radical america - vol 10 no 2 - 1976 - march april

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  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April









  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    Cv: Z w gg Sn b Tp Mx h by hy Ewn

    Editrs: Frank Brhea, Margery Daves, Marla rlen, Lna Grn Jm Greenael Hch Alen Hunter, Henry NOT m 'Bren Ann Wthrn.

    ssate trs Ian Brcha, Pau Buhle, len DuBs, arcel Gaett MartnGaman Mark vn Mar Mntan, Mark Nasn Bran PetersnWesley ft Shela wtham Stan We.

    RDCAL AMA: Pubse bmnthly at 6 Unn Square Smervleassahut (MALNG ADDSS P. Bx B, N. Cambrge, Massases Subscrptn rates: $ r year $ fr tw years, $ per year fr theneplye. Subscrptns wth pamphlets are $ r year $ fr tw years. A $ a prces fr fregn subsrptns. Duble rates fr nsttutns ree t prsners.B rates 4% reuctn frm ver prce fr fve r mre pes. 8ostrs mayrder n a cnsgnment basis.

    end a stage pa at Bstn Maachusetts

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    RI)CLAERCMach-Apil Volume 10, Number 2


    Renate Bridenthal



    David Montgome and Ronal Schatz 1




    Tod Ensi, Carl Feingol an Michael Ui

    ON THE DEATH OF AUGUST TOCOChristopher Knowles






  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    dud pdu H

    R B

    ee ea em Ma have ee wokig o evovea heo whh w eoe ad eegae wome exeieeio we hio o o i he ee o aie moeim oa o he ake o a e deadig o he oe o

    hoia deveome a a whoe h edeavo we have eoeed wo mao ame o hoogahia eeee haeie eo aeo. mai iee o i Maxm we ao igoe he ohe a oam whh oe he maeam o iea hogh Mh hioia ho-ah i he ae amewok i eg oded ad oed he eahed oeio ad o a ew adia hioia aedaw o eah o a hei wh Mam.

    Maxim i e ha eed om a ea degee o adio

    am e eaao evea oh he eevaie addawak o he ho o wome Mai o o aiaidiaiaio og ha emove he od ad he meao odio om woke ad deive hem o eoomi ia-ive ad o eaive ideedee he hod ha ohe aom oeod o eoom i ha ge ad ha oee hoogia aieao aomae maeia aeao o wome

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    the process forces them out of the home into paid employm ent , thus

    both proletarianizing them and destabiliing the fam ily, whch s

    f nally destroyed by ndivdual com petitven ess Tempor r ly de

    structive though the process is, it liberates women from mmed-

    ate dependency on thei r husbands and politcizes them by forcng

    them ito the labor force Thus , acco rding to Marxst crtera ,

    womenose autonomy along with m en as capitalism develops They

    regain t when they join the class struggle an ultimately share t

    with men in socialist society Autonomy is defned n ths view,

    prmarily as control over the m eans of producton which s the

    key to ontrol over other aspects of life.

    rr oss o e oer , oo e soooy o o Prsos e sorory o e meser,ome o e oose oso. () s eres sress e rey ber ses o srzo e o oe my o sm e e er orm , e eoo obo ys emoo mesos o oe. Aoomy, sero s ee s eee eoyme o e ro seeermo o esres, my os e o so o o re or erso eeermo or or ro eore esos oer roo osers seory s orm o sorory sresse s e

    rese esre s e o erso eeome By srer ome er o res oomy soryer or bre s ree er ee reoss reeeee esey er re er sex es reere.

    eer o ese o msrem s o sor oes se o sor eee bo ome. Foss se ooomy oo m syoo erms oeroo res oeres eeee or bo sexes b esey or ome

    s res s roo os rxss o e oer e oo e y ems e roo ome s r o s e r rbe er sory Wome's r-o reroo oeer e see o EesOR G OF HE F AMLY PRVA PRO PRY A HEA Mrxs APAL ( s o reee ery esme mo o eo e res e reme oome e by orre, s meso. eye e my s esroye e orms o soreos esbse re o sey yze. me eerzos bo ree oe or er sos rree bee e o e e o sor eeome eyss o roess or o rso or ms.

    e erms roress reress " beome eess omrsos o s rese oomy o rerreemes e eore s. Je e o m be erme Mrxs srr s s m e m or sres or s

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    fm (3 gs ou podu poduo sxuyd h sozo of d s gos w wh womhv opd soy d by w pos o y gvpod m my b sd Wom s bo o uo-omy dpds o suus of s fou fos bg sosv s poss b f y o ms ofg womo b osdd f odg o M pobm whhs shm dv oug s s gos ppsp d ud h og f mhy ppd hywoud sm k so my boxs h of hm hg bk oh ps Coos bw m my b md bu dddffu by h ompmzo h fu of ogoy o o o o spk of d oshp

    s sy os Ms Mxsm fs vm o suusm popos dff fmwok fo ys s bsd o om

    bo of Mxs d Ms fmwoks suh fmwok gos of sxuy poduo d sozoof d woud b subsumd ud m mod of podu o h oshp woud b sough bw d h modof poduo " so ogo of o of vu y fus of M s gos o o busboog poduo d sozo of d og

    osu poduo of sps d bus sxuy d soo s mpo sp of oo ov poduo

    My dg of soy suggss h oshp bwpoduo d poduo s d w h g so d h s gs h mod of poduo gvs o hgs h mod of poduo suh soss bw m o wom h xp s bom oof pus b opposg fo wok d fy s ddmds w sys s whh h po w b bsobd d

    sdd u syhss woud b soy wh mods of poduo d poduo ood by mmbsof bo sxs quy s y ppo mks oom foom of mo sub d ompx osps bwobjv odos d osousss shmzd vso ofhs fmo pps ppx Nvy woud wokou s dsbd bow

    Ws uop h pus g oomy gvs o mods of podu o d poduo h w sybo h s os muuy dvgous o w h

    o o wom s m y oud pp boh suh wy h h fod h o. hus housokw podud ms fo osumpo hpd o podu hfmy Covsy hd (obvousy h goy of poduo pd poduo h ous of bo poduo d -poduo ws o h hom Wh duszo wom

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    Word War and Word War ovr ut on a anton prnt o th tota proon ro prnt to prnt.n Gran n th a prod h nur o a tahratua aou a dd thr proportonat nu r n

    th proon ro 3 prnt to prnt h nur onur ro and nurn rand a prdonant a pro-on Howvr n oa war wh th nur o wonro aout thr prdonan a prarou an ntr nto th proon rdud won har ro 8prnt to 6 prnt n ta ar trnd rd owatatr Fa tahr ro ro prnt o 3 prn o proon durn th ntrwar prod ut to 6 prn arWord War 4)

    w oo at th rprodutv tor n th a w nd apara hrvn o t unton a a unt Wthn t wonp unton o oth or pad ( u arnonur duaton hd phoo, and ood houpn andutanou dnhd (tha hand proona nth d. Wh th rr o ndur onopo and n-ran aptaaon o th od o produon tr an nrad nd o ontro th aor or and rproduon Hnw nd a rown ntrt o th at n doraph duaonand oa antnan Won ar anpuad n thr ooga

    rprodutv uton dorapha onou atn onon hand and an nran proona orp o duaorphoot and oot on th otr. (5) Wh won onov nto a orp thv h tnd o and at oto ot pu oawor hrar Hr t ar dan ropoan and hn ar anatd ro tr produ hnurturan and annan o th worn a

    hu Wf hr a dat wthn th da apaod o produon v r to a pu od o rproduon

    wh o nto onradton wth th prvat ownrp o han o produon a rprntd n and prpuatd ndpndnt rprodun a h trantor o propr. rtan h pro rva h hoown o th doog o ta W a o hav a rd v o ontradon wn odo produton h hat won pod n pu rproduon o th vr ntrunt o druon o trro n h a Won anaton ro rproduon rouhar o nuonaaon o a au and an o dtruton o a a t roon o unon and

    th nran an o r S a our ontradon ha th r o opanona arra w rdu parara auort and aow rar uat wn t o-ur n a n ntuon (t a wh on onro ovr gnant ara o For won h ovra ru a dnn auono, ad apparn uaaon at o and n haor or troug h r avaat o nw nd o o

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    n the 90 s then we n both oton n eoton beomng nesngy b yet not mty enong s they been when both wee n the vte shee eses stnngn the et etonsh otne bove the two moes mybe n ont wth one nothe n the vey eson o womn whomst ve he tme n oton between he wok n myntons O the ont m ome between two eent eesenttves o these ntons sy mothe n he h's teheve som e sse o soton At ny te both moes now ente the ot om the oe n eoe who emnsvte bese she s onto ove both moes n besethe eoogy bot women n the my sstns myth o vt ton Con etey ths m ens tht eme wo ke s oe om -

    motes otse the home ong to esons me by otheseeve wges, n then etnste the bo nto onsmton othese eetemne tems togh the hse n the epotve ty women be hen ong to esonse b oesson syhoogsts n then tnse them t ney ge to eton nstittons ee they e tght mnyby othe women eomng he tss o soton o heno wge whh they n tn etnste nto onsmton o goosn seves nng eton o the hen omen

    ths ente o the eotve ot the h n twows thee s nothe soe bees the mothe t n nesngy ee ge o the h n s tehes women eestnge om the s b nsttton onto n b thetnsent nte o the otts wth hen he tmte est s enton etng membes o soety toys hene tomoows ts F women n t the thotyn the soton o es so eenent on emoton s we snteet bons s nemne t s the ee one n

    es the sbvesve owe o emoton bm ttonyeese by women to mvent th thoty n themy ht s the the evosy sevse hs eton by ts mothe she o eese he own nene nonetheess togh he ose bon wth the h onty to thesttstntonst vew etve motheh etonshs e te b the sozton o the moe o eoton

    hs to sek o ogess o egess n womens hstoys etvey mennges s he ey wo s sht n womens

    tton n oton n eoton om the vte to theso en n om etvey et to etvey metetton he estng eengs o enton hve gven seto seon wve o ogne emnsm ke the st t s neoog esonse to stt hnge botng on nevovng ot o the st wve t oses new tentve beyonv ety one htee by seoe ee etemnton noton n eoton Gven the new sohstte tehno-og whh ee the nee o vson o bo by se sh

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    ocety becomes rel ossblty However without correson-ng control over wht s rouce n how t woul offer only n of freeom of choice mong oton one h not crete n thefrst lce or exmle one coul choose between estinghouse

    or Generl Electric refrigertors, but not between inivul re-frgertors or communl kitchens y itself the secon wve offemnism is only symtom of lienton rther thn solutonfor t

    Tus for the hstory of women n for history n generl theconc ets of rogress n regres s " wll hve to be relce bysomethng tht better reflects womens n mens comlex exerience omens hstory hs iffere from mens in wys imortntenough to ffect some bsc ssumtions To return to the two m-jor frmes of reference

    Functionlist thought nees to reeine some bsic concets suchs niviulsm resonsibility n utonomy so tht they coully to women s well s to men An it woul hve to reexminen reinterret the historicl eveloment o ffective emlen instrum entl mle roles n the fmily ere it to o so i twoul lose much of its otimistic cst

    rxist thought must tke better ccount o chne in rerouction s well s rouction n it must interte he fct thtwomens emerence into the ubli c sector is increngly in the

    re of rerouction rther thn rouction t shoul be note lso tht men re ncreinly enterin the re of ublic rerouction in ct crowing wom en out in some cses Reconiin the seeveloments might hel us to unerstn the comosition nconcousness o the reconstitute lbor orce n might le to reefinition o liente lbor s inclun lborers emloye inthe reroucton o lbor ower Clss nlysis must nclue recogntion o sex ierences snce women hve some mortnt ex-eriences whch ier from those of men in ther clss y ownreserch into the hstory of women in uroe inictes tht these

    iferences o not unte women cross clss lines but rther thtmen n women o the workn clss or exme my hve ifferent exerences o their clss osition uch eeening ofMrxist nlyss coul rovie the best key to our unerstninof hstoricl rocess

    s n nex o olticl mturity feminism is mortnt t re-resents vnur kin o the liente intellectuls who becomeetche rom the sttus uo n s such it y become owerful oliticl force or rcl socl chnge

    h pap wa f ead a h Bekh oneene on h soy o WomnOob 27 1974 and fuhe dvopd o a aah awen oee Wonsud Poam ympoum "onpua Famewo o yn Womn'oy Mah 15, 1975. Pnaon by he n pan nudd pp -v on h asa peod by Mayn hu on h Renasan by oany-Go, and on m oy by Gda Len he symposum savaabe om aah Lawene oee Womens udes oam onxveew Yok 0708

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April







    I (Femnsm II) IProducton3" _ _ Reproducton3(pubc) (socal)

    rdialectica reationshp

    (Feminism I)

    Producton2 '-----4 Reproducton2(public) (prvatzed)

    rdialectca re a tionship

    Producton (__) Reprducton 1(private) (private)

    symbotic reltionship

    MATERIAL BASE(factors o producton, mode of productoncmate terran, demographic neds, eg.labor and defense etc)

    Nte: The main historca daect occu n the efthand column as the deveopment of the modes of producton The daectic between the modes oproduction and reproducton are a dialectic withn the larger dialectc


    Perenage of enomiayactive women out of ota

    Perentage of eonomiay aive eonomialy ative po.Conry women ou o oal femae pop (same nss years)

    Pre-wa ' ' Pre-war

    Begium ( ( ( Denmark ( ( ( Frane ( ( ( Germany ( ( ( Grea Britan ( ( ( Ireand ( ( ( ay ( ( ( Norway ( ( ( etherands ( ( ( Sweden ( ( ( Swzerand ( ( ( 33.9

    Sore: P Bairoh, L c (ns. de So de L'Univ Libr deBrusse pp -

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April



    . The most recent products of is school are Fred eintens and GeradPlat's TE WIS TO BE FHEE: SOCIET PSYCE ND VAUE CGE(niersity of Californa ress 6) and Edward Shorters E AKIG OF

    TE MODERN FAMILY (Basc Books 73)2 Karl Mar, CAPITAL Volume I Part I Chapter I on the fetisism of

    commodities.3. Julet Mtcel WOMANS ESTATE (Baltmore Pengun Boos 4 Francoise GuelaudLerdon LE RAVAIL DES FEM1ES E FHNC

    nstitut natonal detudes demograpiques. Travaux et documents caher no (ars resses niversitaires de France 6) p

    Renate Bridenthal Beyond KINDER K]CE KIHCE eimar omen atWork CENTRAL EROPEAN STORY (Atlanta Emory {nverst un ol 6 no 2 pp. 63-6


    ECONOMICE I TALIA (Rome cieta Ialiana di Economa demorafa etatistica 72) Nuova Sere, pp 3 and 8

    Franco Archibugi Recent Trends in Womens or in Itay, INHNATIONAL LABOR REVIEW (Genea: Internationa Labor Offce 60 vol. p. 26.

    For eample, during the Great Depression offcal encouragement of arnty ntensfed n Europe Such a polcy reduced to anete at once atabout population decline and that aut omen competng for ork nThu, in Germany the nmployment Act oue 33 offered arrae oof up to one ousand Heichsmarks on condtion that the brde eave hr job ndnot return until he or the couple had repad te oan A a furthr ncentv,

    the oan was reduced by percent wt the br of ach hd. Intrtnot only Fascist countrie, but parlamentary democraces uch as France, elgiu, the Netherlands and Great Britan had slar cees o encouragebirts and scourage women's emloyment n ths perod. Varous dca docal ratonalzaton ere used to support tes stat polces, suc tephysical health of women the psychological heath of cildren and the ocological heal of the faml as an insttton.

    6 The concept of the dissolution of e famly as a lin beteen th dtcdeveloped in ths papr and tradtional Marxst anayis a first cad atteton b Atina Grossan graduate student n sory at Hugers nverst

    7 Hobrt Blood and Donald Wolfe, SBADS AND WIES (Glenco, Ill

    The ree Press, 60).Wlliam J Goode, OHLD HEOLTIN AND FAL EH (eYork The Fre Press 70)

    Gnter Luschen and Eugen Lupr, SOZIOLOGIE DEH FLE (OpadenWestdeutscher Verag 70)

    JOHNAL OF ARRIAG AND T FAL (Menaa, tonalCouncil on Faml Rations, 6, ol. :3 no s a specal ue )f crocultral family research.


    comingfrom HoughtonMifin, She also a coordinator of theWomen's Studies Program at Brooklyn College.

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April



    Jual f istrical tudies

    Past and esent began publication in 1952 I now appears in February, May, August and November It aims to publis a wide variey ofscolarly and original istorical articles primarily concerned wit social,economic and culural canges and eir causes and consequences. TeJournal is designed o reac an audience at includes bo specialiss andnon-specialiss; to communicate e resuls of isorical researc in readable and lively form to provide a forum for debate in wic istorians andscolars in allied subjecs ake part and to encourage e examination ofparticular problems and periods for te ig tey trow on wider issues ofisorical cange

    Past and esent as a large and ineaiona circulaion, wi a verywide readersip in Nort America

    Altug e majority of articles in te Journal are concerned witEuropean isory, Past and esent is worldwide in is coverage and wiout resricion as to period t as tus publised many importan sudieson nonEuropean isory For insance, in addition to numerous sudies oftin Amerca, articles on e isory of te United Staes ave included:

    Isabella Black American Labour and Cinese Immiation" (no 25, July1963)

    TH. Breen, Englis Origins and New World Development Te Case ofe Covenaned Miliia in Seveneen-Century Massacusets"(no 57, Nov 1972)

    James R Green Te Broerood of Timber Workers 19101913 ARadical Response o Indusrial Capialism in te Souern SA"(no 60, Aug 1973)

    Aileen S Kraditor American Radical Historians on teir Heriage(no 56 Aug 1972)

    Kenneth Lockridge, nd Population and te Evolution of New England

    Society 1630-1790 (no 39 Apri 1968)Peter Marshall, Radicals, Consevatives and te American Revoluion

    (no 23, Nov 1962)Jonathan M. Wiener, PlanerMercant Conflic in Reconsruction

    Alabama" (no 68, Aug 1975)

    For free Classified Table of Contents covering nos - 2) and for details of subscription rates the price of back numbers etc writeto:

    Te Business Manager, Past and esent,PO Box 28, Oxford OX2 7BN, England

    Past and esen invites contributions on the history of the AmericasThese should be sent (two copies) to

    Te Edior, Past and Present,Corpus Cristi College, Oxford OX 4JF, England

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April





    A quaerly review of radicasocoogy, book revewsresearch notes and conference repos.

    IN VOL. VI NO.2 (WINTER, 1976):





    THE LONG SHADOW OF WOK-Herb Gintis, Sam owesPeter Meyer





    $6.00 low income$1000 sustaining$4 nsiuonal00 back isses

    Insrgen SocologistDeptent of SocioogyUniviersiy o OregonEugene, Oregon 97403

    1 3

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    Facg Layo

    Dav Montgome and Rona Schatz

    Ovwo an unpoynt av n nspnsa an nspaa aatsts o ono un aptas sn tsnpton. o an wo wo a o a o 94 ouhav a to ny awa o t atonsp twn t two.

    T st tn yas o ts ntuy w a y ap ono owt an a ntss nas n poutvty p wo yt n ony on o tos yas t annua at o unpoynt a ow 6 p nt o t nusta ao o n nn otos yas t os aov p nt on o an on atthat po a sa sa son a vy ya n onstutonothn anuatu un oa nn an ot nustsan n at pan as y a aa n a s any pop ou npoynt un t st t ays o any w as n t ast

    t Fo t to t nt onoy was pun nto -ss un \934 989 934 an 9 on out ovy v o s wa an s a ws o onts wtout a o. An o ous, os o t uny tts aunto wos to ts ay

    o nt potat pn o Aans wt atvy vs o poynt unpoynt opnsaon anwa systs w w o popua stus o t


    kets in New York rotesting job cts in


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    ce th the comay. Coseetly the meda ut ate ma-act g ell to e cet e yea by 99 ad the the aceo the dee ss o belo 5 e cet 936 ad 93 By 94 95th aveage aal tuove o all occuatos had eached thealltme lo o less tha e cet (

    O cose okes ally t he lety o othe obs eeava lable Whe ecoomc dots made t ecess ay to lay ola ge mbes o emloyee hoeve may comaes lea edto sack elately e ad sklled okes holesale (the tuove ates beg cably hgh ay case hle tasegmoe sk lled ad eeeced me ad om e to the sklledobs o s tttg a geeal edcto o the hous so as tosead the avalable ok th the avoed gou Most glass

    oks located as they ee small to hch coud have methuge elae costs oly by ceasg taes o the mlls ct hosathe tha dsmssg olde me eve ate mechaato hadboke the os . Westghose etaed almost all the okesat ts vast as t Pttsbugh lat ho had moe tha te yeas 's evc e du g the ost o the ealy 93 od ad GeealMotos those same yeas dev sed eeetal ls ts o skll shch the RAs Atomoble Labo Boad easly coveted todeatmetal seo ty ules 94 (3

    hese comay actce had to motat eects. st theyalloed the emloyes to assume the tatve okshag ohch okes had ote ought beoe. este the act that thstatve as aled selectvely (avog leades o local ethclodges actvsts the eocatc ad Reublca maches oces o veteas ogaatos etc. ad thog okes oldetha ty out holes ale) they ote succeeded eag the tese gattude o eole ho had bee saved om layo by thesemeas. Secodly as okes attachmet to a atcla lace o

    ok ge stoge a e tedecy develoed (to a emakabledegee the 93s o eole ho had lost the obs to stayhee they ee ad at to be ecalled. As late as the btte dees so o 9 moe tha ha o the Slavc ad Black o kes o Alleghey Coty let the ego st as the eteethcety coteats ould have doe What as e ate 99as ot the vagacy but the elatve lack o t the lage mbeso eople ho dd ot move to aothe to seach o ok. Ocose the uvesalty o the css eoced the sedetay m-

    uls es hch e maagemet actces had tued t as hoeve ths e teacty hch ovded the bass o the ad s eo emloyed ogaatos esstble essue o legslateso uemploymet copesato ad stuggles demadg thatatcula comaes estoe obs most otably the od ugeMach o 93

    It as out o ths settg that okes demads o the egulato o layo ad ecall by seoty became a cetal eatue othe emegg dustal uo sm Beoe the 93 s the seoty

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    pncple ws seldom found n unon ules o concs s heppled o loffs he pecul chcescs of ech occuponhd shped s woes demnds Seno cluses wee unnownn col mnes unons down o Wold W II uch schemes s wowees of wo fo hlf he mnes followed b wo wees fo heohe hlf, emned commonplce Anhce mnes whos e ndus ws cl el expng dung he hes dd se conc demnd fo seno n loffs n 94, bu fled o ge e gmen nd consucon woes mnes hd pevouslsough o sfegud hemselves gns b d sm ssls b combnon of he closed shop nd sndd e (mnmumwge> whch would den he emploe n economc dvngefom dsmssng unon membes o bee pd men o womenfs As sesons of sed wo dew o close woes n llhee of hese goups cusoml slowed down o conc mnes nd clohng woes n pece wo hs cusom mouned o elf nsued woshng scheme Gmen woes sll pc-ce od (4

    he clos ed sho p combned wh unon hng hll, povdedwoes wh he bes possble conol ove who go eclled o ob when wo pced up gn Jus such hll ws especll m-

    pon o longshoemen slos nd consucon woes whosejobs chnged cnsnl nd fo whom seno neve hd muchmenng In he S n nc sco se of 934 o hng hllws he cenl demnd of he longshoemen Of couse, such hng conol could be used effecvel o exclude Blcs s ws doneb Booln 's ocl 968f he nenonl ongshoem en s As so-c on n 949 5 bu could lso be used o secue he pos onof les mnml quo of Blcs s ws n ew Yos e- l soes b ocl (le Dsc 65 dung he s me peod

    offs hemselves wee del wh b unonzed woes s heose pes weves n Ph ldelphs mn shops fbcngupholse exles dew los o deemne who would leve ndwhee possble exchnged uplus membes mong shops undeunon conol Seno ws used b hem onl o decde whchweve go whch loom he locls n he beefllng nd sheepllng secons of Chcgos pcng houses dung he peod ofpe unon sengh ( 1 93> cull wged successful suggle opeven n loffs ll, hen demnded se n pece es o

    compense fo he scn wo le n ech wee Mchnss nChcgos mln Dsc 8 of he IA.M demnded seno ndpofcenc o goven" n ecll fom loffs n 9 hough hemde no menon of he loffs hemselves Mn lods of hpeod followed he pen of he Mchnss geemen covengep shop woes of he Acheson Tope, nd Sne e hwhen educons n foce e necess seno, pofcencnd med men be gven he pefeence of emplomen Muchmoe common n he mchnss de, howeve ws he cluse

    Should educon of expenses become necess, shll be

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    de n reducon of hour unle oherwe greed upon by bohre ()

    Cloed hop ndrd re predng wor nd where poble unonconrolled hrng hll, hen were he mo common ech-

    nque b y whch orgn zed worer reguled lyoff before 93rgnzed nd unorgnzed worer le lowed own when heord ro he hppng room nd offce cler hd h lyoffw n he offng Senory clue dd pper occonlly Aerly 886 he Kngh of bor pu one n n greemen whhe lrge ES ggn C rpe Wevng Copny fer regn dcrmnory dml In fc re elemenerved o populrze he de of enor y Erly n he wenehcenury he demnd of unon h eployer hould fre ll cb

    nd rene ll rer w ofen copromed fer long ruggle by renng ll eployee (old nd new n order of enor-y Durng World Wr he Nonl Wr bor Bord ued hforul regulrly n edon of re The fr wdepredgenerl pplcon of he enory prncple however pperedon he r lrod under governmen dm nron n 1 9 1 8 nd 99nonzed rlrod hop crf mnged o eep enory even fer he drou re of 922 ocomove engneer, howeverwere ofen ucceful n vodng unemploymen by urgng he rlrod o ly off fremen ned of heelve nd pu he eng-neer eporrly o on he frebox (6

    I w herefore, wh he ndurl unon of he 93 h heenory rule becme o bc pr of Amercn lfe h mnyworer ody fnd dffcul o gne ny oher prncple u Nohng w more obvou o he orer of he 93 ' hnhe necury of her ob A oon hey orgnzed n ny forhey dended n end o rbrry employer ' conrol over lyoffnd recl l The power of foremen o pc nd choo e whch worerhould y nd whch hould go w chllenged by deermned

    ruggle o mpoe cler obecve ndrd on lyoff Senoryclue were demnded nd on by he new unon n rubber oleel exle elecrcl mchnery, uo nd urbn rnpor-on 7 fen hee clue were no fr removed from wh hecopne hd lredy been dong n prcce, bu hey elnedhe rbrrne hch hd chrcerzed h prcce when ree enrely on he compne ' nve The gn w of enor-ou pornce o older worer epeclly nd provded or coponen of he complex forul by whch he econd gen

    eron of Eern nd Souhern Europen ecured recognzedpoon n Aercn economc lfeRegulng lyoff, however w only one fce of worer ef-

    for o cope wh uneploymen The oher w he ruggle o puood on he ble of hoe who were lredy ou of wor Th ef-for ued oo mny dfferen form under connly vryngcrcunce o llo nyhng le full ccoun here A eorer pre nd unon ged ve publc rlle dend

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    ing relef from muncpal authortes, as they dd n New York Ctyn the wnter of 873-74 or marched n force nto bourgeos negh

    borhoods to dramatze the workers' hunger, as they dd n Chcago

    n 1884. In other nstances unons whose membes could affordhgh dues lke cgar makers and prnters pad benefts out of theunons treasure to unemployed members

    t was probably the frst nne months of the Crss of 893 whchwtnessed the most mpressve varety of efforts by unons to adthe jobless In Danbury, Connectcut lockedout hat workers wentto the town meetng and voted themselves and ote unemployedpeople $0 n relef whch the selectmen subsequently refusedto pay. In Chcago a seres of mltant demonstratons organzed

    by the unons forced Mayor arter Harrson and the cty councl toapproprate funds for relef and publc work drectly to a unoncontrolled Labor and Temporary Relef Commttee n Denver,whch teemed wth unemployed mners from mountan camps of theregon the ctys Trades and abor Assembly establshed CampRelief whch provded shelter and clothng n a tent colony runcompletely by ts own nhabtants and the Maverck Restaurant,whch fed 0 people a day 8

    All these efforts ultmately colapsed from lack of funds, and

    relef work n each communty as taken over by church and cvcrefor groups whch had the confdence of wealthy contrbutorsIt was only approprate therefore that the L amed ts unemployed struggles of 93 and 94 drectly at publc chartes andchurches Its most famous efforts nvolved drect acton to cleanup relef shelters and the nvason of Catholc churches duringmass to demand some Chrstan charty on the spot 9 The unemployed moveeJts of the early 930s resorted to both selforganzed mutual assistance and pressure on chartes and publc agen

    ces but they enjoyed lttle of the assstance from cty central la bor boes whch had been evdent in the 89sThe fnal phase of the depresson of the thrtes, whch began

    wth the severe downturn of the fall of 937 forced the young unions of the 0 to act quckly and magnatvely on both fronts:control of layoffs and relef to the unemployed On the latter, theunons themselves assumed many of the functions whch unemployed councls and leagues had exercsed before 935 DealingWth layoffs, they coupled the new senorty prncple wth olderworkngclass practces often n hghly magnatve ways whchsuggested that the two forms of regulaton could be combned ef

    fectvely by workers who had both ngenuty and audactyt s mportant to recall how perlous the plght of the new un

    ions was Hardly had the frst contracts of CO unons been negotated when the economc upswng whch had nurtured labor'smltancy and effectiveness n 935 and 936, collapsed In the last quarter of 937 the steel industry suffered the largest productondrop n ts hstory roughly 70 per cent and ts total payroll wascut n half n St. ous a center of lght electrical manufacturng

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    h Tar had crad an cv Fdral Wrr c n whch vr an h uncn rrl prrd h Tr unpld ranan n Mnnapl Nur

    u lcal h l Wrr Orann C up rl c r hr unpld r wh wr xnrad r all du and ad n n rl a rprnav 3)

    Clarl h acv h l Wrr wr r n hr a rvc h r a wa pcal ha ranan whl h h Tar and U E h r lan h r Th drnc wn wavn all duand rqur n a ncl a nh lc h cnra Bu h

    r acv rprnd a nw l unpld rulwhch wa ncanl drn r ha h arl 3 Thrul h arl hr had n larl cunadhhl pnanu n hr acn and rand h varurvlunar par Th h la hr wr hapd n hld ndural unn and drcl aachd h nw unn

    Th nw characrc ca vdn n h WPr h u r 1 3 Erl ha ar h nw cnrvav ajr n Cnr had rdrd all WP c r

    hr rll rqur a lal ah WPA p cldwn all nnanual rl wr uch a har prjc and h rcal rcrd urv whch culd n nd a pnrhpand drac al, la r n nh vrn wh hadn n h rll r r han a ar and a hal 4 ) Th rnn Mnnapl pd h nw rl unn n h unpldvn Th r wa calld a Und Orananal C whch cnd v rprnav r ach hllwn rup h F L Cnral Lar Unn h c

    Buldn Trad Cuncl h Fdral Wrr cn h rucdrvr lcal nw nurd 544) h Wrr llanc a undrn h ldr unpld ranan) and h cun CIOCuncl ll prjc h WP wr pcd and h C dandd ha h W P adn rar r h a clh dwn Th walu wa wdprad u rcl rd h nw Rpulcan adnran h c and a whch hadud hr Fa rrLar prdcr hruh capan dnad nlaar rdan and an h prvu

    all Th prjc wr p pn plc rd n n crwd pc lln a andr and 3 rr wr ndcd arand jur 5) unnld r unpld wrr wh hadn an n vrnn rl prjc culd hav ccurrdnl n h n h nw anaral vrnnal and unnracc

    Ju a h hav unln 33 drv an unnn unprcdnd nvlvn n h rul h unpld dd ula lxl and nnvav r cnrl

    la vral lcal n h uldn rad ud hr cnrl

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    vr hrng t prvt plr frm tag advantag f thhav unmplmt t r thmlv f wrr wh had lwdwn wth ag Th panr ad ltra un Nw Yrfx quta f th mnmal umr f wrr vr 55 whm

    cntratr wr lgd t hr fr vr a dd th ltra lvlad ad nnat Th ur ad Lathr Wrr,thrugh a prtratd tr th Nw Yr mart 93 8 harpl lt mplr alt t dharg ffnt wrrat th nd f ah a and lgthnd thr frmallrcgnwrharng pr All th accmplhmnt rprtdnvl applat f tratal un cntrl vr hrng.

    lthugh th Stl Wrr Organg mmtt had w awa rt lau frm S Stl, t authrd ah lcal n

    that mpa and lwhr t dal wth th w laff a twhd m f thm ut th wr w ratcall t a lttla hr Othr prmtt larg laff, whl attlg fr uqualf applat f th rt prcpl uall ugrwrr fught fr th frt apprach ad ldr wrr fr thcd a ma lal wr adl plt vr th qutn Thcnflct tmulatd th r f th un ladrhp t rturcntrl t maagmnt han, prvdd t uld lmt clarl frmulatd rt rght n th ctrat But S Stl

    an d thr frm th ndutr fught adamatl t ma mrtratg " prval vr rt n ltg wh wa t pard laff ad thu pt lal tatv vr much alv utl thwar ar wh th War ar Bard trdu th mplxnrt t wh lat utl th rt ct dr

    Wh lal wrtld wth th trrl h vlv nwrr ffrt t trl laff th a m up wth a w vart f awr At th g Wtghu Lal t t ta ut nxampl th un had ctdd vhmntl fr a uualfnrt prpl fr 93 ut th tunng mpat f th nwdmal l t t dmad a gral rdut f hur n rrt har th rmanng wr hrt tm n man partmtdraggd mth aftr mth, hwvr, vr n th lal cam una vr what th u papr calld th trmnduharng f m r, and lcal atvt am rangl t harth far f utl mrca at th tm that umplmt atvr hgh lvl ha m a prmat part f A mra lf tad f th clal affltn t had frmrl

    nqutl harl Nwll whm th lal had lt t

    un agnt, argu that th u hul aan t wrharng plc, t laff trt nrt and upl thatlc wth a mltat attl fr mav xpann f mplmnt th pul ctr Yt Nwll hmlf wa pnl axu vrth dangr hrt that apprah H xpland

    t th tnd f th mpld wrr t dwn thunmpld wrr t rfu gvng thm an hlp an

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    vn t tr t xcd th fr th n d dprvth f t rht t vt Th rprt t rvtdr t t

    Tr nth tht nr d t rr tt f r r cnrvtv r trd r npd rr cc th f t rdc tc On c xpct t fr WthBrd C rn A W rtn t t fr trrr (8

    Ath Lc 60 t dd t hv cntrct th Wth t d rd r cntr vr ff fr thfrn N t hd t dv cpx fr t v t d nd n At 99 t rtd rt t tt pnfr t cpn T frt rpn t c f r t rdctn f hr t dvn ffctd f vr hr f 6 dv fr r thn fr vr-n n th dv th thn r rvc t drppd f t f r, n pp crth thn fv r r t trnfrr t tr rd ff N rdctn 2 hr d d prttv f dv thrtd ch dvpt dntt n trntv th th cpn r pt rt frt t p h d trnfrrd ff r r, t t th d n d ff ccrd t ptdrt 9

    Th rt rrt drv c tttn ct rv nt n th thrh th hch rr cdthrh t thr zn pr t tht v ftrrt hd c nhrnd th c prcp vrnff prdct ndtr tht prcp cd t ctd t fcnt dfct n rdr t vd przdv t t dr d r rr nrt d c-trct th d t r pc rr tr t t qdr t ctf tr dvc

    Th dr c pc vdt dr t xt hrpdtrn f th cn tht f 9 9-50 B tt t df rt fr pt dvn dprtt th tt d th " r htvr hd c tndrd prctc t c ndtr O n th thr d r r f Bcrr d frt tnd th ndtr dr WrdWr trct ppctn f nrt thrfr thrtd t pt th f Bc rr nd hrp pt pd Bct t r rd t th prtct t ttn Bc rzt chd prf c-p fr tt d fdr frpntprctc c-n nd t Ct Prt rd tt rt td t ffct p th Nr pp prd f r dc

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    emploment cts n the tests of the emploes . " (20Alone mong the pedomntl whte ogntos whch hd

    n nflence the os t the tme, the C. p clled fo etlzto of olde methods of combttg loffs s pt of

    mnfceted stggle to sece the t of whte d Blcwoes Althogh the poltcl condtons of the peod gteedthe defet of ts pogm t dd cot seel des whch ee mch woth of eew t tme le the pesnt whe loffs theten the poston of women woes d Blcs le.

    Fst, whee o contolled hg to degee the C pclled pon t to me delbete effot to plce Blcs o obs tht cme ope, egdless of the seot mch s theNew Yo bldng tdes hd done on behlf of olde woes d

    ng the thtes ocl 65 d the ted Offce d Pofessonl Woes ths ws ctll done, d both os delt wthoccptons wth hgh toe. hos e ons estblshed the letht t lest oe ot of ee fo woes plced o obs hd tobe Blc m eos s hop meetgs wee held to thsh ot dwhee necess defed, ths pol c Becs e Blc offce woeswee the e few, the O P. W A ecoged Blcs who weenot membes to se ts hng hlls

    Second, the pom clled fo bttles o the ob to ope moe

    slled obs to Blc woes nd to sece the postos theeb plntwde the th deptmetl seot les hd,t clled fo wo shng thogh shote wees nd othe tmehonoed pctces ode to hold ewe membes o the obFl t docted the tomtc wdg of two to fe essenot to ll Blcs, to compenste fo the m decdes whch the hd been bed fom emplomet the dstesltogethe Al l these effots wee to be plced the cotext of genel cmpg fo goenment meses to estoe fll emploment, st s Geoge Me wold docte tod; bt shpcont st to Me, the Comm st s ledes of tht tm e wed

    he genel stggle fo obs fo woes s wholeshold ot be pemtted to sbmege the specl stgglefo obs tht mst be codcted elton to the egowoes. he cheemet of the 3ho wee wll oted dscmton Shg wo loe wll ot sole thespecl poblem of the ego woes (2 1

    Fo the most pt the Commnsts pogm ws howled dow

    n the nons s m Cow n eese " spesenot, " n dbolcl effot to pt ce gnst ce he nolblt ofsenot becme the bsc gment sed gst the pogm bno ledes nndfle whte woes, d emploes lehe getest degee of sccess w s scoed bttles oe pgdng d oe the se of obdsptchg powes to combt the declne of Blc membeshp thogh loffs.

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    t wu h t app an tr thnqu frwrtn wth unmpmnt mhana t prmBut t wu vn mr fh t trat h nrt prnpan thr tah tvrann arranmnt nu-pra a t th mrn nw manatv t ftru th nw t mr th ar rtan ntanrna atur th r mth

    Th tratn f wr harn r xamp ha ar rrm wrr nun ta n rutn f hur w4 nw qu rah t pnt whr th tahm pa f thwrr than th wu t n unmpmnt mpna-tn Mrvr th ur nurm rv wrr t n hur vrtm an mnhtn n rr t m t hr On th thr han whnvr n f a aff appar a w-pra avrn aant vrtm qu m atr vn wrr wh hav n n an vrtm n fr ar thn mprrup prur aant th aptan f vrtm whhp mat ar ut wr Whn th u th tru tunn m tn , m f th wrr nvra atat th ft ntamntun aptam wa havn n thr wn vIt pr n tuatn f th tp tht th wrr natvan rr hm n th r nrt frmu a w a ranatna wth tat w attu t thr wnpuar rumtan

    Whatvr hann frm a vutn ma mpar ru- vr unmpmnt hwvr th mt nfnt mmntf wrna unt hav urr whn wrr hv fuhtmutanu fr ntr af an fr rantn f thunmp On th twfrnt at an fftv mt thmpr at t v th wrr nt prv an unr-prv mnt vn urn uh tru ptnt fr v n rmn prnt m w rr wrt th P O P PR an th N W urn 1 938 an 939 run tha wmn hu v up thr n avr f mn wth fam anChar Nw tt t th ntmpt an fr n whh mmp unn m mr h th unp u t n nth ntxt f th att n th frnt whhr t rnt unn mm unta rup r m tv frm ntt ram that wrr an prvnt thr wn hrh fr-mua nrt rm n u aant thm wth vtatnt Cnvr n uh a tru n fv man anra rutn f wrn tm an an n t th ntamntmana whh ha ma u wn av n th prutn f un

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    1 Massachusets Bureau of Statistics of Lar REPORT 879) 04-1052. Sumner H Slichter UNION POCIES AND INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT

    (Washinon DC, 19 4 ) 10 0- 101 ; Magnus Alexander "Waste in Hiring Discharging Men IRON AGE 94 ct 9 914) 03-1033 Scial Task Force e cretary of Health Education and Welfare WORK IN ARICA Cambige Mass 1973) 3840

    Harry A Millis HOW COLLECTIVE BARGAINING WORS New Yor92 7334 765766 58 617620

    An excellent survey of ion rules related layoffs may found Slich 98163


    New York Bureau of Statistics of Laor REPORT 1886) 54 58; Millis2 351357

    e the tles on contract laff provisions in Slichter 05 108 Carlos C Closson Jr The Unemployed in American Cities QUAR

    ERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 8 Jan 894) 16817 57258

    9 Philip S Foner HISTORY OF THE LABOR MOVEENT IN THE UNITEDSTATES, vol IV New York 1965), 435-4610 UE NEWS Fe 25 Je 3 June 10 July Aug 5 19391 IBID ay 0 939 PEOPLE 'S PRE National Edition) Jan 9 93812 IBID Fe 5 June 6 19393 IBID July 9 1939 ; Farrell s TEAMSTER POWER New Yor

    93) 89; Millis 58 See also Philip S Foner THE FUR AND LEATHERWORKERS UNION Newark 1950) 51513

    14 Joint Resoluion of June 30 939 76th Cong st sess US STATUTESAT LARGE vol 53 part 98-936

    15 UE NEWS Ocoer 8 1939

    16 Slichter 55n; illis 13 Foner FUR AND LEATHER 55317 Millis 554-5618 UE NEWS Apri 9 193919 IBID Aug 6 939; Millis 76720 Hal Si The Struggle for Jos and for Negro Rights e Trade Un

    ions POTICAL AFFAIRS 9 Fe 1950) 33 -48 The quotation is on p 37e also John Williamson Defend and Etend the Rights of Negro Workers ID 2 8 Je 949) 8 37

    2 Simn 4

    DA VID MONOMEY teaches histo at the University of ttsburgh. He cuently wting a book dealing th the changingnature of industrl workpces and workers ' control s tggsbetween the 1860s and the 1920s. RONALD SCHA studies htoryat the University of Pittsburgh and working on a s tudy of the ways' whh unnatn affected ectal workers at the shop or athe community ve in the 190s and 40s.

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  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    oom, Broom and Womb:Produce, Maintane and


    Women '8 Work Study Group


    ome s wok a e eelome of Ameca caalsm cae exame ee socal ases e ecaals aseo o 8 2 e ase of comee caalsm bewee 8 2 a 89 a e moool caals ase fom 89 o e esen In s seco eac eo s efl escbe ems of e

    oganzao of ouco a e mlcaos of e ogazo of ouco fo e es of wome


    e e-caals eo o Ameca s omae agculual ouco n e oe coloes b smascale faml famg a e souen coloes b agescale a

    Ne hs pape s eepe m a nge wk appeang n V I N 1 Fns whh ams eamne maj aspes wmens es une aaneapasm he nge wk nues sens n mehgy hsy egy an

    nsusness an saegy

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    a prduc I maca acuu fam udwa u f pruc. I wa a ruc mpcmm f m cump ad a x f

    wc ddd up acc mar u ca caaczda ra fuffc. W wa a xua dv far w m pdma arcuu ad wm dmc maufacur, fx xd. Wm ca f va ard a da a a av w m aumd rp fr maufacu f avr fam W a u a puc a arcar m f p f xca uad uua v cm mar crafp, w wf cu uc ac

    mma cm fam T wf w f, wvr xpa cud duc fam prducd O r ad a wf w f a-um p f m ar crafpr T w r waa ra dv f a xua ac wa pca, c wa rafd accd wa Wm wwd ad uua wdw f wa m c a d arcpa pru ccupa, xrc wr cmmad v.

    I cra maca fam fam wa aa uad av a L m fam fam av wm rprduc a maa ar w fr paacm. Sav wm v a a a xadf acuura uc paa Sav wm xpd a ar f a w ma av Ada fma av a r cv caac xad x a wm w ud puc a af av a wc cud w r a w aa

    wr T xpa f ucv a cvpw f av wm u faur f aa m fu xa f a wma wa a a wr w vm fcapam a a prd


    r wm m mra ca c cc w

    a a capa aza f puc a aa f m a wrpac. ma a ara ad a rad ccurd f av m cx f paa . prcaa a c wa car r m ad ur m W av f fac mufacr duc f cmm a f ud m O f m mra ac f rw f maufacur ca f a ca f p r a pw

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    In Noth Amea, the fst gop of peope to se the abopowe fo sa poto was sge wome Po to tetemafate, a sgfat way whh sge wome obteto the wefae of he fames was by spg thea a weagthe thea to oth As mafate oth beame heape aatoy jobs beame aaabe yog sge wome too wo osde the home. hese wome osttte a heap, aaabe sppy laboes wog fo a th to a ate of the wages of me.

    Fom the 80s owa, age waes of Eopea mmgatsame to the S. to f the ee fo moe heap abo A f tmgat wome woe the homes tag boaes awashg Sometme they woe otse the home as omets.

    Gaay these wome bega to tae p jobs fatoes ame the base of wome wog fo wages Athogh they weean mpotant pat of the eeopmet of mtat abo stggeswome wee oy ao 7 of the wa geabo fo e 89

    It s g ths peo that a eoogy to sgse the eaty ofwomens posto the pote system eeope t thsby efg the hoseho a epote wo pefome bywome the famy as eoomay mpotat. Ahogh thselete the fat that mpotat pote ftos o oge

    too pae the famy ee neessay epoto of the abofoe whh too pae thee was o oge ae. Atoaythe ole of wome was beg efe as popey mte to theamy athogh wome wee s eg as a soe of hea p abo the apa st s. h s s the og of a oby oppess e eo ogy o poetaa wome. tay, t obse the oe womeplay n epog a matag the abo foe. e tme talso ame to obse the oe as wage aboes.

    Whe weath was beomg moe oetate a gowg ap

    talst ass eoogy a pate eeope whh obse assdfeees. eoogy stesse the eaty of a whte me heote was etee to me egaes of the weath at the sametme that state afte sate passe aws pohbtg wome egaless of he weath fom otg. y 8 7 wom e o o ogeote ay state. Wogass me wee eoage to ee thatthey ha moe ommo wth bogeos me tha they wththe wome of the ow as.


    Moopoy aptasm ffes the og o ts eeopmet fomompett e apta s m. May moe es os abot the potoand sae of ommotes ae e the monoposts onto eg.onto of p es type a aty of pots, et. I ato poft ates ae hghe th moopo es. hese two fats eateone of the otatos of moopoy apta sm the nee to

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    maintain hih pofits b sein moe podts at a hihe piewhie simtaneos ttin podtion osts b eepin waesow and theeb taiin the woes' apait to onsme what

    s poded.Monopoists hae attempted to sspend ths ontadtion in two

    was whih hae had the effet of pshin moe women nto thewo foe Fist monopoists hae eoanized thei opoations deeopin he new depatments to pomote and faiitatethe sae of thei podts. This has meant a apid owth in ea saes tanspotation, and omm niations os The se obseed edated woes who wod wo fo ow waes Womenwee a idea soe fo this tpe of abo

    Seond is the adetisin thst desined to bid expetationsand the des ie fo moe mateia oods At the same ti me , thesoa neess a epodtion osts of woes ose fas te thanwaes . Ths meant that fami ies needed an addtiona wae ean eMan of the oods whih opoations poded wee home appianes , abo sain deies fo the home Athoh the time eied o ae fo a hose was not deeased b these appanesbease standads fo hosewo wee isin hosewies weemade to fee that thei hoes od now be done in thei spae

    time on weeend and in the eenins Conseent women weefeed to beome the seond fami wae eane

    abofoe patiipatioate fies e an ndiation of thempotane of these deeopments in tansfomin maed women, in patia into wae aboes. In [89 o 5 of ama ied women woed o waes 97 .8 of a ma iedwomen wee empoed In spite of these hanes in womens patiipation in the abo foe, women ontined to be ideooiadefined in tem s of o oes as mothes and hosewies Thisdeoo heps apita to onto the apid owin femae waeabo foe, b sowin the deeopment of womens onsosnessof osee as woes.


    Desibn the ontadito nate of the demands whih theapita ist sstem paes on the hosehod ees an exam inationof thee haate ist is of domesti abo i st, the abo pe

    fomed within the fami is essentia fo maintainin the aboesapait to wo. Seond the soia eations in the hosehodae dffeent fom thos e in a apitaist wopae Thid tondestand the spefi wo done in the home, we mst see thatit is eated to the aptaist seto


    In Ameia toda thee s a tenden to demean the wo women

    do in the home Women fee this a of stats and espond in aos was ne woman wote to Abiai Va n en

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    n alanc ndnc c dan uwand undvalu cnun ppl wla and pducn capal

    n capal c w a pad a wa uc n

    cv c anann and pducn la pw.T wa u cnvd n d cln and l u valu wc allw w n lvn and wnuld w nal acv wc anla wan uul d. W can an dc wa anlan wa n uul d an va dc laF xapl a w can a auan and u a ppadal nad un aw a val and an una cn and ppan d uw vul n

    nl wa pduc and anan la c und capal- u da uc pducn and annanc w n ac dn n uld wn

    uld la d wa la n lwn wa 1 In uw n n xc au and cnl v

    wan dun w pc T wan l dcdwc a u dn n an vn da and wn andad pd and un wv ujc d-and ppl uc a cldn and uand

    Bu lan n uw cnl v wpc a a v dn nau acd a wala T wa la cnac w capal pnda can nu u p da a w plac n xcan a wa call capal a an and cnl v w pc u and w .B cna uw a n n ujcd c

    (2 uwv a n paad an pduc-n xn wc wa la a In a paacalal lal wnp ca and d aln uand Bu w a nd n cnc cnl wc w an acc an pducn. uwvd av cnl nc can u a v ppaal lv and al. T a n u wa la In capal p pducn undannl capal n can a a p I n cann a a p wll n u acn n wl allw ann l u vn u ppl a wlln w and vn u pl nd d wc acncan lp pduc

    T uw w n d nd and al a appa a w xcan u-ld la a a f uand wa u alnc w andad lvn d n dpnd n w ad w Wn ad a uw d n n a aa wa uw. Ra andad lvn

    dpnd upn uand nc and au ccu-pan.

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    n he capais sphere ahough whaever s roduced us isoe huan need if he capias expecs o be abe o se i,he purpose o producing is no o f huan needs bu raher oake pro For exape, capias cae ranchers periodicaydesroy housands of caes This happens despie record nuberso peope saring, because hose ranchers canno ake a profin raising he anias Capiais is increasingy conroinghousehod abor by infuencing consupon paerns seing sandards or housework hrough highpressure adversing, and psychoogizing abou chid care


    In order o isoae conradicions sources o change we usnow exaine he inerreaionship o he househod and capiaisspheres We hae aready desc ribed how he deeopen of hecapas secor resus in a arger and arger proporion of woen who do boh hosework and wage abor n anayzing urhernerrea ionshps , we found i hepf o hink abou he ways inwhch he inernaiona capiais syse reaes o precapiaiseconoies in coonized counries

    The precapiais coonized econoies are coparabe o hehousehod econoy in soe iporan respecs ( ) n he radi ona secors o coonized econoies conro oer he work process is no in h e hands of h e capiaiss (2 Peope conro heirown eans of producion 3 Producon n he radiiona secorss orened ainy oward he creaion of use aues no exchangevaues

    The subordinaion an nerdependence of precapiais coonzed econoies on perais is parae o he subordinaion andnerdependence o he househod on he capias syse in hiscounry The househod econoy howeer aso differs n anyways ro boh radiiona precapiais and coonized econoiesI conras o any coonized econoes he househod is copeey dependen for is reproducion upon he wage which coesro he capais s ecor The copariso n shows he naure ocapas as a donan force, creaing dependen reaonshpseween isef and oher spheres o producion

    Where tradiiona precapiais econoies have soe conacwh he capiais sphere as in a coonia suaon uch o hereproducion o abor power for he capiais secor akes paceIn addiion, he radiona secor acs as a bufer absorbing andcarng or hose whose abor s eporary or peraneny reeced by he capais sphere These peope are sick aid o oroo od o work for wages Ths aso incudes peope who are workng n radiona subssence ob Meanwhe subsisence workersare orced ino he wageabor force as hey need cash o pay or

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    taxes ad to cosme goodsGops withi the pecapitaist ecoomy may fo some time

    maitai a idepedet cose of sbsistece o exampe ta

    ditioa agcte aows the peope to cotie g despite theowethasbsistece wages paid by capitasts t this idepedet soce of sbsistece is gaday eoded as both ad adecessay abo ae appopiated by the capitasts

    aptaism coeety coties to highgt taditoa ideooges ad dffeeces betwee gops of peope (diffeeces ofcte o ace to dide the gowig poetaiat aog fase ie swhich obsce the cass bais of mpeiasm his eads aostadtioa gops to come ito cofict i the competito fo

    jobs ad to igoe the commoa ty of the pght of sbseieceto captasm I sm capitas m i it s eatio with the coozedpecapitast wod gaday becomes the domiat mode ofpodctio ad foces coozed peopes to ecoomc ctaad deoogica depedece o it

    Udestadig the iteeatoships betwee impeiaism adcooi ed societi es bg s to focs the eatioshp betwee thehosehod ad capitaist spees de adaced captaism t sa ecessity fo captais m to ceate depedecy ad eode pe

    capitaist sectos of podctiohe hosehod sphee epodces day ad geeatioay theabo eeded by the capitast system Hosehod abo tasateswages to eeded goos ad s eices fo the woes fami e shs pad hosehod abo stetches the wage paid to woesths aowig capitaists to pay owe wages tha wod be eqied fo the epodctio ad mateace of the woe adhis/he famy f hosewo wee tae oe by captasm

    he hosehod pays a mpotat stoage oe fo th e capitais t

    sphee t absobs ad matais those empoyed membes ofsociety the ch de the aged the sic ad the tempoaiy empoyed his eiees the captaists of the esposbity fothei cae esee abo powe especay womes abo powe,is stoed the hosehod ad may be daw po whe eeded bythe capitast system hs happes, fo exampe, dig wa tme,whe may mae woes ae dafted o dig Chistmas sho seasoa food poce ssi g whe addtoa bt tempoa y abo pow is eqied he hosehod s expected to eabs ob

    these womes time ad eegy whe they ae ot eeded thewageabo foceMost of the cosmptio of capitast goods taes pace i the

    hosehod it oday the hosehod podces fewe ad fewe ofits ecessites, tig istead to the pocessed foods cothesad abosaig deices podced by capitaism Adetisig isai med at ceatig a ee expadig aiety of pesoa adhosehod eeds Al adt membes of may famiies mst secewagepayig jobs to poide the hosehod with the moey to by

    sociay ecessa goods

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    We a ow i soae some of he oaios hee heeaioship bewee he wo sphees of pouio hese oadios hep us ieify sess pois of he ps sphee aae he pois aou whih we a ogaize a eeop sees fo ou sugge gas apism a sesm

    I apais ideoogy, he househo is poaye s womaspae, a s he oio fo oes bi ss, sepaae fom hed of he ousie wo, he pis sphee I fa he househo of oay oes o a o eis as a sepae eiy Nooy s he wage eie fom he sae of abo powe essea fohe aieae ad epouio of he famiy bu i u househod osumpio a epouio see ia ees of psmCapasm maipuaes he househo by shug ius puay wome, ba a foh bewee he wo sphees houghadei sg paes of osumpio ae eemie by he pofeeds of apiais pouio he oio of he sepe househod oy disguises he ee of he househos epeee o apeeao by piasm

    The moe he househo osumes of he poesse foo goos,a abosig ees maufaue by he pis spheehe hihe ae he oss of fmy meae epouioWome ae foe io he wageabo seo i a aemp oaai hei fmiys sa of iig As a esu, he househod is beomig a ess effeie soage u fo empoaiy used abo si e wome ae beomg peme membes of hewaeabo foe

    Ahogh wome oo fo obs i oe o hep maii hehoseho whe hey paiipae i wge abo hey beome moe

    depee by hag oo of a wge Moe a moe womeae haegig hei husbas aioa auhoiy oo he househo As esig umbes of wome ae papag wage abo oay he adio powe eaios wh hhouseho ui show eeies o be ow

    O he job, me a femae wge aboes epeiee he omo oppessio of beig empoyees ahe ha empoyes wgeeaes ahe h owes of hei meas of pouio he sups aue hey eae is appopiae by he apiaiss wha hey

    poe is eem ie by he pofi ee of he pis moe ofpodio ahe ha by e ees of peope e apism usedeoogies deie fom aiioa famiy eioshps o ewoes aog se ies Wome eeie owe waes h o mea ae oeae i seie a ei jobs

    Whie apiaism eoes he fmiy wh s demas fo cea osumpio whih foe wome o wo fo wges, aso maipuaes he oep of famiy ad fam ii a ies o sow adaae Fo eampe, aeisig is use o eifoe he

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    dmestic nit hen capitalists need wmen t etn t theihmes t make m men in the lab ce Ths maniplatincced at the end Wld Wa I and tday we ind the mediastessing the ideal the taditinal amily in a peid hgh n



    Wmen hae seed as a esee amy lab in the past be-ca se they cld be etned t the hme when nt needed by thecapitalis ts. t the sam e t ime the gwth i n the si ze pat ins w ith it s attendant need me cleical wkes has bghtmany wmen int the wagelab ce n a pemanent basis This

    geate paticipatin wmen in the wagelab ce n a pe-manent basi ndemines the willingness wmen t see as aesee amy tempay lab

    This cntadictin highlights tw speciic teetical pblemsthat need t be discssed de t thei eleance t wmen's wk wages Fist is an analysis pdctie and npdctie la-b and thei elatinship t wme n s wag wk. Secnd is theelatinship between the esee amy lab and wmen in thecapitalist system

    Maxists geneally cnside pdctie" wk t be wage wkwhich inles the d iect pdctin gds whs e sal e bi ngspits t the capitalist Unpdctie" wk is deined as a nec-essay pat the eall pdctin pcess which assists in theciclatin sale gds bt des nt add diectly t the pitmad e n a pdct ccding t this deintin mst wm en swage wk in cleical sale s an d seice bs wld be cnsdeednpdctie The imptant litcal int which many pepleda w m this d stinct in is that nly pdctie wkes hae

    eltinay ptential since they ae the nes diectly inledin pdcing the gds which bing in pits

    We eect bth the labeling cleical sales and seice bsas npdctie and the cnclsin that wkes in thse ccpatins ae nt wth ganiing

    Fist it is cetainly pssible t think a task which is pelynpdctie in Max's sense the wd. Checking t gce-ies in a d ste wld be ne sch b It meel accmplishesthe tanse wneship f gds m the capitalists t the cn

    smes Hwee thee ae e wkes whse only task is check-ing t gceies Mst cashies als estck the sheles andtanspt gceies and these tasks ae pdctie becase theyae pat the ealizatin pcess capitalist pdctin Wewld age that mst cleical sales and seice wkes i n actd bth pdctie and npdctie tasks en i eltina y ptential a nctin th e pdctie/npdctie di s-tinctin then we wld age that cleical sales and seice

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    wokes do some podtie tasks and theefoe hae eoltiona potential.

    owee we wold like to make a stonge agment and sathat eoliona potential s not elated to the podtie/npo

    dte distintion Max emphasized the integated and ineasngly soial haate o f th e labo poess as on e of the ndelng selfdestt e feate of apitalist podtion It is theolletie nate of apitalist podtion whih eates the potential fo eoltiona ation and onsiosness among wokest the time Max was wi ting podte labo had the mos thghl deeloped soial haate Bt monopol apitalism hasoght an neasingl soial haate to leial sales andee jobs too Piate seetaie ae beoming ineasingl

    ae lage and lage popotion of leil wok is done intpng pools With the ineasing soal nate of ths wok omesthe potential fo lass onsiosness

    s woens emploment beomes moe and moe pemanentt beomes moe appopate to onside the wok n elaton towhat is known as the floating seto of the esee am of laboTh s seto is made p of wokes attated and epelled b aptalsm pshed ot of jos b tenial adane o eoganization

    somewhee and made aailable fo epansion and new jobs somewhee else Bease of the fltating and nstable nate of jobsn leial and seie wok this labo is feqentl pefomed the floating esee am Sine the 94 s howee leialwok has been stabilzing Womens pemanent emploment ha

    teadil isen ; ob tnoe althogh high, i s sall within thesame seto and at the same skill leel

    It is often asseted that women ae takng awa mens jobs It iste that sin e the 9 s the peentage gowth ate of employed

    opeaties (lagel male has fallen while the peentage gowthate of emploed women ntl the ent eonomi is s ose makedl Thee s not howee an immediate link betweenthese two tends To begin with the atal nmbe of men emploed dd not dop In addition opeaties not finding jobs o beng foed ot of old ones wee males, while wokes finding jobsn the leial seto wee feales Cleal thee s not a onetoone oespondene between those losng jobs in opeate wokand the gowth of new jobs in the leial seto ne possible

    hpothes s s that apitalis m i s onting on mai age o thehosehold as a bonding mehansm within the floating seto of theesee labo am In this wa, wokes foed ot of one setoan be sppoted thogh maage b othe wokes dawn ntoanothe seto t is indeed the ase that the peentage of the female labo foe whih is maie has isen makedl sineWold Wa II

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    Wome hae ee a a oe of oage abo fom the begi ig of apitai t potio the Uite States Dig theeay itiaizatio peio of the 8 0 ome aote fofom to 9% of the fatoy abo foe i Ne ga heiages ee oefoth to oehaf the ee of me moem e ee foe to o fo ages o oge abe to ppotthemee a fame a aftme o beae they ee eya ie fom ope ome popotioate otibtio to theageabo foe fe Bt by 9 ome ti aote fo abot% of the ageabo foe Mot of the ome ho oe foage i 9 ee ba o im migat o aghte of imm i-gat a ige a yog

    e of the eaet iiatio of the e of ome fo eaoao iega abo ee a ig Wo Wa II I epoe tothe ee of a potio a the abee fom the o foeof mio of me i the miitay Roie the Riete geome to ete the o foe a thei pat ioti ty. he peetage of ome oe 16 ho ee empoye mpe fm 89%i 94 to 38 % i 945 By 94 hoee, thi fige ha faeba to 39% Copoatio gae tog ieoogia a ateiappot to ome joiig the o foe ig the a, fo exampe, thogh the etabihmet of opoatiopooe ay-ae ete. Copoatio ee eqay aef hoee to maeoe of thee beefit pemaet fte the a, goemet aity oopeate i a ampaig to pt ome ba i the homea to t th e home ito a it of omptio fo the petp e-ma potie potetia of the U S eoomy With the beqetayoff of miio of ome, the meia paye p famiy togethee he etig "femiie mytiqe attempte to oieome hat thei pae a i the home, a that hoeho g-ey a aiig hie ee the oe oe of ome ffimet i ife

    I aitio to the exeptioa e of ome a age aboethat eeope ig the a ome otie o a yeay baito patiipate i h eaoa o a peChitma ae afoo poeig Wome otitte a iea eee amy, iethey otie to pefom ita eoomi ftio thei homehe they ae ot i the ageabo foe Thi eeeamy a pet of ome patiipatio i ao eiet i the fat that oy4% of ome oe ety o ftime yeao.


    he othe ie of the pite i the ogtem te of ome'ieaig abofoe patiipatio atiay ie the t of

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    the entry a groing perentage o peope or or ages As arest the oring ass has gron reatie to the apitaist ass.n 9 or eampe, 75 o a peope in the abor ore oreor age . y 97 that igre ha mpe to approi matey 9

    Seony ith the eeption o the rapi ris e an e ine oomens partiipation in the abor ore ring or ar Ithere has been a steay groth o omens empoyment throghthe entieth C entry. hie a ron 9 o a omen oreby 9 that igre ha im be to 27 9 (o omen oer the age o6 or ing or ages y 97 2 o omen ore o r age . most 5 o omen beteen the age o 6 an 5 or orage at the present time.

    At th e t rn o th e entry m ost o the om en ho entere the

    labor ore ere yong an nmarrie Most ere ba mmigrant or aghters o immigrants Dring the Seon or arthe b o omen ho entere the abor ore ere marrie anha shooage hiren Most ere i their s Sine or ar there has been an inreasing teneny or omen ith preshoo an shooage hiren to partiipate in the abor orehis groing teneny to partiipate rin a stage o the ieye highights the groing perma neny o omen s ro e n thewaeabor ore.

    Finay, the rapi groth o the eria sae, an serie setors o the eonom y aonts or mh o the inrease o omen slaborore partiipation . eteen 90 an 97 the i nge ategory o or ith the highest groth rate as eria or hhgre rom 9.6 o a jobs in 9 to 6.6 in 97 he argstnmber o omen orers is in the eria setor hih by 97empoye oer onethir o a oring omen

    WAGE A S D A

    Ater or ar it as ea sy or Am erian orporations toearn high proits Am erian orers ha bit p arge saingsdring the ar years . Many orers ha ore shits psoertime yet bease atories ere proing mitary sppiesan oo as ratione their ages o not a be spent. henapitaists began onerting their atories to the protion oonsmer goos ater the ar they on a arge an reay maret or their prots. In ation to this omet i ema n U

    orporations on goo marets in Erope Sine Eropean atories ha been estroye in the ar Amerian apitaists ose their prots an their tehnoogy there at pries e aboeprotion osts. Finay Amerian apitaists o rther boostproits by inesting irety in Erope sine Eropean orerswages ere o.

    What i this mean or omen s ies ? pportnities or shhigh proits meant that apitaists on it orthhie to hire many

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    wokes The nempoyment ate e fom a postwa hgh o 55%n 1 99 to 2 5% n 953 Ths nceasng eman o wokes teneo psh p wages In an efot to keep own wages captasts encoage the patcpaton o women n the abo foce tonay the act that capta was beng concentate n the postwapeo meant that snge ms wee gowng age an moe bacatc mpyng a gowth o obs n the ceca secto a secto whch empoye many women

    The cumate effect o these oces pshng women ot o thehome an png them nto the wageabo oce was a sbstantas e n the abo oce patcpaton ae o women The fema eate ose fom ts postwa smp o 38% n 9 to 35 5% n95 The ncease patcpaton was een moe amatc foma e wom en ng wth the hsbans n 9 2 % of ma e women hsban pesent woke fo wages y 95 the atewas 2 9 6% an ncease of amos 5% n st ten yeas !

    These women, o the mos pat wee empoye n the socaewhtecoa occpatons Whtecoa obs sggest n the omnant eoogy obs whch a e cean e e a a amont of ecaton an gment ae nteestng an ecee ecent wagesThs chaactezaton of whtecoa obs was accate aon thebegnn ng of the Twenteth C enty bt oe the cose of theTwenteth Centy whtecoa obs hae become otnze bo ng an pooy pa Ceca wokes empoye n 9 by a oas an manfactng estabs hments eane $ as an aeage yeay wage Pocton wokes n these nstes eanean aeage o $35 an $58 n manactng an aoas espectey Toay, howee he mean wag e o ceca wok sowe than that o eey type o buecoa wok

    C eca wok was moe ke a cat aon the tn o the centy The occpaton ee mastey of bookkeepng tmekeep ng payo aty conto commeca taeng aftng, copyng pcates by han a pepang acconts atonazaton ooce otnes has ece the scope fo woke conto oe thewok pocess ece the nmbe o acttes n whch an na woke s engage a n n shot ma e t tay entcawth factoy abo

    Ths athogh t he obs n whch women wee empoye afteWo Wa wee consee nce, peasant mecass occpatons, they ae n act poeaan an ae becomng moe poeaanze eey a

    ATE 95 T 9

    y the ate 95 s t was becom ng moe ffct o captaststo ean hgh ates o poft he postwa omestc eman habeen spent an Eope was catchng p technoogcay an nmanagement technues, makng Eopean goos moe comett

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    tie with Ameria goos. Ameria apitaist o o ogerharge sh hig pries (reatie to protio ost as they hai te eary 9 s . aitio iret iestmet i rope waso oger as profitabe as it ha oe bee bea se a ss strggeby ropea worers wo them igher wages . What i this moreiffit proftm aig imate ea for or ies ? Agai a major impiatio was more wor for wome

    a effort t maitai their omesti saes i the fae of ereasi g em a for their prots orporatios i the ate 950 sa eary 960 s bega psig easy reit terms for prhas igtheir prots Sie may famii es ha grow se to regar ireases i iome , a aso beas e reit terms were mae toappear mh more faorabe ta they i fat were may famiiesgot ito ebt . t ree profitma i g opportitie s for orporatios mae oitios for te ass st rgge i Am eria es sfaorabe . I the eary to mi 96 s the rate of irease of wagesbega to sow Famii es i ot reeie the iome ire ases whihtey ha grow to epet , yet ebts st i ha to be pai off. hissitatio fore may wies to see empoymet otsie the oe.e aborfore partiipatio rate of wome i rease I 970.6% of a wome a 8% of marrie wome iig with theirhsbas partiipate i te abor fore.

    Drig the mi to ate 960 s wome s osiosess of or oppress io as wome bega to rise. his eeopmet was e i partto the fat tat so may wome were bot regar partiipats ithe wageabor fore a yet sti resposibe for a of the hosewor. et the i eoogy otie to efi e s soey i terms ofor roe i or famiies. he womes iberatio moemet whihgrew ot of this irease osiosess of oppressio ha somereotioary aspets. It aege the ieoogy that weat astats a be aiee by ayoe who is wiig to wor for it byshowig ow wome were systematiay ee from powerfa eoyabe jobs. he moemet aso gae wome eperiee iorgaiig a emostrate how oetie atio a improepeos ies

    Howeer the moemet with its preset objeties oes otsere the ees of wome y oetratig its attetio ogaiig aess for wome ito esirabe professioa opatios,it spports the myt that a yoe who is wiig to wor har aejoy the beefits of apitaism . orgeois me borgeois wome

    a those few proetaria wome a me who mae etraoriarysarifies a ejoy goo a reap the rewars t if lproetaria wome a me wore harer, the they wo mereyreeie the same ow wages bt be reire to o more wor. heapitaist orgaiatio of protio oes ot permit a worersto ae goo jobs with goo pay A womes moemet whh oesnot hae ge the apitai st orga izatio o f protio therefore aot brig iberatio to a wome.


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    Dmands or qua pa rtpaton o womn and mn n th wag-aor or w ony man that workngass womn w bdouby opprsd. Jobs n th wagabor or whh ar opn toworkngas womn ar routnzd borng and poory pad. n

    addton workngass womn ar unab to aord th quatydayar srs and houshod hp whh mak t pb orourgo womn to manag both houshod and aboror rsponsbts Workngass won w b bratd ony whnth ntr organzaton o produton s rorganzd. Ths w b-om ar as w xamn th ts o th urrnt onom rss on womns s.

    TH 97 S TH C UR R N T CR S S

    By th 97 s th ab ty o US orporatons to arn prots haddnd n urthr . urop had aught up thnoogay andorgan zatonay and n many ndustrs was ab to outs USorporatons. Wag n th most adand uropan ountrros whn trad unons wr ab to xud Southrn uropangut workrs rom mpoynt n ndustry Thror t bam ss attrat or Amran orporatons to mak rt

    ntmnts n uropRsours and abor wr st hap n th Thrd Wo rd butgrow ng natonas m both n th orm o natona bratonstrugg and n th orm o strongr natona bourgo s m td th oum o drt US. ntmnts. Thrd Word ountrsoudnt b mad to sr as good markts or US. produts thr baus th pop ar so poor

    T poston o U.S apta was urthr waknd baus thhgh prots whh orporatons had bn arnng n th s and

    6 pus th xtnson o rdt whh bgan n th at had produd gnra ornstmnt n pant and qupmnt Noworporatons ha th abty to produ mor goods than thy anpossby s at hgh and protab prs To mantan protabpr thy must os som pa nt and ay o workrs

    Wat dos ths r ss man or wo mn A major t s thatw ar bng ord to mak ost o th sa rs Wth prnrass whh xd wag nra and wth so muh nmpoynt among mn t has bom n mor mprat or

    womn to nd job outsd th hom Yt ust at th tm whn thas bom n mor nssary to work th nsttutons andstruturs whh had mad t posb or womn to ombn domst and houshod sponsbt ar bomng ss support- t s ry dut or womn to nd jobs. Athough ma unmpoymnt rats ar hgh womns rat ar to hghrorts to m pro h dar a t wr waknd as soon ast m ar that th onomy was hadd or a rss. Armataton program and programs to mnat sx drmna

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    tion in empoyment ae stopping Finay the ieoogy that maie women who wo o so ony to by xies o becase theyae boe seems to hae taen on new igo

    Meanwhie wom en a e bei ng foce to wo hae at hom easo Last yea Gea Fo ase Ameicans to hep fght infationy aopting hs moneysaing tactics His sggestions a mantexta wo fo women Fo exampe he ge hosewies to shopaon at many stoes , seaching o the owestcost item Heaso sggeste that women owe the hems on ast yeas essesinstea of bying new ones, spen moe time pepaing measwhich ae ntitios an tasty bt whch cost ess an go thoghthe hose tning off ights n empty ooms Most women aeayo these things they a eie a ot of ti me an enegy Moe

    impotanty these sggestons ae an attempt to mae s fee pesonay eponsbe fo the fact that o gocey bs ae singThese sggestions ae an attemp to et womens attention fomthe ea soce of the pobem that the economc system newhich we ie is a system fo he ppose of maing pofts annot a system fo meetng hma nees

    The WOMEN'S WORK STY GRO reresents a range ofdferent ersectives thin the socialist and feminist movements,but shares a common commitment to the methodogy of dcticaland htoal matelm. A members of the grou have articiated in colctive dcussn, research, analys and wtg No oneerson divuay resonsib for a secific ea or wttenort. A lt of the grou 's members folws:

    AMY BCE is a graduate student in anthroogy at StanfordUniversity and a artiant in the West Cot Union of MarxtSocl Scienists; she is cuently doing research o wage bor inPaua New Guinea SUSAN CARTER is a graduate student atStanford University and active in Unn for Radal PolitalEconomics. HELEN CHA CEY teaches art-me at San Jose CityCoge and active in the women's and Marxt-Lenint artybuiing moement. She ao doing work on Communist Partyorganing in re-1949 China LORI HELMBOLD teaches art-time atan Jose State University and active in the women's and antiimelt movements San Jose. SHR Y KEITH is an itinerant

    university teacher. She active in the women 's movement and inThird Wor libetn stggs. RA SCHWARCZ teaches atWesyan University and active in the women 's movement.NANCY STONE one of the founders of the Sojouer th ChiCenter in Pa Alto, Calo She active in the women 'smovement. BARBARA WA TEMAN teaches at the University ofVeont. She active in the women's and health care movementsIn addition, the grou wishes to exress its thanks for the cticismsand feedback om the many ends and comrades who have gone

    over the aer th them.

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    The Death of CLU

    Ann Witho

    Se s e he a f ab U Wme has beee f bewee wm he e ees f he ae beaay a w fm as as f the ef he

    fs sa e f UW (he e eembe has, f a aa ses, ee he sgge hebeaas hae gae s e he gaza athgh e ga he y hey wee fe esy UW as a wey base mas s gaza wth he tae shey hae w, b eeye eseay he mae aebeaay hey s he t mess ws that UW s ws a ae gaza mate by beaas wh a mbze age mbes f ae wme f ee he

    mst aw gasg ba UW's bef hsy, s ff t esa he ese sa As Ae Mae ge a Ssaeeby e hs magaze (Ne 1975, UW was f ats bewee he me gas f ts fgeaesh a he ba aea heet fmg ay atf wgass wme

    I 1 973 a few wm e he ees f he beaay

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    bgan to s th snss o a trdnon basd Ntyp organton or png thm to gan mor rognton and thror mor powr , wthn tr nons d by ga Madar o thA and Add yatt o th Amagamatd Mat Cttrs thswom dd not a an atrnat s on o trad non sm norn road mns goas or hangng t sats o a womnworrs wthn th trad nons hy smpy wantd mr statsor tmss and or otr potnta womn rarats hysaw a stragy o nng tmss to th nrasngy aptdwomns momnt as a mans to ts nd

    ary tratr proamng th da o C spo orognton not powr It mphaszd th dsrgardd aom

    pshmnts o xstng womn adrs, not t potnta o ranand or norgand womn h brarats trd to bd anorganzton w wod honor thm, wh wod gtmat tmas spspop or womn tradnon sts and whh wod n ras tr statr n t ys o Gorg Many Fran Ftzsmmons t

    t n o rdr to bd s an or ganzaton th adrshp hadto opn t to t ran and and thror to th t From tarst prm nary mtngs th t manng a odgpodg

    o Marxst nn st and ndpndnt t womn ratd a prsn t womn otn mad a strong appa to th m dd ors o sod ranand worngass womn wo both spontanosy and trogh t rgng o t adrshp am to th rstmtngs ogthr t t and th ran and onsd thadrshp wth a broady basd m tany am d as otn aganstmorbnd non adrshp as aganst t bosss Drng arystag th brarats attmptd to harnss ths atst sprt,

    and ony atr dd ty try to ompty s pprss t Indd t ood n th bgnnng oaton mght try bpossb y th ondng onnton n Marh 94 th rhtoro th mor modrat brarats had gottn brar h nxptdy arg trnot o mor than 3,0 womn ga a sprt os strhood to th onnton and aowd, n th onson o soma ny nnown pop many t womn to ga mmbrsp onth Natona Coordnatng Commtt (NCC th Strng Commtt, and n on natona o ns wr ary drawn prm

    ary arond th ratonshp o C to norganzd womn andto oa nons and a rond t ro o o a haptrs Howr,thr was aso a wdy shard sns that C was an dawhos tm had o Many pop am away rom th onnton wth an ndrstandng that athogh th t and th brarats wod ary rman n ont, th organzaton was snog to both so that nthr wod prptat sda strgg

    It was not to b so Dspt th og spportng oxstnns qy hardnd h adrshp sggshy ntatd ompatd rtaton prodrs wh ord nw haptrs nto

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    n cnun nnuach du n dr anchar . Cha cvd ll cuncan r upp rmh nanal c xcp whn h dd n la h uls whn h ad qun hp rqun whn hccd lcal unn whn h d addr ladd k nr r dpran . Thn h racn wa harh anddcaal Charr w dnd cndnn l wr ald all v and Rdan plac. Ola Maa h Prdn wa parculal vcal. h vn wn lanaand vwd a h wn chap cau h lcal n wanl nluncd h Oc Lau.

    Th L and h ran and l wr unprpard uch an nv . h lcal lvl cplcad uraucac prcdurruad h and ld pl an L v h prprwa h Th arud v whhr wa cpl rlucanl and h nanall and n pncpl n anchapr such a Wahnn C r h ancnpaana h uraucra and hr r pack cd an dra mv uh nv huh wa aadcal u h p an m l n h a wll "n wan ad

    Th cn pn an h dra an and lh n lcal chapr and n NCC wa drp awa rm hncranl and nn hn p av h uraca ncludn hanrs pan h FT mmsu h rhp dd n w rapdl Lcal chapr rand all and NCC andanc dwndld Th L und vru-n aack, culd n un Th Oc Lau alhuh vrl haad Mada wuld n w wh h Inrnanalcal wh hr MaxsLnn rup Th calWrr Pa and h Cun Pa supd h ladrhpand dd n cnd n h Rdan ndpndn w unal un an hlv nlunc hr lcaan

    B h all 195, CLUW wa n a Chapr rhpwa dwn. NCC n culd n lnr cand quu Nal vr chap xpncd dcul wh NCC rul and rsrcns. Man ndpndn L and rsv ranandlr had pulld u Whl h c pn nwh h sdn h FLCIO h Ta and hrar unn h acv r wh and prd r aladch caan aund a r annful cnunal cnvnn and a cnun whch wuld prvd a ls uracracr pn ucur

    Th cmr Cnunal Cnvnn wa n p hsrs a rr aa r Onl \ wmn r han 6% ha r cr n h unn ahd n r callhand h crp CLUW vr h auca. Th Cnvnn

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    wa tructurd that thr wa uch crn and tt tr un. Th ntrna tructur wa rand arund unnrhp. ntad cn tthr raphca ppwr rqurd t t wth thr unn and wr puhd t d

    tthr wth thr w unn r r a vr th cuntr. Thr wr n dd rc vt at awa rdwn th a wa. On aut a quart th dat vtdwth th nrt; vrn athu vtd wth th artTh nrt dd nt vn dwn t dat racu Thr waan unprv quan at th crphn vr th crrctnrt ptn.

    CLUW cntnu t xt ut wth a tructur ad at wthn th unn and wth n hp r th partcpatn

    unranzd wn r CLUW upprt r unn rtru wthn thr wn unn Th r crd wn wthn th trad unn uch a Lan rt th FCME hav tact aandnd t Mt th Lt xcpt th OctrLau, ha vn up an wth th drat ran and . CLUW nw th ca Wn uxar th tradunn uraucrac

    Th c t th dtrn pctac th trt cnvntn,t hard t undrtand hw an u vr had hp r CLUWWr w wrn ? Wa th cap C LUW nvta ?

    ur th trnth th tradunn uraucrac wa awathr W cud nvr xpct th adrhp t attpt t cratanthn ut a pav ranzatn whch wud tr t thr anranand tanc But prhap w cud hav n rprpard r th phtcatn uraucratc dan tactr th utrht n whch wa th adrhp tc n trad W

    trud t p t th u ut undr th rutratn uraucratc tchncat and th urprn vcun th datn ( thr ar an rc rprntd hr prcadn NC C r w tn rrtd t tna attac and appa urv.

    Th dvn n th Lt wr crtca t t dat Th WPand h C P wr ntca n thr ac pptn t th adrhp and t datn Wh th ad drat cnt

    durn dat th awa vtd wth th adrhp thuh thOctr Lau wa tn rcu and u at ppn th uraucrat at th natna v ca th tn trd t rcC LUW nt n an OL upprt rup rathr than an ndpndntranzatn wth thr a than t ndr OL actvt Grantdt wud hav n dcut n attr what , ut Octr Laur wr nt awa a t that dntratn ducatna and attn arund tannta u wr nt th tctv utrach actvt.

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    Th Sparaci and ohr pinr Lf group wr ao inrumna in h o Thir highy voca and anagoniic prnc

    a pubic acivii mu hav dicrdid ohr Lfi and ain-ad many mmbr of h rank and fi Inrnaiona Sociaiwho bhavd mo rponiby wr aciv in oca chapr -pciay Droi and Nw York bu by h im of h convniona a had bcom omwha hri and xcivy crianricury in rgard o O Indndn Lfi wr on pa iv crii individuay oppo ing boh xciv buraucracy andcarian acic bu dom offring organizd arnaiv

    Th conomic crii hur LUW Givn h ri in unmpoy-mn and infaion many womn workr wr iky o joinan organizaion ik LUW High unmpoymn forcd compicadiu of nioriy o h for a a im whn h Lf wa organi-zaionay oo wak o puh hm ffcivy

    Bu h gra nmy of LUW wa h naur of Am ricanrad unioni m if Th union ha v vovd o a poin whrhr i a fuim buraucracy who maria inr ar inarg par indpndn of h wfar of h rank and fi Womn

    unioni hav many giima compain and much diru ofhir union and ar unik y o b aracd o an organizaiono coy inkd o h union Ony if LUW coud hav pod aa ra advoca for womn wihin hir union a an organizaionwiing o figh bo union woud i hav aracd ainadrankandfi womn Y LUW coud ony b uch an organizaion if i had a rong aciv ba of h vry womn who woudno ponanouy com o i or ay if i wr ju ik h union "

    Prhap if LUW had no bn a naiona hirarchica organizaion hr migh ha v bn hop During h b im ocachapr wr ab o ponanouy arac a crocion oworking ca wom n Wih ra midd forc prn h Lfwa ab o b carian and om of h mor modra bu-raucra coud b dfniv Bu ho chancs ar gon wih LUW Amping o work wihin h oaiion of abor UnionWomn now offr abou a much ponia for buiding working

    ca rugg a ffor wagd wihin h Dmocraic Pary Nwffor ocay bad prhap imiar o San ranci co UnionWAG wi hav o coninu h figh for a rong organizaion ofworkingca womn or LUW ahough i i xi a aapr organizaion i dad

    Ann WITHORN, an editor of DICL MERIC benged to theBoston chapter of CL UW and w its degate to the NatnalC di i C i

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  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 10 No 2 - 1976 - March April


    ogal:The Meanng of November 25

    Tod EnsignCarl Feingo

    Mhael Ul

    te eet o ate Noembe te Potgee et ad tewog a a e eed a deeat Wete o ot t eea dameta ad emaet ema to be ee bt two maoa ea o eotoa ee te m ta ad t e m ed a

    ae bee boe Heaa atot a bee etoed to tem ta, ad t w be dt o et eed too ad oe to ee to a ot at o oa eeo Hdedo ett ae bee ed ge o ewae ad adoVtato eea mbo wa te eg o ado eaea ad te da ae EPULICA e te ad ome toto a geea oga o te eotoa et oowg teeze b woe at ea

    e wog a a t ot ome o t abt to ommate ad ome o te ete w adazed eto o te mta wee ote abe to ode Howee te wdeead etwoo woe omm o eta te atoom ad o a ogt eeo a bee deted agat te eotoa ate o te a et Wt te m ta ad meda de t mcoto owee te goemet ow mog dect agattee wogca ogazato to eaet bogeo dom


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    nnc ovr producon Th oucom of hs srugg s y o drmnd

    Th Novmr 2 dc n whch h govrnmn provokdn ncdn (h szur of Ar Forc ss y dsffcd pr-rooprs hn usd s prx for srs of ccud ms-s gns h f cm s h cm x o hr monhs ofsrugg h foowd h ousr of rm Mnsr Vsco Goncvs n Augus Ths rc w dscr h ckgroundo h srugg nd xpn h vns of Novmr

    SUMR 97

    By h summr of 97 h Armd Forcs Movmn (MFA hdccomp shd crn gos xpropron of h mjor monopo- ss who hd profd so much from h SzrCn fsc srgms frng of h od rgms poc prsonrs nd ds-mnng of s scr poc nd ov dcoonzon n Afrc Wh hs projcs rgy compd h MFA s socs rhorc m skd ncrsngy shrp dvs ons s o h drconof h orugus rvouon Whn h Rvouonry Counc, hMFA s rung ody hr wr s cy hr fcons On d

    y h soc dmocr Mo Anuns mphszd progrss owrdform poc dmocrcy nd opposd furhr nonzon ofprv ndusry A scond gnry ssocd wh Oo dCrvho spousd knd of rdc popusm nd ws rsponsvo h nvs kn y workrs cng hrough hr own orgnzons Th hrd, hdd y Goncvs gnry foowd hd of h Communs ry (C p) pursung md progrssvpocs such s nd rform nd nonzon of rg nr-prss wh mpng o prvn h mrgnc of rvouonry

    orgnzon nd conscousnss n h workng cssThe MFA 's internal splintering was in response to and in turn

    smud h rpd dvopmn of wo opposng soc forcsdring he summer. The first of these was an increasingly embold-nd workng css prcury n Lson nd h souhrn gr-cultural regions. The workng class was so dynamiC in its factory

    occupons rn srks nd nd szurs h h mry ndgovrnmn drs wr ofn forcd o rfy hs dvncsvn whn hy wn yond offc pocy (S Rdc America,NovmrDcmr 97 for dscrpon of hs procss Thscond forc conssd of h ourgos mnus h formr mo-noposs who hd fd h counry nd h norhrn sm nd-hodrs nd oc mrchns Ahough h ndrform progrmws oory orgn zd n h Norh hr wr r confcs n hnss of h sm psnry nd rdczd workng cssIn orug rg corporons xs u mos of h workng csss mpoyd n sm nrprss of fwr hn ffy mpoys.Nonzon coud no go vry fr whou ffcng sm us

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    i a pciay u in Pouga naionaizaioood ponanou izu y o in op aan a cacuad pan dopd a op n ac many ma

    op ad n an o y i o Simiay aca y ond a popy and dpy inuncd y uc do many ma am o ig u adicaaciii o ping and umm pd o ca c a ao acon

    idaa o Sociai Pay (SP) and Popua Dmc a P P om gonmn in mid Juy a o opning o R E PUB IA and FA uppoing Pod PopuaPopua Po) coincidd i xpoion o a iun cam

    pagn o anicommuni aciiy in No Fi Poiioa Gonmn ad a nao poiica and ocia a did poiica ng pincipay om C P and i iniuiona pnc iin oing ca Sociay i cn ouppo oing ca o ion and uoundinginduia aa and agicuua o in AnjoI ad i uppo in No oid o counyid and dcining uppo iin ic and icoaunion

    By Augu Pouga ocia diiion opny xpdinid FA adip Fi o A nun and ig om o FA ounci o Rouion iud Documno Nin uging a odon o naiona izaion ga aodicipin, and a cuing o anaci" ndnci o popua po momn iin oing ca. Fo qui dinaon pimaiy a a a Gonca poi ci ampng oo many icion on oingca po and ad-ing oad an an uopan yp o gim Oo and o

    F A adica ao gan o opny oppo Fi GonmnSic ouionay goup iin oing ca gnay upod Fi Gonmn n i c iic zing i i a Anun documn ic unid mndou oppoiion iin o miiay and cnig pai again gonmninging og a num o di and conadicoy poiicandnci iin FA.

    popui C O PC ON acion d y C aao a iing ocoac i ociadmocaic Goup o Nin o ou Gon-

    ca gonmn on Augu 29 Fo Anun poga o

    Note: The structure of the government of Portugal since April 974 has been that teMAappointed president - Cos Gomes has held this position since the bginning appoint a prime miniter who in turn appoints ministers to a cabinet. The instalationof a new cabinet constitutes the passage om one government to the next Eac is"provisioa because it is only meant to sit until general elections bring a constituentassembly o power The Fourth and Fifth Provisional Governments wit Goncalves asPrime Minister sat om late March 975 unti te end of August; te Sixth withAzevedo s Prime Minister has en in power since midSeptember

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    Fith Gornmnt was too r adia For Oto on