radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · radio frequency...

Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermilab) Seminar at John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Oxford, UK, February 12, 2018 Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators: Recent trends in physics and technology

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Page 1: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermilab)

Seminar at John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science

Oxford, UK, February 12, 2018

Radio frequency superconductivity for

particle accelerators:

Recent trends in physics and technology

Page 2: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 2



What is RF superconductivity for particle accelerators?

SRF basics: surface resistance, Q vs. E

Recent SRF science breakthroughs & active areas of research:

o Nitrogen doping

o Nitrogen infusion

o Frequency dependence of Rs

o SRF in quantum regime

SRF over the world


Page 3: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 3


Over the past several years, the field of radio frequency superconductivity (SRF)

for particle accelerators is going through a period of Renaissance.

5 years ago, most of the community thought that the science and technology

reached maturity (even though we lacked understanding of some basic physics)

and one can achieve only incremental gains in the niobium cavity performance.

The field tended to be mostly technological with only few researchers trying to

study fundamental issues of SRF in niobium. Big improvement steps were thought

to be possible only with developing alternative materials (e.g. Nb3Sn).

Recent discoveries of nitrogen doping and infusion, magnetic flux expulsion,

opened new horizons and revived interest to studies of SRF basics, both

experimental and theoretical. More unexpected and intriguing results have been


In this talk I will try to shed light upon some exciting recent results, show new

trends (Fermilab-centric view) and hopefully inspire young generation to turn their

attention to this field of research.

Page 4: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 4

What is RF superconductivity

for particle accelerators?

Page 5: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 5

Discovery of superconductivity: April 8th of 1911 Discovered in 1911 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes and Gilles Holst after Onnes was

able to liquefy helium in 1908 (Nobel Prize in 1913).

Page 6: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 6

Superconducting elements

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 7

Superconducting state The superconducting state is characterized by the critical temperature Tc and field Hc

The external field is expelled from a superconductor if Hext < Hc for Type I superconductors.

For Type II superconductors the external field can partially penetrate for Hext < Hc1 and will

completely penetrate at Hc2.





Page 8: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 8

Theories explaining superconductivity

Early developments: two-fluid model and London equations.

Phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory (1950, Nobel Prize in 2003) generalized

London equation to nonlinear problems.

Microscopic theory of superconductivity was developed by Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer

(BCS) in 1957 (Nobel Prize in 1972).

What do we need to recollect?

Magnetic field does not stop abruptly, but penetrates into the material with exponential

attenuation. The (London) penetration depth l is quite small, 20 – 50 nm.

According to BCS theory not single electrons, but (Cooper) pairs are carriers of the

supercurrent. However, the penetration depth remains unchanged.

The BCS ground state is characterized by the macroscopic wave function and a ground

state energy that is separated from the energy levels of unpaired electrons by an energy

gap. In order to break a pair an energy of 2D is needed:

Page 9: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 9

Theories explaining superconductivity (2)

GL theory introduced coherence length x – a new scale of special variation of the superfluid

density and superconducting gap.

Also introduced is a dimensionless GL parameter k l / x, which is independent of


Page 10: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 10

What happens if AC field is applied?

At 0 < T < Tc not all electrons are bonded into Cooper pairs. The density of unpaired,

“normal” electrons is given by the Boltzman factor

Cooper pairs move without resistance, and thus dissipate no power. In DC case the lossless

Cooper pairs short out the field, hence the normal electrons are not accelerated and the SC

is lossless even for T > 0 K.

The Cooper pairs do nonetheless have an inertial mass, and thus they cannot follow an AC

electromagnetic fields instantly and do not shield it perfectly. A residual EM field remains

and acts on the unpaired electrons as well, therefore causing power dissipation.





Page 11: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 11

What is RF superconductivity for accelerators? Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator

physics and engineering dealing with application of superconducting materials to

acceleration of charged particles in resonant RF cavities.

The science part of this field deals with investigating limitations of and developing methods

to improve the SRF cavity performance. In particular, how to reduce power dissipation in

SRF cavities and improve accelerating gradients.

Slowed down by factor of approximately 4x109 Input RF power at 1.3 GHz

~1 m


Page 12: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 12

RF superconductivity as a branch of accelerator

physics was born 57 years ago

“In a seminal paper published in June 1961 A. P. Banford and G. H. Stafford described how a future superconducting proton linear accelerator could run continuously, instead of at the 1% duty cycle of the 50 MeV proton accelerator that was operating at the time at the Rutherford High Energy Laboratory in the UK. The basic argument was that, because ohmic losses in the accelerating cavity walls increase as the square of the accelerating voltage, copper cavities become uneconomical when the demand for high continuous-wave (CW) voltage grows with particle energy. It is here that superconductivity comes to the rescue.”

(from Hasan Padamsee’s article “Advances in acceleration: the superconducting way,”

CERN Courier, November 2011)

Plasma Physics (Journal of Nuclear Energy Part C), 1961, Vol. 3, pp. 287 to 290.

Page 13: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 13

Benefits of RF superconductivity The development of superconducting (SC) cavities for accelerators has enabled new

applications not previously possible with normal conducting (NC) structures.

SC cavities excel in applications requiring continuous wave (CW) or long-pulse accelerating

fields above a few MV/m (up to ~35 MV/m).

For NC cavities (usually made of copper) power dissipation in cavity walls is a huge constrain

in these cases cavity design is driven by this fact, optimized for lowest possible wall

dissipation small beam aperture.

The surface resistivity of SC cavities is 5-6 orders of

magnitude less than that of copper SC accelerating

system is more economical: less wall plug power, fewer

cavities required, …

Additional benefit: the cavity design decouples from the

dynamic losses (wall losses associated with RF fields)

free to adapt design to a specific application.

The presence of accelerating structures has a disruptive

effect on the beam and may cause various instabilities,

dilute beam emittance and produce other undesirable

effects. Fewer SC cavities less disruption. SC cavities

can trade off some of wall losses to a larger beam pipe

reduce disruption more.

Page 14: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 14

SRF basics:

Rs, Q vs. Eacc

Page 15: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 15

Surface resistance A convenient way to characterize power losses at radio frequency resonant cavities is to use

a so-called surface resistance. [ For normal conducting cavities Rs = 1/(sd), where s is the

specific conductivity and d is the skin depth. ] Then the power dissipation per unit area is

And the total power dissipation is obtained by integration

over the whole inner surface of the cavity.

Calculation of surface resistance must take into account numerous parameters. Mattis and

Bardeen developed theory based on BCS, which predicts

where A is the material constant

depends on the electron mean free path



1HRP sdiss









Page 16: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 16

Surface resistance (2)

While for low frequencies (≤ 500 MHz) it may be efficient to operate at 4.2 K (liquid

helium at atmospheric pressure), higher frequency structures favor lower

operating temperatures (typically superfluid LHe at 2 K, below the lambda point,

2.172 K).

Approximate expression for Nb:









Page 17: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 17

Surface resistance of cavities

The BCS surface resistance is described

by Mattis-Bardeen theory and comes from

thermally excited quasi-particles

The residual resistance can come from

different extrinsic contributions :

o Impurities/defects in the surface

o Hydrides precipitates

o Trapped magnetic flux

o ...

Residual resistance is significant for cavities

operating at 2 K.

𝑅𝑠 𝑇 = 𝑅𝐵𝐶𝑆 𝑇 + 𝑅𝑟𝑒𝑠





Page 18: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 18

Why Niobium?

Pure niobium has the highest critical temperature Tc among single elements, and Hc1 and Hc are both high.

Low Rs is needed for operation in superfluid helium at 2 to 4 K (typical accelerator operation domain).

High theoretical Meissner state breakup field (Hsh~240 mT) for an ideal surface, which scales with Hc.

Good formability is desirable for ease of cavity fabrication.

Pure intermetallic compounds, like Nb3Sn with a critical temperature of 18.1 K, look attractive for possible

4.2 K operation at first sight as they are “clean” superconductors. However, so far the gradients achieved in

Nb3Sn coated niobium cavities have been limited to below 19 MV/m, probably due to grain boundary effects

in the Nb3Sn layer. Residual resistance is also high and magnetic flux management is an issue.

Alloys are “dirty” superconductors due to their small mean free path and consequently have large BCS

surface resistivity and poor thermal conductivity.

High temperature superconductors have been tried in the past and showed very high surface resistances,

problems arise from very low coherence length = sensitivity to defects, gap anisotropy etc.

Type Tc Hc1 Hc Hc2 Fabrication

- K Oe Oe Oe -

Nb II 9.25 1700 2060 4000 bulk, film

Pb I 7.20 - 803 - electroplating

Nb3Sn* II 18.1 380 5200 240000 film

MgB2 II 39.0 300 4290 film

Hg I 4.15 - 411/339 - -

Ta I 4.47 - 829 - -

In I 3.41 - 281.5 - -

*) Other compounds with the same b-tungsten or A15 structure are under investigation as well.

Page 19: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 19

Q(E) curve It is conventional to evaluate an SRF cavity performance using a Q(E) curve

L is the cavity length, Rs is the average surface resistance

R/Q is the cavity impedance (determined only by cavity shape)

G is the cavity geometry constant



c q





Q =



Increase max Eacc decrease accelerator length

Increase Q decrease required power

Accelerating gradient Eacc = Energy gain/cavity length

𝑃𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠 =𝐸𝑎𝑐𝑐𝐿


𝐺∙𝑅 𝑄 =



Typical ILC-prepared cavity at T = 2 K

“Ideal” performance?

Page 20: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 20

Q(E) evolution driven by science

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4010







Elliptical Shape

1.3 GHz, 2 K

Page 21: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 21

Q(E) evolution driven by science

1.3 GHz, 2 K

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4010







Bulk RRR > 300

Page 22: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 22

Q(E) evolution driven by science

1.3 GHz, 2 K

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4010







High Pressure Water Rinse

Page 23: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 23

Q(E) evolution driven by science

1.3 GHz, 2 K

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4010







120◦C bake

Page 24: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 24

Q(E) evolution driven by science 1.3 GHz, 2 K

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4010








Typical ILC-recipe prepared cavity

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 25

Only thin surface layer matters Inner surface nanostructure within ~100 nm completely determines RF losses in the cavity

RF fields

Helium cooling

RF currents <100 nm

Niobium ~3 mm

RF fields <0.1% of thickness

Final treatment is crucial to performance


Image from

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 26

State of the art Q(E) curve ~5 years ago

Increase max Eacc decrease accelerator length

Increase Q decrease required power

Typical ILC-prepared cavity at T = 2 K State of the art until ~5 years ago



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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 27

Recent SRF science breakthroughs

& active areas of research

Page 28: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 28

Nitrogen doping

Page 29: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 29

Nitrogen doping: a breakthrough in Q

Discovered while trying to investigate niobium nitride thin films on cavities.

Q-factor improvement after N-doping – up to 4 times higher Q than standard Nb cavities.

Typical Q vs Eacc curve obtained with

120 C bake (standard ILC treatment);

Avg Q with doping is 2-4 times state

of the art;

Example, for 1.3 GHz, 2 K, mid-field

Q ~ 1.5e10 versus > 3e10;

Systematically above Q obtained with

any other surface treatment.

Injection of small

nitrogen partial

pressure at the

end of 800 C


drastic increase

in Q.

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T= 2K


A. Grassellino et al., Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26, 102001 (2013) – Rapid Communications


Page 30: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 30

Doping Treatment: small variation from standard

protocol, large difference in performance

FNAL doping for LCLS-II (major steps):

o Bulk EP

o 800 C anneal for 3 hours in vacuum

o 2 minutes @ 800 C nitrogen diffusion

o 800 C for 6 minutes in vacuum

o Vacuum cooling

o 5 microns EP

Cavity after Equator Welding

EP 140 um

Ethanol Rinse

External 20 um BCP

Short HPR

800C HT Bake

RF Tuning

EP 40 um

Ethanol Rinse

Long HPR

Final Assembly

Long HPR

Helium Tank Welding


VT Assembly


HOM Tuning

Ship to DESY

Leak Check

120C bake




Page 31: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 31

Surface post nitrogen bake, pre-EP: poorly SC

nitride phases

Few Nb-nitride features

(Nb2N reflections) in Nb


Nitride “teeth” go ~0.2 μm


Flat Nb sample baked at 800C˚ for 2 min with N2 + 6 min annealing

Flat Nb sample baked at 800C˚ for 20 min with N2 + 30 min annealing

Bad (poorly SC) nitride phases that need to be removed

via EP correlate with poor performance (pre-EP) Q~1e7

Nb [113]+Nb2N [210]+? Pt layer

Y. Trenikhina, MOPB055, SRF15

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 32

Origin: “reversed” field dependence of RBCS

A. Grassellino et al, 2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 102001 (Rapid Communication) A. Romanenko and A. Grassellino, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 252603 (2013)

𝑅𝑠 𝑇 = 𝑅𝐵𝐶𝑆 𝑇 + 𝑅𝑟𝑒𝑠

Reverse field dependence of the BCS surface resistance component lowest RBCS .

Lower than typical residual resistances (seems to zero all contributions but trapped flux).

Page 33: Radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators · 2018. 4. 12. · Radio frequency (RF) superconductivity for particle accelerators is a branch of accelerator physics

2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 33

Physics – perceived BCS limit has been overcome

Anti-Q-slope emerges from the BCS

surface resistance decreasing with


This was thought to be the lowest

possible BCS resistance.

N doping brings also lower than

typical residual resistance

< 2 nanoOhms (non trapped flux


A. Grassellino et al, 2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 102001 (Rapid Communication) A. Romanenko and A. Grassellino, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 252603 (2013)

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 34

Nitrogen doping – from research to production Shortly after its discovery, the nitrogen doping was adopted by LCLS-II project.

After a short R&D period (Fermilab, JLab and Cornell), the recipe was successfully

transferred to industry.

Plot shows performance of SRF cavities from

two prototype LCLS-II cryomodules (Fermilab

and JLab): avg. Q = 3.6e10, avg. Eacc =

22.2 MV/m highest average Q ever

demonstrated in vertical tests of 1.3 GHz

nine-cell cavities at 2 K, 16 MV/m. Cavities

from vendors demonstrate similar


Higher Q would allow SLAC to use only one

cryoplant (of purchased two) to run the

machine and use the second cryoplant to

support the energy upgrade of LCLS-II

from 4.2 GeV to 8 GeV.

Two drawbacks of N-doping:

1. Achievable accelerating gradient is lower than that

of 120 C baked cavities (35-40 MV/m)

2. Nitrogen-doped cavities are more sensitive to

trapped flux losses.

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 35

Next step in the cavity performance 1.3 GHz, 2 K

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Nitrogen doping

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 36

Do we understand how to choose best cavity treatment?

N-doping modify the mean free path → close to theoretical minimum of RBCS

N-doping seems to increase the reduced energy gap D/kBTc

Adding together all the 𝑅𝑆 contributions, it is possible to predict which treatments lowers Rs, taking into account also trapped flux

Best compromise is given by light N-doping treatments

𝑅𝑆 2 𝐾 = 𝑅𝐵𝐶𝑆 2 𝐾 + 𝑅𝑓𝑙 + 𝑅0

Residual resistance:

4 nW: 120 C baked cavities

2 nW: EP and optimally N-doped cavities

𝑅𝐹𝑙 = 𝐵𝑒𝑥𝑡 ∙ 𝜂 ∙ 𝑆 𝐵𝑒𝑥𝑡: external magnetic field 𝜂: flux trapping efficiency

M. Martinello et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 062601 (2016)

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 37

Nitrogen infusion

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 38

Nitrogen infusion: higher Q at higher gradients Composition and mean free path in first nanometers

of cavity surface have been shown to be crucial for

both Q and gradient performance.

N-doping at T > 800 C proven to manipulate mean

free path, but constantly throughout several

microns, giving high Q.

120 C bake known to manipulate mean free path at

very near surface on clean bulk, and produce the

highest gradients.

Therefore, it was decided to study how to better

“engineer” a dirty layer on top a clean bulk Nb,

using low T nitrogen treatments aim to create a

few to several nanometers of nitrogen-enriched

layer on top of clean EP bulk, to attempt to bring

together the benefit of the Q and gradient

Nitrogen enriched nanometric layer to be created in

the furnace post 800 C treatment – when no oxide

is present at the moment of injection of nitrogen at

low T.

Studies aim also at fundamental understanding of

HFQS and 120 C cure of high field Q-slope.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 16010-10










Chamber pressure

Cavity temperature

Elapsed time (h)



re (



TE1AES015 & TE1PAV007 20161116 SKC














re (°C


Heat treatment:

800 °C, 3 h in UHV

160 °C, 48 h with N2 at 25´10-3 Torr

160 °C, 96 h in UHV

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7010-10










Chamber pressure

Cavity temperature

Elapsed time (h)P






TE1PAV010 20160106 SKC














re (°C


Heat treatment:

800 °C, 3 h in UHV

120 °C, 48 h in UHV

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7010-10










Chamber pressure

Cavity temperature

Elapsed time (h)



re (



TE1AES015 20160519 SKC














re (°C


Heat treatment:

800 °C, 3 h in UHV

160 °C, 48 h with N2 at 25´10-3 Torr

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7010-10










Chamber pressure

Cavity temperature

Elapsed time (h)



re (



TB9AES017 20160613 SKC














re (°C


Heat treatment:

800 °C, 3 h in UHV

120 °C, 48 h with N2 at 25´10-3 Torr

o Bulk electro-polishing

o High T furnace:

• 800 C, 3 hours, high vacuum

• 120 C, 48 hours with N2

(25 mTorr)

o No chemistry post-furnace

o HPR, VT assembly

Slides on N-infusion are courtesy of A. Grasselino

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 39

Results: ILC recipe vs. nitrogen infusion

Same cavity, sequentially processed,

no EP in between


45.6 MV/m 194 mT, with

Q ~ 2e10!

Q ~ 2.3e10 at Eacc ~ 35 MV/m

Repeatable increase of Q by a

factor of two, increase of gradient


Potential application – ILC,

significant cost reduction of the


New potential breakthrough: very high Q at very high

gradients with low temperature (120C) nitrogen treatment

4/12/16Alexander Romanenko | FCC Week 2016 - Rome34

- Record Q at fields > 30 MV/m

- Preliminary data indicates potential 15% boost in achievable quench fields

- Can be game changer for ILC!

Slides on N-infusion are courtesy of A. Grasselino

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2/12/2018 S. Belomestnykh | SRF: Recent trends in science and technology | Seminar at JAI 40

Kubo and Checchin models on bi-layer potentially

increasing achievable accelerating gradients This idea is supported by Checchin (FNAL) and Kubo (KEK) models on bi-layer structure (e.g. dirty N-doped

layer on clean Nb) – claim that can enhance the achievable accelerating gradient.

Ideal Depth of this layer? Can this trick help push beyond the 200 mT or achieve 200 mT with higher yield?

We are investigating this empirically via low-T N-infusion (different T and durations)

TTC@Saclay 40

In addition to the BL barrier, we have the second barrier due to the S-S

boundary. The second barrier is also imperfect: easily weakened by defects.

However, we have a second chance to stop the vortex penetration.

The S-S bilayer





T. Kubo, TTC Meeting 2016

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Exploring doping/infusion parameter space

This is still very active area

of research:

o Nitrogen infusion at

various temperatures /

exposure times

o Doping with other


o Better understanding

surface properties to get

insight on how to ”nano-

engineer” niobium for

different applications

High Q0 (e.g. LCLS-II)

High Q0 & High Eacc (e.g. ILC)

Slides on N-infusion are courtesy of A. Grasselino

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Large parameter space – T and duration being explored

Q ~ 6e10 at 15 MV/m!

Q > 3e10 at 31.5 MV/m!

Slides on N-infusion are courtesy of A. Grasselino

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 4510







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Is the evolution nearly complete?

1.3 GHz, 2 K

Nitrogen infusion

ILC cost reduction

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Frequency dependence of Rs

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Frequency dependence of Rs and non-equilibrium SC

Mattis-Bardeen theory predicts quadratic frequency dependence of Rs. However, the theory is

valid only at “zero” fields. Does it need modifications when we consider field dependence?

Another active research area. The following cavities were studied so far:

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45109




Eacc (MV/m)



120 C baking

1.3 GHz, 2 K

650 MHz 1.3 GHz 2.6 GHz 3.9 GHz



120 C baking

2/6 N-doping Slides on frequency dependence are courtesy of M. Martinello

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Normalized 𝑹𝑻 𝟐 𝑲 for 120 C Baking

*Some measurements were admin limited between 15-20 MV/m to avoid quench so, in order to compare the different curves, only data till ~20 MV/m are shown

Slides on frequency dependence are courtesy of M. Martinello

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Normalized 𝑹𝑻 𝟐 𝑲 for 120 C Baking

Slides on frequency dependence are courtesy of M. Martinello

At low field RT follows the 2 trend suggested by the Mattis-Bardeen theory

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Q-factor of 2.6 GHz at high field tends to the one at 1.3 GHz

120 C baked cavities

Q-factor of 2.6 GHz cavity converge to the one at 1.3 GHz at high gradients

T=2 K

Slides on frequency dependence are courtesy of M. Martinello

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Normalized 𝑹𝑻 𝟐 𝑲 for N-doping

Higher frequency leads to stronger anti-Q-slope!

Higher frequency is

favorable for Q, and can

be also for higher


Understanding the

reversal of RBCS with the

RF field:

o The non-equilibrium

quasiparticle distribution

driven by microwave


o Need solid theoretical

basis and

measurements of some

Nb properties

M. Martinello et al,

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Comparison in terms of Q-factor at 2.0 K

Slides on frequency dependence are courtesy of M. Martinello

T = 2 K

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Comparison in terms of Q-factor at 2.0 K

Slides on frequency dependence are courtesy of M. Martinello

T = 2 K

1.3 GHz wins over 650 MHz at ~10 MV/m

3.9 GHz wins over 2.6 GHz at ~13 MV/m

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Unprecedented medium field Q0 at 3.9 GHz

Slides on frequency dependence are courtesy of M. Martinello

Q-factor of N-doped 3.9 GHz comparable to 120 C baked 1.3 GHz cavity at ~ 20 MV/m

T = 2 K

𝑄0~1.5 ∙ 1010

Further improvement with 900 C bake

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0 20 40 60 80 100 120109




Eacc (MV/m)

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Enabling future efficient HEP accelerators

Q > 2e10

At high field

Eacc > 100 MV/m

Q > 3e10

non-equilibrium SC?

new materials?

Nitrogen Infusion

Nitrogen infusion showed that it is possible to achieve both high Q and high

gradient at the same time.

We hope that further progress in SRF experiment and theory will allow us to

achieve much better performance and enable new particle accelerators.

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SRF at low T & low field

(toward mK / single-photon scale):

from accelerators to quantum computers

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Renewed (now practical) importance of the LFQS and low T

A. Romanenko et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 234103 (2014)

How will the best cavities we have behave at ultralow fields for

various applications? Quantum computing /

quantum memory Dark sector photons searches Gravitational effects search ….

These applications are

interested in high Q at very low fields

LFQS is present after all treatments

What is the cause of the low field Q slope and what happens with Q as we decrease the field further


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LFQS measurements toward quantum regime & TLS model

Q measured using a single-shot method (decay from PLL state)

Good news: LFQS stops below 0.1 MV/m with Q ~ 3x1010

Previous models: Halbritter,

Palmieri, Weingarten

From 2D resonator world: non-linear dissipation in two-level systems of an amorphous dielectric layer



y F



Eacc (MV/m)

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10






Saturation of the

Q decrease

Fit to TLS model

Ec = 0.1 MV/m

b = 0.19


A. Romanenko and D. I. Schuster, Phys Rev Lett. 119, 264801 (2017)


2 =TTR


1tan -µ Ed




T = 1.5 K

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Effect of the oxide layer

Thicker oxide (anodization) has a drastic effect at low fields

Similar to how we characterize losses due to surface currents via the geometry factor, one can introduce a similar term, the surface participation ratio, characterizing dissipation due to surface dielectric losses

A. Romanenko and D. I. Schuster, Phys Rev Lett. 119, 264801 (2017)


Nb2O55 nm


Nb2O5100 nm

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Next step: toward quantum regime

Demonstration of T = 10 mK and <N> ~ 1 photon high Q in 2018. Large dilution refrigerator allows exploring fundamental physics of residual resistance of

SRF cavities at very low temperature.

First SRF cavity is being mounted inside the dilution refrigerator at Fermilab

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SRF accelerators around the world








100-1000cavities >1000cavities

























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SRF projects in progress / planned
























Light src

<10 cavities



Produc’nOper’n10-100 cavities

100-1000 cavities >1000 cavities











Sam Posen

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Major SRF Projects in Progress

Project No. of


No. of




LCLS-II 1.3 GHz 35 280 4000

LCLS-II 3.9 GHz 2 12 55

SCLF 75 600 8000

FRIB 46 328 200/nucleon

RISP 45 320 200/nucleon

SNS-upgrade 7 28 300 - 400

ESS 43 150 2000

LHC-HL 8 16

Total 250 1700 15 GV

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Planned SRF Projects, Some ?

Project No. of


No. of



(MV) LCLS-II-upgrade 20 160 4000

KEK-ERL 22 200 3000

euV ERL 9 72 800

FRIB-upgrade 46 328 200/nucleon

eRHIC ERL 18 72 1300

PIP-II 25 116 800

PIP-IIIa 18 110 2200

PIP-IIIb 22 176 5000

India SNS 27 126 1000

C-ADS 55 220 1500

Total 350 1900 25 GV

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International Linear Collider

Overview of Future Colliders, H. ZhuInstitute of High Energy Physics

International Linear Collider (ILC)

• e+e- linear collider with Superconducting RF linac

• Baseline: √s = 500 GeV (31 km) → upgrade later to ~ √s= 1 TeV (50 km),

luminosity of 1.8 × 1034 cm-2 s-1 with optional upgrade, one interaction point

(IP) with two detectors: ILD and SiD with push-pull


Japanese Association of High Energy Physics (JAHEP) proposed the prompt construction in Japan of ILC as a Higgs Factory at 250 GeV. ICFA expressed its support for this ILC option.

The Linear Collider Board estimates cost of 250 GeV starting point will be 40% less than the cost of 500 GeV TDR cost.

A decision from the Japanese government is expected soon, in 2018? Continued SRF performance improvement R&D, cost reduction R&D and

optimization R&D will be very beneficial.

This will be the largest SRF project , >10 times E-XFEL

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Summary SRF science and technology is going through a period of Renaissance.

There are several new research directions opened up in the last ~5 years, four

of each I reviewed in this presentation: nitrogen doping, nitrogen infusion,

frequency dependence of surface resistance, and SRF in quantum regime.

Other research areas, which I did not have time to discuss, include: nature of

losses due to trapped magnetic flux; study of flux expulsion; non-

equilibrium superconductivity and ultimate gradient limit; Nb3Sn SRF cavities

and other materials.

Nb-based SRF accelerator technology is mature and became the technology of

choice for many new SRF accelerators.

BUT: there are still many problems that need attention and careful


These are exciting times and the field needs more young and energetic

researchers! There will always be ample opportunities for imagination, originality,

and common sense.

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Thank you!