rachel w's art project

Canadian Artists By Rachel

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Rachel W's Art Project

Canadian Artists

By Rachel

Page 2: Rachel W's Art Project

Joe Average

Page 3: Rachel W's Art Project

Emily Carr

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Ted Harrison

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Joe Average

Joe Average was born in 1957. He lives in Vancouver where he paints his colourful and bold artwork. In his piece “One World, One Heart” he incorporated many faces and colours to represent AIDS. He re-made the painting and used stained glass to show the fragile life of humans. He put a heart in the middle to show that we are all connected, and to get through such a terrible sickness we need love. The piece was created in 1991. He used many bright colours, shapes to make up the faces, and many different bold black lines to make it pop! When I look at this, it makes me feel happy, even with the sad story behind it.

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Joe Average

Joe Average’s next painting is called “Unconditional Love”. It was made in 1995. In this painting he used value to do the shadows, and, like most of his art, very bold colours. He also uses space to make the leopards the main focus of the picture and uses a dark background to make them stand out. Like most of his paintings he uses thick black lines to outline the piece. He also used paint for this artwork, but when you look at it, it almost looks as if it was done by a computer. I think that the subject is love, or trust. He shows how both the animals are almost smiling and are happy. When I see the painting, I feel calm, or cheerful. The bright colours really help.

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Emily Carr

Next is Emily Carr’s painting “Shoreline”. It was made in 1936. In this piece, she used dark colours and paint, yet also light colours in the background and on some of the hills, to show the sun rays and the shadows. She also uses value, making some of the sea darker than other parts. She uses many different lines to add texture and form. The idea for this painting was nature and how extraordinary it is. Following in her main style, the painting almost seems sad, or scary. Even with the mixed emotions, it is still a beautiful piece of artwork.

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Emily Carr

Emily Carr’s next painting is called “Zunoqua of the Cat Village”. The painting was made in 1931. In this painting she used many dark colours and texture to make the water or grass look real. She also incorporated many different lines to makes it look real. Then she used shading on the person to show shadows on her face. The idea for this piece all started in 1907, when she went to Alaska with her sister. Many years later, after a very long story about her trip, she created the art to represent the first nations and there beautiful totem poles. When I look at this piece of Artwork, it makes me feel lonely, because no one is there with that lady. Overall, the painting is very nice.

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Ted Harrison

Now we have Ted Harrison’s painting called “Family Lake”. It was made in 1986. He used many bright colours, and well as blue lines for some outlining, and not much shading. Ted Made this for his Winter and Family themed scenes. Like almost all of Ted’s paintings, it makes you feel cheerful, or happy, maybe even excited. Not only does it make you feel good, but it is also a very pretty painting too, especially with all the layers in the sky. My favourite part in the red streak with the white polka dots. It really makes the dark sky stand out.

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Ted Harrison

Lastly is Ted Harrison’s "Still, Silent Northern Light”. It was made in 1990. Instead of using bold colours, he used more cool textures.. He also used some form to make the houses look more real. Then he used perspective to make to hills look farther away as the got darker. I think the subject for this painting was nighttime. Everyone is in their houses except for the few who stayed outside. Even when he calms down his normal colour scheme, his paintings always turn out beautiful and definitely worth having.