MPH are able to absorb the message and act accordingly.Radio Over the years, found that radio works best for a limited time offer or event. We suggest hospitals & health systems only use this medium if they’re promoting a new practice opening, or are having an open house or community event, such as a wellness education program or benefit for the foundation. Need help reorganizing your traditional media spend for your new goals & campaigns, We’ll wean you off your traditional media habits and help you form a solid strategy to demonstrate ROI.

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DASHBOARDS, ANALYTICS & REPORTINGTracking ROI with healthcare marketing analyticsThe business of healthcare is ruled by numbers — revenue, reimbursement, patient volumes — why should healthcare marketing be any different? Rosve Inc has always emphasized the importance of building measurement into an outbound MARKETING plan and ROI. It is an essential step to determine success, failure and what can be done differently next time. Without it, hospitals and physician practices blindly deplete their budgets with no way of tracking if any dollar spent brought them any closer to reaching their goals.Analytics help hospital marketers:Evaluate and refine tactics to determine what’s working, what isn’t and how to improve results. Prioritize marketing efforts based on performance, to make strategic cuts that will reduce the budget while still making the biggest impact possible. Determine which tactics should be given more attention or FUNDING in the future. Take a proactive approach to marketing efforts to make adjustments during the campaign and turn results around. We use lagging indicators in our analytics, dashboards and reports to justify campaign costs, reinforce media decisions and keep board members, physicians and staff aligned to the campaign goals.

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By monitoring leading indicators, it allows for tweaks and changes throughout a campaign to maximize media dollars and keeps the budget organized. While analytics may take time and resources to establish, they can end up saving healthcare organizations thousands of dollars thanks to sound strategy.

Website Marketing creates a deep pool of metrics for analysis and reporting. Our sophisticated analytics tools not only measure site traffic, they can recognize unique and repeat visitors, provide audience demographics and report on how SEO is performing. These tools also track the visitor’s behaviors, including page views, unique page views, actions on page, average time spent on the page, bounce rate, video views and conversions. Identifying the relevant metrics that will be used to determine campaign success or failure at the beginning of the process will save requests for justification and proof of ROI upon completion. Measurement is the only way to truly know how to improve upon your hospital’s Marketing efforts .If you need help identifying relevant metrics, establishing tracking systems and reporting outcomes to defend your marketing spend, contact us Rosve Inc

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