ra 6657 carl of 1988

7/28/2019 RA 6657 CARL of 1988 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/ra-6657-carl-of-1988 1/42 COMPREHENSIVE AGRARIAN REFORM LAW OF 1988 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6657 HAPTER I  PRELIMINARY HAPTER SE TION 1. Title . - This Act shall be known as the o!"ehensi#e A$"a"ian Re%o" Law o% 1&''.  SE TION (. )ecla"ation o% P"inci!les an* Policies . - It is the !olic+ o% the State to !,"s,e a o!"ehensi#e A$"a"ian Re%o" P"o$"a ARP. The wel%a"e o% the lan*less %a"e"s an* %a" wo"ke"s will "ecei#e the hi$hest consi*e"ation to !"oote social /,stice an* to o#e the nation towa"*s so,n* ","al *e#elo!ent an* in*,st"iali0ation an* the establishent o% owne" c,lti#ato"shi! o% econoic-si0e* %a"s as the basis o% Phili!!ine a$"ic,lt,"e.  To this en* a o"e e2,itable *ist"ib,tion an* owne"shi! o% lan* with *,e "e$a"* to the "i$hts o% lan*owne"s to /,st co!ensation an* to the ecolo$ical nee*s o% the nation shall be ,n*e"taken to !"o#i*e %a"e"s an* %a" wo"ke"s with the o!!o"t,nit+ to enhance thei" *i$nit+ an* i!"o#e the 2,alit+ o% thei" li#es th"o,$h $"eate" !"o*,cti#it+ o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s.  The a$"a"ian "e%o" !"o$"a is %o,n*e* on the "i$ht o% %a"e"s an* "e$,la" %a" wo"ke"s who a"e lan*less to own *i"ectl+ o" collecti#el+ the lan*s the+ till o" in the case o% othe" %a" wo"ke"s to "ecei#e a sha"e o% the %",its the"eo%. To this en* the State shall enco,"a$e the /,st *ist"ib,tion o% all a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s s,b/ect to the !"io"ities an* "etention liits set %o"th in this Act ha#in$ taken into acco,nt ecolo$ical *e#elo!ental an* e2,it+ consi*e"ations an* s,b/ect to the !a+ent o% /,st co!ensation. The State shall "es!ect the "i$ht o% sall lan*owne"s an* shall !"o#i*e incenti#es %o" #ol,nta"+ lan*-sha"in$.  The State shall "eco$ni0e the "i$ht o% %a"e"s %a" wo"ke"s an* lan*owne"s as well as coo!e"ati#es an* othe" in*e!en*ent %a"e"s3 o"$ani0ation to !a"tici!ate in the !lannin$ o"$ani0ation an* ana$eent o% the !"o$"a an* shall !"o#i*e s,!!o"t to a$"ic,lt,"e th"o,$h a!!"o!"iate technolo$+ an* "esea"ch an* a*e2,ate %inancial !"o*,ction a"ketin$ an* othe" s,!!o"t se"#ices. chan robles virtual law library  

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SE TION 1. Tit le . - This Act shall be known as the o!"ehens i#e A$"a"ian

Re%o" Law o% 1&''.  

SE TION (. )ec la"a tion o % P" inc i! les an* Po l i c ies . - It is the !olic+ o% the

State to !,"s,e a o!"ehensi#e A$"a"ian Re%o" P"o$"a ARP. The

wel%a"e o% the lan*less %a"e"s an* %a" wo"ke"s will "ecei#e the hi$hest

consi*e"ation to !"oote social /,stice an* to o#e the nation towa"*s

so,n* ","al *e#elo!ent an* in*,st"iali0ation an* the establishent o%

owne" c,lti#ato"shi! o% econoic-si0e* %a"s as the basis o% Phili!!ine


To this en* a o"e e2,itable *ist"ib,tion an* owne"shi! o% lan* with *,e

"e$a"* to the " i$hts o% lan*owne"s to /,st co!ensat ion an* to the

ecolo$ical nee*s o% the nation shall be ,n*e"taken to !"o#i*e %a"e"s an*

%a" wo"ke"s with the o!!o"t,nit+ to enhance thei" *i$nit+ an* i!"o#e the

2,alit+ o% thei" li#es th"o,$h $"eate" !"o*,cti#it+ o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s. 

The a$"a"ian "e%o" !"o$"a is %o,n*e* on the "i$ht o% %a"e"s an* "e$,la"

%a" wo"ke"s who a"e lan*less to own *i"ectl+ o" collecti#el+ the lan*s the+

til l o" in the case o% othe" %a" wo"ke"s to "ecei#e a sha"e o% the %",its

the"eo%. To this en* the State shall enco,"a$e the /,st *ist"ib,tion o% all

a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s s,b/ect to the !"io"it ies an* "etention liits set %o"th in

this Act ha#in$ taken into acco,nt ecolo$ical *e#elo!ental an* e2,it+

consi*e"ations an* s,b/ect to the !a+ent o% /,st co!ensation. The State

shall "es!ect the "i$ht o% sall lan*owne"s an* shall !"o#i*e incenti#es %o"

#ol,nta"+ lan*-sha"in$. 

The State shall "eco$ni0e the "i$ht o% %a"e"s %a" wo"ke"s an*

lan*owne"s as well as coo!e"ati#es an* othe" in*e!en*ent %a"e"s3

o"$ani0ation to !a"tici!ate in the !lannin$ o"$ani0ation an* ana$eent

o% the !"o$"a an* shall !"o#i*e s,!!o"t to a$"ic,lt,"e th"o,$h a!!"o!"iate

technolo$+ an* "esea"ch an* a*e2,ate %inancial !"o*,ction a"ketin$ an*

othe" s,!!o"t se"#ices.chan robles virtual law library  

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The State shall a!!l+ the !"inci!les o% a$"a"ian "e%o" o" stewa"*shi!

whene#e" a!!licable in acco"*ance with law in the *is!osition o" ,tili0ation

o% othe" nat,"al "eso,"ces incl,*in$ lan*s o% the !,blic *oain ,n*e" lease

o" concession s,itable to a$"ic,lt,"e s,b/ect to !"io" "i$hts hoestea*

"i$hts o% sall settle"s an* the "i$hts o% in*i$eno,s co,nities to thei"

ancest"al lan*s. 

The State a+ "esettle lan*less %a"e"s an* %a" wo"ke"s in i ts own

a$"ic,lt,"al estates which shall be *ist"ib,te* to the in the anne"

!"o#i*e* b+ law. 

4+ eans o% a!!"o!"iate incenti#es the State shall enco,"a$e the %o"ation

an* aintenance o% econoic-si0e* %ail+ %a"s to be constit,te* b+

in*i#i*,al bene%icia"ies an* sall lan*owne"s. 

The State shall !"otect the "i$hts o% s,bsistence %ishe"en es!eciall+ o%

local co,nities to the !"e%e"ential ,se o% co,nal a"ine an* %ishin$

"eso,"ces both inlan* an* o%%sho"e. I t shall !"o#i*e s,!!o"t to s,ch

%ishe"en th"o,$h a!!"o!"iate technolo$+ an* "esea"ch a*e2,ate %inancial

!"o*,ction an* a"ketin$ assistance an* othe" se"#ices The State shall

also !"otect *e#elo! an* conse"#e s,ch "eso,"ces. The !"otection shall

e5ten* to o%%sho"e %ishin$ $"o,n*s o% s,bsistence %ishe"en a$ainst %o"ei$n

int",sion. 6ishwo"ke"s shall "ecei#e a /,st sha"e %"o thei" labo" in the

,tili0ation o% a"ine an* %ishin$ "eso,"ces. 

The State shall be $,i*e* b+ the !"inci!les that lan* has a social %,nction

an* lan* owne"shi! has a social "es!onsibilit+. Owne"s o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*

ha#e the obli$ation to c,lti#ate *i"ectl+ o" th"o,$h labo" a*inist"ation the

lan*s the+ own an* the"eb+ ake the lan* !"o*,cti#e. 

The State shall !"o#i*e incenti#es to lan*owne"s to in#est the !"ocee*s o%

the a$"a"ian "e%o" !"o$"a to !"oote in*,st"iali0ation e!lo+ent an*

!"i#ati0ation o% !,blic secto" ente"!"ises. 6inancial inst",ents ,se* as

!a+ent %o" lan*s shall contain %eat,"es that shall enhance ne$otiabilit+ an*

acce!tabilit+ in the a"ket!lace.


The State a+ lease ,n*e#elo!e* lan*s o% the !,blic *oain to 2,ali% ie*

entities %o" the *e#elo!ent o% ca!ital-intensi#e %a"s t"a*it ional an*

!ionee"in$ c"o!s es!eciall+ those %o" e5!o"ts s,b/ect to the !"io" "i$hts o%

the bene%icia"ies ,n*e" this Act. 


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)e% in i t ions

. - 6o" the !,"!ose o% this Act ,nless the conte5t

in*icates othe"wise8 

a A$"a" ian Re%o"  eans the "e*ist"ib,tion o% lan*s "e$a"*less o% c"o!s

o" %",its !"o*,ce* to %a"e"s an* "e$,la" %a" wo"ke"s who a"e lan*less

i""es!ecti#e o% ten,"ial a""an$eent to incl,*e the totalit+ o% %acto"s an*

s,!!o"t se"#ices *esi$ne* to li%t the econoic stat,s o% the bene%icia"ies

an* all othe" a""an$eents alte"nati#e to the !h+sical "e*ist"ib,tion o% lan*s

s,ch as !"o*,ct ion o" !"o%i t-sha"in$ labo" a*inist"at ion an* the

*ist"ib,tion o% sha"es o% stock which will allow bene%icia"ies to "ecei#e a /,st

sha"e o% the %",its o% the lan*s the+ wo"k. 

b A$" ic, lt, "e A$" ic, l t, "a l Ente"!" ise o" A$" ic, l t, "a l Ac t i# i t+   eans the

c,lti#ation o% the soil !lantin$ o% c"o!s $"owin$ o% %",it t"ees incl,*in$ the

ha"#estin$ o% s,ch %a" !"o*,cts an* othe" %a" acti#ities an* !"actices

!e"%o"e* b+ a %a"e" in con/,nction with s,ch %a"in$ o!e"ations *one b+

!e"sons whethe" nat,"al o% /,"i*ical. As aen*e* b+ R. A. 9''1chanrobles virtual law library  


A$"ic,l t,"al Lan*

"e%e"s to lan* *e#ote* to a$"ic,lt,"al acti#it+ as *e%ine*

in this Act an* not classi%ie* as ine"al %o"est "esi*ential coe"cial o"

in*,st"ial lan*. 

* A$"a "i an ) i s!, te  "e%e"s to an+ cont"o#e"s+ "elat in$ to ten,"ial

a""an$eents whethe" leasehol* tenanc+ stewa"*shi! o" othe"wise o#e"

lan*s *e#ote* to a$"ic,lt,"e incl,*in$ *is!,tes conce"nin$ %a" wo"ke"s3

associations o" "e!"esentation o% !e"sons in ne$otiatin$ %i5in$ aintainin$

chan$in$ o" seekin$ to a""an$e te"s o" con*itions o% s,ch ten,"ial


It incl,*es an+ cont"o#e"s+ "elatin$ to co!ensation o% lan*s ac2,i"e* ,n*e"

this Act an* othe" te"s an* con*it ions o% t"ans%e" o% owne"shi! %"o

lan*owne"s to %a" wo"ke"s tenants an* othe" a$"a"ian "e%o"

bene%icia"ies whethe" the *is!,tants stan* in the !"o5iate "elation o% %a"

o!e"ato" an* bene%icia"+ lan*owne" an* tenant o" lesso" an* lessee. 

e  I* le o " Aban*one* Lan* "e%e"s to an+ a$"ic,lt,"al lan* not c,lti#ate*

t il le* o" *e#elo!e* to !"o*,ce an+ c"o! no" *e#ote* to an+ s!eci %ic

econoic !,"!ose contin,o,sl+ %o" a !e"io* o% th"ee 7 +ea"s ie*iatel+

!"io" to the "ecei!t o% notice o% ac2,isition b+ the $o#e"nent as !"o#i*e*

,n*e" this Act b,t *oes not incl,*e lan* that has becoe !e"anentl+ o"


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"e$,la"l+ *e#ote* to non-a$"ic,lt,"al !,"!oses. It *oes not incl,*e lan*

which has becoe ,n!"o*,cti#e b+ "eason o% %o "ce a/e,"e  o" an+ othe"

%o" t, ito,s e#ent 8 P"o# i*e*  that !" io" to s,ch e#ent s,ch lan* was

!"e#io,sl+ ,se* %o" a$"ic,lt,"al o" othe" econoic !,"!oses. 

% 6a"e" "e%e"s to a nat,"al !e"son whose !"ia"+ li#elihoo* is c,lti#ation

o% lan* o" the !"o*,ction o% a$"ic,lt,"al c"o!s eithe" b+ hisel% o" !"ia"il+

with the assistance o% his ie*iate %a" ho,sehol* whethe" the lan* is

owne* b+ hi o" b+ anothe" !e"son ,n*e" a leasehol* o" sha"e tenanc+

a$"eeent o" a""an$eent with the owne" the"eo%. 

$ 6a"wo"ke"  is a nat,"al !e"son who "en*e"s se"#ice %o" #al,e as an

e!lo+ee o" labo"e" in an a$"ic,lt,"al ente"!"ise o" %a" "e$a"*less o%

whethe" his co!ensation is !ai* on a *ail+ weekl+ onthl+ o" :!ak+aw:

basis. The te" incl,*es an in*i#i*,al whose wo"k has cease* as a

conse2,ence o% o" in connection with a !en*in$ a$"a"ian *is!,te who has

not obtaine* a s,bstantiall+ e2,i#alent an* "e$,la" %a" e!lo+ent. 


  Re$, la " 6a "wo"ke "

  is a nat,"a l !e"son who is e!lo+e* on a

!e"anent basis b+ an a$"ic,lt,"al ente"!"ise o" %a". 

i Seasona l 6a "wo"ke "  is a nat,"a l !e"son who is e!lo+e* on a

"ec,""ent !e"io*ic o" inte"ittent basis b+ an a$"ic,lt,"al ente"!"ise o" %a"

whethe" as a !e"anent o" a non-!e"anent labo"e" s,ch as :*,aan:


 an* the like.



  Othe" 6a"wo"ke"

 is a %a"wo"ke" who *oes not %all ,n*e" !a"a$"a!hs

$ h an* i. 

k oo!e"at i#es   shall "e%e" to o"$ani0ations co!ose* !"ia"il+ o% sall

a$"ic,lt,"al !"o*,ce"s %a"e"s %a" wo"ke"s o" othe" a$"a"ian "e%o"

bene%icia"ies who #ol,nta"il+ o"$ani0e thesel#es %o" the !,"!ose o% !oolin$

lan* h,an technolo$ical % inancial o" othe" econoic "eso,"ces an*

o!e"ate* on the !"inci!le o% one ebe" one #ote. A /,"i*ical !e"son a+

be a ebe" o% a coo!e"ati#e with the sae "i$hts an* *,ties as a nat,"al


4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 


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SE . =. Sco!e.  - The o!"ehensi#e A$"a"ian Re%o" Law o% 1&'' shall

co#e" "e$a"*less o% ten,"ial a""an$eent an* coo*it+ !"o*,ce* all

!,blic an* !"i#ate a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s as !"o#i*e* in P"oclaation No. 171

an* E5ec,ti#e O"*e" No. ((& incl,*in$ othe" lan*s o% the !,blic *oain

s,itable %o" a$"ic,lt,"e. 

Mo"e s!eci%icall+ the %ollowin$ lan*s a"e co#e"e* b+ the o!"ehensi#e

A$"a"ian Re%o" P"o$"a8 

a All alienable an* *is!osable lan*s o% the !,blic *oain *e#ote* to

o" s,itable %o" a$"ic,lt,"e. No "eclassi%ication o% %o"est o" ine"al

lan*s to a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s shall be ,n*e"taken a%te" the a!!"o#al o%

this Act ,ntil on$"ess takin$ into acco,nt ecolo$ical *e#elo!ental

an* e2,it+ consi*e"ations shall ha#e *ete"ine* b+ law the s!eci%ic

liits o% the !,blic *oain>

b All lan*s o% the !,blic *oain in e5cess to the s!eci%ic liits as

*ete"ine* b+ on$"ess in the !"ece*in$ !a"a$"a!h>

c All othe" lan*s owne* b+ the <o#e"nent *e#ote* to o" s,itable %o"

a$"ic,lt,"e> an*chan robles virtual law library * All !"i#ate lan*s *e#ote* to o" s,itable %o" a$"ic,lt,"e "e$a"*less o%

the a$"ic,lt,"al !"o*,cts "aise* o" that can be "aise* the"eon.

SE . ?. Sche*,le o % I!leenta t ion . - The *ist"ib,tion o% all lan*s co#e"e*

b+ this Act shall be i!leente* ie*iatel+ an* co!lete* within ten 1@

+ea"s %"o the e%%ecti#it+ the"eo%. 

SE . .

Retent ion L i it s. -

E5ce!t as othe"wise !"o#i*e* in this Act no

!e"son a+ own o" "etain *i"ectl+ an+ !,blic o" !"i#ate a$"ic,lt,"al lan*

the si0e o% which shall #a"+ acco"*in$ to %acto"s $o#e"nin$ a #iable %ail+-

si0e* %a" s,ch as coo*it+ !"o*,ce* te""ain in%"ast",ct,"e an* soil

%e"tilit+ as *ete"ine* b+ the P"esi*ential A$"a"ian Re%o" o,ncil PAR

c"eate* he"e,n*e" b,t in no case shall the "etention b+ the lan*owne"

e5cee* %i#e ? hecta"es. Th"ee 7 hecta"es a+ be awa"*e* to each chil*

o% the lan*owne" s,b/ect to the %ollowin$ 2,ali% ications8 1 that he is at

least %i%teen 1? +ea"s o% a$e> an* ( that he is act,all+ tillin$ the lan* o"

*i"ectl+ ana$in$ the %a"8 P"o#i*e* That lan*owne"s whose lan*s ha#e

been co#e"e* b+ P"esi*ential )ec"ee No. (9 shall be allowe* to kee! the


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a"ea o"i$inall+ "etaine* b+ the the"e,n*e">

P"o#i*e* %," the"

 That o"i$inal

hoestea* $"antees o" *i"ect co!,lso"+ hei"s who stil l own the o"i$inal

hoestea* at the tie o% the a!!"o#al o% this Act shall "etain the sae a"eas

as lon$ as the+ contin,e to c,lti#ate sai* hoestea*. 

The "i$ht to choose the a"ea to be "etaine* which shall be co!act o"

conti$,o,s shall !e"tain to the lan*owne"8

P"o# i*e* howe#e"

 That in case

the a"ea selecte* %o" "etention b+ the lan*owne" is tenante* the tenant

shall ha#e the o!tion to choose whethe" to "eain the"ein o" be a

bene% icia"+ in the sae o" anothe" a$"ic,l t,"al lan* with siila" o"

co!a"able %eat,"es. In case the tenant chooses to "eain in the "etaine*

a"ea he shall be consi*e"e* a leasehol*e" an* shall lose his "i$ht to be a

bene%icia"+ ,n*e" this Act. In case the tenant chooses to be a bene%icia"+ in

anothe" a$"ic,lt,"al lan* he loses his "i$ht as a leasehol*e" to the lan*

"etaine* b+ the lan*owne". The tenant ,st e5e"cise this o!tion within a

!e"io* o% one 1 +ea" %"o the tie the lan*owne" ani%ests his choice o%

the a"ea %o" "etention. 

In all cases the sec,"it+ o% ten,"e o% the %a"e"s o" %a" wo"ke"s on the

lan* !"io" to the a!!"o#al o% this Act shall be "es!ecte*. 

B!on the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act an+ sale *is!osition lease ana$eent

cont"act o" t"ans%e" o% !ossession o% !"i#ate lan*s e5ec,te* b+ the o"i$inal

lan*owne" in #iolation o% this Act shall be n,ll an* #oi*8 P"o# i*e* howe#e"

That those e5ec,te* !"io" to this Act shall be #ali* onl+ when "e$iste"e* with

the Re$iste" o% )ee*s within a !e"io* o% th"ee 7 onths a%te" the e%%ecti#it+

o% this Act . The"ea%te" all Re$iste"s o% )ee*s shall in%o" the )AR within

thi"t+ 7@ *a+s o% an+ t"ansaction in#ol#in$ a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s in e5cess o%

%i#e ? hecta"es. 

SE . 9.

P"io" i t ies.

- The )AR in coo"*ination with the PAR shall !lan an*

!"o$"a the ac2,isition an* *ist"ib,tion o% all a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s th"o,$h a

!e"io* o% ten 1@ +ea"s %"o the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act. Lan*s shall be

ac2,i"e* an* *ist"ib,te* as %ollows8 

Phase One8 Rice an* co"n lan*s ,n*e" P"esi*ential )ec"ee No. (9> all

i*le o" aban*one* lan*s> all !"i#ate lan*s #ol,nta"il+ o%%e"e* b+ the

owne"s %o" a$"a"ian "e%o"> al l lan*s %o"eclose* b+ $o#e"nent

%inancial instit,tion> all lan*s ac2,i"e* b+ the P"esi*ential oission

on <oo* <o#e"nent P <<> an* all othe" lan*s owne* b+ the

$o#e"nent *e#ote* to o" s,itable %o" a$"ic,lt,"e which shall be


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ac2,i"e* an* *ist"ib,te* ie*iatel+ ,!on the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act

with the i!leentation to be co!lete* within a !e"io* o% not o"e

than %o," = +ea"s>

Phase two8 All alienable an* *is!osable !,blic a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s> all

a"able !,blic a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s ,n*e" a$"o-%o"est !ast,"e an*

a$"ic,l t,"al leases al"ea*+ c,l ti#ate* an* !lante* to c"o!s in

acco"*ance with Section A"ticle CIII o% the onstit,tion> all !,blic

a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s which a"e to be o!ene* %o" new *e#elo!ent an*

"esettleent> an* all !"i#ate a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s in e5cess o% %i%t+ ?@

hecta"es inso%a" as the e5cess hecta"a$e is conce"ne* to i!leent

!"inci!all+ the "i$ht o% %a"e"s an* "e$,la" %a" wo"ke"s who a"e

lan*less to own *i"ectl+ o" collecti#el+ the lan*s the+ till which shall

be *ist"ib,te* ie*iatel+ ,!on the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act with the

i!leentation to be co!lete* within a !e"io* o% not o"e than %o,"

= +ea"s.

Phase Th"ee8 All othe" !"i#ate a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s coencin$ with

la"$e lan*hol*in$s an* !"ocee*in$ to e*i, an* sall lan*hol*in$s

,n*e" the %ollowin$ sche*,le8

a Lan*hol*in$s abo#e twent+-%o," (= hecta"es ,! to %i%t+ ?@

hecta"es to be$in on the %o,"th =th +ea" %"o the e%%ecti#it+ o%

this Act an* to be co!lete* within th"ee 7 +ea"s> an*

b Lan*hol*in$s %"o the "etention liit ,! to twent+-%o," (=

hecta"es to be$in on the si5th th +ea" %"o the e%%ecti#it+ o%

this Act an* to be co!lete* within %o," = +ea"s> to i!leent

!"inci!all+ the "i$ht o% %a"e"s an* "e$,la" %a"wo"ke"s who a"e

lan*less to own *i"ectl+ o" collecti#el+ the lan*s the+ till.

The sche*,le o% ac2,isit ion an* "e*ist"ib,tion o% all a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s

co#e"e* b+ this !"o$"a shall be a*e in acco"*ance with the abo#e o"*e"

o% !"io"it+ which shall be !"o#i*e* in the i!leentin$ ",les to be !"e!a"e*

b+ the P"esi*ent ia l A$"a"ian Re%o" o,nci l PAR takin$ into

consi*e"ation the %ollowin$8 the nee* to *ist"ib,te lan*s to the tille" at the

ea"liest !"acticable tie> the nee* to enhance a$"ic,lt,"al !"o*,cti#it+> an*

the a#ailabil i t+ o% %,n*s an* "eso,"ces to i!leent an* s,!!o"t the



In an+ case the PAR ,!on "ecoen*ation b+ the P"o#incial A$"a"ian

Re%o" oo"*inatin$ oit tee PAR OM a+ *ecla"e ce" ta in

!"o#inces o" "e$ions as !"io"it+ lan* "e%o" a"eas in which case the

ac2,isition an* *ist"ib,tion o% !"i#ate a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s the"ein a+ be


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i!leente* ahea* o% the abo#e sche*,les.  In e%%ectin$ the t"ans%e" within

these $,i*elines !"io"it+ ,st be $i#en to lan*s that a"e tenante*. 

The PAR shall establish $,i*elines to i!leent the abo#e !"io"ities an*

*ist"ib,tion schee incl,*in$ the *ete"ination o% who a"e 2,ali% ie*

bene%icia"ies8 P"o# i*e*  That an owne"-til le" a+ be a bene%icia"+ o% the

lan* he *oes not own b,t is act,all+ c,l ti#atin$ to the e5tent o% the

*i%%e"ence between the a"ea o% the lan* he owns an* the awa"* ceilin$ o%

th"ee 7 hecta"es. 

SE . '. M,lt inat ional o"!o"at ions. - All lan*s o% the !,blic *oain lease*

hel* o" !ossesse* b+ ,ltinational co"!o"ations o" associations an* othe"

lan*s owne* b+ the $o#e"nent o" $o#e"nent-owne* o" cont"ol le*

co"!o"ations associations instit,tions o" entities *e#ote* to e5istin$ an*

o!e"ational a$"ib,siness o" a$"o-in*,st"ial ente"!"ises o!e"ate* b+

,lt inational co"!o"ations an* associations shall be !"o$"ae* %o"

ac2,isition an* *ist"ib,tion ie*iatel+ ,!on the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act with

the i!leentation to be co!lete* within th"ee 7 +ea"s. 

Lan*s co#e"e* b+ the !a"a$"a!h ie*iatel+ !"ece*in$ ,n*e" lease

ana$eent $"owe" o" se"#ice cont"acts an* the like shall be *is!ose* o%

as %ollows8 

a Lease ana$eent $"owe" o" se"#ice cont"acts co#e"in$ s,ch

lan*s co#e"in$ an a$$"e$ate a"ea in e5cess o% 1@@@ hecta"es lease*

o" hel* b+ %o"ei$n in*i#i*,als in e5cess o% ?@@ hecta"es a"e *eee*

aen*e* to con%i" with the liits set %o"th in Section 7 o% A"ticle CIII

o% the onstit,tion.

b ont"acts co#e"in$ a"eas not in e5cess o% 1@@@ hecta"es in the

case o% s,ch in*i#i*,als shall be al lowe* to contin,e ,n*e" thei"

o"i$inal te"s an* con*itions b,t not be+on* A,$,st (& 1&&( o" thei"

#al i* te"ination whiche#e" coes soone" a%te" which s,ch

a$"eeents shall contin,e onl+ when con%i"e* b+ the a!!"o!"iate

$o#e"nent a$enc+. S,ch cont"acts shall likewise contin,e e#en a%te"

the lan* has been t"ans%e""e* to bene%icia"ies o" awa"*ees the"eo%

which t"ans%e" shall be ie*iatel+ coence* an* i!leente*

within the !e"io* o% th"ee 7 +ea"s entione* in !a"a$"a!h 1 he"eo%.

c In no case wil l s,ch leases an* othe" a$"eeents now bein$

i!leente* e5ten* be+on* A,$,st (& 1&&( when all lan*s s,b/ect

he"eo% shall ha#e been *ist "ib,te* co!letel+ to 2,ali% ie*


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bene%icia"ies o" awa"*ees. S,ch a$"eeents can contin,e the"ea%te"

onl+ ,n*e" a new cont"act between the $o#e"nent o" 2,ali% ie*

bene%icia"ies o" awa"*ees on the one han* an* sai* ente"!"ises on

the othe".chan robles virtual law library Lan*s lease* hel* o" !ossesse* b+ ,ltinational co"!o"ations owne* b+

!"i#ate in*i#i*,als an* !"i#ate non-$o#e"nental co"!o"ations associations

instit,tions an* entities citi0ens o% the Phili!!ines shall be s,b/ect to

ie*iate co!,lso"+ ac2,isition an* *ist"ib,tion ,!on the e5!i"ation o% the

a!!licable lease ana$eent $"owe" o% se"#ice cont"act in e%%ect as o%

A,$,st (& 1&'9 o" othe"wise ,!on its #ali* te"ination whiche#e" coes

soone" b,t not late" than a%te" ten 1@ +ea"s %ollowin$ the e%%ecti#it+ o% this

Act . Howe#e" *,"in$ the sai* !e"io* o% e%%ecti#it+ the $o#e"nent shall

take ste!s to ac2,i"e these lan*s %o" ie*iate *ist"ib,tion the"ea%te". 

In $ene"al lan*s shall be *ist"ib,te* *i"ectl+ to the in*i#i*,al wo"ke"-

bene%icia"ies. In case it is not econoicall+ %easible an* so,n* to *i#i*e the

lan* then the+ shall %o" a wo"ke"s3 coo!e"ati#e o" association which will

*eal with the co"!o"ation o" b,siness association o" an+ othe" !"o!e" !a"t+

%o" the !,"!ose o% ente"in$ into a lease o" $"owe"s a$"eeent an* %o" all

othe" le$itiate !,"!oses. Bntil a new a$"eeent is ente"e* into b+ an*

between the wo"ke"s3 coo!e"ati#e o" association an* the co"!o"ation o"

b,siness association o" an+ othe" !"o!e" !a"t+ an+ a$"eeent e5istin$ at

the t ie this Act takes e%%ect between the %o"e" an* the !"e#io,s

lan*owne" shall be "es!ecte* b+ both the wo"ke"s 3 coo!e"ati#e o"

association an* the co"!o"ation b,siness association o" s,ch othe" !"o!e"

!a"t+. In no case shall the i!leentation o" a!!lication o% this Act /,sti%+ o"

"es,lt in the "e*,ction o% stat,s o" *iin,tion o% an+ bene%its "ecei#e* o"

en/o+e* b+ the wo"ke"-bene%icia"ies o" in which the+ a+ ha#e a #este*

"i$ht at the tie this Act becoes e%%ecti#e. 

The !"o#ision o% Section 7( o% this Act with "e$a"* to !"o*,ction an*

incoe-sha"in$ shall a!!l+ to %a"s o!e"ate* b+ ,ltinational co"!o"ations. 

),"in$ the t"ansition !e"io* the new owne"s shall be assiste* in thei" e%%o"ts

to lea"n o*e"n technolo$+ in !"o*,ct ion. Ente"!"ises which show a

willin$ness an* coitent an* $oo* %aith e%%o"ts to i!a"t #ol,nta"il+ s,ch

a*#ance* technolo$+ will be $i#en !"e%e"ential t"eatent whe"e %easible. 


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In no case shall a %o"ei$n co"!o"ation association entit+ o" in*i#i*,al en/o+

an+ "i$ht" o" !"i#ile$es bette" than those en/o+e* b+ a *oestic co"!o"ation

association entit+ o" in*i#i*,al. 

SE . &. Ancest "a l Lan*s. - 6o" !,"!oses o% this Act ancest"al lan*s o% each

in*i$eno,s c,lt,"al co,nit+ shall incl,*e b,t not be liite* to lan*s in

the act,al contin,o,s an* o!en !ossession an* occ,!at ion o% the

co,nit+ an* its ebe"s8


That the To""ens S+ste shall be


The "i$ht o% these co,nities to thei" ancest"al lan*s shall be !"otecte* to

ens,"e thei" econoic social an* c,lt,"al well-bein$. In line with the othe"

!"inci!les o% sel %-*ete"inat ion an* a,tono+ the s+stes o% lan*

owne"shi! lan* ,se an* the o*es o% settlin$ lan* *is!,tes o% all these

co,nities ,st be "eco$ni0e* an* "es!ecte*.


An+ !"o#ision o% law to the cont"a"+ notwithstan*in$ the PAR a+

s,s!en* the i!leentation o% this Act with "es!ect to ancest"al lan*s %o"

the !,"!ose o% i*enti%+in$ an* *elineatin$ s,ch lan*s8

P"o# i*e*

That in the

a,tonoo,s "e$ions the "es!ecti#e le$islat,"es a+ enact thei" own laws

on ancest"al *oain s,b/ect to the !"o#isions o% the onstit,tion an* the

!"inci!les en,nciate* in this Act an* othe" national laws. 

SE . 1@. E5e !t ions an* E5c l,s ions . - 

a Lan*s act,all+ *i"ectl+ an* e5cl,si#el+ ,se* %o" !a"ks wil*li%e %o"est

"ese"#es "e%o"estation %ish sanct,a"ies an* b"ee*in$ $"o,n*s wate"she*s

an* an$"o#es shall be e5e!t %"o the co#e"a$e o% this Act. 

b P"i#ate lan*s act,all+ *i"ectl+ an* e5cl,si#el+ ,se* %o" !"awn %a"s an*

%ish!on*s shall be e5e!t %"o the co#e"a$e o% this Act8 P"o#i*e* That sai*

!"awn %a"s an* %ish!on*s ha#e not been *ist"ib,te* an* e"ti% icate o%

Lan* Owne"shi! Awa"* LOA iss,e* ,n*e" the A$"a"ian Re%o" P"o$"a. 

In cases whe"e the %ish!on*s o" !"awn %a"s ha#e been s,b/ecte* to the

  o!"ehensi#e A$"a"ian Re%o" Law b+ #ol,nta"+ o%%e" to sel l o"

coe"cial %a"s *e%e"ent o" notices o% co!,lso"+ ac2,isition a si!le

an* absol,te a/o"it+ o% the act,al "e$,la" wo"ke"s o" tenants ,st consent

to the e5e!tion within one 1 +ea" %"o the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act. Dhen

the wo"ke"s o" tenants *o not a$"ee to this e5e!tion the %ish!on*s o"


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!"awn %a"s shall be *ist"ib,te* collecti#el+ to the wo"ke"-bene%icia"ies o"

tenants who shall %o" coo!e"ati#e o" association to ana$e the sae. 

In cases whe"e the %ish!on*s o" !"awn %a"s ha#e not been s,b/ecte* to the

  o!"ehensi#e A$"a"ian Re%o" Law the consent o% the %a"wo"ke"s shall

no lon$e" be necessa"+> howe#e" the !"o#ision o% Section 7(-A he"eo% on

incenti#es shall a!!l+. 

c Lan*s act,all+ *i"ectl+ an* e5cl,si#el+ ,se* an* %o,n* to be necessa"+

%o" national *e%ense school sites an* ca!,ses incl,*in$ e5!e"iental

%a" stations o!e"ate* b+ !,blic o" !"i#ate schools %o" e*,cational

!,"!oses see*s an* see*lin$s "esea"ch an* !ilot !"o*,ction cente" ch,"ch

sites an* con#ents a!!,"tenant the"eto os2,e sites an* Islaic cente"s

a!!,"tenant the"eto co,nal b,"ial $"o,n*s an* ceete"ies !enal

colonies an* !enal %a"s act,all+ wo"ke* b+ the inates $o#e"nent an*

!"i#ate "esea"ch an* 2,a"antine cente"s an* all lan*s with ei$hteen !e"cent

1' slo!e an* o#e" e5ce!t those al"ea*+ *e#elo!e* shall be e5e!t

%"o the co#e"a$e o% this Act.As aen*e* b+ R. A. 9''1 

SE . 11.

o e "c ia l 6 a " i n$ . -   oe"cial %a"s which a"e !"i#ate

a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s *e#ote* to salt be*s %",it %a"s o"cha"*s #e$etable an*

c,t-%lowe" %a"s an* cacao co%%ee an* ",bbe" !lantations shall be s,b/ect

to ie*iate co!,lso"+ ac2,isition an* *ist"ib,tion a%te" ten 1@ +ea"s

%"o the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act. In the case o% new %a"s the ten-+ea" !e"io*

shall be$in %"o the %i"st +ea" o% coe"cial !"o*,ction an* o!e"ation as

*ete"ine* b+ the )AR. ),"in$ the ten-+ea" !e"io* the <o#e"nent shall

init iate ste!s necessa"+ to ac2,i"e these lan*s ,!on !a+ent o% /,st

co!ensation %o" the lan* an* the i!"o#eents the"eon !"e%e"abl+ in

%a#o" o% o"$ani0e* coo!e"ati#es o" associations which shall the"ea%te"

ana$e the sai* lan*s %o" the wo"ke"s-bene%icia"ies.As aen*e* b+ R. A.


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SE . 1(.

)ete"inat ion o % Lease Renta ls

. - In o"*e" to !"otect an* i!"o#e

the ten,"ial an* econoic stat,s o% the %a"e"s in tenante* lan*s ,n*e" the

"etention l iit an* lan*s not +et ac2,i"e* ,n*e" this Act the )AR is

an*ate* to *ete"ine an* %i5 ie*iatel+ the lease "entals the"eo% in

acco"*ance with Section 7= o% R. A. No. 7'== as aen*e* 8 P"o# i*e* That

the )AR shall ie*iatel+ an* !e"io*icall+ "e#iew an* a*/,st the "ental

st",ct,"e %o" *i%%e"ent c"o!s incl,*in$ "ice an* co"n o% *i%%e"ent "e$ions in

o"*e" to i!"o#e !"o$"essi#el+ the con*it ions o% the %a"e" tenant o"


SE . 1(-A.

Incent i#es

. - In*i#i*,als an* ent it ies ownin$ o" o!e"atin$

%ish!on* an* !"awn %a"s a"e he"eb+ an*ate* to e5ec,te within si5

onths %"o the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act an incenti#e !lan with thei" "e$,la"

% ish!on* o" !"awn %a" wo"ke"s o" % ish!on* o" !"awn %a" wo"ke"s3

o"$ani0ation i% an+ whe"eb+ se#en !oint %i#e !e"cent 9.? o% thei" net

!"o%it be%o"e ta5 %"o the o!e"ation o% the % ish!on* o" !"awn %a"s a"e

*ist" ib,te* within s i5t+ @ *a+s at the en* o% the % iscal +ea" as

co!ensation to "e$,la" an* othe" !on* wo"ke"s in s,ch !on*s o#e" an*

abo#e the co!ensation the+ c,""entl+ "ecei#e. 

In o"*e" to sa%e$,a"* the "i$ht o% the "e$,la" %ish!on* o" !"awn %a" wo"ke"s

,n*e" the incenti#es !lan the book o% the %ish!on* o" !"awn %a" owne"s

shall be s,b/ect to !e" io*ic a,*i t o" ins!ect ion b+ ce" ti %ie* !,blic

acco,ntants chosen b+ the wo"ke"s. 

The %o"e$oin$ !"o#ision shall not a!!l+ to a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s s,bse2,entl+

con#e"te* to % ish!on*s o" !"awn %a"s !"o#i*e* the si0e o% the lan*

con#e"te* *oes not e5cee* the "etention liit o% the lan*owne". As a**e*

b+ R. A. 9''1 

SE . 17. P"o*,ct ion-Sha" in$ P lan. - An+ ente"!"ise a*o!tin$ the schee

!"o#i*e* %o" in Section 7( o" o!e"atin$ ,n*e" a !"o*,ction #ent,"e lease

ana$eent cont"act o" othe" siila" a""an$eent an* an+ %a" co#e"e* b+

Sections ' an* 11 he"eo% is he"eb+ an*ate* to e5ec,te within ninet+ &@

*a+s %"o the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act a !"o*,ction-sha"in$ !lan ,n*e"

$,i*elines !"esc"ibe* b+ the a!!"o!"iate $o#e"nent a$enc+. 

Nothin$ he"ein shall be const",e* to sanction the *iin,tion o% an+ bene%its

s,ch as sala"ies bon,ses lea#es an* wo"kin$ con*itions $"ante* to the

e!lo+ee-bene%icia"ies ,n*e" e5istin$ laws a$"eeents an* #ol,nta"+

!"actice b+ the ente"!"ise no" shall the ente"!"ise an* its e!lo+ee-


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bene%icia"ies be !"e#ente* %"o ente"in$ into an+ a$"eeent with te"s

o"e %a#o"able to the latte".chan robles virtual law library  

4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 



SE . 1=. Re$is t "a t ion o % Lan*owne"s . - Dithin one h,n*"e* ei$ht+ 1'@

*a+s % "o the e%%ecti#i t+ o% this Act nat,"al o" /,"i*ical incl,*in$

$o#e"nent entities that own o" clai to own a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s whethe" in

thei" naes o" in the nae o% othe"s e5ce!t those who ha#e al"ea*+

"e$iste"e* !,"s,ant to E5ec,ti#e O"*e" No. ((& who shall be entitle* to

s,ch incenti#es as a+ be !"o#i*e* %o" b+ PAR shall % ile a swo"n

stateent in the !"o!e" assesso"s o%%ice in the %o" to be !"esc"ibe* b+ the

)AR statin$ the %ollowin$ in%o"ation8 

a The *esc"i!tion an* a"ea o% the !"o!e"t+> 

b The a#e"a$e $"oss incoe %"o the !"o!e"t+ %o" at least th"ee 7


c The naes o% the tenants an* %a" wo"ke"s the"ein> 

* The c"o!s !lante* in the !"o!e"t+ an* the a"ea co#e"e* b+ each c"o!

as o% F,ne 11&'9> 

e The te"s o% o"t$a$es leases an* ana$eent cont"acts

s,bsistin$ as o% F,ne 1 1&'9> an* 

% The latest *ecla"e* a"ket #al,e o% the lan* as *ete"ine* b+ the cit+

o" !"o#incial assesso". 

SE . 1?. Re$ist"at ion o% 4ene% ic ia" ies. - The )AR in coo"*ination with the

4a"an$a+ A$"a"ian Re%o" oittee 4AR as o"$ani0e* in this Act shall

"e$iste" all a$"ic,lt,"al lessees tenants an* %a"wo"ke"s who a"e 2,ali%ie*

to be bene%icia"ies with the assistance o% the 4AR an* the )AR shall

!"o#i*e the %ollowin$ *ata8 

a Naes an* ebe"s o% thei" ie*iate %a" ho,sehol*> 

b Location an* a"ea o% the lan* the+ wo"k> 

c "o!s !lante*> an* 

* Thei" sha"e in the ha"#est o" ao,nt o% "ental !ai* o" wa$es "ecei#e*.


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A co!+ o% the "e$ist"+ o" l ist o% all !otential ARP bene%icia"ies in the

ba"an$a+ shall be !oste* in the ba"an$a+ hall school o" othe" !,blic

b,il*in$s in the ba"an$a+ whe"e it shall be o!en to ins!ection b+ the !,blic

at all "easonable ho,"s. 

4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 



SE . 1.

P"oce*,"e %o " Ac2, i si ti on o % P " i#a te Lan*s .-

  6o" !,"!oses o%

ac2,isition o% !"i#ate lan*s the %ollowin$ !"oce*,"es shall be %ollowe*8 

a A% te" ha#in$ i*enti% ie* the lan* the lan*owne"s an* the

bene%icia"ies the )AR shall sen* its notice to ac2,i"e the lan* to the

owne"s the"eo% b+ !e"sonal *eli#e"+ o" "e$iste"e* ail an* !ost the

sae in a cons!ic,o,s !lace in the ,nici!al b,il*in$ an* ba"an$a+

hall o% the !lace whe"e the !"o!e"t+ is locate*. Sai* notice shall

conta in the o% %e" o% the )AR to !a+ a co""es!on*in$ #al,e in

acco"*ance with the #al,ation set %o"th in Sections 19 1' an* othe"

!e"tinent !"o#isions he"eo%.

b Dithin thi"t+ 7@ *a+s %"o the *ate o% "ecei!t o% w"itten notice b+

!e"sonal *eli#e"+ o" "e$iste"e* ail the lan*owne" his a*inist"ato"

o" "e!"esentati#e shall in%o" the )AR o% his acce!tance o" "e/ection

o% the o%%e".

c I% the lan*owne" acce!ts the o%%e" o% the )AR the L4P shall !a+

the lan*owne" the !,"chase !"ice o% the lan* within thi"t+ 7@ *a+s

a%te" he e5ec,tes an* *eli#e"s a *ee* o% t"ans%e" in %a#o" o% the

<o#e"nent an* s,""en*e"s the e"t i% icate o% Ti tle an* othe"

,nients o% title.

* In case o% "e/ection o" %ai l,"e to "e!l+ the )AR shall con*,ct

s,a"+ a*inist"ati#e !"ocee*in$s to *ete"ine the co!ensation

o% the lan* b+ "e2,i"in$ the lan*owne" the L4P an* othe" inte"este*

!a"ties to s,it e#i*ence as to the /,st co!ensation %o" the lan*

within % i %teen 1? *a+s %"o the "ecei!t o% the notice. A%te" the

e5!i"ation o% the abo#e !e"io* the atte" is *eee* s,bitte* %o"


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*ecision. The )AR shall *eci*e the case within thi"t+ 7@ *a+s a%te" it

is s,bitte* %o" *ecision.

e B!on "ecei!t b+ the lan*owne" o% the co""es!on*in$ !a+ent o" in

case o% "e/ection o" no "es!onse %"o the lan*owne" ,!on the *e!osit

with an accessible bank *esi$nate* b+ the )AR o% the co!ensation

in cash o" L4P bon*s in acco"*ance with this Act the )AR shall take

ie*iate !ossession o% the lan* an* shall "e2,est the !"o!e"

Re$iste" o% )ee*s to iss,e a T"ans%e" e"ti%icate o% Title T T in the

nae o% the Re!,blic o% the Phili!!ines. The )AR shall the"ea%te"

!"ocee* wi th the "e*ist" ib,t ion o% the lan* to the 2,a li %ie*


% An+ !a"t+ who *isa$"ees with the *ecision a+ b"in$ the atte" to

the co,"t o% !"o!e" /," is*ict ion %o" % inal *ete"ination o% /,st


4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 



SE . 19. ) e te " in a ti on o % F ,s t o ! e ns a ti on . - In *ete"inin$ /,st

co!ensation the cost o% ac2,isition o% the lan* the c,""ent #al,e o% like

!"o!e"ties its nat,"e act,al ,se an* incoe the swo"n #al,ation b+ the

owne" the ta5 *ecla"ations an* the assessent a*e b+ $o#e"nent

assesso"s shall be consi*e"e*. The social an* econoic bene% its

cont"ib,te* b+ the %a"e"s an* the %a"wo"ke"s an* b+ $o#e"nent to the

!"o!e"t+ as well as the non-!a+ent o% ta5es o" loans sec,"e* %"o an+

$o#e"nent %inancin$ instit,tion on the sai* lan* shall be consi*e"e* as

a**itional %acto"s to *ete"ine its #al,ation. 

SE . 1'. ;al,at ion an* Mo*e o % o!ensat ion. - The L4P shall co!ensate

the lan*owne" in s,ch ao,nt as a+ be a$"ee* ,!on b+ the lan*owne" an*

the )AR an* L4P o" as a+ be % inall+ *ete"ine* b+ the co,"t as /,st

co!ensation %o" the lan*. 

The co!ensation shall be !ai* in one o% the %ollowin$ o*es at the o!tion

o% the lan*owne"8 

1 ash !a+ent ,n*e" the %ollowin$ te"s an* con*itions8 


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6 o " la n* s a bo #e % i% t+ ?@ h e ct a" es in so %a " a s t he e 5c es s

hecta"a$e isconce"ne*  - Twent+-%i#e !e"cent (? cash the balance

to be !ai* in $o#e"nent %inancial inst",ents ne$otiable at an+ tie.

b 6o" lan*s abo#e twent+ - %o," hec ta"es an* ,! to % i %t + ?@ hec ta"es

- Thi"t+ !e"cent 7@ cash the balance to be !ai* in $o#e"nent

%inancial inst",ents ne$otiable at an+ tie.

c 6o" lan*s twent+- %o," (= hecta"es an* below  - Thi"t+-%i#e !e"cent

7? cash the balance to be !ai* in $o#e"nent % inancial

inst",ents ne$otiable at an+ tie.

  ( Sha"es o% stock in $o#e"nent-owne* o" cont"olle* co"!o"ations L4P

!"e%e""e* sha"es !h+sical assets o" othe" 2,ali %ie* in#estents in

acco"*ance with $,i*elines set b+ the PAR > 

7 Ta5 c"e*its which can be ,se* a$ainst an+ ta5 liabilit+> 

= L4P bon*s which shall ha#e the %ollowin$ %eat,"es8 

a Ma"ket in te"es t "a tes a l i$ne* w i th &1-*a+ t "eas,"+ b i l l "a tes . Ten

!e"cent 1@ o% the %ace #al,e o% the bon*s shall at,"e e#e"+ +ea"

%"o the *ate o% iss,ance ,ntil the tenth 1@th +ea"8

P"o# i*e*


sho,l* the lan*owne" choose to %o"e$o the cash !o"tion whethe" in

%,ll o" in !a"t he shall be !ai* co""es!on*in$l+ in L4P bon*s>

b T"ans%e"abi l i t+ an* ne$ot iabi l i t+. S,ch L4P bon*s a+ be ,se* b+

the lan*owne" his s,ccesso"s-in-inte"est o" his assi$ns ,! to the

ao,nt o% thei" %ace #al,e %o" an+ o% the %ollowin$8

i Ac2,isition o% lan* o" othe" "ea l !"o!e"t ies o% the

$o#e"nent incl,*in$ assets ,n*e" the Assets P"i#ati0ation

P"o$"a an* othe" assets %o"eclose* b+ $o#e"nent %inancial

instit,tion in the sae !"o#ince o" "e$ion whe"e the lan*s %o"

which the bon*s we"e !ai* a"e sit,ate*>

ii Ac2,isit ion o% sha"es o% stock o% $o#e"nent-owne* o"

cont"ol le* co"!o"ations o" sha"es o" stock owne* b+ the

$o#e"nent in !"i#ate co"!o"ations>chan robles virtual law

library ii i S,bstit,tion %o" s,"et+ o" bail bon*s %o" the !"o#isional

"elease o% acc,se* !e"sons o" %o" !e"%o"ance bon*s>

i# Sec,"it+ %o" loans with an+ $o#e"nent %inancial instit,tion

!"o#i*e* the !"ocee*s o% the loans shall be in#este* in an

econoic ente"!"ise !"e%e"abl+ in a sall an* e*i,-scale


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in*,st"+ in the sae !"o#ince o" "e$ion as the lan* %o" which

the bon*s a"e !ai*>

# Pa+ent %o" #a"io,s ta5es an* %ees to the $o#e"nent8

P"o# i*e* That the ,se o% these bon*s %o" these !,"!oses will

be liite* to a ce"tain !e"centa$e o% the o,tstan*in$ balance o%

the %inancial inst",ent8 P"o#i*e* %," the" That the PAR shall

*ete"ine the !e"centa$es entione* abo#e>

#i Pa+ent %o" t,it ion %ees o% the ie*iate %ail+ o% the

o"i$inal bon*hol*e" in $o#e"nent ,ni#e"sities colle$es t"a*e

schools an* othe" instit,tions>

#ii Pa+ent %o" %ees o% the ie*iate %ail+ o% the o"i$inal

bon*hol*e" in $o#e"nent hos!itals> an*

#iii S,ch othe" ,ses as the PAR a+ %"o tie to tie allow.

In case o% e5t"ao"*ina"+ in%lation the PAR shall take a!!"o!"iate

eas,"es to !"otect the econo+.

SE . 1&. Incent i#es %o" ;o l,nta"+ O% %e"s %o " Sa le . - Lan*owne"s othe" than

banks an* othe" %inancial instit,tions who #ol,nta"il+ o%%e" thei" lan*s %o"

sale shall be entitle* to an a**itional %i#e !e"cent ? cash !a+ent. 

SE . (@. ;ol,nta"+  L an * T "a n s% e". - Lan*owne"s o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s

s,b/ect to ac2,isition ,n*e" this Act a+ ente" into a #ol,nta"+ a""an$eent

%o" *i"ect t"ans%e" o% thei" lan*s to 2,ali% ie* bene%icia"ies s,b/ect to the

%ollowin$ $,i*elines8 

a All notices %o" #ol,nta"+ lan* t"ans%e" ,st be s,bitte* to the

)AR within the % i"st +ea" o% the i!leentat ion o% the ARP.

Ne$otiations between the lan*owne"s an* 2,ali% ie* bene%icia"ies

co#e"in$ an+ #ol,nta"+ lan* t"ans%e" which "eain ,n"esol#e* a%te"

one 1 +ea" shall not be "eco$ni0e* an* s,ch lan* shall instea* be

ac2,i"e* b+ the $o#e"nent an* t"ans%e""e* !,"s,ant to this Act.

b The te"s an* con*itions o% s,ch t"ans%e" shall not be less

%a#o"able to the t"ans%e"ee than those o% the $o#e"nent 3s stan*in$

o%%e" to !,"chase %"o the lan*owne" an* to "esel l to the

bene%icia"ies i% s,ch o%%e"s ha#e been a*e an* a"e %,ll+ known to

both !a"ties.

c The #ol,nta"+ a$"eeent shall incl,*e sanct ions %o" non-

co!l iance b+ eithe" !a"t+ an* shall be *,l+ "eco"*e* an* i ts

i!leentation onito"e* b+ the )AR.

SE . (1. Pa+ent o % o!ensat ion b+ 4ene% ic ia " ies Bn*e" ;o l,nta"+ Lan*

T"ans%e" .-

)i"ect !a+ent in cash o" in kin* a+ be a*e b+ the %a"e"-


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bene%icia"+ to the lan*owne" ,n*e" te"s to be ,t,all+ a$"ee* ,!on b+

both !a"ties which shall be bin*in$ ,!on the ,!on "e$ist"ation with an*

a!!"o#al b+ the )AR. Sai* a!!"o#al shall be consi*e"e* $i#en ,nless

notice o% *isa!!"o#al is "ecei#e* b+ the %a"e"-bene%icia"+ within 7@ *a+s

%"o the *ate o% "e$ist"ation.In the e#ent the+ cannot a$"ee on the !"ice o%

the lan* the !"oce*,"e %o" co!,lso"+ ac2,isition as !"o#i*e* in Section 1

shall a!!l+. The L4P shall e5ten* %inancin$ to the bene%icia"ies %o" !,"!oses

o% ac2,i"in$ the lan*. 

4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 



SE . ((. G,al i % ie* 4ene% ic ia" ies. - The lan*s co#e"e* b+ the ARP shall be

*ist"ib,te* as ,ch as !ossible to lan*less "esi*ents o% the sae ba"an$a+

o" in the absence the"eo% lan*less "esi*ents o% the sae ,nici!alit+ in the

%ollowin$ o"*e" o% !"io"it+8 

a a$"ic,lt,"al lessees an* sha"e tenants> 

b "e$,la" %a" wo"ke"s> 

c seasonal %a" wo"ke"s>

 * othe" %a" wo"ke"s> 

e act,al tille"s o" occ,!ants o% !,blic lan*s> 

% col lect i#e o" coo!e"ati#es o% the abo#e bene% icia"ies> an* 

$ othe"s *i"ectl+ wo"kin$ on the lan*. 

P"o# i*e* howe#e" That the chil*"en o% lan*owne"s who a"e 2,ali%ie* ,n*e"

Section o% this Act shall be $i#en !"e%e"ence in the *ist"ib,tion o% the lan*

o% thei" !a"ents> an*8 P"o# i*e* %, " the"   that act,al tenant -ti l le"s in the

lan*hol*in$ shall not be e/ecte* o" "eo#e* the"e%"o. 

4ene%icia"ies ,n*e" P"esi*ential )ec"ee No. (9 who ha#e c,l!abl+ sol*

* is!ose* o% o" aban*one* thei" lan* a"e * is2,al i% ie* to becoe

bene%icia"ies ,n*e" thei" !"o$"a. 

A basic 2,ali%ication o% a bene%icia"+ shall be his willin$ness a!tit,*e an*

abilit+ to c,lti#ate an* ake lan* as !"o*,cti#e as !ossible. The )AR shall


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a*o!t a s+ste o% onito"in$ the "eco"* o" !e"%o"ance o% each bene%icia"+

so that an+ bene%icia"+ $,ilt+ o% ne$li$ence o" is,se o% the lan* o" an+

s,!!o"t e5ten*e* to h i shall %o" %e it h is " i$ht to contin,e as s,ch

bene%icia"+. The )AR shall s,bit !e"io*ic "e!o"ts on the !e"%o"ance o%

the bene%icia"ies to the PAR . 

I% *,e to lan*owne"3s "etention "i$hts o" to the n,be" o% tenants lessees

o" wo"ke"s on the lan* the"e is not eno,$h lan* to accoo*ate an+ o"

soe o% the the+ a+ be $"ante* owne"shi! o% othe" lan*s a#ailable %o"

*ist"ib,tion ,n*e" this Act at the o!tion o% the bene%icia"ies. 

6a"e"s al"ea*+ in !lace an* those not accoo*ate* in the *ist"ib,tion o%

!"i#atel+-owne* lan*s will be $i#en !"e%e"ential "i$hts in the *ist"ib,tion o%

lan*s %"o the !,blic *oain. 

SE . (7.

)is t "ib, t ion L ii t . -

  No 2,ali%ie* bene%icia"+ a+ own o"e than

th"ee 7 hecta"es o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*. 

SE . (= . Awa"* to 4ene %i ci a "i es. -  The "i$hts an* "es!onsibilit ies o% the

bene%icia"+ shall coence %"o the tie the )AR akes an awa"* o% the

lan* to hi which awa"* shall be co!lete* within one h,n*"e* ei$ht+

1'@ *a+s %"o the t ie the )AR takes act,al !ossession o% the lan*.

Owne"shi! o% the bene%icia"+ shall be e#i*ence* b+ a e"ti% icate o% Lan*

Owne"shi! Awa"* which shall contain the "est"ict ions an* con*it ions

!"o#i*e* %o" in this Act an* shall be "eco"*e* in the Re$iste" o% )ee*s

conce"ne* an* annotate* on the e"ti%icate o% Title. 

SE . (?.

Awa"* e i l in$s %o" 4ene% ic ia " ies .

- 4ene%icia"ies shall be awa"*e*

an a"ea not e5cee*in$ th"ee 7 hecta"es which a+ co#e" a conti$,o,s

t"act o% lan* o" se#e"al !a"cels o% lan* c,,late* ,! to the !"esc"ibe* awa"*


6o" !,"!oses o% this Act a lan*less bene%icia"+ is one who owns less than

th"ee 7 hecta"es o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*.  The bene%icia"ies a+ o!t %o"

collecti#e owne"shi! s,ch as co-wo"ke"s o" %a"e"s3 coo!e"ati#e o" soe

othe" %o" o% collecti#e o"$ani0ation8 P"o# i*e* That the total a"ea that a+

be awa"*e* shall not e5cee* the total n,be" o% co-wo"ke"s o" ebe"s o%

the coo!e"ati#e o" collecti#e o"$ani0ation ,lt i!l ie* b+ the awa"* l iit

abo#e !"esc"ibe* e5ce!t in e"ito"io,s cases as *ete"ine* b+ the PAR .

Title to the !"o!e"t+ shall be iss,e* in the nae o% the co-owne"s o" the

coo!e"ati#e o" collecti#e o"$ani0ation as the case a+ be. 


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SE . (.

  Pa+ent b+ 4ene% ic ia " ies

. - Lan*s awa"*e* !,"s,ant to this Act

shal l be !ai* %o" b+ the bene% icia" ies to the L4P in thi" t+ 7@ ann,al

ao"ti0ations at si5 !e"cent inte"est !e" ann,. The !a+ents %o" the

% i"s th"ee 7 +ea"s a%te" the awa"* a+ be at "e*,ce* ao,nts as

establishe* b+ the PAR 8 P"o# i*e* That the %i"st %i#e ? ann,al !a+ents

a+ not be o"e than %i#e !e"cent ? o% the #al,e o% the ann,al $"oss

!"o*,ction is !ai* as establishe* b+ the )AR. Sho,l* the sche*,le* ann,al

!a+ents a%te" the %i%th +ea" e5cee* ten !e"cent 1@ o% the ann,al $"oss

!"o*,ct ion an* the %ai l,"e to !"o*,ce acco"*in$l+ is not *,e to the

bene%icia"+3s %a,lt the L4P a+ "e*,ce the inte"est "ate o" "e*,ce the

!"inci!al obli$ation to ake the !a+ent a%%o"*able. 

The L4P shall ha#e a l ien b+ wa+ o% o"t$a$e on the lan* awa"*e* to

bene%icia"+ an* this o"t$a$e a+ be %o"eclose* b+ the L4P %o" non-

!a+ent o% an a$$"e$ate o% th"ee 7 ann,al ao"ti0ations. The L4P shall

a*#ise the )AR o% s,ch !"ocee*in$s an* the latte" shall s,bse2,entl+ awa"*

the %o"%eite* lan*hol*in$ to othe" 2,ali% ie* bene%icia"ies. A bene%icia"+

whose lan* as !"o#i*e* he"ein has been %o"eclose* shall the"ea%te" be

!e"anentl+ *is2,ali%ie* %"o becoin$ a bene%icia"+ ,n*e" this Act. 

SE . (9. T "a ns %e "a bil i t+ o % Aw a"* e* L an *s . - Lan*s ac2,i"e* b+

bene%icia"ies ,n*e" this Act a+ not be sol* t"ans%e""e* o" con#e+e* e5ce!t

th"o,$h he"e*ita"+ s,ccession o" to the $o#e"nent o" to the L4P o" to

othe" 2,ali %ie* bene% icia"ies %o" a !e"io* o% ten 1@ +ea"s8 P"o# i*e*


That the chil*"en o" the s!o,se o% the t"ans%e"o" shall ha#e a "i$ht

to "e!,"chase the lan* %"o the $o#e"nent o" L4P within a !e"io* o% two

( +ea"s. ),e notice o% the a#ailabilit+ o% the lan* shall be $i#en b+ the L4P

to the 4a"an$a+ A$"a"ian Re%o" oittee 4AR o% the ba"an$a+ whe"e

the lan* is sit,ate*. The P"o#incial A$"a"ian oo"*inatin$ oittee

PAR OM as he"ein !"o#i*e* shall in t,"n be $i#en *,e notice the"eo%

b+ the 4AR . 

I% the lan* has not +et been %,ll+ !ai* b+ the bene%icia"+ the "i$ht to the lan*

a+ be t"ans%e""e* o" con#e+e* with !"io" a!!"o#al o% the )AR to an+ hei"

o% the bene%icia"+ o" to an+ othe" bene%icia"+ who as a con*ition %o" s,ch

t"ans%e" o" con#e+ance shall c,lti#ate the lan* hisel%. 6ailin$ co!liance

he"ewith the lan* shall be t"ans%e""e* to the L4P which shall $i#e *,e

not ice o% the a#ailabil it+ o% the lan* in the anne" s!eci %ie* in the

ie*iatel+ !"ece*in$ !a"a$"a!h. 

In the e#ent o% s,ch t"ans%e" to the L4P the latte" shall co!ensate the


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bene%icia"+ in one l,! s, %o" the ao,nts the latte" has al"ea*+ !ai*

to$ethe" with the #al,e o% i!"o#eents he has a*e on the lan*. 

SE . (' . Stan* in$ "o!s a t the T ie o % Ac2, isi t ion . - The lan*owne" shall

"etain his sha"e o% an+ stan*in$ c"o!s ,nha"#este* at the tie the )AR shall

take !ossession o% the lan* ,n*e" Section 1 o% this Act an* shall be $i#en

a "easonable tie to ha"#est the sae. 

4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 



SE . (&. 6 a " s O w n e * o " O ! e " a te * b + o " !o "a t io n s o " O t h e" 4 , s in e ss

Assoc ia t ions . - In the case o% %a"s owne* o" o!e"ate* b+ co"!o"ations o"

othe" b,siness associations the %ollowin$ ",les shall be obse"#e* b+ the

PAR . 

In $ene"al lan*s shall be *ist"ib,te* *i"ectl+ to the in*i#i*,al wo"ke"-


In case it is not econoicall+ %easible an* so,n* to *i#i*e the lan* then it

shall be owne* collecti#el+ b+ the wo"ke"-bene%icia"ies who shall %o" a

wo"ke"s3 coo!e"ati#e o" association which will *eal with the co"!o"ation o"

b,siness association. Bntil a new a$"eeent is ente"e* into b+ an* between

the wo"ke"s3 coo!e"ati#e o" association an* the co"!o"ation o" b,siness

association an+ a$"eeent e5ist in$ at the t ie this Act takes e%%ect

between the %o"e" an* the !"e#io,s lan*owne" shall be "es!ecte* b+ both

the wo"ke"s3 coo!e"ati#e o" association an* the co"!o"ation o" b,siness


SE . 7@.

H o e lo ts a n * 6 a " lo ts % o " M e b e "s o % o o !e " at i# e s.

  - The

in*i#i*,al ebe"s o% the coo!e"ati#es o" co"!o"ations entione* in the

!"ece*in$ section shall be !"o#i*e* with hoelots an* sall %a"lots %o"

thei" %ail+ ,se to be taken %"o the lan* owne* b+ the coo!e"ati#e o"



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SE . 71.

o"!o"ate Lan*owne"s .

  - o"!o"ate lan*owne"s a+ #ol,nta"il+

t"ans%e" owne"shi! o#e" thei" a$"ic,lt,"al lan*hol*in$s to the Re!,blic o% the

Phili!!ines !,"s,ant to Section (@ he"eo% o" to 2,ali%ie* bene%icia"ies ,n*e"

s,ch te"s an* con*itions consistent with this Act as the+ a+ a$"ee ,!on

s,b/ect to con%i"ation b+ the )AR. 

B!on ce"ti%ication b+ the )AR co"!o"ations ownin$ a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s a+

$i#e thei" 2,ali%ie* bene%icia"ies the "i$ht to !,"chase s,ch !"o!o"tion o% the

ca!ital stock o% the co"!o"ation that the a$"ic,lt,"al lan* act,all+ *e#ote* to

a$"ic,lt,"al acti#ities bea"s in "elation to the co!an+3s total assets ,n*e"

s,ch te"s an* con*itions as a+ be a$"ee* ,!on b+ the. In no case shall

the co!ensation "ecei#e* b+ the wo"ke"s at the tie the sha"es o% stocks

a"e *ist" ib,te* be "e*,ce*. The sae !"inci!le shall be a!!lie* to

associations with "es!ect to thei" e2,it+ o" !a"tici!ation. 

o"!o"ations o" associations which #ol,nta"il+ *i#est a !"o!o"tion o% thei"

ca!ital stock e2,it+ o" !a"t ici!ation in %a#o" o% thei" wo"ke"s o" othe"

2,ali%ie* bene%icia"ies ,n*e" this section shall be *eee* to ha#e co!lie*

with the !"o#isions o% this Act8 P"o#i*e* That the %ollowin$ con*ition a"e

co!lie* with8 

a In o"*e" to sa%e$,a"* the "i$ht o% bene%icia"ies who own sha"es o%

stocks to *i#i*en*s an* othe" %inancial bene%its the books o% the

co"!o"ation o" association shall be s,b/ect to !e"io*ic a,*it b+

ce"ti%ie* !,blic acco,ntants chosen b+ the bene%icia"ies>

b I""es!ecti#e o% the #al,e o% thei" e2,it+ in the co"!o"ation o"

association the bene%icia"ies shall be ass,"e* o% at least one 1

"e!"esentati#e in the boa"* o% *i"ecto"s o" in a ana$eent o"

e5ec,ti#e coittee i% one e5ists o% the co"!o"ation o" association>

c An+ sha"es ac2,i"e* b+ s,ch wo"ke"s an* bene%icia"ies shall ha#e

the sae "i$hts an* %eat,"es as all othe" sha"es> an*

* An+ t"ans%e" o% sha"es o% stocks b+ the o"i$inal bene%icia"ies shall

be #oi*

ab in i t io

,nless sai* t"ansaction is in %a#o" o% a 2,ali%ie* an*

"e$iste"e* bene%icia"+ within the sae co"!o"ation.

I% within two ( +ea"s %"o the a!!"o#al o% this Act the lan* o" stock

t"ans%e" en#isione* abo#e is not a*e o" "eali0e* o" the !lan %o" s,ch stock

*ist"ib,tion a!!"o#e* b+ the PAR within the sae !e"io* the a$"ic,lt,"al

lan* o% the co"!o"ate owne"s o" co"!o"ation shall be s,b/ect to the

co!,lso"+ co#e"a$e o% this Act. 


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SE . 7(.

P"o*,ct ion-Sha" in$

. - Pen*in$ %inal lan* t"ans%e" in*i#i*,als o"

ent it ies ownin$ o" o!e"atin$ ,n*e" lease o" ana$eent cont"act

a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s a"e he"eb+ an*ate* to e5ec,te a !"o*,ction-sha"in$ !lan

with thei" %a"wo"ke"s o" %a"wo"ke"s3 o"$ani0ation i% an+ whe"eb+ th"ee

!e"cent 7 o% the $"oss sales %"o the !"o*,ction o% s,ch lan*s a"e

*ist" ib,te* within s i5t+ @ *a+s at the en* o% the % iscal +ea" as

co!ensation to "e$,la" an* othe" %a"wo"ke"s in s,ch lan*s o#e" an*

abo#e the co!ensat ion the+ c,""ent l+ "ecei#e8 P"o#i*e* That these

in*i#i*,als o" entities "eali0e $"oss sales in e5cess o% %i#e illion !esos !e"

ann, ,nless the )AR ,!on !"o!e" a!!lication *ete"ines a lowe"

ceilin$.chan robles virtual law library   

In the e#ent that the in*i#i*,al o" entit+ "eali0es a !"o%it an a**itional ten

!e"cent 1@ o% the net !"o%it a%te" ta5 shall be *ist"ib,te* to sai* "e$,la"

an* othe" %a"wo"ke"s within ninet+ *a+s at the en* o% the %iscal +ea".


%o"estall an+ *is",!tion in the no"al o!e"ation o% lan*s to be t,"ne* o#e" to

the %a"wo"ke"-bene%icia"ies entione* abo#e a t"ansito"+ !e"io* the

len$th o% which shall be *ete"ine* b+ the )AR will be establishe*. 

),"in$ this t"ansito"+ !e"io* at least one !e"cent 1 o% the $"oss sales o%

the entit+ shall be *ist"ib,te* to the ana$e"ial s,!e"#iso"+ an* technical

$"o,! in !lace at the tie o% the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act as co!ensation %o"

s,ch t"ansito"+ ana$e"ial an* technical %,nction it will !e"%o" !,"s,ant to

an a$"eeent that the %a"wo"ke"-bene%icia"ies an* the ana$e"ial

s,!e"#iso"+ an* technical $"o,! a+ concl,*e s,b/ect to the a!!"o#al o%

the )AR. 

SE . 77. Pa+ent o % Sha"es o % oo!e"at i #e o" Assoc ia t ion . - Sha"es o% a

coo!e"ati#e o" association ac2,i"e* b+ %a"e"s-bene%icia"ies o" wo"ke"s-

bene%icia"ies shall be %,l l+ !ai* %o" in an ao,nt co""es!on*in$ to the

#al,ation as *ete"ine* in the ie*iatel+ s,ccee*in$ section. The

lan*owne" an* the L4P shall assist the %a"e"-bene%icia"ies an* wo"ke"-

bene%icia"ies in the !a+ent %o" sai* sha"es b+ !"o#i*in$ c"e*it %inancin$. 

SE . 7=. ;a l,a t i on o % Lan*s . - A #al,ation schee %o" the lan* shall be

%o",late* b+ the PAR takin$ into acco,nt the %acto"s en,e"ate* in

Section 19 in a**ition to the nee* to sti,late the $"owth o% coo!e"ati#es

an* the ob/ecti#e o% %oste"in$ "es!onsible !a"t ici!ation o% the wo"ke"s-

bene%icia"ies in the c"eation o% wealth. 


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In the *ete"ination o% a !"ice that is /,st not onl+ to the in*i#i*,al b,t to

societ+ as will the PAR shall cons,lt closel+ with the lan*owne" an* the


In case o% *isa$"eeent the !"ice *ete"ine* b+ the PAR i% acce!te* b+

the wo"ke"s-bene%icia"ies shall be %ol lowe* witho,t !"e/,*ice to the

lan*owne"3s "i$ht to !etition the S!ecial A$"a"ian o,"t to "esol#e the iss,e

o% #al,ation. 

4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 




SE . 7?. "eat ion o% S,!!o"t Se"# ices O%% ice . - The"e is he"eb+ c"eate* the

O%%ice o% S,!!o"t Se"#ices ,n*e" the )AR to be hea*e* b+ an


The o%%ice shall !"o#i*e $ene"al s,!!o"t an* coo"*inati#e se"#ices in the

i!leentation o% the !"o$"a !a"tic,la"l+ in ca""+in$ o,t the !"o#isions o%

the %ollowin$ se"#ices to %a"e" bene%icia"ies an* a%%ecte* lan*owne"s8 

1 I""i$ation %acilities es!eciall+ secon* c"o! o" *"+ season i""i$ation


( In%"ast",ct,"e *e#elo!ent an* !,blic wo"ks !"o/ects in a"eas

an* settleent that coe ,n*e" a$"a"ian "e%o" an* %o" this !,"!ose

the !"e!a"ation o% the !h+sical *e#elo!ent !lan o% s,ch settleents

!"o#i*in$ s,i table ba"an$a+ s ites !otable wate" an* !owe"

"eso,"ces i""i$ation s+stes see*s an* see*lin$ banks !ost ha"#est

%acilit ies an* othe" %acilit ies %o" a so,n* a$"ic,lt,"al *e#elo!ent

!lan. 6o" the !,"!ose o% !"o#i*in$ the a%o"ecite* in%"ast",ct,"e an*

%acilities the )AR is a,tho"i0e* to ente" into cont"acts with inte"este*

!"i#ate !a"ties on lon$ te" basis o" th"o,$h /oint #ent,"e a$"eeents

o" b,il*-o!e"ate-t"ans%e" schee8

7 <o#e"nent s,bsi*ies %o" the ,se o% i""i$ation %acilities 

= P"ice s,!!o"t an* $,a"antee %o" all a$"ic,lt,"al !"o*,ce>


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? E5ten*in$ to sal l lan*owne"s %a"e"s an* %a"e"s 3

o"$ani0ations the necessa"+ c"e*it like concessional an* collate"al-

%"ee loans %o" a$"o-in*,st"iali0ation base* on social collate"als like

the $,a"antees o% %a"e"s3 o"$ani0ations>

P"ootin$ *e#elo!in$ an* e5ten*in$ %inancial assistance to

sall an* e*i,-scale in*,st"ies in a$"a"ian "e%o" a"eas>

9 Assi$nin$ s,%%icient n,be"s o% a$"ic,lt,"al e5tension wo"ke"s to

%a"e"s3 o"$ani0ation>

' Bn*e"take "esea"ch *e#elo!ent an* *isseination o%

in%o"ation on a$"a"ian "e%o" !lants an* c"o!s best s,ite* %o"

c,lti#ation an* a"ketin$ an* low cost an* ecolo$icall+ so,n* %a"

in!,ts an* technolo$ies to inii0e "eliance on e5!ensi#e an*

i!o"te* a$"ic,lt,"al in!,ts>

& )e#elo!ent o% coo!e"ati#e ana$eent skills th"o,$h intensi#e

t"ainin$>chan robles virtual law library & Assistance in the i*enti%ication o% "ea*+ a"kets %o" a$"ic,lt,"al

!"o*,ce an* t"ainin$ in the othe" #a"io,s as!ects o% a"ketin$>

1@ on*,ct an* e%%ecti#e in%o"ation *isseination s+ste th"o,$h

the )e!a"tent o% A$"ic,lt,"e to !"oote a"ketin$ an* inii0e

s!oila$e o% a$"ic,lt,"al !"o*,ce an* !"o*,cts>

11 "eate a c"e*it $,a"antee %,n* %o" a$"ic,lt,"al lan*owne"s that

will enhance the collate"al #al,e o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s that a"e a%%ecte*

o" will be a%%ecte* b+ co#e"a$e ,n*e" the a$"a"ian "e%o" !"o$"a>


1( A*inist"ation o!e"ation ana$eent an* %,n*in$ o% s,!!o"t

se"#ices !"o$"as an* !"o/ects incl,*in$ !ilot !"o/ects an* o*els

"elate* to a$"a"ian "e%o" as *e#elo!e* b+ the )AR. As aen*e* b+

R. A. 9&@?

SE . 7. 6,n*in$ %o" S,!!o" t Se"# ices .  - In o"*e" to co#e" the e5!enses

an* cost o% s,!!o"t at least twent+-%i#e !e"cent (? o% all a!!"o!"iations

%o" a$"a"ian "e%o" shall ie*iatel+ be set asi*e an* a*e a#ailable %o"

this !,"!ose8

P"o# i*e*

  That %o" the ne5t %i#e ? +ea"s a ini, o% one

1 A$"a"ian Re%o" o,nit+ AR shall be establishe* b+ the )AR in

coo"*inat ion with the local $o#e"nent ,ni ts non-$o#e"nental

o"$ani0ations an* !eo!le3s o"$ani0ations in each le$islati#e *ist"ict with a

!"e*oinant a$"ic,lt,"al !o!,lation8

P"o# i*e* %, " the"

That the a"eas in

which the AR s a"e to be establishe* shall ha#e been %,ll+ s,b/ecte* ,n*e"

this law. 


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6o" this !,"!ose an A$"a"ian Re%o" o,nit+ shall be *e%ine* as a

ba"an$a+ o" a cl,ste" o% ba"an$a+s !"ia"il+ co!ose* an* ana$e* b+

A$"a"ian Re%o" 4ene%icia"ies who shall be will in$ to be o"$ani0e* an*

,n*e"take the inte$"ate* *e#elo!ent o% an a"ea an*o" thei"

o"$ani0ationscoo!e"ati#es. In each co,nit+ the )AR to$ethe" with the

a$encies an* o"$ani0ations abo#e entione* shall i*enti%+ the %a"e"s3

association coo!e"ati#e o" thei" "es!ecti#e %e*e"ations a!!"o#e* b+ the

%a"e"s-bene%icia"ies that shall take the lea* in the a$"ic,lt,"al *e#elo!ent

o% the a"ea. In a**ition the )AR shall be a,tho"i0e* to !acka$e !"o!osals

an* "ecei#e $"ants ai*s an* othe" %o"s o% %inancial assistance %"o an+

so,"ce. As aen*e* b+ R. A. 9&@? 

SE . 79. S,!!o" t Se"# ices to the 4ene% ic ia " ies . - The PAR shall ens,"e

that s,!!o"t se"#ices to %a"e"-bene%icia"ies a"e !"o#i*e* s,ch as8 

a Lan* s,"#e+s an* titlin$> 

b Libe"al i0e* te"s o% c"e*i t %acil it ies an* !"o*,ct ion loans> 

c E5tension se"#ices b+ wa+ o% !lantin$ c"o!!in$ !"o*,ction an* !ost-

ha"#est technolo$+ t"ans%e" as well as 

a"ketin$ an* ana$eent assistance an* s,!!o"t to coo!e"ati#es

an* %a"e" o"$ani0ation> 

* In%"ast",ct,"e s,ch as access t"ails ini-*as !,blic ,t il i ties

a"ketin$ an* sto"a$e %acilities> an* 

e Resea"ch !"o*,ction an* ,se o% o"$anic %e"til i0e"s an* othe" local

s,bstances necessa"+ to %a"in$ an* c,lti#ation.


The PAR shall %o",late !olicies to ens,"e that s,!!o"t se"#ices to %a"e"-

bene%icia"ies shall be !"o#i*e* at all sta$es o% lan* "e%o". 


4a$on$ i l,san$ ab,ha+an sa a,nla"an

 4 Sec"eta"iat shall be

t"ans%e""e* an* attache* to the L4P %o" its s,!e"#ision incl,*in$ all its

a!!licable an* e5istin$ %,n*s !e"sonnel !"o!e"t ies e2,i!ent an*


Mis,se o" *i#e"sion o% the %inancial an* s,!!o"t se"#ices he"ein !"o#i*e*

shall "es,lt in sanction a$ainst the bene%icia"+ $,ilt+ the"eo% incl,*in$ the

%o"%eit,"e o% the lan* t"ans%e""e* to hi o" lesse" sanctions as a+ be

!"o#i*e* b+ the PAR witho,t !"e/,*ice to c"iinal !"osec,tion. 

SE . 7'. S,!!o" t Se"# ices to Lan*owne"s . - The PAR with the assistance

o% s,ch othe" $o#e"nent a$encies an* inst",entalities as it a+ *i"ect


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shall !"o#i*e lan*owne"s a%%ecte* b+ the ARP an* !"o!e" a$"a"ian "e%o"

!"o$"as with the %ollowin$ se"#ices8 

a In#estent in%o"ation %inancial an* co,nselin$ assistance> 

b 6acilities !"o$"as an* schees %o" the con#e"sion o" e5chan$e o%

bon*s iss,e* %o" !a+ent o% the lan*s ac2,i"e* with stocks an* bon*s

iss,e* b+ the National <o#e"nent the cent"al bank an* othe" $o#e"nent

instit,tions an* inst",entalities> 

c Ma"ketin$ o% L4P bon*s as well as !"ootin$ the a"ketabilit+ o%

sai* bon*s in t"a*itional an* non-t"a*itional %inancial a"kets an* stock


* Othe" se"#ices *esi$ne* to ,til i0e !"o*,cti#el+ the !"ocee*s o% the

sale o% s,ch lan*s %o" ","al in*,st"iali0ation. 

A lan*owne" who in#ests in ","al-base* in*,st"ies shall be entitle* to the

incenti#es $"ante* to a "e$iste"e* ente"!"ise en$a$e* in a !ionee" o"

!"e%e""e* a"ea o% in#estent as !"o#i*e* %o" in the Onib,s In#estent

  o*e o% 1&'9 o" to s,ch othe" incenti#es as the PAR the L4P o" othe"

$o#e"nent %inancial instit,tions a+ !"o#i*e. 

The L4P shall "e*ee a lan*owne"3s L4P bon*s at %ace #al,e8

P"o# i*e*

that the !"ocee*s the"eo% shall be in#este* in a 4OI- "e$iste"e* co!an+ o"

in an+ a$"i-b,siness o" a$"o-in*,st"ial ente"!"ise in the "e$ion whe"e the

lan*owne" has !"e#io,sl+ a*e in#estents to the e5tent o% thi"t+ !e"cent

7@ o% the %ace #al,e o% sai* L4P bon*s s,b/ect to $,i*elines that shall

be iss,e* b+ the L4P. 

SE . 7&. Lan* onso l i*a t ion . - the )AR shall ca""+ o,t lan* consoli*ation

!"o/ects to !"oote e2,al *ist"ib,tion o% lan*hol*in$s to !"o#i*e the nee*e*

in%"ast",ct,"e in a$"ic,lt,"e an* to conse"#e soil %e"t i li t+ an* !"e#ent


4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 


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SE . =@. S ! ec ia l A "e as o % o n ce "n . - As an inte$"al !a"t o% the

  o!"ehensi#e A$"a"ian Re%o" P"o$"a the %ollowin$ !"inci!les in these

s!ecial a"eas o% conce"n shall be obse"#e*8 

1 S , bs is te n ce 6 is hin $ . - Sall % ishe" %olk incl,*in$ seawee*

%a"e"s shall be ass,"e* o% $"eate" access to the ,tili0ation o% wate"


( Lo$$in$ an* Min in$ concess ions . - S,b/ect to the "e2,i"eent o% a

balance* ecolo$+ an* conse"#ation o% wate" "eso,"ces s,itable

a"eas as *ete"ine* b+ the )e!a"tent o% En#i"onent an* Nat,"al

Reso,"ces )ENR in lo$$in$ inin$ an* !ast,"e a"eas ,st be

o!ene* ,! %o" a$"a"ian sett leents whose bene%icia"ies wil l be

"e2,i"e* to ,n*e"take "e%o"estation an* conse"#ation o% !"o*,cts

etho*s. S,b/ect to e5istin$ laws ",les an* "e$,lation settle"s an*

ebe"s o% t"ibal co,nities ,st be allowe* to en/o+ an* e5!loit

the !"o*,cts o% the %o"ests othe" than t ibe" within the lo$$in$



S!a"se l+ Occ,! ie* P,bl i c A$" ic, l t, "a l lan*s .

- S!a"sel+ occ,!ie*

a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s o% the !,blic *oain will be s,"#e+e* !"oclaie*

an* *e#elo!e* as %a" sett leents %o" 2,ali% ie* lan*less !eo!le

base* on an o"$ani0e* !"o$"a to ens,"e thei" o"*e"l+ an* ea"l+


A$"ic,lt,"al lan* allocations will be a*e %o" i*eal %ail+-si0e* %a"s

as *ete"ine* b+ the PAR . Pionee"s an* othe" sett le"s wil l be

t"eate* e2,all+ in e#e"+ "es!ect.

S,b/ect to the !"io" "i$hts o% 2,ali%ie* bene%icia"ies ,nc,lti#ate* lan*s

o% the !,blic *oain shall be a*e a#ailable on a lease basis to

inte"este* an* 2,ali% ie* !a"t ies. Pa"t ies who wil l en$a$e in the

*e#elo!ent o% ca!ital-intensi#e t"a*itional o" !ionee"in$ c"o!s will

be $i#en !"io"it+.

The lease !e"io* which shall not be o"e than a total o% %i%t+ ?@

+ea"s shall be !"o!o"t ionate to the ao,nt o% in#estent an*

!"o*,ction $oals o% the lessee. A s+ste o% e#al,ation an* a,*it will

be instit,te*.

= I *le a b an * o ne * % o "e c lo s e* a n * s e 2, e s te " e* l an * s.   - I*le

aban*one* %o"eclose* an* se2,este"e* lan*s shall be !lanne* %o"


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*ist "ib,t ion as hoelots an* %ail+-si0e* %a" lots to act,al

occ,!ants. I % lan* a"ea !e"its othe" lan*less %ailies wil l be

accoo*ate* in these lan*s.

? R , "a l D o e n . - All 2,ali%ie* woen ebe"s o% the a$"ic,lt,"al

labo" %o"ce ,st be $,a"antee* an* ass,"e* e2,al " i$hts to

owne"shi! o% the lan* e2,al sha"es o% the %a"3s !"o*,ce an*

"e!"esentat ion in a*#iso"+ o" a!!"o!" iate *ecis ion-akin$

bo*ies.chan robles virtual law library  ;ete "ans an* Re t i"ees. - In acco"*ance with Section 9 o% A"ticle

C;I o% the onstit,tion lan*less wa" #ete"ans an* #ete"ans o% ilita"+

ca!ai$ns thei" s,"#i#in$ s!o,se an* o"!hans "eti"ees o% the A"e*

6o"ces o% the Phili!!ines A6P an* the Inte$"ate* National Police

INP "et,"nees s,""en*e"ees an* siila" bene%icia"ies shall be

$i#en *,e consi*e"ation in the *is!osition o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s o% the

!,blic *oain.

9 A$"ic,l t,"e <"a*,ates.- <"a*,ates o% a$"ic,lt,"al schools who a"e

lan*less shall be assiste* b+ the $o#e"nent th"o,$h the )AR in

thei" *esi"e to own an* till a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s.

4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 



SE . =1. T h e P "e s i* e nt ia l A $" a" ia n R e %o " o , n ci l. - The P"esi*ential

A$"a"ian Re%o" o,ncil PAR shall be co!ose* o% the P"esi*ent o% the

Phi li!!ines as hai"an the Sec"eta"+ o% A$"a"ian Re%o" as ;ice-

  hai"an an* the %ollowin$ as ebe"s8 Sec"eta"ies o% the )e!a"tents o%

A$"ic,lt,"e> En#i"onent an* Nat,"al Reso,"ces> 4,*$et an* Mana$eent >

Local <o#e"nent> P,blic Do"ks an* Hi$hwa+s> T"a*e an* In*,st"+>

6inance> Labo" an* E!lo+ent> )i"ecto"-<ene"al o% the National Econoic

an* )e#elo!ent A,tho"it+> P"esi*ent Lan* 4ank o% the Phil i!!ines>

A*in is t"ato" Nat ional I ""i$at ion A*inist "at ion > an* th"ee 7

"e!"esentati#es o% a%%ecte* lan*owne"s to "e!"esent L,0on ;isa+as an*

Min*anao8 P"o# i*e*  that one o% the shall be %"o the c,lt,"al



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SE . =(.

E5ec,t i#e oi t tee

. - The"e shall be an E5ec,ti#e oittee

EC OM o% the PAR co!ose* o% the Sec"eta"+ o% the )AR as hai"an

an* s,ch othe" ebe"s as the !"esi*ent a+ *esi$nate takin$ into

acco,nt A"ticle CIII Section ? o% the onstit,tion. Bnless othe"wise *i"ecte*

b+ the PAR the EC OM a+ eet an* *eci*e on an+ an* all atte"s in

between eetin$s o% the PAR 8 P"o# i*e* howe#e" That its *ecisions ,st

be "e!o"te* to the PAR ie*iatel+ an* not late" than the ne5t eetin$. 

SE . =7.  Sec"eta" iat. - A PAR Sec"eta"iat is he"eb+ establishe* to !"o#i*e

$ene"al s,!!o"t an* coo"*inati#e se"#ices s,ch as inte"-a$enc+ linka$es>

!"o$"a an* !"o/ect a!!"aisal an* e#al,ation an* $ene"al o!e"ations

onito"in$ %o" the PAR . 

The Sec"eta"iat shall be hea*e* b+ the Sec"eta"+ o% A$"a"ian Re%o" who

shall be assiste* b+ an Bn*e"sec"eta"+ an* s,!!o"te* b+ a sta%% whose

co!osition shall be *ete"ine* b+ the PAR E5ec,ti#e oittee an*

whose co!ensation shall be cha"$eable a$ainst the A$"a"ian Re%o"

6,n*. All o%%ice"s an* e!lo+ees o% the Sec"eta"iat shall be a!!ointe* b+

the Sec"eta"+ o% A$"a"ian Re%o". 

SE . ==.  P"o# inc ia l A$"a" ian Re%o" oo"* inat in$ oi t tee PAR OM.

- A P"o#incial A$"a"ian Re%o" oo"*inatin$ oittee is he"eb+ c"eate* in

each !"o#ince co!ose* o% a hai"an who shall be a!!ointe* b+ the

P"esi*ent ,!on the "ecoen*ation o% the EC OM the P"o#incial A$"a"ian

Re%o" O%%ice" as E5ec,ti#e O%%ice" an* one 1 "e!"esentati#e each %"o

the )e!a"tent o% A$"ic,lt,"e )e!a"tent o% En#i"onent an* Nat,"al

Reso,"ces an* %"o the L4P> one 1 "e!"esentati#e each %"o e5istin$

%a"e"s3 o"$ani0ations a$"ic,lt,"al coo!e"ati#es an* non-$o#e"nental

o"$ani0ations in the !"o#ince> two ( "e!"esentati#es %"o lan*owne"s at

least one 1 o% who shall be a !"o*,ce" "e!"esentin$ the !"inci!al c"o! o%

the !"o#ince> an* two ( "e!"esentati#es %"o %a"e"s an* %a" wo"ke"s o"

bene%icia"ies at least one 1 o% who shall be a %a"e" o" %a"wo"ke"

"e!"esentin$ the !"inci!al c"o! o% the !"o#ince as ebe"s8 P"o#i*e* That

in a"eas whe"e the"e a"e c,lt,"al co,nities the latte" shall likewise ha#e

one 1 "e!"esentati#e.


The PAR OM shall coo"*inate an* onito" the i!leentation o% the

  ARP in the !"o#ince. It shall !"o#i*e in%o"ation on the !"o#isions o% the

  ARP $,i*elines iss,e* b+ the PAR an* on the !"o$"ess o% the ARP in

the !"o#ince. In a**ition it shall8 


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a Recoen* to the PAR the %ollowin$ 8

1 Ma"ket !"ice to be ,se* in the *ete"ination o% the !"o%it-sha"in$

obli$ation o% a$"ic,lt,"al entities in the !"o#ince>

( A*o!tion o% the *i"ect !a+ent schee between the lan*owne"

an* the %a"e" an*o" %a"wo"ke"-bene%icia"+8 P"o# i*e* that the

ao,nt an* te"s o% !a+ent a"e not o"e b,"*ensoe to the

a$"a"ian "e%o" bene%icia"+ than ,n*e" the co!,lso"+ co#e"a$e

!"o#ision o% the ARL8 P"o#i*e* % , "the " That the a$"a"ian "e%o"

bene% ic ia"+ a$"ees to the ao,nt an* the te"s o% !a+ent 8

P"o#i*e* %," the"o"e

That the )AR shall act as e*iato" in cases o%

* isa$"eeent between the lan*owne" an* the %a"e" an*o"

%a"wo"ke"-bene%icia"+8 P "o # i* e * % in a ll + That the %a"e" an*o"

%a"e"-bene%icia"+ shall be eli$ible to bo""ow %"o the L4P an ao,nt

e2,al to ei$ht+-%i#e !e"cent '? o% the sellin$ !"ice o% the lan* that

the+ ha#e ac2,i"e*>

7 ont in,o,s !"ocessin$ o% a!!lications %o" lease-back

a""an$eents /oint #ent,"e a$"eeents an* othe" schees that will

o!tii0e the o!e"atin$ si0e %o" a$"ic,lt,"e !"o*,ction an* also

!"oote both sec,"it+ o% ten,"e an* sec,"it+ o% incoe to %a"e"

bene%icia"ies8 P"o# i*e* That lease-back a""an$eents sho,l* be the

last "eso"t. As aen*e* b+ R. A. 9&@?

SE . =? P"o# ince-b+-P"o# ince I!leenta t ion.   - The PAR shall !"o#i*e

the $,i*elines %o" the !"o#ince-b+-!"o#ince i!leentation o% the ARP

takin$ into acco,nt !ec,lia"it ies an* nee*s o% each !lace kin* o% c"o!s

nee*e* o" s,ite* lan* *ist"ib,tion wo"kloa* bene%icia"ies3 *e#elo!ent

acti#ities an* othe" %acto"s !"e#alent o" obtainin$ in the a"ea. In all cases

the i!leent in$ a$encies at the !"o#incial le#el shall !"oote the

*e#elo!ent o% i*enti%ie* AR s witho,t ne$lectin$ the nee*s an* !"obles

o% othe" bene%icia"ies. The ten-+ea" !"o$"a o% *ist"ib,tion o% !,blic an*

!"i#ate lan* in each !"o#ince shall be a*/,ste* %"o +ea" to +ea" b+ the

!"o#ince3s PAR OM in acco"*ance with the le#el o% o!e"ations !"e#io,sl+

establishe* b+ the PAR in e#e"+ case ens,"in$ that s,!!o"t se"#ices a"e

a#ailable o" ha#e been !"o$"ae* be%o"e act,al *ist"ib,tion is e%%ecte*.

As aen*e* b+ R. A. 9&@?


SE . = . 4a"an$a+ A$"a"ian Re%o" o i ttee4AR . - Bnless othe"wise

!"o#i*e* in this Act the !"o#isions o% E5ec,ti#e O"*e" No. ((& "e$a"*in$ the

o"$ani0ation o% the 4a"an$a+ A$"a"ian Re%o" oittee 4AR shall be

in e%%ect. 


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SE . =9.

6 , n ct io n s o % t he

  4AR . - In a**it ion to those !"o#i*e* in

E5ec,ti#e O"*e" No. ((& the 4AR shall ha#e the %ollowin$ %,nction8 

a Me*iate an* conciliate between !a"ties in#ol#e* in an a$"a"ian

*is!,te incl,*in$ at te"s "elate* to ten," ia l an* % inanc ial


b Assist in the i*ent i% icat ion o% 2,ali %ie* bene% ic ia"ies an*

lan*owne"s within the ba"an$a+>

c Attest to the acc,"ac+ o% the init ial !a"cella"+ a!!in$ o% the

bene%icia"+3s tilla$e>

* Assist 2,ali% ie* bene%icia"ies in obtainin$ c"e*it %"o len*in$


e Assist in the initial *ete"ination o% the #al,e o% the lan*>

% Assist the )AR "e!"esentati#e in the !"e!a"ation o% !e"io*ic

"e!o"ts on the ARP i!leentation %o" s,bission to the )AR>

$ oo"*inate the *eli#e"+ o% s,!!o"t se"#ices to bene%icia"ies> an*

h Pe"%o" s,ch othe" %,nctions as a+ be assi$ne* b+ the )AR .

( The 4AR shall en*ea#o" to e*iate conciliate an* settle a$"a"ian

*is!,tes lo*$e* be%o"e it within thi"t+ 7@ *a+s %"o its takin$ co$ni0ance

the"eo%. I% a%te" the la!se o% the thi"t+ *a+ !e"io* it is ,nable to settle the

*is!,te it shall iss,e a ce"ti%ication o% its !"ocee*in$s an* shall %,"nish a

co!+ the"eo% ,!on the !a"ties within se#en 9 *a+s %"o the e5!i"ation o%

the thi"t+ *a+s !e"io*. 

SE . ='.

Le$al Ass is tance

. - The 4AR o" an+ ebe" the"eo% a+

whene#e" necessa"+ in the e5e"cise o% an+ o% its %,nctions he"e,n*e" seek

the le$al assistance o% the )AR an* the !"o#incial cit+ o" ,nici!al


SE . =&. R,les an* Re$,la t ions . - The PAR an* the )AR shall ha#e the

!owe" to iss,e ",les an* "e$,lations whethe" s,bstanti#e o" !"oce*,"al to

ca""+ o,t the ob/ects an* !,"!oses o% this Act. Sai* ",les shall take e%%ect

ten 1@ *a+s a%te" !,blication in two ( national news!a!e"s o% $ene"al



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SE . ?@. G,as i -F,* ic ia l Powe"s o % the   )AR. - The )AR is he"eb+ #este*

with !"ia"+ /,"is*ict ion to *ete"ine an* a*/,*icate a$"a"ian "e%o"

atte"s an* shall ha#e e5cl,si#e o"i$inal /,"is*iction o#e" al l atte"s

in#ol#in$ the i!leentation o% a$"a"ian "e%o" e5ce!t those %allin$ ,n*e"

the e5cl,si#e /,"is*iction o% the )e!a"tent o% A$"ic,lt,"al )A an* the

)e!a"tent o% En#i"onent an* Nat,"al Reso,"ces )ENR. 

It shall not be bo,n* b+ technical ",les o% !"oce*,"e an* e#i*ence b,t shall

!"ocee* to hea" an* *eci*e all cases *is!,tes o" cont"o#e"sies in a ost

e5!e*itio,s anne" e!lo+in$ all "easonable eans to asce"tain the %acts

o% e#e"+ case in acco"*ance with e2,it+ an* the e"its o% the case. Towa"*

this en* i t shall a*o!t a ,ni%o" ",le o% !"oce*,"e to achie#e a /,st

e5!e*itio,s an* ine5!ensi#e *ete"ination o% e#e"+ action o" !"ocee*in$

be%o"e it. 

I t shall ha#e the !owe" to s,on witnesses a*iniste" oaths take

testion+ "e2,i"e s,bission o% "e!o"ts co!el the !"o*,ction o% books

an* *oc,ents an* answe"s to inte""o$ato"ies an* iss,e s,b!oena an*

s,b!oena  *,ces tec,  an* to en%o"ce its w"its th"o,$h she"i%%s o" othe" *,l+

*e!,ti0e* o%%ice"s. It shall l ikewise ha#e the !owe" to !,nish *i"ect an*

in*i"ect conte!t in the sae anne" an* s,b/ect to the sae !enalties as

!"o#i*e* in the R,les o% o,"t . 

Re!"esentati#es o% %a"e" lea*e"s shall be allowe* to "e!"esent thesel#es

thei" %ellow %a"e"s o" thei" o"$ani0ations in an+ !"ocee*in$s be%o"e the


P"o# i*e* howe#e"

  that when the"e a"e two o" o"e "e!"esentati#es

%o" an+ in*i#i*,al o" $"o,! the "e!"esentati#es sho,l* choose onl+ one

aon$ thesel#es to "e!"esent s,ch !a"t+ o" $"o,! be%o"e an+ )AR

!"ocee*in$s.chan robles virtual law library  

Notwithstan*in$ an a!!eal to the o,"t o% A!!eals the *ecision o% the )AR

shall be ie*iatel+ e5ec,to"+. 

SE . ?1.

  6inal i t+ o% )ete"inat ion

. - An+ case o" cont"o#e"s+ be%o"e it shall

be *eci*e* within thi"t+ 7@ *a+s a%te" it is s,bitte* %o" "esol,tion. Onl+

one 1 otion %o" consi*e"ation shall be al lowe*. An+ o"*e" ",l in$ o"


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*ecision shall be %inal a%te" the la!se o% %i%teen 1? *a+s %"o "ecei!t o% a

co!+ the"eo%. 

SE . ?(.  6" i#o lo,s A!!eals. - To *isco,"a$e %"i#olo,s o" *ilato"+ a!!eals

%"o the *ecisions o" o"*e"s on the local o" !"o#incial le#els the )AR a+

i!ose "easonable !enalties incl,*in$ b,t not liite* to %ines o" cens,"es

,!on e""in$ !a"ties. 

SE . ?7.

e"t i % icat ion o %

4AR . - The )AR shall not take co$ni0ance o% an+

a$"a"ian *is!,te o" cont"o#e"s+ ,nless a ce"ti%ication %"o the 4AR that

the *is!,te has been s,bitte* to it %o" e*iation an* conciliation witho,t

an+ s,ccess o% sett leent is !"esente*8 P"o# i*e* howe#e"   that i % no

ce"ti%ication is iss,e* b+ the 4AR within thi"t+ 7@ *a+s a%te" a atte" o"

iss,e is s,bitte* to it %o" e*iation o" conciliation the case o" *is!,te a+

be b"o,$ht be%o"e the PAR .


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SE . ?=.

  e"t io"a" i . -

 An+ *ecision o"*e" awa"* o" ",lin$ o% the )AR on an+

a$"a" ian * is!,te o" on an+ at te" !e"tainin$ to the a!! lica tion

i!leentat ion en%o"ceent o" inte"!"etat ion o% this Act an* othe"

!e"tinent laws on a$"a"ian "e%o" a+ be b"o,$ht to the o,"t o% A!!eals b+

ce"tio"a"i e5ce!t as othe"wise !"o#i*e* in this Act within %i%teen 1? *a+s

%"o "ecei!t o% a co!+ the"eo%. 

The %in*in$s o% %act o% the )AR shall be %inal an* concl,si#e i% base* on

s,bstantial e#i*ence. 

SE . ??.

No Rest "a in in$ O"*e" o" P"e l iina"+ In /,nc t ion

.- No co,"t in the

Phili!!ines shall ha#e /,"is*iction to iss,e an+ "est"ainin$ o"*e" o" w"it o%

!"el iina"+ in/,nction a$ainst PAR o" an+ o% i ts *,l+ a,tho"i0e* o"

*esi$nate* a$encies in an+ case *is!,te o" cont"o#e"s+ a"isin$ %"o

necessa"+ to o" in connect ion with the a!!lication i!leentat ion

en%o"ceent o" inte"!"etation o% this Act an* othe" !e"t inent laws on

a$"a"ian "e%o". 


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SE . ?.

S!ec ia l A$ "a " ian o, " t. -

The s,!"ee o,"t shall *esi$nate at

least one 1 b"anch o% the Re$ional T"ial o,"t RT within each !"o#ince

to act as a S!ecial A$"a"ian o,"t. 

The S,!"ee o,"t a+ *esi$nate o"e b"anches to constit,t ion s,ch

a**itional S!ecial A$"a"ian o,"ts as a+ be necessa"+ to co!e with the

n,be" o% a$"a"ian cases in each !"o#ince. In the *esi$nation the S,!"ee

  o,"t shall $i#e !"e%e"ence to the Re$ional T"ial o,"ts which ha#e been

assi$ne* to han*le a$"a"ian cases o" whose !"esi*in$ /,*$es we"e %o"e"

/,*$es o% the *e%,nct o,"t o% A$"a"ian Relations. 

The Re$ional T"ial o,"t RT /,*$es assi$ne* to sai* co,"ts shall

e5e"cise sai* s!ecial /,"is*iction in a**ition to the "e$,la" /,"is*iction o%

thei" "es!ecti#e co,"ts. 

The S!ecial A$"a"ian o,"ts shall ha#e the !owe" an* !"e"o$ati#es inhe"ent

in o" belon$in$ to the Re$ional T"ial o,"ts. 

SE . ?9. S!ec ia l F," is* ic t ion .  - The S!ecial A$"a"ian o,"ts shall ha#e

o"i$inal an* e5cl,si#e /,"is*iction o#e" all !etitions %o" the *ete"ination o%

/,st co!ensation to lan*owne"s an* the !"osec,tion o% all c"iinal

o%%enses ,n*e" this Act. The R,les o% o,"t shall a!!l+ to all !"ocee*in$s

be%o"e the S!ecial A$"a"ian o,"ts ,nless o*i%ie* b+ this Act. 

The S!ecial A$"a"ian o,"ts shall *eci*e all a!!"o!"iate cases ,n*e" thei"

s!ecial /,"is*iction within thi"t+ 7@ *a+s %"o s,bission o% the case %o"


SE . ?'.  A!!o in ten t o % oiss ione"s. - The S!ecial A$"a"ian o,"ts

,!on thei" own initiati#e o" at the instance o% an+ o% the !a"ties a+ a!!oint

one o" o"e coissione"s to e5aine in#esti$ate an* asce"tain %acts

"ele#ant to the *is!,te incl,*in$ the #al,ation o% !"o!e"ties an* to %ile a

w"itten "e!o"t the"eo% with the co,"t. 

SE . ?&.

O"*e"s o % the S!ec ia l A$"a" ian o," ts .

 - No o"*e" o% the S!ecial

A$"a"ian o,"ts on an+ iss,e 2,estion atte" o" inci*ent "aise* be%o"e

the shall be ele#ate* to the a!!ellate co,"ts ,ntil the hea"in$ shall ha#e

been te"inate* an* the case *eci*e* on the e"its. 

SE . @. A!!eals.- An a!!eal a+ be taken %"o the *ecision o% the S!ecial

A$"a"ian o,"ts b+ %il in$ a !etition %o" "e#iew with the o,"t o% A!!eals


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% i % teen 1? *a+s %"o "ecei!t o% notice o% the *ecision> othe"wise the

*ecision shall becoe %inal. 

An a!!eal %"o the *ecision o% the o,"t o% A!!eals o" %"o an+ o"*e"

",lin$ o" *ecision o% )AR as the case a+ be shall be b+ a !etition %o"

"e#iew with the S,!"ee o,"t within a non-e5ten*ible !e"io* o% %i%teen 1?

*a+s %"o "ecei!t o% a co!+ o% sai* *ecision. 

SE . 1.

P"oce*,"e on Re# iew . -

Re#iew b+ the o,"t o% A!!eals o" the

S,!"ee o,"t as the case a+ be shall be $o#e"ne* b+ the R,les o%

  o,"t. The o,"t o% A!!eals howe#e" a+ "e2,i"e the !a"ties to % i le

si,ltaneo,s eo"an*a within a !e"io* o% %i%teen 1? *a+s %"o notice

a%te" which the case is *eee* s,bitte* %o" *ecision. 

SE . (.

P"e%e"ent ia l At tent ion in o,"ts . -

All co,"ts in the Phili!!ines both

t"ial an* a!!ellate a"e he"eb+ en/oine* to $i#e !"e%e"ential attention to all

cases a"isin$ % "o o" in connect ion with the i!leentat ion o% the

!"o#isions o% this Act. 

All cases !en*in$ in co,"t a"isin$ % "o o" in connect ion with the

i!leentation o% this Act shall contin,e to be hea"* t"ie* an* *eci*e* into

thei" %inalit+ notwithstan*in$ the e5!i"ation o% the ten-+ea" !e"io* entione*

in Section ? he"eo%. 

4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 



SE . 7. 6,n*in$ So,"ce. - The initial ao,nt nee*e* to i!leent this Act

%o" the !e"io* o% ten 1@ +ea"s ,!on a!!"o#al he"eo% shall be %,n*e* %"o

the A$"a"ian Re%o" 6,n* c"eate* ,n*e" Sections (@ an* (1 o% E5ec,ti#e

O"*e" No. ((&.A**itional ao,nts a"e he"eb+ a,tho"i0e* to be a!!"o!"iate*

as an* when nee*e* to a,$ent the A$"a"ian Re%o" 6,n* in o"*e" to %,ll+

i!leent the !"o#isions o% this Act. 

So,"ces o% %,n*in$ o" a!!"o!"iations shall incl,*e the %ollowin$8 


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  a P"ocee*s o% the sales o% the Assets P"i#ati0ation T",st> 

b All "ecei!ts %"o assets "eco#e"e* an* %"o sale o% ill-$otten wealth

"eco#e"e* th"o,$h the P"esi*ential oission on <oo* <o#e"nent> 

c P"ocee*s o% the *is!osition o% the !"o!e"ties o% the <o#e"nent in

%o"ei$n co,nt"ies> 

* Po"tion o% ao,nts acc",in$ to the Phili!!ines %"o all so,"ces o"

o%%icial %o"ei$n ai* $"ants an* concessional %inancin$ %"o all co,nt"ies to

be ,se* %o" the s!eci% ic !,"!oses o% % inancin$ !"o*,ct ion c"e*i ts

in%"ast",ct,"es an* othe" s,!!o"t se"#ices "e2,i"e* b+ this Act> 

e Othe" $o#e"nent %,n*s not othe"wise a!!"o!"iate*.chan roblesvirtual law library  

All %,n*s a!!"o!"iate* to i!leent the !"o#isions o% this Act shall be

consi*e"e* contin,in$ a!!"o!"iations *,"in$ the !e"io* o% its


SE . =. 6 inanc ia l I n te "e* ia "+ %o " t he   ARP. - The Lan* 4ank o% the

Phili!!ines shall be the %inancial inte"e*ia"+ %o" the ARP an* shall ins,"e

that the social /,st ice ob/ecti#es o% the ARP shall en/o+ a !"e%e"ence

aon$ its !"io"ities. 

4ack to To! 4ack to Hoe 4ack to Labo" In*e5 



SE . ?.

on#e"s ion o % Lan*s . -

A%te" the la!se o% %i#e ? +ea"s %"o its

awa"* when the lan* ceases to be econoicall+ %easible an* so,n* %o"

a$"ic,lt,"al !,"!oses o" the localit+ has becoe ,"bani0e* an* the lan* will

ha#e $"eate" econoic #al,e %o" "esi*ential coe"cial o" in*,st"ial

!,"!oses the )AR ,!on a!!lication o% the bene%icia"+ o" the lan*owne"

with *,e notice to the a%%ecte* !a"ties an* s,b/ect to e5istin$ laws a+

a,tho"i0e the "eclassi%ication o" con#e"sion o% the lan* an* its *is!osition8

P"o#i*e* That the bene%icia"+ shall ha#e %,ll+ !ai* his obli$ation. 


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SE . ?-A

  on#e"s ion in to 6 ish!on* an* P"awn 6a"s. -

No con#e"sion o%

!,blic a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s into %ish!on*s an* !"awn %a"s shall be a*e

e5ce!t in sit,ations whe"e the !"o#incial $o#e"nent with the conc,""ence

o% the 4,"ea, o% 6ishe"ies an* A2,atic Reso,"ces 46AR *ecla"es a

coastal 0one as s,itable %o" % ish!on* *e#elo!ent. In s,ch case the

)e!a"tent o% En#i"onent an* Nat,"al Reso,"ces )ENR shall allow the

lease an* *e#elo!ent o% s,ch a"eas8 P"o# i*e* That the *ecla"ation shall

not a!!l+ to en#i"onentall+ c"itical !"o/ects an* a"eas as containe* in Title

A s,b-!a"a$"a!h two 4-? an* an* Title 4 n,be" ele#en 11 o%

P"oclaation No. (1= entitle*

:P "oc la i in$ e " ta i n A "eas an* T+!es o %

P " o/e c ts a s E n # i" on e n ta ll + " it ic a l a n * D i th in t he t he S c o! e o % t h e

E n# i"o n e nta l I !a ct S ta te en t E IS S +s te E sta blis he * , n* e"

P"es i*ent ia l )ec"ee No. 1?':   to ens,"e the !"otection o% "i#e" s+stes

a2,i%e"s an* an$"o#e #e$etations %"o !oll,t ion an* en#i"onental


P"o# i*e* %, " the"

  That the a!!"o#al shall be in acco"*ance

with a set o% $,i*elines to be *"awn ,! an* !"o,l$ate* b+ the )AR an* the

46AR8 P"o#i*e* % , "the "o"e   That sall -%a"e" coo!e"ati#es an*

o"$ani0ations shall be $i#en !"e%e"ence in the awa"* o% the 6ish!on* Lease

A$"eeents 6LAs. 

No con#e"sion o% o"e than %i#e ? hecta"es o% !"i#ate lan*s to %ish!on*s

an* !"awn %a"s shall be allowe* a%te" the !assa$e o% this Act e5ce!t when

the ,se o% the lan* is o"e econoicall+ %easible an* so,n* %o" %ish!on*

an*o" !"awn %a" as ce"t i % ie* b+ the 4,"ea, o% 6ishe"ies an* A2,atic

Reso,"ces 46AR an* a si!le an* absol,te a/o"it+ o% the "e$,la" %a"

wo"ke"s o" tenants a$"ee to the con#e"sion. The )e!a"tent o% A$"a"ian

Re%o" a+ a!!"o#e a!!lications %o" chan$e in the ,se o% the lan*8

P"o#i*e* % inal l+ That no !ieceeal con#e"sion to ci"c,#ent the !"o#isions

o% this Act shall be al lowe*. In these cases whe"e the chan$e o% ,se is

a!!"o#e* the !"o#isions o% Section 7(-A he"eo% on incenti#es shall a!!l+.

As a**e* b+ R. A. 9''1 

SE . ?-4. In#ento"+. - Dithin one 1 +ea" %"o the e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act

the 46AR shall ,n*e"take an* %inish an in#ento"+ o% all $o#e"nent an*

!"i#ate %ish!on*s an* !"awn %a"s an* ,n*e"take a !"o$"a to !"oote the

s,stainable ana$eent an* ,tili0ation o% !"awn %a"s an* %ish!on*s. No

lease ,n*e" Section ?-A he"eo% a+ be $"ante* ,ntil a%te" the co!letion

o% the sai* in#ento"+. 


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The s,stainable ana$eent an* ,tili0ation o% !"awn %a"s an* %ish!on*s

shall be in acco"*ance with the e%%l,e stan*a"*s !oll,tion cha"$es an* othe"

!oll,t ion cont"ol eas,"es s,ch as b,t not l iite* to the 2,antit+ o%

%e"tili0e"s !estici*es an* othe" cheicals ,se* that a+ be establishe* b+

the 6e"tili0e" an* Pestici*e A,tho"it+ 6PA the En#i"onent Mana$eent

4,"ea, EM4 an* othe" a!!"o!"iate $o#e"nent "e$,lato"+ bo*ies an*

e5istin$ "e$,lations $o#e"nin$ wate" ,t il i0ation !"ia"il+ P"esi*ential

)ec"ee No. 1@9 entitle*  :A )ec "ee Inst it , ti n$ a Date " o*e The"eb+

R e#is in $ a n* o nso li* at in $ th e La ws < o#e "n in $ th e O wn e"sh i!

A!!"o!" ia t ion B t il i0a ti on E5! lo i ta t ion )e#e lo!ent onse"#a ti on an*

P"otect ion o% Date" Reso,"ces.:  As a**e* b+ R. A. 9''1 

SE . ?- . P"o tec t i on o % Man$"o#e A "eas . -   In e5istin$ 6ish!on* Lease

A$"eeent 6lAs an* those that will be iss,e* a%te" the e%%ecti#it+ o% this

Act a !o"tion o% the %ish!on* a"ea %"ontin$ the sea s,%%icient to !"otect the

en#i"onent shall be establishe* as a b,%%e" 0one an* be !lante* to

s!eci% ie* an$"o#e s!ecies to be *ete"ine* in cons,ltat ion with the

"e$ional o%%ice o% the )ENR. The Sec"eta"+ o% En#i"onent an* Nat,"al

Reso,"ces shall !"o#i*e the !enalties %o" an+ #iolation o% this ,n*e"takin$

as well as the ",les %o" its i!leentation. As a**e* b+ R. A. 9''1 

SE . ?-).

  han$e o % "o!s .

 -The chan$e o% c"o!s to coe"cial c"o!s o"

hi$h #al,e c"o!s shall not be consi*e"e* as a con#e"sion in the ,se o"

nat,"e o% the lan*. The chan$e in c"o! sho,l* howe#e" not !"e/,*ice the

"i$hts o% tenants o" leasehol*e"s sho,l* the"e be an+ an* the consent o% a

si!le an* absol,te a/o"it+ o% the a%%ecte* %a" wo"ke"s i% an+ shall %i"st

be obtaine*. As a**e* b+ R. A. 9''1 

SE . .

E 5e !tio ns %"o Ta5 es a n* 6 ee s o % L an * T"a ns %e "s . -

T"ansactions ,n*e" this Act in#ol#in$ a t"ans%e" o% owne"shi! whethe" %o"

nat,"al o" /,"i*ical !e"sons shall be e5e!te* %o" ta5es a"isin$ %"o

ca!ital $ains. These t"ansactions shall also be e5e!te* %"o the !a+ent

o% "e$ist"ation %ees an* all othe" ta5es an* %ees %o" the con#e+ance o"

t"ans%e" the"eo%8


That all a""ea"a$es in "eal !"o!e"t+ ta5es witho,t

!enalt+ o" inte"est shall be *e*,ctible %"o the co!ensation to which the

owne" a+ be entitle*. 

SE . 9. 6"ee Re$is t "a t ion o % Patents an* T i t les . - All Re$iste"s o% )ee*s

a"e he"eb+ *i"ecte* to "e$iste" %"ee %"o !a+ent o% all %ees an* othe"


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  a Lease ana$eent $"owe" o" se"#ice cont"acts co#e"in$ !"i#ate

lan*s a+ contin,e ,n*e" thei" o"i$inal te"s an* con*itions ,nti l the

e5!i"at ion o% the sae e#en i % s,ch lan* has in the eant ie been

t"ans%e""e* to 2,ali%ie* bene%icia"ies. 

b Mo"t$a$es an* othe" clais "e$iste"e* with the Re$iste" o% )ee*s will

be ass,e* b+ the $o#e"nent ,! to an ao,nt e2,i#alent to the

lan*owne"3s co!ensation #al,e as !"o#i*e* in this Act. 

SE . 97. P"ohibi te* Acts an* Oissions. - The %ollowin$ a"e !"ohibite*8 

a The owne"shi! o" !ossession %o" the !,"!ose o% ci"c,#entin$ the

!"o#isions o% this Act o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan*s in e5cess o% the total "etention

liits o" awa"* ceilin$s b+ an+ !e"son nat,"al o" /,"i*ical e5ce!t those

,n*e" collecti#e owne"shi! b+ %a"e"-bene%icia"ies.


b The %o"cible ent"+ o" ille$al *etaine" b+ !e"sons who a"e not 2,ali%ie*

bene%icia"ies ,n*e" this Act to a#ail thesel#es o% the "i$hts an* bene%its o%

the A$"a"ian Re%o" P"o$"a> 

c The con#e"sion b+ an+ lan*owne" o% his a$"ic,lt,"al lan* into non-

a$"ic,l t,"al ,se with intent to a#oi* the a!!lication o% this Act to his

lan*hol*in$s an* to *is!ossess his tenant %a"e"s o" the lan* tille* b+ the>

  * The will%,l !"e#ention o" obst",ction b+ an+ !e"son association o"

entit+ o% the i!leentation o% the ARP> 

e The sale t"ans%e" con#e+ance o" chan$e o% the nat,"e o% lan*s

o,tsi*e o% ,"ban cente"s an* cit+ liits eithe" in whole o" in !a"t a%te" the

e%%ecti#it+ o% this Act. The *ate o% the "e$ist"ation o% the *ee* o% con#e+ance

in the Re$iste" o% )ee*s with "es!ect to tit le* lan*s an* the *ate o% the

iss,ance o% the ta5 *ecla"ation to the t"ans%e"ee o% the !"o!e"t+ with "es!ect

to ,n"e$iste"e* lan*s as the case a+ be shall be concl,si#e %o" the

!,"!ose o% this Act> 

% The sale t"ans%e" o" con#e+ance b+ a bene%icia"+ o% the "i$ht to ,se o"

an+ othe" ,s,%",ct,a"+ "i$ht o#e" the lan* he ac2,i"e* b+ #i"t,e o% bein$ a

bene%icia"+ in o"*e" to ci"c,#ent the !"o#isions o% this Act. 

SE . 97-A.

E5ce!t ion.

- The !"o#isions o% Section 97 !a"a$"a!h e to the

cont"a"+ notwithstan*in$ the sale an*o" t"ans%e" o% a$"ic,lt,"al lan* in


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cases whe"e s,ch sale t"ans%e" o" con#e+ance is a*e necessa"+ as a

"es,lt o% a bank3s %o"eclos,"e o% the o"t$a$e* lan* is he"eb+ !e"itte*. As

a**e* b+ R. A. 9''1 

SE . 9= . Pena lt ies . - An+ !e"son who knowin$l+ o" will%,ll+ #iolates the

!"o#isions o% this Act shall be !,nishe* b+ i!"isonent o% not less than

one 1 onth to not o"e than th"ee 7 +ea"s o" a %ine o% not less than one

tho,san* !esos P1@@@.@@ an* not o"e than % i %teen tho,san* !esos

P1?@@@.@@ o" both at the *isc"etion o% the co,"t.  I % the o%%en*e" is a

co"!o"ation o" association the o%% ice" "es!onsible the"e%o" shall be

c"iinall+ liable 

SE . 9?. S,!!le to"+ A!! l ica t ion o % E5 is tin$ L e$ is la t ion . - The !"o#isions o%

Re!,blic Act N,be" 7'== as aen*e* P"esi*ential )ec"ee N,be"s (9

an* ( as aen*e* E5ec,ti#e O"*e" N,be"s ((' an* ((& both Se"ies o%

1&'9 an* othe" laws not inconsistent with this Act shall ha#e s,!!leto"+


SE . 9 .

Re!eal in$ la,se.

  - Section 7? o% Re!,blic Act N,be" 7'==

P"esi*ential )ec"ee N,be" 71 the last two !a"a$"a!hs o% Section 1( o%

P"esi*ential )ec"ee N,be" 1@7' an* all othe" laws *ec"ees e5ec,ti#e

o"*e"s ",les an* "e$,lations iss,ances o" !a"ts the"eo% inconsistent with

this Act a"e he"eb+ "e!eale* o" aen*e* acco"*in$l+. 

SE . 99.

  Se!a"ab i li t + la,se.

- I% %o" an+ "eason an+ section o" !"o#ision

o% this Act is *ecla"e* n,ll an* #oi* no othe" section !"o#ision o" !a"t

the"eo% shall be a%%ecte* an* the sae shall "eain in %,ll %o"ce an* e%%ect. 

SE . 9'. E % %ect i #i t+ la,se. - This Act Shall take e%%ect ie*iatel+ a%te"

!,blication in at least two ( national news!a!e"s o% $ene"al ci"c,lation. 

A!!"o#e*8 F,ne 1@ 1&''