radio trail - overview

A2 Media : Unit G324 Connor Delaney Radio Trail - Overview Used automation to adjust the balance of the mix. This was important as the volume of the different extracts from the documentary varied. The background music, Super Groove Baby’ is free non-copyright music. Where possible I have precisely cut the extracts to eliminate any background noise and mid sentence “erm”s. Faded the background music out at the end of the radio trail. Used automation to ensure the background music doesn’t dominate the mix. Extracts from the documentary which did not make the cut for the radio trail.

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Radio Trail - Overview

A2 Media : Unit G324 Connor Delaney

Radio Trail - Overview

Used automation to adjust the balance of the mix. This was important as the volume of the different extracts from the documentary varied.

The background music, ‘Super Groove Baby’ is free non-copyright music.

Where possible I have precisely cut the extracts to eliminate any background noise and mid sentence “erm”s.

Faded the background music out at the end of the radio trail.

Used automation to ensure the background music doesn’t dominate the mix.

Extracts from the documentary which did not make the cut for the radio trail.