rabbitmq & postgresql

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PGDay.IT 2015 23 Ottobre 2015 - Prato


Rabbitmq & Postgresql

Lucio [email protected]

Who is this guy?

Delphi developer since 1999

IT Consultant

Front end web developer

Postgresql addicted

Nonantolando.blogspot.com lucio.grenzi lucio grenzi


Messaging system

Rabbitmq introduction

Postgresql and pg_amqp

PostgreSQL Listen exchange

Message-oriented middleware

Message-oriented middleware (MOM) is software or hardware infrastructure supporting sending and receiving messages between distributed systems. MOM allows application modules to be distributed over heterogeneous platforms and reduces the complexity of developing applications that span multiple operating systems and network protocols

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message-oriented_middleware -

Why Should I use MOM?

Need to scale

Monitoring data feeds

Need things done in order

Use the cloud

Decoupling applications by separating sending and receiving data

Messaging is asynchronous

Different protocols

Historically, message queuing has used proprietary, closed protocols

By the time three standards have emerged which are used in open source message queue implementations:

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP)

MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT)


Text based

Like AMQP, STOMP provides a message header with properties, and a frame body

Does not deal in queues and topics

The broker must map onto something that it understands internally such as a topic, queue, or exchange

Destinations are not mandated in the specification, different brokers may support different flavours of destination

STOMP Broker

Apache ActiveMQ


Net::STOMP::Client (an open source client implementation in Perl)

Open Message Queue (OpenMQ)

RabbitMQ (message broker, has support for STOMP)

Ruby server, also known as stompserver



Designed for interoperability between different vendors

wide range of features related to messaging

Lot of fine-grained control possible with such a rich feature set

Protocol implementations

Amqp :SwiftMQ, Apache Qpid, Apache MQ, Apache Apollo, RabbitMQ

Stomp: Apache MQ, Apache Apollo, RabbitMQ, HornetQ, Stampy (http://stomp.github.io/implementations.html#STOMP_Servers)

MQTT: Apache MQ, Apache Apollo, RabbitMQ, mosquitto, WebSphereMQ, HiveMQ, IBM Message Sight (https://github.com/mqtt/mqtt.github.io/wiki/server-support)


Originally developed out of IBMs pervasive computing team

Provides publish-and-subscribe messaging Publish = data to topics

Subscribe = get data from topics

Designed for resource-constrained devices and low bandwidth, high latency networks (ideal for mobile and Internet of Things)

MQTTs strengths are simplicity (just five API methods)

MQTT Broker








open source message broker software (MPL)

Actively developed and with commercial support by Pivotal

written in Erlang

Client libraries to interface with the broker are available for all major programming languages.

Gateways for HTTP, Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP), and MQTT protocols

Amqp native clients


C /C++Node.jsGoErlang



Amqp packet



Bytea [] data

Headers: defined by the Amqp specification

Properties: contain arbitrary, application specific, information

Amqp message properties

Content-typeMIME content type

Content-encodingMIME content encoding

headersMessage header field table

Delivery-modeNon-persistent (1) or persistent (2)

priorityMessage priority, 0 to 9

Correlation-idApplication correlation identifier

Reply-toAddress to reply to

expirationMessage expiration specification

Message-idApplication message identifier

timestampMessage timestamp

typeMessage type name

User-idCreating user id

App-idCreating application id

reservedReserved, must be empty

Producer - Consumer

Producer: a program that sends messages

Queus: a buffer where messages are stored

Consumer: a program that waits to receive messages

Work queues

Work Queue: it is used to distribute tasks among multiple workers.

Tasks will be shared between workers

Useful in web applications where it's impossible to handle a complex task during a short HTTP request window


Deliver a message to multiple consumers (messages are going to be broadcast to all the receivers.)

The exchange must know exactly what to do with a message it receives (rules for that are defined by the exchange type)

Exchange types

Direct: the binding key must match the routing key exactly no wildcard support

Fanout: it broadcasts all the messages it receives to all the queues it knows

Topic: same as Direct, but wildcards are allowed in the binding key

Headers: no routing key, string matching in the message headers property


Amqp client for Postgresql

Allow Postgresql to communicate with other components in the architecture


Suggested version 9.x, but it can works too with older versions



How to install pg_ampq (v0.3.0)

Wget http://api.pgxn.org/dist/pg_amqp/0.3.0/pg_amqp-0.3.0.zip

Cd pg_ampq-0.3.0


Make install

env PG_CONFIG=/path/to/pg_config make && make install

shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_amqp.so' postgresql.conf

CREATE EXTENSION amqp; (Postgresql >= 9.1)

psql -d mydb -f /path/to/pgsql/share/contrib/amqp.sql (Postgresql < 9.1)

pg_amqp (v 0.4.0)

Only supported as a PostgreSQL Extension

PG versions prior to 9.1 and means to install it without the extension system are no longer officially supported.

Added support for upgrading extension installation from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0

Add support for amqp message properties (delivery_mode, content_type, reply_to and correlation_id)


Insert AMQP broker information into the`amqp.broker` table

Insert into ampq.broker(host,port,vhost,username,password) values (localhost,'5432',null,'myuser','mypassword')

How it works

A process starts and connects to PostgreSQL and runs:

SELECT amqp.publish(broker_id, 'amqp.direct', 'routing-key', 'message');

snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), " SELECT host, port, vhost, username, password " " FROM amqp.broker " " WHERE broker_id = %d " " ORDER BY host DESC, port", broker_id);


In case of needing to disconnect from a specific broker

select amqp.disconnect(broker_id);

do nothing if it is already disconnected

PostgreSQL LISTEN Exchange

A RabbitMQ exchange type that translates PostgreSQL NOTIFY messages to AMQP messages and publishes them to bound queues

Require Postgresql >= 9.0

Rabbitmq plugin so unobtrusive to Postgresql environment


Installation & configuration

Unzip file into your RabbitMQ plugins directory

rabbitmq-plugins enable pgsql_listen_exchange

To connect to PostgreSQL using the default pgsql://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres

Edit rabbitmq.properties

[{pgsql_listen_exchange, [ {host, "localhost"}, {port, 5432}, {dbname, "postgres"}, {user, "postgres"}, {password, ""} ]}].

Send a notifcation

Psql (9.4.1)postgres=# NOTIFY channel_name, 'This is a test';

Receive a notification

Psql (9.4.1)Postgresl=# listen channel_name




